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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psigobiografiese persoonlikheidsbeskrywing van Generaal Christiaan de Wet / Psychobiographical personality description of General Chrstiaan Rudolph de Wet

Henning, Riana January 2010 (has links)
Hierdie is 'n psigobiografiese studie van Generaal Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. 'n Psigobiografiese studie is die bestudering van 'n persoon se volledige lewe met die doel om die persoon beter te verstaan. Psigobiografiese navorsing maak gebruik van psigologiese teorieë wat aangewend word om die biografiese data van 'n persoon se lewe te beskryf en moontlik ook te verklaar. Die individu wat bestudeer word, is gewoonlik 'n bekende, invloedryke, navolgenswaardige, interessante of modelfiguur. Daar is tans 'n oplewing in die veld van psigobiografiese studies, maar daar word nog steeds nie genoeg in die akademiese veld gedoen om psigobiografiese studies te bevorder nie. De Wet (1854-1922) is vir hierdie studie gekies omdat hy 'n interessante, dog komplekse figuur was. Hy het veral tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1899-1902 bekendheid verwerf. As 45-jarige man het De Wet in die Anglo-Boereoorlog geveg en vinnig opgang as 'n militêre leier gemaak. Sy vindingryke ontsnappingspogings het die Britse magte hoofbrekens besorg. Wat De Wet verder uniek maak, is dat hy met net drie maande skoolopleiding in die parlement gedien het, as president verkies is, die hoogste gesag in die Verdedigingsmag gehad het en 'n boek oor sy oorlogsherinneringe geskryf het. Alhoewel daar akademiese werke oor De Wet bestaan, is daar tot op hede nog geen psigobiografiese studie oor hom gedoen nie. Die doel van die studie was om die mens agter die legende na vore te bring. Daar is ook gepoog om moontlike antwoorde en verklarings op onbeantwoorde vrae te gee. Die studie het van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data gebruik gemaak en kan as 'n psigobiografiese gevalstudie beskryf word. Die Vyf-faktor model van Costa en McCrae (1992) is op die biografiese data van De Wet toegepas om sodoende sy persoonlikheidseienskappe te beskryf. Die bevindinge het interessante persoonlikheidseienskappe van De Wet deur middel van die Vyf-faktor model aan die lig gebring. Volgens die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge was De Wet 'n vyandige, aksie-gedrewe, bevoegde, prestasie-strewende, selfgedissiplineerde, warm, openhartige, saggeaarde en beskeie persoon. Die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-ontledings het uiteenlopende persoonlikheidskenmerke by De Wet geïdentifiseer. Die grootste verskille het by die fasette warmte, openhartigheid en altruïsme voorgekom. Die waarde van die studie is dat 'n wetenskaplike persoonlikheidsontleding van De Wet gedoen is. Dit is ook die eerste studie waar 'n teoretiese model op De Wet se persoonlikheid toegepas is. Alhoewel die studie sekere tekortkominge toon, beklemtoon dit terselfdertyd die wenslikheid daarvan om alternatiewe modelle te gebruik tydens die ontleding van persoonlikheidskenmerke. Die studie dui ook op die behoefte aan verdere navorsing, byvoorbeeld soortgelyke ontledings en vergelykings van die persoonlikhede van ander militêre bevelvoerders (De la Rey, Smuts, Beyers, Hertzog).

O anjo poeta: relação entre literatura e misticismo em escritos de Dom Helder Câmara

Silva, Darci Francisca da 12 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_darci_francisca.pdf: 464760 bytes, checksum: faab31e098f3dc68dccb760cf14e5d3c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-12 / Interest in spirituality and its literary expressions has become very popular. Being part of this interest, his research of dissertation seeks a relationship between literature and mysticism in the works of the Bishop Helder Camara. It begins with a realization that mysticisms, though not common, in its attitude, in an effort to form a union between reality and transcendence, necessitating a corresponding courageous attitude to accept a "state non-being" which represents a way and proportions a listing and reception of the divine, integrating faith and life, caking its practitioners an experience of God. The mystics can creatively use literary language. When they narrate histories, describe projects, write discourses, record nature. Meditations or let imaginations flow in configurations which point to dimensions non-experimental to comprehensions which still minimally do not comprehend to his according / Por toda parte, tem-se presenciado o surgimento de um renovado interesse pela espiritualidade e por suas expressões religiosas. Em sintonia com tal busca, a presente pesquisa versa sobre a "Relação existente entre literatura e misticismo em escritos de dom Helder Camara", a partir da constatação de que o misticismo, embora sendo um exercício espiritual raro, em sua atitude básica, é ele o esforço pela união entre a realidade e a transcendência, implicando a correspondente coragem de tomar sobre si o não-ser. E isso representa um recurso que proporciona a escuta e o acolhimento do divino, integrando fé e vida, a ponto de que seus praticantes possam exercitar-se num diálogo com seu Deus. Os místicos podem, criativamente, fazer uso da linguagem literária no manuseio das palavras, quando, nas narrativas históricas, descrevem planos, realizam esboços dos seus discursos a proferir e registram maturas meditações. A imaginação flui em configurações que apontam para dimensões não palpáveis à compreensão daqueles que, minimamente, não perceberam suas conformações

Religião e solidariedade : Dom Helder Camara e a cáritas brasileira

Costa, José Hamilton da 06 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_jose_hamilton.pdf: 1521582 bytes, checksum: 0e0922670ead9db986f0e25051282b4c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-06 / The practice of solidarity and social inclusion promoted by Dom Helder Camara, through the institutions and activities that created and / or supported, resulted from the principles relating to human development adopted by him in his pastoral career as a Brazilian religious leadership. In this work, we highlight the period from 1952 to 1964 and it was focused on reconstruction and analysis of the foundation and first years of Caritas Brasileira. The approach on the relationship between religion and solidarity is characterized in this thesis, as actual reality, the initiatives coming from a Church representative who offered to serve the poorest. So he created and / or supported structures plausible cooperation between people, communities and the state. The analysis of accumulated experience in building initiatives of various institutions, for example, the CNBB, Crusade San Sebastian and the Bank of Providence, made possible, in dialogue with primary sources cited and the theoretical work, say that the strategy social interaction, caused countless times by Dom Helder, contributed to the promotion of Christian practice and the lives of people in that period were involved in the walks of society and the Catholic Church. The object of this analysis has focused on building the institutions that approached the Church of the faithful and their care activities / A solidariedade e a prática da inclusão social promovidas por Dom Helder Camara, através das instituições e atividades que criou e/ou apoiou, resultaram dos princípios referentes à promoção humana por ele adotados, em sua trajetória pastoral enquanto liderança religiosa brasileira. Neste trabalho, destaca-se o período de 1952 a 1964 e foi concentrado na reconstituição e análise da fundação e dos primeiros anos da Cáritas Brasileira. A abordagem sobre a relação entre religião e solidariedade está caracterizada, nesta dissertação, como realidade efetiva, oriunda das iniciativas de um representante da Igreja que se disponibilizou ao serviço dos mais pobres. Assim, criou e/ou apoiou estruturas plausíveis à cooperação entre as pessoas, com as comunidades e com o Estado. A análise das experiências acumuladas nas iniciativas de criação de diversas instituições, como, por exemplo, a CNBB, a Cruzada São Sebastião e o Banco da Providência, possibilitou, em diálogo com as fontes primárias e com os teóricos citados no trabalho, afirmar que a estratégia de interação social, provocada inúmeras vezes por Dom Helder, contribuiu para a valorização da prática cristã e da vida das pessoas que, naquele período, estavam envolvidas com as caminhadas da sociedade e da Igreja Católica. O objeto desta análise concentrou-se na criação das instituições que aproximaram a Igreja de seus fiéis e de suas atividades assistenciais

Nykterhetsrörelsen i Bohuslän : En studie av storstrejken 1909 års praktik vid nykterhetslogen nr 73 Vikingen i Uddevalla. / The temperance movement in Bohuslän : A study of the practice of the general stike of 1909 at the temperance lodge No.73 Vikingen in Uddevalla.

Jansson, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattningsvis har syftet med uppsatsen varit att undersöka kopplingen mellan nykterhetsrörelsen och storstrejken 1909 inom en lokal nykterhetsförening i Uddevalla, och därmed se förhållningssättet till strejken och dess möjliga påverkan. Det här för att belysa folkrörelsernas tänkbara mobiliseringsfaktor i samhället. Då det inte gått att undersöka varje aspekt av Logen nr 73 Vikingen, har det avgränsats i att granska och behandla tre valda frågeställningar. Studien grundar sig i att undersöka vad som under logens möten kom att diskuteras vid strejkens period, samt om Vikingen aktivt kom att förhålla sig till strejken. Uppsatsen vill undersöka om storstrejken 1909 kom att påverka nykterhetsföreningen på något sätt, till exempel genom medlemsrekryteringen, vilket blir den sista undersökande frågan.  Källmaterialet som legat till grund för studien bygger på föreningsprotokoll samt kvartalsrapporter från Uddevalla Föreningsarkiv, som hjälpt till att svara på tänkta frågeställningar.  Logen nr 73 Vikingen kom inte att förhålla sig aktiva i och med strejken, utan kom istället att under deras möten diskutera andra relevanta delar utifrån logens fördel. Bland annat kom ett skötsamhetsideal att visa sig relevant, då tid och arbete just lades på det här. Diskussion i och med strejken gav sig till känna i protokollen vid ett par tillfällen, men visar att dess verkan inte blev så stor. Däremot visade medlemsrekryteringen på en succesiv förändring där antalet medlemmar året efter strejken kom att öka rejält till 1910.   Slutsatsen av den här studien är att Logen nr 73 Vikingen i Uddevalla inte kom att ha en klar påverkan av storstrejken 1909. Strejken kom att bli viktig för arbetarrörelsens historia då den påverkade mängder av människor på olika sätt, men tycks ändå inte ha haft en inverkan på Logen Vikingen annat än i dess ökade medlemsantal.

Burger se rol in die Suid-Afrikaanse partypolitiek, 1934-1948 / The presence of Die Burger in the partypolitics of South Africa, 1934-1948

Joubert, Jurie Jacobus 13 February 2015 (has links)
Afrikaans text / In die perswese van Suid-Afrika het Die Burger gedurende die dertiger- en veertigerjare ’n besondere plek beklee. A1 was dit nie ’n koerant met reusesirkulasiesyfers nie, is dit gerespekteer omdat dit onder meer ’n besonder bevoegde redaksie en bestuurspan gehad het. Die wyse waarop hy sy direkte teenstander, Die Suiderstem, in die stof laat byt het, lewer bewys van Die Burger se krag en invloed, veral in sy hinterland. Die Burger en die Nasionale Party van Kaapland se noue verbintenis het tot gevolg gehad dat hulle ’n gedugte span gevorm het. Die verbintenis, wat wedersydse voordele ingehou het, is grootliks versterk deur D.F. Malan se betrokkenheid by Die Burger. Die rol wat die twee redakteurs A.L. Geyer en PJA. Weber in die tydperk 1934 tot 1948 gespeel het, moet as van kardinale belang beskou word. Veral die persoonlike ondersteuning wat hulle aan D.F. Malan gegee het in sy opbou van die Nasionale Party in die jare 1934 - 1948, het ’n deurslaggewende uitwerking op die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke geskiedenis gehad. Die rol wat Die Burger gedurende die koalisietydperk en daarna tydens samesmelting gespeel het, asook sy besonder noue verbintenis met sy lesers, het die koerant veral in Kaapland ’n baie belangrike politieke faktor gemaak. Dit het aan hom ook ’n besondere posisie van mag binne die Nasionale Party van Suid- Afrika laat inneem. Hierin het Geyer as redakteur, maar veral in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid, ’n groot rol gespeel. Die Burger se jarelange bydrae as kultuurbouer van die Afrikaanssprekendes het meegewerk dat die koerant as mede-skepper van die Nasionale Party se apartheidsfilosofie opgetree het. Die filosofie is beskou as die enigste wyse waarop die Afrikaanssprekende se kulturele en politieke regte beskerm en bestendig kon word. As praktiese instrument het dit veral ná 1939 ook meegehelp om die Nasionale Party aan bewind te bring in 1948. Die koerant het J.C. Smuts en die Verenigde Party gereeld aangeval en op alle gebiede aan die kaak probeer stel. Veral gedurende en na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het die koerant die Smuts-bewind as ’n onbevoegde regering aan sy lesers voorgehou, 'en het sekerlik sukses daarmee behaal. / During the nineteen thirties and forties the Afrikaans newspaper Die Burger occupied a prominent place within the ambience of the South African press. Without reaching large circulation figures, it achieved recognition and respect because - apart from other reasons - it commanded the skills of a very competent editorial staff and management team. The way in which it effectively ousted its main rival Die Suiderstem, is testimony of its power and influence, particularly in its hinterland. The close association between Die Burger and the Cape National Party represented a formidable joining of forces. This relationship, entailing mutual advantages, was sustained significantly by the involvement of Dr. D.F. Malan with Die Burger. Of cardinal importance also was the part played by two editors, A.L. Geyer and P.A. Weber, in the period 1934 to 1948. Their personal support of Dr. Malan in establishing and consolidating the National Party during the years 1934 to 1948 had a decisive influence on South African political history. The role assumed by Die Burger in the period of Coalition and Fusion, as well as the close bond it had established with its readership, made it a potent political force, particularly in the Cape Province. At the same time it gained for itself an important position of power within the National Party of South Africa. In all of this Geyer was a central figure - officially as editor, but more particularly also in a personal capacity. Die Burger's efforts over the years in advancing the cultural cause of Afrikaners led the paper to become a co-founder of the National Party's philosophy of apartheid. The implementation of this ideology was regarded as the only way in which the cultural and political rights of Afrikaners could be safeguarded and maintained. After 1939 the paper proved instrumental in bringing the National Party to power in the election of 1948. It regularly attacked General J.C. Smuts and his United Party on a wide political front, pointing out their shortcomings in various areas. Especially during and immediately after World War II it severely criticized the Smuts government for being incompetent, and it undoubtedly achieved political success with this strategy. / History / D. Litt. et Phil.

The annexation of the Transkeian territories (1872-1895), with special reference to British and Cape policy

Saunders, Christopher C. January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

The viceroyalty of Lord Ripon, 1880-1884

Gopal, Sarvepalli January 1951 (has links)
No description available.

The Liberal Party and South Africa, 1895-1902

Butler, Jeffrey January 1963 (has links)
No description available.

Baron Holstein : studies in German diplomacy

Hornik, Marcel Paul January 1942 (has links)
No description available.

Weil, Truth and Life: Simone Weil and Ancient Pedagogy As a Way of Life

Mols, Yvana 07 1900 (has links)
Contemporary philosophers, wary of the vaulted metaphysical systems proposed by Enlightenment thinkers, have explored alternative avenues of doing philosophy. Unfortunately, these "new" philosophical systems often neglect their roots in ancient philosophical practice. The purpose of this thesis is to textually ascertain the ancient concept of philosophy as a way of life in the contemporary philosophical work of Simone Weil. This connection is demonstrated in two distinct yet related ways. The practical pedagogy demonstrated through biographical work and student lecture notes provide a distinct vision of her life's bent toward practical philosophy. In addition, her Notebooks, read in light of Pierre Hadot's interpretation of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, demonstrate the pervasiveness of this way of life in her personal textual engagement. In Weil, therefore, we find an important contemporary instance of continuing and reinterpreting the ancient philosophical practice where she finds her philosophical origin.

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