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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tense, Aspect And Mood Based Event Extraction For Situation Analysis And Crisis Management

Hurriyetoglu, Ali 01 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays event extraction systems mainly deal with a relatively small amount of information about temporal and modal qualifications of situations, primarily processing assertive sentences in the past tense. However, systems with a wider coverage of tense, aspect and mood can provide better analyses and can be used in a wider range of text analysis applications. This thesis develops such a system for Turkish language. This is accomplished by extending Open Source Information Mining and Analysis (OPTIMA) research group&#039 / s event extraction software, by implementing appropriate extensions in the semantic representation format, by adding a partial grammar which improves the TAM (Tense, Aspect and Mood) marker, adverb analysis and matching functions of ExPRESS, and by constructing an appropriate lexicon in the standard of CORLEONE. These extensions are based on iv the theory of anchoring relations (Tem&uuml / rc&uuml / , 2007, 2011) which is a cross- linguistically applicable semantic framework for analyzing tense, aspect and mood related categories. The result is a system which can, in addition to extracting basic event structures, classify sentences given in news reports according to their temporal, modal and volitional/illocutionary values. Although the focus is on news reports of natural disasters, disease outbreaks and man-made disasters in Turkish language, the approach can be adapted to other languages, domains and genres. This event extraction and classification system, with further developments, can provide a basis for automated browsing systems for preventing environmental and humanitarian risk.

Untersuchungen zur Verbundverankerung textilbewehrter Feinbetonverstärkungsschichten für Betonbauteile / Investigations for the Bond Anchoring of Textile Reinforced Fine-grained Concrete Strengthening Layers of RC-Members

Ortlepp, Regine 15 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Verbundverankerung des neuen Verstärkungsmaterials textilbewehrter Beton für Stahlbetonbauteile. Der Detailpunkt der Verankerung mit den Mechanis-men der Kraftübertragung von der textilbewehrten Verstärkungsschicht in den Altbeton wurde auf experimentellem Weg an unterschiedlichen Probekörperformen untersucht. Dazu wurden verschie-dene Haftzug-, Filamentgarnauszug- sowie Schubversuche durchgeführt. Nach der Klärung der grundlegenden Phänomene beim Verbundbruchverhalten von Verstärkungs-schichten wurden zugehörige Versagenskriterien näher beleuchtet. Ein mögliches Versagen des inneren Verbundes wurde durch zusätzlich in das Versuchsprogramm aufgenommene Filamentgar-nauszugsversuche untersucht. Für die Verankerung sind zwei Versagensebenen zu berücksichtigen, die eine getrennte Betrachtung erfordern: der Altbetonuntergrund und die Ebene der textilen Be-wehrung. Mit Hilfe experimenteller Haftzuguntersuchungen wurde ein breit gefächertes Spektrum möglicher Einflussparameter auf die Tragfähigkeit des Verbundes in der Ebene der textilen Bewehrung unter-sucht. Den einzelnen Einflussfaktoren kommt dabei eine unterschiedliche Bedeutung zu. Den aus-schlaggebenden Einfluss auf die Tragfähigkeit des Haftverbundes in der Ebene der textilen Bewehrung liefert die textile Bewehrung selbst. Es wurde ein geeignetes Verfahren zur Ermittlung eines wirksamen Flächenanteiles der textilen Bewehrungsstrukturen entwickelt, welches die Grund-lage für die weiterführenden Betrachtungen zum Verbundversagen durch Delamination in der Ebe-ne der textilen Bewehrung bildet. Das Verbundtragverhalten unter Schubbeanspruchung bildet den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit. Spezielle Eigenheiten des textilbewehrten Betons werden aufgezeigt und Lösungsvorschläge erar-beitet. Da sich das Verhalten von Verstärkungsschichten aus textilbewehrtem Feinbeton beträcht-lich von bekannten Klebeverbindungen unterscheidet, sind hier völlig neue Wege zu beschreiten. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung wurde ein neues, riss-bildorientiertes Messverfahren entwickelt. Anhand eines Beispielversuchs wird diese neu entwi-ckelte Methode vorgestellt und verbleibende Problempunkte diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Messungen haben gezeigt, dass es mit dem derzeitigen Kenntnisstand nicht möglich ist, für das Verstärkungsmaterial Textilbeton eine Schubspannungs-Schlupf-Beziehung anzugeben. Nach An-sicht der Verfasserin ist die Verwendung einer solchen Modellvorstellung nur für Verstärkungsma-terialien mit linear-elastischem Materialverhalten geeignet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden einige alternative Modellvorschläge für die Beschreibung des Verbundverhaltens angegeben. Separate Modellvorschläge für die Verbundtragfähigkeit unter Haft-zugbeanspruchung und unter Schubbeanspruchung wurden zu einer Interaktion zusammengeführt. Diesem wurden weitere alternative Modellvorschläge wie z. B. die Betrachtung als Stabwerk mit veränderlicher Druckstrebenneigung gegenübergestellt.

Structures and Self-Organization at Liquid Crystal Interfaces: Surface Ordering and Anchoring

Feng, Xunda 15 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Steven Holl: A Translation Of Phenomenological Philosophy Into The Realm Of Architecture

Yorgancioglu, Derya - 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Yorgancioglu, Derya M. Arch, Department of Architecture Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. C&acirc / n&acirc / Bilsel September 2004, 133 pages In this thesis it is aimed to develop a particular reading of Steven Holl&rsquo / s approach to architecture. It is claimed that in Holl&rsquo / s architecture there is a philosophical depth that embraces both his thinking on and making of architecture. This thesis suggests that, the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the French philosopher (1908-1961) is Steven Holl&rsquo / s main reference in achieving a philosophical depth in architecture. The thesis research focuses on understanding Holl&rsquo / s approach to architecture and its relation to Merleau-Ponty&rsquo / s phenomenological philosophy. In the second part of the thesis, in aiming to unfold how the design process develops the study focused on the intellectual framework in Holl&rsquo / s architecture. Specific concepts that Holl dwells upon are examined in relation to their philosophical references. This section also comprises a focus on the architect as the subject of architectural practice. In the third part, the phenomenological framework in the way Holl makes architecture is studied by examining how he relates building with site and situation / body to architectural space / body and architecture to time. This examination concludes with an inquiry in the haptic sensibility of the architect into articulating spaces and forms. Lastly, the forth part involves a study on Holl&rsquo / s particular projects, through which it is aimed to examine the architectural embodiment of his phenomenological approach. The thesis research in Steven Holl&rsquo / s architectural approach, which is held through his thinking on and making of architecture, opens up a field of study about the practice of an architect and the philosophical engagement of architecture.

Protein kinase A and related pathways in the regulation of apolipoprotein E secretion and catalase activity

Guo, Dongni Lily, Centre for Vascular Research, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Cyclic-AMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA) regulates traffic of multiple proteins at different stages along the constitutive secretory pathway. PKA effects are regulated by protein phosphatases, which reverse the actions of PKA by dephosphorylation of PKA-substrates. Localization of specific PKA effects is mediated by the binding of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is an important regulator of lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis, and represents a large proportion of total protein constitutively secreted from macrophages. The signalling and trafficking pathways regulating secretion of apoE are unknown. Catalase is a peroxisomal enzyme which contributes to defence against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The primary hypothesis of this thesis is PKA and related protein phosphatase pathways are involved in the regulation of apoE secretion. The secondary hypothesis is that these pathways also regulate cellular clearance of H2O2. In Chapter Three, I have investigated the role of PKA in apoE secretion from primary human macrophages. Structurally distinct inhibitors of PKA (H89, KT5720, inhibitory peptide PKI14-22) all decreased basal secretion of apoE by between 50-80% whereas apoE mRNA or cellular protein are unaffected. Disruption of PKA-AKAP anchoring also significantly inhibited apoE secretion from human macrophages. Secretion of apoE was not immediately stimulated by PKA activity, suggesting that although PKA activity may be permissive for apoE secretion, it is in itself insufficient to stimulate apoE secretion above basal levels. Data from confocal microscopy and live cell imaging revealed PKA inhibition paralysed apoE vesicular movement from and to the plasma membrane. In Chapter Four, I investigated the effects of protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) inhibition on apoE secretion by cyclosporin A (CsA). This was found to dose- and time-dependently inhibit secretion of apoE from primary human macrophages and increased cellular accumulation of apoE without affecting apoE mRNA levels. The role of PP2B in regulating apoE secretion was confirmed by using additional peptide and chemical inhibitors of PP2B. This effect was independent of the known inhibition of ABCA1 by CsA. Live cell imaging and confocal microscopy all demonstrated that inhibition of PP2B did not affect the apparent cellular distribution of apoE. Biochemical and microscopy studies indicated distinct mechanisms for PKA and PP2B regulation of apoE secretion. Chapter Five identified PKA-anchoring AKAPs in human macrophages, and investigated AKAP220 expression and its role in PKA-dependent processes relevant to atherosclerosis. AKAP220 protein was absent in human monocytes but was detectable after their differentiation into macrophages, with stable expression during late stages of maturation. It was also present in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO) cells. AKAP220 silencing had no effects on lipoprotein cholesteryl ester accumulation, total cellular apoE levels, apoE secretion or cholesterol efflux from human macrophages. Confocal microscopy in CHO cells revealed peroxisomal localisation of AKAP220. Catalase activity was confirmed to be PKA-regulated process, and AKAP220 was found to be a negative regulator of catalase activity, such that cell lysate catalase activity increased during AKAP220 silencing. AKAP220 silencing also decreased basal secretion of H2O2, detected using a sensitive and specific Amplex?? Red assay kit from intact CHO monolayers. In conclusion, this thesis has provided evidence that apoE secretion occurs via PKA- and PP2B-dependent pathways in human macrophages, and has identified the A-kinase anchoring protein AKAP220 as a regulator of cellular H2O2 clearance. These results will provide a basis for future investigations into the roles of PKA-related pathways in apoE secretion and catalase activity.

Protein kinase A and related pathways in the regulation of apolipoprotein E secretion and catalase activity

Guo, Dongni Lily, Centre for Vascular Research, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Cyclic-AMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA) regulates traffic of multiple proteins at different stages along the constitutive secretory pathway. PKA effects are regulated by protein phosphatases, which reverse the actions of PKA by dephosphorylation of PKA-substrates. Localization of specific PKA effects is mediated by the binding of A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is an important regulator of lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis, and represents a large proportion of total protein constitutively secreted from macrophages. The signalling and trafficking pathways regulating secretion of apoE are unknown. Catalase is a peroxisomal enzyme which contributes to defence against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The primary hypothesis of this thesis is PKA and related protein phosphatase pathways are involved in the regulation of apoE secretion. The secondary hypothesis is that these pathways also regulate cellular clearance of H2O2. In Chapter Three, I have investigated the role of PKA in apoE secretion from primary human macrophages. Structurally distinct inhibitors of PKA (H89, KT5720, inhibitory peptide PKI14-22) all decreased basal secretion of apoE by between 50-80% whereas apoE mRNA or cellular protein are unaffected. Disruption of PKA-AKAP anchoring also significantly inhibited apoE secretion from human macrophages. Secretion of apoE was not immediately stimulated by PKA activity, suggesting that although PKA activity may be permissive for apoE secretion, it is in itself insufficient to stimulate apoE secretion above basal levels. Data from confocal microscopy and live cell imaging revealed PKA inhibition paralysed apoE vesicular movement from and to the plasma membrane. In Chapter Four, I investigated the effects of protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) inhibition on apoE secretion by cyclosporin A (CsA). This was found to dose- and time-dependently inhibit secretion of apoE from primary human macrophages and increased cellular accumulation of apoE without affecting apoE mRNA levels. The role of PP2B in regulating apoE secretion was confirmed by using additional peptide and chemical inhibitors of PP2B. This effect was independent of the known inhibition of ABCA1 by CsA. Live cell imaging and confocal microscopy all demonstrated that inhibition of PP2B did not affect the apparent cellular distribution of apoE. Biochemical and microscopy studies indicated distinct mechanisms for PKA and PP2B regulation of apoE secretion. Chapter Five identified PKA-anchoring AKAPs in human macrophages, and investigated AKAP220 expression and its role in PKA-dependent processes relevant to atherosclerosis. AKAP220 protein was absent in human monocytes but was detectable after their differentiation into macrophages, with stable expression during late stages of maturation. It was also present in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO) cells. AKAP220 silencing had no effects on lipoprotein cholesteryl ester accumulation, total cellular apoE levels, apoE secretion or cholesterol efflux from human macrophages. Confocal microscopy in CHO cells revealed peroxisomal localisation of AKAP220. Catalase activity was confirmed to be PKA-regulated process, and AKAP220 was found to be a negative regulator of catalase activity, such that cell lysate catalase activity increased during AKAP220 silencing. AKAP220 silencing also decreased basal secretion of H2O2, detected using a sensitive and specific Amplex?? Red assay kit from intact CHO monolayers. In conclusion, this thesis has provided evidence that apoE secretion occurs via PKA- and PP2B-dependent pathways in human macrophages, and has identified the A-kinase anchoring protein AKAP220 as a regulator of cellular H2O2 clearance. These results will provide a basis for future investigations into the roles of PKA-related pathways in apoE secretion and catalase activity.

Ancoragem em rocha : avaliação da adesão entre nata de cimento e rochas sedimentares em ensaios de laboratório / Anchoring in rock: evaluation of bond strength between cement grout and sedimentary rocks by laboratory tests

Azevedo, Maurício Birkan January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre a determinação do parâmetro de adesão entre nata de cimento e rocha. Este parâmetro é de fundamental importância no dimensionamento de grampos e tirantes ancorados, sistemas de contenção frequentemente executados que utilizam da técnica de ancoragem. Ensaios de arrancamento in loco são comumente realizados para avaliar essa tensão de aderência, no entanto, muitas vezes, apenas se tornam viáveis financeiramente durante a etapa de execução das obras. A metodologia Composite Cylinder Bond Test (CCBT) permite a determinação da adesão de maneira mais simples e com menor custo, por meio de ensaios de laboratório utilizando corpos de prova mistos de rocha e nata de cimento, sendo, por isto, uma interessante alternativa para a etapa de definição paramétrica de projetos. Neste contexto, foram estudadas três litologias sedimentares do município de Caçapava do Sul/RS – aqui chamadas de conglomerado, arenito muito fino e arenito médio – pertencentes à Formação Varzinha. A caracterização dessas litologias foi realizada por meio de lâminas delgadas e outros ensaios de caracterização de laboratório A classificação textural do conglomerado é de conglomerado arenoso, o arenito muito fino é classificado como arenito lamoso e o arenito médio é classificado como arenito. Do ponto de vista composicional, o arenito muito fino é classificado como arcóseo, enquanto o arenito médio é classificado como arcóseo lítico. Noventa ensaios CCBT, além de ensaios de resistência à compressão simples das rochas e da nata de cimento foram realizados. As tensões de adesão médias obtidas dos ensaios de laboratório foram de 2,52 MPa para o conglomerado, 1,84 MPa para o arenito muito fino e 1,43 MPa para o arenito médio. Foi realizada uma avaliação de intervalos de confiança de valores de tensão de adesão, conforme a distribuição t-student. Concluiu-se que não apenas a resistência das rochas influencia nessa capacidade de adesão, mas também a capacidade de absorção d’água e a porosidade. Maiores valores dessas duas propriedades na rocha favorecem a adesão entre os dois materiais. Os valores encontrados em laboratório são compatíveis com dados de literatura de campo em rochas similares. / This dissertation evaluates the determination of the adhesion parameter between cement grout and rock. This parameter is of great importance on design of two systems frequently executed that use the technique of anchoring: rock anchors and bolts. Pull out field tests are commonly carried out to evaluate this bond strength, however, they are normally only economically feasible during the construction stage. The Composite Cylinder Bond Test (CCBT) methodology allows the adhesion determination in a simpler and cheaper way, by laboratory tests using mixed samples of rock and cement grout. Therefore, the CCBT is an interesting alternative to project definition of adhesion values. In this context, three different sedimentary lithologies from Caçapava do Sul/RS, Southern Brazil, were studied. The lithologies – called here as conglomerate, fine sandstone and medium sandstone – belong to Varzinha Formation. The characterization of these lithologies were made by thin sections and characterization laboratory tests The textural classification of the conglomerate was sandy conglomerate, the fine sandstone was classified as muddy sandstone, and the medium sandstone was classified as sandstone. In the view of their composition, the fine sandstone was classified as arkose, while the medium sandstone was classified as lithic arkose. Ninety CCBT tests, besides unconfined compression tests on rock and cement grout specimens were carried out. The average adhesion values obtained from laboratory tests were 2,52 MPa for the conglomerate, 1,84 MPa for the fine sandstone and 1,43 MPa for the medium sandstone. An evaluation of confidence intervals of adhesion was also carried out, according to t-student distribution. It was concluded that the adhesion strength was influenced not only by the unconfined compressive strength of the rocks, but also by their water absorption and porosity. Larger values of these two properties increased the adhesion between the two materials. The values obtained from laboratory tests are compatible with literature field data in similar rocks.

An?lise da sobre-rea??o e sub-rea??o nos ativos de primeira e segunda linha do mercado acion?rio brasileiro

Gomes, Anna Cec?lia Chaves 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnnaCCG_DISSERT.pdf: 494354 bytes, checksum: cc3884ea40667a786d041d6af02a9d7f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / The Behavioral Finance develop as it is perceived anomalies in these markets efficient. This fields of study can be grouped into three major groups: heuristic bias, tying the shape and inefficient markets. The present study focuses on issues concerning the heuristics of representativeness and anchoring. This study aimed to identify the then under-reaction and over-reaction, as well as the existence of symmetry in the active first and second line of the Brazilian stock market. For this, it will be use the Fuzzy Logic and the indicators that classify groups studied from the Discriminant Analysis. The highest present, indicator in the period studied, was the Liabilities / Equity, demonstrating the importance of the moment to discriminate the assets to be considered "winners" and "losers." Note that in the MLCX biases over-reaction is concentrated in the period of financial crisis, and in the remaining periods of statistically significant biases, are obtained by sub-reactions. The latter would be in times of moderate levels of uncertainty. In the Small Caps the behavioral responses in 2005 and 2007 occur in reverse to those observed in the Mid-Large Cap. Now in times of crisis would have a marked conservatism while near the end of trading on the Bovespa speaker, accompanied by an increase of negotiations, there is an overreaction by investors. The other heuristics in SMLL occurred at the end of the period studied, this being a under-reaction and the other a over-reaction and the second occurring in a period of financial-economic more positive than the first. As regards the under / over-reactivity in both types, there is detected a predominance of either, which probably be different in the context in MLCX without crisis. For the period in which such phenomena occur in a statistically significant to note that, in most cases, such phenomena occur during the periods for MLCX while in SMLL not only biases are less present as there is no concentration of these at any time . Given the above, it is believed that while detecting the presence of bias behavior at certain times, these do not tend to appear to a specific type or heuristics and while there were some indications of a seasonal pattern in Mid- Large Caps, the same behavior does not seem to be repeated in Small Caps. The tests would then suggest that momentary failures in the Efficient Market Hypothesis when tested in semistrong form as stated by Behavioral Finance. This result confirms the theory by stating that not only rationality, but also human irrationality, is limited because it would act rationally in many circumstances / As Finan?as Comportamentais desenvolvem-se ? medida em que s?o percebidas anomalias nos ditos mercados eficientes. Seus campos de estudos podem ser reunidos em tr?s grandes grupos: vi?s heur?stico, subordina??o a forma e mercados ineficientes. O presente estudo foca-se em quest?es relativas ?s heur?sticas da representatividade e do ancoramento. O presente trabalho objetivou ent?o identificar a sub-rea??o e sobre-rea??o, assim como a exist?ncia de simetria nos ativos de primeira e segunda linha do mercado acion?rio brasileiro. Para tal foi utilizada a L?gica Fuzzy e os indicadores que classificam os grupos, estudados a partir da An?lise Discriminante. O ?ndice mais presente, nos per?odos estudados, foi o de Exig?vel/Patrim?nio L?quido, demonstrando a import?ncia deste no momento de discriminar os ativos a serem considerados vencedores e perdedores . Nota-se na MLCX que os vieses de sobre-rea??o se concentram no per?odo da crise financeira, sendo que nos demais per?odos, de vieses significantes estatisticamente, s?o obtidas sub-rea??es. Estas ?ltimas se dariam em momentos de n?veis moderados de incertezas. Nas Small Caps as rea??es comportamentais em 2005 e 2007 ocorrem de forma inversa ?s observadas nas Mid-Large Caps. Agora em momentos de crise ter-se-ia um marcado conservadorismo enquanto que nas proximidades do fim do preg?o viva-voz da Bovespa, acompanhado do aumento das negocia??es realizadas, nota-se uma rea??o excessiva por parte dos investidores. As demais heur?sticas nas SMLL ocorreram no final do per?odo em estudo, sendo esta uma de sub e outra de sobre-rea??o e a segunda ocorrendo em um per?odo financeiro-econ?mico mais positivo que a primeira. No que diz respeito a sub/sobre-rea??o em ambos tipos, n?o se detecta a predomin?ncia de nenhum destes, fato que provavelmente seria diferente nas MLCX em um contexto sem crise. Quanto ao per?odo em que tais fen?menos se d?o de forma significante estatisticamente notase que, em sua maioria, tais fen?menos ocorrem nos ?ltimos per?odos para as MLCX enquanto nas SMLL n?o apenas os vieses s?o menos presentes como tamb?m n?o h? concentra??o destes em nenhum per?odo. Diante do exposto, acredita-se que, embora detectese a presen?a de vieses comportamentais em certos per?odos, estes n?o aparentam tender a um tipo espec?fico de heur?stica ou e embora existam alguns ind?cios de uma sazonalidade nas Mid-Lage Caps, este mesmo comportamento n?o parece se repetir nas Small Caps. Os testes realizados sugerem ent?o que haveriam falhas moment?neas na Hip?tese de Mercados Eficientes quando testada em sua forma semi-forte conforme afirmado pelas Finan?as Comportamentais. Este resultado corrobora com a teoria ao afirmar que n?o apenas a racionalidade, mas tamb?m a irracionalidade humana, ? limitada, pois agir-se-ia racionalmente em in?meras circunst?ncias

Ancoragem em rocha : avaliação da adesão entre nata de cimento e rochas sedimentares em ensaios de laboratório / Anchoring in rock: evaluation of bond strength between cement grout and sedimentary rocks by laboratory tests

Azevedo, Maurício Birkan January 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação versa sobre a determinação do parâmetro de adesão entre nata de cimento e rocha. Este parâmetro é de fundamental importância no dimensionamento de grampos e tirantes ancorados, sistemas de contenção frequentemente executados que utilizam da técnica de ancoragem. Ensaios de arrancamento in loco são comumente realizados para avaliar essa tensão de aderência, no entanto, muitas vezes, apenas se tornam viáveis financeiramente durante a etapa de execução das obras. A metodologia Composite Cylinder Bond Test (CCBT) permite a determinação da adesão de maneira mais simples e com menor custo, por meio de ensaios de laboratório utilizando corpos de prova mistos de rocha e nata de cimento, sendo, por isto, uma interessante alternativa para a etapa de definição paramétrica de projetos. Neste contexto, foram estudadas três litologias sedimentares do município de Caçapava do Sul/RS – aqui chamadas de conglomerado, arenito muito fino e arenito médio – pertencentes à Formação Varzinha. A caracterização dessas litologias foi realizada por meio de lâminas delgadas e outros ensaios de caracterização de laboratório A classificação textural do conglomerado é de conglomerado arenoso, o arenito muito fino é classificado como arenito lamoso e o arenito médio é classificado como arenito. Do ponto de vista composicional, o arenito muito fino é classificado como arcóseo, enquanto o arenito médio é classificado como arcóseo lítico. Noventa ensaios CCBT, além de ensaios de resistência à compressão simples das rochas e da nata de cimento foram realizados. As tensões de adesão médias obtidas dos ensaios de laboratório foram de 2,52 MPa para o conglomerado, 1,84 MPa para o arenito muito fino e 1,43 MPa para o arenito médio. Foi realizada uma avaliação de intervalos de confiança de valores de tensão de adesão, conforme a distribuição t-student. Concluiu-se que não apenas a resistência das rochas influencia nessa capacidade de adesão, mas também a capacidade de absorção d’água e a porosidade. Maiores valores dessas duas propriedades na rocha favorecem a adesão entre os dois materiais. Os valores encontrados em laboratório são compatíveis com dados de literatura de campo em rochas similares. / This dissertation evaluates the determination of the adhesion parameter between cement grout and rock. This parameter is of great importance on design of two systems frequently executed that use the technique of anchoring: rock anchors and bolts. Pull out field tests are commonly carried out to evaluate this bond strength, however, they are normally only economically feasible during the construction stage. The Composite Cylinder Bond Test (CCBT) methodology allows the adhesion determination in a simpler and cheaper way, by laboratory tests using mixed samples of rock and cement grout. Therefore, the CCBT is an interesting alternative to project definition of adhesion values. In this context, three different sedimentary lithologies from Caçapava do Sul/RS, Southern Brazil, were studied. The lithologies – called here as conglomerate, fine sandstone and medium sandstone – belong to Varzinha Formation. The characterization of these lithologies were made by thin sections and characterization laboratory tests The textural classification of the conglomerate was sandy conglomerate, the fine sandstone was classified as muddy sandstone, and the medium sandstone was classified as sandstone. In the view of their composition, the fine sandstone was classified as arkose, while the medium sandstone was classified as lithic arkose. Ninety CCBT tests, besides unconfined compression tests on rock and cement grout specimens were carried out. The average adhesion values obtained from laboratory tests were 2,52 MPa for the conglomerate, 1,84 MPa for the fine sandstone and 1,43 MPa for the medium sandstone. An evaluation of confidence intervals of adhesion was also carried out, according to t-student distribution. It was concluded that the adhesion strength was influenced not only by the unconfined compressive strength of the rocks, but also by their water absorption and porosity. Larger values of these two properties increased the adhesion between the two materials. The values obtained from laboratory tests are compatible with literature field data in similar rocks.

Mathematical modelling of the anchoring effect on the underconfidence bias / Modelado matemático del efecto del anclaje sobre el sesgo de subconfianza

Macbeth, Guillermo, Razumiejczyk, Eugenia 25 September 2017 (has links)
The anchoring effect is defined as the tendency of human thought to the fixation on certain pieces of information that affect decision-making. In the same context, the underconfidence bias is understood as an agent’s propensity to underestimate his or her own objective performance. While some aspects of these phenomena are well known, there are no formal models that specifically describe the relationship between both. This paper presents: i) an experiment that illustrates the anchoring effect on the underconfidence bias by both reducing and amplifying such bias in the domain of geographic decision tasks and ii) the foundations of a new mathematical model that promotes precision in the study of the relationship between anchoring and underconfidence. / Se define el efecto de anclaje como la tendencia del pensamiento humano a la fijación endeterminados fragmentos de información que afectan la toma de decisiones. El sesgo de subconfianza, por su parte, se entiende como la propensión de un agente a subestimar su desempeño objetivo. Si bien se conocen algunos aspectos de la interacción entre ambos efectos, no se dispone de modelos formales que describan tal relación específica. Este estudio presenta: i) un experimento que pone en evidencia el efecto que ejerce el anclaje tanto para reducir, como para amplificar la subconfianza en tareas de decisión geográfica y ii) los fundamentos de un modelo matemático novedoso que permite estudiar con mayor precisión la relación del anclaje con la subconfianza

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