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Estudo do efeito analgésico da acupuntura na resposta dolorosa de pacientes portadores de Disfunção Temporomandibular / Study on the analgesic effect of acupuncture on the pain response in patients with temporomandibular disordersAna Cristina Rodrigues Campana 07 November 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo foi clínico duplo-cego randomizado, placebo controlado. Avaliou o efeito analgésico do acuponto Estômago 7 (E7) em pacientes portadores de Disfunção Temporomandibular. A possível analgesia foi estudada bilateralmente nos músculos masséter e temporal anterior. A proposição se estendeu a fim de elucidar se existem diferenças nos resultados quando se utiliza um ponto em um lado da face, se o resultado repercute do outro lado da face e se a acupuntura atua no limiar de dor do indivíduo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. A amostra constou de 56 pacientes. Todos os pacientes receberam a acupuntura real e acupuntura placebo, em sessão única. O acuponto E7 foi puncionado sempre do lado direito da face dos indivíduos. Os parâmetros utilizados para a avaliação foram a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e o Limiar de dor à Pressão (LDP). Avaliados antes e após o tratamento. A diminuição média do parâmetro EVA do lado direito foi de 39,73. Para o lado esquerdo, a diminuição média foi de 41,81. O parâmetro LDP aumentou imediatamente. O ponto isolado de acupuntura E7 promoveu a diminuição da dor do músculo masséter dos indivíduos. Foi possível agulhar um lado do paciente e atuar no lado oposto. O limiar de dor a pressão (LDP) medida no músculo-temporal anterior foi aumentado bilateralmente. / This was a clinical, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study. It had the purpose of assessing the analgesic effect of acupoint Stomach 7 (S7) in patients with Temporomandibular Disorders. The possible analgesia was studied bilaterally on the masseter and anterior temporalis muscles. The proposal intended to find if there are differences in the results when a point on one side of the face is used and whether there is a repercussion on the other side of the face. Moreover, if acupuncture acts on the pain threshold of individuals. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Researches of the School of Dentistry of the University of São Paulo under number 544519. Fifty-six patients took part in the study. All the patients received real acupuncture and placebo acupuncture in a single appointment. Acupoint St7 was stimulated always on the right side of the patients faces. The parameters used for the assessment were the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT), assessed before and after treatment. The mean decrease of VAS parameter on the right side was 39.73; and on the left side, the mean decrease was 41.81. The parameter PPT increased immediately. The isolated point of acupuncture St7 organized decrease of pain in the masseter muscle of patients. It was possible to puncture one side of the patient and act on the opposite side. The Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT) measured on the anterior temporalis muscle increased bilaterally.
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Avaliação da expressão do gene supressor de tumor PTEN, proto-oncogene c-kit, matrilisina (MMP-7), Conexinas 32 e 43 e do complexo E-caderinas/cateninas em mastocitomas da espécie canina: estudos ex vivo e in vitro / Evaluation of the expression of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN, proto-oncogene c-kit, matrilysin (MMP-7), Connexins 32 and 43 and E-caderinas/cateninas complex in mast cell tumors of dogs: ex vivo and in vitro studiesIvone Izabel Mackowiak da Fonseca 16 April 2014 (has links)
Os mastocitomas são formações cutâneas neoplásicas que mais acometem os cães, por isso inúmeras pesquisas estão sendo direcionadas no descobrimento de novas opções de tratamento, diagnóstico e prognóstico desta doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a expressão de um conjunto de proteínas que estão interligadas ou interligam vias de sinalização, na tentativa de identificar proteínas que se apresentem diferencialmente expressas nos mastocitomas caninos de diferentes graus. Realizamos um estudo da expressão deste conjunto de proteínas em 18 tumores oriundos dos arquivos do Serviço de patologia animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ-USP. Realizamos coleta de material fresco de outras 18 amostras de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos, as quais foram submetidas ao cultivo celular, e então foram estabelecidas 10 linhagens de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos a fim de se avaliar este mesmo grupo de marcadores moleculares in vitro. As amostras do arquivo foram submetidas à imunomarcação das seguintes proteínas: PTEN, c-kit, E-caderina, β-catenina, α-catenina, p120-catenina, MMP-7. Nas linhagens tumorais estabelecidas analisamos o ciclo celular, ploidia de DNA, proliferação celular pelo CFSE, análise ultraestrutural pela microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, análise mutacional do gene c-Kit, e análise por imunocitoquímica e imunofluorescência dos seguintes marcadores moleculares: PTEN, c-kit, E-caderina, β-catenina, α-catenina, p120-catenina, MMP-7, CX32, CX43, vimentina, triptase. Os resultados demonstram a alteração da expressão das proteínas do complexo E-caderina/catenina, do c-Kit, da proteína PTEN e MMP-7 de acordo com o grau do mastocitoma canino. Observamos além da redução de expressão uma localização subcelular de todas estas proteínas nos tumores mais agressivos como nos mastocitomas de grau 3. O mesmo foi observado para as proteínas Cx 43 e 32. Realizamos levantamento do histórico clínico dos 18 casos de mastocitoma caninos oriundos do arquivo, e os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: idade, raça, gênero, localização, tempo de evolução, alteração linfonodo, metástases, tempo sobrevida, intervalo recidiva, óbito. Foram associados a um pior prognóstico os pacientes que apresentaram os seguintes parâmetros: animais idosos, presença de metástase, localização no tórax e graduação tumoral. Nas linhagens tumorais estabelecidas, a análise da ploidia revelou que todas as linhagens de mastocitomas são diploides e o CFSE mostrou que a proliferação máxima ocorre dentro de 24hs de cultivo. A análise ultraestrutural comprova que as células das linhagens são mastócitos tumorais. A análise pela imunocitoquimica dos marcadores em estudo revelaram padrões similares aos encontrados na imunoistoquimica. Pela expressão da vimentina e da triptase confirmamos mais uma vez se tratar de linhagens de mastócitos em cultivo. Na análise mutacional do gene c-kit encontramos mutações no éxon 8 e 11, mas não no éxon 17. Nossos resultados revelam a ocorrência simultânea de inúmeras alterações moleculares nos mastocitoma caninos. As proteínas avaliadas têm funções e vias distintas, mas, que se interligam podendo regular ou serem reguladas, dependendo do momento em que se encontra a célula. A desestabilização do complexo E-caderina-cateninas parece ser o programa efetor na progressão dos mastocitomas caninos. A finalidade maior de se realizar estudos morfológicos, funcionais e moleculares das neoplasias é contribuir, mais cedo ou mais tarde, para o controle destas doenças. Esperamos, com este trabalho, ter fornecido informações importantes que favorecerão a busca por melhores tratamentos dos mastocitomas caninos. / Mast cell tumors are malignant skin formations that most affect dogs, so many research projects are being directed at the discovery of new treatment options, diagnosis and prognosis of this disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of a set of proteins that are interlinked or interconnected signaling pathways, in an attempt to identify proteins that show differentially expressed in canine mast cell tumors of different grades. We performed a study of the expression of this set of 18 proteins in tumors originating from the files of the Service of Animal Pathology, Department of Pathology of the FMVZ - USP. We collected other 18 new samples of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors , which were subjected to cell culture , and 10 strains of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors were established in order to evaluate in vitro this same group of molecular markers. The samples were subjected to immunostainings the following proteins: PTEN, c-kit, E-cadherin, β-catenin, α-catenin, p120-catenin, MMP-7. In established tumor cell lines we analyzed the cell cycle, DNA ploidy, cell proliferation by CFSE, ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy , mutational analysis of c-kit gene, and analysis by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence of the following molecular markers: PTEN, c-kit, E-cadherin, β-catenin, α-catenin, p120-catenin, MMP-7, CX32, Cx43, vimentin, tryptase. The results demonstrate the altered expression of the proteins, c- Kit, MM7 and PTEN proteins according to the level of the canine mastocytoma E-caderina/catenina complex. It has been observed a reduced expression as well as alterations in subcellular localization of all these proteins in more aggressive tumors as in grade 3 mast cell tumors. The same was observed for Cx 43 and 32 proteins. It has been performed a survey of the medical records of 18 cases of canine mast cell tumors retrieved from the archives, and clinical parameters evaluated were age, race, gender, location, time of evolution, change lymph node metastasis, survival time, recurrence interval, death. Older animals, metastasis, and tumor location in the chest, and mast cell tumor grade: patients who had the following parameters were associated with a worse prognosis. In the established tumor cell lines, ploidy analysis revealed that all lines are diploid mastocytoma and CFSE proliferation showed that the maximum occurs within 24 hours of cultivation. The ultrastructural analysis showed that the tumor cells are mast cell lineages. Analysis by immunocytochemistry markers studied showed similar patterns to those found in immunohistochemistry. By expression of vimentin and tryptase confirmed once again the case of mast cell lines in culture. In mutational analysis of the c kit, mutations were found in exon 8 and 11, but not in exon 17. Our results show the simultaneous occurrence of numerous molecular alterations in canine mast cell tumors. Proteins have different functions and evaluated pathways, but that interlock may regulate or be regulated, depending on the moment of the cell. The destabilization of the complex E-cadherin-catenins seems to be the effector program in the progression of canine mast cell tumors. The main purpose of performing morphological, functional and molecular studies of tumors is to contribute, sooner or later, to the control of these diseases. Hopefully, with this work, we have provided important information which will facilitate the search for better treatment of canine mast cell tumors
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Avaliação da expressão do gene supressor de tumor PTEN, proto-oncogene c-kit, matrilisina (MMP-7), Conexinas 32 e 43 e do complexo E-caderinas/cateninas em mastocitomas da espécie canina: estudos ex vivo e in vitro / Evaluation of the expression of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN, proto-oncogene c-kit, matrilysin (MMP-7), Connexins 32 and 43 and E-caderinas/cateninas complex in mast cell tumors of dogs: ex vivo and in vitro studiesFonseca, Ivone Izabel Mackowiak da 16 April 2014 (has links)
Os mastocitomas são formações cutâneas neoplásicas que mais acometem os cães, por isso inúmeras pesquisas estão sendo direcionadas no descobrimento de novas opções de tratamento, diagnóstico e prognóstico desta doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a expressão de um conjunto de proteínas que estão interligadas ou interligam vias de sinalização, na tentativa de identificar proteínas que se apresentem diferencialmente expressas nos mastocitomas caninos de diferentes graus. Realizamos um estudo da expressão deste conjunto de proteínas em 18 tumores oriundos dos arquivos do Serviço de patologia animal do Departamento de Patologia da FMVZ-USP. Realizamos coleta de material fresco de outras 18 amostras de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos, as quais foram submetidas ao cultivo celular, e então foram estabelecidas 10 linhagens de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos a fim de se avaliar este mesmo grupo de marcadores moleculares in vitro. As amostras do arquivo foram submetidas à imunomarcação das seguintes proteínas: PTEN, c-kit, E-caderina, β-catenina, α-catenina, p120-catenina, MMP-7. Nas linhagens tumorais estabelecidas analisamos o ciclo celular, ploidia de DNA, proliferação celular pelo CFSE, análise ultraestrutural pela microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, análise mutacional do gene c-Kit, e análise por imunocitoquímica e imunofluorescência dos seguintes marcadores moleculares: PTEN, c-kit, E-caderina, β-catenina, α-catenina, p120-catenina, MMP-7, CX32, CX43, vimentina, triptase. Os resultados demonstram a alteração da expressão das proteínas do complexo E-caderina/catenina, do c-Kit, da proteína PTEN e MMP-7 de acordo com o grau do mastocitoma canino. Observamos além da redução de expressão uma localização subcelular de todas estas proteínas nos tumores mais agressivos como nos mastocitomas de grau 3. O mesmo foi observado para as proteínas Cx 43 e 32. Realizamos levantamento do histórico clínico dos 18 casos de mastocitoma caninos oriundos do arquivo, e os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: idade, raça, gênero, localização, tempo de evolução, alteração linfonodo, metástases, tempo sobrevida, intervalo recidiva, óbito. Foram associados a um pior prognóstico os pacientes que apresentaram os seguintes parâmetros: animais idosos, presença de metástase, localização no tórax e graduação tumoral. Nas linhagens tumorais estabelecidas, a análise da ploidia revelou que todas as linhagens de mastocitomas são diploides e o CFSE mostrou que a proliferação máxima ocorre dentro de 24hs de cultivo. A análise ultraestrutural comprova que as células das linhagens são mastócitos tumorais. A análise pela imunocitoquimica dos marcadores em estudo revelaram padrões similares aos encontrados na imunoistoquimica. Pela expressão da vimentina e da triptase confirmamos mais uma vez se tratar de linhagens de mastócitos em cultivo. Na análise mutacional do gene c-kit encontramos mutações no éxon 8 e 11, mas não no éxon 17. Nossos resultados revelam a ocorrência simultânea de inúmeras alterações moleculares nos mastocitoma caninos. As proteínas avaliadas têm funções e vias distintas, mas, que se interligam podendo regular ou serem reguladas, dependendo do momento em que se encontra a célula. A desestabilização do complexo E-caderina-cateninas parece ser o programa efetor na progressão dos mastocitomas caninos. A finalidade maior de se realizar estudos morfológicos, funcionais e moleculares das neoplasias é contribuir, mais cedo ou mais tarde, para o controle destas doenças. Esperamos, com este trabalho, ter fornecido informações importantes que favorecerão a busca por melhores tratamentos dos mastocitomas caninos. / Mast cell tumors are malignant skin formations that most affect dogs, so many research projects are being directed at the discovery of new treatment options, diagnosis and prognosis of this disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression of a set of proteins that are interlinked or interconnected signaling pathways, in an attempt to identify proteins that show differentially expressed in canine mast cell tumors of different grades. We performed a study of the expression of this set of 18 proteins in tumors originating from the files of the Service of Animal Pathology, Department of Pathology of the FMVZ - USP. We collected other 18 new samples of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors , which were subjected to cell culture , and 10 strains of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors were established in order to evaluate in vitro this same group of molecular markers. The samples were subjected to immunostainings the following proteins: PTEN, c-kit, E-cadherin, β-catenin, α-catenin, p120-catenin, MMP-7. In established tumor cell lines we analyzed the cell cycle, DNA ploidy, cell proliferation by CFSE, ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy , mutational analysis of c-kit gene, and analysis by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence of the following molecular markers: PTEN, c-kit, E-cadherin, β-catenin, α-catenin, p120-catenin, MMP-7, CX32, Cx43, vimentin, tryptase. The results demonstrate the altered expression of the proteins, c- Kit, MM7 and PTEN proteins according to the level of the canine mastocytoma E-caderina/catenina complex. It has been observed a reduced expression as well as alterations in subcellular localization of all these proteins in more aggressive tumors as in grade 3 mast cell tumors. The same was observed for Cx 43 and 32 proteins. It has been performed a survey of the medical records of 18 cases of canine mast cell tumors retrieved from the archives, and clinical parameters evaluated were age, race, gender, location, time of evolution, change lymph node metastasis, survival time, recurrence interval, death. Older animals, metastasis, and tumor location in the chest, and mast cell tumor grade: patients who had the following parameters were associated with a worse prognosis. In the established tumor cell lines, ploidy analysis revealed that all lines are diploid mastocytoma and CFSE proliferation showed that the maximum occurs within 24 hours of cultivation. The ultrastructural analysis showed that the tumor cells are mast cell lineages. Analysis by immunocytochemistry markers studied showed similar patterns to those found in immunohistochemistry. By expression of vimentin and tryptase confirmed once again the case of mast cell lines in culture. In mutational analysis of the c kit, mutations were found in exon 8 and 11, but not in exon 17. Our results show the simultaneous occurrence of numerous molecular alterations in canine mast cell tumors. Proteins have different functions and evaluated pathways, but that interlock may regulate or be regulated, depending on the moment of the cell. The destabilization of the complex E-cadherin-catenins seems to be the effector program in the progression of canine mast cell tumors. The main purpose of performing morphological, functional and molecular studies of tumors is to contribute, sooner or later, to the control of these diseases. Hopefully, with this work, we have provided important information which will facilitate the search for better treatment of canine mast cell tumors
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Expression von Genen des WNT-Signalwegs in humanen Makrophagen nach MCF-7 Ko-Kultivierung und in murinen Makrophagen nach Mikrovesikel-Stimulation / Expression of genes of the WNT-Pathway in human macrophages after MCF-7 co-culture and in murine macrophages after stimulation with microvesiclesPantke, Mathias 25 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Formativ bedömning i matematik : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om formativ bedömning med matematiklärare i årskurs 7-9 / Formative assessment in mathematics : A qualitative interview study about formative assessment with mathematics teachers in grade 7-9Larsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka arbetssätt som verksamma matematiklärare använder för att arbeta med formativ bedömning. Syftet är även att undersöka vilka effekter på elevernas lärande de upplever att arbetssätten har samt vilka svårigheter de upplevt med att implementera formativ bedömning. I och med den nya läroplanen samt flera stora forskningsöversikter har begreppet formativ bedömning fått stor genomslagskraft inom den svenska skolan, trots detta upplevs ämnet matematik inte vara lika formativt som många andra ämnen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i denna studie bygger på Dylan Wiliams fem nyckelstrategier för formativ bedömning. För att uppnå studiens syfte har åtta stycken verksamma matematiklärare deltagit i en kvalitativ intervju. Deras svar har analyserats utifrån en meningstolkande analysmodell. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare anser sig arbeta med formativt bedömning och att det främst görs genom ökad muntlighet i klassrummet, grupparbeten och problemlösningsfokus. Det framgår även att de två sista nyckelstrategierna, kamratbedömning och självvärdering, är de som lärarna arbetar minst med. Samtliga lärare upplever att tidsbristen är den största svårigheten och att den främsta effekten på elevernas lärande är att de blir mer medvetna om sin egen lärprocess. / The purpose of this essay is to give an insight into how people working as mathematics teachers works with formative assessment, which effects on the students learning they experience that the formative methods have and which difficulties they have experienced when implementing a formative assessment. Due to the new curriculum and many significant research surveys the term formative assessment have made a big impact on the Swedish school system, despite that the mathematics subject doesn't seem as formative as other subjects. The theoretical starting point for this study is found Dylan Wiliams five key strategies for formative assessment. Eight mathematics teachers have participated in a qualitative interview and their answers have then been analyzed on the basis of an analyzing model with the purpose to find an answer at our research questions. The result shows that all the teachers consider themselves to work with formative assessment and that it is mostly done through more oral components, group work and problem solving in the classrooms. It also shown that the last two of the key strategies, peer assessment and self-evaluation, are the two components that they work the least with. All teachers experience that the lack of time is the biggest problem in implementing a formative assessment and that the biggest effect on students learning is that the students become more aware of their own learning process.
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7-9 klasių bendruomenės ypatumai integruoto mokymo sąlygomis / Peculiarities of integrated teaching conditions in the community of 7-9 formsJasiulionytė, Lina 29 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimas atliktas, siekiant atskleisti mokyklos bendruomenės požiūrį į specialiųjų poreikių vaikus, atskleidžiant jų patiriamus sunkumus, tarpusavio bendravimo ypatumus. Siekiant šio tikslo, buvo tiriami Vilniaus rajono mokyklų 7-9 klasių moksleiviai bei mokyklos bendruomenė. Buvo siekta išsiaiškinti, ar pasyvus specialiųjų poreikių vaikų dalyvavimas šių dienų integruotoje klasės bendruomenėje, ar jie jaučiasi vieniši, ar iš negalią turinčių vaikų dažnai tyčiojamasi, ar jie erzinami, ar specialiųjų poreikių vaikai gali tapti atpirkimo ožiais. Apibendrinant tyrimo metu gautus duomenis, galima teigti, kad specialiųjų poreikių vaikai dažnai patiria patyčias bei bendravimo sunkumus su bendraamžiais, sunkiai prisitaiko klasėje. Kartais patys specialiųjų poreikių vaikai provokuoja konfliktines situacijas. Dėl minėtų veiksnių vaikai, turintys negalią, neretai išgyvena įtampą, o tai trukdo jiems sėkmingai adaptuotis mokykloje. Kad vyktų sėkminga integracija, mokykloms reikėtų dėti daugiau pastangų darbui su specialiųjų poreikių mokiniais, klasės auklėtojai turėtų tarpininkauti įvairiose situacijose, ugdyti specialiųjų poreikių vaikų bendravimo ir konfliktų sprendimo įgūdžius, formuoti tolerancijos nuostatas klasėje. / The research was carried out to identify school community’s attitude to children having special needs, revealing difficulties they usually experience and peculiarities of communication among them. Students from 7-9 forms and school’s community from the region of Vilnius were interviewed in order to achieve this purpose. The aim of this research was to find out if the behavior of children having special needs is passive in integrated community of the class, if they feel lonely, if disabled children are often laughed at, if they are often teased, if blame is often put on children having special needs. Summarizing the results of the research, it would be possible to argue if children having special needs experience difficulties in communicating with others and are teased or face some difficulties while adapting to the class. Sometimes children having special needs provoke conflict situations. Due to the mentioned factors, disabled children often experience stress, which prevents them from successful adaptation to school. For a successful integration, schools should put more effort in working with children having special needs, the headmasters of the class should become mediators in different kind of situations, encouraging children’s having special needs communication, developing skills which would help to resolve conflict situations as well as developing tolerance in the class.
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Diskrečiosios Daubechies 9/7 transformacijos su daline blokų dekoreliacija savybių tyrimas / Analysis of properties of the discrete Daubechies 9/7 with partial block decorrelationVaišnoraitė, Lina 31 August 2011 (has links)
Diskrečiosioms bangelių transformacijoms galima panaudoti daugybę „motininių“ bangelių, tokių kaip Daubechies, Morlet‘o, Le Gall‘o arba Haar‘o. Daubechies 9/7 (CDF 9/7) bangelės istoriškai yra pirmoji bangelių šeima, kuri buvo išpopuliarinta Ingridos Daubechies (1987 m. Ingrid Daubechies suformavo vieną iš pagrindinių bangelių bazių). CDF 9/7 bangelės yra ypač veiksmingos ortogonaliosios bangelės, plačiai naudojamos praktikoje (FTB pirštų atspaudų glaudinimas, vaizdų kodavimo standartas JPEG2000 ir pan.). Šiame darbe yra aptariamos ir algoritmizuojamos dvi CDF 9/7 transformacijos versijos, būtent: bazinė CDF 9/7 ir CDF 9/7 su daline blokų dekoreliacija. Darbo tikslas – atlikti palyginamąją bazinės CDF 9/7 ir CDF 9/7 su daline blokų dekoreliacija analizę vaizde sukauptos energijos „pakavimo“ spektrinėje bangelių srityje savybės kontekste. Palyginimo kriterijumi yra pasirenkamas dvimatis hiperbolinis skaitmeninių vaizdų filtras, t.y. apdorojamas vaizdas pervedamas į spektrų bangelių sritį, taikant abi CDF 9/7 transformacijos versijas. Gautieji spektrai apdorojami fiksuoto lygmens hiperboliniais filtrais. Po filtravimo įvertinama atkurtų vaizdų kokybė. / Many kernels (“mother” wavelets) can be used for the discrete wavelet transform DWT, like those of Daubechies, Morlet, discrete Le Gall transform (DLGT) or the discrete Haar transform (HT). Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau (CDF 9/7) wavelet are the historically first family of biorthogonal wavelets, which was made popular by Ingrid Daubechies. These are not the same as the orthogonal Daubechies wavelets, and also not very similar in shape and properties. However their construction idea is the same. The JPEG 2000 compression standard uses the biorthogonal CDF 5/3 wavelet (also called the LeGall 5/3 wavelet) for lossless compression and a CDF 9/7 wavelet for lossy compression. In this paper, two distinct DWT (CDF 9/7 and CDF 9/7 with decorrelation) as well as their computational algorithms are discussed, analyzed and compared. Comparison criteria are chosen to be one – dimensional hyperbolic filters and smoothness level of the digital signal under processing.
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Le récepteur de l'IL-7 sur les cellules NK matures humaines : nature et fonctionMichaud, Annie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet : En utredning av gällande rätt avseende 7:4 ÄBBäck, Daniel, Östman, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar det förstärkta laglottsskyddet i 7:4 ÄB som är en viktig del av den svenska successionsrätten samtidigt som den är svår att tillämpa i praktiken. Det är därför av vikt att bringa klarhet i detta komplexa rättsområde. Syftet med uppsatsen är därav att utreda gällande rätt kring denna rättsregel och påvisa samt analysera de praktiska tillämpningssvårigheter rättsregeln ger upphov till för domstolen med avsikt att undersöka om den är i behov av en reform av något slag. För att uppnå detta syfte används en rättsdogmatisk metod, där rättspraxis har en framträdande betydelse i uppsatsen. När någon avlider ska dennes kvarlåtenskap fördelas genom den legala arvsordningen om inget testamente har upprättats. En arvlåtare kan fritt testamentera bort den ena halvan av arvslotten medan den andra halvan utgörs av bröstarvingarnas laglott. En bröstarvinge är alltid berättigad att utfå sin laglott, vilket föranleder att en bröstarvinge kan påkalla jämkning av ett testamente som inskränker hens laglott. Det förstärkta laglottsskyddet ger bröstarvingar ett ytterligare laglottsskydd. Rättsregeln aktualiseras när en arvlåtare har bortgivit egendom under sådana omständigheter eller på sådana villkor att gåvan är att likställa med testamente och särskilda skäl ej föreligger. Om gåvan inskränker en bröstarvinges laglott ska gåvan återbäras till dödsboet. Kan gåvan inte återbäras ska ersättning motsvarande gåvans värde utgå. I rättsregelns ordalydelse återfinns tre stycken vaga rekvisit, vars innebörd har utkristalliserats i rättspraxis. Domstolen har därav tolkat vad som innefattas i begreppet gåva, vad som ska likställas med testamente samt när särskilda skäl ska anses föreligga. Vid en tillämpning av rättsregeln måste domstolen således beakta dessa vaga rekvisit, som till sist utmynnar i en subjektiv bedömning. Med det i beaktande och i samband med att vissa situationer faller utanför rättsregelns tillämpningsområde, vore det önskvärt med en reform avseende det förstärkta laglottsskyddet. / The thesis discuss the reinforced statutory share of inheritance in the 7th chapter 4 § ÄB, which is an important part of the Swedish inheritance law but likewise difficult to implement practically. It is therefore important to clarify this complex branch of law. The purpose of the thesis is to examine applicable law concerning the legal rule and to detect and analyze the practical implementation difficulties that occur for the court in order to examine if the legal rule is in need of a reformation. To achieve this purpose, a legal dogmatic method is utilized; where case-law have a prominent part of the thesis. When someone passes away, his estate shall be allocated through the legal rule of inheritance if a will has not been created. A devisor freely can bequeath one half of the share of inheritance, while the other half constitutes the direct heirs statutory share of inheritance. A direct heir is always entitled to obtain his statutory share of inheritance, which means that a direct heir can claim a will that circumscribes his statutory share of inheritance. The reinforced statutory share of inheritance gives additional protection of the statutory share of inheritance for direct heirs. The legal rule is actualized if a devisor gives property away during circumstances or upon such terms that the bequest is equivalent with a will and special reasons does not apply. If the bequest circumscribes a direct heirs’ statutory share of inheritance, the bequest shall be refunded to the estate. If the bequest cannot be refunded, remuneration corresponding to the bequest shall be reimbursed. The legal rules’ wording consists of three vague necessary conditions, whose meaning has been crystalized by case-law. The court has therefore interpreted what the term bequest is contained of, what is equivalent with a will and when special reasons shall apply. The court must therefore pay attention to these vague necessary conditions when the legal rule is applied practically, which finally results in a subjective judging. With that in mind and that some situations is not regulated within the legal rule, it would be desirable with a reformation regarding the reinforced statutory share of inheritance.
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The role of IL-7 in lymphopenia and bystander apoptosis during HIV-1 infection /Fluur, Caroline, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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