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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elaboration and characterization by electrochemical technique CZTS thin layers for photovoltaic application

Toura, Hanae 06 November 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The increase in energy needs, particularly in terms of environmental protection, has greatly stimulated research in the field of photovoltaic conversion in recent years. Solar radiation provides an excellent resource for producing clean and sustainable electricity without toxic pollution or global warming, but in terms of high demand for energy for electricity production as well as the toxicity or scarcity of components constitute the solar cells, this solar transformation technology is still somewhat limited. Because these parameters constitute the main environmental concerns surrounding the photovoltaic industry. The compound Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) can be considered as one of the most promising absorbent layer materials for low cost thin film solar cells. The abundance and non-toxicity of the constituent elements this promising material is the subject of this work. Obviously, this leads us to think about optimizing the other parameters influencing the formation of thin layers by the electrodeposition method. An electrochemical deposition technique which offers an advantageous alternative from an economic point of view and especially from the possibility of using large surface substrates. The initial focus was on determining the optimal parameters for the CZTS quaternary thin film development process. The electrodeposition is implemented by the technique of polarization of a potentiostatic electrode. Because this technique is based on the deposition potential of each substance constituting the electrolytic bath, a study has been conducted on the effect of the factors of complexity in order to assimilate these reduction potentials. Then, the annealing process which is a necessary step in the formation of absorbent layers in CZTS was mastered, under the influence of the complexity factor so as to reduce the annealing temperature while preserving the properties of the material. High quality kesterite films with a compact morphology and a well-defined crystal structure at low temperatures were synthesized using Na2SO4 as the complexing agent. Subsequently, the CZTS kesterite films were prepared on different conductive substrates (ITO, FTO and Mo / glass) due to specifying the effect of back contact. The best behavior is a specific combination of the parameters studied. This work made it possible in particular to master the composition of the films deposited, the annealing process as well as the necessary characterization techniques. Finally, our strategy implements a digital simulation of the CZTS solar cell using the SCAPS-1D software. After the experimental visualization of the thin layers of CZTS on different conductive substrates, modeling by the SCAPS-1D software of the CZTS solar cell device showed that the back-contact Mo mounts the best performances. / [ES] El aumento de las necesidades energéticas, particularmente en términos de protección del medio ambiente, ha estimulado en gran medida la investigación en el campo de la conversión fotovoltaica en los últimos años. La radiación solar proporciona un recurso excelente para producir electricidad limpia y sostenible sin contaminación tóxica o calentamiento global, pero en términos de alta demanda de energía eléctrica, así como la toxicidad o escasez de componentes que constituyen las células solares, esta tecnología de transformación solar todavía es algo limitada. En consecuencia estos parámetros constituyen las principales preocupaciones ambientales que rodean a la industria fotovoltaica. El compuesto Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) puede considerarse como uno de los materiales absorbentes más prometedores para las células solares de película delgada de bajo costo. La abundancia y la no toxicidad de los elementos constitutivos de este prometedor material es el tema de este trabajo. Este objetivo nos ha llevado a pensar en optimizar los parámetros que influyen en la formación de capas delgadas por métodos electroquímicos. La técnica de deposición electroquímica o electrodeposición catódica ofrece una alternativa ventajosa desde un punto de vista económico y especialmente ofrece la posibilidad de utilizar sustratos de gran superficie. El enfoque inicial fue determinar los parámetros óptimos para el proceso de desarrollo de película delgada cuaternaria de CZTS. La electrodeposición se implementó mediante la técnica de polarización de un electrodo por el método potenciostático, o sea a potencial constante. Debido a que esta técnica se basa en el potencial de deposición de cada sustancia que constituye el baño electrolítico, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre el efecto de los factores de complejidad para acercar estos potenciales de reducción. Una vez fueron depositadas las capas, se continuó con el estudio del proceso de recocido, que es un paso necesario en la formación de capas absorbentes de CZTS bajo la influencia del factor de complejidad, debido a que conviene reducir la temperatura de recocido mientras se intenta conservan las propiedades del material. Se sintetizaron películas de kesterita de alta calidad con una morfología compacta y una estructura cristalina bien definida a bajas temperaturas usando Na2SO4 como agente acomplejante. Posteriormente, las películas de kesterita CZTS se prepararon en diferentes sustratos conductores (ITO, FTO y Mo / vidrio) para estudiar el efecto del contacto posterior. Comprobamos que el mejor comportamiento se produce para una combinación específica de los parámetros estudiados. En particular este trabajo nos ha permitido controlar la composición de las películas depositadas, dominar el proceso de recocido y usar las técnicas de caracterización necesarias para evaluar la composicion, calidad y propiedades optoelectrónicas de las capas de CZTS sintetizadas. Finalmente, nuestra estrategia implementa una simulación digital de la célula solar CZTS utilizando el software SCAPS-1D. Después de la visualización experimental de las capas delgadas de CZTS en diferentes sustratos conductores, el modelado por el software SCAPS1D del dispositivo de células solares CZTS demostró que el contacto trasero Mo ofrece los mejores rendimientos. / [FR] L'augmentation des besoins énergétiques, notamment en matière de protection de l'environnement, a fortement stimulé la recherche dans le domaine de la conversion photovoltaïque ces dernières années. Le rayonnement solaire fournit une excellente ressource pour produire de l'électricité propre et durable sans pollution toxique ni réchauffement climatique, mais en termes de forte demande d'énergie pour la production de l’électricité ainsi que la toxicité ou la rareté des composants constituent les cellules solaires, cette technologie de transformation solaire est encore un peu limitée. En raison que ces paramètres constituent les principales préoccupations environnementales entourant l'industrie photovoltaïque. Le composé C2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) peut être considéré comme l'un des matériaux de couche absorbante les plus prometteurs pour les cellules solaires en couches minces à faible coût. L’abondance et la non-toxicité des éléments constitutifs ce matériau prometteur fait l'objet de ce travail. De toute évidence, cela nous amène à réfléchir pour optimiser les autres paramètres influençant la formation de couches minces par la méthode d'électrodéposition. Une technique de dépôt par voie électrochimique qui offre une alternative avantageuse du point de vue économique et surtout de la possibilité d’utiliser des substrats de grande surface. Initialement, l'accent était mis sur la détermination des paramètres optimaux pour le processus d’élaboration de couches minces du quaternaire CZTS. L'électrodéposition est mise en œuvre par la technique de polarisation d'une électrode potentiostatique. En raison, que cette technique reposant sur le potentiel de dépôt de chaque substance constituant le bain électrolytique, une étude a été menée sur l'effet des facteurs de complexité afin de rapprocher ces potentiels de réduction. Ensuite, Le processus de recuit qui est une étape nécessaire dans la formation de couches absorbantes en CZTS a été maîtriser, sous l'influence du facteur de complexité en raison de réduire la température de recuit tout en conservant les propriétés du matériau. Des films de kësterite de haute qualité avec une morphologie compacte et une structure cristalline bien définie à basse température ont été synthétisés en utilisant Na2SO4 comme agent complexant. Par la suite, les films de kestérite CZTS ont été préparés sur différents substrats conducteurs (ITO, FTO et Mo / verre) en raison de spécifier l'effet du contact arrière. Le meilleur comportement est une combinaison spécifique des paramètres étudiés. Ces travaux ont permis notamment de maîtriser la composition des films déposés, le processus de recuit ainsi que les techniques de caractérisation nécessaire. Finalement, notre stratégie met en œuvre une simulation numérique de la cellule solaire CZTS à l'aide du logiciel SCAPS − 1D. Après la visualisation expérimentale des couches minces de Czts sur différent substrats conducteur, une modélisation par le logiciel SCAPS-1D du dispositif CZTS cellules solaires a montré que le Mo contact arrière monte les meilleures performances. / [CA] L'augment de les necessitats energètiques, particularment en termes de protecció de l'entorn, ha estimulat en gran mesura la investigació en el camp de la conversió fotovoltaica en els últims anys. La radiació solar proporciona un recurs excel·lent per produir electricitat neta i sostenible sense contaminació tòxica ni escalfament global, però en termes de l'alta demanda d'energia elèctrica, així com la toxicitat o escassetat de components que constitueixen les cèl·lules solars, aquesta tecnologia de transformació solar encara trova barreres limitadores. En conseqüència aquests paràmetres constitueixen les principals preocupacions ambientals que envolten a la indústria fotovoltaica. El compost Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) pot considerar-se com un dels materials absorbents més prometedors per a les cèl·lules solars de pel·lícula prima i de baix cost. L'abundància i la no toxicitat dels elements constitutius d'aquest prometedor material és el tema d'aquest treball. Aquest objectiu ens ha portat a treballar en l’optimització dels paràmetres que influeixen en la formació de capes primes de CZTS per mètodes electroquímics. La tècnica de deposició electroquímica o electrodeposició catòdica ofereix una alternativa avantatjosa des d'un punt de vista econòmic i especialment ofereix la possibilitat d'utilitzar substrats de gran superfície. L'enfocament inicial va ser determinar els paràmetres òptims per al procés de desenvolupament d’una pel·lícula prima quaternària de CZTS. La electrodeposició es va implementar mitjançant la tècnica de polarització d'un elèctrode pel mètode potenciostàtic, o siga a potencial constant. Aquesta tècnica es basa en el potencial de deposició de cada substància que constitueix el bany electrolític es diferent i per tant s'ha dut a terme un estudi sobre l'efecte dels factors de complexitat per tal apropar aquests potencials de reducció de tots els components involucrats. Un cop van ser dipositades les capes, es va continuar amb l’estudi del procés de recuit, que és un pas necessari en la formació de capes absorbents de CZTS sota la influència del factor de complexitat, a causa de la reducció de la temperatura de recuit mentre es conserven les propietats de l'material. Es van sintetitzar pel·lícules de kesterita d'alta qualitat amb una morfologia compacta i una estructura cristal·lina ben definida a baixes temperatures usant Na2SO4 com a agent acomplexant. Posteriorment, les pel·lícules de kesterita CZTS es van preparar en diferents substrats conductors (ITO, FTO i Mo / vidre) per estudiar l'efecte del contacte posterior sobre les capes fines. Obtinguerem que el millor comportament és una combinació específica dels paràmetres estudiats. En particular aquest treball ens ha permès controlar la composició de les pel·lícules dipositades, controlar el procés de recuit i usar les tècniques de caracterització necessàries per avaluar la composició, qualitat i propietats optoelectròniques de les capes de CZTS depositades. Finalment, en la nostra estratègia es va implementar una simulació numérica d’una cèl·lula solar de CZTS utilitzant el programari SCAPS-1D. Després de la visualització experimental de les capes primes de CZTS en diferents substrats conductors, el modelatge pel programari SCAPS-1D del dispositiu fotovoltaic de CZTS va demostrar que el contacte posterior de Mo és el que ofereix el millor rendiment. / I would like to thank the Moroccan Center for Scientific and Technical Research and the Doctoral school of the Polytechnic University of Valencia for the financial assistance they have allocated. I also extend my sincere thanks to the UPV Electron Microscopy Service and to Mr Ángel Sans Tresserras for their help to learn how to work with characterization techniques. / Toura, H. (2020). Elaboration and characterization by electrochemical technique CZTS thin layers for photovoltaic application [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/154334 / TESIS / Compendio

Analysis and Optimization of Shrouded Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

Khamlaj, Tariq A. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Detection of local motion artifacts and image background in laser speckle contrast imaging / Detektering av lokala rörelseartifakter och bakgrund i laser speckle contrast imaging

Nyhlén, Johannes, Sund, Märta January 2023 (has links)
Laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) and its extension, multi-exposure laser speckle contrast imaging (MELSCI) are non-invasive techniques to monitor peripheral blood perfusion. One of the main drawbacks of LSCI and MELSCI in clinical use is that the techniques are sensitive to tissue movement. Moreover, the image background contributes to unnecessary data. The aim of this project was to develop and evaluate different methods to detect local motion artifacts and image backgrounds in LSCI and MELSCI. In this project, three different methods were developed: one using statistical analysis and two using machine learning. The method based on classical statistics was developed in MATLAB with a dataset made up of 1797 frames of 256 x 320 images taken from a recording of a hand where the thumb and middle finger were taking turns making small movements while the middle finger was the subject of three different states made by an occlusion cuff (baseline, occlusion, and reperfusion). The main filter that was used in the first method was the Hampel filter. Furthermore, networks for the machine learning method were developed in Python using the same dataset but with 20,000 small patches extracted from the dataset of sizes 3 x 3 to 21 x 21 pixels. The first machine learning method was based on two-dimensional data patches, hence no time dimension was included, while the second machine learning method used three-dimensional data patches where the time dimension was included (from 1s to 10s). The generation of ground truth for the dataset was manually created frame by frame in a ground truth generation graphical user interface (GUI) in MATLAB. To assess the three methods, the Dice coefficient was used. The statistical method resulted in a Dice coefficient of 0.7557. The highest Dice coefficient for the machine learning method with a 2D dataset was 0.2902 (patch size 13 x 13) and the lowest was 0.2372 (patch size 7 x 7). For the machine learning method with 3D datasets, the patch size of 21 x 21 x 4 resulted in the highest Dice coefficient (0.5173), and the 21 x 21 x 40 model had the lowest Dice coefficient (0.1782). Since the two methods based on temporal data proved to be performing best in this project, one conclusion for further development of an improved model is the usage of temporal data in the training of a model. However, one important difference between the statistical method and the three-dimensional machine learning method is that the statistical method does not handle fast perfusion changes as well as the machine learning method and can not detect image background and static tissue. Therefore, the overall most useful method to further develop is the three-dimensional machine learning method.

Cost-Aware Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Extremely Imbalanced Data

Ahmed, Jishan 11 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of Flash Flood Routing by Means of 1D - Hydraulic Modelling

Tesfay Abraha, Zerisenay 17 September 2010 (has links)
This study was conducted at the mountainous catchment part of Batinah Region of the Sultanate of Oman called Al-Awabi watershed which is about 260km2 in area with about 40 Km long Wadi main channel. The study paper presents a proposed modeling approach and possible scenario analysis which uses 1D - hydraulic modeling for flood routing analysis; and the main tasks of this study work are (1) Model setup for Al-Awabi watershed area, (2) Sensitivity Analysis, and (3) Scenario Analysis on impacts of rainfall characteristics and transmission losses. The model was set for the lower 24 Km long of Al-Awabi main channel (Figure 13). Channel cross-sections were the main input to the 1D-Hydraulic Model used for the analysis of flash flood routing of the Al-Awabi watershed. As field measurements of the Wadi channel cross-sections are labor intensive and expensive activities, availability of measured channel cross-sections is barely found in this study area region of Batinah, Oman; thereby making it difficult to simulate the flood water level and discharge using MIKE 11 HD. Hence, a methodology for extracting the channel cross-sections from ASTER DEM (27mX27m) and Google Earth map were used in this study area. The performance of the model setup was assessed so as to simulate the flash flood routing analysis at different cross-sections of the modeled reach. And from this study, although there were major gap and problems in data as well as in the prevailing topography, slope and other Hydro Dynamic parameters, it was concluded that the 1D-Hydraulic Modelling utilized for flood routing analysis work can be applied for the Al-Awabi watershed. And from the simulated model results, it was observed that the model was sensitive to the type of Boundary Condition chosen and taken, channel cross sections and its roughness coefficient utilized throughout the model reach.

Beitrag zur methodischen Auslegung von Polymerelektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzellensystemen

Keller, Nico 19 December 2023 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Synthese-Vorauslegungsmethode beschrieben, mit der für individuelle Anforderungsprofile in einem frühen Entwicklungsprozess eine methodische Generierung von Lösungsvarianten für Polymerelektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzellen-Stacks erfolgt. Hierzu werden Parametervariationen auf Basis Kanalquerschnitts- und Flussfeldmodellen durchgeführt. Weiterhin werden Berechnungsmodule genutzt, um individuelle konstruktive und verfahrenstechnische Kennwerte der jeweiligen Lösungsvarianten zu bestimmen, unter anderem hinsichtlich GDL-Intrusionseffekten, hydraulischer Druckabfälle, der Umformschädigung metallischer Kanalstrukturen sowie der Berechnung der Flussfeldüberdeckungsbereiche zweier kombinierter Flussfelder. Auf Basis der Variantenkennwerte erfolgen wichtungsbasierte Bewertungsprozesse, aus denen gesamtheitliche Vorzugslösungen resultieren. In einem Beispielszenario wird die Anwendung der präsentierten Synthese-Vorauslegungsmethode exemplarisch dargestellt sowie die experimentellen Ergebnisse zur Charakterisierung der real umgesetzten Vorzugslösung aufgezeigt.:1 Einleitung und Motivation 2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 3 Grundlagen von PEM-BZ 4 Synthese-Auslegungsmethode 5 Berechnungsmodule 6 Anwendung der Synthese-Methode 7 Schlussbetrachtungen

1D Simulation of Hydraulic Cam Phaser System Utilized in Heavy Duty Vehicles : An Investigation on Attenuation of Phase Oscillations from Cam Torque Disturbances

Germundsson, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Cam phasers allow improvements to the efficiency and emissions of internal combustion engines. The usage of hydraulic vane type cam phasers for heavy-duty applications have shown problems with oscillations during testing at Scania CV. To investigate the root cause of the oscillations a detailed 1-d simulation model has been created. The 1-d simulation model was calibrated and compared against measurements of a cam phaser system mounted on a physical engine. The 1-d simulation model of the cam phaser system was shown to be able to reproduce the oscillatory behavior seen in engine tests. But there are some concerns regarding the model's reliability, due to its dependence on the integration time step. It was determined that free air in the phaser chambers is causing the excessive oscillations. The source of the free air present in physical phasers are not yet fully understood, but the movement of the phaser control valve, opening and closing of the phaser chamber vents, in conjunction with motion of the phase oscillations has a significant effect on the phaser's chamber pressure, resulting in reduce pressures. The reduced pressures result in air being sucked in to the phaser, form both the oil control valve vent and external chamber leakages. Another potential sources of free air is dissolved air in the oil supply being released due to low pressures from oil pressure fluctuations. A potential solution to increase the stability of the phaser is to reduce the sources of air, by having an oil accumulator at the vent, limiting leakage, having a high and steady oil supply pressure, modifying the oil control valve ports to have a more gradual initial opening area and controlling the oil control valve appropriately. How to implement these implementations and evaluate them are left as future work. Potential improvements to get rid of the 1-d simulation model's dependence on the time step, increasing the model's reliability, are discussed, but not tested.

Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Studies of Porphyrin and N-Confused Porphyrin Derivatives and Self-assembled Nano-Morphologies

Acharya, Rajendra 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Fluid Structure Interaction of a Duckbill Valve

Wang, Jing 10 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis is concerned with a theoretical and experimental investigation of a duckbill valve (DBV). Duckbill valves are non-return valves made of a composite material, which deforms to open the valve as the upstream pressure increases. The head-discharge behavior is a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem since the discharge depends on the valve opening that in turn depends on the pressure distribution along the valve produced by the discharge. To design a duckbill valve, a theoretical model is required, which will predict the head-discharge characteristics as a function of the fluid flow through the valve and the valve material and geometry.</p> <p>The particular valves of concern in this study, which can be very large, are made from laminated, fiber-reinforced rubber. Thus, the structural problem has strong material as well as geometric nonlinearities due to large deflections. Clearly, a fully coupled FSI analysis using three-dimensional viscous flow would be very challenging and therefore, a simplified approach was sought that treats the essential aspects of the problem in a tractable way. For this purpose, the DBV was modeled using thick shell finite elements, which included the laminates of hyperelastic rubber and orthotropic fabric reinforcement. The finite element method (FEM) was simplified by assuming that the arch side edges of the valve were clamped. The unsteady 1D flow equation was used to model the ideal fluid dynamics that enabled a full FSI analysis. Moreover, verification for the ideal flow was carried out using a transient, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes finite volume solver for the viscous flow corresponding to the deformed valve predicted by the simplified FSI model.</p> <p>In order to validate the predictions of the FSI simulations, an experimental study was performed at several mass flow rates. Pressure drops along the water tunnel, valve inlet and outlet velocity profiles were measured, as well as valve opening deformations as functions of upstream pressures.</p> <p>Additionally, the valve deformations under various back pressures were analyzed when the downstream pressure exceeded the upstream pressure using the layered shell model without coupling and with simplified boundary constraints to avoid solving the contact problem for the inward-deformed duckbill valve. Flow-induced vibration (FIV) of the valve at small openings was also examined to improve our understanding of the valve stability behaviour. Some interesting valve oscillation phenomena were observed.</p> <p>Conclusions are drawn regarding the FSI model on the predictions and comparisons with the experimental results. The transient 1D flow equation has been demonstrated to adequately model the fluid dynamics of a duckbill valve, largely due to the fact that viscous effects are negligible except when the valve is operating at very small openings. Fiber reinforcement of the layered composite rubber was found to play an important role in controlling duckbill valve material stretch, especially at large openings. The model predicts oscillations at small openings but more research is required to better understand this behaviour.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Praktické ukázky zpracování signálů / Practical examples of signal processing

Hanzálek, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of signal processing. Using practical examples, it tries to show the use of individual signal processing operations from a practical point of view. For each of the selected signal processing operations, an application is created in MATLAB, including a graphical interface for easier operation. The division of the thesis is such that each chapter is first analyzed from a theoretical point of view, then it is shown using a practical demonstration of what the operation is used in practice. Individual applications are described here, mainly in terms of how they are handled and their possible results. The results of the practical part are presented in the attachment of the thesis.

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