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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the nature of physical activity in young people within a Scottish context

Young, Steven David January 2018 (has links)
Researchers have linked physical activity (PA) with positive health outcomes. Unfortunately, PA in young people continues to be reported as a concern with many not achieving the recommended guidelines. Further, participation in childhood and adolescence is positively associated with PA into adulthood, highlighting the importance of PA habits in young people for lifelong participation. Gender, socio- economic status (SES), and motivation have all been shown to be important factors that influence participation, and as such are a focus of this thesis. Mixed methods research was adopted to ‘investigate the nature of PA in young people within a Scottish context' including quantitative (study one) and qualitative (studies two and three) methodologies. The initial motivation for study one emerged through my personal interest in understanding the nature of young people's participation in structured club activities and the role SES, gender and motivation play in a Scottish context. Sport is often used as a proxy for PA and as such, young people's participation is frequently reported on sports club based activities. On reflection, this focus on ‘weekly club activity sessions,' rather than a more broad, valid, and reliable measure of PA, limited the application of the findings. Nevertheless, the findings and reflection on the methods used in study one informed the direction of the thesis moving forward. More specifically, SES was found to be the strongest predictor of club activity participation, with those from higher SES taking part in more club activity sessions than those from lower SES. No significant gender differences in participation were found. While SES was the sole predictor of school club activities, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation were also important predictors of participation in out-of-school club activities. The regression models predicted between 5% and 27% of the variance in club participation, highlighting the multi-factorial nature of the influencers of participation. In order to understand the nature of PA more broadly in young people from lower SES within a Scottish context and to investigate the complexity of participation influencers, a qualitative methodology was used. Study two investigated low SES Scottish youths' PA experiences across key development stages (i.e., childhood, adolescence and newly identified early adulthood, study two). Results suggested that young people from low SES participate in a high variety of unstructured PA throughout their lives, which is under reported in the literature. Participation in structured sport based activities in childhood, particularly those in which a young person forms a sport ‘identity,' influences future adherence, but also engagement and enjoyment of school physical education (PE). For many young people, particularly those from less affluent backgrounds, school PE may be the only opportunity for them to participate in structured PA. While some young people embraced school PE, others perceived PE a threatening, so leading them to avoid or drop out altogether. Findings showed that in addition to previous experience, the nature of the PE climate also influenced participation as young people entered early adulthood. As well as shedding light on the broad nature of young people's PA from low SES backgrounds, the findings from study two highlighted the role that schools (e.g., through PE) have in influencing young people's PA and associated attitudes. Study three aimed to investigate young people's PA, motivational influences, and the role of schools from the perspective of qualified Scottish PE teachers, knowledgeable on policy issues and active in the development of future teachers. The main findings from study three showed that family influences (mostly parents) and SES were key towards the formation of young people's attitudes and behaviours towards PA, particularly in sports. Those young people with parents not showing any interest in PA were more likely to be inactive compared to those youngsters with active parents. Young people from lower SES backgrounds were less likely to participate in sports activities, thus preventing them from gaining the necessary experiences (and competencies) needed to successfully take part in many school PE activities. Also, this study found that secondary school PE is perceived by many pupils as threatening which subsequently led many to avoid PE altogether. Many young people are not achieving the curriculum expected health and well-being benefits through school PE. The results also highlighted the huge challenge and role conflict that is apparent for PE teachers in schools, which is a barrier to effective promotion of PA and positive attitudes in a range of young people. This thesis supports the contention that SES is an important factor in young people's PA. While those from lower SES were shown to participate in less structured sport club activity than those from higher SES, evidence emerged suggesting that young people from lower SES participate in a variety of unstructured PA which is underreported in the literature. The complexities of PA participation were also apparent where previous experience, parents and school PE were found to have important roles, which either facilitated or debilitated motivation, and participation. This thesis also highlighted that there are serious challenges in delivering an effective PE experience to pupils with a wide range of ability and backgrounds. These challenges were exacerbated by the vagueness of policy guidance (e.g., within Scotland's curriculum for excellence), the pressures of certification, and the mostly sport dominated culture of PE. Implications for policy and practice in relation to the motivational climate of PEemerged. Recommendations for future research and practice in this area are discussed.

Understanding the nature of talent identification and development in the Nigerian context

Elumaro, Adeboye Israel January 2015 (has links)
In recent times, the sports sector across the globe has attracted economic interests both from the public and the private sector. For example, the cost of hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil was estimated at over $14.5 billion, with huge investments made intorenovating old stadia and building new ones in preparation for the games. Similarly, the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow generated over 5,000 jobs and apprenticeships for the locals, £200m worth of contracts to local firms, £198m investments in sporting facilities, and £700m worth of transport-related infrastructural development. It is thus clear that sport hasassumed more relevance in society than merely serving the purpose of recreation and leisure such that stakeholders now commit resources into sport performance improvement. Consequently, countries (particularly, those in Europe, Australia and North America) consider the sports sector among the key factors of social and economic development. Given the considerably large youthful population of Nigeria, it is possible to take advantage of sports to advance social and economic wellbeing of the people. It is however regrettable that the Nigerian government does not appear to have realised the potentialopportunities a robust sports economy could provide for a nation in the quest for social, political and economic development. The opportunities provided by sports for social and economic growth will not be fully grasped unless efforts are made to create effective talent development frameworks; unfortunately, anecdotally at least, the reality on the ground suggests that the contrary is the case in Nigeria. Previous research investigating the process of talent identification and development has highlighted a number of features of effective talent development environments. Research informing these guidelines and principles comes from a variety of research activity including understanding the nature of the talent development pathway, the characteristics of successful and developing athletes, the features of effective coaching and support environments, factorsof effective talent transfer, and effective talent development policies. However, it is important to note, that the current TID literature is based predominantly on European, Australian and North American studies. This is particularly important given that there is strong evidence to suggest that TID is culturally and context specific. Certainly the specific context must be taken into consideration when transferring and/or using recommendations (either research orapplied) from one context to another. Since there has been very little work carried out within a Nigerian context, this thesis aims to take a broad examination of the nature of talent identification and development processes within a Nigerian context. This is with the aim of understanding potential barriers to TID and facilitating effective practice to aid successful talent development within Nigeria To address these objectives, three studies were carried out. First, a literature review examined the relevant TID literature in relation to the specific context of TID in Nigeria, taking into account the role(s) of important stakeholders (i.e. coach, parents, teacher, siblings,and peers). Based on the lack of evidence from the Nigerian environment and the exploratory nature of this thesis, three qualitative studies were designed and implemented to examine a broad, in-depth perspective of the nature of athlete and sports development in Nigeria. These three studies included the elite athletes' perspectives of the nature of talent identification and development, the elite coaches' perspectives and finally the community stakeholders' perspectives. A total of 21 participants (i.e. 8 elite athletes, 7 coaches and 6 community stakeholders) were purposefully sampled and interviewed to provide triangulated, and informed perspectives on the specific nature of TID in Nigeria. The data revealed a number of challenges to effective TID in Nigeria including, lack of policy implementation, corruption, poverty, and family resistance, as well as poor infrastructure for sports development. Furthermore, luck played a large role in successfuldevelopment, especially due to the ad hoc nature of access to coaching and supportive people in the community (e.g. head teachers). Interestingly, in case successful development, theextremely challenging circumstances faced by athletes attempting to develop their sporting potentials acted as a mechanism to develop their mental resilience and independence, which facilitated success. Furthermore, findings suggest that widespread cultural practice through early years (e.g. festivals, physical labour) developed a general physicality among Nigerian children, which could serve as bedrock of TID, if the other talent development environmentswere put right.

Ambulatory physiological assessment : an ergonomic approach to the dynamic work environment and temporal variability in heart rate variability, blood pressure and the cortisol awakening response

Campbell, Thomas George January 2014 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this thesis was to investigate the psychophysiological response to the dynamic working environment within a cohort of higher education employees via ambulatory assessment of psychosocial and physiological measures. Methods: Data was collected from two observational studies. Study one employed a cross-sectional design to investigate relationships between work-related psychosocial hazard, work-time heart rate variability, blood pressure, and the cortisol awakening response. Consideration was given to occupation type and acute work-related demand. Study two, a single-subject case study, employed an experience sampling methodology to peform a 24 hour assessment over 21 days. Workload, affect and demand were sampled during working hours, while heart rate variability and physical activity were continually sampled (24 hours), with salivary cortisol, being sampled at 3 time points during the awakening period. This study also investigated some of the methodological issues associated with ambulatory assessment of both heart rate variability and the cortisol awakening response. Findings: Chronic work-related demand was found to be positively associated with sympathetic dominance of the autonomic nervous system. Acute work-related demand was associated with ambulatory heart rate variability during work time and evening time whilst the rise in salivary free cortisol over the immediate post awakening period varies according to acute anticipatory demand and prior day's workload. Substantial intra--individual variation in both the cortisol awakening response and ambulatory heart variability was found to occur across work-days. Work time activity levels accounted for little of the variation in ambulatory heart rate variability and blood pressure. The cortisol awakening response was associated with both heart rate variability and nocturnal movement in the latter stage of sleep. Conclusion: Attending to the psychophysiological response to work at the individual level by means of ambulatory assessment appears to provide a useful means of assessing the balance between employee and environment. This could have significant implications for work design, employee selection and targeting of workplace interventions.

Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz Krippen - Vorbeugender Hochwasserschutz: Nachhaltige Dorfentwicklung Krippen nach der Hochwasserkatastrophe 2002

Thieme, Markus 10 June 2009 (has links)
Krippen, ein Stadtteil von Bad Schandau, war im August 2002 zur Hälfte überflutet. Nach der Flut begann, unter wissenschaftlicher Begleitung durch das LfULG, ein Planungsprozess, der für das Dorf Krippen in konkrete Projekte zum vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutz mündete: Untersuchungen zur Wasserrückhaltung und Erosionsvermeidung auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen oberhalb der Gemeinde Krippen (Modellierung des Oberflächenwasserabflusses mit Abfluss- und Erosionsprognosen); Überarbeitung des Hochwasseralarm- und Einsatzplans; Verminderung und Rückbau der Versiegelung von Flächen; Hochwasserschutz bei Neubau und die Sanierung von Gebäuden und Anlagen (Spiel- und Sportplatz, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Abwasserpumpwerk, Bau des Flutgrabens); Umweltbildungsmaßnahmen für Einwohner und Touristen (u. a. Hochwassertour - eine Wanderung zum Thema: Leben am Fluss); Förderung des sanften Tourismus (FahrradBus, Radtourismus, Terrainkurwege).

Staudenpflanzungen mit Gehölzen : Staudenpflanzungen mit Gehölzanteilen - Pflanzkosten und Pflegeaufwand bei unterschiedlich gemulchten Pflanzungen

Bolsdorf, Marina, Rösler, Gudrun, Strothmann, Knut 16 June 2009 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Neugestaltung des Innenhofes an der Fachschule für Gartenbau in Dresden-Pillnitz wurde eine Freianlage mit unterschiedlichen Bepflanzungstypen hergestellt und drei Jahre gesichtet. Der Pflegeaufwand ging in diesen drei Jahren deutlich zurück. Ein Großteil der Bepflanzungen ist für anspruchsvollere, halböffentliche und öffentliche Außenanlagen attraktiv.

Wie gelingt die optimierte Inanspruchnahme indikativer Präventionsprogramme für psychische Auffälligkeiten im Vor- und Grundschulalter im deutschen Gesundheitssystem? – Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Implementationsstudie

Weniger, Max 18 September 2024 (has links)
Wie gelingt die Prävention psychischer Beschwerden? Erprobung einer innovativen Versorgungskette: Von der Vorsorgeuntersuchung zur indikativen Präventionsmaßnahme bei emotionalen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im Vor- und Grundschulalter. Wie ist die Teilnahmebereitschaft der Familien und Kinderärzt*innen an der innovativen Versorgungskette und welche Barrieren und Förderfaktoren der Inanspruchnahme von Präventionsprogrammen konnten identifiziert werden.:0 Synopse 9 1 Einleitung 19 1.1 Epidemiologie psychischer Störungen 19 1.2 Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Krankheitslast psychischer Störungen 22 1.3 Prävention psychischer Störungen 24 1.3.1 Präventionsansatz bei psychischen Störungen 24 1.3.2 Wirksamkeit von Präventionsprogrammen 27 1.3.3 Inanspruchnahme von Präventionsprogrammen 29 1.3.4 Barrieren und Förderfaktoren der Inanspruchnahme von professioneller Hilfe 30 2 Ziele und Fragestellungen der Thesis 35 3 Studiendesign und Methodik - Beitrag 1: Wie gelingt die Prävention psychischer Beschwerden? Von der Vorsorgeuntersuchung zur indikativen Präventionsmaßnahme bei emotionalen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten im Vor- und Grundschulalter: eine prospektive Implementationsstudie 38 3.1 Zusammenfassung 38 3.2 Trailer 39 3.3 Hintergrund und Fragestellung 39 3.4 Studiendesign und Untersuchungsmethoden 40 3.4.1 Vorgehen 40 3.4.2 Stichprobe 41 3.4.3 Präventionsmaßnahmen 44 3.4.4 Evaluation des Versorgungspfades 45 3.5 Diskussion 48 3.5.1 Schlussfolgerungen 49 3.5.2 Fazit für die Praxis 49 4 Beitrag 2: Indikative Präventionsprogramme zur Förderung der seelischen Gesundheit im Vor- und Grundschulalter: Teilnahmebereitschaft von Kinderärzt*innen und Familien an einer innovativen Versorgungskette 50 4.1 Zusammenfassung 50 4.2 Einleitung 51 4.3 Methoden 53 4.3.1 Studiendesign und Untersuchungsablauf 53 4.3.2 Erhebungsinstrumente 56 4.3.3 Statistische Analysen 58 4.4 Ergebnisse 58 4.4.1 Teilnahmebereitschaft der FfPaed an der Umsetzung des Screenings 58 4.4.2 Zugangswege in die Versorgung und Prävention 60 4.4.3 Teilnahmebereitschaft der Familien am Screening und an indikativen Präventionsmaßnahmen 63 4.4.4 Ablehnungsgründe 67 4.5 Diskussion 68 4.5.1 Limitationen 71 4.5.2 Fazit 71 5 Beitrag 3: Barrieren und Förderfaktoren der Inanspruchnahme von Präventionsprogrammen zur Förderung der seelischen Gesundheit bei Kindern im Vor- und Grundschulalter 73 5.1 Zusammenfassung 73 5.2 Einleitung 75 5.3 Methoden 79 5.3.1 Stichprobe und Untersuchungsablauf 79 5.3.2 Erhebungsinstrumente 80 5.3.3 Statistische Analysen 81 5.4 Ergebnisse 83 5.4.1 Stichprobenbeschreibung 83 5.4.2 Barrieren und Förderfaktoren der Inanspruchnahme 86 5.5 Diskussion 105 5.5.1 Limitationen der Studie 108 5.5.2 Schlussfolgerung 109 6 Allgemeine Diskussion 111 6.1 Übergreifende Ergebnisdiskussion zu den Teilfragestellungen und Ableitung von Implikationen 112 6.2 Stärken und Schwächen der Arbeit 128 6.3 Beantwortung der Hauptfragestellung „Wie gelingt die optimierte Inanspruchnahme indikativer Präventionsprogramme für psychische Auffälligkeiten im Vor- und Grundschulalter im deutschen Gesundheitssystem?“ und Implikationen für die Umsetzung von Präventionsmaßnahmen 131 7 Schlussfolgerung 134 8 Referenzverzeichnis 136 9 Anhang 162 9.1 Tabellenverzeichnis 162 9.2 Abbildungsverzeichnis 164 9.3 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 165 9.4 Danksagung 166 9.5 Eigenständigkeitserklärung 167

Reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes in people with intellectual disabilities : a three phase study

Maine, Andrew January 2018 (has links)
Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) remain at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) due to lifestyle associated risk factors such poor diets and low physical activity levels. Interventions have been adapted which target ongoing T2D self-management. However, there are no adapted programmes which prevent T2D through reducing risk factors. The present research project addresses this gap through a three-phase study on the existing literature, theoretical basis, and process evaluation of a T2D prevention programme. Methods: Phase 1: The literature reviews identified that the support needs of people with ID with T2D are currently not being met. Appropriate training needs to be delivered so that people with ID can self-manage or reduce the risk of T2D effectively. Given the early onset of T2D in people with ID and their often shorter lifespan, there is rationale for a preventative agenda in T2D education. Four potential mainstream intervention programmes were identified, and the self-efficacy model was found to be the most prevalent successfully implemented theoretical model. Phase 2: Nine sub-themes were identified following analysis of the data: 1) "Mastery through knowledge"; 2) "Mastery through tools and strategies"; 3) "Mastery through autonomy"; 4) "Influence of social setting"; 5) "Positive social comparisons"; 6) "Positive and negative self-statements"; 7) "Feedback from Caregivers"; 8) "Adjustment experiences"; 9) "Symptom awareness". These were mapped onto Bandura's (1977) Four Sources of efficacy enhancement model and were consistentwith its proposed mechanisms. The Four Sources model serves as a useful mode of enquiry for exploring people with ID's experiences and perceptions of self-managing diabetes. It also confirms the appropriateness of ssself-efficacy as a potential intervention component for this population. However, additional support may be required for people with ID to reflect meaningfully on their experiences and thus have a sense of self-efficacy. Phase3: 96% of invited students agreed to participate. The Walking Away programme was positively received, and some short-term impact was described, yet there were limitations to accessibility of the program due to the complexity of the language and materials. Suggestions for further adaptations regarding materials and content were provided, and there was perceived scope for a long-term implementation built into college curriculum. Results: Phase One: The literature reviews identified that the support needs of people with ID with T2D are currently not being met. Appropriate training needs to be delivered so that people with ID can self-manage or reduce the risk of T2D effectively. Given the early onset of T2D in people with ID and their often shorter lifespan, there is rationale for a preventative agenda in T2D education. Four potential mainstream intervention programmes were identified, and the self-efficacy model was found to be the most prevalent successfully implemented theoretical model. Phase Two: Nine sub-themes were identified following analysis of the data: 1) "Mastery through knowledge"; 2) "Mastery through tools and strategies"; 3) "Masterythrough autonomy"; 4) "Influence of social setting"; 5) "Positive social comparisons"; 6) "Positive and negative self-statements"; 7) "Feedback from Caregivers"; 8) "Adjustment experiences"; 9) "Symptom awareness". These were mapped onto Bandura's (1977) Four Sources of efficacy enhancement model and were consistent with its proposed mechanisms. The Four Sources model serves as a useful mode of enquiry for exploring people with ID's experiences and perceptions of self-managing diabetes. It also confirms the appropriateness of self-efficacy as a potential intervention component for this population. However, additional support may be required for people with ID to reflect meaningfully on their experiences and thus have a sense of self-efficacy. Phase Three: 96% of invited students agreed to participate. The Walking Away programme was positively received, and some short-term impact was described, yet there were limitations to accessibility of the program due to the complexity of the language and materials. Suggestions for further adaptations regarding materials and content were provided, and there was perceived scope for a long-term implementation built into college curriculum. Phase Three: 96% of invited students agreed to participate. The Walking Away programme was positively received, and some short-term impact was described, yet there were limitations to accessibility of the program due to the complexity of the language and materials. Suggestions for further adaptations regarding materials and content were provided, and there was perceived scope for a long-term implementation built into college curriculum. Conclusions: The findings provide basis for a further trial incorporating the suggested adaptations. A self-efficacy informed prevention programme was highly acceptability to students and teaching staff. Further education colleges provided a supportive setting and yielded a rich sample.

Development and evaluation of recommendations for whole-body vibration training: aspects of vibration loads and training protocols

Perchthaler, Dennis 19 May 2015 (has links)
Background Whole-body vibration (WBV) as a training modality is established in the fields of sport, fitness, rehabilitation, and clinical intervention. WBV exercises are performed thereby while standing on a motor driven oscillating platform device. Therefore, the scientific interest in WBV is a steadily increasing field in sports science and research. It has been shown that WBV training elicits various biological and physiological effects in men. Nevertheless, there are only a small number of studies examining WBV effects on neuromuscular performance of the lower extremities in elderly people. Furthermore, the results of these studies show many discrepancies that may be caused by limitations referring to the different applied training protocols and vibration loads. In addition, there is still a deficit of information for effective but safe recommendations for WBV application for trunk and neck muscles. Therefore, this doctoral thesis deals with three major aspects of WBV as an exercise modality in strength training: (1) the recommendation of optimal vibration loads (VbLs) for the lower extremities as an essential element of the WBV exercise parameters in older adults, (2) the evaluation of these VbLs in a WBV training intervention for elderly people with regard to feasibility and chronic effects on neuromuscular performance of the lower limbs, and (3) the allocation of information for effective but safe advices for VbLs for trunk and neck muscles. These aspects are further specified toward five hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5) by findings and limitations of the current state of literature. Methods The five hypotheses are evaluated within three research papers (studies 1 to 3). The first study (S1) evaluated the optimal VbL determined by the combination of three biomechanical variables (vibration frequency, vibration amplitude, and knee angle) in older adults (H1). Therefore, the neuromuscular activity of the quadriceps femoris and hamstring muscles in 51 healthy subjects were measured during WBV exposure using surface electromyography (EMG). Maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) were conducted prior to the measurements to normalise the EMG signals. A three-way mixed ANOVA was performed to analyse the different effects of the biomechanical variables on muscle activity. Study 2 (S2) represents a randomised controlled trial to assess the results of S1 implemented in a WBV training protocol and therefore to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a six-week WBV intervention (H2, H3, and H4). A total of 21 subjects was allocated randomly into either a WBV training or control group. While the WBV group completed a six-week WBV training programme the control group was asked not to change their current level of physical activity during the study. Before and after the intervention period, jump height was measured during a countermovement jump (CMJ). In addition, isokinetic knee extension and flexion strength parameters were recorded using a motor-driven dynamometer. The Borg scale for ratings of perceived exertion (RPE scale) was used to evaluate the intensity of WBV exercises within each training session. Changes from pre- to posttest were analysed by a paired sample t-test (within-group comparisons) and independent sample t-test (between-group comparisons). The intention of study 3 (S3) was to analyse the impact of biomechanical variables on neuromuscular activity of different trunk and neck muscles during WBV (H5) filling the lack of information in current literature. Those biomechanical variables were assumed, which current literature suggests as having the lowest risk of negative side effects on the head. Surface EMG was used to record the neuromuscular activity in 28 healthy subjects. EMG signals were normalised to prior measured MVC. Different effects of the biomechanical variables were analysed by an ANOVA for repeated measurements. Results The findings of S1 showed that the biomechanical variables affect the level of neuromuscular activity of thigh muscles in older adults in different dimensions which confirms H1. The maximum levels of muscle activity were significantly reached at high amplitude and high frequency, whereas the factor “knee angle” only significantly affected the quadriceps femoris. Furthermore, WBV led to a higher muscle activation of the quadriceps femoris (74.1 % MVC) than of the hamstring muscles (27.3 % MVC). The main findings in S2 were an increased multi-joint strength performance of the lower limbs during a countermovement jump in the WBV group, whereas values of the control group remained unchanged after the intervention, thus confirming H2. There were no statistically significant differences in isokinetic maximal strength, mean power, or work values in knee extension or flexion in both groups (rejecting H3). In addition, the subjective perceived exertion of the WBV exercises and respective training parameters ranged between moderate rating levels of 7 and 13 of the Borg scale and indicate WBV intervention as a feasible and safe training program for elderly people, which is consistent with H4. Finally, the outcomes of S3 confirmed H5 as the biomechanical variables affect the level of neuromuscular activity of the trunk and neck in different dimensions. The maximum levels of muscle activity were significantly reached at high amplitude and high frequency, while knee angles had similar effects on the VbL. WBV led to a higher muscle activation of the lower back muscles (27.2% MVC) than of neck muscles (8.5 % MVC) and the abdominal muscles (3.6 % MVC). Conclusion A maximised VbL for WBV training in older adults depends on specific combinations of the biomechanical variables (vibration frequency, vibration amplitude, and knee angle). In addition, a WBV training based on this age-specific high VbL is a feasible, suitable and effective training program for elderly people to prevent age-related reduction of muscle performance in the lower extremities. Furthermore, the combination of biomechanical variables recommended in literature as safe for preventing harmful transmissions to the head, only elicit low to moderate muscle activation of the upper body. The findings of this thesis represent fundamental research in the field of WBV and may help to improve further research in this area. Finally, this thesis may help coaches and therapists to enhance the quality of WBV training in practical application. / Hintergrund Ganzkörpervibration (Whole-Body Vibration, WBV) hat sich als Trainingsanwendung im Sport-, Fitness, Rehabilitationsbereich und klinischen Bereich etabliert, wobei die Übungen dabei im Stehen auf einer Vibrationsplatte durchgeführt werden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auch das wissenschaftliche Interesse am Vibrationstraining ein stetig wachsendes Feld in den Bereichen der Sportwissenschaft und Forschung. Bisher konnte gezeigt werden, dass Vibrationstraining verschiedene biologische als auch physiologische Reaktionen beim Menschen hervorruft. Dennoch gibt es nur wenige Untersuchungen, die sich mit den Auswirkungen des Vibrationstrainings auf die neuromuskuläre Leistung der unteren Extremitäten bei älteren Menschen beschäftigen. Des Weiteren weißen die Ergebnisse dieser wenigen Studien viele Widersprüchlichkeiten auf, welche durch die unterschiedlich verwendeten Trainingsvorgaben und Vibrationsbelastungen verursacht sein könnten. Darüber hinaus besteht noch ein großes Defizit an grundlegenden Informationen hinsichtlich effektiver, aber dennoch sicherer Vorgaben in der Anwendung des Vibrationstrainings im Bereich der Rumpf- und Nackenmuskulatur. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Dissertation mit drei wesentlichen Aspekten des Vibrationstrainings: (1) die Empfehlung von optimalen Vibrationsbelastungen (VbL) als wesentlicher Bestandteil des Vibrationstrainingsplans der unteren Extremitäten älterer Menschen, (2) die Evaluierung dieser VbL anhand einer auf Vibrationstraining basierter Intervention mit älteren Menschen hinsichtlich Durchführbarkeit und Auswirkungen auf die neuromuskuläre Leistung der unteren Gliedmaßen, und (3) Angaben für effektive und sichere VbL für Rumpf- und Nackenmuskulatur bereitzustellen. Mit der Aufarbeitung von Ergebnissen und Defiziten des aktuellen Forschungsstands werden diese Aspekte durch die Formulierung von fünf Hypothesen (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5) weiter spezifiziert. Methodik Die fünf Hypothesen werden in drei wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen (Studie 1 bis 3) untersucht. Die erste Studie (S1) befasste sich mit der optimalen VbL für ältere Personen (H1), welche durch die Kombination von drei biomechanischen Variablen (Vibrationsfrequenz, Vibrationsamplitude und Kniewinkel) bestimmt wird. Hierzu wurde die neuromuskuläre Aktivität der vorderen und hinteren Oberschenkelmuskulatur von 51 gesunden Probanden unter Vibration mittels Oberflächen-Elektromyografie (EMG) gemessen. Vor den Messungen wurden maximale muskuläre Kontraktionen durchgeführt, um die EMG zu normalisieren. Um die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der biomechanischen Variablen zu analysieren wurde eine drei-faktorielle Varianzanalyse durchgeführt. Studie 2 (S2) entspricht einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie, welche die Ergebnisse aus S1 in einem Trainingsplan verwendet, um die Durchführbarkeit und Effektivität eines sechs wöchigen Vibrationstrainings zu untersuchen (H2, H3, und H4). Hierfür wurden 21 Probanden zufällig einer Vibrationstrainings- oder einer Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Während die Vibrationsgruppe ein sechs wöchiges Vibrationstraining absolvierte, wurden die Teilnehmer der Kontrollgruppe gebeten ihre körperliche Aktivität während des Studienzeitraums nicht zu verändern. Vor und nach dem Untersuchungszeitraums wurde die Sprunghöhe während eines „countermovement jump“ (CMJ) erfasst. Weiterhin wurden isokinetische Kraftmessgrößen der Kniegelenkbeugung und –streckung an einem Dynamometer ermittelt. Die Borgskala zur Erfassung des subjektiven Belastungsempfindens wurde eingesetzt, um die Intensität der Übungen des Vibrationstrainings innerhalb einer Trainingseinheit zu messen. Veränderungen der Messgrößen zwischen Eingangs- und Abschlusstest wurden statistisch mit einem t-Test für abhängige (innerhalb einer Gruppe) und einem t-Test für unabhängige Stichproben (zwischen den Gruppen) untersucht. Ziel der dritten Studie (S3) war es den Einfluss der biomechanischen Variablen auf die muskuläre Aktivierung verschiedener Rumpf- und Nackenmuskeln (H5). Hierzu wurden solche biomechanische Variablen ausgesucht, welche laut derzeitigem Wissensstand jeweils das geringste Risiko von Nebenwirkungen für den Kopf ausüben. Mittels Oberflächen-EMG wurde die muskuläre Aktivität von 28 Probanden erfasst. EMG Signale wurden zu vorangegangenen MVC Messungen normalisiert. Die Unterschiedlichen Effekte der biomechanischen Variablen wurden mittels einer Varianzanalyse für Messwiederholungen analysiert. Ergebnisse Die Ergebnisse von S1 konnten zeigen, dass die biomechanischen Variablen den neuromuskulären Aktivierungsgrad der Oberschenkelmuskulatur bei älteren Personen unterschiedlich beeinflussen und somit H1 bestätigen. Der höchste Grad der Aktivierung wurde deutlich mit einer großen Amplitude und hohen Frequenz erreicht, wobei der Kniewinkel ausschließlich die vordere Oberschenkelmuskulatur beeinflusst. Zudem, führte der Vibrationseinfluss zu einer größeren Muskelaktivität der Oberschenkelvorderseite (74.1 % MVC) als der –rückseite (27.3 % MVC). Die Resultate von S2 hinsichtlich des CMJ Tests bestätigen H2, da es in der Vibrationstrainingsgruppe zu einer gesteigerten gelenksübergreifender Kraftleistung in den Beinen kam, aber keine Veränderungen in der Kontrollgruppe feststellbar waren. Hingegen kam es in keiner Gruppe zu statistisch signifikanten Veränderungen der isokinetischen Messgrößen (Maximalkraft, Kraftleistung, Muskelarbeit), wodurch H3 abgelehnt wird. Das subjektive Belastungsempfinden der Übungen und des Belastungsgefüges des Vibrationstrainings liegt zwischen moderaten Bewertungsstufen von 7 bis 13 der Borgskala und weist daraufhin, dass Vibrationstraining ein praktikables und sicheres Übungsprogramm für ältere Menschen ist und somit H4 bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse von S3 konnten H5 bestätigen, da die biomechanischen Variablen den neuromuskulären Rumpf- und Nackenmuskulatur unterschiedlich beeinflussen. Der höchste Grad der Aktivierung wurde deutlich mit einer großen Amplitude und hohen Frequenz erreicht, wobei der Kniewinkel sich ähnlich auf die VbL auswirkt. Der Vibrationsstimulus führte zudem zu einer höheren Aktivierung der unteren Rückenmuskulatur (27.2% MVC) als der Nacken- (8.5 % MVC) und Bauchmuskulatur (3.6 % MVC). Schlussfolgerungen Die maximale muskuläre Belastung älterer Personen in einem Vibrationstrainings hängt von bestimmten Kombinationen der biomechanischen Variablen (Vibrationsfrequenz, Vibrationsamplitude und Kniewinkel). Zudem ist ein Vibrationstraining, das auf altersspezifischen Vibrationsbelastungen basiert ein machbares, angemessenes und effektives Trainingsprogramm für älteren Menschen, um einem altersbedingten Abnehmen der muskulären Leistungsfähigkeit vorzubeugen. Weiterhin führt die Verbindung von biomechanischen Variablen, welche laut bisherigem Forschungsstand als sicher gegen schädliche Vibrationsübertragungen zum Kopf gelten, nur zu leichten bis moderaten Muskelaktivierung im Oberkörper. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation liefern einen Beitrag zur Grundlagenforschung auf dem Gebiet des Vibrationstrainings und können weiteren Forschungsarbeiten hilfreich sein. Darüber hinaus kann diese Arbeit helfen die Qualität von Vibrationstrainingsangeboten zu verbessern und somit zum praktischen Nutzen beitragen.

Vejez y homosexualidad

García Albertos, Marina 22 January 2016 (has links)
psvera@um.es / El objeto de esta investigación es la exploración de la dimensión social de la diversidad sexual en la vejez. Las personas gais, lesbianas, bisexuales, transexuales o intersexuales se enfrentan diariamente a prejuicios y formas sutiles y no tan sutiles de discriminación; pueden sentir temor a ser rechazadas a la hora de acudir a centros especializados de atención a la ancianidad, a los servicios sociales o a los sanitarios. El motivo principal de este rechazo es el desconocimiento y la falta de información. En la mayor parte de la literatura especializada sobre mayores no figura la diversidad sexual como parte de las características de las personas mayores. El objetivo del estudio es visibilizar a este colectivo de cara a las instituciones académicas, sanitarias y de atención a las personas mayores y a la sociedad en general, con el fin de que se les respete tal y como son y que, además, se cuente con su participación en la gestión y ejecución de las políticas públicas de referencia. La abolición de todo tipo de discriminación a causa de la orientación sexual o de la identidad sexual es el objetivo último de este trabajo. Como información de fuentes secundarias, se ha consultado la literatura sociológica sobre la construcción social de la vejez y de la diversidad sexual. Se ha realizado, así mismo, un breve estudio demográfico, un análisis histórico y complementario de la legislación sobre la homosexualidad y del enunciado de las preguntas de los estudios del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas en España, y se ha recogido datos básicos de pensiones y del matrimonio igualitario desde su regulación en 2005 en este país. La información proveniente de fuentes primarias se ha obtenido mediante técnicas cualitativas como son las entrevistas en profundidad y las entrevistas focalizadas o grupales realizadas a veinte personas mayores gais y lesbianas de 44 a 81 años, geográficamente localizadas en municipios de la Región de Murcia y en Madrid, ciudad donde se han llevado a cabo las dos entrevistas grupales. Siendo un campo relativamente nuevo para las ciencias sociales, no existen estudios empíricos cuantitativos y apenas cualitativos de consideración que hayan tratado la temática en España. El resultado de la investigación apunta a que hay características de la vida de las personas ancianas comunes a todas ellas y muchas más diferenciadoras. La edad es la máxima igualdad y no lo es tanto, puesto que se trata de personas que pueden tener de 50 a 100 o más años. La diversidad es tan grande como la de cualquier sector de la sociedad y depende de factores como los recursos económicos, las relaciones sociales, la zona rural o urbana en la que se resida, la formación recibida, la percepción de la salud y la época en la que cada cohorte y cada persona ha desarrollado sus características propias, según los acontecimientos sociales, culturales e históricos en que ha tocado vivir la niñez, la adolescencia y la madurez. Entre todas esta diversidades, la identidad sexual y la orientación sexual es de las más desconocidas. En este trabajo se desbaratan algunos estereotipos sobre la vejez en general y sobre la vejez homosexual en particular y se descubren nuevos conocimientos que pueden ser útiles para mejorar las relaciones entre y con las personas mayores por parte de su entorno social y de las instituciones especializadas. / Abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the social dimension of sexual diversity in old age. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex people face daily prejudice and subtle and not so subtle forms of discrimination; they may be afraid of being rejected when going to specialized centers for the elderly, or social and health services. The main reasons for this rejection are ignorance and lack of information. In most of the specialized literature on the elderly, sexual diversity is not included among their characteristics. The aim of this study is to make this group visible to academic institutions, health institutions, geriatric care institutions, and to society in general, so they can be respected as they are and participate in the management and implementation of public policies of reference. The abolition of all forms of discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity is the ultimate goal of this work. As an additional source of information, sociological literature on the social construction of old age and sexual diversity was consulted. The work includes a short demographic survey, a supplementary historical analysis of the legislation on homosexuality and the wording of the questions the Spanish Center for Sociological Research uses on its surveys, and basic data on pensions and equal marriage since its legalization in this country in 2005. Primary data was obtained through qualitative techniques such as in-depth interviews and focused or group interviews with twenty gays and lesbians aged 44 to 81, geographically located in the municipalities of Murcia and Madrid, the latter city being where the two group interviews were carried out. Being a relatively new field in the social sciences, there are no quantitative or even qualitative empirical studies that have addressed the issue in Spain. The research indicates that there are features of life common to all elderly people and many more differentiating among them. Age is the greatest equality and it is not equal at all, since this is a group of people who range in age from 50 to 100 or more. Their diversity is as great as that of any sector of society and depends on factors such as economic resources, social relations, whether they reside in a rural or urban area, training received, perceived health, and the eras in which each cohort and each person have developed their own characteristics, according to the social, cultural, and historical events that happened in their childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Among all this diversity, sexual identity and sexual orientation are the least known. This work dispels some stereotypes about aging in general and the aging of homosexual people in particular. It also presents new knowledge that can be useful in improving relations among the elderly themselves and between them and their social environment and specialized institutions.

Estudio nutricional de la composición mineral de los arroces de Calasparra

Herrero Delicado, Rafael 01 February 2016 (has links)
El arroz es uno de los cereales más consumidos en el mundo, siendo la base de la dieta del 75% de la población mundial. La importancia económica y dietética en torno a la producción y consumo del arroz impulsa el interés por los estudios relacionados con su calidad nutricional. Se busca mantener la calidad de variedades locales, que aún contando con menor rentabilidad productiva, suelen presentar características organolépticas diferenciadoras que hacen que sean valoradas positivamente por los consumidores y están íntimamente asociadas a la actividad agraria y económica de ese área geográfica, como es el caso del arroz Denominación de Origen Calasparra, producido en la vega alta del río Segura (España). El proceso de elaboración del arroz incluye distintas etapas industriales que tienen como finalidad la eliminación total o parcial de su cascarilla, parte del germen y partes externas del pericarpio, dando lugar a las tres principales presentaciones comerciales del arroz: elaborado, semielaborado y descascarillado o integral. Este proceso es fundamental para determinar la calidad del arroz, ya que la eliminación de las partes externas del grano y el tratamiento de pulido ocasionan la pérdida del 75% de la fibra dietética y el 50% de los minerales (entre otros nutrientes), mientras que las formas integrales son las que conservan un mayor contenido nutricional. Es igualmente importante tener en cuenta que la presencia de diferentes componentes de la fibra dietética puede ejercer un efecto negativo en la absorción de minerales, disminuyendo la utilización nutritiva de los mismos. El almidón resistente (RS) es la fracción de almidón que escapa a la digestión en el intestino delgado, se fermenta en el colon, actuando como prebiótico y favoreciendo la reabsorción de minerales en el colon. En la presente tesis Doctoral se estableció como objetivo general el estudio nutricional de la composición mineral de los arroces D.O. Calasparra, crudos y cocidos, la estimación de su disponibilidad mediante la cuantificación de la fracción soluble y la determinación del contenido de fibra dietética total. Para alcanzar el objetivo general se plantean diferentes objetivos específicos. En primer lugar, analizar por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica el contenido mineral y determinar el cómputo mineral en distintos tipos de arroces, tanto crudos como cocinados, en función de la variedad (Bomba y BalillaXSollana), la elaboración (integral, semi-integral o blanco), del paraje y tipo de producción (tradicional o ecológica). En segundo lugar, determinar la solubilidad mineral (Método Miller), como medida de estimación de la disponibilidad de estos minerales. Conocer el efecto del cocinado sobre el contenido de fibra dietética total (FDT), determinada por Método Prosky, y establecer su posible correlación (Pearson) con la solubilidad mineral. Analizar el contenido de amilosa y RS en las distintas muestras de arroz D.O. Calasparra. El perfil mineral en las muestras sin cocinar de arroz D.O. Calasparra estaría constituido por un alto contenido en K y Mg, moderado de Zn y Fe, y bajo de Ca y Na (con dependencia del paraje de cultivo, la variedad y el grado de elaboración de las muestras), presentando un perfil similar al descrito para otros arroces comerciales. El proceso del descascarillado es determinante para el contenido mineral en las muestras, presentando el arroz integral el mayor contenido de minerales frente a los semi-integrales y a los blancos, al estar los minerales distribuidos mayoritariamente en la cascarilla de los cereales. El tipo de cocinado también influye en la concentración final de los minerales, ya que al cocinar permitiendo la absorción completa del agua de cocción, se reabsorben los minerales perdidos por lixiviación, reduciendo el efecto negativo del tratamiento térmico. La disponibilidad mineral, usando el porcentaje de mineral soluble como indicador fue máxima para el K y el Mg, seguidos del Ca, Fe y Zn, siendo superior la solubilidad mineral en las muestras blancas que en las que no habían sufrido el proceso de descascarillado. La influencia del contenido en FDT sobre la solubilidad mineral en las muestras cocidas fue diferente según el caso, en las muestras integrales la solubilidad de Fe y Zn no se ve afectada, debido a la distribución mayoritaria de estos elementos minerales en la cascarilla, mientras que en los arroces elaborados existe una correlación negativa entre FDT y la solubilidad del Mg. No se espera ningún efecto positivo del RS sobre la biodisponibilidad mineral, ya que tras el cocinado el contenido fue muy bajo. / The rice is one of the most consumed cereals in the world, being the base of the diet of 75% of the world population. The economic and dietetic importance concerning the production and consumption of the rice stimulates the interest for the studies related to its nutritional quality. We seek to support the quality of local varieties, which still possessing minor productive profitability, are in the habit of presenting distinguishing organoleptic characteristics that are positively valued by the consumers and that are intimately associated with the agrarian and economic activity of that geographical area, since it is the case of the Calasparra Designation of Origin (D.O.) rice, produced in the Segura River high meadow area (Spain). The rice production process includes different industrial stages that take as a purpose the total or partial elimination of his husk, part of the germ and external parts of the pericarp, giving place to three principal commercial presentations of the rice: finished, half-finished and milled or integral. This process is fundamental to determine the quality of the rice, since the removal of the external parts of the grain and the treatment of polishing cause the loss of 75% of the dietetic fibre and 50% of the minerals (amongst other nutrients), whereas the integral ones are those that preserve a higher nutritional content. It is equally important to bear in mind that the presence of different components of the dietetic fibre can carry on a negative effect in the absorption of minerals, lowering its nourishing function. The resistant starch (RS) is the fraction of starch that escapes to the digestion in the small intestine, it ferments in the colon, acting like prebiotic and helping the reabsorption of minerals in the colon. In this PhD Thesis it was established as general aim the nutritional study of the mineral composition of the Calasparra Designation of Origin rice, being raw and boiled, and the estimation of its availability by means of the soluble fraction quantification as well as the content determination of total dietetic fibre. To reach this general aim different specific aims appear. First, to analyse the mineral content by spectrophotometry of atomic absorption and to determine the mineral calculation in different types of rice, both raw and boiled, depending on the variety (Bomba and BalillaXSollana), the production (integral, semi-integral or white), of the growing place and type of production (traditional or ecological). Secondly, to determine the mineral solubility (Miller Method), as estimation measure of the availability of these minerals. To know the effect of cooking on the content of dietetic total fibre (FDT), determined by the Prosky Method, and to establish its possible correlation (Pearson) with the mineral solubility. To analyse the content of amylose and RS in the different samples of Calasparra D.O. rice. The mineral profile in the non-cooked samples of Calasparra D.O. rice would be composed by a high content in K and Mg moderated of Zn and Fe, and low on Ca and Na (with dependence of the place of growing, the variety and the degree of production of the samples), presenting a similar profile to described for other commercial rice varieties. The process of the milling is determinant for the mineral content in the samples, being the brown rice the one with a higher content of minerals versus the semi-integral and the white ones, as the minerals are distributed mostly in the husk of the cereals. The kind of cooking also influences the final concentration of the minerals, since on having cooked allowing the complete absorption of the boiling water, the lost minerals by leaching are re-absorbed, reducing the negative effect of the thermal treatment. The mineral availability, using the percentage of soluble mineral as a sign was the highest for K and Mg, followed by Ca, Fe and Zn, being over the mineral solubility in the white rice samples that in those who had not suffered the process of milling. The influence of the FDT content on the mineral solubility in the boiled samples was different according to the case. In the integral samples the solubility of Fe and Zn does not meet affected, due to the wider distribution of these mineral elements in the husk, whereas in the elaborated rice a negative correlation exists between FDT and the solubility of the Mg. It is not expected any positive effect on the RS related with the mineral bioavailability, since after the cooking one the content was very low.

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