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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A History of the Concepts of Zion and New Jerusalem in America From Early Colonialism to 1835 With A Comparison to the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Gardner, Ryan S. 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis discusses the role that the idea of Zion has played in the first three centuries of American religion. Millenarian themes, such as building New Jerusalem, were common religious themes in seventeenth- to nineteenth-century America. Understanding the doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding this vital subject will be helpful for historians, scholars, and teachers.When the Puritan colonists came to the New World in the early seventeenth century, they sought not only a land of religious liberty, but also a land of ultimate religious achievement: the establishment of Zion and/or New Jerusalem. Many of them hoped to demonstrate that an ideal theocratic society was possible and would solve the world's governmental dilemmas. They paved the way for a long-standing Zion tradition in America.During the eighteenth century, the dream for Zion faded due to the growing concern for individual salvation. The banner of revolution and independence also superseded the interest in the "ensign for the nations" (see Isaiah 11:10-12). Unfortunately, during this era Zion and New Jerusalem became the watchwords for dissident charismatic truth-seekers with small congregations. Antebellum America presented a completely new environment. As America forged westward, more and more settlers became dissatisfied with mainstream organized religions. Primitivism and restorationism made Zion and New Jerusalem an inevitable desire for many religious enthusiasts, though opinions varied on when, where, how, and by whom the "city of God" (Psalm 46:4; see also Psalm 48) could be established.Within this historical context rose The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members were intent on building the New Jerusalem on the American continent and establishing Zion throughout the earth (see Articles of Faith 1:10). It is my ardent hope that this attempt to put the Latter-day Saint concept of Zion and New Jerusalem in its early American millenarian context will be a useful resource in helping to "put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts" (JS-H 1:1).

Fünf Oboenkonzerte: in Dresdner Überlieferung: Partitur

Graun, Johann Gottlieb(?), Reichenauer, Jan Antonín, Ristori, Giovanni Alberto, Seyfert, Martin(?)/Johann Caspar(?) 15 March 2017 (has links)
Der vorliegende Band vereint fünf Oboenkonzerte, die in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden überliefert sind. Sie werden hier, nahezu drei Jahrhunderte nach ihrer Entstehung, der musikalischen Öffentlichkeit in neuen quellenkritischen Ausgaben vorgelegt. Bei den Quellen handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Abschriften Dresdner Hofnotisten. Sie wurden im sogenannten „Schranck No: II.“ in der Katholischen Hofkirche aufbewahrt, die sie als Repertoire der Dresdner Hofkapelle der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts ausweisen. Dieser Band 19 der Editionsreihe Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Dresden ergänzt in sinnvoller Weise den von Hans-Günter Ottenberg herausgegebenen Band 1, Fünf Fagottkonzerte in Dresdner Überlieferung (2011). Er enthält lediglich fünf der zahlreichen Dresdner Konzerte für Oboe solo mit Orchesterbegleitung.

Geistliche Concerti II: Der Herr ist mein Hirte / Wo ist solch ein Gott, wie du bist / Sie ist fest gegründet auf den heiligen Bergen: für vier- bis zehnstimmigen Chor und Instrumente: Partitur

Schmidt, Johann Christoph 25 July 2022 (has links)
Die Erstveröffentlichung des Bandes II der Geistlichen Concerti für Soli, vier- bis zehnstimmigen Chor und Instrumente enthält den 23. Psalm „Der Herr ist mein Hirte“, den 87. Psalm „Sie ist fest gegründet“ sowie aus Micha 7, Vers 18-19 „Wo ist solch ein Gott“. Die Quellen aus dem Bestand der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz entstammen der „Sammlung Bokemeyer“ aus Braunschweig, in der zwischen 1675 und 1725 viele kirchenmusikalischen Werke aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet vereinigt wurden. Bis auf das 2. Concerto mit dem autographen Datum 1701 sind keine weiteren Daten der anderen Kompositionen und der Aufführungen überliefert. Aber die Werke sind ohne Zweifel für den protestantischen Gottesdienst in der Dresdner Schlosskapelle geschaffen, deren musikalische Ausgestaltung der Hofgottesdienste zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Hofkapellmeisters Augusts des Starken gehörte. Dieser ließ Schmidt gewähren, da er, wegen der polnischen Krone zum Katholizismus konvertiert, kein Interesse an der protestantischen Kirchenmusik hatte.

Geistliche Concerti III: Bonum est confiteri / Mein Herz ist bereit / Labe mich mit deines Mundes Kuss: für Soli (Alt, Tenor, Sopran) und Instrumente: Partitur

Schmidt, Johann Christoph 25 July 2022 (has links)
Mit der Erstveröffentlichung des Bandes III der Geistlichen Concerti für Soli (Alt, Tenor, Sopran) und Instrumente legen die „Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Dresden“ alle überlieferten Geistlichen Concerti in neuen Ausgaben vor. Der Band III enthält „Bonum est confiteri“, Texte aus dem Graduale Romanum, „Mein Herz ist bereit“, Texte aus den Psalmen 57, 145 und 103, sowie „Labe mich mit deines Mundes Kuss“, ein geistliches Lied und Verse aus Philipp Nicolais „Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern“. Die Quellen aus dem Bestand der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz entstammen wiederum der „Sammlung Bokemeyer“ aus Braunschweig, in der zwischen 1675 und 1725 viele kirchenmusikalischen Werke aus dem deutschen Sprachgebiet vereinigt wurden. Bis auf das 1. Concerto mit dem autographen Datum 26. November 1696 sind keine weiteren Daten der anderen Kompositionen oder Aufführungen überliefert. Aber die Werke sind ohne Zweifel für den protestantischen Gottesdienst in der Dresdner Schlosskapelle geschaffen, deren musikalische Ausgestaltung der Hofgottesdienste zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Hofkapellmeisters Augusts des Starken gehörte. Dieser ließ Schmidt gewähren, da er, wegen der polnischen Krone zum Katholizismus konvertiert, kein Interesse an der protestantischen Kirchenmusik hatte. Das Concerto „Bonum est confiteri“ hat der Altist David Erler, begleitet vom Ensemble L'arpa festante, im Februar 2021 auf seiner Solo-CD „Psalmen & Lobgesänge“ beim Label Christophorus veröffentlicht.

Experiencing The World Of Franklin: The Making Of An Immersive And Interactive Historical Exhibit

Webster, Daniel Joseph 01 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis involves the creation of a historically-themed museum element. The element, titled “Improving Community,” is a virtual interactive game that allows players to explore certain realities of colonial American life. Within the game, players are presented with a number of civic-related issues that existed throughout the eighteenth century, and they are then given options to improve the situation. Interactivity and immersion are key features of the game, and they have been incorporated so that players may engage with the past and assume a more active role in the process of historical reconstruction. Research for the games draws mostly upon historical primary sources, including firsthand accounts, letters, diaries, periodicals, pamphlets, meeting minutes, and legal documents. In addition, the process of developing the games was informed by a number of secondary source works, and therefore this study inspects the ways in which “Improving Community” fits within the ongoing scholarly debates. Ultimately this project contributes to the field of public history by demonstrating the usefulness of games as a tool for historical exhibition. “Improving Community” is both entertaining and educational, and as a result, the game provides individuals with a unique outlet for exploring and experiencing the past.

Понятие «империя» в интеллектуальном наследии Эдмунда Бёрка : магистерская диссертация / The Concept of Empire in the Intellectual Heritage of Edmund Burke

Гаврилин, Б. А., Gavrilin, B. A. January 2022 (has links)
Исследование посвящено изучение роли понятия империя в исторических работах Эдмунда Бёрка. В ходе изучения темы была применена методология Кембриджской истории по помещению текста в интеллектуальный контекст времени. Источниками для работы стали ряд публицистических произведений британского публициста, а также его эпистолярное наследие. Результатом работы стало выделение представления Бёрка о империи и том как она должна выглядеть в XVIII в. / This study explores the role of the concept of empire in the historical writings of Edmund Burke. In the course of the study the methodology of Cambridge History of placing the text in the intellectual context of time was applied. The sources for the work were a number of publicistic works of the British publicist, as well as his epistolary heritage. The result of the work was the highlighting of Burke's view of the empire and how it should look like in the eighteenth century.

The Persistence of Castilian Law in Frontier Texas: the Legal Status of Women

Stuntz, Jean A. 05 1900 (has links)
Castilian law developed during the Reconquest of Spain. Women received certain legal rights to persuade them to move to the villages on the expanding frontier. These legal rights were codified in Las Siete Partidas, the monumental work of Castilian law, compiled in the thirteenth century. Under Queen Isabella, Castilian law became the law of all Spain. As Spain discovered, explored, and colonized the New World, Castilian law spread. The Recopilacidn de Los Leyes de Las Indias complied the laws for all the colonies. Texas, as the last area in North America settled by Spain, retained Castilian law. Case law from the Bexar Archives proves this for the Villa of San Fernando(present-day San Antonio). Castilian laws and customs persisted even on the Texas frontier.

Analysis of glass beads from the “Roten Schmelzzimmer” in Arnstadt and glass tableware from the Grafschaft Schwarzburg-Sondershausen dating from the 17th and 18th century

Ramdani, Yamna 03 November 2023 (has links)
This study investigates various glass objects from the 17th and 18th centuries in Thuringia to gain insight into their manufacturing techniques. The objects include glass beads from the Roten Schmelzzimmer and diverse glass objects from the Schwarzburg-Sondershausen collection. The analytical methods include optical microscopy, CT, SEM-EDX, LA-ICP-MS and Raman spectroscopy. The glass beads from the Roten Schmelzzimmer were identified as soda-lime- and high-lead-silicate glasses, which were made using highly pure sands and halophytic plant ashes as a fluxing agent. These recipes are characteristic from the Mediterranean region. The beads were coloured in 11 different colours with copper, cobalt, manganese, iron, and were possibly opacified with salt and tartrate. The analysed glass objects from the Schwarzburg collection were made using different recipes based on potash-lime-silicate glass with high amounts of potash and calcium, and calcinated-bone ashes as a white opacifier, characteristic of central Europe.

Sällsynta, vanliga kvinnor : Genremåleriets skildringar som kunskapskälla kring 1700-talets arbetande kvinnor i Sverige

Sylwan, Veronica January 2023 (has links)
Sällsynta, vanliga kvinnor - Genremåleriets skildringar som kunskapskälla kring 1700-talets arbetande kvinnor i Sverige. The aim of this essay is to study whether genre paintings portraying lower and middle class women in the 18th century Sweden can act as a source of information and knowledge regarding these women ́s types of work and way of life and if so, what in the the motives can be used as a source of information and thus contribute to traditional historical research. The essay focuses on Sweden and the years between 1770 - 1810 since this was a time of rapid political, economic and cultural development which all effected the art market. These years were also the productive years of the artist Pehr Hilleström who was the most formative contributor to Swedish genre painting at the time. In this essay three motives have been analysed with attention to repertoires of work, ways of performing work and social hierarchies within work among the portrayed women. Research on aspects of economic history, material culture, work, family and gender, dress history as well as pictures as historical evidence puts the depicted women in relation to their context. The conclusion is that with knowledge of the time period and culture, special knowledge of what is displayed and thereby the adequate ability to critically evaluate the source indeed makes genre painting a useful source of information. / Sällsynta, vanliga kvinnor - Genremåleriets skildringar som kunskapskälla kring 1700-talets arbetande kvinnor i Sverige. Uppsatsen fokuserar på perioden 1770-1810 och det som då var Sverige eftersom samhälle och kultur utvecklades snabbt under denna tid vilket gynnade konstmarknaden och en ny typ av motiv då blev populärt - genremotiv. Uppsatsen undersöker om dessa kan användas som källa till kunskap och i så fall vad i motiven som kan utgöra detta. Tre motiv målade av Pehr Hilleström under den aktuella perioden valdes ut för verksanalyser. I motiven föreställande kvinnor ur ett lägre samhällsskikt och som utför någon typ av hushållsrelaterat arbete undersöks om kunskap och information kring dessa kvinnor och deras arbetsliv kan erhållas. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att med tillräcklig kunskap om aktuell tid och kontext, rätt specialkunskaper kring vad som avbildas i form av föremål, interiörer och klädedräkt samt adekvat källkritik så kan genremotiv användas som en källa till information och kunskap.


Kiger, Joshua A. 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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