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Meter Scale Cycles In The Eocene Cayraz Formation (haymana Basin) And Response Of Foraminifers To CyclicityGeyikcioglu Erbas, Bedia 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of the meter-scale
cycles in the Ç / ayraz Formation of the Middle Eocene age and to study the
response of foraminifera to the sedimentary cyclicity. In order to perform this
study, two stratigraphic sections, which are 44,55 m and 25,95 m in thickness,
were measured on a regularly bedded succession mainly composed of
carbonates and siliciclastics in the Ç / ayraz Formation of the Haymana Basin.
In this study, detailed microfacies analyses were carried out in the
studied sections and 10 different microfacies types were identified strictly
based on the biofacies in order to define meter scale cyclic sedimentation.
Based on the detailed microfacies analysis and the distribution of the
vertical facies relationships a composite depositional model is suggested.
According to this model, three major facies associations were distinguished,
from deepest to shallowest, as: shallow open marine, shoal and lagoon.
Studied sections are composed of meter-scale cycles of both upward
shoaling or deepening in character and based on the stacking pattern of meterscale
cycles two systems tracts were identified along the measured sections.
Section 1 is represented by highstand systems tract (HST) and section 2 is
represented by lowstand systems tract (TST).
In this study, the responses of benthic foraminiferal groups to the
sedimentary cyclicity have been documented by quantitative and statistical
analysis to understand the shallowing upward cycles, which are fundamental
stratigraphic units, in the Ç / ayraz Formation of Middle Eocene age. Among
foraminifera, particularly the forms like Nummulites, Assilina and Discocyclina
are excellent in order to detect cyclic variations of facies. These studies lead to
understand shoaling-upward character of the meter-scale cycles, which are the
building blocks of the Ç / ayraz Formation.
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Coping With Immigration: The Institutional And Political Dynamics Of Migration And Asylum Policy-making In TurkeyUnsal, Ezgi Berfin 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
As a country that is highly affected by the changing nature of
international migration due to transformative forces of globalization, Turkey is now being defined as a country of both immigration and emigration. This thesis analyzes Turkish state&rsquo / s international migration politics and policies with
regard to recent global trends in migratory movements. It examines the underlying dynamics that govern the policy making processes and tries to identify the problems stemming from them.
The primary goal of the thesis is to make an elaborate assessment of the existent institutional framework and to detect the presence of securitization paradigm in the political and legal setting of international migration in Turkey by means of qualitative research methods. It investigates how international pressures and trends, national interests, political considerations and especially the dynamics of fragmented institutional structure have affected policy making strategies. In view of these factors, the thesis suggests adopting a humanitarian approach towards refugees, asylum seekers and migrants that leaves political concerns behind and avoids securitization of the issue.
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MONETARY DEVELOPMENT IN FATIMID EGYPT AND SYRIA (358-567/969-1171) (ISLAM)Lowe, John D. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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Prävalenz von Kopfschmerzen und die damit verbundene Arztkonsultationsquote / Prevalence of headaches and the associated consultation rate - An evaluation in the German speaking areaHonekamp, Wilfried, Giese, Thomas 18 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Im Rahmen eines Projekts wird untersucht, ob sich medizinische Laien mit einem neugestalteten internetbasierten Informationssystem besser informieren können, als dieses mit Suchmaschinen und Gesundheitsportalen möglich ist. Die Evaluation eines Systems zur Informationsversorgung von Kopfschmerzpatienten ist nur dann sinnvoll, wenn tatsächlich viele Menschen im deutschsprachigen Raum unter Kopfschmerzen leiden und mit Ihren Beschwerden eher das Internet als einen Arzt konsultieren. Daher wurde in drei Studien die Prävalenz von Kopfschmerzen und die damit verbundene Arztkonsultationsquote untersucht.
Methode: Dazu wurden 2000 Versicherte der BARMER Ersatzkasse, ca. 9000 Studenten der Hochschule Bremen und ca. 1000 Studenten der Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik und Technik in Tirol, Österreich (UMIT) angeschrieben und gefragt, ob sie unter Kopfschmerzen leiden und wenn ja, ob sie für ihre Kopfschmerzen bereits eine ärztliche Diagnose haben. Insgesamt nahmen 521 Personen an der Untersuchung teil.
Ergebnisse: Davon litten 292 Teilnehmer (56 %) unter Kopfschmerzen. Eine ärztliche Diagnose für diese hatten 52 (18 %). Alles in allem zeigt sich damit eine etwas geringere Kopfschmerzprävalenz als in den vorangegangen Studien. Die in der Literatur genannte Arztkonsultationsquote wird bestätigt.
Diskussion: Die Auswertung der drei Studien zeigte, dass die Prävalenz von Kopfschmerzen weiterhin hoch und die damit verbundene Arztkonsultationsquote immer noch gering ist. / Introduction: In a project, it is investigated whether a newly designed web-information system can better inform medical laymen than traditional search engines and health portals. The evaluation of a system for providing information to headache patients is only useful when in fact many people suffer from headaches in the German speaking area and if these people with their complaints rather consult the Internet than a practitioner. Therefore, in three studies the prevalence of headache and the associated physician consultation rate was examined.
Method: About 9000 students of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen, 2000 insurants of the BARMER, and about 1000 students of the University of Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and technology Tyrol, Austria (UMIT) were asked if they suffer from headaches and if so whether they already have a medical diagnosis. A total of 521 persons participated in the investigation.
Results: From headaches suffered 292 (56%) participants. A medical diagnosis for these had 52 (18%). All in all, it shows slightly lower headache prevalence than found in previous studies. The medical consultation rate cited in the literature is confirmed.
Discussion: The evaluation of the three studies showed that the prevalence of headache remains high and the associated physician consultation rate is still low.
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Debt in Late Antique Egypt, 400-700 CE : approaches to a time in transitionBuchanan, Elizabeth Fuller January 2015 (has links)
Modern scholars are deeply divided over the extent to which early Byzantine provinces such as Egypt adopted imperial Roman law. This thesis undertook a diachronic study of the published debt acknowledgements from Egypt and Nessana for the fifth through seventh centuries CE to examine the degree of adoption of imperial legal changes. The debt acknowledgements are one of the largest sets of papyri documents for this period, consisting of 283 Greek and fifty-seven Coptic documents. Having created a database of these documents, in their original Greek or Coptic plus an English translation and information from the major commentaries, I had an unparalleled opportunity to analyse change, both legal and socio-economic. The research shows that while many legal changes, including the requirement for regnal dating and changes in the liability of co-debtors, were generally adopted, there was resistance to other changes. For example, the interest rate reduction ordered by Justinian I in 528 was clearly disseminated because some documents reflect the reduction. Most people, however, continued to charge the earlier higher rates. Furthermore, some sectors of the population appear to have struggled with the imperial changes. Model formats for a simplified Greek debt acknowledgement and a very similar Coptic debt acknowledgement were developed and disseminated in the sixth century. These simplified formats did not use regnal dating or many of the other customary clauses of the formal Greek debt acknowledgment. The early development of these simplified formats, together with evidence of the privatisation and localisation of many imperial functions, including dispute resolution, support the view that the later sixth century experienced an unravelling of ties with the Roman Empire. The catastrophic seventh century, with its civil wars and Persian and Arab invasions, resulted in a shift in language from Greek to Coptic for personal legal documents. The disruption of the seventh century, however, only accelerated and finalised a process of change that was already well established in the sixth century.
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Egyptian draped male figures, inscriptions and context, 1st century BC - 1st century ADWarda, Aleksandra Andrea January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Thermal Imaging for Intraoperative Monitoring of Neuronal Activity and Cortical PerfusionHoffmann, Nico 23 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Neurosurgery is a demanding medical discipline that requires a complex interplay of several neuroimaging techniques. This allows structural as well as functional information to be recovered and then visualized to the surgeon. In the case of tumor resections this approach allows more fine-grained differentiation of healthy and pathological tissue which positively influences the postoperative outcome as well as the patient's quality of life.
In this work, we will discuss several approaches to establish thermal imaging as a novel neuroimaging technique to primarily visualize neural activity and perfusion state in case of ischaemic stroke. Both applications require novel methods for data-preprocessing, visualization, pattern recognition as well as regression analysis of intraoperative thermal imaging.
Online multimodal integration of preoperative and intraoperative data is accomplished by a 2D-3D image registration and image fusion framework with an average accuracy of 2.46 mm. In navigated surgeries, the proposed framework generally provides all necessary tools to project intraoperative 2D imaging data onto preoperative 3D volumetric datasets like 3D MR or CT imaging. Additionally, a fast machine learning framework for the recognition of cortical NaCl rinsings will be discussed throughout this thesis. Hereby, the standardized quantification of tissue perfusion by means of an approximated heating model can be achieved. Classifying the parameters of these models yields a map of connected areas, for which we have shown that these areas correlate with the demarcation caused by an ischaemic stroke segmented in postoperative CT datasets.
Finally, a semiparametric regression model has been developed for intraoperative neural activity monitoring of the somatosensory cortex by somatosensory evoked potentials. These results were correlated with neural activity of optical imaging. We found that thermal imaging yields comparable results, yet doesn't share the limitations of optical imaging. In this thesis we would like to emphasize that thermal imaging depicts a novel and valid tool for both intraoperative functional and structural neuroimaging.
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Segmentation and Tracking of Cells and Nuclei Using Deep LearningHirsch, Peter Johannes 27 September 2023 (has links)
Die Analyse von großen Datensätzen von Mikroskopiebilddaten, insbesondere Segmentierung und Tracking, ist ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt vieler biologischer Studien. Für die leistungsfähige und verlässliche Nutzung ist der derzeitige Stand der Wissenschaft dennoch noch nicht ausreichend. Die vorhandenen Methoden sind oft schwer zu benutzen für ungeübte Nutzer, die Leistung auf anderen Datensätzen ist häufig verbesserungswürdig und sehr große Mengen an Trainingsdaten werden benötigt. Ich ging dieses Problem aus verschiedenen Richtungen an: (i) Ich präsentiere klare Richtlinien wie Artefakte beim Arbeiten mit sehr großen Bilddaten verhindert werden können. (ii) Ich präsentiere eine Erweiterung für eine Reihe von grundlegenden Methoden zur Instanzsegmentierung von Zellkernen. Durch Verwendung einer unterstützenden Hilfsaufgabe ermöglicht die Erweiterung auf einfache und unkomplizierte Art und Weise Leistung auf dem aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft. Dabei zeige ich zudem, dass schwache Label ausreichend sind, um eine effiziente Objekterkennung auf 3d Zellkerndaten zu ermöglichen. (iii) Ich stelle eine neue Methode zur Instanzsegmentierung vor, die auf eine große Auswahl von Objekten anwendbar ist, von einfachen Formen bis hin zu Überlagerungen und komplexen Baumstrukturen, die das gesamte Bild umfassen. (iv) Auf den vorherigen Arbeiten aufbauend präsentiere ich eine neue Trackingmethode, die auch mit sehr großen Bilddaten zurecht kommt, aber nur schwache und dünnbesetzte Labels benötigt und trotzdem besser als die bisherigen besten Methoden funktioniert. Die Anpassungsfähigkeit an neue Datensätze wird durch eine automatisierte Parametersuche gewährleistet. (v) Für Nutzer, die das Tracking von Objekten in ihrer Arbeit verwenden möchten, präsentiere ich zusätzlich einen detaillierten Leitfaden, der es ihnen ermöglicht fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, welche Methode am besten zu ihrem Projekt passt. / Image analysis of large datasets of microscopy data, in particular segmentation and tracking, is an important aspect of many biological studies. Yet, the current state of research is still not adequate enough for copious and reliable everyday use. Existing methods are often hard to use, perform subpar on new datasets and require vast amounts of training data. I approached this problem from multiple angles: (i) I present clear guidelines on how to operate artifact-free on huge images. (ii) I present an extension for existing methods for instance segmentation of nuclei. By using an auxiliary task, it enables state-of-the-art performance in a simple and straightforward way. In the process I show that weak labels are sufficient for efficient object detection for 3d nuclei data. (iii) I present an innovative method for instance segmentation that performs extremely well on a wide range of objects, from simple shapes to complex image-spanning tree structures and objects with overlaps. (iv) Building upon the above, I present a novel tracking method that operates on huge images but only requires weak and sparse labels. Yet, it outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods. An automated weight search method enables adaptability to new datasets. (v) For practitioners seeking to employ cell tracking, I provide a comprehensive guideline on how to make an informed decision about what methods to use for their project.
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Leaf Anatomy Of Five Species Of Limonium Mill. (plumbaginaceae)Bal, Zeynep 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, leaf anatomies of five species of Limonium Mill. (L. echioides, L. globuliferum, L. tamaricoides, L. anatolicum and L. Sinuatum) are studied. Taca belonging to five different sections of the genus Limonium as / L. echioides of the section Schizyhymenium, L. globuliferum of the section Sphaerostachys, L. tamaricoides of the section Limonium, L. anatolicum of the section Sarcophyllum and L. sinuatum of the section Pteroclados are used in this study. Throughout the species studied, L. tamaricoides and L. anatolicum are endemic to Turkey.
In order to examine anatomy of leaves, the paraffin sectioning and hand cross sectioning methods are used. Avarage stomata length, width and number per 210.68µ / m x 263.27µ / m area of the leaves are examined and the stomata types due to epidermal cells are defined. Additionally, the vascular bundles, upper and lower epiderms of leaves of each species are defined.
It is determined that except the species L. globuliferum and L. tamaricoides, the stomata density per 210.68µ / m x 263.27µ / m area of the leaves are approximately same for upper and lower epidermis, but in these species, the stomata numbers at upper epidermis is higher than the stomata numbers in lower epidermis, which might be related with the altitude, microclimate and habitat of these two species. It is also found that except the shoot leaf of L. sinuatum, the phloem is closer to lower epiderm than xylem in vascular bundles. But in shoot leaf of L. sinuatum, the phloem circularly covers the xylem and makes a closed circle around.
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CASSANDRA: drug gene association prediction via text mining and ontologiesKissa, Maria 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The amount of biomedical literature has been increasing rapidly during the last decade. Text mining techniques can harness this large-scale data, shed light onto complex drug mechanisms, and extract relation information that can support computational polypharmacology. In this work, we introduce CASSANDRA, a fully corpus-based and unsupervised algorithm which uses the MEDLINE indexed titles and abstracts to infer drug gene associations and assist drug repositioning. CASSANDRA measures the Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) between biomedical terms derived from Gene Ontology (GO) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Based on the PMI scores, drug and gene profiles are generated and candidate drug gene associations are inferred when computing the relatedness of their profiles.
Results show that an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of up to 0.88 can be achieved. The algorithm can successfully identify direct drug gene associations with high precision and prioritize them over indirect drug gene associations. Validation shows that the statistically derived profiles from literature perform as good as (and at times better than) the manually curated profiles.
In addition, we examine CASSANDRA’s potential towards drug repositioning. For all FDA-approved drugs repositioned over the last 5 years, we generate profiles from publications before 2009 and show that the new indications rank high in these profiles. In summary, co-occurrence based profiles derived from the biomedical literature can accurately predict drug gene associations and provide insights onto potential repositioning cases.
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