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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heat Transfer Analysis of Bio-Printed Tissue Mimicking Material Mixed with Silver Nanoparticles

Chandrasegaran, Jedeshkeran 08 1900 (has links)
Novel tissue mimicking materials have been developed for cancer treatment research. In the present research work, the tissue mimicking material is printed using 3D bioprinting technology. The nanoparticles are homogeneously mixed with tissue mimicking materials to enhance the heating capacity. The thermal conductivity of tissue mimicking materials is measured using a micropipette thermal sensor (MTS). Further, the optimal value is identified based on optimization technique and incorporated into a theoretical model to predict the surface temperature of microsphere. The heat conduction governing equation with Lambert law is numerically solved using COMSOL Multiphysics software. To validate the present simulation results, the experiments are conducted using a continuous laser system.

Design of a filament fuser : Reducing 3D-printer filament waste / Design av en filamentsvetsare : Reducera materialsvinn av 3D-skrivare

Kanbour, Omar January 2022 (has links)
There has been a significant rise of users in the 3D-printer community. A common dilemma amongst users is how to handle spools of plastic filament that does not contain enough filament for an arbitrary print. This report explores the possibility of fusing strands of filament together from two different spools into one spool by the method of fusion bonding. This concept of plastic bonding generally consists of the following three steps. Preparing the surface area, heating the polymer and physically pushing the filament strands on to each other. Fusion bonding proved to be successful for temperatures between 150-190 ◦C without reducing required tensile strength for printing. There was a clear deterioration in the ability to follow tight curves for the fused filament. This showed in the result where many of the welded strands snapped when conducting the bending test. The welded filament had an average diameter of 1.992 mm. It appears that the filament bond formed based on the geometry of the PTFE tube that acted like a mold. It was concluded that the welded filament bond could improve if the used PTFE-tube had a diameter closer to 1.75 mm. Possible improvements were discussed where an example of using PTFE coating could improve the quality of the fuse in terms of strand diameter. / Användningen av 3D-skrivare har ökat markant bland konsumenter. En vanlig situation som uppstår är att kvarvarande filamentrulle inte har tillräckligt med material över för en godtycklig utskrift. Den här rapporten avser att behandla möjligheten att svetsa ihop två olika plasttrådar av filament till en enda tråd och därefter rulla ihop den sammansvetsade plasten till en filamantrulle. Metoden som användes för att utföra svetsningen kallas för fusion bonding. Det finns flera olika varianter av denna metod. För att utföra sammansvetsning med fusion bonding krävs följande tre steg, förberedelse av ytan på den tilltänkta svetsen, upphettning av polymererna och därefter fysiskt röra de upphettade polymererna mot varandra tills kontakt uppstår. Fusion bonding visade sig vara en fungerande metod att sammansvetsa filament med för temperaturer mellan 150-190◦C utan att påverka den nödvändiga styrkan för att klara av en utskrift. Böjtestet påvisade en kraftig försämring av det sammansvetsade materialets förmåga att böja sig. Det visade sig även att medeldiametern vid sammansvetsningen var 1.992 mm. Slutsatsen som drogs av resultatet var att sammansvetsningen formade sig efter PTFE-tuben som agerade som en form åt polymererna. En möjlig förbättring som diskuterades var att använda PTFE-beläggningpå aluminiumblocket för att minska skillnaden i diametern mellan sammansvetsningen och originaldiametern.

Multicolor 3D printing : An analysis of the characteristics of multicolor 3Dprinting

Patkhullaev, Davron, Melake, Yonas January 2021 (has links)
3D printing has risen in popularity due to its capabilities which enable rapid prototyping and printing structures that were impossible to produce before and partially because of technological development in recent years. Most low-cost printers, based on the fused filament fabrication process, are capable of printing a single filament at a time that limits and complicates multicolor and multi-material 3D printing. Therefore, investigating and building a multicolor 3D printer have been chosen as a degree project in order to provide an understanding for multicolor 3D printing. The project was started with an investigation of different possibilities and potential solutions. After that, a visual CAD model was created in Solid Edge, and a virtual model was constructed by using Acumen. Lastly, accumulated ideas were implemented into creating a prototype. Construction of the prototype was accomplished successfully, and several experiments were executed to determine its capabilities and limitations. The results showed that the printer has high precision in XY-plane and is less precise in Z-axis. The printer was able to print 45 different colored objects, of which only 24 were chosen as distinct colors that the human eye could distinguish. One of the main challenges with a single nozzle multicolor 3D printing compared to a single-color printing is constant heatsink clogging. Another challenge is to create a well-integrated system where hardware and software comply perfectly in a manner that desired prints are obtained. / Se dokumentfil

3D tiskárna typu Delta / Delta type of 3D printer

Němec, Radek January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is about design and construction of FDM delta 3D printer which consists of 32-bit electronics, magnetics printer head and other necessary peripheries. Opening chapters of this thesis are about theory of 3D printing and its methods with description of FDM 3D printers and summarization of FDM plastic materials used for 3D printing. The next part is about used electronics and problematic of heat transfer. The main part of this thesis describes design and construction of 3D printer and its necessary peripheries, which includes creation of its 3D model and application for 32bit controller. 3D model of delta 3D printer and its heating components was created in CAD software SolidWorks. The last part includes description of commissioning and calibration of delta 3D printer with summarization of economic aspects of its creation.

Social media's significance on the need recognition and information search, in B2B investment decisions of 3D printers.

Boström, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
This study examines what significance social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram) may have in regard to clients need recognition and information search, in B2B investment decision making of desktop 3D printers. The study was made on 121 respondents from the 3D printer reseller company 3DVerkstan’s customer base. Need recognition and information search are the two first steps of five, in the consumer behavioral Engel Blackwell Miniard (EBM) model of decision making. To get a better perspective of what role social media have in B2B marketing, a broad investigation of the 3D print owners need recognition and information search has been conducted through a survey built from the EBM-model, and the clients media consumption. A wide range of communication channels has been examined in order to draw conclusions from what role social media play as whole. As social media is an unexplored field for B2B marketing, an interview with the CMO of Telia Sonera Sweden, Magnus Andersson was held to get insights of how they currently use social media in B2B as a best-in-class case. This study aims to give foundational directives for social media’s significance for B2B companies in the technology. The findings in this study indicates that social media has a great potential exposure to influence and inspire need recognition. Especially for Facebook, decent potential exposure for LinkedIn and Instagram. Not very good for Twitter. Although, almost none were first exposed to 3D printing on social media. Social media was not searched for information, and the few that did searched for reviews. The respondents primarily searched on online sources only. Most respondents conducted one search step where they focused on finding a source with compiled information to conveniently grasp the 3D printer market. Either on Youtube to look for unbiased 3D print reviews. Or through a convenient recommendation from friends and resellers of the most suitable 3D printer in relation to their objective. Technical specification, price, customer reviews, service & support and user case quality caught their attention after finding their preferred source of information retrieval. Convenient personalized packaging in review form with the above stated attributes could be used to inspire customers on social media. Directed towards the use motives; prototyping, hobby/home use or custom production.

Digitalisering av byggsektorn / Digitalization of the constructional section

Al Sadi, Sarmad, Hododi, Dylan January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Den digitala utvecklingen inom byggproduktionssektorn ligger efter jämfört med många andra branscher och har fått ryktet om att vara rent av konservativ. Att säga att utvecklingen står stilla stämmer inte då majoriteten av företagen arbetar aktivt för en mer digitaliserad sektor. Trots detta domineras produktionsplatserna av pappersdokument, icke autonoma system och själva arbetet utförs mer eller mindre på samma sätt som det gjort i flera decennier. Trots att flertalet digitala verktyg och implementeringsmodeller finns tillgängliga möter dem inom byggproduktionssektorn en hel del motstånd. Denna rapport granskar de digitala innovationer som är på uppgång och som kan göra betydande nytta inom byggproduktion. Metod: Via sökmotorer på högskolans databas, samt internet gjordes insamling av rådata som sedan skulle analyseras och ligga till grund för kvalitativ insamlingsmetod. Litteraturstudien var grundpelaren som betingade de semistrukturerade intervjuerna, som i sin tur möjliggjorde en jämförelse mellan det teoretiska ramverket och intervjuresultat. Resultat: En klar majoriteten av de intervjuade aktörerna ansåg att 3D-skrivaren någon gång i framtiden kommer att inta byggsektorn. En implementering av 3D-skrivaren skulle medföra kortare produktionstider, reducerade produktionskostnader, eliminering av spill och mindre arbetskostnader. Autonoma systems inträde i byggproduktionssektorn kommer förmodligen inte ske inom en snar framtid då olika byggprojekt skiljer sig åt väldigt mycket. Hade byggandet blivit mer monotont skulle det underlätta väldigt mycket, men i dagsläget är sällan ett projekt det andra likt. Big data är en innovation som skulle kunna revolutionera byggbranschen på flera håll. Respondenterna förstod dock inte begreppets innebörd vilket tyder på att det inte satsas någonting på Big data inom produktionssektorn. Möjligheterna för Big data är många och det kan bland annat användas för effektivare kommunikation, effektivisering av produktionsplatsen, mer detaljerad koll på olika maskiner och mer kontrollerade material leveranser. Konsekvenser: För en allmänt lyckad implementering av 3D-skrivaren krävs det att även de mindre företagen kan införskaffa apparaten. De större företagen riskerar annars att konkurrera ut de mindre företagen. Då betong i allmänhet är ett material med förhållandevis hög miljöpåverkan medför detta konsekvenser för miljön som redan befinner sig i en utsatt position. Då det arbetas väldigt aktivt med att förbättra omvärldens miljöpåverkan är det därför viktigt att lägga fokus på att försöka producera mer miljövänlig betong. Begränsningar: Studien begränsades till ett fåtal svenska byggföretag i göteborgsregionen. I rapporten tas därför endast de fåtal respondenters åsikter med. / Purpose: The digital progress is slow within the constructional sector in comparison to other type of businesses and it has the reputation of being relatively conservative. To say that the progress is standing still would be mistake since the majority of constructional companies are working actively for a more digital construction site. Even though these companies are working hard towards a more digital sector the construction site is dominated by paper documents, non-autonomic systems and the labor is done the same way as it has been done for decades. Even though multiple digital tools and implementation models are available the construction sector is facing a lot of resistance. This report examines those digital innovations that are on the rampaging and can do a significant good within the construction sector. Method: Through search engines at the university's database, as well as the internet, collection of raw data was collected, which would then be analyzed and underlie for qualitative collection methods. The literature study was the foundation of the semistructured interviews, which in turn enabled a comparison between the theoretical framework and interview results. Findings: A vast majority of the interviewed participants believe that the 3D-printer sometime in the future may be used within the construction sector. An implementation of the 3D-printer would induce shorter production times, reduced production costs, elimination of waste and reduced costs for labor. Autonomic systems will probably not be implemented on construction sites within a short future since different construction projects are to diverse. If the construction would become more monotonic it would ease considerably, but today one project is rarely analogous to the other. Big data is an innovation that could revolutionize the construction sector in a lot of different ways. The respondents did not understand the meaning of the term, which interpret that it is not an innovation in focus for the time being. The possibilities of Big data are substantial and it could be used for more effective communication, more efficiency within the construction site, more detailed checkups of machinery and more controlled building material checkups. Implications: For a generally successful implementation of 3D-printers they need to be affordable for the smaller companies. Otherwise the larger firms risk to put the smaller firms out of business. Since concrete is a material with a relatively large impact on the environment this may cause consequences for the environment in the future since its already in an exposed situation. Since it´s globally working actively with improving the environment the focus should be in producing more environmentally acceptable concrete for the 31d-printers. Limitations: The study was limited to a handful of Swedish constructional companies within the Gothenburg region. In the report, only the opinions of a few respondent are taken to consideration.

Novas metodologias para a fabricação de piezoeletretos termo-formados / New technologies for the manufacture of piezoelectrets thermo-formed

Assagra, Yuri Andrey Olivato 28 August 2015 (has links)
Há vários métodos descritos na literatura sobre a forma como os piezoeletretos ou ferroeletretos podem ser fabricados, sendo que cada uma dessas técnicas apresenta suas vantagens e desvantagens. Por exemplo, espumas de polipropileno (PP) são fáceis de serem processadas em grande escala aliada a um baixo custo de produção, entretanto, seu efeito piezoelétrico é dependente da temperatura, assim como não há um controle dos vazios internos durante sua fabricação, ocasionando uma heterogeneidade da geometria desses vazios. Por outro lado, em outros métodos as dimensões das cavidades podem ser controlada e polímeros termicamente mais estáveis podem ser utilizados, no entanto, a um maior custo de produção. Em relação aos métodos que visam a produção dos piezoeletretos, neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova técnica baseada em termo selagem e template de água para criar piezoeletretos com canais tubulares abertos. Este tipo de estrutura vazada foi inicialmente produzida pela laminação de filmes de etileno propileno fluorado (FEP) com o template de politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) entre eles, sendo o template descartado após a laminação, gerando resíduos. Com a substituição do template de PTFE pela água na etapa de produção dos novos piezoeletretos, foi possível eliminar o descarte de resíduos sólidos ao mesmo tempo em que um tratamento químico foi efetuado na superfície do filme. Pelo método desenvolvido, a estabilidade térmica do piezoeletreto foi melhorada sem a necessidade de um tratamento prévio ou posterior dos filmes, diminuindo assim o custo de produção. Outro método inovador para produção dos piezoeletretos também foi exposto neste trabalho. Essa inovação consiste na fabricação de piezoeletretos com cavidades controladas por meio da impressão de filmes de ABS. Para a impressão dos filmes uma impressora 3D de baixo custo foi utilizada. / There are several methods described in the literature on how piezoelectrets or ferroelectrets can be manufactured, each of these techniques present their advantages and disadvantages. For example, foamed polypropylene (PP) are easy to be processed on a large scale combined with a low cost of production, however, its piezoelectric effect is temperature dependent, and there is no control of internal voids during its manufacture, causing a heterogeneity of the geometry of these empty. Furthermore, in other methods the cavities dimensions can be controlled and more thermally stable polymers can be used, however, with a higher production cost. Regarding the methods for producing piezoelectrets, in this work we present a new technique based on hot sealing and water template for creating multi-layered piezoelectrets with open-tubular channels. This type of voided structure have been initially produced by laminating fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) films with a polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) template in between although the template was discarded after lamination, creating residual waste. With the replacement of the PTFE template by water in the production step of the new piezoelectrets, it was possible to eliminate the disposal of solid waste at the same time a chemical treatment was performed on the film surface. By the developed method, the piezoelectrets thermal stability was improved without the need for a prior or subsequent treatment of the films, reducing the production cost. Another innovative method for production of piezoelectrets was also exposed in this work. This innovation consists in manufacturing piezoelectrets with cavities controlled by printing ABS films. In order to print the films, a 3D printer was used.

Additiv Tillverkning i Fordonsindustrin : Avgörande faktorer vid val av lämplig 3D-skrivarteknik Additive Manufacturing in Automotive Industries - Decisive factors in the selection of suitable 3D printing technology

Faresani, Mahdi Amirian, Hadipoor, Rosa January 2014 (has links)
Additiv tillverkning (AT) eller 3D-utskrivning är en teknologi som har berömts den senaste tiden och förutsägs kommer att förändra hela tillverkningsindustrin. Dessa termer hänvisar båda till ett antal tillverkningstekniker där ett objekt framställs skikt för skikt genom att successivt tillföra material i tunna lager.Baserat på en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med experter inom området undersöker denna studie möjligheten att använda AT inom företaget CJ Automotive (CJA) vilket är en underleverantör inom fordonsindustrin som tillverkar olika slags pedalsystem. Rapporten beskriver additiv tillverkning, dess fördelar och olika användningsområden. Olika AT-tekniker, AT-material och välkända 3D-skrivartillverkare presenteras. Signifikanta fakta rörande både kvalitet, kostnad och teknik redogörs för. Även en jämförelse mellan olika tekniker redovisas.Denna rapport innehåller riktlinjer för hur ett företag ska tänka och vilka faktorer som är viktiga vid val av rätt 3D-skrivarteknik. Studien pekar på att det finns många fördelar med att utnyttja 3D-skrivare under utvecklingsprocessen på företaget. Detta kommer att påskynda utvecklingsprocessen och eventuellt förbättra produkterna till följd av mer flexibilitet och designmöjligheter. Slutligen föreslås två AT-tekniker som tycks vara de lämpligaste med tanke på företagets verksamhet. / Program: Högskoleingenjörsexamen i Maskiningenjörprogrammet - Produktutveckling

Optimized NURBS Curve Based G-Code Part Program for CNC Systems

Sai Ashish Kanna (5931080) 16 January 2019 (has links)
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is widely used in many industries that needs high speed machining of the parts with high precision, accuracy and good surface finish. In order to avail this the generation of the CNC part program size will be immensely big and leads to an inefficient process, which increases the delivery time and cost of products. This work presents the automation of high-accuracy CNC tool trajectory planning from CAD to G-code generation through optimal NURBs surface approximation. The proposed optimization method finds the minimum number of NURBS control points for a given admissible theoretical cord error between the desired and manufactured surfaces. The result is a compact part program that is less sensitive to data starvation than circular and spline interpolations with potential better surface finish. The proposed approach is demonstrated with the tool path generation of an involute gear profile and a topologically optimized structure is developed using this approach and then finally it is 3D printed.

Desenvolvimento de um objeto simulador \"Canis Morphic\" utilizando impressora 3D para aplicação em dosimetria na área de radioterapia veterinária / Development of a phantom \"Canis Morphic\" using 3D printer for use in dosimetry in veterinary radiation therapy

Veneziani, Glauco Rogério 27 April 2017 (has links)
O aumento na longevidade humana fez surgir uma série de doenças com a idade; em contrapartida o avanço da medicina possibilitou o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento de várias doenças antes incuráveis. Esse cenário atual estendese também aos animais domésticos (cães e gatos - PETs) que dobraram sua expectativa de vida nas últimas décadas, fato que os humanos demoraram séculos para alcançar. Do mesmo modo que os humanos, esse aumento na longevidade dos animais veio acompanhado de doenças relacionadas com a idade, entre elas o câncer. Uma das terapias utilizadas atualmente no tratamento do câncer é a radioterapia, técnica que utiliza a radiação ionizante para destruir as células tumorais (volume-alvo) com mínimo prejuízo aos tecidos circunvizinhos sadios (órgãos de risco). Essa técnica exige a realização periódica de testes de controle de qualidade, incluindo a dosimetria com a utilização de objetos simuladores equivalentes ao tecido, de modo a verificar a dose de radiação recebida pelo paciente em tratamento e compará-la posteriormente com a dose de radiação calculada pelo sistema de planejamento. A rápida expansão do mercado de impressoras 3D abriu caminho para uma revolução na área da saúde. Atualmente os objetos simuladores por impressão 3D estão sendo usados em planejamentos de Radioterapia para a localização espacial e mapeamento das curvas de isodose, realizando, assim, um planejamento mais personalizado para cada campo de radiação, além da confecção de implantes dentais, customização de próteses e confecção de bólus. Diante do exposto esse trabalho projetou e desenvolveu um objeto simulador chamado de \"Canis Morphic\" utilizando uma impressora 3D e materiais tecido-equivalentes para a realização dos testes de controle de qualidade e otimização das doses na área de Radioterapia em animais (cães). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram-se promissores na área de criação de simuladores por impressão 3D, com materiais de baixo custo, para aplicação no controle de qualidade em Radioterapia veterinária. / The increase in human longevity caused a number of diseases with age; in contrast the advancement of medicine made possible the early diagnosis and treatment of several previously incurable diseases. This scenario is also important for domestic animals (dogs and cats - PETs) that have doubled their life expectancy in recent decades, a fact that humans took centuries to reach. Like humans, this increase in animal longevity was accompanied by age-related diseases, including cancer. One of the therapies currently used in the treatment of cancer is radiation therapy, a technique that uses ionizing radiation to destroy tumor cells (target volume) with minimal impairment to healthy surrounding tissues (organs at risk). This technique requires periodic quality control testing, including dosimetry with the use of tissue-equivalent phantoms, in order to verify the dose of radiation received by the patient being treated and to compare it subsequently with the calculated radiation dose by the treatment planning system. The rapid expansion of the 3D printer opened the way for a health revolution. Currently the 3D impression of phantoms are being used in Radiation therapy\'s planning for the spatial location and mapping of the isodose curves, thus realizing a more personalized planning for each radiation field, besides the preparation of dental implants, customization of prostheses and build of bolus. This work aimed has designed and developed a simulator object called \"Canis Morphic\" using a 3D printer and tissue-equivalent materials to perform quality control and dose optimization tests in the area of Radiation therapy in animals (dogs). The results obtained demonstrated be promising in the area of development of phantoms by 3D printing, with materials of low cost, for application in quality control in Veterinary Radiation therapy.

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