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Hanteringsriglyn vir beraders wat met adolessente in 'n multikulturele omgewing werk : `n Gestalt terapeutiese benaderingVan der Hoven, Marianne 28 February 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The research was directed at setting up guidelines for the counsellor dealing with the adolescent in a multicultural environment. The supposition of the study was that the adolescent in a multicultural environment should be treated by the counsellor with cultural empathy, understanding and insight. This process should be free from stereotyping and prejudice.
Guidelines were set up using a combination of Gestalt philosophical principles, existing literature and semi-structured interviews with cultural therapy experts.
For the purpose of this study Thomas and Rothman's intervention research model was applied. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain information on the adolescent in therapy, which was combined with information found in literature in order to set up guidelines for counsellors.
The researcher concludes that the counsellor dealing with the adolescent in a multicultural environment, has to possess sufficient cultural knowledge, cultural efficiency and cultural empathy to achieve a successful theurapeutic outcome.
Guidelines for the counsellor who works with adolescents in a multicultural environment were set up successfully to bridge the current lack of knowledge in the field. / Social Work / M. Diac (Play Therapy)
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The use of gestalt therapy to re-write life scriptHitge, Erika 30 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of this research was to determine how Gestalt Therapy could be utilised to re-write life script. Transactional Analysis terminology was translated into Gestalt Therapy, especially the terms life script, life position and re-writing in the literature study. Gestalt Therapy concepts of importance for the research were also discussed in the literature study. An empirical study was conducted, involving one respondent, for whom Gestalt Therapy sessions were provided with the aim of determining how life script could be re-written through such intervention. Gestalt Therapy concepts and life script concepts were identified during the therapy process. A re-written life script was formulated by the researcher corresponding with the level of functioning of the respondent during therapy and in relation to the respondent's life position. The researcher deducts from the entire study, but especially from the empirical study that life script can be re-written by means of utilising Gestalt Therapy. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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The use of digital media within gestalt play therapyTruby, Elvir Joan 06 1900 (has links)
The world is dominated by digital media that have become central to many children’s lives. Children born in the last 30 years have become known as ‘digital natives’, as digital technology has always been part of their experiential field. The use of such media in play therapy could offer innovative ways of enhancing dialogue with those children in whose field they are included, as they have been to date unexplored in play therapy interventions, possibly resulting in missed therapeutic opportunities.
This mixed methods research took the form of an email questionnaire sent out to play therapists in South Africa to ascertain whether digital technology is being used in therapy and, if so, which digital media are being used and how. Additionally, a focus group interview was conducted using the same questionnaire to ensure data triangulation. The data gathered were analysed qualitatively, and an understanding was gained regarding the current use of digital media in play therapy. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Identifying supervision resources available to recently qualified play therapists working from a Gestalt approach in South AfricaGehle, April Angela 06 1900 (has links)
In South Africa the Center for Child Youth and Family Studies is training practitioners yearly to
work as play therapists from a gestalt approach. Once these practitioners successfully complete their
training and qualify they could begin practicing play therapy from a gestalt approach. Each of these
recently qualified play therapists is then responsible for organising and committing to their own
Therapists who do not attend supervision risk stagnation and burn out due to a lack of positive
interaction in relation to receiving knowledge and support from those more experienced in gestalt
play therapy and from their peers. At present there is a perceived lack of supervision resources
based on a gestalt approach particularly for those recently qualified play therapists working from a
gestalt approach that are geographically distant from the areas where training takes place.
This study sought to answer the question of what supervision resources are currently available to
recently qualified play therapists working from a gestalt approach in South Africa. In order to
answer this question combined quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. An
internet survey questionnaire was completed by recently qualified play therapists working from a
gestalt approach which formed part of the quantitative section of the research. Structured interviews
were conducted via Skype with professionals experienced in the field of Gestalt therapy theory and
supervision from a gestalt approach and this formed part of the qualitative section of the research.
Overall the results from the merged data indicate a lack of supervisors qualified to give supervision
based on a gestalt approach. This factor contributes to the overall lack of supervision resources
based on a gestalt approach for recently qualified play therapists working from this approach.
Geographical distance from supervision resources places financial and time constraints on recently
qualified play therapists that prevent them from accessing supervision based on a gestalt approach.
Despite this results indicate those recently qualified play therapists working from a gestalt approach
are attempting to meet their responsibility and requirement for supervision. / Psychology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Benutting van Gestaltgroepwerk met verhoorafwagtende jeugdigesGrundlingh, Juliana 05 February 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study Gestalttechniques within a group work-program as intervention was used to bring awaiting-trail youth in detention in contact with themselves and to broaden their awareness. The goal of the research is to determine if the Gestalt groupworkprogram have a influence on the self-image and general satisfaction of the awaiting-trail adolescent.
To reach the above goal the researcher used applied research. Standardised measure-instruments as well as observation was used. Gestaltgroupwork can be implemented with great success in residential institutions like secure care facilities for children. / In hierdie studie is Gestalttegnieke binne 'n groepwerkprogram benut as intervensie, om
die verhoorafwagtende jeugdige in aanhouding weer in kontak te bring met homself en
om sy bewustheidskontinuum te vergroot. Die doel van die navorsing was om te bepaal
of die Gestaltgroepwerkprogram 'n invloed sal he op die selfbeeld en algemene
tevredenheid van die verhoorafwagtende adolessent.
Om bogenoemde te bereik het die navorser toegepaste navorsing onderneem en het van
sowel waarneming as gestandaardiseerde meetinstrumente gebruik gemaak. Die
teoretiese onderbou van die behandelingsprogram wat gebruik is spruit uit die
Gestaltterapie en kan met groot sukses geimplementeer word in residensiele inrigtings
soos bewaarsorgsentrums vir kinders. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)
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Sensoriese stimulasie van die laerskoolkind met disleksieSwart, Elsie Susanna Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
Dyslexia is a difficulty in learning to read and write, with many implications for the
children because of emotional and behavioral problems. The suspicion that they
might experience problems with sensory integration as well, is confirmed in the
The purpose of sensory stimulation in Gestalt playtherapy is to raise the level of
awareness of themselves and in this research, playtherapy was done with three
primary school children with dyslexia. Information was further obtained through a
literature study, semi-structured interviews and observations.
It was clear that the sensory stimulation was part of the therapeutic sessions and led
to thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. The qualitative characteristics which the
sensations had for the children were observed and confirmed by the literature.
Conclusions and recommendations were made according to the objectives of the
study and this research made an important contribution to understanding the sensory
awareness of children with dyslexia.
Disleksie is `n leergeremdheid met baie implikasies vir die kinders en wat kan lei tot
emosionele en gedragsprobleme omdat hulle nie altyd aanvaar word deur hul portuurgroep nie. Die vermoede dat kinders met disleksie ook probleme ondervind met sensoriese integrasie, is in die literatuur bevestig. In hierdie navorsing is Gestaltspelterapie gedoen met drie laerskool kinders met disleksie om die kinders se bewussynsvlak van hulself te verhoog. Inligting is verder ingesamel deur `n literatuurstudie, waarneming en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude
met kundiges en ouers. Die kwalitatiewe kenmerke wat die sensasies vir die kinders gehad het is
waargeneem en dit was duidelik dat die sensoriese stimulasie wat deel van die
spelterapiesessies was, aanleiding gegee het tot voorgrondse gedagtes, gevoelens en gedrag. Hierdie waarnemings is in die literatuur bevestig en gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is volgens die doelwitte gemaak. Gevolglik het hierdie navorsing `n belangrike bydrae gelewer om die sensoriese belewenis van kinders met disleksie beter te verstaan. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)
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The utilisation of the memory box as a medium in gestalt play therapy with AIDS orphans in middle childhoodGough, Faye Margaret 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study aimed to test the efficacy of the memory box as a medium in Gestalt Therapy, specifically within a therapeutic group with AIDS orphans in the middle childhood phase of development. The aim was to explore and describe the utilisation of the memory box, as a medium for telling one's story, within the safety of the Gestalt play therapy group. It was felt that the increased self-awareness fostered by belonging to a supportive group could enhance self-concept. The research included qualitative and quantitative data. Theoretical and the meta-theoretical assumptions affecting children, in the middle childhood phase, orphaned through HIV/AIDS, were reviewed. The group sessions were described and the data obtained from the pre and post-test was graphically illustrated. The information was then compared to ascertain whether the objectives had been met. Results show that the memory box, used in Gestalt play therapy groups, with AIDS orphans was effective. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)
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A program to prepare children for grommet insertion and adenoidectomy : a Gestalt therapy approachBirkenstock, Jeannette Dorothy 30 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop a Gestalt play therapy based hospital preparation program for children undergoing the surgical procedures of grommet insertion, or grommet insertion and adenoidectomy, at Tygerberg Hospital. Literature was reviewed according to relevant topics, namely otitis media in children, Gestalt play therapy, theories of child development, and children's experience of illness and hospitalisation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four subject groups and the data obtained was qualitatively analysed.
Research findings were discussed and integrated with reference to the literature. This information was applied in the development of the proposed program. The aim, underlying principles, objectives and components of the program were discussed and guidelines for implementation were provided. The program was implemented and evaluated in a single subject pilot study, which yielded a positive response. Recommendations for both practical implementation in a therapeutic context and further study in a research context were made.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om `n Gestalt spelterapie-gebaseerde hospitaalvoorbereidingsprogram te ontwikkel vir kinders wat die chirurgiese prosedures van ventilasiebuis-plasing of ventilasiebuis-plasing en adenoïdektomie by Tygerberg-hospitaal ondergaan. `n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer rakende relevante onderwerpe; naamlik, otitis media in kinders, Gestalt spelterapie, kinderontwikkelingsteorieë, en kinders se ervaring van siekte en hospitalisasie. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met vier subjekgroepe uitgevoer en die data wat verkry is, is kwalitatief geanaliseer.
Navorsingsbevindinge is bespreek en geïntegreer met verwysing na die literatuur. Hierdie inligting is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van die voorgestelde program. Die doel, onderliggende beginsels, doelstellings en komponente van die program is bespreek en riglyne vir die implementering daarvan is verskaf. Die program is geïmplimenteer en geëvalueer in `n enkelsubjek loodsstudie, waar `n positiewe respons verkry is. Aanbevelings vir beide praktiese implementering in `n terapeutiese konteks en verdere studie binne navorsingskonteks is gemaak. / Social Work / M.Diac.
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Indigo children: gestalt therapeutic guidelines for parents and caretakers; A Christian Perspective.Grobler, Hermanus Bosman 30 June 2003 (has links)
The motivation for this study was to challenge the Indigo Child phenomenon and to view it from a Christian perspective. Throughout the study the focus was on the researcher's opinion of Christianity, supported by other authors and the Bible. The assumption of the study was that Indigo Children were ordinary children whose behaviour was formed and reinforced by societal and parental influences and guidance.
The purpose of the study was to set up guidelines for parents and caretakers in order to facilitate and recommend strategic action regarding the management of these children. Guidelines were set up by using a combination of Gestalt philosophy, a Christian perspective and existing guidelines for so-called Indigo Children.
For the purpose of this study Thomas's developmental research and utilization model was applied to the intervention research approach. Semi-structured interviews were used in order to gain information regarding parental styles. The information gained was combined with information found in literature in order to set up guidelines for parents. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Riglyn aan Gestaltspelterapeute vir die hantering van egskeidingsverlies in die middelkinderjareVan Rensburg, Beatrix Elizabeth Johanna Jansen 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Divorce is a prominent phenomenon that affects thousands of children in South Africa. The point of departure for this research is that children in divorce situations require therapeutic guidance in order to manage their experience of loss. The research problem formulated was concerned with the lack of guidelines for Gestalt play therapists to address those losses experienced by children during the latency period.
Therefore, the purpose of the study was to provide a guideline in order to ensure a meaningful therapeutic experience for children in the latency period. In order to reach this goal, the research process was guided by qualitative research. Triangulation was used as a data collection technique, in order to achieve this goal of investigating children who experience loss and behavioural responses. The value and suitability of Gestalt therapy during the therapeutic management process was examined. Stemming from the process and integration of results obtained in the empirical investigation, guidelines consisting of six diverse phases were developed and explicated. The goal of the research was therefor achieved with the application of: A guideline for Gestalt play therapists in addressing loss through divorce in children in the latency period. / Social work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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