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Modelling and evaluation of paired-comparison experimentsLi, Yuan January 2011 (has links)
Paired-comparison is a popular method for deriving scale values; scale values are numbers that represent observers' psychophysical responses to sets of physical stimuli. The method requires that each observer is presented with pairs of stimuli and is asked which of the pair is greater in terms of the psychophysical property being investigated (for example, which of the pair is lighter). However, it is time consuming (especially when the number of stimuli n is large) since there are n(n-l )/2 possible paired comparisons and all of these must be considered. It is possible to carry out a so-called incomplete paired-comparison experiment where only a proportion p (0 < p < 1) of the pairs are considered. This thesis primarily addresses questions about the design of incomplete paired-comparison experiments. For instance, what is the smallest value of p and how few observers are required that still allows reliable estimates of the scale values? Monte-Carlo computational simulations were carried out with an ideal observer model assigned with bias. Data were analyzed based on Morrissey's least-squares solution. This evaluation indicated that satisfactory results can be obtained with as few as 30% (in the case where each observer compared the same pairs) or ...... 10% (in the case where each observer compared different pairs) of paired comparisons. However, the actual proportion of paired comparisons depends upon k (the number of observers) and n (the number of stimuli). A table was produced that indicated the value of p required (for various values of n and k) required to give a certain level of performance (this was somewhat arbitrarily defined as r2 = 0.95; where r is the expected Pearson product- moment correlation coefficient between the estimated scale values and their true values). A psychophysical experiment was conducted employing both the paired-comparison method and the categorical judgement method to estimate scale values. Results from the paired-comparison experiment were consistent with those predicted from the Monte-Carlo computational simulations. The paired-comparison experiment was analysed for various values of p and its performance compared with results from the categorical judgement method where n = 10. For the paired-comparison method where p = 1 (where all of the pairs are considered) the estimated scale values were more accurate than those from the categorical judgement experiment; however, as p reduces, the accuracy of the scale values from the paired-comparison method also reduced. The point where the two techniques gave broadly similar performance was at p = 0.2 (where each observer compared different sets of pairs) or p = 0.4 (where all observers compared the same set of pairs),
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The social Interview Schedule (SIS) - context, structure and reliabilityFaltermaier, Toni, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ellmann, Rosemary, Lässle, Reinhold January 1985 (has links)
The English original form of a standardized social interview was presented by Clare and Cairns (1978). The German version is described with regard to concept, structure, and methodology. The interview is designed to assess social maladjustment by measuring three conceptual categories (“Objective Material Conditions,” “Social Management,” and “Satisfaction”) in eight role areas. The instrument is especially suited for outcome assessment in various clinical and non-clinical populations and takes an average of about 30–45 min to complete. The 39 items are rated on 4-point scales either by the interviewer with the help of an extensive rating manual, or by the subject himself (all “Satisfaction” items). The results of a reliability study are presented using both the test-retest and the interrater method. In general, the results show that the instrument is satisfactorily reliable, but some possible weaknesses are discussed. Finally, the structure of the instrument is examined by an analysis of interrelationships between the items in a normal population sample. The results are discussed with regard to questions of score construction.
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The social Interview Schedule (SIS) - context, structure and reliabilityFaltermaier, Toni, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ellmann, Rosemary, Lässle, Reinhold 19 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The English original form of a standardized social interview was presented by Clare and Cairns (1978). The German version is described with regard to concept, structure, and methodology. The interview is designed to assess social maladjustment by measuring three conceptual categories (“Objective Material Conditions,” “Social Management,” and “Satisfaction”) in eight role areas. The instrument is especially suited for outcome assessment in various clinical and non-clinical populations and takes an average of about 30–45 min to complete. The 39 items are rated on 4-point scales either by the interviewer with the help of an extensive rating manual, or by the subject himself (all “Satisfaction” items). The results of a reliability study are presented using both the test-retest and the interrater method. In general, the results show that the instrument is satisfactorily reliable, but some possible weaknesses are discussed. Finally, the structure of the instrument is examined by an analysis of interrelationships between the items in a normal population sample. The results are discussed with regard to questions of score construction.
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Les ressources psychologiques au service du bien-être dans l'orientation tout au long de la vie / The strengths and virtues at the service of lifelong guidanceBen youssef mnif, Samia 20 June 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier les ressources psychologiques qui favorisent l’épanouissement pour une insertion professionnelle rapide. Nous avons mené une démarche comparative entre deux moments : en amont et en aval de la transition université-emploi. L’objectif étant de voir comment ces ressources se développent-elles tout au long de la transition. La recherche s’est déroulée en Tunisie. La population étudiée concerne les jeunes diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur qui se caractérisent par un faible taux d’employabilité et un fort taux de chômage. Ces étudiants poursuivent des études en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, en Lettres, en Sciences Economiques et en Droit. Deux groupes sont considérés dans cette population : un groupe d’étudiants en fin de parcours universitaire (en amont de la transition) et un groupe de diplômés en insertion professionnelle (en aval de la transition). Nous avons procédé à une méthodologie mixte articulant une étude qualitative exploratoire basée sur l’analyse de discours, et une étude quantitative. Nous avons procédé à la validation des outils de mesure psychométriques dans le contexte tunisien, tels que l’échelle d’épanouissement (Diener, 2010), l’échelle d’adaptabilité de carrière, version courte (CAAS-SF) (Maggiori, Rossier, & Savickas, 2017), l’échelle de « connaissance de ses forces » (Govindji & Linley, 2007) et l’Inventaire des forces de caractère (VIA-72). Des analyses de corrélation, de régression linéaire et hiérarchique et une modélisation par équation structurelle par la méthode PLS ont été conduites. Les résultats des deux études révèlent que l’épanouissement joue un rôle considérable dans le développement de l’adaptabilité de carrière et dans une insertion professionnelle rapide. Les ressources psychologiques sont mobilisées différemment en amont et en aval de la transition. Les forces de l’optimisme agissent positivement en amont de la transition. Les forces de la sagesse, les forces de la tempérance et le comportement proactif favorisent une insertion professionnelle rapide. En prenant appui à la fois sur ces résultats et sur la revue de la littérature, nous proposons des actions à mener au niveau institutionnel pour promouvoir l’épanouissement et le comportement proactif au sein des structures universitaires. Nous discutons l’élaboration de dispositifs d’appui à la transition université-emploi dans le cadre d’une collaboration régionale méditerranéenne transculturelle et multidisciplinaire. / The purpose of this work is to study the psychological resources that promote the development for fast reemployment. We applied a comparative approach between two phases: the before and after of University to Work Transition (STWT). The goal is to see how these resources develop throughout the transition. The research took place in Tunisia. Our study focuses on young gradudates of higher education suffering from low employability and high unemployment rate that complicates their reemployment. These students pursue studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Literature, Economics, and Law. Two groups are considered: A group of students at the end of their university studies (before the transition) and a group of graduates in a reemployment period (after the transition). We made use of a mixed methodology articulating an exploratory qualitative study based on discourse analysis, and a quantitative empirical study. We have validated psychometric scales in the Tunisian context, such as the scale of Flourishing (Diener, 2010), the scale of Career Adpatability Short Version (CAAS-SF) (Maggiori, Rossier, & Savickas, 2017), the "Strenghts Knowledge" scale (Govindji & Linley, 2007) and the Character Strengths Inventory (VIA-72). Correlation, linear and hierarchical regression analyses and structural equation modeling using the PLS method were conducted. The results of both studies reveal that flourishing plays a significant role in developing career adaptability and rapid reemployment. Psychological resources are mobilized differently before and after the transition. The strengths of optimism contribute positively before the transition. The strenghts of wisdom, the temperance and proactive behavior promote rapid reemployment. Based on both results and the literature review, we propose a set of actions to be taken at the institutional level to promote the development and proactive behavior within academic structures. We discuss the development of support schemes for university-employment transition as part of a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary Mediterranean regional collaboration.
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The validation of a selection battery for screening university bridging-course studentsNgozwana, Davida-Suzanne 25 August 2009 (has links)
Legal and scientific imperatives necessitate the validation of a psychometric battery before using it for the purposes of personnel selection and decision- making. The aim of this investigation is to validate a selection battery, i.e. the Ability, Processing of Information and Learning (APIL) Battery and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), used in selecting university bridging - course students. The empirical study is informed by a literature review focussing on the legal and scientific parameters of psychometrics within selection, the conceptualisation of intelligence and its relationship to academic performance. Hypotheses are posed regarding the predictive power of the selection battery and the effect of biographical factors on academic performance. Results indicate that the APU. Battery apd Raven's APM are both valid predictors of
academic performance, ·although the former appears more effective. This investigation emphasises the influence of moderating factors, i.e. factors other than cognitive ability, on academic performance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Adm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The validation of a test battery for the selection of call centre operators in a communications companyNicholls, Michelle Lee 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to determine whether personality and measures of ability would significantly predict job performance of call centre operators in a South African communications company. The Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2), the Basic Checking (CP7.1) ability test and the Audio Checking (CP8.1) ability test were completed by operators as the predictors. Supervisors completed the Customer Contact Competency Inventory (CCCI) for 140 operators as a measure of job performance. Performance statistics were obtained for the sample as additional criterion data. Correlations and multiple regression analysis revealed statistically significant small to moderate correlations between the criteria and the predictors.
The research was conducted from a concurrent validity perspective. Further research from a predictive validity perspective is suggested in order to substantiate the findings and to improve the generalisability thereof. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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Leerpotensiaal as keuringskriterium vir die opleiding van tellersVan Schalkwyk, Lourens 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Wanneer psigometriese toetsing op groepe uit verskillende sosio-ekonomiese
agtergronde toegepas word, presteer individue uit agtergeblewe omgewings swakker as
bulle ewekniee uit meer ontwikkelde omgewings. Hierdie individue se toegang tot
hoofstroom loopbaangeleenthede word dikwels bemoeilik as gevolg van die beperking.
Die leerpotensiaal benadering word aangebied as belowende alternatief om die
probleem, wat 'n sosio-ekonomiese oorsprong het, te oorbrug. Die resultate van die
studie bewys die stelling gedeeltelik waar, maar met buitengewone inspanning. In die
finale ontleding van die resultate is dit duidelik dat die verbeterde voorspelling eerder
toegeskryf kan word aan die optimale vlak van ontwikkeling wat die individu bereik net voor die toetsing, en nie soseer sy/haar leerpotensiaal nie. / Applying psychometric tests to groups from different socio-economical backgrounds,
inevitably result in the individuals from deprived backgrounds performing noteably
poorer than their counterparts from more developed backgrounds. These individuals
also find enterance to the mainstream careers difficult because of this restriction. The
learning potential approach to assessment is presented as a promising alternative to
overcome the problem that is related to the socio-economic background of the
individual. The results of this study partly confirm the value of the learning potential
approach, but only with extra-ordinary effort. In the final analysis of the results it is clear that the improved predictive accuracy was rather due to the optimal level of
development the individuals reached just before the testing, and not so much their learning potential. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Sielkunde)
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The validation of the field-environment-duty occupational classification system and interest testHolman, Louise Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Vocational interest is a dynamic, subjective, positive attraction towards a job, occupa tion or occupational field, based on the individual's perception of the structure of occupations and situations already experienced or expected to produce pleasurable feelings. Interest test tields are usually statistically derived from characteristics of individuals. This study develops and validates an interest test based on the perceived occupationaI structure.
After examining various classification models and occupational classification systems, including work by Holland, Gati and Roe, a new network access model was proposed, based on many-to-many correspondence in set theory. Categories are arranged on levels. Choice of a category on one level precludes access to another category on the sanK level, but does not restrict access to categories on other levels. It was hypothesised that occupational structure is perceived to consist of the three levels of lields, environments and duties. Each category is a horizontal sirus group and includes all vertical status levels. Career choice is based on preferences at each level. 1200 jobs have been classified by allocation to one category on each level, and each is described by a field, environment and duty. The field-environment-duty (FED) system was operationalised in a ten minute interest test asking testees to choose from each level the three categories that interest them for a job. Extensive use was made of x to the power of 2 and empty sets to the power of two statistics in analysing nominal measurement scores. The FED test was applied to 1280 school-leavers in Gauteng, South Africa. Research supports Gati's division of occupations into "soft" (people-oriented occupations preferred by females), and "hard" (not-people-oriented occupations preferred by males), and introduces a third "neutral" division which is preferred equally by both males and females. Construct and concurrent validity was shown with the I 9Fll, VIQ, SDS and l6PF. In a four to five year longitudinal study the FED was found to predict future studies (80%) and occupation (86%). Research with working adults found that the FED test predicts concurrent job satisfaction, job tenure and self-assessed performance. Inter-rater reliability in assigning jobs to categories is around 80%. Test-retest reliability was significant to the 0,0001 level using the x to the power of 2 goodness of fit test. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Com. (Industrial Psychology)
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The validation of a selection battery for screening university bridging-course studentsNgozwana, Davida-Suzanne 25 August 2009 (has links)
Legal and scientific imperatives necessitate the validation of a psychometric battery before using it for the purposes of personnel selection and decision- making. The aim of this investigation is to validate a selection battery, i.e. the Ability, Processing of Information and Learning (APIL) Battery and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), used in selecting university bridging - course students. The empirical study is informed by a literature review focussing on the legal and scientific parameters of psychometrics within selection, the conceptualisation of intelligence and its relationship to academic performance. Hypotheses are posed regarding the predictive power of the selection battery and the effect of biographical factors on academic performance. Results indicate that the APU. Battery apd Raven's APM are both valid predictors of
academic performance, ·although the former appears more effective. This investigation emphasises the influence of moderating factors, i.e. factors other than cognitive ability, on academic performance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Adm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The validation of a test battery for the selection of call centre operators in a communications companyNicholls, Michelle Lee 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to determine whether personality and measures of ability would significantly predict job performance of call centre operators in a South African communications company. The Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2), the Basic Checking (CP7.1) ability test and the Audio Checking (CP8.1) ability test were completed by operators as the predictors. Supervisors completed the Customer Contact Competency Inventory (CCCI) for 140 operators as a measure of job performance. Performance statistics were obtained for the sample as additional criterion data. Correlations and multiple regression analysis revealed statistically significant small to moderate correlations between the criteria and the predictors.
The research was conducted from a concurrent validity perspective. Further research from a predictive validity perspective is suggested in order to substantiate the findings and to improve the generalisability thereof. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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