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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaluació amb imatges de satèl.lit de les propietats físiques del sòl requerides en models meteorològics

Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau 15 November 2004 (has links)
L'important increment de la capacitat de càlcul computacional que s'ha donat en els últims anys ha fet que els models numèrics meteorològics hagin pogut assolir resolucions de treball molt fines. Ara bé, aquest increment en la resolució, per si sol, no és suficient per millorar-ne les prestacions. Cal introduir algorismes més sofisticats per afinar en la simulació de la dinàmica atmosfèrica, i també cal millorar la caracterització física de la superfície. En aquest sentit, els valors climàtics globals que es fan servir actualment no siguin prou precisos i calguin valors característics de cada regió. Malgrat que a través de la teledetecció no es pot fer una mesura real dels diferents paràmetres de la superfície terrestre, les imatges de satèl·lit són el millor recurs per estimar-los. La periodicitat en l'adquisició d'imatges d'una mateixa zona fa que es puguin fer estimacions estacionals o mensuals, podent així fer un seguiment de la variació d'aquests paràmetres al llarg del temps.En aquest treball s'ha establert una metodologia operacional per a l'obtenció periòdica de paràmetres de superfície, a partir d'imatges del sensor satel·litari NOAA/AVHRR, per Catalunya i les regions que l'envolten. La revisió bibliogràfica de les diverses metodologies existents ha permès seleccionar les més idònies per aquesta zona. A nivell dels resultats, s'ha obtingut una sèrie mensual de diferents paràmetres, que cobreix els mesos de març a octubre de l'any 2000. Aquests paràmetres de superfície són els següents:· Albedo· Emissivitat· Índex de vegetació NDVI· Temperatura de superfície diürna i nocturna.· Inèrcia tèrmica Els resultats obtinguts amb dades de satèl·lit són espacials, són imatges que ens donen valors quantitatius per a cada cel·la de la superfície estudiada. A l'hora de fer-ne un tractament estadístic, aquestes imatges es sintetitzen a través de mapes d'usos del sòl, obtenint resultats per a les categories dels mapes. Com tota simplificació, aquesta comporta una pèrdua d'informació; i en aquest punt cal ser força crític a l'hora de triar una classificació d'usos del sòl de la regió de treball. Aquest aspecte és un dels punts on s'ha volgut aprofundir en la discussió de resultats. S'ha treballat amb dos mapes d'usos del sòl, el del USGS (Servei Geològic dels EEUU) i el CORINE (Agència Europea del Medi Ambient). El primer és d'abast global, té 24 categories i és el que fa servir el model meteorològic MM5 per la caracterització de la superfície en les simulacions. El segon és més actual i cobreix gran part d'Europa. El major nombre de categories (44), i la metodologia emprada en l'elaboració, pensada per els usos del sòl que dominen el nostre continent, fan que aquest mapa sigui més adequat per tal de caracteritzar els usos del sòl de Catalunya i els seus voltants.Els paràmetres geofísics de superfície obtinguts s'han fet servir per inicialitzar un model meteorològic de mesoescala, amb la finalitat de millorar els pronòstics. Les simulacions s'han fet amb el model de mesoescala MM5 (PSU/NCAR). Els canvis introduïts en els paràmetres de superfície, a través del canvi del mapa d'usos del sòl i de la introducció dels valors calculats amb AVHRR per l'any 2000, han estat prou importants com per afectar els resultats de les simulacions. Cal destacar les diferències en el balanç hídric, que provoquen simulacions diferents de les masses nuvoloses i el patrons de precipitació. Aquestes diferències en la nuvolositat també modifiquen el balanç radiatiu, que alhora afecta l'evolució diària de la temperatura a nivells baixos. A nivell meteorològic, les variacions en el desenvolupament de núvols en situacions de domini mesoescalar és important per a la correcta simulació de desenvolupament de tempestes locals durant èpoques estivals. Finalment, també s'han observat variacions significatives en el camp de vent de superfície, aspecte important quan s'utilitza el model MM5 per a la simulació de la dispersió de contaminants atmosfèrics.Els resultats obtinguts per l'any 2000 no es poden considerar climàticament significatius. En aquest sentit, una de les vies de continuïtat d' aquest treball és l'obtenció de resultats per una sèrie més llarga de dades, que permeti conèixer millor les característiques geofísiques de la superfície estudiada i millorar les simulacions meteorològiques. / Mesoscale models, with grid resolution higher than synoptic models, and with advanced physical parameterizations, have been an important tool for meteorological research over the past twenty years. Important improvements on mesoscale models have occurred in the last decade. The availability of high-performance workstations at affordable prices; the sharing of mesoscale models within the community; and finally the real-time accessibility of forecast data from the operational runs; have allowed using mesoscale models for real-time numerical weather prediction (NWP) at high resolutions (~1 km).As mesoscale models continue to increase in spatial resolution, correctly treating the land surface processes is becoming increasingly important for the model to be able to capture local mesoscale circulations induced by land surface forcing. Mesoscale models are incorporating progressively advanced land surface modules in order to properly initialize the state of the ground.Physical model improvements should be complemented with more accurate surface properties initiation data. The present work is focused in this point. An operational methodology has been developed, in order to calculate, from satellite imagery, the surface properties for Catalonia, in the NE of Spain. Satellite observations constitute the only available means for global or regional repetitive monitoring of the surface properties at homogeneous resolution.Prior to calculations, a bibliographical research has been done, in order to choose the most adequate methodology according to the remote sensing data available and the studied region. Monthly mean surface parameters have been calculated for the working region from an AVHRR data set of year 2000. Besides the resulting images, surface parameters have also been calculated for the land-use categories in the region. Calculated parameters are:· Albedo· Emissivity · Normalized Difference vegetation Index (NDVI)· Surface temperature· Thermal inertiaIn order to test the obtained parameters, two simulations have been done with the MM5 mesoscale model. The Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) is a limited-area, non-hydrostatic, terrain-following sigma-coordinate model designed to simulate or predict mesoscale and regional-scale atmospheric circulation.A first simulation, using MM5 default values, has been compared with a second simulation where the local physical parameters have been introduced. Besides the change of the surface parameters, the default MM5 land-use map has also been changed, using a more recent land-use map of the region. Results have shown that differences in surface parameters basically rely on thermal inertia. Besides, the land-use maps comparison had shown important differences between classifications that also affect the final composition of surface parameters that get into the model. Modifications on the second simulation have been sufficiently significant to produce variations in the performance of the model. The cloud development differs basically in the location and dimensions of the clouds, that drives to a different superficial radiative budget affecting the evolution of air temperature at low levels. The different results in cumulus simulation produced important differences in the surface wind field and the updrafts. The changes introduced are sufficiently significant to obtain also slight variations in the pattern of accumulated precipitation for the simulated period. Comparisons with ground measurements of wind and temperature have been done in the test regions. Similar errors are obtained with the two land-use maps and physical parameters, without a clear improvement in the performance of the meteorological model.The simulations done in this work contributes evidence to the high influence of surface scheme applications of mesoscale models at high spatial resolution. In the context of dialogue between remote sensing scientists and numerical climate modelers, it is expected that more research should be done to investigate the sensibility of the mesoscale models to improvements in the surface properties characterization.

Possible Impact from Alaskan Forest Fires on Glaciers of St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Canada / Potentiell påverkan från Alaskas skogsbränder på S:t Eliasbergens glaciärer, Yukon Kanada

Hoang, Cham, Stangefelt, Moa January 2015 (has links)
How great potential effect does the Black carbon emitted from the boreal forest fire region of Alaska have on the retreating glaciers of the St. Elias Mountains? In this study climate and forest fire history data of Alaska was run in the HYSPLIT wind trajectory model to generate trajectories originated from large occurring fires in Alaska from 2005 to 2014. Results show a small percentage of trajectories passing the St. Elias Mountains and an expected pattern of a correlation between passing trajectories and density of amount forest fires. Interdisciplinary climate research is indicating an increase in global temperatures with consequences such as an upswing of forest fires in the Northern Hemisphere. Inner Alaska is fire prone due to a combination of prevailing droughts during the summer season and frequent lightning ignition as a result from homogeneous vegetation and topography. Downwind from Alaska’s forest fire region is the ice field of the St. Elias Mountains, these glaciers are one of the fastest retreating due to increasing global temperatures and possible deposition of soot from Alaskan forest fires. Forest fire emits black carbon, which when deposited on snow or ice surfaces will decrease the albedo and accelerate the melting rate. Previous studies on ice cores from the St. Elias have investigated traces of combustion products from biomass burning. This indicates a possible record of historic forest fires in ice cores. The small percentage of passing trajectories in this study suggests that most large forest fires in Alaska might not be registered in the St. Elias ice cores.

Europa's Hydrogen Corona in a Large Set of HST Lyman-Alpha Images

Bergman, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectral images of Jupiter's moon Europa were obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) on 20 occasions between the years 1999 and 2015. In this thesis these data are analyzed to look for Lyman-alpha emissions from a hydrogen corona. This hydrogen corona was recently discovered in absorption, also from HST Lyman-alpha images but with Europa in transit of Jupiter, and the aim of this study is to confirm the existence of the corona also in emission. Europa's thin atmosphere is dominated by molecular oxygen, mainly produced by radiolysis and sputtering of the icy surface. Atomic hydrogen, the main target for this study, is produced by sputtering from the surface and the dissociation of H2 and H2O. It quickly escapes the gravity of Europa. To study the hydrogen corona in the spectral STIS images the data need to be processed to remove the other Lyman-alpha contributions to the image. These other contributions include emissions from the geocorona, emissions from the interplanetary medium (IPM), dark current in the detector and sunlight reflected from the surface of Europa. To estimate the contribution to the image from the hydrogen corona, a basic model of the expected emissions from the corona is developed. By fitting this model to the processed STIS data values of the hydrogen density and the surface Lyman-alpha albedo of the moon are obtained. The results confirm the presence of a hydrogen corona, with varying densities between the different observations but generally about twice as large as the results from the previous study. The uncertainty for the results is however large and there is a clear correlation between hydrogen density and background level in the image, for which the reason is poorly understood. No hemispheric variability or connections to the true anomaly of the moon are found, but the hydrogen density seems to be increasing during the time of the observations. The results for the albedo is consistent with previous results, indicating a lower albedo on the leading than on the trailing hemisphere.

L’instrument EUSO-Balloon et analyse de son efficacité de photo-détection / The EUSO-balloon instrument and an analysis of its photo-detecting efficiency

Rabanal Reina, Julio Arturo 08 December 2016 (has links)
JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on Japanese Experiment Module) est une expérience basée sur un télescope spatial d’optique diffractive, avec des lentilles de Fresnel, qui sera installé sur l’ISS en 2020. Il a comme but l’étude des UHECR et vise à améliorer d’un facteur de 10 les mesures actuelles de l’Observatoire Pierre-Auger. Le télescope EUSO-Balloon, qui a été validé technologiquement en 2014 a été le premier prototype intégrant l’ensemble de la chaîne de détection du télescope JEM-EUSO. Le principe de détection est basé sur la capture des photons UV individuels (photodétection) produits par fluorescence lors de l’interaction d’EAS avec l’atmosphère terrestre. Cette lumière est si faible qu’elle nécessite un instrument avec une efficacité de 100% pour la détection d’un photon. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit a porté sur toutes les étapes du projet EUSO-Balloon. Un procédé original de récupération de l’information des pixels avec une sensibilité faible a été développé. Le procédé consiste à utiliser une courbe (s-curve) générée par la modification du seuil de discrimination des signaux analogiques provenant des anodes des MAPMTs. Elle est valable pour tous les télescopes EUSO et sera utile dans l’espace, où la manipulation de l’appareil est limitée. / JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on Japanese Experiment Module) is an experiment based on a diffractive optical telescope, with Fresnel lenses, that will be installed on the ISS in 2020. It aims to study the UHECR, improving by a factor of 10 the current measurements of the Pierre-Auger Observatory. The EUSO-Balloon telescope, technically validated in 2014, was the first prototype with the entire detection chain of the JEM-EUSO telescope. The detection principle is based on the capture of individual UV photons (photodetection) produced by fluorescence when the EAS interact with the Earth’s atmosphere. The fluorescence light is so low that an instrument with 100% efficiency for the detection of a photon, is required. The work presented in this manuscript has dealt with all the steps of EUSO-Balloon project. An original procedure has been developed to recover the information from pixels with low sensitivity. The method consists in using a curve generated by the modification of the threshold used to discriminate the analog signals produced by the anodes of the MAPMTs. It is valid for all EUSO telescopes and will be most useful in space where the manipulation of the apparatus is limited.

Einfluss der Bodenalbedo und Bodenreflektivität von urbanen Oberflächen auf die Ableitung der optischen Dicke von Aerosolpartikeln aus Satellitenmessungen

Mey, Britta 26 March 2013 (has links)
Diese Dissertation ist innerhalb eines Teilprojekts des Schwerpunktprogramms SPP1233 ”Megacities Megachallenge - Informal Dynamics of Global Change“ entstanden. Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der heterogenen Reflexion der Sonnenstrahlung an urbanen Bodenoberflächen, sowie deren Einfluss auf die Bestimmung der optischen Dicke von Aerosolpartikeln aus Satellitendaten. Zu diesem Zweck wurden flugzeuggetragene Messungen der spektral aufgelösten, reflektierten solaren Strahlung durchgeführt. In dieser Arbeit werden Messungen mit dem SMART-Albedometer (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem) präsentiert, die im Rahmen zweier Messkampagnen in Leipzig im September 2007 und in Zhongshan, China im Dezember 2009 erfasst wurden. Die spektrale Bodenreflektivität und Bodenalbedo wurden aus den spektralen Messungen der aufwärtsgerichteten Stahldichte (Radianz) und Strahlungsflussdichte (Irradianz) bestimmt. Dazu wurden eindimensionale Strahlungsübertragungsrechnungen durchgeführt. Der Einfluss der Flughöhe auf die Bodenreflektivität und Bodenalbedo wird anhand eines Messbeispiels, sowie einer Modellstudie mit ein- und dreidimensionalen Strahlungsübertragungsrechnungen diskutiert. Für beide Untersuchungsgebiete, Leipzig und Zhongshan, wird die Heterogenität der Reflexion solarer Strahlung an urbanen Oberflächen gezeigt. Der Einfluss der im operationellen Aerosolalgorithmus des satellitengetragenen Instrumentes MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) getroffenen Annahmen zur Bodenreflektivität auf die optische Dicke von Aerosolpartikeln, wurde mittels der gemessenen spektralen Bodenreflektivität und einer auf Strahlungsübertragungsrechnungen basierenden Modellstudie quantifiziert. Ein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen Bodenreflektivität und optischer Dicke von Aerosolpartikeln wird für beide Fallbeispiele gezeigt. Mittels der Messungen in Zhongshan kann bestätigt werden, dass die Bodenreflektivität für urbane Oberflächen im Aerosolalgorithmus unterschätzt wird. Im Rahmen der Modellstudie wird die Sensitivität des Aerosolalgorithmus auf die programminternen Annahmen zur Bodenreflektivität quantifiziert.

Monitoring of microclimate underneath agrivoltaic systems using IoT sensor station

Stridsman, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Agrivoltaic systems work on the principle of combining farmland with Photovoltaic energy conversion giving the land it sits on dual purpose. Moreover, by combining solar electricity conversion and crop production additional benefits such as water saving and, in some cases even higher crop yields compared to open field conditions. For this technology to be wildly implemented a deeper understanding on the effects the agrivoltaic system has on the underlying farmland is required. In this work, an IoT sensor station used for monitoring albedo, temperature, and humidity inside an agrivoltaic system is developed. The work is carried out through researching and testing electrical components that is to be used inside of the monitoring station as well as development of the code used by the microcontroller to communicate between the different sensors. The prototype station was then tested a total of three times at Kärrbo Prästgård and the gathered data compared with pre-installed sensors located at the testing site. After each test run the IoT stations performance was analyzed for potential improvements to be implemented before subsequent tests. The final design of monitoring station showed a high accuracy in the albedo data during daytime with some deviations during early mornings and late afternoon due to the inherit limitations in the sensitivities of the electrical components used to measure solar radiation.

Effect of Torque Tube Reflection on Shading and Energy Yield in Bifacial Photovoltaic Systems

Coathup, Trevor 15 May 2023 (has links)
Bifacial photovoltaic (PV) modules have greater energy yield than traditional monofacial modules because they convert front and rear incident irradiance to electrical energy. Single-axis tracking systems can further increase energy yield and reduce the levelized cost of energy by rotating the modules throughout the day. However, racking elements in tracking systems introduce both shade and reflections on the rear face, increasing irradiance nonuniformity and fostering further electrical mismatch that reduces module power. The impact of racking, particularly that of the torque tube which spans the middle of the rear collector surface, must be accurately quantified in energy yield predictions to increase stakeholder confidence, and hasten the adoption of tracked bifacial modules. Isolating the torque-tube-reflected irradiance incident on the modules is crucial for this work. This is achieved by implementing arbitrary two-dimensional (2D) irradiance sampling on a module under test in bifacial_radiance, a ray tracing bifacial PV model, and taking the difference in rear irradiance profiles for simulations with a reflective and an absorptive torque tube at each timestamp. We calculate the TT reflection for the central one-in-portrait (1P) and two-in-portrait (2P) modules on horizontal single-axis trackers over hourly timestamps in a typical meteorological year in Livermore, California, USA. We introduce the TT reflection 2D irradiance profiles as additional light sources in DUET to quantify the TT reflection's impact on irradiance, electrical mismatch, and energy yield, as well as an incidence angle modifier's impact on TT reflection. We analyze the TT reflection based on sun zenith and diffuse fraction to group consistent illumination conditions across the year. We identify that TT reflection reduces electrical mismatch by partially offsetting TT shading, and increases annual energy yield by 0.11% and 0.18% in our particular 1P and 2P systems. While the overall impact of TT reflection is greater in the 2P system due to direct beam light incident on the TT, the TT reflection's greatest instantaneous relative contribution to total energy yield is larger for the 1P system, at high diffuse fractions and sun zeniths. For future work, we recommend validating simulation results with and without TT reflection against experimental data. The simulation method used for isolating the TT reflection may also be repurposed to help inform new TT designs that minimize electrical mismatch. Finally, instead of relying on bifacial_radiance to isolate the TT reflection, we recommend incorporating the TT as a Lambertian reflective surface in 3D view factor models with detailed shading for further TT reflection simulations.

Assessing Soil-Water Status Via Albedo Measurement

Idso, Sherwood B., Reginato, Robert J. 20 April 1974 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1974 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 19-20, 1974, Flagstaff, Arizona / Reliable information on soil-water status is required in order to make accurate water balance studies of watersheds, to determine the survival probabilities of various types of vegetation between rainfalls in low rainfall areas, and to determine the susceptibility of the uppermost soil to wind erosion. Simple solarimeters may help to accomplish this objective. Bare soil albedo was a linear function of the water content of a very thin surface layer of soil, and albedo correlated well with water contents of thicker soil layers. In addition, albedo measurements could be used to delineate the 3 classical stages of soil drying. Albedo may also be used to differentiate between the initial potential rate phase of evaporation following an application of water, and the succeeding falling rate phase. Results of applying this technique to a field of Avondale clay loam indicate that 20% to 25% of the water applied by either irrigation or rain will be lost by stage 1 potential evaporation, independent of seasonal variations in evaporative demand. Presently the techniques developed are applicable only to bare soil surfaces.

Analyse du bilan d'énergie d'un glacier tropical : application à la relation glacier-climat

Wagnon, Patrick 02 April 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Les glaciers tropicaux sont des indicateurs climatiques très sensibles. Pour relier les fluctuations de leur bilan de masse aux changements climatiques, nous avons réalisé un bilan d'énergie à la surface du Glacier Zongo (16°S), en Bolivie, entre mars 96 et août 98. Cette thèse présente, d'une part les méthodes employées pour obtenir le cycle annuel du bilan d'énergie ponctuel, et d'autre part l'intérêt de cette étude pour la compréhension du fonctionnement du glacier et sa relation avec la climatologie locale. Dans la première partie, nous nous attachons à décrire les conditions climatiques régnant sur ce glacier, à partir des enregistrements des stations météorologiques installées sur le Glacier Zongo. Les glaciers tropicaux sont soumis à des températures et des radiations solaires incidentes peu variables au cours de l'année, alors que le débit du torrent émissaire est très saisonnier. Pour comprendre quels sont les flux d'énergie responsables de la saisonnalité de la fusion en surface du glacier, nous avons dressé le bilan d'énergie en un point du glacier, dans la zone d'ablation, à 5150 m d'altitude. Ce bilan d'énergie traduit un métabolisme propre aux glaciers tropicaux. L'albédo est le paramètre essentiel qui contrôle la quantité d'énergie disponible pour la fusion en surface du glacier. La particularité fondamentale de ces glaciers réside en la très forte consommation d'énergie sous forme de chaleur latente (ce qui se traduit par une sublimation élevée). En outre, le flux de chaleur latente présente une saisonnalité marquée à l'origine du régime hydrologique du torrent qui s'échappe du glacier. En effet, en saison sèche, la sublimation est maximale et il reste peu d'énergie pour la fusion d'où le faible débit du torrent émissaire. La situation opposée se produit en saison humide. À l'échelle de l'ensemble de la période étudiée, le bilan de masse nettement déficitaire de l'année El Nino 1997-98 s'explique surtout par un déficit de précipitations, responsable d'une chute de l'albédo moyen annuel. Le manteau neigeux réduit lors de la saison d'accumulation 1997-98 a disparu plus vite que celui de l'année précédente, laissant affleurer une surface de glace sale, d'albédo faible, pendant une période plus longue. De plus, la chaleur sensible plus élevée et la sublimation réduite ont aussi contribué à augmenter la fusion superficielle, diminuant ainsi le bilan de masse du glacier.

Dual-field-of-view Raman lidar measurements of cloud microphysical properties

Schmidt, Jörg 11 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine neuartige Lidartechnik in ein leistungsstarkes Lidar-System implementiert. Mit Hilfe des realisierten Aufbaus wurden Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen in Flüssigwasserwolken über Leipzig untersucht. Die angewandte Messmethode beruht auf der Detektion von Licht, das an Wolkentröpfchen mehrfach in Vorwärtsrichtung gestreut und an Stickstoffmolekülen inelastisch zurückgestreut wurde. Dabei werden zwei Gesichtsfelder unterschiedlicher Größe verwendet. Ein Vorwärtsiterations-Algorithmus nutzt die gewonnenen Informationen zur Ermittlung von Profilen wolkenmikrophysikalischer Eigenschaften. Es können der Extinktionskoeffizient, der effektive Tröpfchenradius, der Flüssigwassergehalt sowie die Tröpfchenanzahlkonzentration bestimmt werden. Weiterhin wird die exakte Erfassung der Wolkenunterkantenhöhe durchdie eingesetzte Messtechnik ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus ist die Bestimmung von Aerosoleigenschaften mit dem eingesetzten Lidargerät möglich. Die Qualität des realisierten Messaufbaus wurde geprüft und eine Fehleranalyse durchgeführt. Unter anderem wurde der aus einer Wolkenmessung bestimmte Flüssigwassergehalt mit einem Mikrowellen-Radiometer bestätigt. Anhand von Fallbeispielen konnte das Potential dieser Messtechnik demonstriert werden. Die Bedeutung von Profilinformationen von Wolkeneigenschaften für die Untersuchung von Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen wurde gezeigt. Weiterhin wurde mit Hilfe eines Doppler-Windlidars der Einfluss der Vertikalwindgeschwindigkeit auf Wolkeneigenschaften und damit Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen verdeutlicht. Neunundzwanzig Wolkenmessungen wurden für eine statistische Auswertung bezüglich Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen genutzt. Dabei konnte erstmalig die Abhängigkeit von Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen von der Wolkeneindringtiefe untersucht werden. Es wurde festgestellt, dass diese auf die untersten 70m von Wolken beschränkt sind. Weiterhin wurden deutlich stärkere Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen in Wolkengebieten festgestellt, die von Aufwinden dominiert werden. Für der Quantifizierung der Stärke von Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen wurden ACIN-Werte genutzt, welche den Zusammenhang zwischen der Tröpfchenanzahlkonzentration und dem Aerosol-Extinktionskoeffizienten beschreiben. Dabei wurde zwischen der Untersuchung der entsprechenden mikrophysikalischen Prozesse und deren Bedeutung für die Wolkenalbedo und damit dem Strahlungsantrieb der Wolken unterschieden. Für die erstgenannte Zielstellung wurde ein ACIN-Wert von 0.80 +/- 0.40 ermittelt, für Letztere 0.13 +/- 0.07.

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