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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liquid writing: when subjectivity colours writing: a revision of Lord Byron's Childe Harold's pilgrimage and his letters

Vega Olave, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesa

A complexidade da música na filosofia de Arthur Schopenhauer

Nocko, Caio Manoel 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Intuição empírica e intuição estética na filosofia de Schopenhauer

Comarella, Luiza Tomich January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Antonio Edmilson Paschoal / Dissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/09/2017 / Inclui referências : f. 123-126 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar como o filósofo Arthur Schopenhauer apresenta a intuição (Anschauung) no contexto do conhecimento, e as diferentes formas que tal termo assume em seu pensamento único, a saber, intuição empírica/intelectual e intuição estética ou pura, para então compreender se é possível uma aproximação maior entre elas. Para tal, serão consideradas principalmente as obras O mundo como vontade e representação (tomo I e tomo II), Sobre a quádrupla raiz do princípio de razão suficiente e Metafísica do Belo, nas quais se encontra o cerne da sua filosofia, olhada a partir do viés do conhecimento, seja ele submetido ao princípio de razão e suas formas, ou independente de tal princípio. Em um primeiro momento, será apresentada a teoria do conhecimento de Schopenhauer, com o intuito de apresentar a intuição empírica, assim como tudo que está pressuposto a ela, o que se sucede dela, e sua importância no que diz respeito à representação do mundo empírico. Em seguida, será demonstrada a estética do filósofo, denominada de metafísica do belo, na qual está descrita uma forma de conhecimento mais essencial e verdadeira que aquela primeira, e o papel da intuição estética nesse processo, como sua condição necessária e suficiente, o que reforçará ainda mais o caráter intuitivista da filosofia schopenhaueriana. Por fim, será feita uma comparação entre essas duas formas de intuição, apontando, a partir de suas semelhanças e diferenças, a possibilidade de uma unidade entre elas. Palavras- chave: intuição, conhecimento, estética, Schopenhauer. / Abstract: This research aims to investigate how the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer presents the intuition (Anschauung) in the context of knowledge, and the different forms that such term takes on his unique thinking, namely, empirical / intellectual intuition and aesthetic or pure intuition, for then understand if a greater approximation between them is possible. For this, will be considered the books The world as will and representation (volume I and volume II), On the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason and Metaphysics of Beauty, in which is founded the crux of his philosophy, looked from the bias of knowledge, whether it be subject to the principle of reason and its forms, or independent of that principle. In the first place, Schopenhauer's theory of knowledge will be presented, with the intention of presenting the empirical intuition, as well as everything that is presupposed to it, what happens to it, and its importance with respect to the representation of the empirical world. Next, the aesthetics of the philosopher, called Metaphysics of beauty, will be demonstrated, in which a form of knowledge, more essential and true, is described, and the role of aesthetic intuition in this process, as its necessary and sufficient condition, what will further strengthen the intuitivist character of Schopenhauer's philosophy. Finally, a comparison will be made between these two forms of intuition, pointing out, from their similarities and differences, the possibility of a unity between them. Keywords: intuition, knowledge, aesthetics, Schopenhauer

Hacia la superación ética del especismo: unidad y esencialidad de todos los seres en la voluntad de vivir schopenhaueriana

Saravia San Martín, María Jesús January 2013 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciada en Filosofía / La filosofía occidental, de profunda raigambre racionalista, nos presenta a la ética como una cuestión exclusivamente humana. De forma transversal y con muy contadas excepciones, la filosofía moral arraigada entre nosotros no ha sido más que un cúmulo de cavilaciones milenarias sobre la libertad, el deber, la virtud o la felicidad del llamado “animal racional”. Con su cenit en la máxima kantiana del imperativo categórico ―rector de la ética― de no tratar jamás al hombre como un medio, sino siempre como un “fin en sí”, hemos sido testigos a lo largo de la tradición filosófica de la exclusividad antropocéntrica de todo pensar la moral, expresión dogmática del engaño de diferencia que repercute en la separación absoluta entre el yo y el no-yo que, según el filósofo alemán A. Schopenhauer ―autor central en nuestra investigación― nace de la pluralidad de nuestro mundo como representación y se alimenta del superficial tratamiento en la filosofía de conceptos clave como los de intelecto y entendimiento, arbitraria y erróneamente censurados en la reflexión que incorpora a los animales no humanos. En orden a superar esta ética restrictiva, Schopenhauer sugiere un cambio de paradigma: la apertura hacia una ética extensionista y esencialista fundada en el reconocimiento de la unidad de la voluntad de vivir, de la cosa en sí como esencia común a todos los seres sintientes, para así de abandonar la artificial excelencia humana y abrazar el reconocimiento del otro en su mismidad, en la absoluta unidad metafísica que tiene como resultado la compasión.

Etica e teleologia na filosofia de Schopenhauer

Rodrigues, Eli Vagner Francisco 25 July 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Oswaldo Giacoia Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T12:42:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigues_EliVagnerFrancisco_M.pdf: 4134537 bytes, checksum: 41fc7c4a70c67b1c90f9bbdcde372081 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1999 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Mestre em Filosofia

Egoísmo y daño ambiental a la luz de Arthur Schopenhauer

Prats Palma, Belisario January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Filosofía / El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar el egoísmo en el ser humano y su posible relación con el daño ambiental, recurriendo para talefecto a la doctrina del filósofo alemán Arthur Schopenhauer.En esta línea de pensamiento, los temas a desarrollar consideran el estudio de la voluntad de vivir en los seres vivos; la subordinación de la razón al nóumeno volente; el egoísmo y la maldad como móviles antimorales y finalmente, el puente hacia el camino de la negación de dicha voluntad a través de una tregua estética y del actuar ético, pasando por la caridad y la compasión como actos de excepción.Esta tesis demostrará cómo el ser humano, estimándose superior a los demás seres vivos por estar dotado de racionalidad, y cediendo a los designios de su voluntad, ha dispuesto arbitraria y descontroladamente de muchas especies de seres vivos, ha alterado gravemente su hábitat y ha puesto en peligro su propia existencia.

"Fromm und Frohlich" : the conception of happiness in Eichendorff's Ahnung und Gegenwart

Vogel, Betty January 1968 (has links)
In Ahnung und Gegenwart Eichendorff makes no specific reference to the subject of happiness. Because of this, this theme must be explored indirectly through an analysis of the society and characters depicted in the novel. By abstracting those characteristics which Eichendorff describes as creating happiness in the society and the individual one can construct a thesis representing his views in this regard. In this novel Eichendorff contrasts two societies— the artificial permissive society of the court, whose attitudes he satirizes, and the wholesome rural society, whose attitudes he condones. The latter conserves the traditional Christian-Germanic virtues of "treue Sitte und Frömmigkeit" and, as such, one assumes, represents the author's ideal of the truly happy society. Eichendorff recognizes individual differences and realises that human beings seek happiness in many different ways. He realizes that men and women differ radically in this respect. Men seek happiness primarily through a career. Women seek it in love. Eichendorff also realizes the variation in human temperament which transcends sexual differences. He realizes that extroverts seek happiness actively in the world— possibly in some political commitment—and are likely to seek fulfillment through marriage. (This is true of Leontin.) Introverts, on the other hand, tend to seek fulfillment through their own inner resources—through the practice of art or religion. They are also more apt to sublimate their desire for human love into some aesthetic or spiritual ideal. (This is true of Friedrich.) But although Eichendorff does not prescribe any particular form of human fulfillment, he does prescribe the conditions under which happiness is to be sought. He is convinced that there are certain inner qualities which the individual must possess if he is to achieve it. These are the same qualities which motivate the ideal rural society, "treue Sitte und Frömmigkeit," morality and religion. Only by subjecting himself to these ordering influences can the individual attain peace and harmony, the fruits of happiness. If the individual does not subject himself to them, his life becomes disordered and he shatters on life. Morality is necessary to protect the individual from disturbing emotional experiences which may disrupt his life. Spirituality is necessary to ensure the inner equilibrium which is conducive to happiness. Eichendorff, however, does not present a facile, Victorian view of life. Although he stresses the necessity of morality and religion as bases of an ordered and happy life, he nowhere promulgates the naive view that all individuals are capable of exercising these virtues. He realizes that all individuals are limited by heredity and environment and that, consequently, "will-power" itself is an inherited, or acquired, characteristic. Not all individuals, when frustrated in their search for happiness have the capacity to restrain themselves by morality or sublimate themselves in religion. (Thus, Romana commits suicide, Erwin dies of a broken heart, and Rudolf escapes into a life of magic.) Eichendorff does not give preference to any particular form of human fulfillment. Nevertheless it is not unreasonable to assume that Friedrich, from whose viewpoint the novel is written, represents Eichendorff1s ideal of human development. Friedrich is a contemplative, a self-contained personality able to attain fulfillment through his own inner resources. He is able to experience the joy of creativity and that of an intimate relationship with God, profound human experiences unrelated to the vicissitudes of the external world. His happiness is thus more enduring than- that of those who seek it outside of themselves. And yet, although he is physically isolated from the world, he has the assurance of serving it in the most meaningful manner. Through his prayers as a religious he hopes to reawaken those forces of morality and religion which alone will restore happiness to his society. / Arts, Faculty of / Central Eastern Northern European Studies, Department of / Graduate

A Critical study of Byron's Cain

Jones, Lindsay Maxwell January 1968 (has links)
This thesis is a critical study of Lord Byron's poetic drama, Cain. Most critics in the past have seen the work as a personal statement of religious skepticism on the part of Lord Byron, and hence as an out-and-out attack on traditional, Christian doctrine. With this preconception in mind, they have concerned themselves with pointing out attitudes and ideas in the play which may be said to be antithetical to the Christian world view, and they have then assessed the play simply in these terms. It is the contention of this paper that this presupposition has led the critics away from the realm of meaning intended by Lord Byron, and that a proper understanding of the play can only arise from a full, critical study of the central issue with which this "metaphysical" drama is concerned. The method followed is to analyse the differences in form, structure and argument between two accounts of this story - that found in the Bible, and Byron's poetic drama - on the assumption that such radical changes as we shall note are essential to the conveyance of Byron's peculiar meaning, and that a study of them must reveal the proper coherence and unity of Byron's work. We shall see that Cain is not a mere recounting of this story, but rather that it is a reconceptualization of the predicament facing Adam and Eve and the first family, structured so as to focus upon the human situation, so chat in the work Byron is not concerned with religious values, but with human values; not concerned to advance or refute traditional, religious concepts, but to reveal his insights into the common, human predicament. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

Junglings- und Mannergestalten in Einigen Erzahlenden Prosawerken Eichendorffs

Immenga, Herbert Walter Theodor Dietrich 14 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. ( German Language) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The rallying tone in Byron's Don Juan /

Groome, Margaret E. January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

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