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Aplicação à música de um sistema de espacialização sonora baseado em Ambisonics. / A musical application of a sound spatialization system based on Ambisonics.Thomaz, Leandro Ferrari 05 February 2007 (has links)
O trabalho envolve a pesquisa de técnicas para espacialização sonora musical e o desenvolvimento de um sistema de espacialização sonora sobre uma arquitetura de áudio multicanal aberta (AUDIENCE) para a auralização imersiva. Utilizando-se a técnica Ambisonics, o sistema construído permite a recriação de um campo sonoro tridimensional. O sistema reproduz virtualmente peças musicais espacializadas, por meio de um arranjo de alto-falantes em torno do ouvinte, onde as fontes sonoras podem assumir posições incomuns e movimentar-se no espaço. Através dos resultados dos experimentos musicais realizados com o sistema, chega-se a conclusão de que o sistema pode ser utilizado por compositores, regentes e produtores para a tarefa de espacialização musical. / This work involves the research of techniques for musical spatialization, and the development of a spatialization system, based on an open multichannel audio architecture (AUDIENCE) for immersive auralization. The constructed system uses the Ambisonics technique, which allows the recreation of a three-dimensional sound field. The system reproduces spatial music through an arrangement of loudspeakers around the listener where sound sources can assume some uncommon positions, and also be put into motion. From the results of experiments with a musical piece it follows that the system can be used by composers, conductors, and producers to the musical spatialization task.
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Modélisation du système pelvien de la femme enceinte et simulation d'accouchement : outil analytique et pédagogique / Pelvic system modeling of a pregnant woman and childbirth simulation : pedagogical and analytic purposeJean Dit Gautier-Gaudenzi, Estelle 24 September 2018 (has links)
L'objectif principal de notre projet est de créer un modèle numérique complet du système pelvien de la femme enceinte prenant en compte l'intégralité des structures anatomiques de suspensions du pelvis, leurs propriétés biomécaniques et permettant la simulation d'accouchement eutocique et dystocique.Nous travaillons avec un modèle tridimensionel du pelvis de la femme enceinte créé à partir d'IRM réalisées chez une parturiente volontaire à différents âges gestationnels de la grossesse (16, 32 et 38SA) et en post-partum (2mois, 1an). Chaque organes, muscles et ligaments du pelvis ont été reconstruits numériquement permettant de générer un modèle géométrique complet représentatif du système pelvien. Nous avons effectué une analyse géométrique de ces structures, notamment musculaires et ligamentaires. Par la suite nous avons effectué des simulations numériques par méthode des Eléments Finis (EF), en intégrant notamment les propriétés biomécaniques des tissus et des trajectoires de tête imposées. Ce système permet d'analyser les déformations des structures périnéales lors d'un accouchement normal puis dystocique.L'étude approfondie au cours de la grossesse des ligaments utérosacrés et du muscle releveur de l'anus, met en évidence une modification géométrique de ces structures, jouant un rôle dans la statique pelvienne et ce dès le 2ème trimestre de grossesse. Cette reconstruction numérique en 3D a permis de réaliser un modèle d'enseignement (mannequin simple) et d'entraînement au geste de délivrance artificielle et de révision utérine. Cet outil a été testés auprès de gynécologue-obstétriciens, sages-femmes et internes afin d'élaborer un modèle final dont l'intérêt pédagogique a été validé. Par la suite, nous avons élaboré un modèle de simulation d'accouchement, paramétré, permettant de faire varier différents critères maternels et foetaux comme l'orientation, la taille et la flexion de la tête foetale. Dans un premier temps la simulation d'accouchement physiologique permet l'analyse de l'impact de l'accouchement sur ces mêmes structures pelviennes. Nous avons dans un second temps fait varier différents critères permettant d'aboutir à la dystocie. Nous travaillons également sur le développement de capteurs de pressions et mouvements, intégrés à des cuillères de forceps. Cet outil permet d'effectuer une analyse numérique du geste d'extraction par forceps.Cet outil paramétré de simulation numérique d'accouchement va permettre d'étudier les différents impacts de l'accouchement sur l'équilibre fragile des structures pelviennes. Ainsi il serait possible d'analyser la survenue de complications obstétricales maternelles et foetales. Ainsi il serait possible d'expliquer les lésions périnéales à court, moyen et long terme lié à l'accouchement. Cet outil permettrait également d'enseigner la mécanique et la gestuelle obstétricale parfois complexe. / We aim at developing a complete 3D numerical model of a parturient pelvic system representing all the anatomical structures of the pelvis such as ligament, muscle and organs. Then we generate a parametric FE model that allows simulating normal and dystocic vaginal delivery.We have developed a parturient pelvic numerical model at different gestational ages, 16, 32 and 38 weeks of gestation, (WG) and in postpartum (2months and 1year) from MRI. The different organs, muscles and ligaments of the pelvic system were segmented in order to generate a complete anatomical 3D model. Starting from this numerical model we studied the changes the muscles and ligaments undergo during pregnancy. Then we performed a Finite Element (FE) model that allows simulation and analysis of the deformations of pelvic anatomical structures under the stress induce by normal and dystocic vaginal delivery. In particular, we investigated the influence of the head size, terms and cephalic orientation and flexion. We particularly studied the structures that play an important role in the stability of the pelvic system.ResultsThe analysis during pregnancy of the US ligaments and levator ani muscle (LAM) reveals some geometrical modification, even then at the beginning of the second pregnancy trimester. This 3D anatomical model help to develop a teaching model for manual removing of the placenta, that could be integrated in a simple physic mannequin. The proof of pedagogical interest of this tool was made by different series of tests, underwent by gynaecolog-obstetrician and midwives. Then we worked with FE simulation of the vaginal delivery. The model developed is parametric. Than mean we can then change different maternal and fetal criteria such as gestational age, fetal head size, orientation and flexion. First place we performed normal vaginal delivery to study the impact of the fetal head descent in the pelvic system, and his stress impact on the different anatomical structures. Then we introduce dystocic element. We can evaluate and localize the strain levels and the most injured areas. Posterior cephalic presentation presents higher injury risk than the anterior one. Maternal geometry at different terms brings equivalent results contrary to the fetal head sizes that have an influence on the strain level and the potential damage induced. We developed pressure and trajectories sensors integrated in a forceps. We can then record an ex-vivo forceps extraction and then integrate all the information in the FE model.ConclusionThis multi-parametric investigation allows us to have a customizable and predictive tool evaluating the potential damages on the pelvis during vaginal delivery. We could then explain, understand and maybe predict some maternal and fetal complications that could happen during vaginal delivery. We can in particular try to explain the perinea injuries during, after and long time after vaginal delivery. This tool can be used to teach the complexity of obstetric.
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Three-dimensional image technology in forensic anthropology: assessing the validity of biological profiles derived from CT-3D images of the skeletonGarcia de Leon Valenzuela, Maria Julia 12 March 2016 (has links)
This project explores the reliability of building a biological profile for an unknown individual based on three-dimensional (3D) images of the individual's skeleton. 3D imaging technology has been widely researched for medical and engineering applications, and it is increasingly being used as a tool for anthropological inquiry. While the question of whether a biological profile can be derived from 3D images of a skeleton with the same accuracy as achieved when using dry bones has been explored, bigger sample sizes, a standardized scanning protocol and more interobserver error data are needed before 3D methods can become widely and confidently used in forensic anthropology.
3D images of Computed Tomography (CT) scans were obtained from 130 innominate bones from Boston University's skeletal collection (School of Medicine). For each bone, both 3D images and original bones were assessed using the Phenice and Suchey-Brooks methods. Statistical analysis was used to determine the agreement between 3D image assessment versus traditional assessment. A pool of six individuals with varying experience in the field of forensic anthropology scored a subsample (n = 20) to explore interobserver error. While a high agreement was found for age and sex estimation for specimens scored by the author, the interobserver study shows that observers found it difficult to apply standard methods to 3D images. Higher levels of experience did not result in higher agreement between observers, as would be expected. Thus, a need for training in 3D visualization before applying anthropological methods to 3D bones is suggested. Future research should explore interobserver error using a larger sample size in order to test the hypothesis that training in 3D visualization will result in a higher agreement between scores. The need for the development of a standard scanning protocol focusing on the optimization of 3D image resolution is highlighted.
Applications for this research include the possibility of digitizing skeletal collections in order to expand their use and for deriving skeletal collections from living populations and creating population-specific standards. Further research for the development of a standard scanning and processing protocol is needed before 3D methods in forensic anthropology are considered as reliable tools for generating biological profiles.
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Avaliação crítica do revestimento de cromo duro em cilindros de laminação a frio. / Critical evaluation of hard chromium coating over cold mill work rolls.Antonio Fabiano de Oliveira 22 November 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou o comportamento tribológico do revestimento superficial cromo duro, aplicado em cilindros de laminação e sua influência durante o processo de laminação a frio, para ligas de aço, cobre e alumínio. Iniciou-se o processo com a análise dos mecanismos de desgaste que ocorrem em cilindros de laminação. Em função das dimensões dos cilindros de laminação, foram produzidas réplicas obtidas em vários cilindros de laminação em diferentes empresas, antes e após a campanha dos cilindros de laminação. Consideramos no processo de amostragem, 3 tipos de acabamento do cilindro: texturizado, jateado e retificado. E ainda, cilindro sem e com revestimento de cromo. A estrutura da Texturização Shot Blaster (SBT) não atende todos os requisitos relacionados ao produto acabado. A camada de cromo duro, aplicado sobre estes cilindros de laminação SBT, melhora a qualidade da superfície da chapa, sendo de interesse para aquelas siderúrgicas que não têm outra alternativa às novas estruturas de superfície, podendo ser obtidas pelos métodos: Electro Discharge Texturing (EDT), Laser Texturing (LT), Electro Beam Texturing (EBT). A função das superfícies geradas, obtidas por estes métodos diferentes vai influenciar as propriedades tribológicas durante os processos de laminação e deformação de chapa. Por outro lado, pode aumentar o custo final do produto ou exigem grandes investimentos para obtenção de tais métodos. / The present work analyzed the tribological behavior of the hard chrome surface coating applied in rolling cylinders and their influence during the cold rolling process for steel, copper and aluminum alloys. The process started by analyzing the wear mechanisms that occur in work rolls. In function on the dimensions of the work rolls, replicas were obtained from several rolls and in different companies, before and after the roll chance. We consider in the sampling process, three types of work rolls finish: texturing, shot blasted and rectified. And still, work rolls without and with chrome coating. The Texture Shot Blaster (SBT) structure is not available in all respects related to the finished product. The hard chromium layer applied to these SBT rollers improves the surface quality of the sheet and is of interest to steel parts that are not of good capacity: EDT Textures, Laser texturing (LT), electrical beam texturization (EBT). The function of the generated surfaces obtained by these different methods is going to influence the tribological properties during the subsequent forming processes. On the other hand, they can increase the product final cost or require large investments to obtain such methods.
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Evaluating immersive approaches to multidimensional information visualization / Avaliando abordagens imersivas para visualização de informações multidimensionaisWagner Filho, Jorge Alberto January 2018 (has links)
O uso de novos recursos de display e interação para suportar a visualização imersiva de dados e incrementar o raciocínio analítico é uma tendência de pesquisa em Visualização de Informações. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o uso de ambientes baseados em HMD para a exploração de dados multidimensionais, representados em scatterplots 3D como resultado de redução de dimensionalidade. Nós apresentamos uma nova modelagem para o problema de avaliação neste contexto, levando em conta os dois fatores cuja interação determina o impacto no desempenho total nas tarefas: a diferença nos erros introduzidos ao se realizar redução de dimensionalidade para 2D ou 3D, e a diferença nos erros de percepção humana sob diferentes condições de visualização. Este framework em duas etapas oferece uma abordagem simples para estimar os benefícios de se utilizar um setup 3D imersivo para um dado conjunto de dados. Como caso de uso, os erros de redução de dimensionalidade para uma série de conjuntos de dados de votações na Câmara dos Deputados, ao se utilizar duas ou três dimensões, são avaliados por meio de uma abordagem empírica baseada em tarefas. O erro de percepção e o desempenho geral de tarefa, por sua vez, são avaliados através de estudos controlados comparativos com usuários. Comparando-se visualizações baseadas em desktop (2D e 3D) e em HMD (3D), resultados iniciais indicaram que os erros de percepção foram baixos e similares em todas abordagens, resultando em benefícios para o desempenho geral em ambas técnicas 3D A condição imersiva, no entanto, demonstrou requerer menor esforço para encontrar as informações e menos navegação, além de prover percepções subjetivas de precisão e engajamento muito maiores. Todavia, o uso de navegação por voo livre resultou em tempos ineficientes e frequente desconforto nos usuários. Em um segundo momento, implementamos e avaliamos uma abordagem alternativa de exploração de dados, onde o usuário permanece sentado e mudanças no ponto de vista só são possíveis por meio de movimentos físicos. Toda a manipulação é realizada diretamente por gestos aéreos naturais, com os dados sendo renderizados ao alcance dos braços. A reprodução virtual de uma cópia exata da mesa de trabalho do analista visa aumentar a imersão e possibilitar a interação tangível com controles e informações bidimensionais associadas. Um segundo estudo com usuários foi conduzido em comparação a uma versão equivalente baseada em desktop, explorando um conjunto de 9 tarefas representativas de percepção e interação, baseadas em literatura prévia. Nós demonstramos que o nosso protótipo, chamado VirtualDesk, apresentou resultados excelentes em relação a conforto e imersão, e desempenho equivalente ou superior em todas tarefas analíticas, enquanto adicionando pouco ou nenhum tempo extra e ampliando a exploração dos dados. / The use of novel displays and interaction resources to support immersive data visualization and improve the analytical reasoning is a research trend in Information Visualization. In this work, we evaluate the use of HMD-based environments for the exploration of multidimensional data, represented in 3D scatterplots as a result of dimensionality reduction. We present a new modelling for the evaluation problem in such a context, accounting for the two factors whose interplay determine the impact on the overall task performance: the difference in errors introduced by performing dimensionality reduction to 2D or 3D, and the difference in human perception errors under different visualization conditions. This two-step framework offers a simple approach to estimate the benefits of using an immersive 3D setup for a particular dataset. As use case, the dimensionality reduction errors for a series of roll calls datasets when using two or three dimensions are evaluated through an empirical task-based approach. The perception error and overall task performance are assessed through controlled comparative user studies. When comparing desktop-based (2D and 3D) with an HMD-based (3D) visualization, initial results indicated that perception errors were low and similar in all approaches, resulting in overall performance benefits in both 3D techniques. The immersive condition, however, was found to require less effort to find information and less navigation, besides providing much larger subjective perception of accuracy and engagement. Nonetheless, the use of flying navigation resulted in inefficient times and frequent user discomfort In a second moment, we implemented and evaluated an alternative data exploration approach where the user remains seated and viewpoint change is only realisable through physical movements. All manipulation is done directly by natural mid-air gestures, with the data being rendered at arm’s reach. The virtual reproduction of an exact copy of the analyst’s desk aims to increase immersion and enable tangible interaction with controls and two dimensional associated information. A second user study was carried out comparing this scenario to a desktop-based equivalent, exploring a set of 9 representative perception and interaction tasks based on previous literature. We demonstrate that our prototype setup, named VirtualDesk, presents excellent results regarding user comfort and immersion, and performs equally or better in all analytical tasks, while adding minimal or no time overhead and amplifying data exploration.
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Modeling and fabrication of tunable 3D integrated Mirau micro-interferometers / Modélisation et fabrication de microinterféromètres Mirau accordables intégrés 3DXu, Wei 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les interféromètres de type Mirau sont largement utilisés dans les profilomètres et vibromètres optiques 3D plein champ et d’autres applications dans les domaines de la biologie et de la médecine ont été démontrées. Quand elle a été débutée, cette thèse était la première tentative de réalisation d’interféromètres Mirau entièrement intégrés et accordables en technologie microsystèmes électromécaniques (MEMS) silicium. La conception proposée est fondée sur l’intégration hybride 3D d’un wafer de scanners hors plan de micromiroirs de référence et d’un wafer de séparatrices de faisceaux optiques. La nouveauté majeure de la conception du scanner de miroir est l’utilisation de microactionneurs à peignes électrostatiques verticaux autoalignés réalisés à partir de wafers double Silicium sur Isolant (DSOI). Les modélisations semi-Analytiques et les simulations électromécaniques par éléments finis ont démontré que la combinaison de cet actionnement électrostatique avec des ressorts en serpentins optimisés permet d’obtenir une translation de grande course, bidirectionnelle et symétrique (+/-20µm) du miroir de référence. Un procédé de fabrication original de ce scanner de miroir, reposant largement sur la gravure ionique profonde (DRIE) et des techniques innovantes de délimitation de motifs avec des films secs photosensibles, a été étudié, et les principales étapes critiques de fabrication ont été démontrées avec succès avec des substrats de Si, SOI et DSOI commetciaux. La séparatrice semi-Réfléchissante large bande a été conçue pour être réalisée par une technologie de fabrication de membranes diélectriques multicouches SiO2/SiNx développée précédemment à l’IEF. L’assemblage des wafers de scanners de miroir et de séparatrices sera étudiée dans l’avenir pour obtenir des matrices d’interféromètres Mirau accordables permettant des mesures parallélisées d’interférométrie à décalage de phase ou d’interférométrie faiblement cohérente à balayage dans différentes gammes de longueurs d’onde. / Mirau-Type interferometers are widely used in full field optical 3D profilometers and vibrometers and other applications in biology and medicine fields have been demonstrated. When it was started, this thesis was the first attempt towards the realization of a fully integrated and tunable Mirau interferometer in silicon MEMS technology. The proposed design is based on 3D hybrid integration of an out-Of plane reference micro-Mirror scanner wafer and a optical beam splitter wafer. The major novelty of the micro-Mirror scanner design is the use of self-Aligned vertical electrostatic combs micro-Actuators made from double SOI (DSOI) wafers. Electromechanical modeling by semi-Analytical modeling and finite element simulations demonstrated that the combination of this electrostatic actuation with optimized serpentine suspension springs allows a large range, bidirectional and symmetrical vertical translation (+/-20µm) of the reference mirror. An original fabrication process of this mirror scanner, largely relying on Deep Reactive Ion Etching and on innovative patterning techniques with dry photosensitive films, was investigated, and the main critical fabrication steps were successfully demonstrated with commercial Si, SOI and DSOI substrates. The semi-Reflective broadband beam splitter was designed to be realized by a dielectric SiO2/SiNx multilayer membrane technology previously developed at IEF. Assembly of the mirror scanner and the beam splitter wafers will be investigated in the future to obtain integrated tunable Mirau interferometer arrays allowing parallelized phase shifting interferometry and low coherence scanning interferometry measurements in various wavelength ranges.
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Trikåkonstruktion med 3D-effekt för väggpaneler i lastbilar, ersättning av polyuretanskum / Knit construction with 3d-effect for wall panels in trucks, substitute for polyurethane foamNiemi, Mira, Frez Segovia, Carmen January 2012 (has links)
En vanligt förekommande laminering är polyuretanskum, som används för att ge egenskaper som mjukhet, komfort och flexibilitet till textiler. Ett användningsområde som tillverkaren och leverantören Borgstena Group Sweden AB använder polyuretan till är lastbilars väggpaneler. De vill dock ersätta den polyuretanskumlaminerade dubbeljerseytrikån som används idag med endast en ren trikåkonstruktion för att slippa problem som dellaminering och minskade töjegenskaper. Dessutom så har den kemiska sammansättningen av polyuretan som används i lamineringen visat sig vara belastande för både miljö och människor. I denna rapport klargörs varför polyuretanskum behöver ersättas och vilka möjligheter som finns i dagsläget för att göra detta. En praktisk produktutveckling för ett potentiellt ersättningsmaterial, alltså en konstruktion med 3D-effekt utforskas på tvåbäddsrundstick. Resultatet av denna produktutveckling visar att garnernas skillnad i dtex (tjocklek) och maskininställningen relief tillsammans med mönstrets storlek och komposition ärav betydelse i att skapa 3D-struktur. Utav provstickningarna som gjorts görs ett flertal tester på en slutgiltig konstruktion med partier av olika masklängder, detta i avseende på töjegenskaperna för att därmed se hur konstruktionen når upp till töjkraven som krävs för denna produkt.A common laminate is polyurethane foam which is used to provide textile properties such assoftness, comfort and flexibility. Borgstena Group Sweden AB is an active company and serves asboth manufacturer and supplier for the automotive industry. The Company uses laminates ofpolyurethane foam and double jersey knits to make truck-wall panels, however they wish to replacethis group of merchandise with only a clean knit construction design to avoid problems asdelamination and decreased tensile properties. In addition, the chemical composition ofpolyurethane foam used in the process of lamination has been known for causing malicious damagefor humans as well as the global environment. This case study clarifies why polyurethane foamshould be replaced and what types of methods are available within the current demarcation in orderto do this. An empirical process of product development for a potential replacement material, thus a construction with a 3D-effect is explored on a two-bed circular knitting machine. The result of thiscase study's prototype shows that the yarn difference in dtex (thickness) and the setting of the machine together with the composition and pattern size, are of great importance when creating a 3D-structure.From several knit sessions that took place in this study tests were done on a final pattern that wastested with different mesh lengths and a special test concerning the tensile strength, to examine howthe construction reaches the settled quality standards required for this field of application. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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Additiv Tillverkning i Fordonsindustrin : Avgörande faktorer vid val av lämplig 3D-skrivarteknik Additive Manufacturing in Automotive Industries - Decisive factors in the selection of suitable 3D printing technologyFaresani, Mahdi Amirian, Hadipoor, Rosa January 2014 (has links)
Additiv tillverkning (AT) eller 3D-utskrivning är en teknologi som har berömts den senaste tiden och förutsägs kommer att förändra hela tillverkningsindustrin. Dessa termer hänvisar båda till ett antal tillverkningstekniker där ett objekt framställs skikt för skikt genom att successivt tillföra material i tunna lager.Baserat på en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med experter inom området undersöker denna studie möjligheten att använda AT inom företaget CJ Automotive (CJA) vilket är en underleverantör inom fordonsindustrin som tillverkar olika slags pedalsystem. Rapporten beskriver additiv tillverkning, dess fördelar och olika användningsområden. Olika AT-tekniker, AT-material och välkända 3D-skrivartillverkare presenteras. Signifikanta fakta rörande både kvalitet, kostnad och teknik redogörs för. Även en jämförelse mellan olika tekniker redovisas.Denna rapport innehåller riktlinjer för hur ett företag ska tänka och vilka faktorer som är viktiga vid val av rätt 3D-skrivarteknik. Studien pekar på att det finns många fördelar med att utnyttja 3D-skrivare under utvecklingsprocessen på företaget. Detta kommer att påskynda utvecklingsprocessen och eventuellt förbättra produkterna till följd av mer flexibilitet och designmöjligheter. Slutligen föreslås två AT-tekniker som tycks vara de lämpligaste med tanke på företagets verksamhet. / Program: Högskoleingenjörsexamen i Maskiningenjörprogrammet - Produktutveckling
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Développement d'une technique de vélocimétrie laser en trois dimensions par suivi de particules basée sur le principe de défocalisation et son application autour d'obstacles en aval d'une grille. / Development and application of a time resolved 3D particle velocimetry technique around obstacles using defocus concept downstream a spacer gridBaudoin, Raphael 17 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du design des assemblages combustibles, les écoulements turbulents induits par les grilles de maintien provoquent de fortes fluctuations de pression dues aux niveaux de vitesses du fluide induisant la vibration des crayons combustibles. Or ces vibrations sont une source de vieillissement accéléré et d’usure prématurée des assemblages combustibles dont l’origine convient d’être mieux analysée.Dans cette l'optique, des simulations numériques ont été utilisées pour prédire les niveaux de vitesses transverses ainsi que le niveau de turbulence en aval de la grille. Cependant, les codes CFD doivent être validés avec des mesures expérimentales conduisant ainsi à une meilleure compréhension des structures mis en jeu dans le processus de mélange. Or la caractéristique de ce type d'écoulement repose sur son caractère tridimensionnel entre les faisceaux de crayons où l'accès optique est limité et à l'heure actuelle, aucune mesure de vitesse 3D n'a été réalisée. C'est pourquoi nous nous proposons de présenter dans cette étude l'application d'une technique de mesure 3D résolue en temps dans une boucle hydraulique transparente. L’approche consiste à utiliser une stratégie de suivi, dans lequel des particules traceuses individuelles sont d'abord détectées dans l’écoulement et ensuite suivies dans le temps – PTV 3D.Cette thèse présente les résultats obtenus dans une veine d’essais hydraulique en utilisant une approche de suivi à l’aide de deux caméras. Dans un premier temps, une nouvelle extension de la technique de défocalisation permettant de récupérer les positions des particules dans le temps avec une caméra est présentée et la méthodologie pour récupérer les déplacements individuels est décrite. Des cas d’application et de validation de la technique sont présentés afin de mieux quantifier les erreurs de mesures. Ensuite, la boucle hydraulique est introduite et son écoulement caractérisé par des techniques établies de mesure de vitesse. Finalement, les mesures 3D à deux caméras sont réalisées et discutées. / In order to validate the numerical simulation of the mixing phenomena downstream a spacer grid in the reactor core, reaching the 3rd velocity component through experimental studies is of major importance since mechanical structures responses are linked to transverse velocities. Nevertheless the main difficulty relies on applying a non-intrusive velocimetry technique around obstacles composed of a vertical set of rods. So far only 1D and 2D temporal studies have been performed.Hence, numerical methods have been widely used to predict correctly those transverse velocities and the turbulence level downstream the grid. However, CFD codes are to be validated with experimental measurements leading to a better understanding of the detailed flow structure in the mixing process. Therefore we propose to present in this study the application of a 3D time resolved velocity measurement technique to a hydraulic test facility. The approach is to use a tracking strategy, in which individual particles are first detected then followed in time - 3D time resolved Particle Tracking Velocimetry.This PhD Thesis presents results obtained in a hydraulic test section using a tracking based approach with two cameras. At first, a new extension of the defocussing technique to recover particles location in time with one camera is presented and the methodology o get individual velocity vector is then described. Applications and validations of the technique in dedicated flows allow to determinate and quantify measurement uncertainties. Then the hydraulic test section is introduced together with preliminary flow characterization using Laser Doppler Velocimetry or 2D time resolved PIV analysis. Finally, two cameras measurements are reported and post-processing techniques are discussed.
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Évaluation clinique de la démarche à partir de données 3D / Clinical Gait Assessment using 3D dataKhokhlova, Margarita 19 November 2018 (has links)
L'analyse de la démarche clinique est généralement subjective, étant effectuée par des cliniciens observant la démarche des patients. Des alternatives à une telle analyse sont les systèmes basés sur les marqueurs et les systèmes basés sur les plates-formes au sol. Cependant, cette analyse standard de la marche nécessite des laboratoires spécialisés, des équipements coûteux et de longs délais d'installation et de post-traitement. Les chercheurs ont fait de nombreuses tentatives pour proposer une alternative basée sur la vision par ordinateur pour l'analyse de la demarche. Avec l'apparition de caméras 3D bon marche, le problème de l'évaluation qualitative de la démarche a été re-examiné. Les chercheurs ont réalisé le potentiel des dispositifs de cameras 3D pour les applications d'analyse de mouvement. Cependant, malgré des progrès très encourageants dans les technologies de détection 3D, leur utilisation réelle dans l'application clinique reste rare.Cette thèse propose des modèles et des techniques pour l'évaluation du mouvement à l'aide d'un capteur Microsoft Kinect. En particulier, nous étudions la possibilité d'utiliser différentes données fournies par une caméra RGBD pour l'analyse du mouvement et de la posture. Les principales contributions sont les suivantes. Nous avons réalisé une étude de l'etait de l'art pour estimer les paramètres importants de la démarche, la faisabilité de différentes solutions techniques et les méthodes d'évaluation de la démarche existantes. Ensuite, nous proposons un descripteur de posture basé sur un nuage de points 3D. Le descripteur conçu peut classer les postures humaines statiques a partir des données 3D. Nous construisons un système d'acquisition à utiliser pour l'analyse de la marche basée sur les donnees acquises par un capteur Kinect v2. Enfin, nous proposons une approche de détection de démarche anormale basée sur les données du squelette. Nous démontrons que notre outil d'analyse de la marche fonctionne bien sur une collection de données personnalisées et de repères existants. Notre méthode d'évaluation de la démarche affirme des avances significatives dans le domain, nécessite un équipement limité et est prêt à être utilisé pour l'évaluation de la démarche. / Clinical Gait analysis is traditionally subjective, being performed by clinicians observing patients gait. A common alternative to such analysis is markers-based systems and ground-force platforms based systems. However, this standard gait analysis requires specialized locomotion laboratories, expensive equipment, and lengthy setup and post-processing times. Researchers made numerous attempts to propose a computer vision based alternative for clinical gait analysis. With the appearance of commercial 3D cameras, the problem of qualitative gait assessment was reviewed. Researchers realized the potential of depth-sensing devices for motion analysis applications. However, despite much encouraging progress in 3D sensing technologies, their real use in clinical application remains scarce.In this dissertation, we develop models and techniques for movement assessment using a Microsoft Kinect sensor. In particular, we study the possibility to use different data provided by an RGBD camera for motion and posture analysis. The main contributions of this dissertation are the following. First, we executed a literature study to estimate the important gait parameters, the feasibility of different possible technical solutions and existing gait assessment methods. Second, we propose a 3D point cloud based posture descriptor. The designed descriptor can classify static human postures based on 3D data without the use of skeletonization algorithms. Third, we build an acquisition system to be used for gait analysis based on the Kinect v2 sensor. Fourth, we propose an abnormal gait detection approach based on the skeleton data. We demonstrate that our gait analysis tool works well on a collection of custom data and existing benchmarks. Weshow that our gait assessment approach advances the progress in the field, is ready to be used for gait assessment scenario and requires a minimum of the equipment.
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