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Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige / Civilized northerners and primitive strangers : A critical discourse analysis of newsreel and documentary short film in the Swedish welfare stateÖsterholm, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of “The Other” and the “ethnic Swede” by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film. The analysis shows that the Swedish newsreel and travelogue indeed, to a high degree, possessed these currents even though part of them, mainly the anti-Semitic ideas, seems to relapse after the Holocaust.</p>
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Att bli subjekt i sin egen historia : En studie i Alice Lyttkens Flykten från vardagen och - kommer inte till middagenBerg, Annika January 2008 (has links)
<p>Alice Lyttkens (1897-1991) was a very popular author in Sweden during several decades in the middle of the twentieth century. She was most famous for her historical novels. During her first period as a novelist in the 1930s, however, she wrote contemporary fiction, reflecting the situation of contemporary Women. The traditional view of the two sexes as “complementary” permeated the interwar period. Complementary at this time was presupposed as an asymmetrical and hierarchical relation between the two sexes. The male was seen as superior to the female in being strong when she was weak etc. According to the Swedish researcher Kristina Fjelkestam’s dissertation Ungkarlsflickor, kamrathustrur och manhaftiga lesbianer this view was close at hand in representations of femininity. In this paper I discuss how the protagonists in Alice Lyttkens novels Flykten från vardagen (1933) and - kommer inte till middagen (1934) relate to this social norm, or ”doxa”. By making such an analysis I come to the conclusion that this ”doxa” is represented in both novels, but strongly challenged by the protagonists in their actions and life choices. The narrator also questions the predominated complementary view and demonstrates the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings throughout the novels. The author there by emphasizes a critical feminist attitude. The narrator is also critical of the superficial so-called modern characters, which apparently is under the influence of the ”doxa”.</p>
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The Operationalization of the Doctrine of In Loco Parentis: The Administrative Council of the University of Tennessee in the Early 1920s and 1930sCoker, Bryan Franklin 01 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe how the doctrine of in loco parentis was operationalized at the University of Tennessee during the early 1920s and 1930s, through analysis of the minutes of the University of Tennessee Administrative Council, the administrative body charged with the major decisions concerning student life for the University. The phenomenon under examination in this single, descriptive, holistic case study design was the operationalization of the concept of in loco parentis, and the case was the University of Tennessee during the early 1920s and 1930s.
The study identified the various issues with which the Administrative Council dealt in the early 1920s and 1930s, as well as outcomes of the various issues before the Council. The findings revealed that the University practiced standing in the place of students’ parents in various ways, including: a comprehensive class attendance policy and monitoring of class attendance; substantial monitoring and oversight of academic progress; mandated attendance at a religious chapel program; restrictions on travel outside Knoxville while classes were in session; regulation of social dancing; visitation and curfew restrictions in residential facilities for women; lecturing and verbal reprimanding of students who appeared before the Council; serving as a permission-granting or permission-denying body for various and sundry requests; disciplining of students for vague, non-specific matters of non-academic student misconduct; and extensive use of student probation and the associated restrictions which accompanied probation.
As the first study to document the way in which the doctrine of in loco parentis was operationalized from an administrative perspective, the findings add significantly to the existing literature and to our understanding of the relationship between the student and the institution in the early part of the twentieth century.
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Att bli subjekt i sin egen historia : En studie i Alice Lyttkens Flykten från vardagen och - kommer inte till middagenBerg, Annika January 2008 (has links)
Alice Lyttkens (1897-1991) was a very popular author in Sweden during several decades in the middle of the twentieth century. She was most famous for her historical novels. During her first period as a novelist in the 1930s, however, she wrote contemporary fiction, reflecting the situation of contemporary Women. The traditional view of the two sexes as “complementary” permeated the interwar period. Complementary at this time was presupposed as an asymmetrical and hierarchical relation between the two sexes. The male was seen as superior to the female in being strong when she was weak etc. According to the Swedish researcher Kristina Fjelkestam’s dissertation Ungkarlsflickor, kamrathustrur och manhaftiga lesbianer this view was close at hand in representations of femininity. In this paper I discuss how the protagonists in Alice Lyttkens novels Flykten från vardagen (1933) and - kommer inte till middagen (1934) relate to this social norm, or ”doxa”. By making such an analysis I come to the conclusion that this ”doxa” is represented in both novels, but strongly challenged by the protagonists in their actions and life choices. The narrator also questions the predominated complementary view and demonstrates the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings throughout the novels. The author there by emphasizes a critical feminist attitude. The narrator is also critical of the superficial so-called modern characters, which apparently is under the influence of the ”doxa”.
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Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige / Civilized northerners and primitive strangers : A critical discourse analysis of newsreel and documentary short film in the Swedish welfare stateÖsterholm, Johan January 2006 (has links)
This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of “The Other” and the “ethnic Swede” by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film. The analysis shows that the Swedish newsreel and travelogue indeed, to a high degree, possessed these currents even though part of them, mainly the anti-Semitic ideas, seems to relapse after the Holocaust.
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”Något fel är det med honom, han kommer säkerligen aldrig att bliva en god medborgare” : En studie om barnavårdsnämnden, skolan och de avvikande barnen i 1930-talets Malmö stad / "Something is wrong with him, he will certainly never become a good citizen" : A study of childwelfare, school and the deviant children in the 1930s MalmöAndersson, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen. The school, as well as the board, had to shoulder a part of the upbringing when theparents skills in their upbringing of the children was questioned by society.This study can hopefully provide knowledge and understanding of our social history, it mayhelp us to understand the great changes that have occurred and what is still unchanged.
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An international history of unemployment through the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization, 1931-1937Timpson, Mark January 2017 (has links)
Late in 1931, the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated that worldwide unemployment had reached 20-25 million. The ILO was also mindful that the consequences of unemployment were borne by dependents and concluded that the number of people directly affected by unemployment was therefore probably in the region of 50-60 million. The thesis revisits this old theme of the 'Hungry Thirties' but considers it in a new and different way. Most histories of unemployment during the Great Depression have been presented in national terms but this study examines unemployment from an international perspective by utilizing the League of Nations and ILO as sites through which to explore how debates about unemployment and how to respond to it were being internationalized. Utilizing the vast archives of the League of Nations and ILO, the thesis focuses on a series of interconnected themes - public works and economic policy, migration, housing, and nutrition - themes that the League and ILO identified as being the 'fallout' from unemployment. It builds on recent research of the League and ILO that has revealed more complex histories of these two international organizations and that has recognized that the 'technical' agencies were core functions that consumed significant resources of personnel and money. Crucially, this work not only continued during the 1930s but thrived even as the political atmosphere darkened; it is, therefore, a history that offers another side to the autarky and nationalism of the 1930s. The thesis also connects the technical agencies of the League of Nations to the ILO and, in contrast to the customary treatment of the interaction of these two organizations that emphasizes inter-agency tension, it identifies how the collaboration was an important step in the rediscovery of the fundamental connection between economy and society by linking economic policy to social and physical welfare.
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Art Deco poets : reframing the works of W.H. Auden and Louis MacNeice in the context of Interwar Visual ArtWoodcock-Squires, Zoe E. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines works by the British interwar writers W.H. Auden and Louis MacNeice in the context of their relationship with the contemporary style of visual art known as Art Deco or the Moderne. It is my contention that, having absorbed many of the Art Deco idioms as an accepted part of the world they experience, these are reflected in the writers' works, firmly relating the work to a unique historical moment, place and social and cultural environment. In my reading of their work I identify sources of inspiration in their themes, idioms and imagery common to the artistic style, and investigate the extent to which their work has been informed in content and composition by visual art. Using diaries, travelogues, letters, essays, prose and poetry, I will argue that if Art Deco characterised the interwar period, it follows that it will also characterise the work of Auden and MacNeice. As such, I seek to reframe their work in an entirely new context, one seemingly unnoticed by earlier critics. My project also considers the ways in which a worldview is formed and environments are learned from childhood, with reference to early twentieth-century psychologists Erich Fromm, Lev Vygotsky and Maria Montessori, in order to posit the notion that growing up in the heyday of Art Deco, Auden and MacNeice may have subceived a great many of its motifs. I also identify the ways in which the writers engage visual art with intent, and establish a relationship between the writers and Art Deco's politics, imagery and composition through discussion of individual poems and their co-authored book Letters From Iceland (1937). In particular, the thesis examines the presence and impact of Art Deco elements in their work, such as Cubism (using both visual and literary examples), Futurism, the cinema, the Ballets Russes, and interwar attempts at producing what Wagner termed gesamtkunstwerk, the 'total work of art'.
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Teatro ligeiro cômico no Rio de Janeiro: a década de 1930 / Light comedy in Rio de Janeiro: 1930sAdriano de Assis Ferreira 18 November 2010 (has links)
Apresentação dos elementos básicos da produção teatral ligeira no Brasil, requisito para a compreensão da história do teatro brasileiro no século XX, focando a encenação como produto que pode ser avaliado sob três prismas (estética, moralidade e diversão) enquanto valor de uso, mas que demanda a produção de valor de troca. Reconstituição histórica do teatro ligeiro, partindo de seu surgimento enquanto \"gênero alegre\" em meados do século XIX na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, passando por sua transformação em teatro ligeiro musicado na virada do século, consolidada com a adoção do procedimento das sessões. Apresentação do teatro ligeiro cômico, apontando seu surgimento com o Teatro Trianon, a partir de 1915, e enfocando seu desenvolvimento durante a década de 1920. Exposição cronológica do desenvolvimento do teatro ligeiro cômico no Rio de Janeiro durante a década de 1930, ano a ano, enfocando os principais acontecimentos. Relatório sobre o surgimento da peça social e a representação de Deus lhe Pague, de Joracy Camargo, por Procópio Ferreira. Relatório sobre a atuação da Companhia Dulcina-Odilon durante a década, apresentando seus grandes sucessos e a consolidação da imagem de empresa teatral de qualidade superior. Relatório sobre as atividades de Renato Vianna, enfocando suas iniciativas e as relações com a produção ligeira. Relatório sobre a atuação do Estado, que se torna sistemática a partir da metade da década e interfere no equilíbrio de forças no ambiente cultural brasileiro. Relatório sobre as atividades dos grupos amadores que passam a pressionar a produção ligeira e convertem-se em uma possibilidade alternativa de produção teatral. Relatório analisando cinco comédias históricas encenadas no final da década / Presentation of the basic elements of theatrical production in Brazil, requirement for understanding the history of Brazilian theater in the twentieth century, focusing on three prisms (aesthetics, morality and fun). Historical reconstruction of light theatre (\"teatro ligeiro\"), from its emergence in mid-nineteenth century in Rio de Janeiro, through its transformation in musical theater at the turn of the century, consolidated by adopting the procedure of the sessions. Presentation of light comedy (\"teatro ligeiro cômico\"), pointing its appearance with the Theatre Trianon, from 1915, and focusing on its development during the 1920s. Chronological development of light comedy (\"comédia ligeira\") in Rio de Janeiro during the 1930s, year by year, focusing on the main events: 1. Deus lhe Pague (Joracy Camargo) presentation; 2. Company Dulcina-Odilon performance; 3. Renato Vianna activities; 4. the State action; 5. Amateur Groups activities. Report examining five historical comedies staged at the end of the decade.
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Španělská občanská válka a Slovensko (1936-1939) / Spanish Civil War and Slovakia (1936-1939)Timko, Maroš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the issue of Czechoslovak-Spanish and Slovak-Spanish relations and contacts during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Through the elaboration and analysis of the Slovak historical literature and the press on the subject of the Spanish war, it tries to offer a complex view of the issue, taking into account the political, social and economic problems of the mentioned period in the domestic scene as well as in Spain. The author deals not only with the development of Slovak-Spanish relations and their imposition into international context, but also with a critical analysis of Slovak newspapers and literary works dealing with the subject of the Spanish conflict, which were issued during this period, through foreign and domestic academic literature as well as memories of direct participants. The aim of this thesis is to offer an impartial overview on the topic Slovakia and the Spanish Civil War, with emphasis on key aspects of Czechoslovak, Slovak and Spanish history.
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