Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bycatch"" "subject:"1jbatch""
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Design, Fabrication, And Test Of A Wi-Fi Band Switched-Beam Cylindrical Antenna ArrayScoffie, Basile L 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Antenna arrays offer notable superiority over a single antenna element. By weighting the signals before combining them, antenna arrays offer several enhanced features such as beam steering or beam switching without physically moving the aperture. While in general the array platform can take any given shape, cylindrical arrays offer many advantages compared to linear and planar arrays due to their azimuthal symmetry, and as such find numerous applications in radar, sonar, etc.. This research proposes a Wi-Fi band cylindrical switched beam array that is capable of full azimuthal beam switching for direction finding applications. Six microstrip patch antennas are arranged in a hexagonal platform to create a cylindrical array. The antenna beam is switched electronically using a SP6T RF switch providing azimuthal coverage with 60-degree resolution. Multiple antennas and arrays were designed, analyzed, and fabricated. The devices and the full array system were measured, and their RF performance was characterized. The experimental results validate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed design, and demonstrate a high-speed array platform for direction finding that can be used for search and rescue operations in emergency situations.
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Régulation présynaptique des interneurones GABAergiques par le récepteur u-opioïde dans l'aire tegmentaire ventraleBergevin, Annie January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Die Wirkung von Desipramin an kardialen Gap Junctions unter ischämischen BedingungenDietze, Anna 19 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen in Deutschland führen die Todesursachenstatistik an (19,1 % 2013) und verursachen die höchsten Krankheitskosten (14,5 % 2008) (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2015a,b). Im Rahmen von ischämischen Ereignissen am Herzen kann es zu Rhythmusstörungen kommen. In der Therapie dieser Störungen werden traditionell klassische Antiarrhythmika mit Wirkort Ionenkanal eingesetzt, welche jedoch stets ein proarrhythmisches Potenzial aufweisen. Im Fokus der Forschung der letzten Jahre stehen deswegen Peptide wie AAP10 (Antiarrhythmisches Peptid 10), welche direkt an den Gap Junctions ansetzen. In Radioligandenbindungsstudien konnte gezeigt werden, dass Desipramin AAP10 von seinem Rezeptor verdrängen kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Desipramin auf die Gap Junction-Leitfähigkeit in adulten humanen atrialen Kardiomyozyten bestimmt (Jozwiak 2012). Die Bestimmung der Leitfähigkeit erfolgte durch die Technik des Double-Cell-Voltage-Clamp. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Desipramin die elektrische Kopplung in humanen Kardiomyozyten, welche vorab durch CO2-induzierte Azidose partiell entkoppelt wurden, erhöht. Weiterhin wurde in der Mapping-Analyse mit dem Langendorff-System gezeigt, dass Desipramin in ischämischen Gebieten am ganzen Kaninchenherzen eine Reduktion der Homogenität und eine Steigerung der Dispersion verhindern kann. In anschließend hergestellten Western Blots aus Gewebeproben derselben Kaninchenherzen ließ sich eine verminderte Dephosphorylierung von Connexin 43 in ischämischen Gebieten unter Desipramin nachweisen. Ebenso vermag Desipramin eine Lateralisierung des Connexin 43 entlang der Zellmembran zu verhindern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Desipramin die Wahrscheinlichkeit für das Auftreten von Herzrhythmusstörungen unter ischämischen Bedingungen signifikant verringern und damit möglicherweise zur Senkung der Morbidität und Mortalität von Herzkreislauferkrankungen beitragen kann.
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Análise do efeito inibitório do eugenol sobre canais para Na+ ativados por voltagem em neurônios sensitivos. / Analysis of the inhibitory effect of eugenol on voltage-gated Na+ channels of sensory neurons.Souza, João Luis Carvalho de 04 March 2010 (has links)
Os efeitos inibitórios do eugenol (EUG) em canais para Na+ ativados por voltagem (NaV) mostrados anteriormente não são totalmente compatíveis com nossos resultados. Nós estudamos os efeitos do EUG em correntes macroscópicas de Na+ e os comparamos aos da lidocaína, um anestésico local, para referência. O EUG bloqueou, rápida e reversivelmente, correntes de Na+ mistas (TTX-S+TTX-R) assim como as correntes de Na+ TTX-R. As IC50 para a inibição das correntes mistas e TTX-R pelo EUG foram de 2,28 e 2,27 mmol/L, respectivamente. O bloqueio depende da freqüência de despolarizações. Nas correntes mistas, o EUG desloca a curva de ativação para a direita, a de inativação para a esquerda, não altera a cinética de inativação e retarda a recuperação da inativação, rápida e lenta, dos canais. Nas correntes TTX-R, o efeito é semelhante, exceto na curva de ativação, que não é deslocada. Nós concluímos que o EUG bloqueia os NaV por se ligar a estados conformacionais de repouso e inativados, rápido e lento. Os efeitos são semelhantes, mas não idênticos aos da lidocaína. / The previously described inhibitory effects of eugenol (EUG) on voltage-activated Na+ channels (Nav) are not compatible with our results. We have studied the effects of EUG on macroscopic Na+ currents and compared them to the effects of lidocaine, a local anesthetic. EUG blocked both mixed (TTX-S and TTX-R) and TTX-R Na+ currents in a fast and reversible manner. The values of IC50 for the inhibition of mixed and TTX-R currents were 2.28 and 2.27 mmol/L respectively. The blockade depends on frequency of depolarizing pulses. In mixed currents EUG displaced the activation curve to the right, the inactivation curve to the left, does not alter the inactivation kinetics and retards the recovery from inactivation, fast and slow, of the Na+ channels. In TTX-R currents, EUG effects were similar, except on the activation curve, which was not shifted. In conclusion, EUG blocks Nav by binding to the resting and inactivated conformational states of channels, fast and slow. EUG effects resembles lidocaine ones, but are not identical.
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Traitement d'une douleur neuropathique par la modulation pharmacologique du complexe basolatéral de l'amygdale / Pharmacological modulation of basolateral complex of amygdala as a treatment for neuropathic painZeitler, Alexandre 21 March 2013 (has links)
L’amygdale est une structure du système nerveux central impliquée dans l’intégration des émotions comme la peur et l’anxiété. Des études ont également montré que l’amygdale peut moduler de façon positive ou négative la douleur par le biais des projections de son noyau de sortie, le noyau central de l’amygdale (CeA), sur les structures impliquées dans les contrôles nociceptifs descendants. Le complexe basolatéral de l’amygdale (BLA), placé en amont du noyau central, est intimement connecté à ce dernier et peut ainsi réguler son fonctionnement. Les données obtenues au cours de ma thèse ont montré l’existence d’un contrôle tonique amygdalien de la nociception et de la douleur, directement dépendant de l’équilibre entre l’excitation et l’inhibition au sein de la structure. Ainsi la modulation de l’une ou l’autre des neurotransmission influence directement la sortie douloureuse, chez des animaux sains ou neuropathiques. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes également intéressés à l’étude précise du mode d’action d’une molécule anxiolytique non benzodiazépinique, l’étifoxine (EFX), et à son effet sur le comportement douloureux. Les résultats des injections d’EFX dans le BLA indiquent qu’elle induit une action analgésique chez les animaux neuropathiques, mais ne modifie pas les seuils de sensibilité des animaux sains. Cette action analgésique est dépendante de l’effet indirect neurostéroïdogène de l’EFX. Ceci, associé au fait que l’EFX ne présente pas ou peu d’effets secondaires, en fait une molécule particulièrement intéressante pour un traitement alternatif des douleurs neuropathiques. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons cherché à observer les mécanismes en jeu au niveau cellulaire lorsque l’EFX est appliquée sur les neurones du BLA. Ainsi, nous avons montré que l’EFX potentialise l’inhibition au sein de la structure, via trois mécanismes indépendants ; l’augmentation de la fréquence des courants post-synaptiques inhibiteurs miniatures (mCPSIs), l’augmentation de leur amplitude, et l’augmentation de leur constante de déactivation. Ces deux derniers effets sont dépendants de l’action neurostéroïdogène de l’EFX, tandis que l’effet sur la fréquence des mCPSIs est du à l’action de l’EFX sur le récepteur GABAA. Les résultats de ma thèse ont ainsi permis de montrer l’existence d’un contrôle tonique amygdalien de la douleur, dans le cadre d’animaux neuropathiques, mais également de la nociception, chez des animaux sains. Par ailleurs, la place du complexe basolatéral de l’amygdale, souvent peu prise en compte dans les études sur la douleur, a été redéfinie. Ce complexe doit être pris en considération dans le circuit de la douleur et son rôle de pilote du noyau central de l’amygdale ne doit pas être négligé. / The amygdala is a major control center of the emotions, but also integrates sensory, especially nociceptive information. Cortical afferents to the amygdala largely target its basolateral complex. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) then projects to the central amygdala nucleus, which in turn projects densely to the periaqueductal gray and thus can drive a behavioural output via the spinal cord. Data obtained during my thesis have shown that the balance between excitation and inhibition in the BLA triggers an tonic control of pain. Therefore modulating one of the neurotransmission directly influences the pain threshold of control or nociceptive mice. My thesis work also focused on the functioning of an anxiolytic and non benzodiazepinic drug ; Etifoxin (EFX). This molecule as a positive modulator of GABAA receptors and indirectly by increasing the synthesis of neurosteroids, also known as strong modulator of these receptors. In our team, we already showed that EFX has anti-nociceptive effects when injected intraperitonealy in rats. Here we wanted to determine the action of EFX on pain descending control drive by BLA. We showed that EFX infusion in the BLA seems to be anti-nociceptive, inducing a recover of the pre-cuff mechanical threshold level. We also used a patch-clamp approach to study directly in vitro the modulation of the inhibitory synaptic transmission produced by EFX. We showed that EFX potentiate the inhibition in BLA neurons via different and complementary mechanisms. These potentiating effects are mostly dependent of a neurosteroidogenesis increase.
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Differentielle pharmakologische Sensitivität von humanen 5-HT3-Rezeptor-SubtypenBrünker, Sandra 12 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung des vor kurzem erstmals von NIESLER et al. (2003) klonierten humanen 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptors. Da dieser Rezeptor-Subtyp ausschließlich im Gastrointestinaltrakt exprimiert wird, ist ein Einfluss auf Nausea und Emesis sehr wahrscheinlich. Es stellt sich demnach die Frage, ob funktionelle Unterschiede zum homomeren 5-HT3A-Rezeptor und zum heteromeren 5-HT3A+B-Rezeptor bestehen, und ob auf molekularer Ebene unterschiedliche Wirkungen emetogener bzw. antiemetischer Pharmaka festzustellen sind.
Um die Wirkmechanismen und die Interaktionen eines Pharmakons mit den 5-HT3-Rezeptor-Subtypen beurteilen zu können, erfordert dies genaue Kenntnisse über das biophysikalische Verhalten und die pharmakologische Sensitivität der 5-HT3-Rezeptor-Untereinheiten. Die Experimente erfolgten in-vitro an heterolog in HEK293-Zellen exprimierten Rezeptoren, wobei alleinig die 5-HT3A-Untereinheit in der Lage ist, funktionelle homopentamere Rezeptoren auszubilden. Die 5-HT3E- und 5-HT3B-Untereinheiten können nur zusammen mit der 5-HT3A-Untereinheit an die Zelloberfläche exprimiert werden und funktionelle heteropentamere Rezeptoren bilden. Im Verlauf der Untersuchungen hat sich herausgestellt, dass bei der Transfektion die 5-HT3E- und die 5-HT3B-Untereinheiten im Verhältnis zur 5-HT3A-Untereinheit signifikant schwächer exprimiert werden. Mittels der experimentellen Methode der Patch-Clamp Technik im „excised-patch“ („outside-out“)- und im Ganzzell-Modus war es möglich, die biophysikalischen und pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des heteromeren 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptors im Vergleich mit dem homomeren 5-HT3A-Rezeptor und dem heteromeren 5-HT3A+B-Rezeptor zu analysieren.
Bei den Experimenten zur Grundcharakterisierung des humanen 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor-Subtyps zeigte die Agonisten-Konzentrations-Wirkungskurve mit einem Hill-Koeffizienten von 1,0 einen deutlichen flacheren Verlauf als die Kurve des 5-HT3A-Rezeptor-Subtyps, die einen Hill-Koeffizienten von 1,5 aufwies. Dies spricht für eine geringe Agonisten-Bindungskooperativität des 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptors. Kein Unterschied zeigte sich allerdings in der Affinität zu 5-HT, da die EC50-Werte von beiden Rezeptor-Subtypen im Bereich von ca. 7 µM lagen. Aus dem biphasischen Verlauf der Kurve konnte der Rückschluss gezogen werden, dass bei der Transfektion des heteromeren 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptors der homomere 5-HT3A-Rezeptor parallel exprimiert wird. Dasselbe Verhalten wurde auch schon für den heteromeren 5-HT3A+B-Rezeptor beschrieben (WALSTAB et al. 2008). Bei der Charakterisierung eines heteromeren Rezeptor-Subtyps ergibt sich dadurch die Schwierigkeit, dessen Eigenschaften nicht eindeutig von denen des homomeren Rezeptors unterscheiden zu können. Des Weiteren konnte im Vergleich zum homomeren 5-HT3A-Rezeptor eine schnellere Desensibilisierungszeitkonstante des heteromeren 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptors nachgewiesen werden. Insgesamt deuten die beschriebenen Ergebnisse auf eine erhöhte Sensitivität des Rezeptors für Serotonin hin. Da der 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor ausschließlich im Gastrointestinaltrakt exprimiert wird, könnte dies ein Hinweis auf eine Beteiligung dieses Rezeptors bei der Vermittlung von Emesis sein.
Bei der pharmakologischen Charakterisierung wurden der partielle 5-HT3-Rezeptoragonist Tryptamin, der volle 5-HT3-Rezeptorantagonisten Tropisetron sowie die partiellen 5-HT3-Rezeptorantagonisten Metoclopramid, Tubocurarin, Mirtazapin und der Cannabinoid-Rezeptoragonist Anandamid, welcher eine emetogene Wirkung aufweist, untersucht. Auffällig war ein deutlich flacherer Verlauf der Konzentrations-Wirkungskurve von Metoclopramid (5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor: Hill-Koeffizient = -0,8; 5-HT3A-Rezeptor: Hill-Koeffizient = -1,2) und von Mirtazapin (5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor: Hill-Koeffizient = -0,9; 5-HT3A-Rezeptor: Hill-Koeffizient = -1,3) am heteromeren 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor. Des Weiteren konnte für Mirtazapin am 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor ein IC50-Wert von 8,4 nM im Vergleich zu 25,4 nM am 5-HT3A-Rezeptor festgestellt werden. Diese deutlich höhere Potenz von Mirtazapin am untersuchten heteromeren Rezeptor-Subtyp sowie die geringere Bindungskooperativität von Mirtazapin und Metoclopramid am 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptor, stellen einen interessanten Ansatz für eine effektive Pharmakotherapie gastrointestinaler Erkrankungen dar.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen erstmalig auf molekularer Ebene, die elektrophysiologischen Eigenschaften der humanen 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptoren sowie deren Beeinflussung durch emetogenen und antiemetische Pharmaka. Aufgrund der schwachen Expression der 5-HT3E-Untereinheit gilt es in Zukunft durch einen alternativen Weg der Transfektion, die Effizienz der Ausbeute von 5-HT3A+E-Rezeptoren zu erhöhen. / The aim of this doctor thesis was the electrophysiological characterization of the human 5-HT3A+E receptor which was recently cloned for the first time by NIESLER et al. (2003). Since the expression of this receptor subtype takes place exclusively in gastrointestinal tract, an influence on nausea and emesis is very likely. The question is if functional differences exist between homomeric 5-HT3A receptors and heteromeric 5-HT3A+B receptors, and whether different effects from emetic and antiemetic drugs can be detected at the molecular level.
To assess the mechanisms and the interactions of a drug with the 5-HT3 receptor subtypes, knowledge of the biophysical characteristics and the pharmacological sensitivity of the 5-HT3 receptor subunit is required. The experiments were developed in-vitro on heterologous expressed receptors in HEK293-cells, whereat only the 5-HT3A subunit is able to form functional homopentameric receptors. The 5-HT3E and the 5-HT3B subunit can only be expressed on the cell surface and build functional heteropentameric receptors in combination with the 5-HT3A subunit. In the course of the investigations it became obvious that during transfection the 5-HT3E subunit and the 5-HT3B subunit are significantly lesser expressed than the 5-HT3A subunit. Using the patch-clamp technique in the excised-patch (outside-out) and whole-cell configuration it was possible to analyse the pharmacological and biophysical properties of the heteromeric 5-HT3A+E receptor compared with the homomeric 5-HT3A-receptor and the heteromeric 5-HT3A+B receptor.
During the characterisation of the human 5-HT3A+E receptor subtype, the agonist concentration-response curve with the hillslope of 1,0 showed a significant flatter course than the graph of the 5-HT3A receptor subtype with a hillslope of 1,5. This indicates a diminished agonist binding-cooperativeness of the 5-HT3A+E receptor. No difference could be detected in the affinity to 5-HT, since the EC50 values of both receptor-subtypes were at the range of 7 µM. The biphasic course of the graph showed that by transfection of the heteromeric 5-HT3A+E receptor the homomeric 5-HT3A-receptor is expressed parallel. The same properties were described also for the 5-HT3A+B receptor (WALSTAB et al. 2008). Therefore it is difficult to distinguish the properties of a homomeric receptor by characterisation of a heteromeric receptor subtype. Furthermore, a faster desensitization of the heteromeric 5-HT3A+E-receptor could be demonstrated in comparison to homomeric 5-HT3A-receptor. Overall, the results described above indicate an increased sensitivity to the receptor for serotonin. As the 5-HT3A+E receptor is expressed exclusively in the gastro-intestinal tract, this could be an indication of involvement of this receptor in the mediation of emesis.
During the pharmacological characterisation the partial 5-HT3 receptor agonist tryptamine, the full 5-HT3 receptor antagonist tropisetron as well as the partial 5-HT3 receptor antagonists metoclopramide, tubocurarin, mirtazapin and the cannabinoid receptor agonist anandamide, which has an emetic effect, were examined. The agonist concentration-response curve of metoclopramide (5-HT3A+E receptor: hillslope = -0,8; 5-HT3A receptor: hillslope = -1,2) and of mirtazapin (5-HT3A+E receptor: hillslope = -0,9; 5-HT3A receptor: hillslope = -1,3) showed a significant flatter course at the 5-HT3A+E receptor. Mirtazapin has an IC50 value of 8,4 nM at the 5-HT3A+E receptor in comparison to 25,4 nM at the 5-HT3A receptor. This significant higher potency of mirtazapin at the heteromeric 5-HT3 receptor subtype and the decreased binding-cooperativeness of mirtazapin and meteclopramide at the 5-HT3A+E receptor represent interesting approaches for an effective pharmacotherapy for gastrointestinal diseases.
For the first time the results of this thesis showed the electrophysiological properties of the human 5-HT3A+E receptors and their interference by emetic and antiemetic drugs on the molecular level. Due to the decreased expression of 5-HT3E subunit, the goal for the future is to find an alternative way of transfection which increases the rate of yield for the 5-HT3A+E receptors.
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Patch-reef and ramp interior facies architecture of the Early Albian Mural Limestone, southeastern ArizonaAisner, Rachel E. 15 February 2011 (has links)
The Mural Limestone, located in the Mule Mountains to the northeast and southeast of Bisbee, Arizona provides an exceptional outcrop analog for time-equivalent productive reservoirs in the Albian Glen Rose patch-reef play of the Maverick Basin. The Mural Limestone is exposed in a number of folds and east-dipping fault blocks in the Grassy Hill and Paul Spur localities in the Mule Mountains and represents a remnant of a south-facing distally-steepened carbonate ramp that prograded into the Chihuahua Trough in Albian time. This study documents the detailed facies architecture and sequence stratigraphic setting of a multicyclic patch-reef and its associated ramp interior facies at the Paul Spur and Grassy Hill localities, respectively.
Small mud-dominated coral-algal buildups (~5 m thick) and tabular biostromes (up to 1.5 m thick) consisting of rudist floatstones are common in the bedded ramp interior carbonates at the Grassy Hill locality in the Mule Mountains 10 km landward of the Paul Spur reef. Buildups in this area are flanked by weakly-cyclic and well-bedded skeletal mud- and grain-dominated packstones. At the Paul Spur locality, Mural facies consist of a 10-35 m thick patch-reef with four distinct reef communities: microbial-Microsolena framestone, algal-Actinastrea boundstone, branching coral-skeletal framestone and caprinid-requienid floatstone. Measured reef dimensions show a distinct windward-leeward margin with reef frame facies extending ~70 m from the margin and extensive leeward rudstone debris and grainstone shoal facies extending a distance of 870 m. Reef and backreef shoal facies exhibit low preserved porosity but petrographic analysis of backreef grainstones shows that primary porosity and permeability was present. These extensive reservoir-prone shoals may be a suitable reservoir target similar to flank rudstones and grainstones of the Maverick Basin reefs.
Three aggradational to retrogradational cycles of reef growth are evident at the Paul Spur locality. Retrogradational stacking is consistent with that of time-equivalent Lower Glen Rose patch-reefs in the Maverick Basin of Texas, which suggests a eustatic driver for stratigraphic architecture along the Bisbee/Comanche shelf. Backstepping of reef frame facies in Cycle 3 is interpreted to be time-equivalent to patch-reef development at the Grassy Hill locality. / text
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Étude du rôle des canaux potassiques de fond TREK dans la douleur et l'analgésie par la morphine / Study of the role of background potassium channels TREK in pain and in morphine analgesiaChristin, Marine 11 December 2014 (has links)
Les canaux TREK sont des canaux mécano- et thermosensibles appartenant à la famille des canaux potassiques de fond à deux domaines pore, qui jouent un rôle majeur dans l’excitabilité cellulaire. Notre équipe a précédemment montré que les canaux TREK-1 et TRAAK sont des senseurs moléculaires essentiels dans la perception polymodale de la douleur et qu’ils interviennent dans l’excitabilité des nocicepteurs, modulant ainsi le message douloureux.Dans la première partie de ma thèse, j’ai étudié l’implication du canal TREK-1 dans l’activité antalgique de la morphine. Nous avons mis en évidence un couplage fonctionnel entre les canaux TREK-1 et TREK-2 et les récepteurs opioïdes µ et δ. Nous avons également montré que le canal TREK-1 est impliqué dans les effets périphériques et centraux de la morphine. Ces travaux ont permis d’impliquer le canal TREK-1 comme un médiateur de l’analgésie induite par la morphine agissant en aval des récepteurs aux opioïdes. La seconde partie de ma thèse a porté sur l‘étude du rôle du canal TREK-2 dans la perception de la douleur. En étudiant l’impact des canaux TREK-2 sur l’activité des nocicepteurs, j’ai pu montrer que le canal TREK-2 module la perception thermique des nocicepteurs cutanés. Toutefois, l’activité de TREK-2 dans la thermo perception est complémentaire de celle déjà rapportée pour les canaux TREK car, contrairement à TREK-1 et TRAAK, TREK-2 intervient dans la perception de températures non nocives. En conclusion, ces travaux montrent que les canaux potassiques de fond TREK jouent un rôle essentiel dans la perception et la modulation du message douloureux et pourraient être des cibles intéressantes pour le traitement de la douleur. / TREK channels are mechano- and thermo-activated channels belonging to the two-pore domains potassium channels family, which play a major role in neuronal excitability and cell firing. Our group previously demonstrated that TREK-1 and TRAAK channels are essential molecular sensors in polymodal pain perception and that they are involved in the excitability of nociceptors, thus modulating the nociceptive message. In the first part of this work, I investigated the implication of TREK-1 channel in the analgesic action of morphine, one of the most used analgesic. We reveal a functional coupling between TREK-1 and TREK-2 channels and opioid receptors µ and δ. We also show that TREK-1 channel is involved in peripheral and central effects of morphine. This work demonstrate that TREK-1 channel, downstream of the µOR, is an important mediator of morphine induced analgesia. During the second part of my work, I investigated the role of TREK-2 channel in pain perception. I assessed the impact of this channel on nociceptors and we reveal that TREK-2 channel modulates thermal perception of cutaneous nociceptors. However, we show that TREK-2 activity in thermal perception complements the one already reported for TREK-1 and TRAAK channels. Whilst TREK-1 and TRAAK are involved in noxious temperatures perception, TREK-2 intervene in non-aversive temperatures detection. Taken together, these results show that background potassium channels TREK are major contributors to pain message perception and transmission and that they might be interesting targets for the treatment of pain.
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Synthesis and design of tunable microwave bandpass filters using planar patch resonators / Synthesis and Design of Tunable Microwave Bandpass Filters using Planar Patch ResonatorsLacorte Caniato Serrano, Ariana Maria da Conceição 02 May 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse était la conception et la synthèse de filtres RF passe-bande reconfigurables, basés sur des résonateurs de type “Patch”. Une méthode de conception dédiée à la synthèse des filtres reconfigurables a été développée et appliquée à deux filtres reconfigurables basés sur des « patchs » triangulaire et circulaire. La technique de synthèse repose sur l'analyse de la matrice de couplage, facilitée par une analyse électromagnétique des modes propres des résonateurs « Patch ». Les filtres reconfigurables ont été conçus et optimisés à l'aide de simulations électromagnétiques 3D en incluant le modèle électrique des composants localisés utilisés, diodes varactors et capacités fixes. Les deux filtres reconfigurables ont été réalisés en technologie circuit imprimé. Les dimensions minimum du « layout » ont été choisies afin d'être compatibles avec une technologie bas coût, la dimension la plus faible n'étant pas inférieure à 0,5 mm. / The objective of this thesis is the design and synthesis of tunable bandpass filters at microwave frequencies using planar patch resonators. A methodology for the design and synthesis of tunable patch filters is developed and applied to two filters with triangular and circular topologies. The methodology provides techniques to extract the coupling scheme that models the filter behavior and the necessary equations for calculating the corresponding coupling matrix. Then, the theoretical filter response resulting from the analysis of the coupling matrix coefficients is compared to the results of complete simulations. The complete simulations combine the results of the 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation of the filter layout with the results of the electrical simulation of the tuning devices, represented by their lumped elements equivalent model. This allows the correct model of the tuning effect and the definition of the tuning possibilities and limits. In order to validate the methodology, the tunable patch filters are fabricated using Microwave Integrated Circuit (MIC) technology on flexible substrates. The minimum dimensions are greater than 0.5 mm, ensuring a low cost fabrication process.
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Desenvolvimento de monopolos quase-espirais para aplica??es em sistemas UWBAbreu, Antonio Salvio de 11 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-11 / This work is the analysis of a structure of the microstrip antenna designed for application in ultra wide band systems (Ultra Wideband - UWB). This is a prospective analytical study where they tested the changes in the geometry of the antenna, observing their suitability to the proposed objectives. It is known that the UWB antenna must operate
in a range of at least 500 MHz, and answer a fractional bandwidth greater than or equal to 25%. It is also desirable that the antenna meets the specifications of track determined by FCC - Federal Communication Commission, which regulates the system in 2002 designating the UWB bandwidth of 7.5 GHz, a range that varies from 3.1 GHz to 10, 6 GHz. by setting the maximum power spectral density of operation in -41.3 dB / MHz, and defining the fractional bandwidth by 20%. The study starts of a structure of geometry in the form of stylized @, which evolves through changes in its form, in simulated commercial software CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, version 5.3.1, and then tested using the ANSOFT HFSS, version 9. These variations, based on observations of publications available from literature referring to the microstrip monopole planar antennas. As a result it is proposed an antenna, called Monopole Antenna Planar Spiral Almost Rectangular for applications in UWB systems - AMQEUWB, which presents simulated and measured results satisfactory, consistent with the objectives of the study. Some proposals for future work are mentioned / Este trabalho consiste na an?lise de uma estrutura de antena de microfita projetada para aplica??o em sistemas de banda ultra larga (ultra wideband UWB). Trata-se de um
estudo prospectivo e anal?tico onde s?o experimentadas as modifica??es na geometria da antena, observando-se sua adequa??o aos objetivos propostos. Sabe-se que a antena UWB deve operar numa faixa de no m?nimo 500 MHz, e atender uma banda fracion?ria maior ou igual a 25%. ? desej?vel ainda, que a antena atenda ?s especifica??es de faixa determinadas pela FCC Federal Communication Commission, que em 2002 regulamentou o sistema
UWB designando a largura de banda de 7,5 GHz, numa faixa que varia de 3,1 GHz a 10,6 GHz. fixando a densidade espectral de pot?ncia m?xima de opera??o em -41,3 dBm/MHz, e definindo a banda fracion?ria em 20%. O estudo parte de uma estrutura de geometria em forma de @ estilizada, que evolui atrav?s de modifica??es na sua forma, simuladas nos softwares comerciais CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, vers?o 5.3.1, e, em seguida, testado com o uso do ANSOFT HFSS, vers?o 9. Varia??es estas, com base em observa??es de publica??es dispon?veis na literatura, referentes a antenas de microfita monopolo planar. Como resultado ? proposta uma antena, denominada Antena Monopolo Quase-Espiral
Planar Retangular para aplica??es em sistemas UWB AMQEUWB, que apresenta resultados simulados e medidos satisfat?rios, coerente com os objetivos do estudo.
Algumas propostas para trabalhos futuros est?o citadas
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