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How did East Germany's Media represent Iran between 1949 and 1989?Klusener, Edgar January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines how the press of the erstwhile German Democratic Republic represented Iran in the years from 1949 – the year of the GDR’s formation – until 1989, the last complete year before its demise on 3 October 1990. The study focuses on key events in Iranian history such as the overthrow of the Mossadegh government in 1953, the White Revolution, the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Iran-Iraq war. It will be shown that although news and articles were based on selected facts, they still presented a picture of Iran that was at best distorted, the distortions and misrepresentations amounting to what could be described as 'factual fiction'. Furthermore, clear evidence will be provided that economical and political relations with Iran were a primary concern of the GDR’s leadership, and thus also of the GDR’s press and have therefore dominated the reporting on Iran. Whatever ideological concerns there may have been, they were hardly ever allowed to get in the way of amicable relations with the Shah or later with the Islamic Republic. Only in periods where the two countries enjoyed less amicable or poor relations, was the press free to critically report events in Iran and to openly support the cause of the SED’s communist Iranian sister party, the Tudeh. Despite East Germany’s diametric ideological environment and despite the fundamentally different role that the GDR’s political system had assigned to the press and to journalism, East Germany’s press was as reliant on the input of the global news agencies as any Western media. The at times almost complete reliance on Western news agencies as sources for news on Iran challenged more than just the hermeneutic hegemony the SED and the GDR’s press wanted to establish. After all, which news and information were made available by the news agencies to the media in both East and West was primarily determined by the business interests of said agencies. The study makes a contribution to three fields: Modern Iranian history, (East-) German history and media studies. The most valid findings were certainly made in the latter.
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A politics of memory : cognitive strategies of five women writing in CanadaThompson, Dawn 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to develop a counter—memory,
a cognitive strategy that provides an alternative to the
most prevalent mode of political action by members of
minority or subaltern groups: identity politics. It begins
with Teresa de Lauretis’ semiotics of subjectivity, which
posits the human subject as a shifting series of positions
or habits formed through semiotic and cognitive “mapping”
of, and being “mapped” by, its environment. De Lauretis
maintains that the subject can transform social reality
through an “inventive” mode of mapping. The first chapter
of this study is a semiotic analysis of the memory system at
work in Nicole Brossard’s Picture Theory. It argues that
Brossard’s use of holographic technology is an invention
that attempts to alter women’s maps of social reality.
Quantum physicist David Bohm has also employed the hologram
as a theoretical model. By merging Brossard’s holographic
memory with Bohm’s theory of a “holomovement,” this study
develops an epistemological strategy that alters not only
the map of reality, but also the dominant representational
mode of cognitive mapping.
This enquiry then moves on to other novels written in
Canada which have a strong political impetus based on
gender, nationality, ethnicity, race and/or class: Margaret
Atwood’s Surfacing, Marlene Nourbese Philip’s Looking for
Livingstone, Beatrice Culleton’s In Search of April Raintree
and Régine Robin’s La Ouébécoite. Through textual analysis,
it attempts to establish that although these novels make no
mention of holography, each of them employs a memory system
that inscribes itself holographically. That holographic
memory provides an alternative political strategy to the
“identity politics” at work in each of these texts. Each
text, in turn, like a fragment of a hologram, adds another
structural and political dimension to the hologram. The
processual structure of the holographic theory provides a
ground for alliances between different political agendas
while resisting closure. As an epistemological strategy, it
promises to alter both the method and the ground of
knowledge. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Redeeming flesh : portrayals of women and sexuality in the work of four contemporary Catholic novelistsBaldwin, Ruth Margaret Anne 11 1900 (has links)
The last half of the twentieth century has seen a rapid increase in the process of
secularization in both Britain and America, and this trend is nowhere more clearly evident than
in the widespread relaxation of sexual mores. Within the Catholic Church a tension has arisen
between liberal Catholics who argue for the right of Catholics to act according to the dictates of
individual conscience, and traditionalists who champion the absolute moral authority of the
Church. Liberal Catholics emphasize the Thomist view in which the flesh and its desires are
seen as part of God's creation and, therefore, intrinsically good, while conservative Catholics
lean toward an Augustinian/Jansenist view which equates sexual desire with the fallen nature
of humankind. There has also been a great deal of unrest among Catholic women regarding
continuing misogynistic tendencies within the male-dominated Church.
This study focuses upon portrayals of women and sexuality in selected novels by four
representative contemporary Catholic novelists, David Lodge, Mary Gordon, Piers Paul Read,
and Anne Redmon. In their fiction, these writers pursue moral questions related to sexuality
which preoccupy contemporary Catholics, reflecting in their work the empirical struggle of
Catholics to reconcile Church law with their individual needs and desires. In their ratio to each
other, these novelists represent in microcosm the spectrum of opinion among lay Catholics
regarding sexual morality. Liberals David Lodge and Mary Gordon affirm in their fiction the
goodness of the body and its desires, while Piers Paul Read argues for the orthodox view that
the flesh must be rigidly controlled in the interests of spiritual health. Anne Redmon explores
issues of women and sexuality without entering the debate between liberal and conservative
As this study makes clear, the contemporary Catholic novel provides an experientially
based context for moral reflection on sexual behaviour parallel to and often in tension with the
traditional teaching of the Church. The recent Catholic novel has also provided an important
site for the exploration of women's sexual needs, desires, and moral thinking against the
background of an all-male hierarchical Church, which has largely been silent in this area. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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Kino- und Filmpolitik in Dresden zwischen 1945 und 1949Harring, Mona 09 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Innovation durch Konzentration? Schwerpunktbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im Hochschulwesen der DDR und der Bundesrepublik, 1949-1990: BMBF-Forschungsverbund »Innovationskultur in Deutschland« [Abschlussbericht]Fraunholz, Uwe, Schramm, Manuel January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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70 Jahre fischereiliche Lehre und Forschung in KönigswarthaPfeifer, Matthias, Füllner, Gert 10 August 2020 (has links)
Die Publikation stellt die Entwicklung der fischereilichen Lehre und Forschung sowie der Aufgaben der Fischereibehörde am Standort Königswartha über den Zeitraum von 1949 bis 2019 in Text und Bild dar. In Königswartha wurden fast 4.000 Fischwirte und Fischwirtschaftsmeister ausgebildet. Als Kompetenzzentrum der Fischerei strahlt der Ort weit über die Grenzen Sachsens hinaus. Die Schrift bietet Information und Hintergrundwissen für Absolventen, Interessierte und alle, die persönlich mit den Einrichtungen verbunden sind.
Redaktionsschluss: 11.11.2019
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Shaping the Future Past: Finding History, Creating Identity in the Kwan Hsu PapersDonnelly, Lisa Chere' 01 January 2012 (has links)
Dr. Kwan Hsu was neither a superstar nor a celebrity. Her name does not come up in conversations about important contributors to her field of biophysics nor is she instantly recognizable for her contributions to Portland State University's international program or the state of Oregon's business ties with China. Yet she was a contributor, a cog-in-the-wheel, at the very least, in all of these areas and more. She was a peripheral member of a well-known Chinese family, but few in the United States know of or perhaps have interest in, but otherwise, she had no great connections or family ties to generate interest in her story. How does one process a collection for a woman who does not meet the traditional criteria for excellence or success or public interest for an archive? Where is the value to the larger historical narrative of our time in preserving the memories of someone who was non-remarkable, or, conversely, someone who may be even too unique to contribute to that greater narrative? These are the questions I wrestled with when I first came to this collection. As my research progressed, I realized that I faced more questions, and that to come to any understanding that might answer them, I was going to have to research the history of archives and archival processes. Science, the Cold War, Communist China, women, the immigrant experience, all of these issues became part of my thesis, however shallowly I was able to investigate them. Questions of identity and historiography, of power and discourse were explored. In the end, what I found was that a collection that on the outside looked unimpressive and unenlightening, could indeed be very valuable, and provide insight into any number of areas of current interest in historical research. This is that story.
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El concepto de reconocimiento en MarxLicla Meza, Ricardo 10 September 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es mostrar la insostenibilidad de una teoría del
reconocimiento explícita en Marx; sin embargo, sí es posible articular una propuesta del
reconocimiento sobre la base de las premisas marxianas, anclada en lo mejor de la
tradición marxista. Con la finalidad de lograr estos propósitos iniciaremos presentando el
contexto teórico del concepto de reconocimiento en la tradición alemana (Fichte y Hegel),
luego expondremos la recepción del concepto de reconocimiento hegeliano en filósofos
como Honneth y Taylor, continuaremos dando cuenta sobre el conflicto de
interpretaciones en torno al concepto de reconocimiento en Marx (Renault, Quante, Gunn
y Wilding), y finalizaremos sosteniendo que la lógica del sistema capitalista genera el
reconocimiento enajenado.
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What's False about False ConsciousnessRadhakrishnan, Shivani January 2024 (has links)
Why do we defend the social conditions responsible for our injustice and exploitation? We are confused when disadvantaged women of color cite personal shortcomings rather than the social system as the source of their precarity. Yet, when social philosophers take up these questions by appealing to the concept of ideology, they turn to structural accounts and dismiss theories of false consciousness outright. Accounts of false consciousness, often understood as an epistemic failing to recognize some features of our inadequate social world, meet with a host of objections. Some argue that ascriptions of false consciousness involve authoritarianism, while others criticize the concept for commitments to an implausible correspondence picture of truth. Meanwhile, dismissal of false consciousness accounts of ideology have led to the neglect of an important feature of how ideology works: in and through our own agency. Without an account of false consciousness, critics fail to account for the fact that social structures are the result of our collective consent. They also fail to address how social structures are not analyzable without turning to the self-understandings of the participants in these very institutions.
This dissertation addresses issues in ideology critique that account for our agency. By preserving what is still alive in a theory of false consciousness while addressing the long-standing concerns about authoritarianism and correspondence, this project reconstructs the notion of false consciousness. It closely engages with figures in critical social theory such as Marx, Lukacs, Habermas, Haslanger, Honneth, and Jaeggi, while widening the terms of the debate to consider the relevance, for instance, of object relations psychoanalysis for social philosophers. Beyond this, this dissertation shows that false consciousness is a damaged way of relating to ourselves, to each other, and to the social world. It is characterized, I propose, by affective investment. This move helps us clarify both the phenomenology of false consciousness and what a viable form of critique could look like. Psychoanalysis offers us a new way of understanding ideology critique by directing us beyond the model of critique as judgment as part of overcoming false consciousness.
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Los sucesos de los penales y su repercusión en Izquierda UnidaSegura Heros, Oscar David 19 August 2015 (has links)
El presente trabajo abordará las repercusiones que tuvo en Izquierda Unida (IU) la
decisión del gobierno del presidente Alan García de ordenar el debelamiento de los
motines protagonizados por los presos de Sendero Luminoso en las cárceles de
Lurigancho, El Frontón y Santa Bárbara, entre el 18 y 19 de junio de 1986. / Tesis
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