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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudi sobre l'habitatge a la demarcació de Girona: habitatges principals, segones residències i apartaments turístics

Saló Mayolas, Albert 12 December 2005 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia diferents aspectes sobre els habitatges a la província de Girona, combinant l'anàlisi sobre l'evolució històrica dels habitatges, el fenomen de les segones residències i el mercat d'apartaments turístics. El paper de la població és el principal motor del creixement dels habitatges durant el segle XX. Tot i així, durant la segona meitat, el pes dels habitatges secundaris en zones turístiques com Costa Brava i municipis de muntanya han tingut el seu paper significatiu. Altres factors determinants en els darrers anys han estat la immigració i la disminució del tamany de les llars. Les segones residències a Girona s'ubiquen en gran part a la Costa Brava (al voltant del 75% del total a la província). S'observa un fenomen d'expansió en forma de "taca d'oli" des de la Costa Brava cap a l'interior i des de la Cerdanya cap a zones més orientals. Dins el mercat d'apartaments turístics, una sèrie de regressions hedòniques han posat de manifest les variables que més influeixen sobre el preu final del lloguer de l'habitatge turístic com el nombre d'habitacions, el tipus d'allotjament, la distància sobre la platja, el municipi d'ubicació i la temporada turística. Respecte als hotels (el mateix exercici) com a bé substitutiu destaquen les mateixes variables excepte la piscina (menys valorat) i el pàrking (més valorat). / This doctoral thesis studies different aspects on the housings in the province of Girona, combining the historical evolution of them, the phenomenon of the second residences and the market of the tourist apartments. The role of population is the main motive of the growth of the housings during the XXth century in the zone. Nonetheless, during the second half, the weight of the secondary housings in tourist zones like the Costa Brava and mountain towns have had their significant role as well. Other determinant factors in the last years have been the immigration and the decrease of the home's size. The second residences in Girona are located for the most part in the Costa Brava (about 75 % of whole to the province). A phenomenon of expansion is observed with a "spot of oil" effect from the Costa Brava towards the interior and from the Cerdanya (specialized mountain tourism zone) towards more oriental zones. Inside the market of tourist apartments, hedonic regressions have shown the variables that have more influence to the final price of the rent of the tourist housing: number of rooms, type of housing, distance the beach, municipality and season. Another exercise for hotels (as a substitute good) shows the same importance of variables to the final price excepting in the swimming pool (less valued) and the parking (more valued)

The relevance of the South African sectional titles law in interpretation and application of the sectional titles legislation of Botswana : an analysis of provisions pertaining to establishment of schemes

Serumula, Doreen Lame 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM )-University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / 150 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-xi and numbered pages 1-138. Includes bibliography. / Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of sectional ownership has been unknown in the Botswana common law because of the maxim superficies solo cedit, which does not recognize separate ownership of apartments in a building. The law must always serve the felt and real needs of the times, and in order to give effect to those needs, the Botswana Sectional Titles Act was enacted in 1999. It is based on the South African Sectional Titles Act of 1986, as amended, which repealed the 1971 Act. In this thesis, a comparative analysis of the South African and Botswana sectional titles law is made to determine whether and, if so, how the existing position in the South African sectional titles law could aid interpretation and application of the sectional titles legislation of Botswana, specifically pertaining to aspects of establishment of sectional title schemes. The main focus is on the legislative provisions of both jurisdictions. However, South African case law is also considered. Landownership and sectional titles is discussed, to determine whether sectional ownership is genuine ownership. This entails a discussion on the publicity principle, which in the case of land is normally achieved by means of registration in the Deeds Registries. The thesis analyses the Botswana and South African statutes on the requirements and procedures involved in the establishment of sectional title schemes to bring to light any shortcomings that may exist in either of the two statutes. An understanding of the shortcomings of the South African statute is relevant to the interpretation and application of the Botswana statute. An examination of the procedural aspects of establishment of a sectional title scheme, as well as the roles of the parties involved in the establishment thereof is undertaken, so as to identify consequences that may ensue if they fail to comply with the requirements of either of the statutes. Consequently, a comparative analysis on the effect of registration of the sectional plan and opening of the sectional title register is made. Although it is not suggested that the Botswana Act should be completely similar to the South African Act, as Botswana may have its own peculiar circumstances, suggestions as to the amendment of the Botswana statute are made. Amendments would make the Botswana Act even more flexible, and would open up the possibilities of development to achieve greater access to land. Further more improvements to the Act will have to be made, some before its implementation, and some after a period of application of the Act, as real practical problems become apparent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van deeltitel was tot dusver in Botswana se gemenereg onbekend weens die maxim superficies solo cedit, wat nie aparte eienaarskap van woonstelle in 'n gebou erken nie. Die wet moet altyd die werklike behoeftes van die tyd dien, en om te voldoen aan daardie behoeftes is die Botswana Wet op Deeltitels in 1999 uitgevaardig. Dit is gebaseer op die Suid-Afrikaanse Wet op Deeltitels van 1986, soos gewysig, wat die 1971 Wet herroep het. In hierdie tesis word 'n vergelykende studie gedoen van die Suid-Afrikaanse Wet op Deeltitels en die gelyknamige Wet in Botswana om te bepaal of, en indien wel, hoe die bestaande posisie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Wet op Deeltitels kan help met die interpretasie en toepassing van die deeltitel wetgewing van Botswana, veral waar dit gaan oor die vestiging van deeltitelskemas. Die tesis fokus op die wetgewende bepalings in albei lande, maar konsentreer op probleemareas in die nuwe Deeltitel wet van Botswana. Grondeienaarskap en deeltitels word bespreek om te bepaal of deeltiteleienaarskap werklike eienaarskap is. Dit behels 'n bespreking van die publisiteitsbeginsel, waaraan gewoonlik, in die geval van grond, voldoen word deur registrasie in die Akteregister. Die tesis ontleed die Suid-Afrikaanse statuut en die statuut van Botswana wat gaan oor die vereistes en prosedures betrokke by die vestiging van deeltitelskemas en enige tekortkominge wat bestaan in enige van die twee statute. Dit is belangrik om die tekortkominge van die Suid-Afrikaanse statuut te begryp, as die statuut van Botswana geinterpreteer en toegepas moet word. Die prosedures wat gevolg word in die vestiging van 'n deeltitelskema, asook die rolle van die verskillende partye betrokke, word bespreek sodat die gevolge as daar nie aan die vereistes van die statuut voldoen word nie, identifiseer kan word. Gevolglik word 'n vergelykende ontleding gedoen van die effek van registrasie van die deeltitelplan en die opening van die deeltitelregister. Die slothoofstuk bevat aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing. Alhoewel daar nie voorgestel word dat die wet in Botswana identies aan die Suid-Afrikaanse wet moet wees nie, (Botswana het te make met ander omstandighede) word voorstelle aan die hand gedoen vir die wysiging van die wet in Botswana. Hierdie wysigings sal die wet meer buigsaam maak en daar sal meer moontlikhede wees vir ontwikkeling wat groter toegang tot grond sal bewerkstellig. Verder sal daar verbeterings aan die wet aangebring moet word nadat dit eers in werking getree het en die werklike probleme kop uitsteek.

Impacto econômico do uso de ar condicionado em edifícios residenciais na cidade de Maceió/AL. / Economical impact of the use of air conditionine systems in residential buildines in the city of Maceió/AL.

Leão Júnior, Ricardo Sérgio Neves 03 June 2008 (has links)
The waste energy is a very important factor that affects environmental crisis in the world. Buildings have been consuming nearly 40% global energy production, and the building industry has been identified as a sector where substantial savings may occur. In residential buildings, the energy consumption is strongly related to air conditioning systems. In Maceio, the use of passive strategies as natural ventilation seems irrelevant by construction sector. This case results in well, fair, bad or very bad residential apartments in relation to climatic conditions. The apartments located in west quadrant have smaller price than apartments located in east quadrant. It is an attractive factor to the consumer purchase apartments badly adapted to climate. This situation contributes with wild use of air conditioning systems. The use of these equipments results in costs of purchase, operation and maintenance. Not always the accounting oh these values are properly considered in the moment of apartment s acquisition. Facing this context, the present work intends to evaluate the economical impact of air conditioning systems use in residential apartments in Maceio city, Brazil. Emphasize the link between waste energy and financial costs in long term involving this question. By case study, be adopted one methodology that analyze: apartment s energy performance in some variable using the EnergyPlus software; natural ventilation performance in some orientation, by qualitative analysis in water table models; economic analysis based on monthly consumption of energy for different situations simulated, accomplish comparison between energy costs for air conditioning system use and the price of apartments. The analysis have shown the energy costs in long term for all situations simulated represent large portion of integral apartment s value. When the monthly cost is applied in savings account, most situations pay total value of apartments. In all cases, this investment overcome the economy make possible in acquisition of west apartment invest in same circumstances. Results lead to the conclusion that the use of passive strategies of thermal comfort is a very good economics strategy for the consumer, and the purchase of badly adapted apartments is very expensive, above all when be considered the economical impacts for air conditioning systems use in long term. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / O desperdício energético é um dos fatores de maior impacto sobre o desequilíbrio ambiental enfrentado pelo planeta. As edificações respondem pelo consumo de aproximadamente 40% da energia gerada no planeta, sendo o setor da construção civil identificado como uma área de grande potencial para combater o desperdício energético. Nas edificações residenciais, o consumo energético está fortemente relacionado aos sistemas mecânicos de controle térmico como os sistemas de ar condicionado, por exemplo. Em Maceió, o Mercado Imobiliário parece não buscar soluções arquitetônicas que se aprofundem no uso de estratégias passivas de conforto térmico, como a ventilação natural, por exemplo. Na referida cidade, é identificada a existência de apartamentos residenciais bem, razoavelmente, mal ou pessimamente orientados frente aos condicionantes climáticos. Os apartamentos voltados para o quadrante oeste (posição poente) possuem preço menor que aqueles voltados para o quadrante leste (posição nascente), sendo esse um atrativo para o consumidor adquirir apartamentos mal adaptados ao clima. Essa situação contribui com o uso desenfreado de aparelhos de ar condicionado. O uso destes equipamentos acarreta em custos de aquisição, operação e manutenção dos mesmos. No entanto, a contabilização destes valores nem sempre é devidamente considerada no momento da aquisição dos bens imóveis. Diante desse contexto, o presente trabalho avalia o impacto econômico decorrente da utilização de aparelhos de ar condicionado em apartamentos residenciais de 02 quartos na cidade de Maceió/AL. Busca enfatizar o elo existente entre o desperdício de energia e o custo financeiro em longo prazo envolvido neste processo. Através de um estudo de caso, adotou-se uma metodologia na qual foram analisados: o desempenho energético dos apartamentos sob diferentes variáveis, utilizando o software EnergyPlus; o comportamento da ventilação natural nos apartamentos de acordo com as diferentes orientações geográficas, através de análises qualitativas utilizando maquetes em Mesa D água; análises econômicas baseadas no consumo médio mensal de energia para as diferentes situações simuladas, realizando comparações entre o custo energético para utilização de ar condicionado e o preço de mercado dos apartamentos. Os resultados demonstraram que os custos energéticos em longo prazo de todas as situações simuladas representam uma grande parcela do valor total do imóvel. Quando o custo mensal é aplicado em caderneta de poupança, a maioria das situações paga, com sobras, o valor total do imóvel. A economia possibilitada pela aquisição do apartamento poente aplicada em caderneta de poupança durante longo prazo é superada, em todos os casos, pela aplicação em iguais condições do custo energético mensal para uso de ar condicionado. Desta forma, conclui-se que a utilização de estratégias passivas de controle térmico representa um grande meio de economia para o consumidor, e que a compra de apartamentos mal adaptados ao clima é extremamente dispendiosa, sobretudo quando considerado o impacto econômico derivado do uso de ar condicionado em longo prazo.

Penzion pro seniory / Retirement home

Juríková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a new building of retirement home. This thesis aims to elaborate a project documentation for the construction of the building. It is a self-standing object on a flat land. The retirement home has one underground floor and three above ground floors. On the underground floor there are the retirement home’s technical equipment and warehouses. On the ground floor there are public services: patisserie and café, hairdresser, dining room. The first floor and the second floor are designed for the accommodation of seniors in single and double apartments. There are also a common room and retirement home’s equipment. The bearing construction consists of ceramic masonry of thickness 300 mm and reinforced concrete columns. The masonry and the columns are based on a concrete bases and concrete beads. The retirement home is roofed with a mono-pitched roof. The object is insulated by a contact thermal insulation system.

Multifunční budova na ul. Obchodná v Bratislavě / Multifunctional Building on Obchodná Street in Bratislava

Banič, Róbert January 2020 (has links)
Předmětem této diplomové práce je návrh a projektová dokumentace pětipodlažní multifunkční budovy se 2 suterénními podlažími pro parkování pro 52 aut. První 2 patra jsou veřejná - k pronájmu je 23 samostatných prostor. Horní 3 podlaží obsahují 18 bytů a mají samostatné vchody se dvěma schodišti a 2 výtahy. Budova má dvě úrovně střechy a obě jsou pochozí s malým parkem a vegetací. Budova se nachází v hlavním městě Slovenska, Bratislavě, na Obchodní ulici. Záměrem je nahradit dvě staré budovy ve velmi špatném stavu. Z architektonického hlediska má tato budova zapadat do historického vzhledu ulice úpravou tvaru oken a materiálů a zároveň působit mírně moderně. Z konstrukčního hlediska má budova rámové nosné konstrukce z betonových nosníků sloupů a obousměrně vyztužených betonových desek vyplněných dřevěnými konstrukcemi a lehké sádrokartonové příčky.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň

Hrubjaková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
By entering the diploma thesis is to create an architectural study of the sacral object and the Salesian community center in Brno - Líšeň. The first mention of the creating church appeared in 1987 and because of this reason Salesians came to this city, they focus on working with children and youth, according to Don Bosca. Their method od education was reflected in the overall project concept. The building will be linked to the existing object of the Salesian Youth Center, but it will also serve for a wider circle of believers. The consecration of the church will be a third divine person - the Holy Spirit. The object will be on the Horníková ulica, on the parcels no. 5037/30,32. On the plot with parc. No.5037/32 is currently a building, that is the property of the Nadácia pre radosť, and it will by removed during construction. The proposal is based on urban analyzes performed and responds to the surrounding buildings. It also affects the conditions of the building plot and uses terrain sloping. The proposal consists of one object that includes a church with a capacity for 400 seat and 100-standing persons with chorus, sacristy, adoration chapel and technical and hygienic backgrounds. Furthermore, there is a educational/multifunction room, workshop and store of religious products, farther the parish part with the apartments, office for priests and underground garage. In addition to the building, there was created paved areas for pedestrian which responding to existing communications. Due to the removal of the parking lot in the northern part of the solved territory, the existing parking lot was extended on the south side and there was also created a new communication for cars, which connects the Northern Street Horníková with Western. In this communication, it is necessary to create a suitable road signage to prevent the supply of vehicles and it must not be used as an abbreviation in the traffic jam at the 2nd grade road communication.

Energy passive block of apartments / Energy passive block of apartments

Niesner, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the project si developnemt of project documentation for a construction realisation of energy passive block of apartments together with design of conception of forced ventilation with recuperation unit. The design of building is conceived as building with flat roof, reinforced concrete load-bearing structure and collective underground parking. During the design emphasis was placed on low energy consumption of the building. Its energy efficiency was analysed according. ČSN 73 0540 and processed statement of energy efficiency. The result energy consumption of the structure is A – extremely efficient.

Bytový dům / The flat - building

Hlaváček, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The project addresses the new residential building in the cadastral Chotebor city, county Vysočina.Jedná is a four-storey apartment building with two facilities (hairdressers, school). Apartment building has two main entrances A and B which are located in Eastern strany.Objekt the basement, flat-roofed single-shell střechou.Objekt flat is located on parcels 1228,4466,1221 / 1.1227 / 1,1223,1260 / 1.Obvodové walls of the porotherm 30 Profi and is insulated with expanded polystyrenem.Dům is designed with regard to the disposition solutions, safety in use, fire safety, the static page and energy savings

Bytový dům / Residential Building

Langenberger, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
Thesis elaborates project documentation for new residential building in Prague 8 - Karlín. The building has five floors without a basement. In 1.NP are located collective garages for cars, garage - parking for bicycles and motorcycles, a cellar for residential units and the main entrances to the building. 2.NP - 5.NP is reserved for housing. The apartment building has three types of units with different layout arrangement - 2 + kk, 3 + kk, 4 + kk and one unit for persons with disabilities. Each apartment has its own entrance to the balcony. Inputs to the roof are placed above the 5th floor Foundations are designed as footings under reinforced concrete columns with a combination of the base plate. The building is in 1.NP reinforced concrete combined with brick infills. 2.NP - 5.NP is brick. The roof is designed flat.

Low-energy block of apartments / Low-energy block of apartments

Reiter, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aimed on solution of project documentation design of a four-storey low-energy block of apartments with a flat roof in the degree of project realization. The object has a collective garage on first floor and no basement. The structure is designed with the emphasis on overall energy saving, which was documented by detailed calculation of the energy performance of the building under Decree No.78 / 2013 Coll. and ČSN 73 0540-2.

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