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A cross-cultural analysis of the spatial distribution of international tourists in ChinaBowden, Jiaolan January 2003 (has links)
This research focuses on the cross-cultural study of the spatial distribution of tourists (SDT) or international tourists (SDIT) within China. It encompasses two broad areas of knowledge base - cross-cultural and SDT. Many of the issues in these wide ranging, but overlapping, domains have developed separately and have as yet to be conceptualised and researched in a holistic and rigorous manner. This makes the holistic and behavioural perspective, as well as the scientific approach of this study, all the more novel. The societal context of this study - tourism in China, adds more practical and theoretical interest to this research. Its diversified tourism resources provide one of the best places to carry out a cross-cultural spatial research. The conceptual framework has strengthened and reinforced the literature in two respects. First, the notion of SDT has been clarified, and it is suggested that it consists of three features of tourist movement - pattern, direction and intensity. Secondly, a factual `cultural distance' variable, formed from cultural constructs, has been used to underpin the cross-cultural comparative framework in addition to commonly applied cultural proxies such as nationality. The whole research methodology was developed based upon these two notions, and was greatly enhanced by the use of the discrete choice approach (logistic regression models) by which the operational challenges faced when incorporating the behavioural elements into cross-cultural and spatial research were successfully resolved. The research findings do not entirely support the empirical evidence quoted in the crosscultural SDT literature. The key findings of this research are that tourists prefer linear instead of circular travel within China; their movements are either vertical and/or horizontal; international gateway positions of Beijing and Shanghai have been confirmed, but that of Guangzhou is questioned. All the cultural related variables are significant in the SDIT, but cultural distance is more sensitive at expressing the differences in the SDIT than cultural proxies. There is no evidence suggesting that geographical distance is a primary factor in the SDIT. Some trip attributes, such as travel groups, as well as social economic variables, such as income levels, are confirmed as significant, but demographic characteristics such as age and gender show no significance in the cross-cultural SDIT within a destination country.
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Traditionelle Einkaufspassagen in Japans Einzelhandelslandschaft: Räumliche Strukturen, Prozesse und Konsequenzen. / Traditional shopping arcades in Japanese retailing: Spatial structures, processes and consequencesDolezal, Sascha January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Eine lange Tradition im japanischen Einzelhandel besitzen die oftmals schmalen und überdachten Einkaufspassagen (Shoutengai). Charakteristisch ist die Aneinanderreihung von kleinflächigen, unabhängigen und oftmals familiengeführten Fachgeschäften. Diese sind sowohl im Einzelhandel, Dienstleistungsgewerbe als auch in der Gastronomie angesiedelt und dienen nicht nur als zentrales Versorgungszentrum in Fußnähe, sondern sind auch Kommunikationsmittelpunkt einer Nachbarschaft oder eines Stadtbezirks. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Darstellung der momentanen Situation traditioneller Einkaufspassagen in Japan und welchen Herausforderungen diese aktuell und zukünftig gegenüberstehen. Mangelnde Kundennachfrage, erhöhte Konkurrenzsituation, steigende Steuerabgaben oder fehlende Nachfolger stehen beispielhaft für die Probleme, mit denen sich viele Inhaber konfrontiert sehen. Durch die empirische Untersuchung sollen Determinanten des Erfolgs bzw. Misserfolgs erarbeitet werden. Hierbei wurden von Juni 2015 bis Juli 2016 in Kyoto und Osaka 21 Einkaufspassagen mit insgesamt 3.469 Geschäftsflächen kartiert, von denen wiederum acht Einkaufspassagen näher untersucht wurden. Dabei haben 513 Betriebe an einer standardisierten Befragung teilgenommen und es wurden mehrere Leitfadeninterviews mit Shoutengai-Vereinen sowie Stadtverwaltungen und Wirtschaftsförderern geführt. Als theoretische Grundlagen der vorliegenden Arbeit dient insbesondere die Akteurs- und Handlungstheorie und wie die Aktivitäten der Geschäftsbetreiber die Passagen positiv bzw. negativ beeinflussen. Flankierenden Charakter besitzen zudem die Institutionentheorie, anhand derer der Einfluss politischer Entscheidungen erörtert wird sowie zyklische Theorieansätze, um eine Einordnung der traditionellen Einkaufspassagen in Japans Einzelhandelslandschaft durchzuführen.
Seit über drei Jahrzehnten sinkt landesweit die Zahl der Einzelhändler, die Gründe für den Niedergang sind vielfältig. Insbesondere Einzelgeschäfte mit einer niedrigen einstelligen Zahl an Mitarbeitern waren und sind auch weiterhin im Rückgang inbegriffen. Über ein Drittel der befragten Geschäftsinhaber planen in den nächsten fünf Jahren die Geschäftsführung aufzugeben, zwei Drittel von ihnen haben keinen Nachfolger für ihr Geschäft. Zunehmende Schließungen tragen zu Trading-Down Prozessen der gesamten Passage bei. Hohe Leerstandsquoten von bis zu über 50 %, verbunden mit ungepflegten Gebäudefassaden, einem schlechten Beleuchtungskonzept und begrenzter Produktauswahl führen zu einer unattraktiven Einkaufsatmosphäre, resultierend in einem Kundenmangel. Die Diversifizierung der Betriebsformen ab den 1960er Jahren und Deregulierungsprozesse der Binnenhandelspolitik beförderten die Konkurrenzsituation der Einkaufspassagen und bildeten die Grundlage dieser Abwärtsentwicklung.
Einige Immobiliengesellschaften nutzen dies für ihre Zwecke und erwerben einige Ladenzeilen, um diese großflächigen zu Wohnhäusern umzubauen. Die Einkaufspassagen erfahren dadurch einen Funktionswandel und verlieren zunehmend ihren ursprünglichen Charakter. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, die aktuelle Einzelhandelslandschaft Japans zu erfassen und stadtplanerischen Instrumenten bei der künftigen Planung zu unterstützen. / The Shoutengai, a Japanese style commercial district covering a whole street, has a long-standing tradition in Japans retail business. Characteristic is the array of small, specialized, independent and often family-run shops.
The intention of this thesis is to present the current situation of traditional shopping streets in Japan, along with the challenges they are facing nowadays and in the future.
Lack of customer demand, increased competition, rising taxes and missing successors are examples for the most common problems shop owners see themselves confronted with.
Through empirical investigation, determinants for success or failure can be ascertained.
In line of the investigation in Kyoto and Osaka, 21 shopping malls containing a total of 3,469 businesses were mapped, from which eight were examined in greater detail.
513 shops participated in a standardized survey, and several expert discussions with Shoutengai associations as well as city administrations and offices for economic development were conducted.
The scientific basis of this work is the theory of actions and how the activities of the business operators influence the arcades positively or negatively. This is supported further by the cyclic theories and the institutional theory, which factors in the influence of political decisions on the Japanese retail business. For the last three decades, the retailers have suffered a nationwide decline. This is especially true for smaller businesses. One third of the surveyed shop owners plan to give up management within the next five years, two thirds of whom have no successor for their business. High vacancy rates of sometimes more than 50% and seemingly abandoned buildings make for an unattractive shopping atmosphere, which results in more and more missing customers. Other factors are insufficient exposure and limited product selection compared to online retailers, supermarkets and shopping malls.
There was a diversification and deregulation of businesses starting in the 1960s through the domestic trade policy. These processes promoted the competitive situation of the present and provided the basis for the current downward trend.
Real estate companies started to seize the new opportunities and are trying to acquire these properties to convert them into large-scale residential buildings. Thus, changing the original purpose and character of the former shopping arcades.
The thesis gives an overview over the Japanese retail landscape and draws conclusions that can support future strategies for urban planning.
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Development and Outlook for Grocery Retailing Internationalization in China: Competition and Format Expansion within a Geographical Context / Entwicklungen und Aussichten der Internationalisierung des chinesischen LebensmitteleinzelhandelsHardaker, Sina January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose – The purpose of this dissertation is to reveal the status quo of development of the grocery retailers’ internationalization process in China as well as to model future trends, opportunities and challenges within a very competitive market. Using several, geographically distant cities as case studies, this paper focuses on the development and outlook of different store formats, along with the development of competition in this respect by explicitly treating China not as a single market. The study thereby analyses historical and geographical diffusion in regard to store formats. The impacts of the main factors of change are discussed.
Design/methodology/approach – The dissertation reviews extensively the literature of grocery retail internationalization with special focus on China. In addition, it draws on primary research in the form of a wide range of expert interviews. As China´s ‘supermarket revolution’ is underway, an understanding of the local and foreign competition and the development of different store formats within different regions of China as well as their prospects, will be crucial to companies expanding into this area.
Findings – The study explains how grocery retailers have already entered the Chinese market with different store formats and how competition has and will further develop. In addition, the study reveals challenges and obstacles in regard to future market strategies, especially in regard to store formats and geographical regions.
Research limitations/implications – The study reveals the current landscape of the Chinese grocery retailing market and emphasizes important strategic pillars, modelling future implications and challenges for food retailers operating in China. Because China is a vast country this dissertation forms only a small part of the geographical evolution process in regard to store formats and competition.
Practical implications – Explores current understanding of the internationalization process in China by considering different format choices. Supplementary, the dissertation proposes an outlook of competition enlargement, prospects of format development and therewith strategic implications within different regions as well as a future research agenda.
Originality / value – Contributes to the understanding of the Chinese grocery retailing market. Furthermore, it is among the first to critically explore possible future developments in regard to store formats and competition within a geographical context in China / Mit rund 1,4 Milliarden potentiellen Konsumenten, einer stetig wachsenden Wirtschaft und einem vorhergesagten Anstieg der Mittelklasse auf mehr als 50% der Bevölkerung im Jahr 2020, scheint die Volksrepublik China nie da gewesene Möglichkeiten zu bieten. Die Einzigartigkeit des chinesischen Marktes, geprägt von seiner geschichtlichen Liberalisierung und Modernisierung, hat das Interesse von Ökonomen, Soziologen, Historikern, Politiker und Meinungsführern aller Art angezogen.
Als theoretische Grundlage erörtert die vorliegende Arbeit die von China durchlaufene 'retail revolution` und unternimmt den Versuch die geschichtliche Liberalisierung des chinesischen Marktes lückenlos auf den dortigen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel zu übertragen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Thematik der Internationalisierung berücksichtigt.
Das Aufzeigen des Status quo der Entwicklung der Internationalisierung zeigt dabei zukünftige Trends, Chancen und Herausforderungen in einem sehr wettbewerbsintensiven Markt. Im Rahmen mehrerer Fallstudien konzentriert sich die vorliegende Arbeit auf die Entwicklung und die Perspektiven der unterschiedlichen Handelsformate. Gleichzeitig analysiert die Studie die Entwicklung des Wettbewerbs unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der historischen und geographischen Verbreitung von verschiedenen Handelsformaten. Eine Vielzahl von Experteninterviews mit einer Reihe führender Lebensmitteleinzelhändler Chinas erörtert dabei die Unterschiede und Marktvorteile von lokalen sowie ausländischen Wettbewerbern und deren Entwicklung im Laufe der Zeit. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Rolle der internationalen Wettbewerber zunehmend an Bedeutung verliert und die Anpassung der Formate an den chinesischen Markt weiter vorangetrieben wird. Unterschiedliche Faktoren, wie beispielsweise steigende Mietpreise beeinflussen dabei die Entwicklung von Handelsformaten. Die Arbeit legt die Potentiale und Einschränkungen einer Reihe unterschiedlicher Formaten dar und plädiert in Bezug auf künftige Marktstrategien sowie Markteintritte für stark differenzierte Handelsformate in unterschiedlichen Regionen. Während dem Discount-Format kaum Chancen eingeräumt werden, zeigt die Untersuchung Potentiale für das hypermarket-Format vor allem im Westen Chinas auf. Experten sind sich darüber hinaus einig, dass Formate wie die des convenience stores vor allem im Osten des Landes weiter wachsen werden.
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Decentralized maximum flow algorithmsJanuary 1979 (has links)
by Adrian Segall. / Bibliography: leaf 29. / "May 1979." / Defense Advanced Projects Agency contract ONR/N00014-75-C-1183 Office of Naval Research contract ONR/N00014-77-C-0532
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Wiener Studie zur informellen Pflege und Betreuung älterer Menschen 2008 (Vienna Informal Carer Study - VIC2008. Studiendesign und deskriptive ErgebnisseSchneider, Ulrike, Trukeschitz, Birgit, Mühlmann, Richard, Jung, Reinhard, Ponocny, Ivo, Katzlinger, Magdalena January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Die Erholungsmöglichkeiten von informell pflegenden Erwerbstätigen. Befunde aus der Wiener Studie zur informellen Pflege und Betreuung älterer Menschen 2008 (VIC2008)Ponocny, Ivo, Panholzer, Sarah, Trukeschitz, Birgit, Schneider, Ulrike, Mühlmann, Richard January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Series: Forschungsberichte des Forschungsinstituts für Altersökonomie
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Utiliza??o da frequ?ncia de 915 MHz para monitoramento e supervis?o de isoladores polim?ricos classe de tens?o de 500 kvSilva, Huederson Aparecido Botura da 07 December 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-07 / In an eletric power transmission system, the insulators are directly associated with the security level of the web, which your fail influence on companies statistics. The polymeric insulators are become more utilized year after year, having numerous advantages to its competitors (glass and/ or porcelain), however, its useful life can not be determined yet. This paper discuss the use of the free frequency of 915 MHz for monitoring and supervision af this polymeric insulators, and can thus provide data about the web, as well, indicate its useful live. Was performed a data transmission with variations of the intensity of eletric fields resulting from the line fitting of the 500kv rated voltage insulator. The variation of the electric field was obtained using different anti-corona rings. Its values were obtained using software as Gmsh and GetDP which use the method of finites elements. Was possible to observe that the central frequency of the carrier didi not change when a sign passed throw the electric field, besides being possible to perform the communication between the sensors having, at the most critical configuration, a packet loss equal to 1,6%. Also was possible observerd that for all tests performed occurred a small degradation of the sign during the data transmission. / Em um sistema de transmiss?o de energia el?trica, os isoladores est?o diretamente associados ao n?vel de seguran?a da rede, na qual sua falha influ?ncia em indicadores das concession?rias. Os isoladores polim?ricos est?o adquirindo com o passar dos anos maior utiliza??o, sendo que possui in?meras vantagens perante seus concorrentes (vidro e/ou porcelana), entretanto sua vida ?til ainda n?o pode ser determinada. Este trabalho aborda a utiliza??o da frequ?ncia livre de 915 MHz para monitoramento e supervis?o destes isoladores polim?ricos, sendo poss?vel assim fornecer dados sobre a rede bem como indicando a sua vida ?til. Foi realizado uma transmiss?o de dados mediante varia??es da intensidade do campo el?trico decorrentes do terminal fase do isolador da classe de tens?o de 500 kv. A varia??o da intensidade do campo el?trico foi obtido utilizando an?is anti-corona diferentes, sendo seus valores obtidos atrav?s de simula??es utilizando os softwares Gmsh e GetDP que utiliza o m?todo dos elementos finitos. Foi poss?vel observar que a frequ?ncia central da portadora n?o teve varia??o quando o sinal passava pelo campo el?trico, al?m de ser poss?vel realizar a comunica??o entre os n?s sensores tendo, na configura??o mais cr?tica, uma perda de pacotes igual a 1,6%. Tamb?m foi poss?vel observar que para todos os ensaios realizados ocorreu pequena degrada??o do sinal durante a transmiss?o de dados.
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Application of dendroclimatic methods in assessment of climate change impacts on the annual growth of Schrenk spruce in the Ile River basin, southeastern KazakhstanZubairov, Bulat 22 January 2020 (has links)
Wälder stellen wichtige Ökosystemleistungen und -güter bereit und tragen damit maßgeblich zur Lebensgrundlage der Menschen bei. Sie unterliegen jedoch vielseitigen Bedrohungen, welche die volle Funktionsfähigkeit des Ökosystems gefährden und deren Entwicklung beeinträchtigen. Inwiefern sich diese auf die Funktionsweise und die Walddynamik in Kasachstan äußert, ist aufgrund der wenigen durchgeführten dendroklimatischen Untersuchungen im Detail unklar. Hinzu kommt, dass für die qualitative Bewertung der Klima-Wachstums-Beziehungen diese Studien in ihrer räumlichen und zeitlichen Abdeckung unzureichend sind. Zu den bereits verfügbaren Informationen fehlen zur Einschätzung gemeinsamer Muster und Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Reaktion des Baumwachstums auf das Klima qualitative Analysen. Hierfür wurden alle verfügbaren Publikationen zu den dendroklimatischen Untersuchungen in Kasachstan analysiert. Diese Analyse ermöglichte nicht nur die Zusammenfassung der verfügbaren Informationen zu den Beziehungen zwischen Klima und Wachstum, sondern lieferte zudem konkrete Informationen zu vorhandenen Forschungslücken. Einige dieser Lücken wurden durch die Untersuchungen der variierenden Klima-Wachstums-Beziehungen der Schrenks Fichte im Einzugsgebiet des Ile-Flusses geschlossen. Die durchgeführte Studie verdeutlicht unterschiedliche Reaktion von Früh-, Spätholz und Gesamtringbreite auf den Klimawandel. Der starke Einfluss des Klimawandels wurde durch die Abnahme des Temperatursignals um die 1970er-Jahre beobachtet. Eine erkennbare Periodizität bei Schwankungen der Baumringindizes lässt auf einen Einfluss bestimmter Klimaindizes, z. B. der Nordatlantischen Oszillation u. a. schließen. Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation durchgeführten Untersuchungen tragen zur Entwicklung eines Baumring-Netzwerkes in Kasachstan bei. Die erhoben Daten sind für die Bewertung möglicher Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wälder der Schrenks Fichte in Kasachstan hilfreich. / Forests are very important for people’s livelihood. They provide important ecosystem services and goods. However there are many threats that interfere with the normal functioning and development of forest ecosystems. The influence of climate change processes on functioning and dynamics of forests in Kazakhstan is understudied, and is observed in the relatively small number of dendroclimatic studies. Additional limitations in understanding of climate-growth relationships arise from insufficient spatial and temporal coverage of those studies and the absence of a qualitative analysis of already available information for identification of common patterns and differences in the impacts of tree growth on climate. The main research goal of this thesis was accordingly to address these limitations. An analysis of all available publications on dendroclimatic studies in Kazakhstan was performed. This analysis not only summarized the available information on climate-growth relationships, but also provided certain information about existed research gaps. Some of those gaps were addressed by an investigation of variation of climate-growth relationships of Schrenk spruce in the Ile River basin. The study revealed certain differences in reaction of earlywood, latewood and total ring width on climate in four mountain ranges of the Ile River basin. The strong influence of climate change was observed in a decreasing temperature signal around the 1970s. Revealed periodicities in the fluctuation of tree-ring indices suggested an influence of certain climate indices such as North Atlantic Oscillation and the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillations. Collectively, the analysis in this dissertation contributes to development of the tree-ting network of Kazakhstan. Obtained information should help in assessment of possible impacts of climate change on Schrenk spruce forests in Kazakhstan.
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Reconstruction Of Seawifs Chlorophyll Data For The Black SeaSancak, Serkan 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
SeaWiFS was collecting ocean color data since 1997. This means chlorophyll-a data for more than ten years. Since, SeaWiFS Chl-a data is validated for Black Sea this data set can be used for analysis. Nevertheless, the data is not gap free due to cloud effect. One of the main objectives of this
work is to obtain a gap free, complete Chl-a data set for the Black Sea. For this purpose DINEOF method will be used.
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Effects Of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Trass And Limestone Fineness On The Properties Of Blended CementsDelibas, Tughan 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this research was to determine the effects of the fineness of different mineral additives on loss on ignition, heat of hydration, physical, mechanical and chemical properties of blended cements. For that purpose, portland cement clinker was replaced with granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), natural pozzolan (NP) and limestone (L) at 6%, 20% and 35% replacement levels. Blended cements containing GBFS and NP were ground to a fineness of 3000, 5000 and 6000 cm2/g. Cements containing L were ground to 3000 cm2/g, 4000 cm2/g and 4500 cm2/g. All of the blended cement types mentioned above were both interground and separately ground to the specified fineness levels. Therefore, a total of 57 different cements were produced. Loss on ignition, heat of hydration, chemical, mechanical and physical analyses were performed on the produced cements. Moreover, the chemical analyses of the cements were obtained for cement particles finer (-45&mu / m) and coarser (+45&mu / m) than 45 &mu / m in order to determine the ingredients of -45 &mu / m, which is known to be more reactive.
As a result it was shown that the grindability differences of the cement ingredients affect the properties of blended cements. An increase in the specific surface area increases both the compressive strength and heat of hydration values and adversely affects the loss on ignition
values. The results also showed that if the cement particles were ground finer, it was more prone to moisture which resulted in higher loss on ignition values after longer periods.
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