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Crystallisation Processing of Al-base AlloysFjellstedt, Carl Jonas January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Knowledge about hepatitis B virus infection and attitudes towards hepatitis B virus vaccination among Vietnamese university students in Ho Chi Minh City : – A quantitative studyDahlström, Elin, Funegård Viberg, Ellinor January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion: Hepatit B är ett virus med hög smittsamhet som är orsak till den vanligaste leversjukdomen globalt. I Vietnam är prevalensen av hepatit B hög.Syfte: Att undersöka vietnamesiska universitetsstudenters kunskap om hepatit B och attityder till hepatit B vaccination, samt att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad mellan könen.Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med hjälp av en enkät. Studien genomfördes på University of Medicine and Pharmacy i Ho Chi Minh City. Förstaårsstudenter på sjuksköterske- och medicinsk teknikprogrammet valdes ut och 233 studenter fyllde i enkäten korrekt och inkluderades i studien.Resultat: Majoriteten av studenterna (95,3%) hade hört om hepatit B viruset (HBV) innan studien ägde rum. Fler än hälften av studenterna (55,4%) visste att HBV inte sprids genom att dela mat med en infekterad person, och 58,4% visste att HBV kan orsaka levercancer. Endast 47,6% visste att HBV är sexuellt överförbart och 39,5% visste att HBV kan smitta från mor till barn perinatalt. Fler manliga studenter än kvinnliga visste att HBV kan överföras genom att dela tandborste med en infekterad person (p= 0,026). Majoriteten av studenterna (93,1%) trodde att de skulle vaccineras mot HBV i framtiden.Slutsats: Studenterna visade att de hade kunskap i ämnet, men studien visar också på en viss brist på kunskap, som är allvarlig. Förbättrad utbildning om HBV är nödvändigt för att vietnamesiska universitetsstudenter ska utöka sin kunskap om HBV. / Introduction: The hepatitis B virus is highly contagious and causes the world’s most common liver infection. Vietnam is a country where the endemicity of hepatitis B is high.Aim: To investigate Vietnamese university students’ knowledge about hepatitis B infection and attitudes towards hepatitis B virus vaccination and to examine if there is a difference between genders.Method: A cross-sectional study with quantitative method using a questionnaire. The study was carried out at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City. First year students from the nursing and medical technician programme were selected and 233 students completed the questionnaire and were included in the study.Result: The majority of the university students (95.3%) had heard about hepatitis B virus (HBV). More than half (55.4%) knew correctly that HBV can not be transmitted by sharing food with an infected person, and 58.4% knew that HBV can cause liver cancer. Only 47.6% knew that HBV can be sexually transmitted and 39.5% knew that HBV can be transmitted from mother to child at birth. More male than female students answered correctly that HBV can be transmitted by sharing a toothbrush with an infected person (p= 0.026). Almost all students (93.1%) thought that they would receive HBV vaccination.Conclusion: The students showed insight into the subject, but the result also showed some gaps of knowledge among the university students considered as serious. Improved education about HBV is necessary for university students to increase their knowledge about HBV.
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Synthetic studies on siphonariid polypropionates: the total synthesis of siphonarin B, baconipyrone A, baconipyrone C, and their putative common precursorBeye, Garrison Eduard 30 June 2010
Siphonaria zelandica, a pulmonate mollusk, has been the subject of many natural product isolation studies by several, independent research groups. These studies have yielded several polypropionate structures (e.g. 4, 6, 8, and 10), which, upon careful inspection, were proposed to be related. There has been speculation that none of these isolated structures (4, 6, 8, and 10) are biosynthetic products, but are artifacts of isolation. Instead, it has been proposed that an unstable, acyclic precursor, such as 14/15 is the biosynthetic product produced by this mollusk; the putative acyclic precursor has not been isolated or synthesized. None of the synthetic studies on this series of compounds have attempted to address the potential relationships between these structures or speak to their status as natural products.<p>
This work describes the enantioselective synthesis of the putative acyclic precursor
14/15 and its isomerization to siphonarin B (4). This was the first enantioselective synthesis
of siphonarin B (4). Siphonarin B (4) was shown to readily undergo a retro-Claisen
rearrangement to afford baconipyrone C (6) and concurrently undergo a retro-Claisen
rearrangement/aldol cascade to provide baconipyrone A (6). This was the first total synthesis of baconipyrone A (6) through an unprecedented retro-Claisen rearrangement/aldol cascade and the first total synthesis of baconipyone C (8) by a biomimetic route versus the classical esterification route. The fourth compound in this series of potentially related compounds, caloundrin B (10), was never observed despite a careful search of each reaction crude where it may have been present.<p>
The relationships between these compounds were probed and it was found, that under the conditions examined, the putative acyclic precursor 14/15 is not a biosynthetic product.
Instead, siphonarin B (4) or perhaps caloundrin B (10), are the most likely biosynthetic products of the mollusk. Baconipyrone C (8) is not a precursor of baconipyrone A (6). The processes responsible for baconipyrones A (6) and C (8) are irreversible. As had been previously hypothesized, baconipyrones A (6) and C (8) are most likely artifacts of isolation (i.e., not natural products). The missing link in this series of compounds is caloundrin B (10)
and its isomerization and rearrangement behavior.
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Cross Section of $b\bar{b}$ Production in p+p Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=500 GeV Using Like-Sign Dimuons at PHENIXPatel, Laura B 01 August 2013 (has links)
Lepton pairs resulting from the decay of heavy flavor mesons are an important tool to probe the hot and dense matter created in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Due to their large mass, heavy quarks are produced in the earliest stages of the collision and will, therefore, experience the full evolution of the system. The yield of heavy flavor mesons can be measured through their semi-leptonic decay channel by constructing like-sign and unlike-sign lepton pairs. Cross section measurements in p + p collisions provide a test of perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) theory in addition to a crucial baseline measurement to study the hot and cold nuclear matter effects present in heavy ion collisions.
For the first time, the b¯b cross section in p+p collisions at √s = 500 GeV is measured. The results are based on the yield of high mass, like-sign dimuons measured in the PHENIX muon arm acceptance (1.2 < |y| < 2.2). The extrapolated total cross section is 25.2 ± 3.2 (stat) +11.4 -9.5 µb (sys). The cross section is comparable to pQCD calculation within uncertainties.
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Synthetic studies on siphonariid polypropionates: the total synthesis of siphonarin B, baconipyrone A, baconipyrone C, and their putative common precursorBeye, Garrison Eduard 30 June 2010 (has links)
Siphonaria zelandica, a pulmonate mollusk, has been the subject of many natural product isolation studies by several, independent research groups. These studies have yielded several polypropionate structures (e.g. 4, 6, 8, and 10), which, upon careful inspection, were proposed to be related. There has been speculation that none of these isolated structures (4, 6, 8, and 10) are biosynthetic products, but are artifacts of isolation. Instead, it has been proposed that an unstable, acyclic precursor, such as 14/15 is the biosynthetic product produced by this mollusk; the putative acyclic precursor has not been isolated or synthesized. None of the synthetic studies on this series of compounds have attempted to address the potential relationships between these structures or speak to their status as natural products.<p>
This work describes the enantioselective synthesis of the putative acyclic precursor
14/15 and its isomerization to siphonarin B (4). This was the first enantioselective synthesis
of siphonarin B (4). Siphonarin B (4) was shown to readily undergo a retro-Claisen
rearrangement to afford baconipyrone C (6) and concurrently undergo a retro-Claisen
rearrangement/aldol cascade to provide baconipyrone A (6). This was the first total synthesis of baconipyrone A (6) through an unprecedented retro-Claisen rearrangement/aldol cascade and the first total synthesis of baconipyone C (8) by a biomimetic route versus the classical esterification route. The fourth compound in this series of potentially related compounds, caloundrin B (10), was never observed despite a careful search of each reaction crude where it may have been present.<p>
The relationships between these compounds were probed and it was found, that under the conditions examined, the putative acyclic precursor 14/15 is not a biosynthetic product.
Instead, siphonarin B (4) or perhaps caloundrin B (10), are the most likely biosynthetic products of the mollusk. Baconipyrone C (8) is not a precursor of baconipyrone A (6). The processes responsible for baconipyrones A (6) and C (8) are irreversible. As had been previously hypothesized, baconipyrones A (6) and C (8) are most likely artifacts of isolation (i.e., not natural products). The missing link in this series of compounds is caloundrin B (10)
and its isomerization and rearrangement behavior.
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Mutation Pattern of Lamivudine Resistance in Relation to Hepatitis B GenotypesDamerow, Hans 25 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Es gibt wenige Erkenntnisse über den Zusammenhang zwischen Lamivudin induzierten Resistenzmutationen und Hepatitis B Genotypen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen diesen Mutationen und den Hepatitis B Genotypen A-D.
Die Datenbank der US-amerikanischen Kongressbibliothek (Pubmed) wurde nach den Begriffen „HBV OR hepatitis B”, „YMDD”, „genotype”, und „lamivudine” durchsucht. Alle in dieser Suche gefundenen Arbeiten, die bis Juni 2009 veröffentlicht worden waren, wurden in die Studie eingeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse der Literaturanalyse wurden mit den Hepatitis B-Genomdaten zweier Referenzlabore in Tübingen und Melbourne verglichen.
Insgesamt konnten 29 Arbeiten aus der Datenbankrecherche in die Literaturanalyse eingeschlossen werden. Diese Studien enthielten Daten zu insgesamt 827 Patienten, deren Hepatitis B Genotyp bekannt war und die eine Lamivudinresistenzmutation aufwiesen. In statistischen Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die rtM204V-Mutation die dominierende Mutation bei Infektionen mit Genotyp A ist. Dieses Ergebnis konnte durch die Analyse der Genomdaten der Referenzlabore bestätigt werden. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei den Genotypen A, B, und D die rtL180M-Mutation hochsignifikant mit der rtM204V-Mutation verknüpft ist.
Die Dissertationsschrift enthält neben dem Artikel „Mutation pattern of lamivudine resistance in relation to hepatitis B genotypes: hepatitis B genotypes differ in their lamivudine resistance associated mutation pattern“ (Damerow, H, Yuen L et al.; J Med Virol. 2010 Nov; 82(11):1850-8) eine Einführung in die Rationale der Studie, eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse sowie ein Fazit.
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The Influence of Business-to-Business Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Assembly and Testing Manufacturing as a case studyJuan, I-Pin 23 August 2011 (has links)
On top of cost reduction, product quality and manufacturing quality, manufacturing industry should start to consider the influence of business-to-business service quality on customers¡¦ satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, how to measure customer perceived business-to-business service quality become a critical issue in manufacturing industry.
Previously, the service quality research are more concentrated on business-to-consumer, such as retail or other service industry. However, it's not appropriate for apply it on business-to business level. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of business-to business service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This research is intended to prove the following.
1. IMP model is applicable to measure business-to-business service quality in manufacturing.
2. The better business-to-business service quality can lead to customer satisfaction and also customer loyalty.
3. To understand customer¡¦s satisfaction and loyalty on Manufacturing assembly and testing house in Taiwan accurately.
This research attempts to find a relationship between six factors from IMP model and business-to-business service quality. Further, to know if business-to-business service quality can affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, especially more purchasing behavior.The research methodology is to use Woo & Ennew¡¦s (2005) questionnaires which based on the concept of IMP model. We provided questionnaires to Taiwan¡¦s assembly and testing house¡¦s customers. There are 143 returned with effective results.
The conclusion of the research showed the business-to-business service qualtiy have significant and positive effects on customers satisfaction then to loyalty. However, the questionnaires didn¡¦t have a good fit to measure business-to-business service quality in manufacturing. From the result, it remind manufacturer take business-to-business sevrice quality seriously and pay much attention to it.
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Implementation of B-splines in a Conventional Finite Element FrameworkOwens, Brian C. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The use of B-spline interpolation functions in the finite element method (FEM)
is not a new subject. B-splines have been utilized in finite elements for many reasons. One reason is the higher continuity of derivatives and smoothness of B-splines.
Another reason is the possibility of reducing the required number of degrees of freedom compared to a conventional finite element analysis. Furthermore, if B-splines
are utilized to represent the geometry of a finite element model, interfacing a finite
element analysis program with existing computer aided design programs (which make
extensive use of B-splines) is possible.
While B-splines have been used in finite element analysis due to the aforementioned goals, it is difficult to find resources that describe the process of implementing
B-splines into an existing finite element framework. Therefore, it is necessary to document this methodology. This implementation should conform to the structure of
conventional finite elements and only require exceptions in methodology where absolutely necessary. One goal is to implement B-spline interpolation functions in a finite
element framework such that it appears very similar to conventional finite elements
and is easily understandable by those with a finite element background.
The use of B-spline functions in finite element analysis has been studied for
advantages and disadvantages. Two-dimensional B-spline and standard FEM have
been compared. This comparison has addressed the accuracy as well as the computational efficiency of B-spline FEM. Results show that for a given number of degrees of freedom, B-spline FEM can produce solutions with lower error than standard FEM.
Furthermore, for a given solution time and total analysis time B-spline FEM will
typically produce solutions with lower error than standard FEM. However, due to a
more coupled system of equations and larger elemental stiffness matrix, B-spline FEM
will take longer per degree of freedom for solution and assembly times than standard
FEM. Three-dimensional B-spline FEM has also been validated by the comparison
of a three-dimensional model with plane-strain boundary conditions to an equivalent
two-dimensional model using plane strain conditions.
1679 |
Research of the management function of the steps in Chinese enterprise ~ Comparison of the regional enterprises of both sides of the StraitsChiu, Ching- huei 05 September 2006 (has links)
Globalization is in highly competitive era, talents are company's most important assets, the especially fine one hits the managerial cadre of the steps and is managed with one of the key factors of growing up continuously continuously forever by the company even more, this research object restricts the trade (industry ) , restricts the department , the steps executive is research objects that direct against Chinese enterprise of areas of both sides of the Straits (Jiangsu and Taiwan ), collect and research and analyse samples.
With the research of the management function, hope to find out the management function which the steps executive should possess in the company objectively, offer enterprises to recruit and select the just , reference foundation of fostering and forming talents, it set up select Human Resource Department , not educating, with, leave managerial talent the systems at, probe into the result tentatively , expect that can propose a nucleus administrator's function way for enterprise's firm name in most key key management functions needed. So study the steps executive's management function in enterprises , operate for improving enterprises with the theoretical foundation of having the essence of national competitiveness and discussion value.
This research questionnaire investigation analysis result is found, in Taiwan in the steps administrator studies in the management function index , and ' mood control ability ' superior to continent managerial cadre of the steps among the district in innovate with learning ability , surmount ability oneself.
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The Study of Generic and Digital Transformation Strategies for Property Insurance Agency ¢w using Ho-An as an ExampleLiao, Hsune-Chun 04 February 2002 (has links)
s e-Commerce era has been brought into being, the call of ¡§disintermediation¡¨ comes to vogue, yielding overwhelming impact, in particular upon services provided by insurance brokers, agents and such ¡§production¡¨, ¡§transmission¡¨ oriented digital products. As insurance products and rates get liberalized after Taiwan became a WTO member, the insurance ¡§intermediates¡¨ must reconsider and innovate their business management strategies amidst harsh challenges of ¡§direct marketing¡¨ from insurance companies, ¡§integral and cross selling¡¨ and ¡§online website insurance¡¨ from financial holding houses. Only through such efforts can they cope with internal and external attacks, gain the room to survive and further develop ahead.
The present study takes ¡§single research object¡¨¡XHo-An Insurance Agency to look into a variety of transforming strategies when a car dealer invests in large-scale ¡§property insurance agency¡¨. We have conducted the study and assessment by means of ¡§literature reorganization¡¨, ¡§interview¡¨, ¡§traditional strategic analysis theories, tools¡¨, ¡§digital traditional strategic analysis theories, tools¡¨ and ¡§market survey¡¨. With the results yielded out of the study, we first come to Ho-An¡¦s ¡§Generic Strategies¡¨ and ¡§Digital Strategies¡¨ and such orientations to come to the ¡§vision¡¨ of ¡§becoming the agent of agents¡¨. In line with the ¡§vision¡¨, we further three phases of Ho-An¡¦s ¡§integral transformation strategies¡¨ as ¡§virtual integration of insurance companies¡¨, ¡§establishment of transaction alliance¡¨ and ¡§development of multifaceted marketing channels¡¨.
The business mode in counterpart with ¡§integral transformation strategies¡¨ is in two categories: ¡§Virtual insurance company alliance transaction center¡¨ and ¡§multifaceted marketing channels¡¨. In turn, we generalize the e-Business Model as: Establish ¡§vertical B To B integration, continual reinforcement of up- and down-stream integration¡¨; ¡§B To C: Look into policyholder-related information¡¨ as well as ¡§Horizontal B To B: Expanding industrial integration force¡¨, inclined to buyer-oriented e-Marketplaces.
The very key to Ho-An¡¦s transforming strategies is to broaden the horizon of sales power from the ¡§car dealer¡¦s insurance division¡¨ gradually into ¡§reintermediation¡¨ transforming strategies. In substantial and virtual integration, we will combine the up- and down-stream firms into a whole to become intermediates with integral insurance service functions, positioning themselves with initial marketing powers to bring up added values to clients.
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