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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender Differences In Product Form Perception

Yavas, Nermin 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Product form is the principal factor that affects the consumer response. It influences the consumer preferences in many ways and affects the success of the product in the market. The response is moderated by several influences including individual tastes and preferences, personal characteristics, cultural and social context and other situational factors. The purpose of this study is to find whether gender as a personal characteristics, has an influential effect on the perception of the product form. A survey was conducted with a sample set of mobile phones. To quantify the participants&amp / #8217 / perceptions, semantic differential method was used in which participants were asked to rate characteristics over a set of opposite adjective pairs. It is found out that, with respect to particular adjectives, responses to product form might be significantly different for males and females.


蘇巧芳, Su, Chiao-fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖檢視的中心命題是:911事件後美國認知到異文明對美國的威脅有強化的趨勢,是否造成美國在短期之內以文明威脅做為政策制訂之主要考量,企圖透過鞏固西方文明團結,削弱其他文明之發展與相互聯繫,以達到維持西方文明(以美國為首)優勢地位之目的? 本論文運用杭亭頓的「文明衝突」理論,評估文明衝突論的觀點對於美國國家安全戰略之影響深度,發現:911事件改變美國對於本土及國際安全環境的認知,美國重新重視非國家行為者所造成之威脅,開始著重美國本土防禦,並繼而調整其全球戰略、亞太戰略以及國防組織結構與建軍思想。美國與傳統盟邦的關係,乃至與非盟邦國家的關係,也隨之發生轉變。911事件提醒美國:「文明的衝突」的威力不容小覷!因此,挾著國際輿論對「恐怖主義」的廣大批評聲浪及仇視情緒,美國藉機加速後冷戰時期就一直在進行的戰略部署,趁機大舉整頓具有威脅性的伊斯蘭文明,以確保美國本身的絕對安全,並穩固其優勢地位不受動搖。「反恐怖主義」的口號不僅增加美國在戰略部署和行動上的靈活度及空間,也給予美國介入他國事務時的正當性。 除此之外,美國更利用911之後難得的戰略機遇期,以反恐為藉口將勢力伸入中亞與中東,除了受到該地區廣大的石油利益吸引之外,美國的戰略目標亦希冀確立在這個地區的領導地位。在不穩定弧形地帶上(與杭亭頓所指稱的文明斷層線重疊)部署軍事力量,不僅能夠扼制潛在敵手的發展、防止一個反美聯盟的出現,還能擴大民主價值的推動,改造整個伊斯蘭世界。 綜合上述內容可以看出杭亭頓在文明衝突論中提出的政策建議與美國國家安全戰略之發展方向,確實有一定程度的吻合。然而美國在伊斯蘭世界強硬的軍事部署與移植西方民主的戰略規劃,卻與杭亭頓提出文明衝突論的旨趣大相逕庭。美國諸多戰略規劃背後的動機不見得僅以文明威脅作為考量,以出兵伊拉克為例,背後就包含了取得能源利益、維持區域穩定、推廣民主價值…等考量。因此可以說:911事件後美國雖然認知到異文明對美國的威脅有強化的趨勢,也確實因此造成美國在短期之內將文明威脅視為政策制訂之重要考量,企圖透過鞏固西方文明團結,削弱其他文明之發展與相互聯繫,以達到維持西方文明(以美國為首)優勢地位之目的,然而從美國部分戰略規劃之要點中亦可看出,文明威脅的考量並不能完全主宰美國國家安全之戰略思維,在文明威脅的考量之外,仍有其他重要戰略因素影響著美國的國家行為。

Spatial Analysis of Motor Vehicle Accidents in Johnson City, Tennessee, as Reported to Washington County Emergency Communications District (911).

Bennett, Katharine D 18 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study spatially analyzes emergency 911 call-for-service records from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2009 for motor vehicle accidents inside the corporate limits of Johnson City, Tennessee. Records were compared according to the land use classification for adjacent properties, roadway type, and traffic signal proximity. Data were evaluated through ArcGIS software using proximity analysis, point pattern analysis, and hotspot analysis. Motor vehicle accidents evaluated during this study consist of accident locations reported to the Washington County Emergency Communications District concerning property damage, personal injury, and fatalities. Results indicate localized areas with the highest number of traffic accidents contain the most motor vehicle injury accidents. Twice as many motor vehicle accidents occur near commercial properties compared to residential properties. Motor vehicle accidents are more likely to occur on arterial thoroughfares. Approximately 40% of injury accidents happen at roadway intersections, with 22% occurring at signalized intersections.

Framing The Post-9/11 service member: How American newspapers frame the post-9/11 service member, ten years later

Fong, Laura C. 12 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.


陳逸夫 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年8月2日伊拉克十萬大軍,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度入侵科威特,引起世人關注。美國以國際警察之姿,高舉自由民主與維護世界秩序之大旗,透過外交積極爭取國際正義與國內外輿論支持下出兵,最後速戰速決破敵。在整個衝突與危機處理過程中,美國前總統布希透過決策小組的磋商,交互運用外交與軍事戰略等途徑,期盼達到「以戰止戰」的目的,其過程融合了外交策略與戰爭藝術,也為老布希總統及其班底打響了名號。 本論文之主要研究動機與目的,起於美國自受到「911」恐怖攻擊事件後,發動阿富汗戰爭尚未完全結束之際,復以伊拉克總統海珊可能擁有大規模毀滅性武器為由,透過強力運作,於2002年11月8日獲聯合國安理會以15票全數通過1441決議案,聯合國武器檢查小組自11月27日前往伊拉克實施武檢,美國同時於波斯灣地區展開大規模的軍事部署。期間經過四個多月的外交折衝,聯合國武檢小組歷次提出的武檢報告,並未發現伊拉克發展大規模毀滅性武器的具體證據。而伊拉克總統海珊亦宣稱並無擁有大規模毀滅性武器,2002年10月,美國主管東亞暨太平洋地區事務的助理國務卿凱利訪問平壤,凱利向北韓官員表示,美國知悉北韓發展高濃縮鈾的計畫。北韓先承認有此計畫,隨後又否認,辯稱此舉僅係自我防衛,而正處於制訂「核武發展計畫」階段而已。為何美國2003年3月20日執意要對伊拉克發動第二次波灣戰爭,而對北韓卻以談判方式解決。 2003年5月1日,美國總統小布希在航空母艦林肯號(CVN-76)上,正式宣佈結束對伊拉克的戰鬥,美國海外出兵再次贏得壓倒性的勝利。然而,美國發動這場戰爭在正當性與合法性上卻引起相當大的爭議。


張和明 Unknown Date (has links)
中國是一個興起中的強權,中國領導人的世界觀與國際戰略,將深刻影響到未來世界秩序的形成,且影響力有增無減;尤其,在現代化的過程中,中國大陸突破以市場經濟與代議民主為核心的制式模式,試圖開創獨特的政經體制,且自改革開放以來,經濟高度穩定成長,使其整體國力不斷提昇,綜合國力讓人不能忽視。 其中中共外交政策研究不僅是研究中國大陸問題的一項重要議題,也是為研究國際關係學者無法加以忽略的環節。有關中國大陸「決策過程」之研究,可以使得我們更豐富地瞭解中國大陸所面臨之各種環境因素,決策者所重視的政策問題以及其解決方式,進而獲知中國大陸政治系統之結構特徵及運作方式。 當中以大國關係的說法充份反映了中國外交政策前提的演化,也同時涉及了中國在世界上的自我定位,甚至還對維持其國內秩序的各種制度安排,提供了新的視野與期盼。「九一一事件」使東亞大國間關係發生若干變化,其主要特徵為:中美關係在美國的反恐戰爭後獲得改善,但結構性與戰略緊張的本質尚未發生根本改變。 在決策方面,就理論上說來,中共其實也要求決策的科學化和民主化,強調一切決策應該以建設具有中國特色的社會主義為總目標,要堅持以人民為主體的思想,加強決策制度的建設,希望能在把握國情的基礎上,堅持決策的連續性與創造性,以實現決策程序的制度化。 中共當前的決策重點似乎並不在於事先制定一個完美、理想的決策方案,而是要利用已有的資訊,迅速作出盡量準確的決策,然後再透過決策程序中的有關機制再逐步加以改善、調整。換句話說,中共的某些決策者認為,凡事要冒點風險,不能為了追求完美而錯過了時機,有限的錯誤可以透過總結經驗及反饋調整來加以改善。因此,中共是把蒐集資料、制定方案、確定目標的過程適度的壓縮,其決策並未一味強求必須是「最佳」的決策,而是要求相對「較佳」的選擇。中共所說「摸著石頭過河」差可反映此一思維。 本文希望藉由江澤民時期對美國安全關係的檢驗分析,來探討中共外交決策模式,研究方向是由江澤民時期中共與美國安全關係的演變,此期間中共外交決策機構與運作,參與外交決策的黨政組織架構,瞭解決策過程中的黨政權力運作,以外交決策模型的檢驗,來探討理性行為者模式。 / While China is a rising superpower, the global view and international strategy of its rulers will greatly influence the order of the future world. The influence will keep increasing ; especially, in the process of its modernization, China ﹙Mainland China﹚ broke the mode of western market economy and democracy and is attempting to create unique political system and economical system. Since it opened up to the world, Chinas’ecomomy has kept growing steabily and enhanced its national power. Its overall national strength has been so powerful that no other countries in the world can ignore it. China's foreign policy is one of the important issues studied by the experts in Chinese problems. Such issue is also highly valued by the expects in international relations. The study on the process of China's decision-making enables us to fully understand the situations that China has been faced with, and the problem the policy maker concentrate and the solutions to them. Furthermore, the study also enables us to realize the features of its political structures and the ways it operates. China's so-called “the relation among the superpowers”not only reflects the evolution of recent Beijing foreign policy but also relates to its identity in the world. The theory also provides new perspective on maintaining its domestic order. 911Incident changed the relation among China,U.S.A. and Japan. Among the changes, the main feature is that the relationship between China and the US improved after the anti- terrorism war launched by U.S,A. However ,the improvement does't basic change the structure of their relations and tension caused by each other's international strategy still exist. In terms of its decision-making , China demans to make all political decisions scientically and through democratical process . they emphasize that Chinese socialism is the only goal of all constructions, stick to the ideology of people-oriented, and enorce their polical decisions. To systematize of the proceduce of making political decision, they expect to persist in the continuity and creativity of their political decisions on the basic of their national conditions. The top priority of China is not to establish a perfect and ideal system of making polical decision in advance. Instead , they utilize the information they have owned to make a more accurate decision rapidly and then gradually improve and adjust it in the procedure. In other words, China's decision makers think that everything take risks , that it is unwise to miss a good opportunity for the perfection and that some mistakes can be improved through experience and adjustment. Therefore, China appropriately shortens the procedures of collecting information, making scheme, and confiming goals. They don't expect the best decision but a better one. A Chinese saying, to wade across the stream by feeding the way, reflects the thinking mentioned above. The research studies the framework of China's foreign policy by analyzing the security relations to U.S.A. in Jiang Zemin's term. To understand the procedure of how Chinese Communists operate their polical power, I focus on the development of China and U.S.A.'s security relations in Jiang Zemin's term and the organizations which took charge of China's foreign policy and their operation.

Varför vänder sig individen till 112 vid upplevd ohälsa : En intervjustudie med personer som av ambulanspersonal har bedömts som ”icke akuta”

Karlsson, Anette, Lilja, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Vården ska ges på den nivå som bäst är anpassad efter patientens individuella tillstånd. Patient väljer ibland att vända sig till akutsjukvården då vårdbehovet egentligen inte är akut utan bättre kan behandlas inom primärvården. Tidigare forskning påvisar att patienter föredrar att söka sig till akutsjukvården framför primärvården då den är mer lättillgänglig samt att den uppfattas som bättre. Att det är flera personer som är inblandade i beslutet att kontakta larmcentralen samt att det är ett svårt beslut framkommer också i tidigare studier. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva patientens beslut att ringa larmcentral i stället för att ta kontakt med primärvården. Deltagarna i studien hade alla tackat ja och var inkluderade i projektet Vård på Rätt Vårdnivå och vi kom på så sätt i kontakt med dem. Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie och är baserad på åtta informanter. Resultatet påvisar att beslutet att ringa larmcentralen i stället för att kontakta primärvårdens vårdcentral kan förstås som att 112 samtalet ersätter vårdcentralen som har begränsningar eller saknar akutmottagningens resurser. Att ringa larmcentralen kan också vara ett uttryck för ohälsa eller att ha förlorat kontrollen. Ofta är det någon annan än patienten som tar beslutet att ringa 112. Vårdcentralen väljs bort bland annat på grund av sämre tillgänglighet och begränsat vårdutbud i förhållande till akutmottagningen. Flera jourmottagningar i primärvårdens regi, ett ökat samarbete mellan akutsjukvården och primärvården samt regelbundna hälsokontroller som skall ges tätare med stigande ålder är förslag till kliniska implikationer. [Summary in English:] Care should be given at the best level suitable to the individual patient condition. Sometimes the patients choose to contact Emergency care when the actual need is not that urgent and can be better treated within the Primary care. Earlier research shows that patients prefer to get in contact to Emergency care prior to Primary care as it is easier to access and that it is perceived as a better option. Earlier studies also show that it’s difficult decision and more persons are often involved to decide to contact Emergency care. The purpose of this study is to describe the patient's decision to call the Emergency care instead of the Primary care. Persons participating in the study have all accepted and were already included in the project "care at the right level", and that was how we got in touch with them. The study was performed as a qualitative interview and based on eight informants. The result shows that the decision to call the Emergency care instead of the Primary care can be recognized as the 112 call replace Primary Care that is limited or do not the same resources as Emergency care. To call the Emergency care can also be an expression of suffering or that the patient lost control. Often it is someone else than the patient who makes the decision to call 112. The Primary care that is chosen away means limited availability and limited care in relation to Emergency care. More emergency receptions handled by the Primary care, greater corporation between emergency care and primary care and regular health checks more frequent as age increase is some proposals to clinical implications. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot distriktssköterska

Market Development Of Renewable Energy In Turkey

Demirdizen, Hasan Gence 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Renewable energy is a current issue in the world as well as in Turkey. Turkey has developing policies in the renewable energy field. Although it is a beneficial mean of obtaining energy, there are barriers on renewable energy production. In order to develop renewable energies, those barriers have to be analyzed and suitable implementations should be developed to overcome them. In this thesis policy and implementation on the renewables are evaluated in general and specially for Turkey. The electricity market is one of the crucial factors of development of the renewable energy. The day-ahead market and renewable energy support mechanism in Turkey are investigated. Finally benefit calculations is carried out in order to compare benefits of renewable energy in market and support mechanisms by using real time price and production values of two renewable energy plants / a hydropower and a wind power plants. Further, outcomes of newly developed prediction project for wind power plants are evaluated in terms of market benefit.

Designing Lost Circulation Pills For Polymer Based Drill-in Fluids

Kahvecioglu, Alper 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Specially designed non-damaging lost circulation pills (LCP) are being effectively applied for drilling depleted zones worldwide. Optimizing the LCP compositions stop the lost circulation effectively and protect the production zone from liquid and solids invasion significantly. Shape, particle size distribution and concentration of the lost circulation materials (LCM) are key parameters determining the effectiveness of LCP. In this study, the Permeability Plugging Apparatus (PPA) is utilized to evaluate effectiveness of various LCM&rsquo / s in curing the lost circulation. Sized calcium carbonates are used as LCM in different concentrations and in different particle size distribution. Lost circulation zones are simulated using the ceramic disks and slotted disks. Ceramic disks with nominal pore sizes 20, 35, 60, 90, and 150 microns are characterized in terms of pore size distribution using the computerized image analysis technique. Filter cake quality, spurt loss and filtrate volume are basic parameters to be evaluated in this study. Tests are performed at 75 F and 300 psi of differential.

The Role Of Vakif Institution In The Conservation Of Vakif Based Cultural Heritage

Akar, Tuba 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Founded by individuals for religious and charity purposes, the Vakif institution was the main institution in the construction and conservation of the built environment in the Ottoman period. Religious, charitable, municipal, educational, social and health services were provided by spaces such as k&uuml / lliyes, mosques, medreses, hans, baths, shops, etc. which were built through the Vakif Institution. As the underlying concept of the vakif institution was serving forever, the repair of these spaces &ndash / the vakif buildings &ndash / was accepted as a fundamental issue for ensuring the functionality and continuity of the vakif. With this aim, vakif institution set the legal, administrative, technical and financial bases for the continuity of the system within its autonomous and local structure in the classical Ottoman period. With the westernization movements in the Tanzimat era, vakifs were gathered under a central institution called Evkaf Nezareti, which had a central budget and administrative structure. In the Republican period, the General Directorate of Pious Foundations (GDPF) took this centralized institutional structure as it was and since then GDPF has been the heir of the vakif institution and vakif heritage in Turkey. However, GDPF has still not adopted an effective conservation policy. GDPF&rsquo / s attitudes towards the conservation of the vakif cultural properties are far from the understandings of the classical vakif system. Briefly, the change of the main concept of the vakif system after the classical Ottoman period can be considered as the main reason for the increased number of vakif buildings in ruinous state. From this perspective, this thesis aims at forming a model mainly based on adapting the positive aspects of the classical vakif system into the GDPF&rsquo / s conservation mechanism of vakif-based immovable cultural properties. The focus is given on the examination and comparison of the vakif system&rsquo / s past and present attitudes towards sustainable conservation. In this line, it is aimed to adapt the vakif systems&rsquo / applicable legal, administrative and financial approaches towards the conservation to GDPF within the limits of the current administrative and legal system. At another level, the functionality of the proposed model forming of the necessary administrative and legal arrangements is given importance.

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