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Ryby a bentos Černé Nisy a jejich kontaminace kovy v období zotavování z acidifikace / Fish and benthos of the Černá Nisa stream and their contamination by metals in the period of recovery from acidificationBurdová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aims of the thesis were to compare chemistry of the Černá Nisa stream in the Jizera Mountains (Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic) at the end of the era of strong anthropogenic acidification (in the mid-1990s) and in the period of the recent intensive chemical and biological recovery from acidification, and to study the present biota of the stream. During the year 2008, physical and chemical parameters of the water were studied, the species and age composition of ichthyofauna, and the quality and quantity of macrozoobenthos - the main component of the food for fish. Special attention was paid to the content of toxic metals (Be, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Hg) in the water, main representatives of benthic organisms, and in selected tissues of brook charr. The comparison of the water chemistry with results from the years 1994, 1996, and 1997 showed a decrease in acidification, despite the unstable chemical climate during the seasons, and sulphate and nitrate concentrations still high. Since the mid 1990s, the stream has been inhabited by a stable population of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), a non-native, highly acid-tolerant species, which is now dominating there. At present, also a stable population of a native species, common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), occurs in the stream....
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Společenstva půdních hlístic při různých způsobech obnovy vřesovišť / Communities of terrestrial nematodes after different approaches to heathland restorationRadochová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
Since the 20th century, the distribution of European heathlands rapidly decreased due to agricultural intensification, heavy use of artificial fertilizers or acidification. Therefore, various attempts of heathland restoration are under way in these days. Analysis of nematode community composition can be one of the tools suitable for succession evaluation. In 2011, 2013 and 2014, soil samples were collected from heathland restoration experiment (launched in 2011) where different restoration methods were applied in a 3 × 3 factorial experiment; existing heathlands were also sampled to identify the target community both in dry and wet heathland. A total of 60 samples of extracted nematodes were analysed for absolute abundance, trophic groups, and genera dominance. Various indices were calculated to describe the nematode community. We were able to proove faster development of wet heathlands towards the target community. However, because of large data variability, there was no significant difference between treatments. Development of wet and dry heathlands differed also in increased proportion of omniphagous nematodes in 2013 and predators in 2014 in dry heathlands. After three years of heathland restoration, nematode community has not yet reached parameters of the target community. Key words: Nematoda,...
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Ein neuer Aspekt im Umweltwandel - Dynamisierung von Arsen in einem Speichersystem in der Folge rückläufiger DepositionslastWeiske, Arndt 06 July 2016 (has links)
Arsen im Trinkwasser und in der Nahrung stellen regional bedeutsame Probleme dar. Die Abschätzung der Dimension und eine wissenschaftliche Klärung der Ursachen sind Voraussetzung für den Schutz von Mensch und Natur. Mit dem Speicher Altenberg wurde ein Trinkwasserspeichersystem untersucht, in dem erhöhte Arsenkonzentrationen zu beobachten sind. Ziel der Untersuchungen waren Erkenntnisse über eine mögliche Fortsetzung des bisher beobachteten Trends zu steigenden Arsenkonzentrationen. Hierzu wurde das System in Kompartimente unterteilt und diese auf ablaufende Prozesse und Dynamiken untersucht. Das System besitzt eine geringe Produktivität auf Grund von Nährstoffarmut, insbesondere einer Phosphat-Oligotrophie. Es ist, wie viele Gewässer in der nördlichen Hemisphäre, im Kontext sinkender Immissionsbelastungen wie auch des Klimawandels von hohen und zunehmenden Huminstoffeinträgen aus dem Einzugsgebiet geprägt. Hinzu kommt das Wirken von internen und externen Arsenquellen. Am Grund der Gewässer wurden arsenreiche und humose Substrate nachgewiesen. Sie sind einerseits die Folge einer lang anhaltenden Akkumulation von Sedimenten, die auf Einträge aus dem von arsenreichen Grundgesteinen und anmoorigen Böden geprägten Einzugsgebiet zurückgehen. Andererseits kommt eine Überstauung anmooriger Böden und Moore mit gespeichertem lithogenen bzw. chalkogenen Arsen am Baugrund der Speichergewässer in Frage. Die Bedeutung deponierter Flugaschen wird für das System als untergeordnet eingeschätzt. Für den im System als Vorsperre genutzten Galgenteich zeigt sich seit Beginn der Arsenmessungen im Jahre 1997 ein bis zum Jahre 2000 andauernder stetiger Anstieg der Arsenkonzentration, der statistisch signifikant mit einem Rückgang der Nitratkonzentration einhergeht. Diese ist ihrerseits Teil eines allgemeinen Trends einer ökologischen Regeneration mitteleuropäischer bewaldeter Wassereinzugsgebiete seit Ende der Achtzigerjahre in der Folge abnehmender Depositionslasten.
Die wahrscheinlichste kausale Verknüpfung zwischen beiden Parametern ist eine Änderung des redoxchemischen Milieus der Gewässersedimente. Zu Zeiten der hohen Depositionen unterdrückten hohe Konzentrationen von Nitrat als sekundärem Elektronenakzeptor eine Freisetzung von Arsen aus Eisenoxid-Sorbaten. Im Zuge andauernder reduktiver Prozesse und mit dem Rückgang der Nitratkonzentration gewinnen Rücklösungsprozesse an Bedeutung. Seit der Jahrtausendwende zeigen sich reguläre zyklische Jahresverläufe der Arsenkonzentration mit Maxima im Spätsommer und Minima im Frühjahr. Eine Bilanzierung der Massenströme legt eine Quellfunktion der Gewässersedimente im Sommerhalbjahr offen, während der Rückgang der Arsenkonzentration im Winterhalbjahr hauptsächlich auf eine Auswaschung und, zu geringerem Anteil, auf eine interne Senkenfunktion zurückgeführt werden kann. Der Speicher Altenberg ist im Sommer thermisch geschichtet. Aber eine Schichtung von Arsen ist weit schwächer ausgeprägt. Ein Anstieg der Arsenkonzentration wurde sowohl im Hypo- als auch im Epilimnion nachgewiesen. Dies legt eine Arsenfreisetzung auch aus epilimnischen Sedimenten nahe, trotz oxischer Bedingungen im überstehenden Wasserkörper. Der dystrophen Natur des Gewässers entsprechend, wird die Triebkraft der zur Arsenfreisetzung führenden respirativen Prozesse dem Abbau humosen Kohlenstoffes zugeordnet. Für Sicker- und Interstitialwässer im System wurde die Mobilisation des Arsens in Zusammenhang mit der Respiration huminstoff-bürtigen Kohlenstoffes nachgewiesen. Neben der internen Arsenmobilisation ist auch die Arsennachlieferung aus dem Einzugsgebiet von Bedeutung. Die Arsenfracht befindet sich in diesen Wasserströmen vorzugsweise in Abhängigkeit von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff und der Abflussintensität. Daraus ergibt sich für den Arsenhaushalt des Speichersystems eine besondere Bedeutung von Starkregenereignissen mit verstärktem hypodermischen Abfluss und der Verfrachtung von Arsen in Assoziation mit wasserlöslichen Huminstoffen.
Es wird eine Fallunterscheidung vorgestellt, wonach a) in trockenen Jahren mit geringen Durchflüssen sich Arsen aus der internen Rücklösung aus Sedimenten im Wasserkörper des Speichers anreichert; b) bei durchschnittlichen Durchflüssen im Speicher Verdünnungseffekte über die Anreicherung dominieren und tendenziell niedrige Arsenkonzentrationen resultieren; sowie c) in Jahren mit hohen dynamischen Durchflüssen bzw. ausgeprägten Starkregenereignissen ein verstärkter Eintrag aus dem Einzugsgebiet die Arsenkonzentrationen im Speicher ebenfalls ansteigen lässt. Eine exemplarische Analyse der chemischen Spezies des Elements hat ergeben, dass anorganisches fünfwertiges Arsen die dominante Form im Wasser des Speichers Altenberg ist. Der Anteil von höher toxischem dreiwertigen Arsen ist niedrig, ebenso auch der von methylierten Spezies. Daher wird auch eine Bildung volatiler Methylspezies, d.h. eine Öffnung des Arsenhaushaltes zur Atmosphäre, als unbedeutend eingeschätzt. Im Speichersystem offenbart sich eine spezifische Verknüpfung eines an Eisen-Huminstoff-Kolloide gebundenen Antransportes von Arsen aus dem Einzugsgebiet mit einer auf Huminstoffabbau basierenden, redoxchemisch gesteuerten saisonalen Arsenfreisetzung aus den Sedimenten. Dies hat Modellcharakter für Gewässersysteme, in denen hohe Huminstoffmobilität mit geogen oder auch anthropogen bedingten Arsenvorräten zusammentrifft.:Zusammenfassung I
Summary III
Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis V
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Arsen 1
1.2 Das Untersuchungsobjekt - Spezifik der Problemstellung 3
1.3 Fragestellungen 8
2 Hauptergebnisse 10
3 Schlussfolgerungen und Ausblick 17
4 Literatur 19
5 Publikationen 24
5.1 Changes in catchment conditions lead to enhanced remobilization of arsenic in a water reservoir
(Publikation 1) 24
5.2 High mobilization of arsenic, metals and rare earth elements in seepage waters driven by respiration of old allochthonous organic carbon
(Publikation 2) 25
5.3 Enhanced arsenic mobility in a dystrophic water reservoir system after acidification recovery
(Publikation 3) 26
Erklärung zur Eigenständigkeit i
Lebenslauf ii
Publikationsliste iii / Arsenic in drinking water and food represent regionally significant problems. The estimation of the dimension and a scientific explanation of the causes is a prerequisite for the protection of humans and nature. The Altenberg reservoir system was investigated as a drinking water facility, where elevated arsenic concentrations are observed. The aim of the investigations was to get findings about a possible continuation of recently observed trends of increasing arsenic concentrations in the water reservoir. For this purpose, the system was divided into compartments and these were investigated for running processes and dynamics. The system has a low productivity due to a low nutrient state, in particular a phosphate oligotrophy. Like a lot of surface waters in the northern hemisphere, it is shaped by high and increasing inputs of humic matter from the catchment area in context of declining immissions as well as of climate change. Additionally, there are internal and external sources of arsenic. At the bottom of the reservoirs, sediments rich in arsenic and humic matter were found. On the one hand side, they are the result of a long-lasting accumulation of sediments which originate in inputs from the catchment area, which is shaped by arsenic-rich basic rocks and histic soils. Likewise, an inundation of gleyic and histic soils with stored lithogenic respectively chalcogenic arsenic inside the construction ground of the reservoirs is an option. The importance of deposited fly ash for the system is assessed to be subordinate. For the Galgenteich, which is operated as a predam, since the beginning of arsenic measurements in 1997 an until the 2000 lasting steady increase in the concentration of arsenic concentration was found, which is significantly associated with a decrease in nitrate concentration. The nitrate concentration decrease in turn is part of an ecological regeneration of Central European forested catchments since the late eighties as a result of decreasing deposition loads.
The most likely causal linkage between both parameters is a change in the redox-chemical environment of reservoir sediments. At past times of high depositions, high concentrations of nitrat as a secondary electron acceptor suppressed a release of arsenic from iron oxide sorbates. In the course of reductive processes, and with the decrease in nitrate concentration, release processes gain importance. Since the turn of the millennium regular cyclic annual courses of the arsenic concentration emerge with maxima in the late summer and minima in spring. An accounting of the mass flows reveals a source function of reservoir sediments in the summer season, whilst the decrease of the arsenic concentration during the winter months can be mainly attributed to washout and to a lesser proportion to an internal sink function. The Altenberg reservoir is thermally stratified in summer. But a stratification of arsenic is far less pronounced. An increase in the arsenic concentration was detected in hypolimnion and in epilimnion too. This suggests an arsenic release also from epilimnetic sediments despite oxic conditions in the overlaying water body. According to the dystrophic nature of the water body, the driving force leading to arsenic release during the respiratory processes is assigned to the use of humic carbon. For seepage and interstitial waters in the system, the mobilization of arsenic has been demonstrated in connection with the respiration of humic carbon. In addition to the internal arsenic mobilization, also a recent arsenic delivery from the catchment area is of importance. The arsenic load in these water flows preferably depends on contents of dissolved organic carbon and on runoff intensity. That implies a special meaning of heavy rainfall events with intensified hypodermic runoff and the transportation of arsenic in association with water-soluble humic matter for the arsenic budget of the reservoir system.
A case distinction is presented, according to which a) in dry years with low flow rates sediment released arsenic accumulates in the reservoir water to higher concentrations; b) at average flow rates in dilution effects dominate over the enrichment with the result of low arsenic concentrations; and c) in years with high dynamic flows and strong heavy rains an increased input from the catchment area can also increase the arsenic concentration in the reservoir. An exemplary analysis of chemical species has shown that inorganic pentavalent arsenic is dominant in the water of the Altenberg reservoir. Higher toxic trivalent arsenic was found to a lesser extent as well as methylated species. Therefore, a formation volatile methyl species, i.e. an opening of the arsenic budget to atmosphere, is assessed to be insignificant. The dynamics in the reservoir system reveal a specific linkage between a catchment arsenic feed based on arsenic in iron-humic colloids and a redox-chemically controlled arsenic release from the sediments of the reservoir. This serves as a model for water systems, where high humic matter mobility coincides with geogenic or anthropogenic arsenic inventories.:Zusammenfassung I
Summary III
Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis V
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Arsen 1
1.2 Das Untersuchungsobjekt - Spezifik der Problemstellung 3
1.3 Fragestellungen 8
2 Hauptergebnisse 10
3 Schlussfolgerungen und Ausblick 17
4 Literatur 19
5 Publikationen 24
5.1 Changes in catchment conditions lead to enhanced remobilization of arsenic in a water reservoir
(Publikation 1) 24
5.2 High mobilization of arsenic, metals and rare earth elements in seepage waters driven by respiration of old allochthonous organic carbon
(Publikation 2) 25
5.3 Enhanced arsenic mobility in a dystrophic water reservoir system after acidification recovery
(Publikation 3) 26
Erklärung zur Eigenständigkeit i
Lebenslauf ii
Publikationsliste iii
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Physiological Adaptations in Hawaiian Corals to Global Climate ChangeMcLachlan, Rowan H. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Livscykelanalys för installerat två-glas fönster, platsbyggd isolerruta och nytt tre-glas fönster : En jämförelse av miljöpåverkan för åtgärder av två-glas fönster / Life cycle assessment for installed double glazed window, on-site built isolation pane and new triple glazed window : A comparison of enviromental impact of measures for installed double glzed windowsSchåman, Victor January 2021 (has links)
I den här studien har livscykelanalys (LCA) utförts för två alternativa system för insatta två-glas fönster med ca 30 års livslängd kvar. Det nuvarande två-glas fönstret har setts som ett referenssytem i arbetet. De tre system som livscykelanalys utförts över är: 1. Låta två-glas fönstret vara kvar i byggnaden oförändrat. Det här är arbetets referenssystem. 2. Installera en isolerruta på insidan av det befintliga två-glas fönstret för att minska värmegenomgången genom fönstret. 3. Ta bort det befintliga fönstret och istället montera dit ett nybyggt aluminiumklätt tre-glas fönster i trä. LCA:n undersöker systemen ur ett vagga-till-graven perspektiv, utifrån att vaggan är en tidpunkt då två-glas fönstret redan är inbyggt i en fastighet. Därmed ingår råvaruutvinning och konstruktion av produkt i systemet för isolerrutan och för systemet med tre-glas fönstret, men ej för två-glas fönstret då det är en identisk process i samtliga system. Användningsfasens miljöpåverkan för alla fönstersystem beräknades utifrån elektriciteten som krävs för att kompensera för värmen som förs ut genom fönstret. Vid vardera produkts slutskedesfas så antas det att träet från fönstren energiförbränns medans glas, metaller och farligt avfall går till deponi. Känslighetsanalys har även utförts där det antas att metaller återvinns istället för att gå till deponi. Miljöpåverkningskategorierna som valts att analyseras för de tre alternativen för fönstret är global uppvärmningspotential, försurningspotential, övergödningspotential och fossil bränsleanvändning. Den totala miljöpåverkan under ett systems livstid delades, för samtliga system, med åren som systemen kan brukas för att få miljöpåverkan per år. Två-glas fönstret antas ha en kvarvarande livslängd på 30 år, vilket även gäller för isolerrutan vars livslängd är beroende på det nuvarande fönstret. Tre-glas fönstret förväntas ha en livstid på 50 år. Miljöpåverkan normaliserades med en referensfaktor för årlig påverkan i Europa för att kunna beräkna hur allvarliga påverkan för de fyra kategorierna är jämfört mot varandra. De normaliserade värdena viktades med konstant faktor och summerades för att få ett slutligt resultat för miljöpåverkan per system. Resultaten av LCA:n visar att installation av en isolerruta leder till lägst miljöpåverkan, följt av tre-glas fönstret. Resultatet från normaliseringen visar att global uppvärmning och övergödning är kategorierna mest störst miljöpåverkan för systemen, jämfört mot årliga utsläpp i Europa. Användningsfasen bidrar till störst delar av miljöpåverkan av fönstersystemens faser på grund av uppvärmning av fastigheten. Slutresultatet visar att båda systemen med isolerrutan och tre-glas fönstret har en lägre årlig miljöpåverkan jämfört mot referenssystemet. Det slutliga resultatet för årlig miljöpåverkan är ca 49% lägre för isolerrutan jämfört mot två-glas fönstret medans miljöpåverkan för tre-glas fönstret är ca 43% lägre än två-glas fönstrets. / In this study, life cycle assessment (LCA) has been applied on two alternative systems for installed double-glazed windows with remaining lifetime of 30 years. The conventional double glazed window was considered as a reference system in this work. The three window systems modelled and compared in this assessment are: 1. Keep the double glazed window in the building without any changes. This is the works reference system 2. Install a isolationpane on the inside of the current window to reduce the heat transfer through the window 3. Replace the current window with a aluminum-clad, triple glazed wooden window The LCA examines the systems from a cradle-to-grave perspective, where the cradle is the point in terms of time where the double glazed window is already installed in the building. Therefor the extraction of raw material and construction of the product in the system are included for the isolation pane and the triple glazed window, but not for the double glazed window as it is an identical process for all three systems. The enviromental impact during the use-phase for all the systems were calculated based on electricity needed to compensate for the heat transfer through the window. At the end-of-life stage for each product, it was assumed that the wood would be incinirated for energy recovery while glass, metals and hazardous wastes are landfilled. A sensitivity analasys has been performed where metals are recycled instead of landfilling. The selected impact categories for the three window systems are global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential and abiotic fossil fuel depletion. The total enviromental impact were divided by the expected lifetime, for all three systems to obtain the annual enviromental impact. The double glazed window and the isolation pane systems are expected to have a remaining lifetime of 30 years, while the lifetime of the new triple glazed window is expected to be 50 years. The enviromental impacts were normalized with a reference factor of annual impact for Europe, to calculate the magnitude of each impact category to would be abale to compare them together. The normalised results were then weighted equally and summed up to obtain a single score for each window system. The results of this LCA show that installing an isolation pane on the double glazed window offered the largest savings in terms of the enivironmental impacts followed by the triple glazed window. The results of normalization reveals that the largest magnitude belongs to global warming and eutrophication impacts. The use-phase contributs largly to the impact results due to heating of the property The single score results demonstrate that both systems of the isolation pane and triple glazed window have the lower total enviromental impact per year compared to the reference system. The calculated single score for the isolation pane system is about 49% lower than the score of double glazed window, while this value for the triple glazed window was found to be 43% lower than the double glazed window.
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Behov av surgörning av urin vid analys för kalcium, fosfat och magnesium / Need for acidification of urine when examining calcium, phosphate and magnesium levelsJoensuu, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Studier har tidigare visat surgörning urinprover inför analys av kalcium, fosfat och magnesium inte är nödvändigt. Dessa analyter är viktiga att analysera vid njursjukdomar och det görs med instrumentet Advia Chemistry XPT (Siemens AG, München, Tyskland) på Universitetssjukhuset Örebro. Syftet med arbetet var att se om samma resultat erhölls för kalcium, fosfat och magnesium beroende på om urinen var surgjord eller inte inför analys. Tre metoder utvärderades beträffande behov av surgörning av urin: Metod 1; den nuvarande metoden, urinen surgjordes till pH 3-4. Metod 2; utan surgörning, urinen rumstempererades i 30 min före mätning. Metod 3; utan surgörning, urinen värmdes till 36ºC före varje mätning för att lösa upp eventuella saltkristaller. Alla metoderna utfördes på 30 prover och testades efter 0h, 24h, 3 dagar och 7 dagar. Resultaten sammanställdes i ett linjärt regressionsdiagram och ett Bland Altmann-diagram. Ett förutbestämt acceptansmål var att de genomsnittliga analysresultaten inte skulle ha en större skillnad än 10% vid jämförelse mellan metod 1 och metod 2 respektive metod 1 och metod 3, samt att eventuella avvikande enskilda prover skulle undersökas närmare. Fem av proverna höll inte den förutbestämda 10%-gränsen och mikroskoperades för att se om saltkristaller förekom och surgjordes för att se om provsvaren skulle förändras. I tre av fem prover kunde saltkristaller observeras. Detta gav slutsatsen att alla prover fortsatt måste surgöras eftersom det inte går att avgöra i förväg om provet måste surgöras eller inte eftersom ett tydligt samband inte kunde ses mellan proverna som inte höll 10%-gränsen och de som gjorde det. / Studies have previously shown that acidification of urine samples before analysis for calcium, phosphate and magnesium may not be necessary. These analytes are important to monitor during kidney disease and are, at USÖ, detected using the instrument Advia Chemistry XPT (Siemens AG, München, Germany). The aim of this study was to examine whether the results from analyzing previously mentioned mineral levels would differ depending on whether the urine had been acidified prior to analysis or not. To examine this, three methods were used. Method 1; the current method, where urine is acidified to pH 3-4. Method 2; without acidification, the urine was warmed at room temperature before analysis. Method 3; without acidification, the urine was heated to 36°C before analysis. All methods were assayed on 30 samples which were all examined after 0h, 24h, 3 days and 7 days. Results were compiled using a linear regression diagram and a Bland Altmann diagram. The predetermined acceptance criterion was a maximum 10% difference between mean analyte levels found using methods 2 or 3, in comparison to using method 1. Five samples deviated from the remainder by breaking the 10% limit and were therefore scrutinized under microscope to search for salt crystals, before acidification and reanalysis. Crystals were detected in three of the five samples. As there was no clear connection between the deviating samples, there is no way of knowing prior to analysis whether acidification will be necessary or not, and it is therefore deemed a necessity to acidify all urine samples.
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Carbonate Chemistry Characterization in a Low-Inflow Estuary with Recent Seagrass LossHiggins, Jolie 01 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Estuaries are dynamic environments that are strongly affected by natural variability, as well as direct and indirect anthropogenic impacts. A better understanding of the drivers of carbon fluxes and biogeochemical variability in estuarine systems is needed, particularly with the increasing threat of ocean acidification. Morro Bay in Central California is a small nationally protected estuary, with seasonally low freshwater inputs. Since 2007, the bay has experienced a significant loss of native seagrass, Zostera marina, which is an important component of the marine ecosystem. Because seagrass photosynthesis decreases carbon dioxide and increases oxygen in the water column, the loss of seagrass has the potential to substantially change short-term carbonate chemistry and long-term carbon fluxes of an estuary. The spatial variability of carbonate chemistry was measured in Morro Bay using ship-board surveys during the low-inflow summer season and measured the temporal variability by collecting samples close to the shore from July to November. Discrete samples show an increase in total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon in the mid and back bay regions, historically dominated by seagrass. Slightly lower total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon were observed in the Fall season compared to the low-inflow Summer season. Analysis of the relative modification of alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon, paired with salinity and temperature data, contributes to an understanding of the drivers of the observed carbonate variability. This understanding may provide clues to the causes and effects of observed changes to the bay with seagrass loss. More broadly, it will inform the vulnerability of other low-inflow estuaries to future acidification and highlight the role seagrasses play in mitigating local acidification.
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Multi-Stress Proteomics: The Global Protein Response to Multiple Environmental Stressors in the Porcelain Crab Petrolisthes cinctipesGarland, Michael A. 01 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Global climate change is increasing the number of hot days along the California coast as well as increasing the incidence of off-shore upwelling events that lower the pH of intertidal seawater; thus, intertidal organisms are experiencing an increase in more than one stress simultaneously. This study seeks to characterize the global protein response of the eurythermal porcelain crab Petrolisthes cinctipes to changes in thermal, pH, and tidal regime treatments, either combined or individually. The first experiment examined temperature stress alone and sought to determine the effect of chronic temperature acclimation on the acute heat shock response. We compared the proteomic response of cheliped muscle tissue following a month-long acclimation to either (1) constant 10°C, (2) daily fluctuation from 10-20°C, or (3) daily fluctuation from 10-30°C, all followed by either a 30°C acute heat shock or 10°C control. We found that ATP supply via the phosphagen system, changes in glycolytic enzymes, muscle fiber restructuring, respiratory protein fragmentation, and immunity were primarily affected by acclimation and subsequent heat shock. Acclimation to the “extreme” regimes (10°C and 10-30°C) resulted in the greatest proteomic changes, while acclimation to the moderate regime (10-20°C) resulted in a more mild response to heat shock (i.e., fewer adjustments to relative protein abundance). The second experiment sought to determine the proteomic response of gill tissue following a 17 d acclimation to daily changes in pH (ambient pH 8.1 vs low pH 7.6), tidal regime (constant immersion vs 6 h emersion), and temperature (ambient 11°C vs 22-31°C heat shock during emersion). Low pH alone reduced expression of molecular chaperones of the endoplasmic reticulum, lectins, and serine proteases involved in activating the prophenoloxidase cascade. It also increased the abundance of Na+/K+-ATPase, nitrogen metabolism enzymes, and induced changes in tubulin expression, all suggesting an increase in ammonium excretion. Addition of emersion during low pH reduced the abundance of several metabolic proteins including those involved in the proposed ammonium excretion mechanism, suggesting a decrease in metabolic function in part to prevent toxic accumulation of ammonium in the branchial chambers. Combined pH, emersion, and thermal stress increased the abundance of proteins involved in cuticle binding and crosslinking. These results indicate that the responses to pH, tidal cycle, and temperature are highly dependent on one another and that changes in ER protein maturation, ion transport, immunity, and cuticle structure are the primary biochemical systems impacted by these environmental stressors in crustacean gill.
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Impact de l'acidification de l'eau et de la balance électrolytique alimentaire sur le métabolisme phosphocalcique chez le pouletSolano García, María Angelica 15 February 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 12 février 2024) / L'homéostasie du calcium (Ca) et du phosphore (P) est affectée par l'équilibre acido-basique systémique, par des mécanismes de régulation qui affectent les os et le système respiratoire. Le bilan électrolytique (BÉ) alimentaire, combiné à l'acidification de l'eau expose les oiseaux à l'acidose. Cette recherche visait à étudier l'impact de l'acidification et du type d'acidifiant : 1) aucun, 2) inorganique (INORGACID; acide phosphorique) et 3) organiques (ORGACID; mix) avec des niveaux de P et Ca normaux (NCaP) ou limitant (FaibleCaP; -15 % Ca et P) dans un dispositif en factoriel 3 x 2. Le niveau du BÉ était de 220 mÉq/kg MS. Un septième traitement alimentaire avait un niveau de BÉ faible 120 mÉq/kg MS avec l'INORGACID et des apports FaibleCaP. Les traitements expérimentaux ont été évalués sur les performances, le statut phosphocalcique et acido-basique et la minéralisation osseuse des poulets. Au total de 3710 poulets mâles âgés d'un jour (Ross 308) ont été distribuée au hasard dans les 7 traitements, avec 10 répétitions de 53 poussins par répétition pendant 3 phases de croissance (0-10, 11-21 et 22-28 jours). Les performances de croissance ont été déterminées par phase. La consommation d'eau a été mesurée quotidiennement par parquet. À la fin de chaque étape, un échantillon de sang de poulet à chair par cage (n = 60) a été prélevé avant l'abattage pour mesurer les paramètres systémiques à l'aide d'un analyseur de gaz dans le sang (i-STAT Alinity v, Abott) et d'un analyseur d'électrolyte, d'immunodosage et de gaz dans le sang (VETSCAN VS2, Abaxis) et DXA pour obtenir le contenu minéral osseux (CMO) et la masse grasse et maigre. Les résultats ont montré que pendant la phase de début et de croissance, les performances étaient réduites chez les poulets FaibleCaP-ORGACID, avec un gain quotidien moyen (GMQ; -5 %) et le poids corporel diminué (PV final -7%). Le Ca plasmatique (Acidifiant x CaP; P=0,016, 0,031, 0,07 respectivement au début). Ainsi que le PV final et l'indice de conversion (IC) au croissance (Acidifiant x CaP; P = 0,06, 0,07 respectivement). Le CMO diminuait dans le régime FaibleCaP pendant le début seulement lorsque les poulets avaient reçu l'INORGACID (Acidifiant x CaP; P=0,047). Une diminution du gain quotidien moyen (GMQ; -5 %), poids corporel (PV -7 %) et une tendance pour une diminution du Ca plasmatique a également été observée dans le régime FaibleCaP pendant le début, mais au contraire seulement quand les poulets ont reçu l'ORGACID (Acidifiant x CaP; P=0,016, 0,031, 0,07 respectivement). Pendant la phase de croissance, la CMO a également diminué ainsi que le P plasmatique dans le régime FaibleCaP (-15 % et -16 %; CaP, P<0,001). Pour la finition la réduction du CaP a eu un impact plus faible (-10 %) sur la CMO/PV avec INORGACID que l'ORGACID (-18 %) et aucune acidification (-28 %; Acidifiant x CaP; P=0,05). L'évolution de la CMO au fil du temps a montré que les oiseaux recevants de l'INORGACID n'avaient pas un CMO réduit lorsqu'ils recevaient un régime FaibleCaP (temps x CaP x acidifiant; P<0,001). Cela indique que l'apport en P sous forme d'acide inorganique est suffisant pour faire face à l'effet de réduction de Ca et P sur la minéralisation osseuse. Néanmoins, les acidifiants d'eau testés n'ont pas amélioré les performances de croissance. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour comprendre leurs effets et optimiser les pratiques d'acidification de l'eau. / Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) homeostasis is affected by systemic acid-base balance, by regulatory mechanisms that affect the bones and respiratory system. Dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) combined with water acidification creates a bacteriostatic effect that exposes birds to acidosis. This research aimed to study the impact of acidification and the type of acidifier: 1) none, 2) inorganic (INORGACID; phosphoric acid) and 3) organic (ORGACID; mix) with normal P and Ca levels (NCaP) or limiting Ca and P (LowCaP; -15% Ca and P) in a 3 x 2 factorial device. The DEB level was 220 mEq/kg DM. A seventh treatment had a low level of DEB (120 mEq/kg DM) with INORGACID and LowCaP intakes on performance, phosphocalcic and acid-basic status and mineralization in broilers. A total of 3710 male day-old broilers (Ross 308) were randomly distributed to the 7 treatments, with 10 repetitions of 53 chicks per repetition during 3 growth phases (0-10, 11-21 and 22-28 days). Growth performance was determined at each phase. Water consumption was measured daily by cage. At the end of each step, one broiler blood sample per cage (n = 60) was taken before slaughter to measure systemic parameters with a blood gas analyzer (i-STAT Alinity v, Abott) and an electrolyte, immunoassay, and blood gas analyzer (VETSCAN VS2, Abaxis) and DXA scanning to obtain bone mineral content (BMC) and fat and lean mass. The results showed that during the start and growth phase, broilers are more sensitive to LowCaP level and ORGACID, mainly in average daily gain (ADG; -5%), body weight (BW -7%) and plasma Ca (Acidifier x CaP; P=0.016, 0.031, 0.07 respectively at start). As well as the BW and conversion index (CI) to growth (Acidifier x CaP; P = 0.06, 0.07 respectively). BMC decreased in the LowCaP diet during the start phase only when broilers received INORGACID (Acidifier x CaP; P=0.047). A decrease in average daily gain (ADG; -5%), body weight (BW -7%) and a trend for decreased plasma Ca was also observed in the LowCaP diet during the start phase, but only when broilers received ORGACID (Acidifier x CaP; P=0.016, 0.031, 0.07 respectively). During the growth phase, BMC also decreased as well as plasma P in the LowCaP regime (-15% and -16%; CaP, P<0.001). For finishing CaP reduction had a lower impact (- 10%) on BMC/BW with INORGACID than ORGACID (-18%) and no acidification (-28%; Acidifier x CaP; P=0.05). The evolution of BMC over time showed that birds receiving INORGACID did not have a reduced BMC when given a LowCaP regime (time x CaP x acidifying; P<0.001). This indicates that the intake of P as inorganic acid is sufficient to support the reducing effect of Ca and P on bone mineralization. However, the water acidifiers tested did not improve growth performance. Further studies are needed to understand their effects and optimize water acidification practices.
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Optimisation de la précipitation des facteurs de croissance à partir de lactosérum natif obtenu par acidification du laitRocafi, Adil 13 April 2018 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but d'optimiser la précipitation des facteurs de croissance (TGF-(32) à partir d'isolât de protéine de lactosérum enrichi. En effet, des travaux antérieurs ont montré que des isolats de protéines du lactosérum (IPL) issus de laits de fromagerie ayant reçu divers traitements thermiques (crû, thermisé, pasteurisé) présentaient des teneurs variables en facteurs de croissance (TGF-P2, TGF-(31 et IGF-1). Entre autre, des lactosérums issus de laits de fromagerie pasteurisés ont présenté des concentrations en TGF-P2 presque nulles alors que le lait crû permettait la récupération maximale du TGF-P2 dans les IPLs. Une étude systématique à l'échelle pilote a été effectuée afin d'évaluer les conditions optimales de fabrication d'un concentré de protéines de lactosérum (CPL) permettant de récupérer le maximum de facteurs de croissance du lait dans des fractions protéiques obtenues par acidification de ces CPLs. Trois niveaux d'intensité de traitements thermiques ont été retenus: aucun chauffage (crû), 63°C-20s et 68°C-20s. Un total de 6 lots de lait crû (chaque température en duplicata) ont été traités selon le procédé suivant : (1) traitement thermique du lait, (2) acidification du lait à pH 4.6, (3) neutralisation du lactosérum à pH 6.8, puis division en deux lots ; l'un est pasteurisé à 72°C/15s et l'autre ne subit aucun traitement supplémentaire, (4) concentration du lactosérum par ultrafiltration (UF), division aussi en deux lots; l'un est pasteurisé à 72°C/15s et l'autre ne subit aucun traitement supplémentaire, (5) lyophilisation des concentrés et récupération des poudres de CPLs . La composition protéique de ces CPLs n ' a pas été affectée par les différentes combinaisons de traitements thermiques. Cependant, la teneur du TGF-P2, telle que déterminée par ELISA, diminue à partir d'une thermisation du lait de 63°C/20s. Une précipitation acide a été ensuite effectuée à 12 pH différents allant de pH 3.5 à pH 5.7 par ajout d'HCL à des solutions à base des CPLs à 3% de protéine (w/v). Un total de 288 précipités protéiques a été ainsi généré lors de ce deuxième module de cette étude. L'analyse subséquente de ces précipités a permis de démontrer qu'il est possible d'en optimiser la teneur en facteurs de croissance. En effet, certains traitements thermiques appliqués à la matière première ont permis d'augmenter de façon importante la récupération du TGF-P2 et que le phénomène peut être utilisé afin de maximiser la récupération du TGF~p2 par précipitation acide dans des fractions protéiques issues des protéines du lactosérum.
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