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Unkrautbekämpfung in Mais - Der gezielte Einsatz von reduzierten Aufwandmengen herbizider Tankmischungen in Mais - ein Beitrag zur Umsetzung des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis - Ergebnisse von Ringversuchen der Länder Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen in den Jahren 2004 - 2006 / Weed control in cornMeinlschmidt, Ewa, Schröder, Gerhard, Bär, Holger, Pittorf, Ingrid, Bergmann, Elke 13 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Der gezielte Einsatz von reduzierten Aufwandmengen herbizider Tankmischungen in Mais ein Beitrag zur Umsetzung des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis. Ergebnisse von Ringversuchen der Länder Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen in den Jahren 2004 - 2006. Wie weit können die Aufwandmengen von praxisüblichen Tankmischungen reduziert werden, um einerseits noch eine ausreichende Breitenwirkung zu erzielen und andererseits aber auch die Unkrautarten zu ermitteln, bei denen bei einer Dosisverminderung ein deutlicher Wirkungsabfall zu verzeichnen ist? Im Rahmen des von der Politik geforderten Reduktionsprogramms chemischer Pflanzenschutz (BMELV 2004) steht auch bei der Unkrautbekämpfung im Mais die Frage nach dem unbedingt notwendigen Maß beim Einsatz der verschiedenen herbiziden Wirkstoffe.
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Standardiserad informationssäkerhet inom systemutveckling : En pragmatisk metod för uppehållande av en hög standard med ramverket ISO 27000 / Standardised Information Security in System Development : A Pragmatic Method for Maintaining a Good Standard with the ISO 27000 FrameworkEriksson, Carl-Henrik January 2016 (has links)
In today’s online world it is important to protect your organization’s valuable information and assets. Information can be stolen or destroyed in many different ways, and it needs to be dealt with not only on a technical level, but also on a management level. However, the current methods are not very intuitive and require a lot of familiarity with information security management. This report explores how planning of information security within an organization can instead be accomplished in a simple and pragmatic manner, without discouraging the user with too much information and making it too complicated. This is done by examining the requirements and controls from the ISO 27000 framework, and with those in regard creating a method that’s more useful, intuitive, and easy to follow.
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Návrh zavedení bezpečnostních opatření na základě ISMS pro malý podnik / Design of security countermeasures implementation based on ISMS for small companyTomko, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The master`s thesis deals with implementation of security countermeasures in accordance with information security management system for small company. Main concern of the master`s thesis will be design of security countermeasures in company. Solution of the design comes from the analysis of current state of the company including all important parts and assist evaluation which has been processed along with responsible persons.
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Návrh zavedení bezpečnostních opatření pro danou společnost / Proposal for the introduction of security measures for the companyKrídla, Matúš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of security measures within a selected company. The aim of the work is to create a proposal for measures against possible security threats. The first chapter deals with a general introduction to the issue, describes and defines the concepts from a theoretical point of view. The second part deals with the description of the current state and analysis of selected areas of the company. At the end of this work, we focus on raising awareness of security threats and proposing measures that contribute to increasing the security of information.
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Management bezpečnosti informačních systémů v obci / Security Management of Information Systems for the Kaliště MunicipalityKutiš, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is being focused on Information Security Management System implementation for a certain municipality. The work has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with theoretical basis which are based on the ISO/IEC 27000 standards. The second part contains the practical implementation following the theoretical background from the first part. The implementation itself has been divided into three stages and this thesis is mainly concentrated on the first stage.
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Zavedení ISMS do podniku podporujícího kritickou infrastrukturu / Proposal for the ISMS Implementation in Company with CI SupportŠebrle, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of Management of Information Security in a medium size company supporting critical infrastructure. The first part is focused on the theoretical aspects of the topic. Practical part consists of analysis of the current state, risk analysis and correction arrangements according to the attachment A of standard ČSN ISO/IEC 27001:2014. Implementation of ISMS is divided into four phases. This thesis however covers the first two phases only
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Zavedení ISMS v malém podniku / The Implementation of ISMS in Small CompanyPalarczyk, Vít January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on the design of the implementation of information security management system (ISMS) into a specific business. In the theoretical part, it provides basic concepts and detailed description of ISMS. There is also described the analysis of a current information security state of the company. In the practical part, it provides a risk analysis and selection of measures to minimize found risks. In the final part is designed a process and a schedule of an implementation of the selected measures.
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Zavedení ISMS v malém podniku / The Implementation of ISMS in a Small CompanySvoboda, Milan January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on proposing an information security management system (ISMS) in a small company. This publication includes theoretical facts, which are needed to understand and design a ISMS. The design proposal of the ISMS itself is based on an analysis of the current status of the company's information security. The proposed security measures are based on the actual state of information security within the company, and on recommendations stemming from the ISO/IEC 27000 standard.
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Kvalitetsförbättring av informaionsflödet : en studie på Försäkringskassans enhet sjuk- och aktivitetsersättning utlandHammerin, Emma, Hedman, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Försäkringskassans enhet sjuk- och aktivitetsersättning utland saknar ett systematiskt arbetssätt för sortering och arkivering av information vilket krävs för skapa återsökbarhet. Likaså hindras arbetet med ständiga förbättringar av att ingen återkoppling inkommer från kunderna, därav kan kundnöjdhet inte mätas och inga förbättringar ske. Information och kommunikation är två områden som är tätt sammankopplande. Enkelriktad kommunikation är information, både kommunikation och information kan förmedlas verbal eller skriftligt. Med utgångspunkt i ovan nämnda resonemang har vi fastställt att de två förbättringsområdena; informationsflödet på enheten och kommunikation med intressenterna, gäller information. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att åstadkomma förbättringar på Försäkringskassans enhet sjuk- och aktivitetsersättning utland ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. Arbetet har resulterat i att förbättringsområdena har analyserats och åtgärder har tagits fram för att förbättra nuläget. Åtgärdsplanerna innefattar teorier om hur implementeringen av åtgärderna ska genomföras för att lyckas. Åtgärdsplanen sammanfattas slutligen i en illustration som innefattar flera sammanlänkade teorier. Grunden i åtgärdsplanen är PDSA- modellen vilken delat in förändringsarbetet i de fyra faserna; planera, genomföra, studera och lär vilket belyser de ”hårda” delarna, konkreta arbetsmoment, av förändringen. Ledningssystemet för informationssäkerhet (ISO 27000) baseras också på de fyra faserna och innefattar krav vilka ligger till grund för förbättringsarbetet. Utöver dessa modeller ingår Kotters (1996) åtta steg för en lyckad förändring vilken omfattar de ”mjuka” delarna såsom ledarskap och delaktighet. Resultatet visar att ett samarbete med de utländska myndigheterna skulle leda till att enheten på ett systematiskt sätt kan få återkoppling från kunderna, vilket medför möjligheter för ständiga förbättringar. Genom att skapa rutiner och öka dokumentationen för informationsflödet skulle arbetet förenklas för medarbetarna och mindre tid gå åt till att leta efter information. Likaså kommer arbetsbelastningen att minska då ansvar fördelas på medarbetarna och fokus kan istället läggas på ärendehanteringen. Det finns då möjlighet till att handläggningstiderna kommer att minska vilket också leder till ökad kundnöjdhet. / Försäkringskassan is a part of the Swedish social security system and the project took place in the unit of sickness- and activity compensation for people who lives abroad. The unit doesn’t have a systematic way of managing and saving information. This is needed to simplify usage of information in order to perform correct ways of business. The work of constant improvements is complicated by the fact that no feedback is collected from the customers, and therefore customer satisfaction cannot be measured or improved. Information and communication are related to each other, one-way communication is information, which can be verbal or written. According to this discussion we have set both areas of improvements, flow of information and communication with the customers, to be information. The purpose of the project has been to accomplish improvements at the unit from the perspective of the co-workers. Today’s situation has been analysed and actions for improvement have been developed. The proposed actions include theories of how improvements are to be introduced to the unit to be successful. This is illustrated in a model proposed by the authors linking several theories. The cycle of Plan, Do, Study and Act is the foundation of the model and is complemented by ISO 27000. Parts, such as leadership, participation and Kotter’s eight state process are also included. The result shows that collaboration with the foreign authority would lead to a systematic collection of customer’s feedback, which could be transformed to constant improvements. Through creating routines and providing additional documentation for the flow of information, the work should be simpliefied. The work load should also be reduced since responsibility is shared among the co- workers and focus can be on the cases. Possibly the time for managing a case could be shortened which also would increase customer satisfaction.
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Systém řízení bezpečnosti informací společnosti BluePool s.r.o. / Information Security Management System in the company BluePool s.r.o.Menčík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topics Information Security Management by the group of ISO/IEC 27000 norms and implementation of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) in one particular company. The theoretical part describes the group of norms ISO/IEC 27000 and the legislation and institutions related to these norms. Then the theoretical framework of a risk analysis is introduced. The benefits and possible obstacles when implementing the ISMS in an organization with emphasis on small businesses is described at the end of the theoretical part. The practical part includes a complex risk analysis and measures to be taken for the revealed risks. Furthermore, it involves the settings of the information security internal rules in the company Bluepool s.r.o. with regard to the risk management and information security policy. The conclusion of this part puts forward a proposal of the process and examples of implementation, time schedule and budget for implementation of adopted measures.
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