Spelling suggestions: "subject:"17th century"" "subject:"17th entury""
531 |
'A heart in Egypt' : Cleopatra on the Renaissance stage in Italy and EnglandMontanari, Anna Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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An attempt to assess the part played by Puritan unrest in the causes of the English civil warDowie, Donald Ian January 1965 (has links)
The problem which confronts us at the outset, is the problem which has been facing historians for the past three hundred years: What were the causes of the English Civil War? What matters were responsible for the decisive split between Crown & Parliament into two distinct parties, and which ultimately led to civil war? Many theories and interpretations have been given. In this chapter, we will find that there are three major interpretations. The first is that it was a religious struggle - and so the Civil War became known as the 'Puritan Revolution'. The second is that it was a purely political conflict between the Crown and its Ministers, on the one hand, and the House of Commons, which had by then become the 'mirror' of the Puritan element in the country, on the other. And the third is that it was a class, or economic, war. Contemporary historians tended to regard it as a twofold struggle - a conflict over religion on the one hand, and the constitution on the other. It was they who coined the phrase 'Puritan Revolution'. This interpretation, however, has subsequently been challenged, in the light of the detailed research which has been conducted - especially in the field of economic history. And so the Civil War has been interpreted in terms of a social and economic conflict - it is said to be a class war. The social and economic factors have tended to become emphasized while the religious have been pushed into the background - often excluded altogether. It is my intention in this thesis, therefore, to assert once again the very real part played by religious matters in the origins of the English Civil War. Intro., p. 1.
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Die Vernederlandsing van Afrikaans (Afrikaans)Uys, Mariette Deleen 27 October 2008 (has links)
AfrikaansIn die vroeë Transvaalse koerante se korrespondensiekolomme, sowel as in die eerste Afrikaanse Bybel en die spelreëls vanaf 1875, is ‘n verskynsel bemerk waarvoor daar in dié studie rekenskap gegee word, naamlik dat daar n tydstip was waarin daar ‘n tipe Afrikaans (ATA) bestaan het wat van sowel huidige AB-Afrikaans as AB-Nederlands van die begin van die eeu verskil het. Hiérdie Afrikaans bewys dus dat daar iewers in die ontwikkelingsgang van Afrikaans ‘n proses van vernederlandsing moes plaasgevind het, want ABA en ABN vertoon tans groot ooreenkomste, terwyl die vroeë Transvaalse Afrikaans ‘n karakteristieke eiesoortigheid weerspieel. Vernederlandsing impliseer taalverandering en taalverandering geskied op verskeie wyses: deur middel van natuurlike ontwikkeling, taalkontak, taalversteuring, ensovoorts. In hierdie studie word veral gelet op die produktiewe prosesse van taalverandering wat in Afrikaans werksaam was, te wete sosiale verandering en grammatikale verandering/reëluitbreiding. Laasgenoemde begin in die vorm van variante/wisselvorme - heel moontlik as gevolg van botsende lae, naamlik tussen ‘n standaardnorm en nie-standaardnorm. Die variante vertoon ‘n kenmerkende verspreiding wat in die formule Informele taalgebruik gaan formele taalgebruik voorafuitgedruk kan word. In die meertalige situasie aan die Kaap het daar verskeie nie-standaardvorme van die doelwittaal, Nederlands, bestaan. Omdat taalverandering vanuit die nie-standaardlaag (hierdie informele vlak) van ‘n taal plaasvind, het een van die nie-standaardvorme van Nederlands sekere veranderinge as gesproke taal begin vertoon en sodoende is die proses van die verafrikaansing van die nie-Standaardnederlands vol trek. Tydens die Engelse periode in Suid-Afrika moes Nederlands en Afrikaans hul kragte saamsnoer om teen die magtige kultuurtaal, Engels, te bly voortbestaan. Die aanslag is inderdaad afgeweer en hierna het Afrikaans Nederlands geleidelik as hoëfunksietaal begin vervang. Afrikaans is in 1925 as amptelike taal naas Engels erken – ‘n taal wat in daardie stadium nog nie volle wasdom bereik het nie, maar volgens Regeringsordonnansie sy plek as volwaardige taal as Engels moés inneem. Die eie Afrikaanshede wat diensbaar was aan die nuwe omstandighede van die bestaan is behou, maar verder is daar in hierdie wordingstryd na Nederlands teruggegryp ten opsigte van die woordeskat, spreekwoorde, sinsbou, woordorde, spelling en spelreëls, die wetenskaplike en tegnologiese terminologie, selfs in die daarstelling van ‘n eie Afrikaanse Bybel - die proses van vernederlandsing waaroor hierdie studie dit het. English In this study an account is given of a phenomenon which becomes apparent when studying correspondence columns of the earliest Transvaal papers, the first Afrikaans Bible as well as Afrikaans spelling rules (as from 1875), viz. that there is a distinguishable difference between early written Afrikaans as used in the Transvaal, and modern Afrikaans, and even between this early Afrikaans and Dutch. This clearly proves that there was a time when Afrikaans did not resemble presentday Afrikaans. Why the change? Change in a language is a natural phenomenon. If change takes place in a multilinguistic situation, it may result in the development of so-called non-standard varieties of the dominant language. From 1652 onwards there existed a multilinguistic speech community in South Africa in which different non-standard varieties of the dominant language, Dutch, were found. One of these non-standard varieties developed into Afrikaans (the process of change always originates at a stage of non-standard usage) . In this way the process of Afrikaansification ("verafrikaansing") became complete. When English became the dominant language in South Africa, Dutch as the formal "high" language and Afrikaans as the so-called "low" variety had to combine forces in order to survive the onslaught of Anglicising influences. Afrikaans eventually replaced Dutch as the "high" language and even became one of the official languages of South Africa in 1925. This meant that Afrikaans had to hold its own in opposition to English, but it was a question of whether Afrikaans was vigorous enough to do so. As it obviously was not, it had to borrow from the Dutch lexicon, spelling system, word order and syntactic patterns, as well as from Dutch scientific definition and technical terminology. It even took Dutch as a model for the translation of the first Bible in Afrikaans. Thus, the process of the Dutchification of Afrikaans became a reality. This process may be illustrated as follows: Dutch -----> Afrikaansification -----> Back to Dutch (Thus: Dutchification). staan(en) -----> staat ----> staan / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Afrikaans / unrestricted
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Narrations héroïques : des inventions romanesques du XVIIe siècle aux récits factuels du XVIIIe (1630-1760) : principes de composition, écriture et réécriture de la vie de Philippe de Macédoine, d’Épaminondas de Thèbes et de Scipion l’Africain / Heroic narrations : from the 17th century Romanesque inventions to the 18th century factual Tales (1630-1760) : principles of composition, writing and re-writing of the Lifes of Philip of Macedonia, Epaminondas of Thebes and Scipio AfricanusKokkomelis, Nicolas 31 January 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail explore un ensemble de textes peu étudié. L’hétérogénéité générique et chronologique de cet ensemble étant évidente, l’objectif visé est d’aller au-delà des différences formelles et de se concentrer sur les interférences entre les deux grands genres narratifs du XVIIe et du XVIIIe siècle : le roman, premièrement, et l’histoire, en tant qu’élément constitutif de la codification du sous-genre des Vies, secondement. À ce titre, les outils analytiques de la théorie de l’écriture romanesque et de l’historiographie y sont mobilisés simultanément et, parfois même, se recouvrent. Ainsi, au lieu de privilégier une étude thématique, philologique ou historico-biographique, l’analyse menée consiste en une étude parallèle des deux genres narratifs, des principes de leur composition et de leur rapport avec la tradition écrite antique. Car il n’y a pas de doute que ce qui est homogène dans les textes tient essentiellement à leur ascendance gréco-romaine, voire à leur attachement à une vision du monde « traditionnelle » et « héroïque » – d’où, finalement, leur qualification en tant que « narrations héroïques ». Autosuffisants au niveau sémantique et symbolique, les protagonistes des textes étudiés obéissent à une vision du monde selon l’idée, accueillante à leur héroïsme ontologique. C’est la raison pourquoi, même si les Philippe, Épaminondas et Scipion mis en récit ne se fixent pas les mêmes objectifs, ils remplissent la même fonction. / The present work explores a corpus of texts that has been very little studied. The generic and chronological heterogeneity of these texts being evident, the objective of this study is to go further than the mere formal differences and to focus on the interferences between the two prominent narrative genres of the 17th and 18th centuries: on the one hand, the novel and on the on the other, history as a constituent element of the codification of the subgenre of Lifes. For the accomplishment of this task, the analytical auxiliaries of Romanesque writing theory and historiography are simultaneously mobilised, in some cases overlapping each other. Hence, instead of a thematic study, philological or historico-biographical, the analysis followed consists in a parallel study of the two narrative genres, of their composition principles and their relations with the ancient writing tradition. For, most probably, what is homogeneous in these texts derives essentially, from their Greco-Roman ascendance, and more precisely from their attachment to a “traditional” and “heroic” vision of the world – from which their qualification as “heroic narratives” is finally derived. Self-sufficient as far as the semantic and symbolic levels are concerned, the texts studied here present heroes who obey to a vision of a world based on the idea of their ontological heroism. This is the reason why even though the tales of Philip, Epaminondas and Scipio do not set the same objectives, the heroes nevertheless do fulfil the same functions.
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Au carrefour du roman et de l’histoire : des points tournants du statut de la femme dans La Princesse de Montpensier et La Princesse de Clèves de Madame de LafayetteSpagnolo, Tabitha L.B. 11 1900 (has links)
Cette these cherche a analyser le contenu litteraire de La Princesse de
Montpensier et de La Princesse de Cleves de Madame de Lafayette en fonction
de leur valeur comme des documents qui refletent le contexte socio-historique
de leur epoque. Ainsi, on reconnait chez l'auteur la qualite de temoin
astucieux qui imbue ses ecrits d'elements importants contribuant a une
meilleure appreciation de la condition feminine au dix-septieme siecle.
L'auteur de ces deux romans met au point le genre du roman historique
afin de l'employer comme canevas sur lequel elle impose sa vision perspicace
des elements sociaux qui influencent plusieurs aspects de la vie de la femme
noble depuis sa jeunesse jusqu'ci sa mort. Afin de profiter de cette structure,
ce travail s'organise en trois chapitres suivant la chronologie de cette vie.
Commengant avec les representations de l'education de la jeune fille, on passe
a sa formation visee au mariage et a une analyse detaillee du statut de la
femme mariee. Finalement, on abdrde la question du statut de la veuve.
En considerant tous ces elements a la lumiere des ecrits critiques et
historiques qui ont paru pendant trois siecles, on ressort une richesse de
renseignements portant sur les exigences d'ordre moral et pratique qui
delerminent la quality du statut de la femme au dix-septieme siecle. Les
observations evoquees par Madame de Lafayette nous aident a preciser les
influences, les transformations, les conflits et surtout les contradictions et
les paradoxes qui parcourent la vie de la femme noble pendant l'age classique. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate
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Legal play : the literary culture of the Inns of Court, 1572-1634Whitted, Brent Edward 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the social politics of literary production at
London's Inns of Court from 1572 to 1634. Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of
cultural production are widened beyond his own French academic context so
that the Inns may be located as institutions central to the formation of literary
and, in particular, dramatic culture in early modern London.
A significant part of Bourdieu's research has concerned the
establishment of a foundation for a sociological analysis of literary works. The
literary field, Bourdieu argues, is but one of many possible fields of cultural
production—social networks of struggle over valued economic, cultural,
scientific, or religious resources. As a historically constituted arena of activity
with its own specific institutions, rules, and capital, the juridical field of early
modern London was a competitive market in which legal agents struggled for
the power to determine the law. Within this field, the Inns of Court served as
unchartered law schools in which the valuable cultural currency of the
common law was transmitted to the resident students, whose association
with this currency was crucial for their pursuit of social prestige.
Focusing on the four Inns of Court as central institutions in the
juridical field and their relationship with the larger political and economic
forces of London, that is, the field of power, the thesis demonstrates how the
literary art associated with these institutions relates to the students' struggle
for social legitimation, particularly in their interaction with the City and the
Crown. By demonstrating how the structures of literary texts reflect the
structures of the relationship between the Inns and other centers of urban
power, this analysis examines the pivotal role(s) played by law students in the
development of London's literary culture. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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The Castrato Sacrifice: Was it Justified?Sowle, Jennifer 08 1900 (has links)
One of the greatest mysteries in the history of music is the castrato singers of the Baroque era. Castration has existed for many thousands of years, but for the first time in history, it was used for artistic purposes. Who were these men who seemingly gave up their masculinity for the sake of music? By examining the time period and circumstances in which these musicians lived, an answer may be found. Exploring the economic, social, and political structure of the 17th and 18th centuries may reveal the mindset behind such a strange yet accepted practice. The in-depth study of their lives and careers will help lift the veil of mystery that surrounds them. Was their physical sacrifice a blessing or a curse? Was it worth it?
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La construction du canal royal de la jonction des mers en Languedoc (Canal du Midi)Adgé, Michel 08 December 2011 (has links)
Le présent travail concerne la construction du Canal depuis les origines jusqu'en 1694.Sont étudiés tout d'abord les projets de jonction des Mers depuis l'Antiquité, puis ceux qui ont vu le jour en Bourgogne et en Languedoc aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, la suite de leurs échecs ayant formé l'atmosphère dans laquelle s'est déroulée l'aventure du Canal.Ignorant les légendes, on examine ensuite le milieu intellectuel dans lequel s'est formée l'idée du Canal de Languedoc ; l'aménagement des graus du golfe du Lion et la création du port de Sète ; le cheminement de la commission de 1664 et le devis qui en est résulté.Une deuxième partie traite du déroulement des travaux, de leur exécution et de leur financement, puis des travaux de parachèvement du Canal par Vauban et ses ingénieurs. / This work deals with the building of the Canal du Midi from the onset to 1694.It first studies the projects of canals joining seas in ancient history, and then those of Burgundy and Languedoc in the 16th and 17th centuries, the failure of which provides the backdrop of the Canal du Midi endeavour.Leaving legends aside, we then explore the intellectual milieu in which the idea of a canal joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean through Languedoc was sparked; the engineering of the coastal lagoon passes along the Gulf of Lion and the building of the port of Sète. Finally, we retrace the work of the study committee in 1664 and the resulting cost estimate.The second part of this dissertation deals with the works themselves and their financing, and finally with the finishing work on the canal by Vauban and his engineers.
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Os madrigais de Carlo Gesualdo = um estudo interpretativo à luz de seu ideal poético / The madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo : an interpretative study in the light of his poetic idealGarbuio, Rafael Luís, 1982- 27 March 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Fernando Fiorini / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T13:48:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Os seis livros de madrigais italianos compostos por Carlo Gesualdo apresentam uma estreita relação entre a música e o texto. A manipulação efetuada pelo compositor nos poemas que seriam base para suas peças evidencia sua busca por um determinado formato de texto. Através da observação destas alterações, foi possível caracterizar seu ideal poético e relacioná-lo diretamente com a sua concepção musical, objetivando um entendimento mais abrangente da expressividade deste conjunto de obras. Para che-gar a este resultado, foram realizados estudos da contextualização histórica, concen-trados na cidade de Ferrara e na sua importância dentro da obra deste compositor; do Maneirismo artístico e sua relação com o madrigal italiano tardio, e dos vários aspectos da sua escrita musical. Como forma de confrontar estas informações, realizou-se uma análise da relação texto/música sobre dois termos poéticos ¿ amor e morte ¿ através da qual foi possível concluir como se deu o amadurecimento da escrita do compositor e a relevância de seu ideal poético como ferramenta interpretativa / Abstract: The six Italian madrigals books of Carlo Gesualdo present a close connection between music and text. The manipulation made by the composer in the poems that would serve as basis for his music evidences his search for a certain text format. Through the anal-ysis of these changes it was possible to characterize his poetic ideal and relate it direct-ly to his musical conception, aiming a more comprehensive understanding of the ex-pression of this group of works. To reach this result, the historical context was studied, especially the one of the city of Ferrara and its importance in the work of this composer. Also, the various aspects of his musical writing, the Mannerism and its relation to the late Italian madrigal were approached. In order to confront this information, it was done an analysis of the relation text / music on two poetic terms - love and death - through which we concluded how was the maturing process of the composer¿s writing, and the relevance of his poetic ideal as an interpretive tool / Doutorado / Praticas Interpretativas / Doutor em Música
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Marcher, penser, écrire : la Promenade littéraire de La Mothe Le Vayer à Rousseau / Walking, Thinking & Writing : literary Promenades from La Mothe Le Vayer to RousseauFabre, Juliette 30 November 2019 (has links)
La promenade de la fin du XVIIe siècle jusqu’au XVIIIe siècle a pu prendre des formes variées : lieu (le promenoir) pour l’activité mondaine, la promenade est aussi une métaphore de l’écriture, une forme souple à la poétique paradoxale. Organisée selon deux voies, celle du dialogue savant et celle de la conversation mondaine, permettant l’inclusion de pièces enchâssées, de fragments rhapsodiques, et touchant de près à la satire, au roman ou encore aux périodiques, la Promenade a pu apparaître comme un creuset pour la formulation d’idées et la recherche d’expressions, que ce soit pour des auteurs célèbres comme Diderot ou Rousseau, ou pour des auteurs peu connus, voire anonymes. Proposant un parcours autour d’un groupement de textes établi à partir d’un relevé bibliographique des textes intitulés Promenade, cette recherche réfléchit au sens d’une forme résolument ouverte, alliant liberté et divertissement, légèreté et profondeur. De la promenade au promeneur solitaire, la Promenade littéraire évolue au cours du XVIIIe siècle vers l’écriture de soi, la rêverie venant remplacer le dialogue et permettant l’exploration de nouveaux paysages. / From the end of the seventeenth century to the eighteenth century, promenades took various forms: from concrete places such as walkways, to social gatherings, promenades also refer to a metaphor of writing itself: a supple form of writing relying on paradoxical aims. Following the patterns of the scholarly dialogue or the society conversation, promenades allowed the inclusion of embedded pieces and miscellaneous fragments. Their closeness to satires, novels or periodicals made them appear as a cradle for articulating ideas and searching for modes of expression, for both famous authors such as Diderot and Rousseau and less known or even anonymous ones. This study focuses on a selection of texts entitled Promenade and focuses on the choice of a resolutely open pattern that combines freedom and entertainment, lightness and depth. Turning from promenades to solitary walkers, literary promenades evolved during the eighteenth century towards the expression of the self - reveries replaced dialogues and allowed walkers to explore new landscapes.
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