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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Structure of Financial Forecasts¡GA Case of G Company¡¦s Using Excel as A Tool

Huang, Chuang-Li 04 August 2003 (has links)
For the last half century, financial forecast has been undergone numerous discussions among AICPA, authority agencies, and experts. Generally, scholars and researchers use either general financial ratios or cash-flow ratios or both to predict if enterprises will bankrupt or fail. As a matter of fact, there is no concurrent conclusion as for which one is better. Some believe that the former is more accurate than the latter, while some claim that it is the vice versa. Still, some assert that it is more accurate to use them both, and some even believe that cash forecast sheet is the most effective. Usually, it has been some time since financial forecast was submitted to board of directors for approval prior to fiscal year, and moreover, some unpredictable information might occur during fiscal year given the information asymmetry. Therefore, the most important is to find funds gap as early as possible so as to respond quickly. From the perspective of an enterprise insider, the researcher regards financial forecast as a necessary tool for professional managers to cope with current information, utilizing models conforming to business¡¦s needs to introduce various situations for predicting possible funds gap in the near future. The information for the development of financial forecasts is highly complex, involving all departments in a company. Using Excel as a tool and a case company as a basis, this study developed a model which could be used for predictions with several single variables or multi-variables. Also, the validity of this model was verified by virtue of about twenty times of simulation tests. II Given that this case company, which engages in basic metal industry, is small and middle business, the model developed based on this case can only be used by similar businesses. This model which employs a MIS approach and is developed based on financial and accounting procedures often acquires inputs of enormous amount of time, manpower, and resources to become an effective tool for planning and management. Due to the limited resources and talented, it takes researcher a lot of efforts to successfully establish this model. Moreover, the operation of this model which uses Excel as a tool is not as easy as that of other systems written with programming languages. Finally, because the case company is small and middle business which has possible crises different from that of large companies, the prediction the model can make is limited. This study is mainly concerned with a system model which is not able to be shown in the text. Therefore, it is suggested to first recognize the framework of this study, and then pair with related tables to better understand this study.

Different styles of deformation of the fore-arc wedge along the Chilean convergent margin : insights from 3D numerical experiments

Kellner, Antje January 2007 (has links)
The styles of deformation of the fore-arc wedges along the Chilean convergent margin are observed to vary significantly, despite similar plate kinematic conditions. Here, I focus on the analysis of fore-arc deformation on two regions along the Chilean convergent margin at 20°-24°S and 37°-42°S. Although both regions are subjected to the oblique subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate and backstopped by the Andes mountain chain; they display different patterns of deformation. The northern Chilean study area (20° - 24°S) is characterized by an exceptionally thick crust of about 60 km beneath the Altiplano – Puna plateau, lack of an accretionary wedge in the fore-arc due to hyperarid climate, and consequently a sediment starved trench. Two major margin parallel strike slip faults are observed in this area, the Atacama Fault Zone (AFZ) and the Precordilleran Fault System (PFS). Both strike-slip faults do not exhibit significant recent displacement. The southern study area (37° - 42°S), compared to the northern study area, is characterized by lower topography, high precipitation rates (~2000 mm/yr), and a younger subducted oceanic plate. An active strike-slip fault, the Liquiñe-Ofqui-Fault-Zone (LOFZ), shows ~1 cm/yr recent dextral movement and shapes the surface of this area. Thus, the southern Chilean study area exhibits localized strike-slip motion. Within this area the largest earthquake ever recorded, the 1960 Valdivia earthquake, occurred with a moment magnitude of MW=9.5. I have constructed 2D thermal models and 3D mechanical models for both Chilean study areas to study processes related to active subduction. The applied numerical method is the finite element technique by means of the commercial software package ABAQUS. The thermal models are focused on the thermal conditions along the plate interface. The thermal structure along the plate interface reveals the limits of coupling but also the type of transition from coupled to uncoupled and vice versa. The model results show that shear heating at the plate interface is an important mechanism that should be taken into account. The models also show that the thermal condition at the downdip limit of the coupling zone leads to a sharp decrease of friction along the interface. Due to the different geometries of the two Chilean study areas, such as the slab dip and the thickness of the continental crust, the downdip limit of the southern study area is slightly shallower than that of the northern study area. The results of the 2D thermal models are used to constrain the spatial extent of the coupling zone in the 3D mechanical models. 3D numerical simulations are used to investigate how geometry, rheology and mechanical parameters influence strain partitioning and styles of deformation in the Chilean fore-arc. The general outline of the models is based on the fore-arc geometry and boundary conditions as derived from geophysical and geological field data. I examined the influence of different rheological approaches and varying physical properties of the fore-arc to identify and constrain the parameters controlling the difference in surface deformation between the northern and southern study area. The results of numerical studies demonstrate that a small slab dip, a high coefficient of basal friction, a high obliquity of convergence, and a high Young’s modulus favour localisation of deformation in the fore-arc wedge. This parameter study helped me to constrain preferred models for the two Chilean study areas that fit to first order observations. These preferred models explain the difference in styles of deformation as controlled by the angle of obliquity, the dip of subducting slab, and the strength of wedge material. The difference in styles can be even larger if I apply stronger coupling between plates within the southern area; however, several independent observations indicate opposite tendency showing southward decrease of intensity of coupling. The weaker wedge material of the preferred model for the northern study area is associated with advanced development of the adjacent orogen, the Central Andes. Analysis of world-wide examples of oblique subduction zones supports the conclusion that more mature subduction zones demonstrate less pronounced localization of strike-slip motion. / Die Deformationsmuster der Fore-Arc Keile entlang des chilenischen konvergenten Plattenrandes variieren beachtlich, trotz ähnlicher plattenkinematischer Randbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit konzentriere ich mich auf die Analyse der Deformation des Fore-Arcs in zwei Gebieten entlang des chilenischen konvergenten Plattenrandes zwischen 20°-24°S und 37°-42°S. Obwohl beide Gebiete durch schiefe Subduktion der ozeanischen Nazca Platte und der östlichen Begrenzung durch die Andine Gebirgskette gekennzeichnet sind, zeigen sie unterschiedliche Deformationsmuster an der Oberfläche. Das nördliche chilenische Gebiet (20° - 24°S) ist gekennzeichnet durch eine außergewöhnliche Krustendicke von ~ 60 km unterhalb des Altiplano - Puna Plateaus, dem Fehlen eines akkretionären Prismas im Fore-Arc aufgrund des trockenen Klimas und somit einer nahezu sedimentfreien Tiefseerinne. Zwei große Plattenrand-parallele Strike-Slip Störungen werden in diesem Gebiet beobachtet, die Atacama Fault Zone (AFZ) und das Precordilleran Fault System (PFS). Beide Strike-Slip Störungen zeigen keine signifikanten aktuellen Bewegungsraten. Das südliche Gebiet (37° - 42°S) ist im Vergleich zum nördlichen Gebiet durch eine niedrigere Topographie, hohe Niederschlagsraten (~2000 mm/a) und eine jüngere abtauchende ozeanische Platte gekennzeichnet. Die aktive Strike-Slip Störung, Liquiñe-Ofqui-Fault-Zone (LOFZ), ist gekennzeichnet durch aktuelle dextrale Bewegungsraten von 1 cm/a und prägt die Oberflächenstruktur in dieser Region. Folglich ist der südliche Arbeitsbereich durch lokalisierte Strike-Slip Bewegung charakterisiert. Innerhalb dieses Gebietes ereignete sich das größte instrumentell aufgezeichnete Erdbeben, das 1960 Valdivia Erdbeben, mit einer Stärke von MW=9.5. 2D thermische Modelle und 3D mechanische Modelle wurden für die beiden chilenischen Gebiete konstruiert, um Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit aktiver Subduktion zu untersuchen. Als numerisches Verfahren wurde die Finite Elemente Methode mit Hilfe des kommerziellen Softwarepakets ABAQUS angewandt. Die thermischen Modelle sind auf die thermischen Konditionen entlang der Plattengrenzfläche fokussiert. Die thermische Struktur entlang der Plattengrenzfläche zeigt die Grenzen der Kopplung an aber auch die Art des Überganges von gekoppelt zu nicht gekoppelt und umgekehrt. Die Modellergebnisse zeigen, dass Heizen infolge der Scherung an der Plattengrenzfläche ein wichtiger Faktor ist, der in Betracht gezogen werden sollte. Die Modelle zeigen auch, dass die thermische Struktur an der unteren Begrenzung der Koppelzone zu einer deutlichen Abnahme der Reibung entlang der Grenzfläche führt. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Geometrien der zwei chilenischen Untersuchungsgebiete, z.B. Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte und Krustendicke, ist die untere Begrenzung der Koppelzone des südlichen Untersuchungsgebietes in geringerer Tiefe als die des nördlichen Gebietes. Die Ergebnisse der thermischen 2D Modelle werden genutzt, um die räumliche Ausdehnung der Koppelzone in den mechanischen 3D Modellen festzulegen. Numerische 3D Simulationen werden genutzt, um zu verstehen, wie Geometrien, Rheologien und mechanische Parameter die Verformungspartitionierung und das Deformationsmuster im chilenischen Fore-Arc beeinflussen. Ich habe den Einfluss unterschiedlicher rheologischer Ansätze und unterschiedlicher physikalischer Eigenschaften auf den Fore-Arc untersucht, um Parameter zu identifizieren und zu bestimmen, die den Unterschied des Deformationsmusters zwischen dem nördlichen und südlichen Gebiet steuern. Die Ergebnisse der numerischen Studien stellen heraus, dass ein kleinerer Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte, ein hoher basaler Reibungskoeffizient, eine hohe Konvergenzschiefe und ein großer Elastizitätsmodul die Lokalisierung der Deformation im Fore-Arc Keil begünstigen. Basierend auf dieser Parameterstudie habe ich Modelle für die beiden chilenischen Gebiete ausgewählt, die in Beobachtungen erster Ordnung übereinstimmen. Diese ausgewählten Modelle erklären die unterschiedlichen Deformationsmuster durch eine größere Konvergenzschiefe, einen kleineren Abtauchwinkel der ozeanischen Platte und ein härteres Keilmaterial für das südliche Untersuchungsgebiet. Der Unterschied bezüglich der Deformationsmuster kann sogar größer sein, wenn ich eine größere Reibung zwischen den Platten im südlichen Gebiet anwende; jedoch zeigen einige unabhängige Beobachtungen eine umgekehrte Tendenz: eine Abnahme der Intensität der Koppelung von Nord nach Süd. Das schwächere Keilmaterial des ausgewählten Modells für das nördliche Untersuchungsgebiet steht im Zusammenhang mit der fortgeschrittenen Entwicklung des angrenzenden Orogens, der zentralen Anden. Die Analyse weltweiter Beispiele von schiefen Subduktionzonen unterstützt die Schlussfolgerung, dass ältere Subduktionzonen weniger ausgeprägte Lokalisierung von Strike-Slip Bewegung aufzeigen.

Dissociation and reaggregation of blastema cells from regenerating fore-limbs of adult triturus viridescens in vitro

Ogonji, Gilbert Odhiambo 01 May 1966 (has links)
No description available.

Fool's gold

Cotten, Nicole 01 May 2018 (has links)
Fool’s Gold is a collection of handmade books that illustrate selected Grimms’ fairy tales and offer an unexpected interpretation of the actions of the heroes. Each book displays a unique cover decoration, inspired by medieval European treasure bindings. Treasure bindings incorporate dimensional decorative elements such as gems, gold or other metalwork and often depict Christ's suffering. In a similar way, Fool's Gold beautifies the suffering of the protagonists using gold leaf, glass beads and lush illustrations. A traditional hidden fore-edge painting technique is used to reveal more scenes from each story. When the pages are fanned opened, the fore-edge paintings display the gruesome revenge the perceived heroes take upon the villains.

Optimization-based dynamic simulation of human jogging motion

Patwardhan, Kaustubh Anil 01 May 2015 (has links)
Mathematical modeling and realistic human simulation of human jogging motion is a very challenging problem. Majority of the current literature is focused on studying walking or running. This work is aimed at bridging the gap in literature due to the lack of research work in three main areas: (1) simulations and experiments on running at speeds lower than 3 m/s, (2) Kinetics of fore-foot strike pattern in jogging and running and (3) the existence of a double support phase in running at slower speeds and its effects. Formulations to simulate natural human jogging are studied and developed. The digital human model used for this work includes 55 degrees of freedom, 6 for global translation and rotation and 49 for the revolute joints to represent the kinematics of the body. Predictive Dynamics methodology is used for dynamic analysis where the problem is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem. Both, displacement and forces are considered as unknowns and identified by solving the optimization problem. The equations of motion are satisfied by applying them as equality constraints in the formulation. Kinematics analysis of the mechanical system is performed using the Denavit-Haretneberg (DH) method. The zero moment point (ZMP) condition is satisfied during the ground contact phase to achieve dynamic stability. The joint angle profiles are discretized using B-spline interpolation method. The joint torque squared, also termed dynamic effort, and the difference between predicted motion and motion capture data are used as performance measures and minimized in the optimization formulation. The formulation also includes a set of constraints to simulate natural jogging motion. Two formulations are discussed for jogging on a straight path: (1) one-step jogging formulation and (2) one-stride jogging formulation. The one-stride formulation is discussed for clock-wise and counter clock-wise jogging along a curved path. Cause and effect is shown by obtaining simulation results for different loading conditions. The proposed formulation provides realistic human jogging motion and is very robust.

Variable Patterns in Spur and Groove Reef Morphology Explained by Physical Controls and their Relevance for Platform-Top Sedimentology

Gardiner, Robert C, Jr 12 May 2017 (has links)
Spur and groove (SaG) morphology is a common ornamentation of reef-armored Holocene carbonate platform margins. Composed of margin-normal promontories constructed of coral framestone, termed “spurs”, interleaved with similarly orientated gullies, “grooves”, this morphology varies based on a host of physical controls. Primarily, the surrounding oceanographic conditions as well as the size and shape of the platform the SaG is encompassing, directly influence the development and organization of SaG. Since grooves act as conduits for carbonate sediment transport, this study seeks to examine the relationship between SaG organization dictated by platform size and shape and how that in turn influences platform-top sedimentation. The analysis reveals trends that suggest platform shape plays a larger role than platform size in allowing highly organized SaG to develop on multiple margins around the platform. In turn, those trends would suggest these sites to have more stable platform top sediment deposits. However, many variables go in to the creation and maintenance of platform top cays. While this study enhanced the current understanding of how oceanographic conditions influence SaG development and organization, expanding on the concepts and results found in this study coupled with coring data of SaG and platform-top cays, could further link the connection between SaG and sediment transport.

Sismo-stratigraphie multi-échelles d'un bassin d'avant-arc : Le bassin de Marie-Galante, Petites Antilles

De Min, Lyvane 02 December 2014 (has links)
L’arc des Petites Antilles résulte de la lente subduction vers l'Ouest des plaques Nord et Sud-Américaines sous la plaque Caraïbes (2cm/an). A la latitude de l’archipel guadeloupéen et à ~150 km à l’Ouest du front de déformation, le bassin d'avant-arc de Marie-Galante forme un bassin perché, incliné vers la fosse et limité vers l’Est par un haut-fond, l’Eperon Karukéra. À cette latitude, le bassin de Marie-Galante domine le prisme d’accrétion de la Barbade et fait face à la ride de Tiburon qui balaye la zone du Nord au Sud depuis la fin du Miocène supérieur. Le remplissage sédimentaire du Bassin de Marie-Galante montre des déformations actives au moins depuis ~30 millions d’années. L’objectif du travail est de reconstituer l’évolution tectono-sédimentaire de ce bassin pour apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur la compréhension globale de la zone de subduction frontale des Petites Antilles. Ce travail s'appuie sur les données de bathymétrie multifaisceaux et de sismique réflexion multi-traces haute résolution acquises lors des campagnes du programme KaShallow. Cette base de données, complétée de profils sismiques plus basse résolution de campagnes antérieures, permet d’avoir une couverture pseudo 3D et à quatre échelles de résolution de l'ensemble du bassin. Un échantillonnage par ROV et carottage ciblé a fourni 40 prélèvements dans les principales unités sismiques. Les analyses pétrologiques et les datations biostratigraphiques autorisent des reconstitutions paléo-environnementales depuis le Paléogène supérieur jusqu’à Actuel. L’interprétation sismique multi-échelle montre un bassin sédimentaire atteignant ~4,5s temps double (~4500 à 5625 m) sur un substratum magmatique pré-structuré. Ce bassin est composé de 5 grands ensembles sédimentaires (E-1, E1, E2, E3 et E4) subdivisés en 13 unités limitées par 14 surfaces de discontinuités. L’organisation séquentielle des unités sismiques permet de mettre en évidence 10 séquences de dépôts de troisièmes ordres (S-1 à S9). Le calage biostratigraphique de l’ensemble des séquences permet de proposer une évolution tectono-sédimentaire du bassin de l’Éocène à l’Actuel. Ainsi, nous distinguons quatre systèmes de failles normales associées à trois phases d’extensions qui contrôlent l’évolution architecturale et sédimentaire du bassin. 1/ Un système N050±10°E hérité, actif dès le Paléogène supérieur, qui contrôle le basculement général du bassin vers le SSE. Il est responsable de la formation de l'escarpement de Désirade d’environ 4500 m de dénivelé. Cette première extension est interprétée comme résultant de la fragmentation de l'avant-arc en réponse à l'augmentation du rayon de courbure de la zone de subduction. 2/ Un système N130°-N150°E, structurant à l’échelle de l’Éperon Karukéra, qui contrôle la sédimentation dès le Miocène inférieur et marque une première phase d'extension transverse à l’arc. 3/ Un système N160°-N180°E qui segmente le Bassin de Marie-Galante en un sous-bassin à l'Ouest et l'Éperon Karukéra à l'Est. Cette seconde extension, globalement perpendiculaire à la marge, s'accompagne d’une subsidence et d'une inversion de la polarité du bassin en réponse à son basculement vers la fosse qui débute au cours du Miocène moyen et se poursuit actuellement à l'Est du bassin. Cette évolution à long terme de l'avant-arc, concomitante avec le recul de l'arc volcanique vers l’Ouest, est considérée comme résultant d’une érosion basale de la plaque supérieure. 4/ Un système N090±10°E plus tardif est localisé au centre du bassin et qui contrôle le développement de plates-formes carbonatées néritiques sur certaines têtes de blocs, comme par exemple à Marie-Galante. Cette dernière extension, parallèle à l’arc, se manifeste dans le bassin à partir du Pliocène inférieur. Elle se superpose au régime d'extension perpendiculaire à l'avant-arc et est interprétée comme l'accommodation du partitionnement de la déformation en réponse à l’obliquité croissante du front subduction vers le Nord. / The Lesser Antilles result of the slow westward subduction of the North and South American plate under the Caribbean plate (2 cm / year). At the latitude of the Guadeloupe archipelago and ~ 150 km to the west of the deformation front, the fore-arc basin of Marie-Galante forms a perched basin tilted to the pit and limited to the East by a shoal, the Spur Karukéra. At this latitude, Marie-Galante basin dominates the accretionary prism of Barbados and faces wrinkle Tiburon sweeping the area from North to South from the late Miocene. The sedimentary fill Basin Marie-Galante shows active deformation since at least ~ 30 million years. The aim of the work is to reconstruct the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the basin to provide new constraints on the overall understanding of the frontal subduction zone Lesser Antilles. This work relies on multibeam bathymetry data and high-resolution seismic reflection multi-traces acquired during campaigns KaShallow program. This database, supplemented by lower resolution of previous campaigns seismic profiles, provides a pseudo-3D coverage and four scales of resolution of the entire basin. ROV sampling and targeted core provided 40 samples in the main seismic units. Petrological analysis and biostratigraphic dating allow paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the upper Paleogene up Actuel. Seismic interpretation multiscale shows a sedimentary basin reaching ~ 4,5s double (~ 4500-5625 m) on a substrate pre-structured magma. This basin consists of 5 main sedimentary units (E-1, E1, E2, E3 and E4) divided into 13 units bounded by discontinuities 14 surfaces. The sequential organization of seismic units allows to highlight sequences 10 deposits of third order (S-1 to S9). The biostratigraphic calibration of all sequences able to offer a tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Eocene basin to Present. Thus, we distinguish four normal fault systems associated with three phases of extensions that control the architectural and sedimentary evolution of the basin. 1 / A system N050 ± 10 ° E inherited assets from the upper Paleogene, which controls the overall pelvic tilt towards the SSE. He is responsible for the formation of the escarpment Désirade about 4500 m elevation. The first extension is interpreted as resulting from the fragmentation of the fore-arc in response to the increase in the radius of curvature of subduction. 2 / A system N130 ° -N150 ° E, structuring across the Spur Karukéra, which controls sediment from the Miocene and marks the first phase of transverse extension arc. 3 / A system N160 ° E ° -N180 which segments Basin Marie-Galante in a sub-basin to the west and the Spur Karukéra in the East. This second extension, generally perpendicular to the margin, is accompanied by subsidence and reversing the polarity of the basin in response to his switch to the pit, beginning during the Middle Miocene and is ongoing in the East the basin. This long-term evolution of the forearc, concurrent with the decline in volcanic arc to the west, is considered as resulting from a basal erosion of the top plate. 4 / A system N090 ± 10 ° later E is located in the center of the basin and controlling the development of neritic carbonate platforms on certain blocks heads, such as Marie-Galante. This latest extension, parallel to the arc occurs in the basin from the lower Pliocene. It is superimposed on the expansion plan perpendicular to the fore-arc and is interpreted as the accommodation of the partitioning of deformation in response to the increasing obliquity front subduction north.

L'opéra ou l'émancipation du corps à travers l'oeuvre scénique de Christoph Marthaler et Krzysztof Warlikowski [Opéra de Paris, 2004-2008]. / Opera or the emancipation of the body through the stage works of Christoph Martherl and Krzysztof Warlikowski [Opéra de Paris, 2004-2008]

Daryoush, Leyli 30 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse traite du rapport entre le corps et la voix dans la représentation lyrique actuelle, de même qu’il s’interroge sur son devenir. L’opéra a longtemps été le terrain privilégié de la voix, avec la perception du spectateur basée sur la jouissance vocale au détriment du corps. Mais, suite au renouveau de la mise en scène lyrique contemporaine, l’opéra découvre une expérience perceptive nouvelle, fondée sur la concordance entre le corps et la voix. Cette nouvelle relation corps-Voix n’a jamais été problématisée sous l’angle de la perception. Les opera studies américaines, déconstruisant la dualité voix-corps, pour aboutir à une conception nouvelle du corps, lui permettant d’acquérir son autonomie, en dépit de la dimension mythique accordé à la voix. Nous assistons aujourd’hui à une mutation du langage scénique à l’opéra, celui-ci disloquant le corps et la voix au profit de son démembrement ; je nomme mise en écoute ces nouvelles expériences scéniques. C’est notamment dans les œuvres de Krzysztof Warlikowski et de Christoph Marthaler que ce phénomène est visible. En plaçant les chanteurs dans une frontalité exacerbée, ils utilisent le plateau au profit de pantomimes, représentant des corps silencieux, ceux de personnages fictifs ou faisant partie de l’intrigue. Ces pantomimes agissent sur la perception de l’auditeur, déplaçant l’écoute frontale centrée sur la voix sur celle périphérique des corps muets. A cette stratégie scénique, transférant la perception de l’auditeur sur le corps, répond une autre stratégie qu’est la mise en scène de l’écoute : apparaissent sur le plateau des figures d’écoutes qui, encerclant la voix, la prennent en otage au profit d’une expérience chorale où nous écoutons l’écoute des autres. Ces expériences permettent l’émancipation progressive du corps, son éloquence envahissant alors le plateau. Surgissent alors des sections rajoutées au tronçon de l’œuvre : ces séquences de corporalité pure s’infiltrent dans les fissures de l’œuvre, dilatant le temps musical ou débordant littéralement du cadre formel. / This dissertation is about the relation between body and voice in contemporary opera staging and its future. Opera has been considered as a voice phenomenon, defining the experience of the spectator based on vocal pleasure. After the renewal of the opera staging from the 50s, operagoers discover a new way of perception founded on the concordance between voice and body. American opera studies have deconstructed this body-voice relation, reaching a new conception of the body being independant despite of the mythical aspect of the operatic voice. We are witnessing a change on the operatic stage. This change consists of the division of the body and the voice and I name this reversal of the relation between body and voice the mise en ecoute. This phenomenon is shown in the stage works of Krzysztof Warlikowski and Christoph Marthaler. By putting the singer on the forestage and lessening the distance between the audience and singer, they use the stage for pantomimes, showing silent bodies who are the fictional characters or the real ones belonging to drama. These pantomimes impact on the spectator’s perception, directing his hearing from the voice to the mute body. We also notice another stage strategy which is the staging of the listening of the characters. The attention of these new listeners to the voice creates a new perception in which the spectator listens the hearing of these unusual figures, identifying himself with them. Through these experiences, the body frees itself, and its new voice invades the stage. New silent scenes appear on the stage which add to the operatic structure. These sequences of pure physicality penetrate into every layers of the work, in between the acts or at the beginning of the work, or even at the end, expanding the time of the work or overflowing the formal frame.

Le contrat de transport maritime de marchandises à l'épreuve du droit commun des contrats / The contract for the carriage of goods by sea face with the ordinary law of contract

Watat, Hervé 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les rapports qu‘entretiennent le droit commun et le droit maritime notamment le droit spécial des transports sont complexes, mais pleins d‘enseignement. Au coeur de cette dialectique, se trouve le contrat de transport maritime de marchandises lequel, s‘exécute dans un milieu qui n‘est pas naturel à l'homme : la mer. Alors que certains auteurs revendiquent son autonomie et, soulignent avec force que sa spécificité interdit de s‘en remettre au droit commun, d‘autres, en revanche, affirment qu‘il ne peut vivre sans ce dernier d'où il puise toute sa sève. Particularisme, autonomie, soumission, telles sont les expressions couramment utilisées pour caractériser cette relation sans que l‘on ne sache finalement, si le contrat de transport est dominé par la théorie générale du contrat ou détaché de celle-ci. La présente étude, permet d‘apporter une réponse claire à cette interrogation. La confrontation des deux ensembles de règles révèle une forte domination de la théorie générale du contrat sur le contrat de transport maritime de marchandises. En tant que contrat, celui-ci subit une influence naturelle du droit commun. En effet, par sa vocation subsidiaire récemment réaffirmée par le nouvel article 1105 du Code civil, le droit commun comble constamment les interstices laissés à l‘air libre par le contrat de transport, et, impulse une certaine cohérence à celui-ci. Cependant, sa domination sur le contrat de transport n‘est pas totale. Sur certains aspects en effet, ce dernier s‘affranchit de l‘emprise du droit commun afin de marquer une certaine originalité, mieux son particularisme. Celui-ci, se manifeste d‘une part, par certaines résistances du contrat de transport maritime au droit commun. Ou encore, par l‘inadaptation du droit commun à certaines situations créées par la pratique des transports maritimes. La notion de consentement ou encore la conception réduite de l‘effet relatif des contrats par exemple, ne permettent pas de prendre en considération toute la richesse et la singularité du contrat de transport maritime. La situation du destinataire quant à elle, défigure entièrement les conceptions classiques du droit des contrats. D‘autre part, ce particularisme se révèle par des règles et mécanismes propres au contrat de transport notamment au niveau du régime de responsabilité du transporteur. Comparable à un véritable statut, ce régime quasi-exclusif exerce une forte attraction sur toutes les actions intentées contre le transporteur, qu‘elles soient contractuelles ou délictuelles. Somme toute, le contrat transport n‘est ni entièrement soumis au droit commun, ni autonome. Il navigue en effet entre les deux. / The relations between ordinary law and maritime law notably special transport laws are complex, but full of teaching. At the heart of this dialectic is found the contract of maritime transport of merchandise, which is executed in a milieu that is not natural to man: the sea. While others claim its autonomy and stress with force that its speciality forbids its inclusion in ordinary law, others on the contrary, affirm that it cannot succeed without the latter, from which it draws all its essence. Particularity, autonomy, submission, are expressions currently used to characterise this relation, though at the end, we don‘t know if the transport contract is dominated by the general theory of the law of contract or is detached from it. This study helps to give a clear response to this worry. The confrontation of two sets of rules reveals a strong domination of the general theory of contract on the contract of maritime transport of goods. As a contract, the latter witnesses a natural influence of ordinary law. In effect, through its subsidiary vocation recently reaffirmed by the new article 1105 of the civil Code, ordinary law always fills the gaps left by the transport contract and instills a certain coherence in the latter. However, its domination on transport contract is not total. In fact, on certain aspects, the latter goes out of the sphere of ordinary law to instill in it some originality, better still, its particularity. This is manifested on the one hand, through some resistance of ordinary law by the contract of maritime transport. Or, the unsuited nature of ordinary law to certain situations created by the practice of maritime transport. The notion of consent or the diminished conception of the relative effects of contract for example, does not allow for the taking into consideration of all the richness and the singularity of the contract of maritime transport. The situation of the consignee entirely disfigures the classical conceptions of the law of contract. On the other hand, this particularity is revealed by rules and mechanisms specific to the contract of transport, notably at the level of the regime of liability of the transporter. Comparable to a veritable status, this quasi-exclusive regime exerts a strong attraction to all actions initiated against the carrier, whether they are contractual or tortuous. To sum up, the contract of transport is neither entirely subject to the ordinary law nor autonomous. It swings between the two.

突圍 – 軟體代理商的競爭模式 / Software distributor competition strategy

洪志輝 Unknown Date (has links)
電腦軟體這個伴隨著電腦科技,成為今後人類最具影響力的產品,隨著網際網路的發展已經進入了一個新的世代。在網際網路普及之前,軟體的發展除了要靠軟體開發廠商的創造力,最重要的就是代理商的傳播力、行銷力、及銷售力,把這樣無形性、智慧性的商品,提供給所需要的顧客。網際網路普及後則發生了本質性的轉變,尤其是數位影像及多媒體這類比較偏向一般使用者的套裝軟體。 本文將以數位影像及多媒體的代理商,在台灣的通路發展為主軸,探討這樣通路商所面臨的問題及策略決策模式。其中我們將以該產業最著名代理商為個案研究標的,以該個案為主軸探討此類通路商的如何應用五力分析在市場處於發展階段,用以發展自身的競爭優勢及其策略,在市場面臨成熟時如何應用技術採用生命週期的觀點,面對網際網路普及其對通路的衝擊,並提出可行的對應策略及建議。 / Computer softwear had been the most powerful and imfluenced tool to humannity for the then and now on, which drived by Internet and hardware popularity. Before the Internet age, software’s diffusion would depend on the orginial developer’s creativity and local Distributor’s marketing, sales force to deliver this kind of intelligent and intangible products to the customer. However as the Internet age comes, some of these connection had been changed. Image and Multi-media products could be on of the the most dramatice impact groups. In this thesis we would focus on Image and Multi-media software Distributor’s. With the most famous Distributor’s case study, we could further understand how they to build core competition and long term strategy to compet the competition and fulfill the consumer and orginal developer’s needs. Especially after the Internet age, what’s the key strategy make it survive and stronger. In this case we would learn how to use Five Fore Analysis to build core competetion in the market growing age, and how to fit in Technology Adoption LifeCycle theory in the realy world and wha’s the solution for the coming age.

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