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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die rol van Christelike spiritualiteit in die lewe van 'n persoon met 'n huweliksmaat met 'n "bipolêre gemoedsversteuring

Kotzé, Martina 31 July 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Binne die tradisionele christelike westerse samelewing waarin ons leef is daar diskoerse en meta-narratiewe wat dikteer wat van ons as huweliksmaats verwag word. Ons is dikwels onbewus van hoe hierdie verwagtinge, rolle en eise wat aan ons gestel word, deur verskillende diskoerse en stories tot stand gekom het. Die spesifieke lewenstorie en omstandlghede van die indiwidu(e) word meestal in die proses geignoreer, byvoorbeeld die saamleef met 'n huweliksmaat wat "gediagnoseer" is as iemand met 'n "bipolêre gemoedsversteuring", bring noodwendig omstandighede mee wat vir die meeste mense onuithoudbaar mag wees. Hierdie studie vertel die storie van 'n persoon wie daarin kon slaag om ten spyte van hierdie "omstandighede", sy storie so te kon herskryf dat hy steeds met hierdie persoon suksesvol binne die huwelik kan saamleef. Die studie fokus op 'n persoon, wie se lewe op grond van die christelike narratief leef, se belewing van die saamleef met 'n persoon met 'n "bipolere gemoedsversteuring". Die algemene doel van die studie was om aan die deelnemer 'n geleentheid te skep om sy belewinge in die saamleef van 'n persoon met 'n "bipolêre gemoedsversteuring" te kon deel. 'n Spesifieke fokus is geplaas om die rol wat christelike spiritualiteit speel in die verwerking en hantering daarvan, te beskryf. Daar is ook aan die persoon geleentheid gegee om op grond van sy belewlnge en verstaan van christenskap, aanbevelings te maak aan die professlone!e gemeenskap, die geloofsgemeenskap en aan huweliksmaats wat met soortgelyke omstandighede meet saamleef. Die navorslng is vanuit 'n postmoderne diskoers-oogpunt aangepak en op 'n kwalitatiewe wyse uitgevoer by wyse van 'n gevallestudle. Die deelnemer se storie is deur middel van sosiale konstruksieteorie en 'n narratiewe terapeutiese benadering, gedekonstrueer. Dit was duidelik vanuit die studie dat die funksie wat mense se spirituele oortuiginge en hul belewing daarvan in hul lewens verrig, in berekening gebring moet word in die terapeutiese proses. Wanneer kliënte belangrike besluite moet neem, moet die invloed van geloofsoortuiginge in die besluitnemingsproses in berekening gebring word. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. - (Pastoral Theology)

Geloofsvorming in die huisgesin : 'n ondersoek onder lidmate van die Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Suid-Afrika

Wiid, Petrus Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Geloof word tradisioneel beskou as voortspruitend uit godsdienstigheid. In hierdie prakties­ teologiese navorsing word daar egter gefokus op geloof as 'n universele verskynsel. Godsdienstigheid spruit ook voort uit geloof, wat impliseer dat geloof nie net "ontvang" word tydens die sogenaamde "bekering" tot 'n bepaalde godsdiens nie, maar dat "bekering" een aspek van 'n dinamiese geloofsvormingsproses is. Geloofsvorming word in hierdie studie in verband gebring met vier dimensies van mens­ wees, naamlik kognitiwiteit, sosialisering, affektiwiteit en moraliteit. By wyse van 'n kwalitatief-georienteerde, empiriese ondersoek onder AGS-gesinne, is rigtingwysers gevind wat die vier dimensies se invloed op geloofsvonning aandui. Dit blyk dat geloofsvonning nie primer belnvloed word deur die kognitiewe dimensie nie maar eerder deur die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en van die affektiwiteit in die huisgesin. Alhoewel die gehalte van die moraliteit ook 'n rot speel in geloofsvorming, word moratiteit ook grootliks gebaseer op die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en affektiwiteit. / Faith is traditionally considered to be an extention of religion. In this practical-theological research, faith is rather seen as a universal phenomenon through which life is given meaning. Religion thus arises from faith. This implies that faith is not "received" at a so-called "conversion" to a specific religion but rather is one aspect of a dynamic developmental process of faith. Faith development is seen in conjunction with cognitivity, socialisation, affectivity and morality. A qualitative-orientated research among AFM-families has given an indication of the influence of these four dimensions on the faith development of children in the family. It seems that faith development is not as much influenced by cognitivity as by the quality of the socialisation and the affectivity in the family. Even though the quality of morality plays a role in faith development, it seems that the former is also based, to a great extent, on the quality of socialisation and affectivity. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Geloofsvorming in die huisgesin : 'n ondersoek onder lidmate van die Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Suid-Afrika

Wiid, Petrus Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Geloof word tradisioneel beskou as voortspruitend uit godsdienstigheid. In hierdie prakties­ teologiese navorsing word daar egter gefokus op geloof as 'n universele verskynsel. Godsdienstigheid spruit ook voort uit geloof, wat impliseer dat geloof nie net "ontvang" word tydens die sogenaamde "bekering" tot 'n bepaalde godsdiens nie, maar dat "bekering" een aspek van 'n dinamiese geloofsvormingsproses is. Geloofsvorming word in hierdie studie in verband gebring met vier dimensies van mens­ wees, naamlik kognitiwiteit, sosialisering, affektiwiteit en moraliteit. By wyse van 'n kwalitatief-georienteerde, empiriese ondersoek onder AGS-gesinne, is rigtingwysers gevind wat die vier dimensies se invloed op geloofsvonning aandui. Dit blyk dat geloofsvonning nie primer belnvloed word deur die kognitiewe dimensie nie maar eerder deur die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en van die affektiwiteit in die huisgesin. Alhoewel die gehalte van die moraliteit ook 'n rot speel in geloofsvorming, word moratiteit ook grootliks gebaseer op die kwaliteit van die sosialisering en affektiwiteit. / Faith is traditionally considered to be an extention of religion. In this practical-theological research, faith is rather seen as a universal phenomenon through which life is given meaning. Religion thus arises from faith. This implies that faith is not "received" at a so-called "conversion" to a specific religion but rather is one aspect of a dynamic developmental process of faith. Faith development is seen in conjunction with cognitivity, socialisation, affectivity and morality. A qualitative-orientated research among AFM-families has given an indication of the influence of these four dimensions on the faith development of children in the family. It seems that faith development is not as much influenced by cognitivity as by the quality of the socialisation and the affectivity in the family. Even though the quality of morality plays a role in faith development, it seems that the former is also based, to a great extent, on the quality of socialisation and affectivity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

'All is pure for the pure' : redefining purity and defilement in early Greek Christianity, from Paul to Origen

Blidstein, Moshe January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the meanings of purification practices and purity concepts in early Christian culture, as they were articulated and formed by Greek Christian authors of the first three centuries, from Paul to Origen. As purity and defilement are especially suited for articulating difference, hierarchy and change, these concepts were essential for early Christians, shaping their understanding of human nature, sin, history, and ritual. In parallel, the major Christian practices embodying difference and change, baptism, abstinence from food or sexual activity, were all understood, emoted and shaped as instances of purification. Two broad motivations, at some tension with each other, were at the basis of Christian purity discourse. The first was a substantive motivation: the creation and maintenance of anthropologies and ritual theories coherent with the theological principles of the new religion, and the integration of purity traditions and concepts into these worldviews and theories. The second was a polemic motivation: construction of Christian identity by laying claim to true purity while marking the purity practices and beliefs of others (Jews, pagan or “heretics”) as false. I trace the interplay of these factors through a close reading of second- and third-century Christian Greek authors discussing food abstentions, death defilement, sexuality and baptism, on the background of Greco-Roman and Jewish purity discourses. This thesis demonstrates three central arguments. First, purity and defilement are central concepts for understanding Christian cultures of the second and third centuries. Second, Christianities developed their own conceptions and practices of purity and purification, distinct from those current in contemporary and earlier Jewish and pagan cultures, though decisively influenced by them. Third, concepts and practices of purity and defilement were shifting and contentious, an arena for boundary-marking between Christians and others and between different Christian groups.

Hermeneutic phenomenology as a methodology in the study of spiritual experience : case study : contemporary spirituality in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland

Barclay, Gordon T. January 2014 (has links)
This work considers the theoretical, epistemological and methodological criteria for a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to the study of spiritual experience founded within a qualitative paradigm. Spirituality is noted to be of increasing significance in society and as a developing discipline within the academy and spiritual experience is offered as an opening to greater understanding and appreciation of an individual's understandings of their spirituality. The methodology provides an interpretative approach towards an opportunity for resonance, identification and empathy between individual and reader through richly descriptive narratives offering insights into such experiences and developing themes and threads of particular interest prior to seeking universal and semi universal traits between or amongst narratives. Practical methods for applying the methodology are considered, including ethical and researcher reflexive issues. The assessment of the methodology includes its application to a case study, located within contemporary Christianity in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland, which due to limitations of space focuses particularly on the notion of the Gift and assists in the determination of the efficacy and validity of hermeneutic phenomenology in the study of spiritual experience.

The evaluation of Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa in relation to the three marks of the church : discipline in the Southern Synod

Pitikoe, Jurie Billy 02 1900 (has links)
Christian life today has been influenced by countless influences from the external world. Although these external factors have a significant bearing on the church of Christ, the greatest challenge however manifests itself from within the latter. Where the core doctrine of the church constitutes issues of theological and Christian importance, they seem to slowly dissipate and the practices of the secular world seem to take ownership of the church of Christ. The Reformed church has within its confines the three marks of the church whose sole purpose is to ensure that the church of God remains and continues to be the true church of Christ. These Three Marks are: (a) the proclamation of the Word; (b) the correct administration of the sacraments, and (c) the correct exercise of discipline. Among the three marks, discipline acts as a catalyst that enables the survival and proper continuance of the other two marks and thus the true church of Christ. These Three Marks prescribe the basic fundamentals of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) as a Reformed Church and thereby serve as a primary tool for this church. Discipline, therefore, forms an intrinsic part of this church. However, as a controlling mechanism, its influence and/or instillation appears to be neglected. This quagmire may very well be attested to the overemphasis of democracy (of/or relating to majority rule doctrine) in preference to theocracy (God as the ultimate authority in our lives), where even matters of high religious stature are being compacted to human decision-making processes. These influences needless to say are key in the regression and/or progression of Christian life and life in general. However, their inclusion within the Christian doctrine should not be cumbersome to the latter. The Christian way of life and doctrines should be holistically adhered to without fear or favour. The main purpose behind the formation of these marks by the Reformed church was to sustain the true church of Christ and the only way to ensure this sustainability, was to be consistent in exercising these marks. The church therefore has an obligation towards God and its members to be consistent in carrying out its mandate from God through the scriptures as the creator and father of the church and the world at large. The premonition that forms the basis of this research is that within the three prevalent marks of the church, there appears to be certain discrepancies in that they are not all carried out in unison and are not consistent with each other. With the over-emphasis of one above the other, the church of God could be heading towards vanity, and all its efforts could be fruitless. It is also my conviction that the starting point for rolling out these three marks lie with the leadership of the church by the General Synod, Regional Synods, Presbyteries, Ministers and their church councils. If found that any of these key adherents are not protagonists of these marks, then they would have neglected their God-entrusted responsibilities and their accountability towards the entire community of believers. It is in this regard that this research seeks to implement a litmus test of where the URCSA stands in terms of executing its mandate with relation to the three marks of the church viz; proclaiming the word, administering the sacraments and more importantly, exercising exercising discipline as these marks form the sinew that binds the entire church together. The church of Christ as an entity is engaged in service, which is not to be haphazard in nature, but must be structured. This service begins with serving God, serving one another and finally serving the world at large. This will ensure that the church of God maintains its holiness. For this holiness to be ensured, the church of God has to be open to discernment and allow God take charge of His church. Such uncertainties can be verified only by looking into discipline as the sinew that brings these three marks together. The reason for this approach is that, the first two marks are prescriptive with more parameters than discipline has, whereas discipline can be easily influenced. It is to the benefit of this task that much attention be given to discipline as the last mark of the three, as it is prone to abuse, because it relies mainly on human behaviour, attitude and/or approach to the Christian life. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to outline the possible disintegration of discipline as the sinew that binds the three marks of the Reformed Church in general and URCSA in particular within the Southern Synod. important to note that discipline in the lower strata of the church is carried out religiously without question. The notion that prompted this topic is that contrarily, those who occupy the highest echelons of the church (leadership in the church, ministers and evangelists) do not appear to be enjoying the same reception regarding discipline. The challenge that faces the URCSA is how to maintain equal treatment of the three marks of the true church in a democratic society in the light of the service of God, one another and the world. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Evangeliar. Aarbechtsgrupp "Iwwersetzung vun der Bibel op Lëtzebuergesch" (2009) : Luxembourg : Archevêché / Saint-Paul : considérations historiques, théologiques et exégétiques appliquées à la traduction de l'évangéliaire en luxembourgeois / Evangeliar. Work-group 'Translation of the Bible into Luxembourgish' (2009) : Luxembourg : Archbishopric / Saint-Paul : historical, theological and exegetical considerations applied to the translation of the evangeliary into Luxembourgish

Biver-Pettinger, Francoise 24 September 2015 (has links)
En 2009 fut édité l’Evangeliar, la première traduction en luxembourgeois des évangiles lus pendant la liturgie de l’Église latine. Dans l’introduction, la présente thèse décrit le contexte historique, ecclésial et national, et la situation des langues dans laquelle les fidèles catholiques ont pratiqué leur religion de 1815 à nos jours. Ensuite, cette étude s’enquiert de l’influence de l’institution Église sur les traductions bibliques liturgiques actuelles, y compris l’Evangeliar. Cette influence peut s’exercer par le Magistère, par la tradition scripturaire ou par l’usage liturgique.Dans le deuxième chapitre, la traduction de Mc 1, 1-45 est revue verset par verset pour discuter la méthode et les critères retenus dans son élaboration. Ceci afin de déceler les pièges linguistiques, exégétiques, théologiques, voire culturels et de sonder les limites d’une traduction des évangiles en luxembourgeois. Dans la conclusion, où convergent les différentes pistes suivies dans la thèse, sont intégrés certains éléments en vue d’une recherche ultérieure sur la traduction de μετανοέω et de μετάνοια en général et dans l’Evangeliar plus particulièrement. / In 2009, the Evangeliar was published in Luxembourgish for the first time, containing the most-read Gospels of the Roman-Catholic liturgical tradition.In the introductory part, this thesis describes the historical, ecclesiastical, national, as well as linguistic background within which the faithful practised their religion from 1815 to the present day. Following on from there, it elucidates the influence of the Roman-Catholic church, as an institution, on contemporary biblical and liturgical translations, including the Evangeliar. This influence can originate from within the practice of Magisterium, scriptural tradition, or liturgical usage.In the second chapter, the translation of Mark 1, 1-45 is revised verse for verse in order to discuss the method as well as the criteria used in its development, with the aim of revealing traps of various kinds: linguistic, exegetical, theological, maybe even cultural, and furthermore to sound out the limitations of a translation into Luxembourgish of the Gospels. The conclusion, in which the various inquiry elements converge, also contains several elements conducive to further research on the translation of μετανοέω and of μετάνοια in general and in the Evangeliar in particular.

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