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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fact of Disaster Recover Plan within Information Security Management System ¡ÐExample as CTS Corporation

Lee, Chun-Lung 18 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract The motive of thesis is trying to find out the role of information system security via the researching company ¡V CTS Corporation¡¦s disaster recovery plan and present a model to discuss with that. While through the researching procedure, we found out that most of information security systems obey the BS 7799-2 and ISO 17799 even the CNS 17799 in the world. Through the help of investigation of the questionnaire, all evidence just show out that how to construct and recognize the information security system is the issue and trend for enterprise to do after the ISO 9000 and QS 9000. Since 1978, the case study company, CTS Corporation has had fire and evacuation procedures, which were informally supported by various committees. An emergency plan, which was issued March 24, 1980, incorporated the functions of these committees and provided more formalized procedures for responding to emergencies. The emergency plan was later reissued as know of ¡§CTS Corporation Disaster Recovery Plan¡¨ as one of policy to be followed. In thesis, widely discuss the risk and evaluation of information security and show up some of major case of the information security for domestic and international by sequence of the date. Present some of overview from industry¡Bgovernment and academic how to face such of information security around the enterprises. Final conduct of 10 control sets, 36 control subjects and 127 control items with 8 abstracts of ISO 17799 introduction from BS 7799-1 and BS 779902 with comparison of ISO 17799 totally. Compare and distinguish the variance from CTS Corporation and those of international standard for the information security system, we deploy 4 steps of development the information security system as of: Information Security Policy; Documentation and Implementation; Risks Management and Information Security Management Security (ISMS). Provide evidence of questionnaires of the case study company. Summary three of dimensions for five(5) issues of ¡§Environment & Infrastructure¡¨, seven(7) issues of ¡§Disaster Recovering Planning¡¨ and six(6) issues of ¡§Business Contingency Planning¡¨ to conduce a Disaster Recovery Planning¡¦s Deployment Model for seven steps of four scenario as a conclusion.

Gated subdivisions in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana

Marschall, Lauren LaFitte 22 February 2012 (has links)
This paper is about the current state of gated subdivisions in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. It provides a list, map, and relevant census data of the gated subdivisions in each of the three cities in the parish in which they are found—Baton Rouge, Central, and Zachary—and the unincorporated areas of the parish. It also examines comprehensive plan elements that relate to gated subdivisions, and whether actual gated developments adhere to the plan’s principles. It is important to examine gated developments in East Baton Rouge Parish because they have an effect on the social, fiscal, and public health of their inhabitants and the surrounding communities. The population of East Baton Rouge Parish is growing, which means that new housing units will be built in the near future, many in new subdivisions. The characteristics and placement of housing are major components of an area’s quality of life, and the governments in East Baton Rouge Parish have the opportunity and the responsibility to influence future quality of life by carefully and thoroughly considering their residential developments. An understanding of gated neighborhoods in the area will add to citizens’ and governments’ ability to thoroughly consider future residential development. No comprehensive list or map of gated subdivisions exists for any part of the parish. By mapping them now, and providing a “state of the parish” report, interested citizens and planners at all levels of government can track the increase or decrease of gated communities. Showing that there is sometimes a difference between a comprehensive plan’s stated objective and the reality of gated communities may encourage closer scrutiny before future gated developments are approved. / text

Business growth plan as a factor for SMEs to access a bank loan : A Comparison between Iran and Sweden

Heshmati, Yasaman January 2013 (has links)
Most of the scholars argue that the big challenge for the SMEs in order to grow is access to finance. They consider financing as the most crucial need of a growing company. Based on the previous researches, companies need to move from the internal financing to the external financing through growth. In this situation, one way for SMEs is, to take advantage of a bank loan; however, many researchers argue that accessing a bank loan is not easy for SMEs. On the other hand, in the last decade since the number of SMEs increased in many countries, tendency of the banks, regarding cooperation with SMEs; gets increased as well. Although, many of the SMEs are still not satisfied with the lending process. Thus, this study investigates if some factors can have an effect on the lending process. Since, the factors which affect the lending process are various, the purpose of this study is, to examine how having an appropriate business growth plan could be helpful in order to have access to a bank loan. There is a lack of literature regarding observation of this process in developing countries and comparing the lending process in developing countries with developed countries, this paper will examine the lending process and influence of business growth plan in one developed country (Sweden), and one developing country (Iran) and compare all the systems with each other. In order to achieve the required information, multiple case study was chosen. The main result of this study is that a business growth plan has a different effect on the lending process in each country, since it is seen as a positive sign in Iran while it has both an advantage and disadvantage in Sweden.

UAB „JORINGĖ“ marketingo veiklos planavimas / Marketing plan of Joringe Ltd

Bagdonas, Mindaugas 06 May 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - Atlikus įmonės UAB “Joringė” vidaus ir išorės aplinkos analizę, paruošti organizacijos marketingo planą. Pagrindinių darbo dalių trumpas turinys Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojama, kaip reikia taisyklingai rašyti marketingo planą bei kokios dalys turėtų būti įtraukiamos.Analitinėje darbo dalyje, pasitelkiant M.Porter 5 jėgų modelį ir PESTEL bei SWOT analizes, nagrinėjama UAB „Joringė“ vidinė ir išorinė aplinka.Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai:Sukurti ir pristatyti naujų įmonės prekinį ženklą, maksimaliai išnaudoti internetinio marketingo galimybes, reklamuotis regioninėje spaudoje. / The purpose of this work is to write a marketing plan for Joringė Ltd. The paper consists of three main parts. The first part discusses how a marketing plan should be written in theoretical framework. The second part analizes the company‘s internal and external business environment to show what weaknesses and strengths the company has. Finally in the third part, the main steps what company should do in order to reach main objectives in the future are covered .

Konsekvensredovisning vid detaljplanering : En studie av planer enligt nya PBL / Impact description within detail planning : A study of plans according to new PBL

Blom, Roger, Höglund, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Till stor del bygger samhällsplanering på förändring och utveckling av den fysiska miljön, vilket närboende kan ha olika synpunkter på. För att uppnå acceptans vid en förändring är det viktigt att berörda känner delaktighet i processen samt att informationen är tydlig och begriplig även för den som inte är kunnig inom området. Vid framtagande av en detaljplan ska planbeskrivningen ange de organisatoriska, tekniska, ekonomiska och fastighetsrättsliga åtgärder som krävs för dess tänkta genomförande. För att de berörda fastighetsägarna ska kunna läsa och förstå hur de påverkas av en detaljplan måste planbeskrivningen tydligt och begripligt redovisa det tänkta genomförandets konsekvenser. Syftet med studien är att få svar på i vilken omfattning konsekvensredovisning av genomförandefrågor förekommer och om kraven i 2011 års Plan- och bygglag (PBL) kan anses vara uppfyllda. PBL-kommittén konstaterar år 2005 att beskrivningarna av genomförandet av detaljplaner många gånger är bristfälliga eller saknas helt. Införandet av en ny PBL den 2 maj år 2011 syftade bland annat till att stärka genomförandefrågornas status. I studien undersöktes omfattningen av redovisningen med avseende på organisatoriska, tekniska, ekonomiska och fastighetsrättsliga frågor samt om redovisningen sker summariskt eller fastighetsvis. Studien omfattar 84 detaljplaner från Västra Götalands och Stockholms län som var i granskningsskedet under vecka 14 och 15, år 2014. För att få en bild av tillämpningen av 2011 års PBL 4:33 § skapades 19 frågor. Till dessa frågor togs ett antal kategorier/svarsalternativ fram som användes för att klassificera innehållet i planbeskrivningarna. Resultatet visar att det förekommer en stor variation på omfattningen av konsekvensredovisning i planbeskrivningen. Ett genomsnittligt värde på hur vanligt det är med bristfällig konsekvensredovisning (i de applicerbara fallen) i respektive huvudgrupp ger följande resultat:  Organisatoriska frågor: 49 %  Tekniska frågor: 30 %  Ekonomiska frågor: 68 %  Fastighetsrättsliga frågor: 13 % Studien visar också att fastighetsvis redovisning förekommer i mycket begränsad omfattning. Med ovanstående resultat är det tveksamt om ett flertal av detaljplanerna uppfyller lagens krav på redovisning och skulle klara en prövning i domstol / Community planning is often based on changes and development of the physical environment which local residents may have different opinions on. To achieve acceptance of a change it is important that concerned feel involved in the process and that the information is clear and understandable even for those who are not proficient in the area. Within the process of developing a detail plan a description shall specify the organizational, technical, financial and real estate law actions necessary for its intended implementation. To make it possible for concerned property owners to be able to read and understand how they are affected by a detail plan the description must be clear and comprehensible explain the intended implementation consequences. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which impact description of implementation issues exist and if the requirements of Swedish planning and building act (PBL) from 2011 can be considered fulfilled. The PBL Committee noted in 2005 that the description of the implementation of detail plans is often weak or lacking. The introduction of a new PBL May 2, 2011 aimed to strengthen the status of the implementation issues. In the study the extent of the descriptions was examined with respect to organizational, technical, financial and real estate law issues as well as if the description is done summarily or per property. The study includes 84 detail plans from Västra Götaland and Stockholm County who were in the examination phase during weeks 14 and 15, 2014. There were 19 questions created to provide a picture of the application of PBL 4:33 §. A number of categories were created for these questions to classify the content of the plan descriptions. The result shows a large variation in the extent of the content in the plan descriptions. An average value of how common it is with insufficient content of description (in applicable cases) in each division gives the following result:  Organizational issues: 49 %  Technical issues: 30 %  Economic issues: 68 %  Real estate law issues: 13 % The study also shows that "per property" reporting occurs in a very limited extent. With the above results, it is doubtful if many of the detail plans meet the legal requirements of description and could withstand a judicial review

La influencia del Lgr11 en los libros de estudio, la enseñanza y la evaluación del ELE / The influence of Lgr11 in the teaching books, the teaching and the evaluation of Spanish as a foreign language

Swendsén, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish school, or more precisely, the school results of Swedish pupils, is a topic widely discussed in media, the newspapers and among teachers and parents. Everyone seems concerned about the knowledge requirements and there are many discussions about how to change the negative spiral. With the change of national study plans from the earlier Lpo94 to today´s Lgr11, many questions have arisen about how to plan and evaluate teaching. Against this background, the aim of this essay is to verify what influence the new national study plan has had on Spanish teaching, the study books in Spanish and evaluation in upper secondary school in the communities of Skövde and Mariestad. Our focus is delimited to the five competences of a language: listen, read, write, speak and communicate. In this essay we part from four hipotheses. In the first place, we believe that the national study plans, Lpo94 and Lgr11, are very similar, but that there is a greater focus on the competence of communication in Lgr11. In the second place, we believe that the tests in the teacher´s guides are more or less adapted to the five competences depending on if they were published before or after the change of national study plans. Our hipothesis is that the newer tests are more adapted to the competences than the older ones. In the third place, we believe that some teachers have adapted (more or less) to the new system and that others have not. In the fourth place, our hipothesis is that those teachers who have adapted to the new system, evaluate all the five competences, with greater frequency and also make their own material to a greater extent than others. The method used in this essay is a comparison between the national study plans and the Spanish teacher´s guides. We have also made surveys among the teachers in the communities of Mariestad and Skövde. The results of our study show that there is a high similarity between the national study plans, but that there is a greater focus on communication in Lgr11 when it comes to knowledge requirements. The tests in the teacher´s guides differ a lot, and not many of them have been republished since the system change. Interestingly, there is only one of the teacher´s guides with tests that correspond to all five competences, and it is a book published before Lgr11. Furthermore, the teachers in our study respond differently on how they believe that they have adapted to the new system. Half of them think that they ii have made no changes at all, but the results show, surprisingly, that all the teachers evaluate the five competences of a language and there is also a tendency to evaluate the pupils more often than before. It seems like the new national study plan has had an impact on all the teachers in our study.

Need analysis and planning a study of open education in Hong Kong /

Cheung, Man-ping, Mervyn. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)--University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Also available in print.

Vliv Marshallova plánu na zahraničně ekonomickou orientaci Československa a ohlasy na tento plán v českém tisku díplomová práce /

Hřebíčková, Šárka. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis--Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů, 1995.

Agricultura familiar: planejamento, lógicas produtivas, economicidade e sustentabilidade / Family agriculture: planning, productive logics, economics and sustainability

Galvão, Flávia Hosne de Freitas [UNESP] 23 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by FLAVIA HOSNE DE FREITAS GALVÃO null (flahosne@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-19T10:37:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE FLAVIA HOSNE DE FREITAS GALVÃO.pdf: 1449223 bytes, checksum: e77cfcea26a6530eea393b67b92877ff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Lucia Martins Frederico null (mlucia@fca.unesp.br) on 2018-01-22T11:54:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 galvao,fhf_dr_bot.pdf: 1449223 bytes, checksum: e77cfcea26a6530eea393b67b92877ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-22T11:54:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 galvao,fhf_dr_bot.pdf: 1449223 bytes, checksum: e77cfcea26a6530eea393b67b92877ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-23 / O crescimento e profissionalização do agronegócio torna primordial a busca pelo conhecimento na gestão e adoção de práticas administrativas que facilitem e otimizem o trabalho no campo. A capacitação contínua do profissionalprecisa ser prática e teórica, para que se possa entender a gestão do agronegócio como um todo e, assim, melhorar a qualidade de seus negócios com maior produtividade e sustentabilidade. Por outro lado, as unidades de produção de base familiar têm se destacado como objeto de pesquisa pela estrutura social e desenvolvimento sustentável do meio rural brasileiro. Vivemos um momento de questionamentos quanto ao que agride ou não o meio ambiente e os seres viventes. A agricultura familiar é de importância ímpar neste novo olhar para o mundo e a sua preservação, e por consequência a preservação do seu saber, aliada a uma geração de valor pelo seu trabalho. O presente estudo analisou e diagnosticou a importância do planejamento e organização da estrutura de produção e comercialização, a viabilidade econômica de acordo com sua lógica sustentável de produção familiar. Foi realizado um estudo de caso com um grupo de dezesseis agricultores caracterizados como familiares liderados por mulheres. Após análise realizada concluiu-se que o trabalho individual não é economicamente viável, assim, viabilizou-se o trabalho conjunto por meio da constituição de uma cooperativa, cujo nome deu-se como “Grupo Mulher”. Ao final do estudo foi criado um modelo de Plano de Negócio para Agricultura Familiar através de um quadro simples a fim de facilitar o manuseio para os envolvidos. / The growth and professionalization of agribusiness makes it primordial the search for knowledge in the management and adoption of administrative practices that facilitate and optimize the work in field. The continuous training of the professional must be theoretical and practice, so that one can understand the management of the agribusiness as a whole and, improve the quality of this business with productivity and sustainability. On the other side, family based production units have been highlighted as an object of research by the social structure and sustainable development of the Brazilian rural environment. We live in a moment of answers as what affects the environment or the living beings. Family farming is of a unique importance in this new look of world and its preservation, and consequently the preservation of its knowledge, allied to a generation of value for its work. The present study analyzed and diagnosed the importance of planning and organization of production and marketing structure, economic viability according to its sustainable logic of family production. A case study was conducted with a group of sixteen farmers characterized as family members headed by women. After this analysis, it concluded that the individual work is not economically viable, then, the joint work was possible through the creation of a cooperative, whose name was given as ‘GrupoMulher’. At the end of this study, a Business Plan for Family Agriculture model was created through a simple framework to facilitate the handling for those involved.

Planejamento textural a partir de aspectos elementares do caos determinístico aplicados à composição musical

Pontes, Felipe Grisi Correia 07 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:52:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6401083 bytes, checksum: 45769786a95c2d5edf1695bf9411cb49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of the present dissertation is the process of a compositional formalization out of the principles of the chaos theory and deterministic chaos in order to structure the textural plan of the pieces Logistic Textures II and TexturalCalc, for string orchestra and chamber orchestra, respectively. The dissertation is divided in three chapters, in which there are relevant musical and mathematical definitions, presentation of the used equations and calculi, both plans and, finally, the description of the compositional procedures of the pieces created during the research. Textural process of conexion and contrast, as well as the concepts of absolut density, relative density and complexity we used. The parameters related to these concepts were mapped according to the chaotic development of some non linear systems, with the aid of an application designed specifically for the task. The systems used were the logistic equation and the preyhunter model. This work aims for a better view of the characteristics of a formalizaed compositional process and the usage of the available resources in the contemporary music. / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o processo de formalização composicional a partir da utilização de princípios da teoria do caos e do caos determinístico para a estruturação do planejamento textural das obras Logistic Textures II e TexturalCalc, para orquestra de cordas e orquestra de câmera, respectivamente. A dissertação está dividida em três capítulos, nos quais se encontram as definições musicais e matemáticas relevantes ao trabalho, a apresentação das equações e cálculos utilizados, o planejamento textural e, por fim, a descrição dos procedimentos composicionais das peças elaboradas no decorrer da pesquisa. Foram utilizados os processos texturais de conexão e contraste, bem como os conceitos de densidade absoluta, densidade relativa e complexidade. Os parâmetros relacionados a tais conceitos foram mapeados de acordo com o desenvolvimento caótico de determinados sistemas não lineares, com a ajuda de um aplicativo desenvolvido especificamente para tal tarefa. Os sistemas utilizados foram a equação logística e o modelo caça-predador. Este trabalho visa uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos característicos de um processo composicional formalizado e a utilização de recursos disponíveis na música contemporânea.

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