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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Šiukštė, Rasa 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami penktųjų klasių mokinių adaptacijos mokykloje ypatumai. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad įgyvendinant sėkmingą mokinių adaptavimąsi į mokyklos bendruomenę, galima ugdyti teigiamas emocijas bei keisti mokinių požiūrį į mokymąsi. Tyrime dalyvavo 150 penktųjų klasių mokinių iš Vilniaus Gabijos gimnazijos, Šiaulių Gytarių vidurinės mokyklos ir Pakruojo „Žemynos“ pagrindinės mokyklos. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad dauguma mokinių teigiamai vertina naują dalykinio mokymo sistemą. Vis dėlto visuose miestuose yra penktokų, kuriems sunku adaptuotis prie didesnių reikalavimų, naujos aplinkos, naujų mokytojų, naujų draugų. Būdami mokykloje jie jaučia nerimą bei jaudulį, jaudinasi, kad ko nors nesuspės padaryti per pamokas. Rezultatai rodo, kad mažo miestelio vaikams labiausiai patinka mokytis savo mokykloje. Bet deja, kaip ir visuose miestuose, tik pusė jų jaučiasi saugūs joje. Tai galima sieti ir su patyčiomis, kurios turi didelę įtaką vaiko socialiniam gyvenimui ir adaptacijai. Reikia atkreipti dėmesį ir į tai, kad vaikai savo klasėse nėra pakankamai draugiški. Pastebima tendencija, kad kuo didesnis miestas, tuo klasės draugai vieningesni ir draugiškesni kitiems. Paaiškėjo, kad didžioji dauguma mokinių tėvų domisi kaip vaikams sekasi mokykloje, vaikai kartu su jais sprendžia iškilusias problemas ir jiems neabejotinai svarbus tėvų palaikymas. Tai turi didelę įtaką penktokų adaptacijai mokykloje. Pastebima tendencija, kad didesnių miestų vaikai mažiau bendrauja su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor's analysis the features of 5th grade schoolchildren’s adaptation at school. The hypothesis tells that the successful schoolchildren’s adaptation in school community can develop their positive emotions and change their attitudes to learning. The study included 150 5th grade schoolchildren from Vilnius Gabijos gymnasium, Šiauliai Gytarių Secondary School and Pakruojis „Žemynos“ Secondary School. The study found that most 5th grade schoolchildren positively evaluate the new education system. However, there are some 5th grade schoolchildren in all cities who find it difficult to adapt to the higher requirements, new environment, new teachers and friends. Being in school, they feel the excitement and anxiety, also worry that they will not be in time during the lesson. The results show that 5th grade schoolchildren, living in a small town, most like learning in their school. But unfortunately, as in all cities, only about half of them feel safe there. This can be attributed with a bullying. It has a significant impact on the child’s social life and adaptation. It should be said that children are not sufficiently friendly in their classes. There is a tendency that the bigger the city, the more classmates are united and friendly with others. It appears that the vast majority of the schoolchildren’s parents are interested in how children are at school, children solve problems with their parents and they certainly need parental support. This has a significant impact on the of... [to full text]

The Impact of Participation in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Program on Dietary Habits in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students in Cache County Utah After One Year

Jones, Amanda B. 01 May 2014 (has links)
Adolescents are not consuming the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables (FV). An overall decrease in diet quality is seen as adolescents get older, with decreases in fruit and vegetable intake and increases in energy dense food intake. The aim of this study was to test whether or not the Food Dudes (FD) healthy eating program helps to prevent decreases in fruit and vegetable intake and increases in energy dense foods during the transition from elementary school into middle school. Past FD studies supported the use of repeated tasting, rewards, and role modeling to encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables at school with data from studies of young children. A review of available literature on effectiveness of these techniques in adolescents found evidence that the program may also be effective for adolescents. Participants were 4th and 5th graders (n=874) from 6 elementary schools, recruited during the 2011-2012 school year. Treatment group was assigned by school and included a prize condition, a praise condition, and a control. Students were followed into the 2012-2013 school year when the 5th grade cohort entered middle school. During 2012-2013 an additional control group was recruited from three middle schools (n = 154). Results showed short term success at increasing FV intake and that the program had some long term success preventing large drops in FV intake. A small to medium positive correlation was seen between energy dense snack foods and total FV intake (r ranging from .125 to .355, p The results of this study suggest that the FD program may play a role in helping to maintain lunch time FV intake during the transition into middle school. The results for the impact on total FV intake and total diet were less conclusive due to problems in the self-reported data. Future studies on this topic should look for a better method for tracking changes in total FV intake and total diet.

A Correlational Study Between The Amount Of Property Wealth Behind Each Student Attending Florida District Schools And The Acade

Saenz, Willie 01 January 2010 (has links)
As the concern for standardized testing continues to rise, so to does the concern for providing students with an appropriate and equal educational opportunity. The goal of this research was to investigate relevant data to determine if there is a relationship between the wealth behind each student and the academic proficiency amongst 5th grade white, black, and Hispanic students within the 67 counties of Florida. The desired outcome of this study was to produce information relevant to political leaders, educational leaders, and teachers in Florida public school districts with influential strategies necessary to increase the proportion of 5th grade students achieving academic proficiency. The review of literature and analysis of the data gathered from the Florida Department of Education for the school year 2006-2007 and the Florida Department of Revenue, 2007 revealed the following findings: (1) there is a statistically significant correlation between reading scores among white and black students in grade 5 as measured by the FCAT and the wealth behind each student within the state of Florida; (2) there is no statistically significant correlation between reading scores among Hispanic students in grade 5 as measured by the FCAT and the wealth behind each student within the state of Florida. In other words, as school districts are deemed more wealthy, white and black students in grade 5 tend to do better in reading than their white and black counterparts in poorer districts. In contrast, Hispanic students in wealthy school districts do not do better in reading than their Hispanic counterparts in poor districts.

CompetÃncias sociolinguÃsticas na escola pÃblica cearense: saberes, atitudes linguÃsticas e prÃticas pedagÃgicas de docentes no 5Â ano do Ensino Fundamental / Sociolinguistic competences in public schools in CearÃ: knowledge, language attitudes and pedagogical teaching practices in the 5th grade of elementary school

BetÃnia Maria Gomes Raquel 19 February 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / nÃo hà / Esta tese investiga o tratamento didÃtico-pedagÃgico dado pelos professores que atuam no ensino de LÃngua Portuguesa, no 5 ano do Ensino Fundamental, da rede pÃblica municipal de ensino do CearÃ, aos fenÃmenos linguisticamente variÃveis, que contribuem para o desenvolvimento das competÃncias sociolinguÃsticas dos alunos. Sob o suporte da Teoria da VariaÃÃo e MudanÃa LinguÃstica, de William Labov (1977, 1978, 1983, 2003, 2008), enfocaram-se os saberes sociolinguÃsticos que perpassam a formaÃÃo inicial e continuada desses docentes, suas atitudes frente ao fenÃmeno da variaÃÃo e mudanÃa linguÃstica e as prÃticas pedagÃgicas por eles utilizadas em sala de aula, com fins de levar os alunos a desenvolverem as competÃncias sociolinguÃsticas. A amostra de escolas deste estudo foi definida levando-se em conta os menores (< 48,0 % (Grupo A)) e os maiores percentuais de acerto (> 77,8 ( Grupo B)) obtidos pelas escolas no Descritor de VariaÃÃo LinguÃstica (D29), no SPAECE 2012, totalizando 397 escolas municipais, distribuÃdas em 135 municÃpios do Estado. O estudo quanti-qualitativo foi realizado em duas etapas. A primeira etapa, predominantemente quantitativa, consistiu, inicialmente, em uma anÃlise geral acerca dos saberes, atitudes e prÃticas de 255 professores do 5 ano, das 397 escolas da amostra, a partir da coleta de dados por meio de questionÃrio online. Com fins de dar complementariedade Ãs anÃlises nessa etapa, foram analisados os resultados do total de alunos que realizou o SPAECE 2012 (124.173). O percentual de erros e acertos em cada um dos quatro itens referentes ao D29 foi desagregado considerando a formaÃÃo do professor da turma: Pedagogia ou Letras. Os resultados da primeira etapa demonstraram que nÃo hà diferenÃas significativas entre os professores do Grupo A e os professores do Grupo B quanto aos saberes, atitudes e prÃticas pedagÃgicas relacionados aos fenÃmenos linguisticamente variÃveis. Alinhado a esse resultado, no estudo complementar, tambÃm nÃo houve diferenÃa significativa nos resultados obtidos pelos alunos nos dois itens considerados fÃceis, independente de serem alunos de professores com formaÃÃo em Pedagogia ou Letras. Nos dois itens considerados difÃceis o comportamento foi outro: houve um percentual de acerto maior por parte dos alunos de professores com graduaÃÃo em Letras. Na 2 etapa da pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa, participaram as 09 (nove) escolas de Fortaleza que faziam parte da amostra inicial, 05 com menor percentual de acerto (Grupo A) e 04 com maior percentual de acerto no D29 (Grupo B). Ao todo foram envolvidos 09 (nove) professores do 5 ano (01 por escola). Os resultados observados junto aos professores das escolas do Grupo A, graduados em Pedagogia, e os professores das escolas do Grupo B, predominantemente, graduados em Letras, distanciam-se, relativamente, entre si. Os professores do Grupo B, em relaÃÃo ao Grupo A, no geral, demonstraram ter alguns conhecimentos mais especÃficos sobre os fenÃmenos linguisticamente variÃveis e, Ãs vezes, atitudes menos prescritivas frente aos fatos linguÃsticos que envolvem variaÃÃo, alÃm de fazerem uso de algumas estratÃgias diferenciadas ao abordar a variaÃÃo linguÃstica em sala de aula. Os dois grupos, entretanto, demonstraram carecer de um maior embasamento teÃrico e metodolÃgico da SociolinguÃstica com fins de melhor contribuir para o desenvolvimento das competÃncias sociolinguÃsticas dos alunos. / This thesis investigates the didactic and pedagogical treatment given by teachers to linguistically variable phenomena, with a view to the development of sociolinguistic competence of students in the 5th year of elementary school from CearÃ, Brazil, studying in the public municipal system. Under the Variation Theory and Language Changes Basis from William Labov (1977, 1978, 1983, 2003, 2008) the sociolinguistic knowledge which permeates teachers initial and continuing education, their attitudes against variation phenomenon and language change and their pedagogical practices in classroom aiming students âsociolinguistic competencies development. The sample schools for this study was defined by the smaller (< 48,0 % (Group A)) and larger (> 77,8 (Group B)) adjustable percentages obtained by the schools in the Linguistic Variation Descriptor (D29) and SPAECE 2012 exam. The total of schools is 397 municipal schools, distributed in 135 towns. The quantitative and qualitative study was performed in two stages. The first stage (quantitative) was analyzed based on knowledge, attitudes and practices of 255 teachers from 5th grade from the 397 selected schools referred from an online questionnaire. Completing the analysis, the result of the total of students who did SPAECE 2012 exam (124.173) was analyzed. The percentage of trial and errors on each of the D29 items was dissociated considering the teacher`s group academic education: Pedagogy or Languages. The first step results demonstrated that there are no relevant differences between teachers from Group A and Group B about knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical practices related to linguistically variable phenomena. Referring to this result, on the complementary study, there was not also a relevant difference on the students&#8223; results related to the two items which were considered easy, no matter the students are from a teacher who studied Pedagogy or Languages. About the two items which were considered difficult, there was a larger percentage of corrected items from the students who are leaded by the teacher who studied Languages. On the second stage of the research (qualitative) 09 schools from Fortaleza, Cearà were involved. They were from the initial sample - 05 of them with lower percentage of correct answers (Group A) and 04 of them with higher percentage of correct answers on D29 (group B). It was involved 09 teachers from 5th grade (01 per school) altogether. The observed results from Group A teachers, graduated in Pedagogy, and group B teachers, graduated in Languages were relatively distant. Group B has demonstrated specific knowledge about linguistically variable phenomena and sometimes less prescriptive attitudes face the facts of linguistic variation. They also make use of different strategies related to linguistic variation in class. The two groups need more theoretic and methodological sociolinguistic basement in order to contribute for the students sociolinguistic competences.

Design and development of a unit model for integrated instruction

Thomas, Dana Katharine 01 January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení zdatnosti žáků vybraných ZŠ pomocí UNIFITTESTU / The evaluation of selected elementary school students' physical fitness by using UNIFITTEST

Vélová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
The title of the bachelor thesis: The evaluation of selected elementary school students' physical fitness by using UNIFITTEST Prepared by: Bc. Adéla Vélová Thesis supervisor: PhDr. Ales Kaplan, Ph.D. Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out the current level of the fitness of the 5th graders at selected primary schools in the district of Jablonec nad Nisou, which do not focus on sports. These were pupils who fall into the age category of 10 and 11 years. I processed the ascertained results. Subsequently, I made a comparison between the individual primary schools to find out which of the tested schools achieved better results. Methodology: The main method of the research was the practical testing of students by using a test battery UNIFITTEST (6-60), from which I applied four motor tests (two-footed jump, sit- ups repeatedly for 60 seconds, shuttle run 4x10 m and the Cooper's test - 12 minutes run). I compared all the measured data with the relevant UNIFITTEST standards for the given age category (10-11 years). Another part of my diploma thesis was a short anonymous questionnaire designed for physical education teachers, refering to the finding out opinions of physical education of the 5th graders. Results: The results for the boys and the girls were very balanced. Both sexes across...

Les enseignants de fin de cycle élémentaire face à la grande difficulté scolaire : enjeux psychiques et influences culturelles / Teachers in charge of children with special needs at the end of elementary school : psychical issues at stake and cultural influences

Luce, Catherine 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche veut comprendre les enjeux psychiques liés à la confrontation de l'enseignant de fin de cycle élémentaire, dans une période charnière avant le collège, avec les élèves considérés en grande difficulté, selon les normes institutionnelles. La problématique prend sa source dans les différentes expériences professionnelles de l’auteur en France hexagonale et ultramarine. La démarche de recherche clinique à orientation psychanalytique permet d’appréhender les mouvements psychiques conscients et inconscients mobilisés dans la " personnalité professionnelle " de chaque enseignant. Sept entretiens cliniques non-directifs ont été menés auprès d’enseignantes de fin de cycle élémentaire, en métropole, en Polynésie française et aux Antilles. S’appuyant sur ses élaborations contre-transférentielles, l’auteur met au travail les concepts de rapport au savoir, de temporalité psychique, d’angoisse mais aussi les notions de transmission, de connivence culturelle et d’espace potentiel à partir de l’analyse de chaque entretien puis d’une réflexion transversale les mettant en perspective. Les résultats de la recherche montrent la présence de dynamiques psychiques actives dans cette situation d'enseignement, où dominent des vécus d’impuissance pédagogique et didactique, des formes d’angoisse, notamment de séparation, et des modes de défense spécifiques, dans le contexte du passage des classes de CM 2 à la 6ème, situation qui radicalise les possibilités d'échec. La recherche met aussi en évidence l'importance de la confrontation de l'expérience singulière des enseignants avec des valeurs collectives intériorisées ; elle identifie les influences culturelles mobilisées par les défenses psychiques et professionnelles des praticiens qui participent à des processus de dégagement et d'ouverture face aux conflits psychiques éprouvés. Une transmission devient possible via une connivence culturelle, transformatrice et élaborative, offrant un " espace potentiel " où se rétablissent les liens entre élève et maître. Ainsi cette recherche centrée sur la subjectivité des professionnels, en s’ouvrant sur les contextes environnementaux, permet des confrontations avec d’autres disciplines telles que l’anthropologie et enrichit la compréhension des phénomènes psychiques en jeu dans cette situation. / This research´s aim is to understand the psychic elements at stake in the confrontation between a 5th grade teacher, at the turn from the primary school to the middle school, and their pupils considered in great difficulty according to the institutional standards. This questioning takes its roots in the researcher's various work experiences in France and overseas. The chosen approach is clinical, with a psychoanalytical orientation to allow to watch the conscious and unconscious psychic movements mobilized in the ‘professional personality’ of every teacher practicing in various contexts. Seven non-directive research clinical consultations were led with 5rd grade teachers, in France, in French Polynesia and in the French Antilles. The concepts of knowledge, psychic temporality, anxiety but also the notions of transmission, cultural complicity and potential space are used, from the analysis of each interview and also a transversal reflection putting in them perspective. The results of the research indicate the presence of active psychic dynamics in this teaching situation, with experiences of educational and didactic powerlessness, forms of anxiety especially liked to separation, and specific modes of defense, in the context of the transition from primary to middle school - a situation which toughens the possibilities of failure. The research also highlights the importance of the confrontation of the individual experience of the teachers with interiorized collective values. It identifies the cultural influences mobilized by the psychic and professional defenses of the practitioners which participate in working-off mechanisms in front of proven psychical conflicts. A transmission becomes possible through cultural complicity and creates a potential space in which the links between pupil and teacher are restored. Consequently this research, which is focused on the subjectivity of the professionals, opens on the environmental contexts, allowing confrontations with other disciplines such as anthropology and increasing the understanding of the psychic phenomena at stake in this situation.

S'approprier l'Ecrit autrement ? : du diagnostic à la remédiation chez des enfants en difficulté sur l'Ecrit / Towards another way to appropriate the Written language ? : from skills assessment to remediation in children having problems with reading and writing

Majaji, Sara 04 December 2015 (has links)
Dans une perspective de psychologie développementale appliquée à l’objet Écrit, la recherche présentée dans cette thèse s’articule autour de deux grands temps et notions : l’évaluation des compétences à l’Écrit d’une part et la remédiation des difficultés sur l’Écrit d’autre part. Le concept d’appropriation de l’Écrit développé par Besse constitue la base de ce travail et permet de faire le lien entre ces deux dimensions, en prenant en compte le rapport à l’Écrit dans sa globalité (aspects cognitifs, sociaux ou plus personnels). Dans un premier temps, les compétences et représentations de l’Écrit de 159 enfants scolarisés à l’école élémentaire sont mises en évidence à l’aide des outils DMA-Enfants (rencontres individuelles autour d’activités sur le lire-écrire-parler). Les analyses et observations alors conduites ont permis de suivre le développement des compétences en lecture-écriture et le cheminement sur l’Écrit des enfants du CP au CM2. Différents profils sur l’Écrit ont également été identifiés, venant notamment souligner les particularités des enfants en difficulté sur l’Écrit. Dans un second temps, 21 enfants de CM2 ont participé pendant trois mois à des ateliers de remédiation sur l’Écrit autour du Journal Scolaire, visant à les accompagner vers une autre réflexion et appropriation de l’Écrit. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants et témoignent d’une certaine influence de la remédiation sur les représentations et les comportements face à l’Écrit des enfants concernés. / This doctoral research on the Written language takes place in the field of developmental psychology. It can be focused on two main concepts and two main steps: reading and writing skills assessment on one hand, remediation of difficulties on the other hand. The reading and writing appropriation concept developed by Besse is used to link assessment and remediation and the Written language in all its dimensions (cognitive, social and more personal aspects) is taken into account. Based upon the use of the DMA method, 159 children from 1st to 5th grade were first met individually and activities relating to reading, writing and oral skills were proposed to highlight their Written language skills and representations. We were able to monitor the progress and we could analyze the development of reading and writing skills throughout elementary school. Different profiles of reading and writing skills were also identified, especially to differentiate children having problems with Written language.In a second step, remediation workshops were set up for three months with 21 5th grade children. The purpose was writing articles for the school newspaper in order to support children to another thought and appropriation of the Written language. The results are encouraging : they show some influence of remediation on representations and behaviors about reading and writing.

Geometrické pojmy kolmost a rovnoběžnost ve 4. a 5. ročníku ZŠ / Geometrical concepts of perpendicularity and parallelism in 4th and 5th grade of primary school

Kopecká, Alena January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on pupils attending 4th and 5th grade in primary school. These children are observed for their knowledge of perpendicularity and parallelism and their ability to use it in practice. The theoretical part describes two geometrical terms - perpendicularity and parallelism. Other chapters describe different theories of learning, the process of knowledge construction and also the stages of language development in geometry. Furthermore the thesis explores the topic in state curriculum documents. The geometrical terms and their occurance, frequency and preparative tasks are searched in different textbooks. The practical part includes experiments based on qualitative research. The survey is conducted through a worksheet with different types of tasks which were chosen to test the participants' knowledge of above-mentioned terms. These experiments were recorded and analyzed by means of phenomena that appeared. The phenomena allowed me to answer the questions that were posed in the beginning of the research. Key words: perpendicularity, parallelism, preparative tasks, depth of knowledge, experiment

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