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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de fatores sociais, políticos, econômicos e culturais na adoção das normas internacionais de contabilidade pública pelos países

Callegario, Juliana Batista 18 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T11:13:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_9138_Dissertação JULIANA BATISTA CALLEGARIO - Para PPGCON.pdf: 1179487 bytes, checksum: b205d451b055ddd4d249f7f030326b26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-18 / Este estudo investiga quais fatores culturais, sociais, políticos e econômicos influenciam na adoção das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade Aplicadas ao Setor Público (International Public Sector Accounting Standards - IPSAS) pelos países. Com base em informações disponibilizadas pela IFAC (2007) e Deloitte (2013) foram analisadas e segregadas as diferentes posições tomadas pelos países, como adoção por completo das IPSAS; sinalização de intenção de adoção; adoção parcial pelo regime de caixa (Cash-Basis) das IPSAS; e adoção do regime de competência com base nas IPSAS. Os fatores levantados foram PIB per capita; número de habitantes; não adoção das IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) pelos países; índice de percepção da corrupção; origem do sistema legal; e dimensões culturais de Hofstede (2015), coletados entre 1995 e 2013 de 214 países, inicialmente. Na abordagem metodológica é aplicado modelo de regressão logística (logit) baseado em Clements, Neill e Stovall (2010), adaptando para dados em painel com efeitos aleatórios. Os resultados indicam que países que têm a intenção de adotar as IPSAS podem ser explicados pela variação positiva das variáveis PIB per capita, quantidade de habitantes, origem de sistema legal anglo-saxão, socialista e francês, e pela variação negativa das variáveis culturais: individualismo e indulgência. Em outro teste realizado, foi detectado que os países que adotaram parcialmente as IPSAS, com aplicação do regime de competência, podem ser explicados pela variação positiva das variáveis PIB per capita, quantidade de habitantes e pela cultura individualista de uma sociedade; e pela variação negativa do índice de percepção da corrupção, origem de sistema legal escandinavo e variáveis culturais: masculinidade e orientação a longo prazo. A regressão logística que uni qualquer interesse pelas IPSAS mostrou que os países de origem socialista e com culturas com pouca desigualdade social, menos aversão à incerteza e poucos pragmáticos podem justificar tal escolha. Houve também uma relação positiva com o número de habitantes e o PIB per capita, que sugere que países mais populosos e desenvolvidos tendem adotar as IPSAS. As outras regressões logísticas testadas não permitiram inferência estatística. Ainda, em nenhuma regressão testada, houve comprovação de dependência entre a não permissão do IFRS pelos países com a não adoção das IPSAS. / This study investigates which cultural, social, political and economic factors influence the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Applied to the Public Sector (International Public Sector Accounting Standards - IPSAS) by countries. Based on information provided by IFAC (2007) and Deloitte (2013) the different positions were analyzed and segregated taken by countries such as adoption of IPSAS completely; signaling intent to adopt; Partial adoption on a cash basis (Cash Basis) IPSAS; and adoption of the accrual basis based on IPSAS. The factors were raised GDP per capita; number of inhabitants; non-adoption of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) by the countries; perception index of corruption; origin of the legal system; and cultural dimensions of Hofstede (2015), collected between 1995 and 2013 for 214 countries, initially. The methodological approach is applied logistic regression model (logit) based on Clements, Neill and Stovall (2010), adapted for panel data with random effects. The results indicate that countries that intend to adopt IPSAS can be explained by the positive variation of the variables GDP per capita, number of inhabitants, the origin of Anglo-Saxon legal system, socialist and French, and the negative variation of cultural variables: individualism and indulgence. In another test conducted, it was found that countries that have partially adopted the IPSAS, applying the accrual basis can be explained by the positive variation of the variables GDP per capita, number of inhabitants and the individualistic culture of a company; and the negative variation of the variables of the Corruption Perceptions Index, Scandinavian legal system of origin and cultural variables: masculinity and long-term orientation. As a complement, logistic regression that uni any interest in IPSAS showed that socialist countries of origin and cultures with little social inequality, less uncertainty avoidance and pragmatic few can justify such a choice. There was also a positive relationship with the number of inhabitants and GDP per capita, which suggests that more populated and developed countries tend to adopt IPSAS. The other tested logistic regressions did not allow statistical inference. Still, in any regression tested, there was evidence of dependency between the IFRS not allowed by the countries with the non-adoption of IPSAS.

Marchés émergents : excès de liquidité mondiale, investissements de portefeuille et prix des actifs / Emerging Markets : global Excess Liquidity, Portfolio Capital Flows and Asset Prices

Moussavi, Julien 18 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse tente d’analyser qualitativement et quantitativement les impacts, parfois déstabilisateurs, de l’excès de liquidité mondiale sur les prix des actifs des marchés émergents. Cet excès de liquidité mondiale s’est notamment matérialisé par un essor des investissements de portefeuille vers les marchés émergents, essor dont l’étude est devenue un thème central que ce soit pour les décideurs politiques ou pour l’industrie de la gestion d’actifs. A ce titre, nous nous proposons de contourner les faiblesses des données de la Balance des Paiements en construisant un indicateur non-retardé et à haute fréquence des flux de portefeuille, et ce, grâce aux données EPFR. La dynamique de recherche de rendement induite par la mise en place de politiques monétaires non conventionnelles par les principales banques centrales des marchés développés a eu pour effet une forte inflation des prix des actifs, au premier rang desquels figurent les marchés d’actions émergents, marchés sur lesquels de potentielles bulles ont pu faire leur apparition dans la période qualifiée de « Nouvelle Normale ». / This thesis aims to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse the sometimes destabilising impacts of global excess liquidity on emerging markets asset prices. This global excess liquidity has particularly manifested in a rise in portfolio capital flows towards emerging markets. The study of this rise has become a central topic both for policymakers and asset managers. As such, we propose to circumvent the Balance of Payments weaknesses by building a non-lagging and high frequency indicator of portfolio capital flows using the data provided by EPFR. The search for yield trend caused by the unconventional monetary policies undertaken by the main developed markets central banks has caused significant inflation in asset prices, most prominently in emerging equity markets, where potential bubbles have appeared during the so-called “New Normal” period.

Three Essays on the Consequences of Transparency

Witter, Tobias 01 September 2023 (has links)
This dissertation comprises three essays which empirically investigate consequences of transparency. The first essay investigates how transparency, demanded by the government as a customer of firms, affects firms’ financial reporting. It provides evidence that, relative to firms without government customers, government suppliers have a higher quality of financial reporting. Findings indicate that government procurement requirements, which are linked to internal control over financial reporting, can positively affect the external information environment of firms. The second essay examines how managers react to a stricter transparency mandate in pension accounting, if this mandate increases the expected volatility of balance sheet items. Managers of affected firms change decisions on pension plans which mitigate volatility and in addition, affected firms exhibit less volatile accruals but more volatile discretionary real actions suggesting managers reduce volatility in balance sheets. Findings imply that a transparency mandate in pension accounting may have (unintended) consequences for managerial decision-making if the mandate reveals more economic volatility on balance sheets. The third essay studies how (data-transparently) researchers visualize their quantitative findings and how this affects the impact of academic work. It finds that, compared to articles in field-specific economics journals, articles in economics journals with a broader audience use more figures than tables and that articles visualizing (data-transparently) with figures receive more citations. An online experiment, which manipulates how a fictive study visualizes scientific results, finds that participants assess the internal validity of research as being higher and are more willing to cite research if it visualizes results data-transparently. The findings imply that (data-transparent) visualization can enhance the impact of academic work. / Die Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, die die Auswirkungen von Transparenz untersuchen. Im ersten Aufsatz wird analysiert, wie sich die von einer Regierung im Rahmen der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe geforderte Unternehmenstransparenz auf die Finanzberichterstattung von Unternehmen auswirkt. Lieferanten der Regierung weisen eine höhere Qualität der Finanzberichterstattung auf als Vergleichsunternehmen. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, wie Manager auf strengere Transparenzanforderungen in der Pensionsbilanzierung reagieren, wenn diese die Bilanzvolatilität erhöhen. Die Manager nehmen Bilanzanpassungen vor, die die Volatilität reduzieren, was auf eine beabsichtigte Bilanzglättung hindeutet. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Visualisierung von quantitativen Forschungsergebnissen in wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und dem Einfluss akademischer Forschung. Economics-Journals verwenden mehr Abbildungen als Business-Journals, was Zitationen zu fördern scheint. Experimentelle Evidenz zeigt weiterhin, dass datentransparente Visualisierungen den Einfluss akademischer Forschung positiv beeinflussen können, dass dies aber auch stark disziplinabhängig ist.

La décision de détention d'actifs liquides : motivations et conséquences : le cas des entreprises cotées au SBF 250 / Corporate cash holdings : motivations and implications

El Ouazzani, Mohammed Adil 28 April 2014 (has links)
La décision de détention d’actifs liquides par les entreprises a fait l’objet de rares recherches. Pourtant,les entreprises françaises détiennent des niveaux importants de liquidités parmi leurs actifs. Ce travailvise à étudier théoriquement et empiriquement les motivations et les conséquences de la décision dedétention d’actifs liquides par les entreprises.La première partie de la thèse a pour objectif d’établir un état de l’art des théories explicatives ducomportement accumulateur de liquidités des entreprises. La deuxième partie cherche à testerempiriquement ces théories sur un échantillon de 202 entreprises françaises cotées au SBF 250. Il s’agit,d’un côté, de vérifier s’il existe un niveau optimal d’actifs liquides, de présenter les différents avantageset inconvénients de la détention de liquidités et de déterminer quels facteurs intrinsèques (financiers etorganisationnels) et macro-économiques influencent le niveau de liquidités, et d’un autre côté, d’estimerl’impact des actifs liquides sur l’investissement, la performance économique et financière ainsi que surla valeur de marché de l’entreprise. Le traitement de ces deux questions est articulé autour de l’étudedes rôles modérateurs des contraintes de financement, de la gouvernance d’entreprise et des conditionsmacroéconomiques. / The topic of corporate cash holdings has received relatively little attention from the academicresearchers. Yet, French firms hold significant cash reserves. This research aims to investigate,theoretically and empirically, the motivations and implications of the decision to hold cash.The first part of the thesis aims to provide a state of the art of the theories explaining corporate cashholding behavior. The second part seeks to empirically test these theories on a sample of 202 Frenchcompanies listed on the SBF 250. We first test the existence of an optimal level of liquid assets. Wesubsequently explore the advantages and disadvantages of holding cash before we examine the specific(financial and organizational) and macro-economic determinants of corporate cash levels. Finally, weestimate the impact of liquid assets on firms’ investment, performance and value and then we analyzethe moderating roles of financial constraints, corporate governance and macroeconomic conditions.

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