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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities for the Utilization of Non-traditional Species in Wood-based Component Manufacturing

McDaniel, Paul Warren 11 July 2003 (has links)
A mail survey of the US secondary wood products industry was conducted to assess the current species used and the market potential for the use of "non-traditional" species. Seven market segments within the secondary wood products industry were surveyed including the cabinet, flooring, millwork, office furniture, dimension and component, window and door, and household furniture market segments. Information from three hundred and fifty-seven was analyzed for this research. The results indicate that the secondary wood products industry is using a majority of "traditional" species to manufacture their products. For the industry as a whole, oak was the most popular species, which included the use of both red and white oak. Red oak average board footage use was calculated to be 1.3 million per year in the secondary industry. "Traditional" species for the component manufacturing segment were determined to be red oak, white oak, hard maple, cherry, ash, and soft maple. These species are being produced because of consumer demand. The component segment sells most of its products to the household furniture and cabinet market segment. Both of these markets are driven by fashion trends and what consumers view as "in-style." The component segment will be able to produce more "non-traditional" wood products when their customers (i.e., the six other market segments that were surveyed) begin to make finished goods with these species. Analysis showed that significant differences did exist between "non-traditional" species using companies and "traditional" companies on their ratings of component and component supplier attributes. Consistent supply was one attribute that was rated higher by many segments' "non-traditional" species users. The issue of supply will need to be addressed before many of these companies will be willing to use more "non-traditional" species. Within the overall secondary industry there was a significant difference between the importance that "traditional" species users placed on consistent supply and the importance that "non-traditional" species users placed on this attribute. "Non-traditional" species users were more concerned with having a consistent supply of their raw material and component products. For "non-traditional" species to be successful within the secondary wood products industry, a proven supply line must first be established. There is a potential to use "non-traditional" species in all of the markets that were surveyed. The millwork segment displays the most potential. This market segment already uses a wide variety of wood species, which shows there is no dominate species that is desired. The office furniture market segment also displays potential for "non-traditional" species. This segment desires a low priced raw material and "non-traditional" species can fulfill that need. / Master of Science

De Amerikanska styrkornas taktiska agerande under Irakkriget 2003

Petschler, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Theories about victory in modern wars are well established by different scientists with different arguments on how states or non-state actors should use their military forces to achieve strategic victory. However, few existing studies have explored tactical victory in modern warfare. The aim of this study is, therefore, to understand better the phenomenon of tactical victory by examining how American military forces conducted tactical operations during the starting phase of the Iraq War 2003 and the invasion of Baghdad. To analyze the relative tactical success gained by the American forces’ way of warfare, this study conducts a single case study design informed by Lars Henåker’s (2020) eight factors of tactical success in warfare. Based on a qualitative analysis of empirics from secondary sources, the study finds that the American military forces achieved all factors specified by Henåker to increase the chances for success in a war, compared to the Iraqi military forces that achieved far less. In conclusion, the study deepens our understanding of the tactical conduct of the American military forces in line with Henåker’s (2020) theory on tactical success in warfare.

De Los Consultores a Las Cacerolas: La Campana Presidencial de 2003 en Argentina. / Of the consultants to the pans. The Presidential campaign, Argentina 2003.

Espindola, Roberto, Tagina, M.L. January 2004 (has links)

Chinese Governmental Post-Crisis Management of 2003 SARS Epidemic: Evaluation of Governmental Communication Strategies and Frame Correlation between Government and Mass Media

Wang, Weirui 27 June 2006 (has links)
This study used a content analysis and a rhetorical analysis to examine the strategies the Chinese government utilized for handling post-crisis issues of the 2003 SARS epidemic. The content of several media outlets — Chinese Version of Xinhua News Agency, English Version of Xinhua News Agency, The Toronto Star, The New York Times, The Times (London) — were examined on the same issue in the post-crisis period from June 25, 2003 to September 9, 2003. Chinese media and Western media were examined to test the frame correlation between media and Chinese government discourses. The use of Chinese government as information sources in media coverage was explored. Chinese post-crisis management performance was evaluated through analysis of the use of Chinese government frames by mass media and the use of the Chinese government as a trusted information source. The results showed that the Chinese government used a renewal post-crisis communication theme through communication strategies of bolstering and transcendence. The content of Chinese media had a substantial relationship with frames of Chinese government. Chinese government was used as a believable source for Chinese media. The content of Western media had no relationship with frames of Chinese government. Chinese government was employed as a skeptical information source in coverage of Western media. / Master of Arts

Was the Decision to Invade Iraq and the Failure of Occupation Planning a Case of Groupthink?

Scheeringa, Daniel 27 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the decision to invade Iraq and the failed planning for the occupation of Iraq. Since Janis introduced groupthink in 1972, the groupthink perspective has been used to explain foreign policy disasters such as the failure to anticipate the Pearl Harbor attack and the Bay of Pigs. However, the groupthink perspective is not universally useful for explaining foreign policy mishaps. While some have attributed the Iraq war to groupthink, the groupthink perspective has not been systematically applied to these events. This thesis will examine Janis's original groupthink theory, and subsequent research that tested the effectiveness of the groupthink perspective. It will apply the groupthink perspective to the events leading up to the invasion of Iraq. It will also examine the failed planning for the occupation of Iraq. The application of the groupthink perspective to both the invasion decision and occupation planning suggests that groupthink was not the primary cause of either event. The thesis will conclude by describing alternative explanations for the decision to invade Iraq, such as ideological agenda setting, and other cognitive errors besides groupthink. / Master of Arts

Propriétés de rétention et de libération de micronutriments par des réseaux protéiques : Étude du système gélifié - [beta]lactoglobuline/fer

Remondetto, Gabriel Edgardo 11 April 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche visent à comprendre le mécanisme de formation de gels protéiques en présence de fer en vue de les utiliser comme systèmes dans le développement de nouveaux aliments fonctionnels. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'il est possible de former des gels à froid de -lactoglobuline en présence de fer. En fonction des conditions utilisées, deux types de gels ont été identifiés et caractérisés : d'une part, des gels filamenteux sont obtenus à faibles concentrations en fer et essentiellement maintenus par des interactions hydrophobes et d'autre part, des gels particulaires inhomogènes sont obtenus à fortes concentrations en fer et maintenus par des interactions de type van der Waals. Des études in vitro ont montré que les gels filamenteux permettaient de libérer le fer au niveau de la barrière intestinale et favorisaient son absorption. Ces gels constituent donc de très bons véhicules pour transporter le fer et optimiser sa biodisponibilité.

Les relations entre l'œuvre photographique et l'œuvre peinte de Charles Gagnon

Simard, Louise, Simard, Louise 16 April 2024 (has links)
No description available.

La superstition et les habitudes de jeu au bingo

Paradis, Geneviève. 08 May 2021 (has links)
Plusieurs études font état de la popularité croissante des jeux de hasard et d’argent mais peu d’entre elles ont été effectuées sur un des jeux les plus populaires du Québec, le bingo. La présente étude, réalisée auprès de 96 joueurs de bingo, précise les relations entre la superstition et les habitudes de jeu (la tendance à participer à d’autres jeux de hasard et d’argent, la fréquence de participation et la somme d’argent misée). Les hypothèses stipulent que le montant d’argent misé, la fréquence de participation et la tendance à jouer à d’autres jeux que le bingo sont liées à la superstition. Les analyses indiquent des liens positifs significatifs entre la superstition et la fréquence de participation, les habitudes de jeu, et le lieu de contrôle. Cependant, on ne retrouve pas de corrélation significative entre la superstition et le montant d’argent misé. La discussion soulève les implications théoriques et cliniques de ces résultats.

Détection des défauts du bois franc et du bois mou par effet trachéïde

Rivet-Sabourin, Geoffroy 05 July 2019 (has links)
L’augmentation de productivité et de capacité de production est aujourd’hui au coeur des problématiques industrielles. Ceci touche particulièrement l’industrie forestière qui cherche depuis de nombreuses années à accroître sa productivité par, entre autres, des méthodes d’automatisation appliquées à leur processus de transformation du bois. Pour automatiser les méthodes d’inspection industrielle, plusieurs voies ont été empruntées jusqu’à ce jour : photométrie, ultrason, rayon-X, thermographie, etc . La technique présentée ici, l’effet trachéïde, utilise les caractéristiques de diffusion d’un laser dans les fibres de bois pour faire ressortir la densité et la direction du grain du bois. Cette technique produit rapidement une image en tons de gris de la pièce. À partir de cette image plusieurs méthodes ont été développées afin de faire ressortir les défauts sur la pièce. Une méthode de fusion des données a été mise au point afin de faire le regroupement des résultats des différentes techniques de détection. Finalement, une méthode de détection de contours adaptée à la détection des noeuds a été explorée. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2019

La liberté sartrienne, un bien ou un mal pour l'homme?

Audet, Pierre 13 April 2021 (has links)
Pour en arriver à u ne idée adéquate du concept philosophique de liberté, nous procédons à un retour sur l’œuvre de Jean-Paul Sartre, particulièrement L’être et le néant Nous observons quelle conception celui-ci se fait de l’homme libre et quelles difficultés, pour peu qu’on y réfléchisse, laisse cette doctrine justem ent par rapport à la question de la liberté. Pour mener à terme notre projet, nous utilisons la méthode « socrato-aristotélicienne ». Nous aboutissons finalement à ce résultat que la vision sartrienne absolutiste de la liberté doit être disqualifiée au profit d’une conception plus humaine. Cette nouvelle formulation de la liberté, a dû, à son tour, être éprouvée, selon la même méthode, afin d’en découvrir la portée et d’en examiner le bien fondé. Certes, la vision sartrienne de la liberté de L’être et le néant, doit être remise en question. Une définition pleinement satisfaisante de la liberté demanderait à pousser encore plus loin nos recherches sur le sujet. Ce sera l’objet d’une autre recherche, de niveau doctoral, celle-là.

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