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Short-term Industrial Production Forecasting For TurkeyDegerli, Ahmet 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to produce short-term forecasts for the economic activity in Turkey. As a proxy for the economic activity, industrial production index is used. Univariate autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) models, vector autoregressive (VAR) models and combination forecasts method are utilized in a pseudo out-of-sample forecasting framework to obtain one-month ahead forecasts. To evaluate the models&rsquo / forecasting performances, the relative root mean square forecast error (RRMSFE) is calculated. Overall, results indicate that combining the VAR models with four endogenous variables yields the most substantial improvement in forecasting performance, relative to benchmark autoregressive (AR) model.
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Diseño de la carretera La Palma a Nueva Libertad, del distrito de Chirinos, provincia San Ignacio, región Cajamarca, 2015Ocupa Aguilar, Yaiser January 2020 (has links)
El proyecto consiste en la elaboración del diseño de la carretera la Palma a Nueva Libertad, del distrito de Chirinos, provincia San Ignacio, 2015, logrando así la comunicación de los pueblos y anexos de la zona del proyecto, mejorando el nivel de servicio de demanda de la producción agrícola en las zonas existentes, reduciendo los costos excesivos de trasporte generados por acémilas. Como también contribuyendo al ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo de los pueblo, La Palma, Nueva Libertad, anexos y Chirinos, son pueblos en crecimiento, comercial, agrícola, ganadera, turística, etc. aumentando así la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Beneficiando directamente a los pueblos en mención. Por ello es tal la importancia del proyecto que contamos con la información y apoyo necesario de instituciones públicas y privadas involucrados en el tema.
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李長之古典學研究例述 : 以 司馬遷之人格與風格 論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫 = A study of the literary criticism of Mr. Li Zhang-zhi : through the study of the spiritual link between Confucius and Si-ma Qian in the personality and literary style of Sim-ma Qian / 以 司馬遷之人格與風格 論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫;"以司馬遷之人格與風格論司馬遷和孔子的精神聯繫";"Study of the literary criticism of Mr. Li Zhang-zhi : through the study of the spiritual link between Confucius and Si-ma Qian in the personality and literary style of Sim-ma Qian "梁永然 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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Placental vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in pregnancies complicated by obesity and gestational diabetesWhittle, Saxon January 2016 (has links)
The increasing demand on healthcare from pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes (GDM) and obesity is caused in large part by fetal macrosomia (FM). Alterations to the vasculature of the placenta leading to changes to nutrient flux may be more frequent when GDM and obesity occur concomitantly. However, the impact of obesity as an independent comorbidity is poorly understood. The current study sought to characterise structural and functional changes in placenta from pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity and examine the involvement of miRs in this phenomenon, as the phenotype of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) has been documented to be influenced by microRNA (miR) expression. Patients were stratified according to the presence or absence of GDM and/or obesity, which resulted in four groups. Morphometric analysis of CD31 immuno-stained placentas showed that pregnancies complicated by GDM or obesity both had a higher mean sum ratio of the area of the lumen compared to the endothelium. No relationship was found with FM. The ratio increased with maternal body mass index (BMI) in all pregnancies. Immunohistochemistry with a panel of VSM markers suggested an altered phenotype of VSM in pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity. RT-QPCR and immunoblotting showed a higher expression of smooth muscle myosin (SM-MHC), h-caldesmon (HC) and alpha smooth muscle actin (ASMA) in pregnancies complicated by obesity, consistent with a greater contractile capacity. This was most marked when obesity occurred without GDM.Studies were conducted on two miRs, miR-145, which is associated with VSM in many vascular tissues, and the snoRNA-derived species miR-664a-3p, which microarray studies had shown to be higher in placentas from pregnancies complicated by GDM. Dicer and dyskerin, components of the snoRNA-derived miR biogenesis pathway, were increased and reduced respectively in GDM placenta. However, studies in cultured placental villous explants suggested that neither miR species was regulated by glucose, insulin or IGF-I. Placental mesenchymal cells are the developmental precursors of VSM. In primary culture, these cells expressed both miRs. To determine the function of miR-664a-3p, a nucleofection protocol was developed in a fetal mesenchymal cell line, WI38, and applied to first-trimester placental mesenchymal cells. Preliminary proteomic analysis after nucleofection-mediated knockdown of miR-664a-3p suggested a series of novel candidate target proteins for this uncharacterised miR species. Blood vessel structure and VSM phenotype are both altered in pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity. The significance of apparently higher level of contractile proteins with wider vessel lumens in obesity requires further investigation. Translational regulation by miRs including miR-145 and miR-664a-3p is implicated in these alterations. In future, targeted therapies that alter miR levels in the placenta may be useful in control of fetal overgrowth such as FM.
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La pathogenèse du virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP) dans un nouveau modèle de cellules épithéliales des voies respiratoires du porc génétiquement modifiées (NPTr-CD163)Köszegi, Marika 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Arvsrätt efter den efterlevande maken utan egna arvingar : En analys av konsekvenserna av HD:s tolkning av 3 kap. 8 § ÄBLarsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
There are many practical implications connected to the distribution of the inheritance of a deceased married person, the rules on inheritance distribution are regulated in the Swedish Inheritance Code. The Inheritance Code was reformed in 1987 with the aim of strengthening the spouses’ inheritance status. Among other amendments, a new law was introduced in chapter 3 paragraph 8 of the Inheritance Code. Pursuant to the new law, in situations where heirs are left only after one of the spouses, they shall inherit everything upon the death of the surviving spouse. The purpose of the legislation was to restrict the Swedish General Inheritance Fund’s right to inherit. The interpretation of the paragraph has raised extensive discussions in the legal doctrine, mainly relating to the following three aspects: firstly, whether the paragraph requires a concrete right to secondary inheritance, secondly, which rel- atives have the right to inherit, and lastly, the legal nature of the paragraph. The meaning of the paragraph has been clarified in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Sweden to eliminate any uncertainties. This thesis aims to examine how chapter 3 paragraph 8 of the Inheritance Code shall be, de lege lata, and ought to be, de lege ferenda, interpreted. In conclusion, pursuant to the case law of the Supreme Court of Sweden, the paragraph only grants the first and second order of heirs the right to inherit. With regard to the legal nature of the paragraph, the court has stated that the paragraph merely determines allocation of inheritance shares. Furthermore, the court held that the paragraph requires a concrete right to secondary inheritance, albeit heavily criticized. Through the analysis of the Swedish Supreme Court ruling conducted herein, it can be concluded that the requirement puts children of the de- ceased person in a previous marriage in a disadvantaged position, whereby they are treated differently from other heirs. Additionally, it contradicts basic Swedish principles of law, such as “parantelprincipen”. Although the supreme court’s practice provides guidance on how the paragraph should be interpreted, the case law concerning chapter 3 paragraph 8 of the Inheritance Code has regardless resulted in several consequences that affect fundamental principles of the Swedish inheritance law. I argue, de lege ferenda, that the requirement of concrete right to secondary inheritance ought to be removed completely as it may put children of the deceased person in a previous marriage in a disadvantage. Upon removing the requirement, the negative consequences would be eliminated. Therefore, this thesis 3 seeks to urge the legislature to review the paragraph to ascertain whether this requirement is necessary.
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[EN] Abstract
Since the mid 20th century art production is marked by a great creative diversity and the new technological and innovative proposals. As a result of this creative process, the artist endorses many completely new materials, usually no directly related to traditional techniques. They are fre-quent art crafts including wood products as substrates for acrylic and vinyl paint layers. Neverthe-less, the scientific literature shows very few studies for characterization of their relationships, di-mensional stability and durability. Based on the state-of-the-art, this doctoral thesis focuses on the study of plywood boards as substrate for acrylic and polyvinyl acetate paint layers (PVAc) against accelerated aging tests, both natural and artificial as well. Thus, the main objective is to study the influence of plywood on the acrylic and vinyl paint layers by analyzing changing processes of de-gradation, discoloration and dimensional stability that occurs with contemporary artworks. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) has been sued for the characterization of a wide range of representative samples. Furthermore, tests have been conducted to study the most relevant mechani-cal properties of the samples as well as of the paint layers. Degradation processes of painted and not paints samples have been also carried out. To do this, both natural and artificial accelerated aging natural tests have been developed in the labs. Thus, the research has been oriented to analyses indi-vidually and combined degradation parameters acting on the natural or artificial surface degradation, such as aging effects of light, temperature and relative humidity.
In the chemical composition of the coloured paints, the synthetic resins are mainly styrene-acrylic and polyvinyl acetate for the undercoats, as well as acrilicato-butyl methacrylate (BA-MMA), with specific degradation processes such as bond cleavage or formation of metal soaps. Moreover, this study has also addressed the degradative effects of light on acrylic painting surfaces. This research was performed using aggressive wave lengths and tests with artificial xenon light or even natural sunlight. The portion of ultraviolet UVB and UVA lamps has been also used in the lab. The results obtained indicate that the plywood substrate does not significantly influence the degradation effects, quite the opposite that occurs with the kind of primer. The research has also evaluated the thermo-hygrometric effects, characterizing fatigue and dimensional stability of the samples, as well as the deformations depending on the primer type used. The results of this analysis suggest that, on a support of plywood, gesso primers are more stable and rigid than latex primers, mainly depending on humidity and temperature. These two parameters affect significantly both the hygroscopic and the dimensional fatigue of the samples. / [ES] Resumen
Desde mediados del siglo XX, la producción artística está marcada por una gran diversidad creativa y por las novedosas propuestas que llegan desde el ámbito de la industria y de la tecnología. Como resultado de este proceso creativo, el artista hace suyos muchos materiales completamente nuevos pero ajenos a las técnicas tradicionales. Son frecuentes las obras de arte que incluyen productos derivados de la madera como sustentantes de las capas pictóricas acrílicas y vinílicas, pero escasos los estudios para caracterizar su interrelación, estabilidad dimensional y durabilidad. Desde este marco de referencia, la presente tesis se orienta al estudio del tablero contrachapado como sustentante de las capas pictóricas acrílicas y de acetato de polivinilo (PVAc) frente a ensayos de envejecimiento acelerado natural y artificial. Se plantea como objetivo principal estudiar la influencia del tablero contrachapado sobre las capas pictóricas acrílicas y vinílicas, analizando los cambios de los procesos de degradación, cambios de color y cambios dimensionales que conforman la realidad de las obras contemporáneas. Para la caracterización de las probetas de ensayo se ha utilizado la Espectroscopía de Infrarrojo por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Se han realizado ensayos de flexión para el estudio de las propiedades mecánicas de las probetas y ensayos de tracción para las muestras de las capas pictóricas. Asimismo, se han estudiado los procesos de degradación causados por la exposición a la luz sobre una amplia serie de probetas confeccionadas con un soporte de tablero contrachapado para la capa de fondo acrílica y vinílica, así como capas de color acrílicas expuestas a condiciones de envejecimiento acelerado natural y artificial. Así, las probetas seleccionadas para el envejecimiento artificial, permiten investigar de forma individualizada y combinada los parámetros de degradación que actúan en el envejecimiento natural, tales como la acción de la luz, la temperatura y la humedad relativa, concluyendo que la pérdida de cromacidad y tono de las resinas acrílicas se debe principalmente a la sensibilidad a la luz de los pigmentos y a las condiciones de exposición.
En la composición química de las capas de fondo, se identifican resinas sintéticas de tipo estireno-acrílicas y acetato de polivinilo, y en las pinturas de color acrilato de butilo-metacrilato de metilo (BA-MMA), con procesos de degradación específicos como ruptura de enlaces o la formación de jabones metálicos. Asimismo, en este estudio se ha abordado los efectos degradativos de la luz sobre las superficies pictóricas acrílicas bien mediante longitudes de onda agresivas como pruebas con luz de arco de xenón o la luz solar, o bien mediante la porción de luz ultravioleta de las lámparas UVB y UVA, concluyendo que el soporte de tablero contrachapado no influye en los efectos degradativos, todo lo contrario que el tipo de imprimación. También se han evaluado los efectos termohigrométricos, caracterizando la fatiga y la estabilidad dimensional de las probetas, así como las deformaciones en función del tipo de capa de fondo empleada. Los resultados de este análisis apuntan a que, sobre un soporte de tablero contrachapado, las imprimaciones de gesso son más estables y rígidas que las vinílicas en función de la humedad y temperatura ambiente, dos parámetros que inciden en la fatiga higroscópica y dimensional de las probetas. / [CA] Resum
Des de mitjans del segle XX, la producció artística està marcada per una gran diversitat cre-ativa i per les innovadores propostes que arriben des de l'àmbit de la indústria i de la tecnologia. Com a resultat d'aqueix procés creatiu, l'artista fa seus molts materials completament nous, però aliens a les tècniques tradicionals. Son freqüents les obres d'art que inclouen productes derivats de la fusta com a sustentants de les capes pictòriques acríliques i viníliques, però son pocs els estudis per a caracteritzar la seua interrelació, estabilitat dimensional i durabilitat. Des d'aquest marc de referència, la present tesi s'orienta a l'estudi del tauler contraxapat com a sustentant de les capes pictòriques acríliques i d'acetat de polivinil (PVAc), front a assajos d'envelliment accelerat natural i artificial. Es planteja com a objectiu principal estudiar la influència del tauler contraxapat sobre les capes pictòriques acríliques i viníliques, analitzant els canvis dels processos de degradació, canvis de color, i canvis dimensionals que conformen la realitat de les obres contemporànies. Per a la caracterització de les provetes d'assaig s`ha emprat l'Espectroscopia d'Infraroig per Transformada de Fourier. S'han realitzat assajos de flexió per a l'estudi de les propietats mecàniques de les provetes, i assajos de tracció per a les mostres de capes pictòriques. Així mateix, s'han estudiat els processos de degradació causats per l'exposició a la llum sobre una ampla sèrie de provetes, fetes amb un suport de tauler contraxapat per a la capa de fons acrílic i vinílic, així com capes de color acríliques exposades a condicions d'envelliment accelerat natural i artificial. Així, les provetes seleccionades per a l'envelliment artificial permeten investigar de manera individualitzada i combinada els paràmetres de degradació que actuen en l'envelliment natural, com l'acció de la llum, la temperatura i la humitat relativa, concloent que la pèrdua de cromacitat i to de les resines acríliques es deu principalment a la sensibilitat a la llum dels pigments i a les condicions d'exposició.
En la composició química de les capes de fons, s'identifiquen resines sintètiques de tipus es-tirè-acríliques i acetat de polivinil, i en les pintures de color acrilat de butil-metacrilat de metil (BA-MMA), amb processos de degradació específics com ruptura d'enllaços o la formació de sabons metàl¿lics. Així mateix, en aquest estudi s'han abordat els efectes de degradació de la llum sobre les superfícies pictòriques acríliques, be mitjan longituds d'onda agressives com proves amb llum d'arc de xenó o la llum solar, o be mitjan la porció de la llum ultraviolada de les làmpades UVB i UVA, concloent que el suport de tauló contraxapat no influeix en els efectes de degradació, al contrari del que passa amb el tipus d'imprimació. També s'han avaluat els efectes termo higromètrics, caracterit-zant la fatiga i l'estabilitat dimensional de les provetes, així com les deformacions en funció del tipus de xapa de fons emprada. Els resultats d'aquest anàlisis apunten a que, sobre un suport de tauló contraxapat, les imprimacions de gesso son més estables i rígides que les viníliques en funció de la humitat i temperatura ambient, dos paràmetres que incideixen en la fatiga higroscòpica i dimensional de les provetes. / Talamantes Piquer, MDC. (2015). ESTUDIO TÉCNICO, MORFOLÓGICO Y COMPOSITIVO DE LAS CAPAS PICTÓRICAS CONTEMPORÁNEAS SOBRE TABLERO CONTRACHAPADO [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59455
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《漢書》顏師古《注》探究. / Study of Yan Shigu's commentary on the Hanshu / 漢書顏師古注探究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / "Han shu" Yan Shigu "Zhu" tan jiu. / Han shu Yan Shigu Zhu tan jiuJanuary 2007 (has links)
潘銘基. / 呈交日期: 2005年11月. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(p. 1266-1277). / Cheng jiao ri qi: 2005 nian 11 yue. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Can kao wen xian (p. 1266-1277). / Pan Mingji.
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Modèles cellulaires pour étudier les interactions entre Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae et le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcinLévesque, Cynthia 12 1900 (has links)
Durant une infection pulmonaire, les porcs sont souvent infectés par plus d’un microorganisme. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae et le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP) sont des pathogènes qui peuvent infecter de manière simultanée les porcs. L’objectif du présent projet est d’étudier l’interaction entre ces pathogènes. Les deux lignées cellulaires permissives au VSRRP utilisées sont les cellules « St-Jude porcine lung » (SJPL) et MARC-145. Les cellules ont été pré-infectées avec le VSRRP, puis infectées avec A. pleuropneumoniae. Un dosage de la lactate déshydrogénase a montré qu’une co-infection VSRRP-A. pleuropneumoniae comparée à une infection simple augmente significativement la cytotoxicité. Dans les mêmes conditions expérimentales, une pré-infection virale ne semble pas affecter l’adhérence d’A. pleuropneumoniae aux cellules. À l’aide de tests ELISA, il a été possible de démontrer la production d’IL-8 et d’INF-γ lorsqu’il y a infection des cellules. Pour ce qui est du TNF-α, d’IL-6 et d’IL-10, ces cytokines ne sont pas détectées en présence des pathogènes étudiés. Des expériences de pré-infection bactérienne suivie d’infection virale ont également été réalisées. Il a été démontré que la pré-infection avec A. pleuropneumoniae diminuait la réplication du VSRRP chez la lignée cellulaire SJPL, mais cela n’est pas observé avec la lignée cellulaire MARC-145. Les résultats préliminaires ont démontré que cette diminution de la réplication serait causée par une molécule de faible poids moléculaire sécrétée dans le surnageant bactérien et celle-ci serait résistante à la chaleur. Les lignées cellulaires SJPL et MARC-145 représentent de bons modèles pour l’étude des infections mixtes des voies respiratoires du porc. / The respiratory tract of pigs is often colonized by more than one pathogen during an infection. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) are pathogens that can be associated with co-infection. The objective of this project was to study interactions between A. pleuropneumoniae and PRRSV during mixed infection. The PRRSV-permissive cell lines, St-Jude porcine lung (SJPL) and MARC-145 were used. In the first part, cells were pre-infected with PPRSV followed by an infection with A. pleuropneumoniae. Results obtained with a lactate dehydrogenase test showed that a co-infection resulted in a greater cytotoxicity then the single infections. The adherence of A. pleuropneumoniae to non-infected or PRRSV-infected cells was similar. Based on ELISAs tests, it was found that the cells produced IL-8 and IFN-γ when they were infected, but TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10 were not detected. In the second part, cells were pre-infected with A. pleuropneumoniae followed by viral infection. The results showed that a pre-infection with A. pleuropneumoniae decreased PRRSV replication in SJPL cells, whereas A. pleuropneumoniae did not impair PRRSV replication in MARC-145 cells. Preliminary results indicate that a molecule secreted by A. pleuropneumoniae is the factor impairing PRRSV replication in SJPL cells. The factor is probably a small molecular weight molecule that is heat-resistant. In conclusion, both cell lines allowed the study of A. pleuropneumoniae and PRSSV interactions during a mixed-infection and these models could be adapted to study interactions of other swine pathogens.
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"史記" "者" 、"所"指稱研究探新 = The new research method on the reference to Zhe & Suo in Shiji / New research method on the reference to Zhe & Suo in Shiji;"史記者所指稱研究探新"董月凱 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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