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每股盈餘計算問題之研究吳典昭, Wu, Dian-Zhao Unknown Date (has links)
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國內發行增資股問題之研究林啟三 Unknown Date (has links)
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員工分紅配股之研究及其他員工激勵制度比較郭恭克 Unknown Date (has links)
2. 按面額配股,低股價、填權與否仍不影響期末股權稀釋比率。
3. 按市價配股,高股價、填權下,期末股權稀釋比率大幅降低。
4. 按市價配股,低股價、填權下,期末股權稀釋比率較高股價高。
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利用股價連動關係發展股票推薦系統 / Developing a stock recommendation system by stock prices correlation簡志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2004年3月到2006年3月為訓練期間;2006年3月到2007年3月為預測時間。研究結果經由報酬率分佈分析、交易次數分析、正報酬比例分析、總獲利分析與「買進後持有」策略比較分析,顯示本研究所提出的四種預測模式中,以技術指標關連度搭配投票法則的方法最能夠有效的打敗「買進後持有」的策略。 / The method to accumulate wealth changes during different times. Making the investment is a method that can accumulate the wealth quickly in 21st century. The improvement of the national income makes today's stock market of Taiwan activate recently. From the statistical data of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC), the stock market has already become important financing channel of investor.
People attempting to earn profits in stock market must pay attention to the change of the stock price. However, many factors widely influence the price of the stock and make the investors hard to predict.
In recent years, the fast development of computer science makes the technology of data mining applied to the stock market. The advantage of data mining is that we can find out useful information in a large amount of information. The purpose of this research is to use the technology of data mining to look for buying time and selling time of the stocks.
This research investigates the correlation between a single stock and other stocks. By using the historical data of the stocks to find out the correlation between stocks, and developing the rules to calculate a prediction value, the recommendation of the buying or selling time of a stock can be done.
The training analysis in this paper is collected from March, 2004 to March, 2006 and the prediction time is from March, 2006 to March, 2007. The empirical result shows that: from the distribution analysis of the profit rate, the trade number of the times analysis, the buy-and-hold policy comparative analysis, and the positive profit rate analysis: in the four models discussed the index with the rule of vote performs better than the buy-and-hold policy.
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聚陽實業股利政策個案研究方蘭心 Unknown Date (has links)
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產險業加入金融控股公司前後經營績效探討研究杜文德 Unknown Date (has links)
經過實證結果發現:(1)此四家產險公司於加入金控前後,個別公司經營績效之差異性並不明顯,僅國泰金控旗下國泰世紀產險之經營績效有較顯著改善,餘均無較大之差異性,甚或有績效下滑之態勢,顯示金控綜效於旗下產險公司表現並不明顯。(2)金控旗下四家產險公司彼此間之經營績效仍以國泰金控旗下國泰世紀產險表現最好,華南金控旗下華南產險表現居次,富邦金控旗下富邦產險排名第三,兆豐金控旗下兆豐產險則敬陪末座。從實證結果得知,國泰金控旗下國泰世紀產險不論在加入金控前後之效益顯現或與其他三家公司績效比較,都較為良好且穩定。 / The study analyzes thirteen operating efficiency indices of four property insurance companies of financial holding corporations and compares the operating efficiency before and after they join the financial holdings groups. Besides, I have taken ten operating efficiency indices into account, including consolidated market share and industry rankings, excluding absolute indices such as core earnings and investment profits, to measure the operating performance of these four companies to compare the difference of synergies among them.
The empirical study shows that: 1) Only Cathay Century Insurance Company of Cathay Financial Holding Group has improved operating performance but the others do not have significant difference with regard to it; some even have worse operating performance than that before they joined the financial holdings companies and it implies low synergy is evident for property insurance companies of financial holdings companies. 2) The operating performance rankings of these four companies are as followed: Cathay Century Insurance Company of Cathay Financial Holdings, South China Insurance Company of Hua Nan Financial Holdings, Fubon Insurance Company of Fubon Financial Holdings, Chung Kuo Insurance Company of Mega Financial Holdings. The empirical study tells us that Cathay Century Insurance Company has better operating performance before and after joining financial holding companies.
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台灣電信公司股票評價模式之研究-以中華電信、台灣大哥大為例廖忠政 Unknown Date (has links)
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金融控股公司經營模式及其價值評估的探討-Korea on line公司個案研究張翔圖 Unknown Date (has links)
金融控股公司營運模式已成為當今世界先進各國發展之趨勢,我國政府為改善時下金融業之經營困境,及提升業者國際競爭力以面對未來加入WTO以後,國外金融服務集團之嚴峻挑戰,已陸續於近期通過「金融機構合併法」暨「金融控股公司法草案」,鼓勵相關業者積極進行善備因應事宜。本個案研究的實證意義在於試圖應用評價模式獲得金融控股公司的潛在營運價值;此外,因金融控股公司以後均可在證券市場上市交易買賣,因此如何客觀公正的評價金融控股公司將是未來一項重要之研究議題。 / A fatal financial crisis was overwhelming among Asian countries four years ago. Economic development of some South-eastern Asia countries was almost destroyed during that period. Korean economy was also damaged seriously because of its delicate foundation of industries' construction especially of financial sector. KoreaOnline (KOL) was formed in June 1999 by iRegenI Group which was a listed company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in May 1997.
KOL is an integrated Korean financial services supermarket, comprising insurance, securities, investment banking, asset management, Just like a financial holding company. The business model pursued by KOL is commonly referred to as a "bricks to clicks" model in West, this involves adding an online distribution capabilityfinternet&telemarketing) to traditional distribution methods in order to enhance competitiveness on the so-called cyber-linked world.
This case study tries to evaluate the empirical operating value of KOL by applying the combination of three different kinds of business valuation models such as the Discount Dividend model, the Growth Opportunity Value model, the Discount Cash Flow (the Three-staged Development) model, according to different weighting percentage which was endowed by measurement of each model's fitness to this case.
The case study of KOL offers a practical valuation of financial holding company. As business model of financial holding company becomes an important one to overcome financial problems encountering upon most of advanced countries. How to evaluate a financial holding company objectively becomes much more critical on business valuation field, especially when a financial holding company is planned to go public in the near future on Taiwan.
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我國石化業上市公司股票評等之研究吳三隆, Wu, San-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
評等等級的涵蓋範圍從A A A級到CC級共8級,最高的評等等級為A A級,列屬其中的有僅有和桐一家,最低評等等級為CCC級,列屬其中的有南僑、中化二家。
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的••••••••••••• 1
第二節 研究範圍•••••••••••••••• 2
第三節 研究架構•••••••••••••••• 5
第四節 研究限制•••••••••••••••• 7
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 評等制度介紹••• ••••••••••10
第二節 國內實證文獻之探討•••••••••••18
第三節 國外文獻探討••••••••••••••33
第參章 石化產業分析
第一節 產業成長••••••••••••••••41
第二節 產業特性••••••••••••••••43
第三節 產業結構••••••••••••••••45
第四節 配銷體系••••••••••••••••49
第五節 產業趨勢與發展•••••••••••••51
第六節 關鍵成功因素••••••••••••••58
第四章 研究設計
第一節 研究流程••••••••••••••••61
第二節 資料蒐集與樣本•••••••••••••68
第三節 研究變數的操作性定義••••••••••70
第四節 研究方法••••••••••••••••78
第五章 實證結果分析
第一節 問卷調查結果••••••••••••••88
第二節 分析層級程序法之計算結果••••••••90
第三節 股票評等模型之建構•••••••••••96
第四節 石化業公司股票評等•••••••••••97
第陸章 結論與建議
第一節 結論••••••••••••••••• •106
第二節 建議•••••••••••••••••• 109
附錄一 問卷•••••••••••••••••• 116
附錄二 問卷結果統計•••••••••••••• 121
附錄三 受評樣本公司變數資料統計•••••••• 122
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我國承銷制度與新上市(櫃)公司股價行為關連性之研究程文萱 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 截至 86 年 12 月 31 日止共有 31 家發行公司透過競價拍賣方式公開承銷新股,競價承銷總金額累計達新台幣 21,392,037,350 元。而全體競價公司樣本之平均得標率為 23.22%,多數個案的公開承銷價達投標底價 1.5 倍之最高水準,顯示投標競爭狀況十分激烈。
(二) 法人參與投標比例約為 25%,表示目前競價拍賣之投標市場尚未由機構法人所主導;而法人平均得標率為 18.67%,顯示法人所設定之新股合理價位仍較一般投資人為保守。
(三) 在進行相關係數之統計檢定後發現,競價樣本投標部份的熱絡程度會對投資人參與抽籤之意願形成正面影響。
(一)我國新上市(櫃)股票自上市(櫃)後第 1 個交易日至第 300 個交易日之間存在顯著正向超常報酬,表示整體而言,新股承銷價格有持續低估之現象。
(二)競價拍賣制縮短了新股蜜月期持續天數,然在新舊制度下,兩組樣本上市 (櫃)後第 1 個交易日至第 22 個交易日之超常報酬並無顯著差異;至第 23 個交易日起,競價公司股價之超常報酬方顯著的小於非競價公司樣本,顯示競價拍賣承銷新制改善新股蜜月期價差之成效未盡理想,且造成中長期股價行為較劇烈的波動。
承上,本研究認為就承銷體系長期存在的弊端而言,僅憑承銷制度的變革並不足以達到治本之功效,此一結論可供主管機關作為制定相關決策時之參考。 / The objective of this research is to study whether the new system, auction procedure, can effectively improve the IPOs underpricing during the honeymoon period. The theory applied in this research is mainly “Signaling model”.
For the purposes of realizing the problems arising from this study, first, the relative reseach documentation and references were collected and investigated. Second, the existing and new systems of underwriting applied in Taiwan were introduced and anaylyzed. According to these two approaches, we can have fully understanding on both the old and the new systems. On the aspect of the empirical test, first, the characteristic analyses of auction samples were conducted. Second, the comparison of whether there were significant different of abnormal returns of common stocks between two sets of systems was made. Then the possible factors which affect the results of the empirical test were found, thus could we judge whether the new system can improved the fact of abnormal price performance of common stocks new issued during the honeymoon period.
Based on the signaling theory and the characteristics of the new system, the following assumptions were made:
1.If the IPO firms operate well are confident of the future performance, they will be willing to transfer signals (e.g. underpricing) to their potential investors. However, the other IPO firms don't have that incentive to do so. Therefore, we expected the firms which their inside equity ratios are higher, the total assets are less, etc, will prefer to issue common stocks through the auction procedure, because that the new system inclines to form relative higher issue prices.
2.According to the Asymmetric-Information Hypothesis, in addition to the imperfect underwriting system, the existing problems of the IPO market are insufficient competency, undeveloped financial information environment, etc. Even the new system seems to reflect the demand and supply circumstances of the market, we will believed that the change of underwriting system is not sufficient to improve the existing defects of the IPO market.
The following conclusions were reached according to this study:
1.The operation of the new system:
(1)There were 31 firms applied the new system during the period of this study. The total underwriting amounts are NT$21,392,037,350.
(2)The involvement of the insitutional investors occupied 25% of the total offerings.
(3)According to the relative coefficient analysis, the situation of auction positively affected the situation of drawing.
2.The comparison of stock price performance between the different underwriting systems:
(1)There are positive abnormal returns on the new issued common stocks which go on for 300 or more dealing days.
(2)The new system shortens the length of the honeymoon periods. However, The abnormal returns had no significant difference between two samples of the old and new systems from the 1<sup>st</sup> to the 22<sup>nd</sup> dealing day. The abnormal returns of new system samples would be significantly less than that of the old system samples from the 23<sup>rd</sup> dealing day. This shows that the new system doesn't perform its objective which is to correct the underpricing of the old system well.
According to the conclusions made above, we believed that the change of underwriting system is not sufficient to improve the existing defects of the IPO market. This result of the research can be taken into consideration when making relative decisions.
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