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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARCONI SOARES ALEIXO 23 April 2001 (has links)
[pt] O conhecimento do comportamento de solos residuais é de grande importância para projetos geotécnicos no Brasil e, em particular, na região do Rio de Janeiro, tendo em vista que o clima tropical e as características geológicas favorecem a ocorrência de mantos residuais de grande espessura. O presente trabalho trata do estudo do comportamento tensão-deformação de um solo residual proveniente de um perfil de alteração de rocha gnáissica do maciço da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Como os solos residuais gnáissicos preservam as foliações herdadas da rocha matriz, investigou-se em particular a relevância de se considerar a ocorrência de anisotropia nas características de resistência e deformabilidade destes solos. No estudo foi utilizado o equipamento triaxial cúbico desenvolvido na PUC-Rio. Este equipamento possibilita o controle independente das três tensões principais, sendo mais adequado para a reprodução das trajetórias de tensões tridimensionais, usualmente associadas com obras geotécnicas no campo, e em particular, para estudos sobre as características de anisotropia de solos. O programa experimental constou de ensaios de compressão axial e hidrostática, sob condições drenadas de carregamento, utilizando o equipamento triaxial cúbico. Foram realizados também ensaios oedométricos convencionais, de modo a se obter as características de compressibilidade do solo. Foram moldados corpos de prova a partir de blocos indeformados, paralelos e perpendiculares à foliação observada no solo, o que possibilitou a análise dos resultados para direções distintas de carregamento. Para efeito de comparação sobre a relevância do arranjo estrutural dos grãos do solo, foram ensaiados também corpos de prova compactados dos mesmos materiais. A análise dos resultados permitiu a obtenção dos módulos de deformabilidade e dos parâmetros de resistência do solo residual. Em particular, foram verificados os efeitos da direção de carregamento dos corpos de prova, do nível das tensões de confinamento, do grau de intemperismo, do arranjo estrutural dos grãos e dos efeitos do grau de saturação. Pode-se concluir que os solos estudados não apresentaram efeitos marcantes de anisotropia nas características de resistência. No entanto, quanto à deformabilidade, pode-se considerar que o solo residual jovem apresentou características anisotrópicas. / [en] The knowledge of the mechanical behaviour of residual soils is of great importance in geotechnical projects, because of its abundance in tropical regions, such as Brazil and particularly in the area of Rio de Janeiro. The present work presents a study on the fundamental stress-strain behaviour of a residual soil resulting from a profile of a gneiss rock in Rio de Janeiro. As the gneiss residual soils preservethe bedding planes from the parent rock, the relevance of considering anisotropy in the stress- strain characteristics of these soils was investigated. The cubic triaxial equipment developed at PUC-Rio was used in this research. This equipment allows the independent control of the three principal stresses, allowing the reprodution of three-dimensional stress paths, usually associated with geotechnical works in the field. The experimental program consisted of axial and hidrostatic tests, under drained loading conditions, using the cubic triaxial equipment. One- dimensional oedometer tests were also performed, in order to obtain the compressibility characteristics of the residual soil. Undisturbed specimens were prepared with the bedding planes parallel or perpendicular to the loading direction. Analysis of the test results showed the effects of load direction, confining stress level, weathering degree, structural soil fabric and saturation degree. It may be concluded that the gneiss residual soils which were selected for this research do not present significant effects of anisotropy in the strength characteristics. In the stress- strain characteristics, however, it may be concluded that the young residual soil showed effects of anisotropy. / [es] EL conocimiento sobre el comportamiento de suelos residuales resulta de gran importancia para los proyectos geotécnicos en Brasil y, en particular, en la región de Rio de Janeiro, considerando que el clima tropical y las características geológicas favorecen la existencia de mantos residuales de gran espesor. El presente trabajo estudia el comportamiento tensión-deformación de un suelo residual proveniente de un perfil de alteración de roca gnáisica del macizo de la Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Como los suelos residuales gnáisicos preservan las foliaciones heredadas de la roca matriz, fue necesario estudiar si resultaba relevante considerar la aparición de anisotropía en las características de resistencia y deformabilidad de estos suelos. En el estudio se utilizó el equipo triaxial cúbico desarrollado en la PUC-Rio. Este equipo permite el control independente de las tres tensiones principales, siendo más adecuado para la reproducción de las trayectorias de tensiones tridimensionales, usualmente asociadas a obras geotécnicas en el campo, y en particular, para estudios sobre las características de anisotropía de suelos. El programa experimental incluyó ensayos de compresión axial e hidrostática, sobre condiciones drenadas de carga, utilizando el equipo triaxial cúbico. Fueron realizados también ensayos oedométricos convencionales, con el objetivo de obtener las características de compresibilidad del suelo. Fueron moldados cuerpos de prueba a partir de bloques no deformados, paralelos y perpendiculares a la foliación observada en el suelo, lo que permitió el análisis de los resultados para distintas direcciones de carga. Para efecto de comparación sobre la relevancia del arreglo extructural de los granos del suelo, se realizaron ensayos con cuerpos de prueba compactados de los mismos materiales. El análisis de los resultados permitió la obtención de los módulos de deformabilidad y de los parámetros de resistencia del suelo residual. En particular, se verificaron los efectos de la dirección de carga de los cuerpos de prueba, del nível de las tensiones de contensión, del grado de intemperización, de la disposición extructural de los granos y de los efectos del grado de saturación. Se puede concluir que los suelos estudiados no presentaran efectos marcantes de anisotropía en las características de resistencia. Sin embargo, con respecto a la deformabilidad, se puede considerar que el suelo residual joven presentó características anisotrópicas.

Modélisation multi-échelle du comportement hydro-méchanique des roches argileuses / Multi-scale modelling of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of argillaceuous rocks

Van Den Eijnden, Bram 13 July 2015 (has links)
Les études de faisabilité concernant le stockage géologique profond des déchets radioactifs ont conduit un intérêt accru concernant la modélisation géomécanique de la roche hte. En France, une roche hte potentielle est l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien du site de Meuse/Haute Marne. Etant donné que le principe de stockage géologique profond repose fortement sur la capacité de confinement de la formation hte, sa faible perméabilité est d'une importance clé. La perméabilité étant dépendante de la microstructure du matériau et de son évolution sous chargement, le comportement couplé hydro-mécanique de l'argilite est important. En effet, des modifications mécaniques sont induites par le creusement de la galerie d'entreposage, générant une zone endommagée (EDZ), pouvant conduire une modification de la perméabilité dans le voisinage de la galerie. Dans les matériaux microstructure complexe comme l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien, le comportement macroscopique trouve son origine dans l'interaction des constituants micro-mécaniques. En plus du couplage entre le comportement hydraulique et mécanique, un couplage entre les échelles micro et macro existe. Par le biais de l'élaboration d'un cadre d'homogénéisation du couplage hydro-mécanique, une approche de modélisation deuxéchelles est développée dans ce travail, dans laquelle la relation constitutive macroscopique découle directement du comportement à l'échelle microscopique. Un modèle existant du couplage hydro-mécanique, reposant sur l'identification de grains et d'espaces poreux intergranulaires à l'échelle micro est adopté comme point de départ. Ce modèle repose sur une homogénéisation numérique du comportement à la petite échelle afin d'obtenir à l'échelle macroscopique la réponse en contrainte et de transport du fluide interstitiel. Ce modèle est basé sur un VER périodique qui permet de déduire le comportement macroscopique local de l'argilite. En réponse, en un point d'intégration macro donné, à un incrément de la déformation et du gradient de pression, la réponse du VER permet d'exprimer l'incrément de contrainte et de flux associé, constituant de fait un équivalent numérique de la relation constitutive. Les problèmes aux conditions limites macro et micro sont traités simultanément par la méthode élément fini. Pour obtenir les opérateurs tangents consistants à l'échelle macro, la méthode d'homogénéisation par condensation statique des opérateurs tangeants micro est étendu au cas avec couplage hydro-mécanique. L'implémentation du modèle double échelle et la mise en uvre des développements théoriques d'homogénéisation ont été effectués dans le code élément fini Lagamine (Université de Liège). Pour la modélisation de la localisation de la déformation à l'échelle macro, qui, dans un formalisme de milieu continu classique, souffre de la dépendance au maillage, l'approche double-échelle a été utilisée dans un formalisme de milieu enrichi de type milieu de second gradient pour matériau poreux saturé. Les capacités du modèle homogénéisé numériquement, utilisé dans un cadre de milieu de second gradient, sont ensuite démontrées par des simulations d'essais dométriques et d'essais de compression biaxiaux. L'approche se confirme être un moyen puissant pour modéliser l'anisotropie initiale et induite du comportement mécanique et du comportement hydraulique. Pour la modélisation du comportement de l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien, des VER sont construits en tenant compte des travaux de caractérisation de la géométrie des inclusions microscopiques et des résultats expérimentaux d'essais macroscopiques.La loi de comportement homogénéisée numériquement ainsi calibrée est utilisée dans des simulations de creusement de galerie jusqu'à des niveaux d'endommagement générant une localisation de la déformation.Ces calculs montrent à la fois la pertinence et l'applicabilité du concept double échelle pour l'évaluation du comportement hydromécanique des EDZ dans un contexte du stockage des déchets radioactifs. / Feasibility studies for deep geological radioactive waste disposal facilities have led to an increased interest in the geomechanical modelling of its host rock. In France, a potential host rock is the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. The low permeability of this material is of key importance, as the principal of deep geological disposal strongly relies on the sealing capacity of the host formation. The permeability being coupled to the mechanical material state, hydromechanical coupled behaviour of the claystone becomes important when mechanical alterations are induced by gallery excavation in the so-called excavation damaged zone (EDZ). In materials with microstructure such as the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Robinet et al., 2012], the macroscopic behaviour has its origin in the interaction of its mi- cromechanical constituents. In addition to the coupling between hydraulic and mech- anical behaviour, a coupling between the micro (material microstructure) and macro will be made. By means of the development of a framework of computational homo- genization for hydromechanical coupling, a doublescale modelling approach is formu- lated, for which the macroscale constitutive relations are derived from the microscale by homogenization. An existing model for the modelling of hydromechanical coupling based on the distinct definition of grains and intergranular pore space [Frey, 2010] is adopted and modified to enable the application of first order computational homogenization for obtaining macroscale stress and fluid transport responses. This model is used to constitute a periodic representative elementary volume (REV) that allows the rep- resentation of the local macroscopic behaviour of the claystone. As a response to deformation loading, the behaviour of the REV represents the numerical equivalent of a constitutive relation at the macroscale. For the required consistent tangent operators, the framework of computational homogenization by static condensation [Kouznetsova et al., 2001] is extended to hy- dromechanical coupling. The theoretical developments of this extension are imple- mented in the finite element code Lagamine (Li` ege) as an independent constitutive relation. For the modelling of localization of deformation, which in classical FE meth- ods suffers from the well-known mesh dependency, the doublescale approach of hy- dromechanical coupling is combined with a local second gradient model [Collin et al., 2006] to control the internal length scale of localized deformation. By accepting the periodic boundary conditions as a regularization of the microscale deformation, the use of the multiscale model in combination with the local second gradient model can be used for modelling localization phenomena in HM-coupled settings with material softening. The modelling capacities of the approach are demonstrated by means of simula- tions of oedometer tests and biaxial compression tests. The approach is demonstrated to be a powerful way to model anisotropy in the mechanical as well as the hydraulic behaviour of the material both in the initial material state and as an effect of hy- dromechanical alterations. For the application to the modelling of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone, microstructural REVs are calibrated to geometrical characteristics of the inclusion that form the microstructure under consideration and to macroscale ex- perimental results of the mechanical behaviour. The calibrated constitutive relation is used in the simulation of gallery excavation processes. These computations give a proof of concept of the doublescale assessment of the hydromechanical behaviour of the excavation damaged zones around galleries in the context of nuclear waste disposal.

Propriétés magnétiques du système Pt/Co/AlOx et ses variations sous champ électrique / Electric field effect on magnetic properties of Pt/Co/AlOx trilayers

Schott, Marine 26 October 2017 (has links)
Un des challenges actuels dans le domaine de la spintronique est son extension vers des systèmes dits de nanospintronique, où les dimensions sont réduites à l’échelle du nanomètre, avec comme système modèle un nano-aimant unique. La découverte de nouveaux moyens pour contrôler l’aimantation dans ces nano-aimants, pourrait avoir des applications pour les technologies de l’information. Dans le cadre de cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement aux nouveaux effets liés à l’accumulation de charges électriques au sein de films magnétiques ultraminces, aussi appelés effets de champ électrique. Nous avons étudié l’effet de l’application d’un champ électrique sur les différents paramètres magnétiques propres à nos films, via des mesures de magnéto-transport et magnéto-optique. Ces mesures ont été conduites sur une tri-couche de Pt/Co/AlOx présentant un gradient d’oxydation pour l’alumine. L’oxydation de cette interface étant contrôlée à l’échelle nanométrique, une large gamme de paramètres magnétiques est donc accessible au sein d’un seul et même échantillon. Ceci représente un très bon outil d’étude pour les différents phénomènes intervenant dans ces tri-couches. La caractérisation fine de ces échantillons a permis de mettre en évidence une zone pour laquelle des propriétés très intéressantes ont été observées (domaines spontanément désaimantés, bulles skyrmioniques). La proximité de la température de Curie (Tc) de cette zone avec la température de mesure (ambiante) en est la cause principale. Ces bulles skyrmioniques font actuellement l’objet de beaucoup de recherche au niveau national et international, étant considérées comme potentiellement très attractives pour des applications de type mémoire et logique magnétique. L’originalité de ce travail de thèse a été de montrer que ces bulles skyrmioniques sont fortement influencées par le champ électrique, dû au fort contrôle des propriétés magnétiques de cette zone (anisotropie, champ coercitif, aimantation à saturation, facteur DMI). Nous proposons le design d’un interrupteur nanométrique permettant de créer ou effacer ces bulles skyrmioniques grâce à un champ électrique, levant ainsi un verrou important pour la mémoire/logique magnétique basée sur ces bulles skyrmioniques. La potentialité de ces nouveaux effets pour réaliser un renversement ’aimantation/une création de bulles skyrmioniques, assistés par champ électrique, a été étudiée à des plages de températures et d’anisotropies adaptées pour ces applications (température ambiante). / A current challenge in the field of spintronics is the development of functional nanospintronics systems, in which the dimensions of the device are confined to the nanometer scale. The model system is called a single nano-magnet. New possible routes to control its magnetisation could be useful for many applications, in particular, those in the area of information technology. During this PhD, we chose to study the particular effects that are linked to the electric charge accumulation in the nano-magnet. This effect, also known as the electric field effect, were studied on the different magnetic properties of our films. They were probed by magneto-transport and magnetooptical measurements. These measurements were conducted on asymmetric Pt/Co/AlOx trilayers. These structures were sputter-deposited on a wedge shape for the alumina. This leadingto a nanometric control of the oxidation degree of the interface. Then, a wide range of magnetic parameters is available on a unique sample. Systematic caracterization of these structures showed an interesting zone for magnetic properties (spontaneous striped domains, skyrmionic bubbles). The observation of this type of magnetic object is directly linked to the weak Curie temperature(Tc) of this zone (close to room temperature. Skyrmionic bubbles are subject to lots of international studies. They are potentially attractive for memories or logic devices development. The key result of this PhD was to show the strong dependence of magnetic skymionic bubbles with electric field application. The full electrical switch of these objects has been achieved, due to the strong electrical control of the different magnetic properties. To induce electric-field assisted magnetisation reversal/skyrmionic bubbles nucleation, studies were performed for an adapted range of temperatures and anisotropies (room temperature).

Modelling and improvement of complex nonlinear plasmonic waveguides / Modélisation et amélioration des guides d'onde plasmoniques non-linéaires complexes

Elsawy, Mahmoud Mohamed Reda Ahmed 28 September 2017 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de développer les outils numériques et semi-analytiques qui nous permettent d’étudier des guides non-linéaires complexes et réalistes qui pourraient être fabriqués et caractérisés expérimentalement.Nous présentons une étude complète d’une version améliorée du guide d’onde plasmonique non-linéaire à une dimension, en ajoutant deux couches tampons de diélectrique linéaire entre le cœur non-linéaire isotrope et les deux gaines métalliques. Ses couches réduisent les pertes et permettent leur diminution avec la puissance contrairement aux guides simples. De plus, les principaux modes plasmoniques non-linéaires peuvent présenter une transition spatiale vers des modes de types différents, qui peut être contrôlée par la puissance.Par la suite, nous étudions un nouveau guide plasmonique non-linéaire à fente utilisant un métamatériau, soit dans le cœur non-linéaire soit dans les gaines linéaires. Nous avons mis au point une méthode semi-analytique et une méthode numérique afin d’étudier les solutions stationnaires non-linéaires dans ce nouveau guide non-linéaire anisotrope. Nous avons montré analytiquement et numériquement que le cœur non-linéaire anisotrope peut être conçu afin d’atteindre de forts effets non-linéaires à faible puissance. Pour certains métamatériaux dans les gaines linéaires, la figure de mérite de ce guide d’onde augmente de plus de 50 fois par rapport aux guides isotropes.Pour conclure, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode basée sur la méthode des éléments finis de type vectoriel couplée à l’algorithme à puissance fixée pouvant calculer rigoureusement les effets non-linéaires dans des guides d’onde plasmoniques 2D. / The main goal of this PhD is to develop the semi-analytical and the numerical tools that allow us to study complicated and realistic nonlinear plasmonic waveguides which can be fabricated and characterized experimentally.First, we present a full study of an improved version of the one-dimensional nonlinear plasmonic slot waveguide, by adding two linear dielectric buffer layers between the isotropic nonlinear core and the two metal claddings. These additional layers reduce the overall losses and allow the losses to decrease with the power for some configurations unlike the usual slot. Furthermore, the main plasmonic modes can exhibit nonlinear spatial modal transitions towards new families of modes that can be controlled with the power.Second, we propose and study new one-dimensional nonlinear plasmonic slot waveguides with metamaterial regions either in the nonlinear core or in the linear claddings. For the metamaterial nonlinear core, we developed semi-analytical and fully numerical methods in order to study the nonlinear stationary solutions propagating in this anisotropic nonlinear waveguide. We have demonstrated both analytically and numerically that the anisotropic nonlinear core can be designed in order to achieve strong nonlinear effects at low power.For the structures with metamaterial linear claddings, the figure of merit can be extremely enhanced by more than 50 times compared with the simple one. Finally, we present the full derivation of a new nonlinear full vectorial finite element method based on the fixed power algorithm in order to quantify rigorously the nonlinear characteristics of realistic two-dimensional nonlinear plasmonic structures.

Simulação numérica para difusão anisotrópica / Numerical simulation to anisotropic diffusion

Samuel Lima Picanço 15 September 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de construir um modelo computacional utilizando o método dos volumes finitos para malhas não-estruturadas, a fim de se calcular a carga hidráulica num meio poroso, considerando este meio não homogêneo e anisotrópico. A anisotropia é uma característica de muitos materiais encontrados na natureza e depende da propriedade estudada no meio. Primeiramente apresenta-se a dedução da equação do transporte advectivo dispersivo e a formulação matemática para a equação de Laplace, esta última utilizada para o cálculo da carga hidráulica. Em seguida, apresenta-se o algoritmo de solução de um programa computacional em linguagem C++ que permite calcular a velocidade do fluxo em cada face de um volume de controle. Finalmente são feitos vários testes para validação do código computacional utilizado, o que levou a crer que o método utilizado é eficaz para os tipos de malhas testados, apresentando algumas diferenças quanto ao erro da solução. / The present work build a computational model using the finite volumes method for unstructured meshes, with the purpose of calculating the hydraulic load in a porous medium, considering it material non - homogeneous and anisotropic. The Anisotropy is a characteristic of many materials found in the nature and it depends on the property studied in this material. First, we present the deduction of the equation of advective-dispersive transport and the mathematical formulation for the Laplaces equation, this last one used for the calculation of the hydraulic load. Soon afterwards, we present the solution algorithm of a computational program in the C++ language that allows to calculate the speed of the flow in each face of the control volume. Finally several tests for validation of the code are made, which makes it that the plausible to assume method is effective for the types of meshes tested, presenting some differences for the wrong solution.

Investigations and Stabilization of Vortex States in Cobalt and Permalloy Nanorings in Contact with Nanowires

Lal, Manohar January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Magnetic nanorings are the object of increasing scientific interest because they possess the vortex (stray field free) state which ensures lower magnetostatic interactions between adjacent ring elements in high packing density memory devices. In addition, they have other potential applications such as single magnetic nanoparticle sensors, microwave-frequency oscillators and data processing. The stabilization of magnetization state, types of domains and domain wall structures depends on the competing energies such as magnetostatic, exchange and anisotropy. The nucleation/ pinning of domain walls depends on the local inhomogeneity in shape such as roughness, notches etc, which play an important role in stabilizing domain configurations that can be controlled by magnetic field/spin polarized current etc. The information gained by the study of magnetization reversal in the nanoring devices could help in understanding the possible stable magnetization states, which can be incorporated into the development of magnetic logic and recording devices in a NR-based architecture. The magnetization reversal and the stable states in the symmetric cobalt nanorings (NRs) attached with nanowires (NWs) (at diametrically opposite points), is studied through magnetoresistance (MR) measurements by application of in-plane magnetic field (H). Here, a strong in-plane shape anisotropy is introduced in cobalt thin films by patterning them into NR and NWs. The presence or absence of a DW in the device is detected utilizing the AMR property of the material, where the presence of DW leads to a decrease in the resistance of the probed section of the device. It is demonstrated that the magnetization reversal of the device with smaller width, proceeds through four distinct magnetization states, one of these is the stabilized vortex state that persists over a field range of 0.730 kOe. The effect of width (from 70 nm to 1 µm) and diameter (from 2 µm to 6 µm) on the switching behavior is demonstrated. The magnetization states observed in the MR measurements are well supported by micromagnetic simulations. A statistical analysis of switching fields in these devices was demonstrated by histogram plot (of switching counts) to understand the repeatability and reproducibility of switching characteristics. In addition, the magnetization reversal of permalloy NR is also studied by MR experiment when two NWs are attached to it in two different configurations. It has been demonstrated that a vortex state can be stabilized if the NWs are attached in a way that they are at an obtuse angle with respect to each other (type-II device) which is not the case if the NWs are attached at diametrically opposite points (type-I device). This occurs because the NWs reverse at different fields as they are asymmetric with respect to applied magnetic field at every angle. The angular dependence study of the magnetization states indicates that the vortex state could be always stabilized in the type-II device irrespective of the direction of in-plane applied magnetic field while it is not the case in type-I device. The experimental observations are in good agreement with micromagnetic simulations performed on similar device structures. Further, in the last part of the thesis, the magnetization reversal of geometrically engineered cobalt NR (of width 80 nm) devices are studied by application of H. Two types of cobalt nanoring devices were fabricated. In type-1 devices the NR is attached with two nanowires (NWs) at diametrically opposite positions. In type-2 devices the NR is attached with one NW, whose other end is attached to a 5 µm x 5 µm square pad. In type-2 device, the pad reverses first, thus causing the generation of a DW at the junction of the nucleation pad and the NW. The device type-2 possesses five distinct magnetization states, one of these is the vortex state. Easy nucleation of domain walls (DWs) results in a decrease of switching field corresponding to the reversal of the nanowire. This leads to an increase in the range of fields, where the vortex state exists. In addition, angular dependence of the switching behavior indicates that the vortex state can be stabilized at all in-plane orientations of H. This occurs because of the fact that symmetry was broken due to the presence of single domain wall pinning center which was the junction of the NR and NW. The results of our micromagnetic simulations are in a good agreement with the experimental results. These results are important to understand the role of NWs which allows the formation of vortex state at every angle of the in-plane H. In type-1 device, the simulation shows that when the field is applied at any angle away from the axis of the NW, the vortex state cannot be stabilized. The width dependent study of switching fields indicates, that the switching fields decrease with increasing the width of NR devices due to a reduction of the demagnetization field.

Recherche sur les propriétés supraconductrices des supraconducteurs à base de Fer 122 par mesure de transport et microscopie à squid / The superconducting properties research of iron based-122 by transport and scanning micro-squid measurements

Wang, Zhao-Sheng 26 May 2012 (has links)
Plus de vingt ans après la découverte de la supraconductivité à haute température critique, le mécanisme physique sous-jacente n'est pas encore bien cerné. En 2008, la découverte d'une nouvelle famille de supraconducteurs à haute température critique, les supraconducteurs à base de fer, a donné l'espoir de trouver une compréhension plus profonde des mécanismes de ce type de supraconductivité. Synthétiser des l'échantillons de grande qualité, la caractérisation des propriétés supraconductrices, l'étude des symétrices du gap et du paramètre d'ordre sont des étapes essentielles pour révéler le mécanisme. La connaissance précise du mécanisme permettra de profiter pleinement des propriétés remarquables de ces matériaux dans leurs applications industrielles si prometteuses. La thèse décrit d'abord la croissance de monocristaux de Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ et l'étude de leurs propriétés supraconductrices, menant vers la proposition d'une structure de gap du supraconducteur et d'un paramètre d'ordre pour les supraconducteurs à base de fer Ba-122 à partir de mesures de résistivité, de sondes à effect Hall, de spectroscopie d'Andreev en mode point-contact et de l'imagerie magnétique par la microscopie à nano-squid.Dans le chapitre 1, les événements historiques les plus marquants de la supraconductivité sont rappelés, les propriétés essentielles des supraconducteurs et le dévelopment des théories de la supraconductivité sont esquissés avant de présenter brièvement la découverte des supraconducteurs à base de fer et de donner un aperçu des questions actuelles de recherche dans ce domaine.Dans le chapitre 2, la procédure de croissance de monocristaux de Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ par la méthode de "self-flux", leur caractérisation par diffraction et par l'analyse de dispersion d'énergie des rayons X et la sensibilité des mesures de résistivité et de susceptibilité AC sont décrites. Puis nous présentons quelques résultats des mesures de la résistivité dépendante de la température de monocristaux du composé Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ (0,23 $\leq x \leq$ 0,4) sous champs magnétiques allant jusqu'à 9 T et dépendante de l'angle.Dans le chapitre 3, nous exposons quelques points essentiels du système de mesure à base de sonde de Hall que nous avons construit. Ensuite, nous présentons des mesures d'aimantation locale et globale sur des polycristaux de SmFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ synthétisés à haute pression, et de monocristaux de Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ effectuées par sonde de Hall et VSM.Dans le chapitre 4, nous donnons une brève introduction à la spectroscopie d'Andreev en mode point-contact, puis nous appliquons cette technique à des monocristaux de Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ et à une série de monocristaux de BaFe$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$As$_2$ couvrant une large gamme de dopage.Dans le chapitre 5, le développement d'un microscope de force à nano-SQUID et les mesures effectuées sur un film Rhénium d'épaisseur de 80 nm sont présentés. Le microscope peut acquérir des images topographiques et magnétiques simultanément. La plage de balayage maximale à 0.8 K est de \unit{70} {\micro\meter} $\times$ \unit{85}{\micro\meter} et sa résolution magnétique est d'environ $1,5 \times10^{-4}\Phi_0/\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}$. Dans le chapitre 6, nous présentons quelques résultats des mesures de $\lambda$ par imagerie par microscopie de force à nano-squid sur des monocristaux de Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_2$As$_2$, couvrant tout le diagramme de phase. Sur les m\^{e}mes cristaux ont été effectuées des mesures du premier champ critique, de la variation de fréquence d'un oscillateur à diode tunnel et de la capacité calorifique.Enfin, au chapitre 7, un résumé détaillé et critique est présenté. / More than twenty years after the discovery of high temperature superconductors, the underlying physical mechanism is still not well understood. In 2008, the discovery of a new family of high temperature superconductors, the iron-based superconductors, provided us a new chance to understand the high temperature superconductivity. Synthesizing high quality sample, detecting the basic superconducting properties, the gap structure and order parameter symmetry are essential steps in revealing the mechanism and application of new superconductors. This dissertation describes the growth of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystals and the study of superconducting properties, gap structure and order parameter on Ba-122 iron-based superconductors with resistivity, Hall probe, point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy and scanning nano-squid microscopy measurements. Some historical events concerning superconductivity are recalled, and some key properties and theories of superconductivity are presented in Chapter 1. Then we will briefly introduce the discovery and current research situation of the iron-based superconductors. In Chapter 2, the growth procedure of Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystals with self-flux method, and the characterization of the crystals with diffraction and energy dispersive analysis of x-ray, AC susceptibility and resistivity measurements are described. Then we report some results from temperature dependent resistivity measurements on Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ (0.23 $\leq x \leq$ 0.4) single crystals in magnetic fields up to 9 T and angle dependent resistivity measurements on Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystals. In Chapter 3, we introduce some details about a Hall probe measurement system we built. Then we present local and global magnetization measurements on high pressure SmFeAsO$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ polycrystals and Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystals with Hall probe and VSM.In Chapter 4, we give a brief introduction about point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy, then we report the measurements on Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ single crystal and a series of electron-doped BaFe$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$As$_2$ single crystals over a wide doping range.In Chapter 5, the development of a scanning nano-SQUID force microscope and measurements performed on a 80 nm Rhenium film are presented. The microscope can take topographic and magnetic images simultaneously. The maximal scanning range is \unit{70}{\micro\meter} $\times$ \unit{85}{\micro\meter} and the magnetic resolution is about $1.5 \times10^{-4}\Phi_0/\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}$. In Chapter 6, we present some results from lower critical field, tunnel diode oscillator, heat capacity and scanning nano-squid microscopy measurements on systematic doped Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ single crystals..Finally, in Chapter 7, a detailed summary is presented.

Fabricação e caracterização metalográfica e mecânica de tiras de ligas metálicas fundidas e tixolaminadas no estado semi-sólido de diferentes intervalos de solidificação /

Yamasaki, Márcio Iuji. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio de Pádua Lima Filho / Banca: João Batista Campos Silva / Banca: Alcides Padilha / Resumo: É apresentado um estudo experimental da laminação de tiras fundidas a partir do material semi-sólido obtido na calha de resfriamento que alimenta continuamente um laminador duo. Os cilindros do laminador estão posicionados horizontalmente e podem ser operados na velocidade de 0,25 m/s, 0,47 m/s, 0,73 m/s e 1,07 m/s. A velocidade de 0,25 m/s produziu uma tira de melhor qualidade. Ligas hipoeutéticas Pb/Sn (Pb-30%Sn, Pb-40%Sn, Pb-50%Sn) e próxima ao ponto eutético (Pb-63%Sn), respectivamente, com intervalo de solidificação de 75 °C, 56 °C, 31 °C e 6 °C de acordo com o diagrama de fases, foram utilizadas nos ensaios experimentais para obter tiras semi-sólidas fundidas e tixoconformadas para comparação. As diversas simulações usando as ligas de Pb/Sn têm revelado a importância do intervalo de solidificação e temperatura de vazamento da liga, da velocidade dos cilindros, da temperatura do bocal junto ao cilindro inferior, da superfície de acabamento dos cilindros e da geometria da panela intermediária (tundish), sobre a qualidade do produto final. A liga Pb-30%Sn com alto intervalo de solidificação em comparação com outras ligas testadas, apresentou maior dificuldade para ser tixolaminada. Isso ocorreu, porque as ligas de alto intervalo de solidificação tendem a formar trincas à quente no final da solidificação. Como resultado, uma pasta metálica plástica é difícil de formar. O caminho provável para obter uma tira semi-sólida fundida de boa qualidade neste caso, é aplicar uma inoculação que produz grãos finos antes do vazamento. O controle para a tixolaminação empregando a liga Sn-37%Pb com intervalo de solidificação menor, e elevada fluidez, é mais rigoroso para obter uma tira contínua. Conseqüentemente, foram utilizadas diferentes temperaturas de vazamento (260, 240 e 220 ºC) para controlar a fluidez e obter o tempo de contato... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This is an experimental study of cast strip rolling from semi-solid material employing a cooling slope which continuously feeds a rolling mill. The cylinders of the rolling mill are positioned horizontally and can be operated at speeds of 0.25 m/s, 0.47 m/s, 0.73 m/s and 1.07 m/s. The lower speed of 0,25 m/s produces a strip of better quality. Hypoeutectic Pb/Sn alloys (Pb-30%Sn, Pb-40%Sn, Pb-50%Sn) and near eutectic point alloys (Pb-63%Sn), with solidification intervals of 75°C, 56°C, 31°C and 6°C respectively, according to the phase diagram, were used in experimental tests to obtain cast semi-solid and thixorolled strips for comparison. Simulations highlighted the necessary control parameters required to obtain good quality of the strip. These were: control alloy solidification interval, pouring temperature, roll speeds, ceramic nozzle temperature at the lower roll, quality of the roll surface finishing and tundish geometry. The Pb-30%Sn alloy, which has a much higher solidification interval in comparison with the other alloys tested, was difficult to thixoroll. This is because alloys with a high solidification interval tend to form hot tears at the end of solidification, and prevent a plastic metallic mush from forming. The probable solution to obtaining a semi-solid fused strip of good quality with this material, is to apply an inoculation that produces fine grains just before the pouring. In contrast, the parameter control for thixorolling of the Sn-37%Pb alloy, with lesser solidification interval and elevated fluidity, needed to be rigorous to obtain a continuous strip. Consequently, several pouring temperatures (260, 240 and 220ºC) were used to vary the fluidity and obtain sufficient alloy-inferior cylinder contact time for complete solidification. The strips obtained by the twin and single roll processing, and conventional rolling were characterized... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Avaliação por imagem por tensor de difusão do corpo caloso em pacientes com epilepsia mesial temporal e esclerose hipocampal / Diffusion tensor imaging of the CC of patients with mesial temporal epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis

Katarina Paz de Lyra 23 June 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial (ELTM) por esclerose hipocampal (EH) é a forma de epilepsia focal mais comum na idade adulta e a causa mais frequente de refratariedade ao tratamento clínico. Apesar de se tratar de uma patologia da substância cinzenta, alguns estudos, por meio da imagem por tensor de difusão (diffusion tensor imaging-DTI), têm demonstrado alteração da substância branca temporal e extratemporal nestes pacientes. O corpo caloso (CC) é a maior comissura cerebral conectando áreas corticais homólogas de ambos os hemisférios cerebrais e tem sido implicado na propagação da atividade epiléptica. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi avaliar possíveis alterações no CC de pacientes com ELTM-EH pela técnica de DTI e verificar se essas dependem da lateralidade da EH e da concordância entre os exames de ressonância magnética (RM) e os exames de vídeo-eletroencefalograma (EEG). Como objetivo secundário, também avaliou-se se estas alterações se correlacionavam com alguma variável clínica ou com as medidas volumétricas do CC. MÉTODOS: 42 pacientes com ELTM-EH (idades: 20-54 anos) e 30 voluntários saudáveis como grupo controle (idades: 18-53 anos) realizaram exame de RM de crânio, sendo obtidas sequências de DTI com 32 direções de gradiente e imagens volumétricas ponderadas em T1. Os pacientes foram também divididos em subgrupos: EH à direita e EH à esquerda, e em pacientes concordantes e discordantes. Os valores de anisotropia fracionada (AF), difusividade média (DM), difusividade axial (DA), difusividade radial (DR) e os dados volumétricos foram extraídos a partir de cinco segmentos obtidos automaticamente na secção sagital do CC. Foram realizadas comparações dos parâmetros de DTI no CC entre os grupos de pacientes e controles, e entre os subgrupos de pacientes. Foram investigadas correlações entre os parâmetros do tensor de difusão e as variáveis clínicas. As alterações volumétricas no CC dos pacientes com ELTM-EH bem como a correlação dessas alterações com as anormalidades de difusão também foram avaliadas. Considerou-se um valor de p < 0,05 como estatisticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: Nas regiões anterior, médio-posterior e posterior do CC dos pacientes, observaram-se redução da AF e aumento da DM e da DR, em relação aos controles. A DA manteve-se inalterada. Não foram demonstradas diferenças nos padrões de alteração de difusão entre os pacientes com EH à direita e com EH à esquerda, nem entre pacientes concordantes e discordantes. Não foram observadas correlações significativas entre os parâmetros do tensor de difusão com a idade ao evento inicial, idade de início da epilepsia, tempo de doença, tempo de epilepsia, período de latência e frequência de crises. No entanto, pacientes que apresentaram crise febril como evento precipitante inicial exibiram maior intensidade e extensão das alterações de difusão. Observou-se redução volumétrica difusa do CC, sendo demonstrada correlação negativa significativa entre DM e DR, e o volume nos segmentos central, médio-posterior e posterior, e, ainda, entre DA e volume do segmento posterior. Nós observamos, ainda, correlação negativa significativa entre o volume e o tempo de epilepsia, e o tempo de doença. CONCLUSÕES: Houve alteração dos parâmetros de DTI em áreas específicas do CC e redução volumétrica difusa desta estrutura. Tais anormalidades parecem ser secundárias à propagação das crises epilépticas ao longo de vias específicas anatômica ou funcionalmente relacionadas aos lobos temporais promovendo alterações secundárias na substância branca cerebral. O histórico de crise febril está relacionado a maior intensidade e extensão de acometimento do CC / INTRODUCTION: Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the most common form of focal epilepsy in adults and it is frequently associated with refractoriness to medical treatment. Although epilepsy is considered a grey-matter disease, abnormalities in the temporal and extra-temporal white matter have been identified in these patients with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The corpus callosum (CC) is the major white matter tract connecting both cerebral hemispheres and has been implicated as an important route of spread of epileptic activity. The first goal of this study was to detect DTI abnormalities in specific areas of the CC in patients with MTLE-HS and to verify if these abnormalities depend on the laterality of the HS and on the concordance between the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and video-electroencephalogram (EEG). As a second goal we assessed if DTI results were correlated with any clinical variable or volumetric changes of the CC. METHODS: 42 patients (age: 20-54 years) and 30 healthy controls (age:18-53 years) were submitted to brain MRI. DTI sequences with 32 gradient encoding directions and volumetric T1-weighted images were obtained. Additionally, we grouped the patients in left sided and right sided HS and in concordant and discordant HS. Mean values of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD) and volumetric results were extracted from five segments at the midsagittal section of the CC obtained through automatic segmentation. Comparisons of DTI parameters of the CC were performed between patients and controls and between subgroups of patients. Correlations between DTI parameters and clinical findings were calculated. We also evaluated volume abnormalities of the CC in MTLE-HS patients and the correlations between these abnormalities and DTI changes. We considered a value of p <0.05 statistically significant. RESULTS: Our study showed that, when HS patients was compared to controls, the FA was lowest in the anterior, mid-posterior and posterior subregions of the CC. MD and RD were higher in these same segments. No changes were observed in AD. No differences in the CC DTI parameters were detected between right-sided HS and left-sided HS or between concordant and discordant HS patients. Age at initial event, age at epilepsy onset, duration of disease, duration of epilepsy, latency period and seizure frequency were not significantly correlated with the DTI parameters. However, patients who had febrile seizures as initial event exhibited greater intensity and extent of DTI changes. All segments demonstrated volume reduction compared to controls. Significant negative correlation was demonstrated between MD and RD and the volume in the central, midposterior and posterior segments of the CC, and between AD and volume of the posterior segment. We also demonstrated negative correlation between volume and duration of disease and duration of epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed diffusion abnormalities in specific areas of the CC and diffuse atrophy in patients with unilateral HS, which may be secondary to seizures propagation along specific pathways leading to secondary changes in brain white matter. The history of febrile seizure is related to greater involvement of the CC

Multi-scale Modelling of Lamellar Mesophases

Jaju, S J January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Surfactants are amphiphilic molecules which self-assemble at the interface in oil-water-surfactant mixtures such that the hydrophobic part, called tail, stays in oil and the remaining part, called head, resides in hydrophilic en-vironment. Depending upon concentration of individual components, these mixtures form several microphases, such as bilayers, micelles, columnar and lamellar phases. A lamellar phase, at equilibrium, is made up of alternat-ing layers of water and oil separated by surfactants, or of alternate layers of water and surfactant bilayers such that the hydrophilic heads are in contact with water. This equilibrium state is rarely achieved in macroscopic samples due to thermodynamic and kinetic constraints; instead, a lamellar fluid is usually disordered with a large number of defects. These defects have significant effect on the flow behaviour of the lamellar mesophase systems. They are known to alter the flow field, resulting stresses and in turn could get distorted or annihilated by the flow. In present work, we analyse this two way coupling between lamellar structure and flow field. The structural and rheological evolution of an initially disordered lamellar phase system under a shear flow is examined using a mesoscale model based on a free energy functional for the concentration field, which is the scaled difference in the concentration between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. Two distinct modes of structural evolution are observed depending only on Peclet number, which ratio of inertial forces to mass diffusivity, in-dependent of system size. At low Peclet number, local domains are formed which are then rotated and stretched by shear. A balance between defect creation and annihilation is reached due to which the system never reaches the equilibrium layer configuration. In the opposite limit, partially formed layers break and reform so as to form a nearly aligned lamellar phase con-figuration with residual defects. Viscosity of lamellar phase system increases with layer moduli, differences in viscosity of individual components, fluidity of the lamellae due to shear banding and defect pinning. These factors however, do not have any effect on alignment mechanism.

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