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Utveckling och optimering av 2Dspel i Javascript med ramverket Phaser.io / Optimization of 2D JavaScript games developed with Phaser.ioBäck, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
Det är väldigt viktigt i dagens samhälle att vara effektiv med resurser, speciellt inom teknologi. Ooptimerad hårdvara kan leda till försämrad batteritid på t ex smartphones och liknande enheter. För andra enheter som inte använder batteri innebär det istället att mer el används, vilket beroende på utsträckning kan ha en väldigt negativ inverkan på miljön. Detta examensarbete går ut på att utföra en analys av prestandan av ett 2D matematiskt pusselspel för mobila enheter. Eftersom det finns en så stor variation på mobila enheter är det viktigt att se till att det kan spelas med så bra prestanda som möjligt på så många olika enheter som möjligt utan att använda för mycket batteri.
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1D Simulation of Hydraulic Cam Phaser System Utilized in Heavy Duty Vehicles : An Investigation on Attenuation of Phase Oscillations from Cam Torque DisturbancesGermundsson, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Cam phasers allow improvements to the efficiency and emissions of internal combustion engines. The usage of hydraulic vane type cam phasers for heavy-duty applications have shown problems with oscillations during testing at Scania CV. To investigate the root cause of the oscillations a detailed 1-d simulation model has been created. The 1-d simulation model was calibrated and compared against measurements of a cam phaser system mounted on a physical engine. The 1-d simulation model of the cam phaser system was shown to be able to reproduce the oscillatory behavior seen in engine tests. But there are some concerns regarding the model's reliability, due to its dependence on the integration time step. It was determined that free air in the phaser chambers is causing the excessive oscillations. The source of the free air present in physical phasers are not yet fully understood, but the movement of the phaser control valve, opening and closing of the phaser chamber vents, in conjunction with motion of the phase oscillations has a significant effect on the phaser's chamber pressure, resulting in reduce pressures. The reduced pressures result in air being sucked in to the phaser, form both the oil control valve vent and external chamber leakages. Another potential sources of free air is dissolved air in the oil supply being released due to low pressures from oil pressure fluctuations. A potential solution to increase the stability of the phaser is to reduce the sources of air, by having an oil accumulator at the vent, limiting leakage, having a high and steady oil supply pressure, modifying the oil control valve ports to have a more gradual initial opening area and controlling the oil control valve appropriately. How to implement these implementations and evaluate them are left as future work. Potential improvements to get rid of the 1-d simulation model's dependence on the time step, increasing the model's reliability, are discussed, but not tested.
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An exploration of some aspects of molecular replacement in macromolecular crystallographyMifsud, Richard William January 2018 (has links)
This thesis reports work in three areas of X-ray crystallography. An initial chapter describes the structure of a protein, the methods based on the use of X-rays and computer analysis of diffraction patterns to determine crystal structure, and the subsequent derivation of the structure of part or all of a protein molecule. Work to determine the structure of the protein cytokine receptor-like factor 3 (CRLF3) leading to the successful generation of a structural model of a significant part of this molecule is then described in Chapter 2. A variety of techniques had to be deployed to complete this work, and the steps undertaken are described. Analysis was performed principally using phaser, using maximum likelihood methods. Areas for improvement in generating non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) operators in existing programmes were identified and new and modified algorithms implemented and tested. Searches based on improved single sphere algorithms, and a new two-sphere approach, are reported. These methods showed improvements in many cases and are available for future use. In Chapter 4, work on determining the relative importance of low resolution and high intensity data in molecular replacement solutions is described. This work has shown that high intensity data are more important than the low resolution data, dispelling a common perception and helping in experimental design.
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Designing and Implementing a Mobile Web-based Math Game with Good and Stable PerformanceNilsson, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Designing games, especially for mobile devices, requires that developers think through their design of content, both logically and visually. The user interaction tools differs a lot between desktop and mobiles, and does often need to be considered during the development. When the game is also meant to be played through a web browser in some way, advantages and limitations by having that layer, should be taken into account as well, as it restricts access to file system, but at same time provides its own storage functionality. As game development in general is rather complex, this thesis focus is to give an example of a mobile web game, which could be extended and adjusted regarding some specific topics. It also shows that game development frameworks like Phaser, are very useful. The game is developed in Javascript, with the aforementioned Phaser framework. Some results found, shows that Canvas is still superior to WebGL for mobile devices. Atlases do help even for smaller amount of images, although not by very much, and that choosing an appropriate game level generation algorithm as well as its implementation can greatly affect performance, but that there might be trade-off between speed and functionality.
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Effects of design and feedback in a motion-based gameCronstrand, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
Movement-based games are becoming more frequent in everyday lives. With easier access to webcams built into laptops and web-based games, a game which utilises both concepts can become a good option for everyday gaming.This study evaluates a movement-based game written in JavaScript using phaser.io which uses a webcam for control and HTML5 technique for capture. The main questions in the study are what observations can be done and are there any problems when developing a game with webcam-based motion-detection in regards to factors like flow, feedback and positioning. This study tries to answer these questions by building upon an existing game and implementing new functions and feedback and then observing how these effect the game-play. The results of the study showed that it is important to consider good feedback and how to position oneself when playing such a game and that more testing should be done to gain further knowledge about these two. But also that many of the implementations done made the person achieve flow while playing. Further work should be beneficial also to make the game even better while keeping it easy to play.
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An Alternative Variable Valve Timing System for Heavy Duty VehiclesEriksson, Mikael, Olovsson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The ability to control engine valve timing has the potential to alter the engine performance over the entire operating range. The outcome of valve timing technology enables the possibility to increase efficiency, lowering emissions, increase engine torque, etc. One of the simplest ways to obtain a variable valve timing is to use cam phasers. The dynamics of a hydraulic cam phaser has been studied, three concepts with the purpose to control such an element has been developed using simulation driven product development. Focus have been on robustness, simplicity and implementation. A final concept using on/off solenoids to control a torque driven cam phaser has been designed and simulated in GT-SUITE which validated its performance and functionality. A dynamic model was built in Simulink which simulated the behaviour of the cam phaser and provided tools for optimizing the rotor design. By combining the knowledge of mechanical- and control engineering at Scania, the development process of such machine elements was effective. The outcome of this thesis has given a new perspective in understanding these components and their potentials.
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Expanding a Motion Controlled Game With Focus on MaintainabilityHedbäck, Andreas, Ayar, Deniz January 2018 (has links)
Motion controlled games can be a good physical activity for children, but the game has to be fun and engaging. We have, with a starting point in an existing base game, developed an achievement module which follows certain code standards to make it easier to understand, and to make hand overs of the code smoother. More work on the rest of the game has also been done to make it more engaging, while clean up of the existing code to follow the same standards.
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Konstruktion av effektpedal : En studie i analog elektronikRörby, Nils, Odenhall, Linus January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt går ut på att skapa en analog effektpedal, från kretsdesign till montering på kretskort. Vi har designat en krets som förändrar en signal på ett sätt som bäst beskrivs som en phaser-pedal. Den ursprungliga signalen, tänkt att vara från ett elektriskt instrument, superpositioneras med en fasskiftad kopia. Fasskiftet görs genom fyra steg med allpassfilter, dessa lämnar amplituden oförändrad men fasskiftar beroende på frekvens. Hur mycket olika frekvenser fasskiftas regleras med Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFETs) som variabla motstånd. Fyra allpassfilter ger fullständig negativ interferens för två frekvenser, dessa kommer i rapporten refereras till som gropar. Groparna flyttas i frekvensspektrat över tid med hjälp av en lågfrekvensoscillator (LFO). Frekvensen på denna oscillator bestäms med ett variabelt motstånd och ligger mellan 0.1 och 10 Hz. LFO-signalen går in i Gate-kanalen på JFETsen och har en direkt koppling till deras resistans. Hela kretsen drivs av ett 9V-batteri och är designad för att behandla amplitudsspannet från elektriska instrument, från 1-1000mV. Kretsen ska inte heller förändra amplituden för någon frekvens mellan 41Hz och 20kHz. Kretsen har simulerats i LTspice, testats på kopplingsplatta och sist har ett mönsterkort skapats i KiCad där delarna lötts fast.
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Är nära nära nog? : Ett utforskande av dreampopsoundet och praktiskt användande av effekter.Öhlund, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att utveckla min kreativitet som gitarrist och inspireras att utforska bortom mina stilistiska gränser. Dessutom ville jag öka min förståelse för olika ljudbilder. En annan tanke jag hade var att undersöka om de dreampop-inspirerade gitarrsounden och spelteknikerna jag använder kan tillämpas på olika låtar och ändå behålla autenticiteten emot dreampop-genren. För att uppnå detta har jag analyserat och plankat gitarrpartierna och gitarrsounden i tio dreampop-låtar. Eftersom gitarrsoundet utgör en betydande del av genrens karaktäristiska element har arbetet fokuserat mycket på ljud och praktisk användning av effektpedaler. Det har innefattat utforskning av olika modulerande effekter och signalkedjor för att förstå i vilken ordning effekterna placeras. För att visualisera signalkedjorna för gitarrstämmorna har jag använt ett tabellsystem. Jag har identifierat fyra gitarrspelstekniker med sina unika ljudattribut som återkommer i de analyserade låtarna. Dessa tekniker och ljud har jag sedan tillämpat på egna arrangemang av befintliga poplåtar. Jag har spelat in ljudexempel av gitarrspelet i de analyserade låtarna och även spelat in mina egna arrangemang där både hela låtarna och separata gitarrspår finns tillgängliga för lyssning. Arbetet har gett mig en ny förståelse för genrerna dreampop och shoegaze samt en förståelse för gitarrens roll inom dessa genrer. Dessutom har jag fått nya insikter i hur man kan arrangera med stora ljudbilder.
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