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A Metacognition-Based Digital Worksheet for Automotive Fault Diagnosis: a Needs AssessmentYudantoko, Afri, Köhler, Thomas, Arifin, Zainal 31 May 2023 (has links)
This study aims to define the problems and potential theoretical solutions to the problems in an automotive vocational teacher department. This study is part of a comprehensive study about the potential benefits of using the metacognition concept. Metacognition as the concept of learninghow-to-learn is needed for prospective automotive vocational teachers to conduct sustainable learning. This study is a qualitative study using semistructured interviews (SSI) and a focus group discussion (FGD) to collect the data. Firstly, the SSIs were conducted twice, before and after the FGD. The first SSI explores the problems, while the second SSI was conducted after the FGD to gain a possible contextual solution to the problems based on the result of FGD. Secondly, an FGD was conducted to explore the theoretical solutions to the problems. The findings of the first SSI stated that teaching communication skills and sustainable learning are necessary to be equipped since the automotive technologies in industries have been being developed rapidly from time to time. Those skills were not facilitated well in the teaching and learning activities in the department. The integration into courses of teaching communication and habit of sustainable learning could be the possible solution. The FGD findings stated that the metacognition concept could be brought into teaching and learning to deal with those problems. The second SSI findings said that automotive fault diagnosis learning was chosen as the subject since this is a problem-solving and higher-order thinking subject. Also, the learning tool kit for this subject is still conventional, so it needs to be improved with the metacognition concept.
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Timing of formative feedback in a virtual learning environment from an E-tutors perspectiveSteinke, Hannah, Schmidt, Sebastian, Altmann, Mattis 31 May 2023 (has links)
One of the most important learning activities of a student at the university are collaborative activities which have a positive effect on the learning skills of students. In the last decades and especially in the last years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a huge increase in offers to learn in virtual environments. This increase led to the need for professional pedagogical support within the unique environment, which can be addressed by E-tutors. This learning facilitation role becomes increasingly important. Nevertheless, the number of concrete recommendations when interventions are needed is rare. The aim of this study is to fill the gap in the literature when the E-tutor needs to give feedback to students in higher education. The results are derived from a systematic literature review and a qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that feedback needs to be given in a close timeframe, at best within the first two hours after a question arises.
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Designing Digital Self-Assessment and Feedback Tools as Mentoring Interventions in Higher EducationMoser, Eva, Shegupta, Ummay Ubaida, Ihsberner, Katja, Jalilov, Orkhan, Schmidt, René, Hardt, Wolfram 31 May 2023 (has links)
Higher education in Germany traditionally follows a one-size-fits-all paradigm. The ignorance of diverse students’ needs jeopardizes high-quality and equal educational opportunities for all. Digital technologies can provide economical solutions to individualize teaching and learning, even in large university classes. However, their design has to incorporate pedagogical theories, specific contextual requirements, and users’ needs (Laurillard, 2008). In this project contribution, we want to demonstrate our approach to this challenge. We briefly describe how we connected the pedagogical concept of mentoring to theories of self-regulated learning and used this as a framework for developing formative assessment and automated feedback tools as digital mentoring interventions. The mentoring nterventions aim at facilitating self-regulated learning, especially self-monitoring and strategy-adaption. We present three different implementations in structured and illstructured domains and the key results of a qualitative evaluation survey. [Aus: Introduction]
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Developing ISLANDS Learning Model in Improving the Guiding Ability of Students in Maluku ArchipelagoMaruanaya, Rita Fransina, Akihary, Wilma 31 May 2023 (has links)
... The learning model developed in this study is the ISLANDS learning model. ISLANDS stands for Identification, Setting, List, Application, Note, Duplication, and Scrutinize.This learning model provides space for students to learn independently, it is by searching and finding information about tourism objects and Phrases according to the material, working in groups to practice collaboration skills, sharing information and knowledge, and sharing tasks and responsibilities, leadership, solving problems, actively speaking in German with the help of teachers and native speakers and only focusing on local wisdom which is of course very well known to them, making it easier for them to absorb the material provided by the teacher. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to evaluate the process and their learning outcomes. Thus, it is hoped that this interactive, communicative, active, independent and local wisdom-oriented learning model can increase students’ learning motivation and their mastery of the German language, especially guiding abilities. [Aus: Introduction]
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OER meets COL: Learning about collaborative online learning with OERSchoop, Eric, Lenk-Klioner, Florian 31 May 2023 (has links)
... The design of advanced blended learning arrangements demands a shift of focus from mere content-based knowledge delivery to moderated interactions between topics, peers and educators. The provision of suitable learning content does not serve primarily as learning resources, but rather as a trigger for active learning as an appropriate combination of individual and collaborative engagement to achieve learning goals which address the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. This triggered interaction benefits strongly by demand-driven and goal-oriented tele-tutorial moderation, perhaps based on deeper insight into learners’ interactions, provided by Learning Analytics. [Aus: Collaborative Online Learning]
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KoKoN – Ein Expertenwalkthrough zu digitalen Lehr-Kooperationen im Kontext der Nationalen BildungsplattformBinnig, Christian, Eichhorn, Michael, Finster, Rebecca, Heitz, Robin, Köhler, Thomas, Markgraf, Daniel, Messemer, Heike, Robra- Bissantz, Susanne, Schade, Cornelia, Tillmann, Alexander 31 May 2023 (has links)
... Für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung digitalgestützter Lehre nehmen sowohl hochschulinterne als auch -übergreifende Kooperationen einen immer höheren ... Stellenwert ein. Die damit einhergehende Vernetzung und das Zusammenwirken verschiedener Bildungsanbieter bilden die Grundlage des lebenslangen Lernens sowie der bildungsbereichübergreifenden Gestaltung von individuellen Bildungsbiografien (vgl. Schleifenbaum, & Walther, 2015). Die Anbahnung und Durchführung von insbesondere digitalen Lehr-Kooperationen erfordern über reine IT-Kenntnisse hinausgehende Kompetenzen seitens der Lehrenden. Für gelingende Kooperationsprozesse zwischen Lehrenden sind daher weitere Facetten digitaler Kompetenz erforderlich, wie bspw. bzgl. der Durchführung von Kommunikationsund Kooperationsprozessen im digitalen Raum, des Aufbaus einer eigenen digitalen Lehr- und Forscher:innen-Identität sowie der Reflexion des eigenen digitalen Lehr-Handelns (Eichhorn, Müller, & Tillmann, 2017; Eichhorn, 2020). [Aus: Herausforderungen für die digitalgestützte Hochschullehre]
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Film the Film: A new method to measure oxygen diffusion in polymer films using light.Kantelberg, Richard, Achenbach, Tim, Kirch, Anton, Reineke, Sebastian 30 May 2023 (has links)
Organic materials such as polymer films surround us in many everyday applications ranging from food packaging and smartphone displays to medical purposes. One of their main usage scenarios is the thin, lightweight, and easy processable encapsulation to protect a particular target from molecular oxygen. Hence, the oxygen diffusion properties in these polymer films represent a key parameter.
This work demonstrates a new method to determine and model the oxygen distribution in thin polymer films using light. It provides a significant advantage over many common methods since no vacuum machinery is needed. The working principle is based on the phosphorescent emission of an organic dopant which is quenched in the vicinity of molecular oxygen at room temperature.
The model system used in this study consists of a polystyrene layer, which is doped with PtOEP (Platin(II)-2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-21H,23H-porphyrin) and covered with a barrier layer of Ex-cevalTM. The oxygen concentration in the doped polystyrene film can be locally depleted under excitation with 365 nm UV light. To determine the oxygen diffusion coefficient, a concentration gradient is created and the time evolution of the luminescent pattern is recorded with a CCD-camera. The recorded data is reconverted to oxygen concentration equivalents and the impact of photoconsumption during the recording process is eliminated, before fitting it with a diffusion simulation. The result reveals a significant dependency on the processing conditions of the film, i.e. D = (1.49 ± 0.08) × 10−7 cm^2/s for unannealed and D = (0.71 ± 0.09) × 10−7 cm^2/s for an-nealed samples. The values lie well in the range reported in the literature.:Problem
The physics behind the phenomenon
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Global Hydrogen Infrastructure Transport Model in 2050: A model-based analysis of green hydrogen tradeAvşar, Alperen 30 May 2023 (has links)
The consequences of the climate crisis and the increasing energy demand make the energy transi-tion crucial and necessary. Green hydrogen has a significant potential for a low-carbon energy transition. New policies and strategies emerge in line with energy transition and hydrogen poli-cies.
This study has presented a model-based outline for the global green hydrogen supply and trade infrastructure in 2050 focusing on supply cost and potential using a cost minimization linear pro-gramming (LP) model which is implemented in the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) with two scenarios. The results of the Hydrogen Policies Scenario are presented which examines today's hydrogen strategies and initiatives, as well as where the evolution of current technologies could take the hydrogen and energy sectors in 2050. The global hydrogen trade volume reaches 605 Mt (megaton) hydrogen trade per year, with North Africa dominating at 210 Mt. In conclusion, solar power and pipeline infrastructure will be the decisive force of the expansion of the global hydrogen trade.:Concept
Hydrogen Policies
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Samernas konsultationsrätt i detaljplaneprocessen : En kvalitativ analys av Lag (2022:66) / Sami Consultation Rights in the Detailed Planning Process : A Qualitative Study of Law (2022:66)Dolk, Klara, Söderlund, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrunden till denna studie är införandet av Lag (2022:66) om konsultation i frågor som rör det samiska folket som trädde i kraft 1 mars 2022 och som sedan 1 mars 2024 även omfattar regioner och kommer samt att Plan – och Bygglagen (2010:900) inte längre är undantagen. Lagen medför en skyldighet för kommuner att i planärenden konsultera samerna i frågor som är av särskild betydelse för dem. Studien har syftat till att undersöka vilka effekter denna lag har på detaljplaneprocessen genom att utföra en djupgående undersökning av lagens utformning, tilltänkt tillämpning samt effekter. Då lagen är så pass ny finns inga relevanta ärenden att analysera vilket resulterat i en undersökning av tillgänglig litteratur, förarbeten och lagtext tillsammans med kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer som angås av lagen. Sedan har studien jämfört svaren och litteraturfynden med befintlig statistik om detaljplaneprocessen. Studiens resultat visar att lagen kommer tillämpas för kommuner inom renskötselområden i större utsträckning än de utanför samt att kommunerna tillsammans med de samiska företrädarna över tid kommer utkristallisera vilka ärendetyper som oftare är föremål för konsultation. Vidare fann studien att de två största riskerna med lagen är förlängda ledtider på grund av att det är svårt att nå samerna under renskötselintensiva perioder samt en osäkerhet kring graden av inflytande samerna kommer få. Lagen blir tandlös om de ska lägga ner stora resurser för att tackla det administrativa trycket utan att få genomslag för deras åsikter. / The background of this study is the implementation of Act (2022:66) on consultation on issues concerning the Sámi people which won legal force on March 1, 2022, and which, from March 1, 2024, also covers regions and includes the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). The law requires municipalities to consult with the Sami in planning matters that are of particular importance to them. The study aimed to investigate the effects this law will have on the detailed planning process by conducting an in-depth examination of the law's design, intended application, and effects. As the law is relatively new, there are no relevant cases to analyze, resulting in an investigation of available literature, preparatory works, and legal texts, along with qualitative interviews with both municipalities and Sami representatives affected by the law. The study then compared the responses and literature findings with existing statistics on the detailed planning process. The study's results show that the law will be applied to municipalities within reindeer herding areas to a greater extent than those outside and that the municipalities, together with the Sami representatives, will over time identify the types of cases that are more often subject to consultation. Furthermore, the study found that the two biggest risks associated with the law are extended lead times due to the difficulty in reaching the Sami during intensive reindeer herding periods and uncertainty regarding the degree of influence the Sami will have. The law becomes ineffective if the Sami are required to invest significant resources to address the administrative burden without having their opinions considered.
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Organisationers användning av molntjänster : En studie om regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitationJenny, Do, Oskar, Nyman January 2024 (has links)
Följande studie är en explorativ intervjustudie som undersöker hur regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitation påverkar organisationers användning av molntjänster. Studien tar en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med tre olika typer av organisationer, konsultbolag, banker och offentliga verksamheter, som ligger till grund som primärdata. Resultatet analyserades med det utformande teoretiska ramverk bestående av nyinstitutionell teori och standarden ISO/IEC 27005:2022 som avser att förstå riskhanteringsprocessen för informationssäkerhet. Med studiens dubbla perspektiv, från både företagsekonomi och informationssystem, har vi kunnat undersöka vilka faktorer som spelar in för organisationers inställningar, attityder och beteenden kring användandet av molntjänster. Resultatet visar att varje enskild organisation står inför individuella utmaningar och möjligheter kopplade till användandet av molntjänster. Det går att identifiera att varje verksamhet har specifika behov och krav. Regelefterlevnad, riskhantering och imitation är tre faktorer som påverkar utfallet av organisationernas användning av molntjänster. Avslutningsvis går det att identifiera att respektive organisation i studien har det gemensamma målet att säkerställa konfidentialitet, integritet och tillgänglighet av data och information. / This thesis is an exploratory case study examining how compliance, risk management and imitation affect the usage of cloud services in organizations. The thesis is of qualitative character, where semi structured interviews with consulting firms, banks and the public sector serve as the primary data source. The result was analyzed based on our theoretical framework comprising New Institutional theory and the standard ISO/IEC 27005:2022, which aims to understand the risk management process for information security. By incorporating a dual perspective, from both business administration and information systems it allowed us to gain a deeper understanding for which factors influence organizations' attitudes and behaviors towards the use of cloud computing. The findings revealed that each organization faces challenges and opportunities related to cloud usage. It is evident that each organization has their unique needs and requirements. The discussion concludes that compliance, risk management and imitation indeed significantly affect the outcome of organizations' usage of cloud computing. Additionally, respective organizations share the common objective of maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information.
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