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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Římské lázně a saunový svět. / Roman spa - sauna world

Horbalová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation thesis is the architectural study of a wellness center inspired with the Roman baths and sauna´s world. Wellness center is the part of the aqua park called ,, The Water World“ situated nearby the Brněnská přehrada, the area of Rakovec. The disposition of a wellness center is solved with usage of open way of distribution according to the types of zones. Design of colours and use materials evokes the relaxing atmosphere.

ManagementPractical Aspects of Aqua Ammonia as Secondary Refrigerant in Ice Rinks

Pierri, Jacqueline January 2021 (has links)
The transition from fluorinated gases to natural refrigerants could be key to reducing the impacts of climate change. Ice rinks are energy-intensive buildings, with large heating and cooling demands. The pumping power required to move the secondary refrigerant typically accounts for a sizable amount of the energy use of the refrigeration system. The use of aqua ammonia as a secondary fluid shows promising results, with pumping power use of about half that required of ethylene glycol, environmental friendliness, and low corrosivity to steel components. Aquaammonia is still novel but is currently in usein 34 Swedish ice rinks. This thesis addresses questions regarding evaporation rates, performance, material compatibility, safety, and regulations of aqua ammonia in ice rink systems. Laboratory tests were performed to assess aqua ammonia evaporation rates during storage and operations. Long-duration concentration change, in well-sealed and well-stored containers, indicated low levels of evaporation for all tested concentrations samples. Short-term concentration in open-air conditions, indicated rapid rates of evaporation, with nearly full evaporation of all ammonia concentration occurring within only 90seconds of open-air exposure. Testing of sample-mixtures containing contamination by substances aquaammonia was likely to encounter during retrofit replacement situations determined that aquaammonia and calcium chloride produce flakey sedimentation. Additionally, lower concentrations of aquaammonia are slightly more prone to becoming basic when mixed with the tested substances, such as calcium chloride. Historical data of systems operating with aquaammonia were analyzed for energy performance. While pumping requirements typically account for 10-20% of the energy for refrigeration, the pumps of the rinks studied with aqua ammonia accounted for only 1.2 to 4.2%. However, data availability and system configuration anomalies suggest additional analyses are required. Furthermore, best operating, maintenance, and safety practices were analyzed and global regulatory restrictions were examined. Surveying of manufacturer material compatibility information found copper and brass to be incompatible with aqua ammonia, while steel and carbon steel are recommended. Various plastics were addressed by the manufacturers, notably PVC was found to be acceptable for use with aqua ammonia. A cost comparison between aqua ammonia and calcium chloride found aqua ammonia to require less expensive equipment. Finally, aqua ammoniawas determined to fall outside of the classification of refrigerants in several international refrigeration codes. Various additional safety regulations guiding personal protective equipment, exposure times, transportation, storage, and disposal regulations were catalogued as part of this work. In summary, aqua ammoniawas found to be a safe substance with performance that matches theoretical energy savings. Pumping requirements were reduced from 10-20% to approximately 1-5% of overall refrigeration system energy use. Necessary safety precautions were found to be much less stringent than high concentrations of ammonia and aqua ammonia was ascertained to fall outside of refrigeration codes in Europe, Canada, and the United States of America. / Övergången från fluorerade gaser till naturliga köldmedier kan vara nyckeln till att minska effekterna av klimatförändringen. Isbanor är energikrävande byggnader med stora värme-och kylbehov. Den pumpeffekt som krävs för att pumpa köldbärare står vanligtvis för en stor mängd energianvändning i kylsystemet. Användningen av ammoniakvatten som köldbärare visar lovande resultat, med användning av pumpeffekt på ungefär hälften som krävs av etylenglykol, miljövänlighet och låg korrosion för stålkomponenter. Ammoniakvattenär fortfarande ny men används för närvarande i 34 svenska isbanor. Detta exjobb behandlar frågor om avdunstningshastigheter, energiprestanda, materialkompatibilitet, säkerhet och föreskrifter för ammoniakvatten i isbanasystem. Laboratorietester utfördes för att bedöma avdunstningshastigheter för ammoniakvatten under lagring och drift. Långvarig koncentrationsförändring, i väl tillslutna och välförvarade behållare, indikerade låga nivåer av avdunstning för alla testade koncentrationsprover. En kortvarig koncentration under friluftsförhållanden indikerade snabba avdunstningshastigheter, med nästan full avdunstning av all ammoniakkoncentration inom endast 90 sekunder efter exponering. Testning av olika ammoniakvatten lösningar som innehåller föroreningar skulle sannolikt påträffas vid byte av köldbärare. Dessutom är lägre koncentrationer av ammoniakvatten lite mer benägna att bli basiska när de blandas med de testade ämnena. Historiska data för system som arbetar med ammoniakvatten analyserades med avseende på energiprestanda. Medan pumpeffekten vanligtvis står för 10-20% av kylenergin, pumparna för de studerade isbanorna med ammoniakvatten behövde bara för 1,2 till 4,2%av kylenergi. Datatillgänglighet och systemkonfigurationsavvikelser föreslår dock att ytterligare analyser krävs. Dessutom analyserades bästa metoder för drift, underhållning och säkerhet och globala regleringsbegränsningar. Kartläggning av tillverkarens materialkompatibilitetsinformation visade att koppar och mässing var oförenliga med ammoniakvatten, medan stål och kolstål rekommenderas. Olika plast och packning materialbehandlades, särskilt PVC var acceptabelt för användning med ammoniakvatten. En kostnadsjämförelse mellan ammoniakvatten och kalciumklorid köldbärare visade att ammoniakvatten krävde billigare utrustning. Slutligen visades det att ammoniakvatten faller utanför klassificeringen av köldmedier i flera internationella kylnormer. Olika ytterligare säkerhetsreglersom styr personlig skyddsutrustning, exponeringstider, transport, lagring och bortskaffande föreskrifter katalogiserades som en del av detta arbete. Sammanfattningsvis visade ammoniakvatten vara ett säkert ämne med prestanda som matchar teoretiska energibesparingar. Pumpeffekten minskade mellan 10-20% och 1-5% av den totala energianvändningen i kylsystemet. Nödvändiga säkerhetsåtgärder visade sig vara mycket mindre stränga än att höga koncentrationer av ammoniak och ammoniakvatten konstaterades falla utanför kylnormeri Europa, Kanada och USA.

Aqua Ammonia as Secondary Fluid in Ice Rink Applications

Kilberg, Brianna January 2020 (has links)
Refrigerant management is crucial in the attempts to slow climate change. Emissions from the refrigeration sector are primarily due to poor management and unsafe destruction of refrigerants currently in circulation. Safe refrigerant management and improving system operating efficiency can result in a reduction of emissions. Ice rinks are some of the most energy-intensive public buildings, providing both heating and cooling. The major share of energy in an ice rink is the refrigeration system, which consumes about 43%. There are more than 360 ice rinks in Sweden as of 2018 and the most common type of refrigeration system is an indirect system. With the push for natural fluids, aqua ammonia is becoming a more appealing option as a secondary fluid in ice rinks because of its minimal negative impact on the environment and favorable thermophysical properties. The main drawbacks of the fluid are its toxic characteristics and material compatibility. However, since the first use in 2007, there has been an increase to 34 of the total ice rinks in Sweden that have aqua ammonia as a secondary fluid.  Thermophysical properties are used to calculate refrigeration design parameters, including secondary fluid concentration and pumping power required. The properties of aqua ammonia have not been experimentally tested within this century to the extent presented in this thesis. Existing data is either derived from measured values taken several decades ago or has been calculated. The novelty of this thesis project stems from the unique and more accurate results measured through laboratory work and from the ability to determine the impact of the newly measured values in ice rink refrigeration design. A total of 11 varying concentrations of aqua ammonia were tested for density, dynamic viscosity, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and corrosion of 7 metal specimens. The solutions tested ranged from 2 wt-% to 30 wt-%, correlating to freezing points from -2C to -84C. The measurements for density resulted in values similar to reference values, ranging in a difference of only 0.3% to 1.7%. Dynamic viscosity results followed nearly the same trend as references with changing temperature and solution concentration, with values varying from 0.8% to 17% different than references. Specific heat capacity measurements proved significantly different than reference values. The trend is opposite of the reference, leading to drastically different values, especially at lower temperatures and higher solution concentrations. The difference in values ranges from 0.1% to 28%. Thermal conductivity results show similar trends, but higher values than expected. The difference between measured values and reference values range from 0.1% to 13%. Corrosion results show that copper and brass have the highest corrosion rates of 16.2 mm/yr and 1.84 mm/yr, respectively. The most compatible specimen was stainless steel, followed by carbon steel, with maximum corrosion rates of 0.041 mm/yr and 0.11 mm/yr, respectively. Brass connections commonly used in industry were also tested and resulted in corrosion rates ranging from 69.6 g/yr to 112 g/yr, which accounts for about 1% and 1.5% of the connections’ total weight lost per year. Compiling the laboratory measurements taken during the completion of this thesis project results in a more complete and accurate list of thermophysical properties for aqua ammonia that has never existed before.  These updated thermophysical properties for aqua ammonia, along with measured properties for other secondary fluids, were used to calculate operational parameters in a hypothetical ice rink refrigeration system. The results show that aqua ammonia is favorable with high COP and low pumping power, and therefore low pressure drop. Ammonia is most comparable to CaCl2 and K-formate for most results. The changes in calculated COP between old reference data and new measured data were less than a 1% decrease when plotting versus the temperature of the ice surface and with a set pump control (T) for cooling capacities of 200kW and 300kW. The change in heat transfer coefficients was more significant, with a range of about a 9% to 27% decrease in either the U-pipe under the rink floor or in a plate of the heat exchanger. Even though these heat transfer coefficient values are lower than previously calculated, the required pumping power is also lower using updated properties: 40% lower at a secondary fluid temperature of -10C. Even though the change in heat transfer coefficients is larger with experimental values, the impact on COP is minimal.  The takeaway from this project is that aqua ammonia is a favorable secondary fluid compared to calcium chloride and ethylene glycol, the two most commonly used secondary fluids in ice rink refrigeration. A system using aqua ammonia would have a 45% and 47% lower pumping power requirement compared to calcium chloride and ethylene glycol, respectively. The system would also have a 4.7% and 11.6% higher COP when compared to systems with calcium chloride and ethylene glycol, respectively. The significantly lower pumping power will lower total energy demand of the ice rink, thus decreasing operation costs. / Köldmediehantering är avgörande i försöken att sakta ner klimatförändringen. Utsläppen från kylsektorn beror främst på dålig hantering och osäker destruktion av köldmedier som för närvarande är i omlopp. Säkrare hantering av köldmedium och förbättrad systemdriftseffektivitet kan leda till ett minskat utsläpp. Ishallar är några av de mest energiintensiva offentliga byggnaderna som ger både uppvärmning och kylning. Den största andelen energi i en ishall är kylsystemet som förbrukar cirka 43%. Det finns mer än 360 isbanor i Sverige från och med 2018 och den vanligaste typen av kylsystem är ett indirekt system. Med trycket på naturliga vätskor blir ammoniakvatten ett mer tilltalande alternativ som en köldbärare i ishallar på grund av dess minimala negativa påverkan på miljön och gynnsamma termofysikaliska egenskaper. Köldbärares främsta nackdelar är dess toxiska karaktär och materialkompatibilitet. Sedan den första användningen 2007 har det dock skett en ökning till 34 av de totala ishallar i Sverige som har ammoniakvatten som köldbärare.  Termofysikaliska egenskaper används för att beräkna parametrar för kyldesign, inklusive köldbärares koncentration och pumpeffekten som krävs. Ammoniakvattens egenskaper har inte testats experimentellt under detta sekel i den utsträckning som presenteras i detta exjobb. Befintliga data härleds antingen från uppmätta värden som tagits för flera decennier sedan eller har beräknats. Nyheten härrör i detta exjobbsprojekt från de unika och mer exakta resultat som mätts genom laboratoriearbetet och från förmågan att bestämma effekten av de nyligen uppmätta värdena i kylskåpsdesign. Totalt 11 olika koncentrationer av ammoniakvatten testades med avseende på densitet, dynamisk viskositet, specifik värmekapacitet, värmeledningsförmåga och korrosion av 7 metallprover. De testade lösningarna varierade från 2 vikt-% till 30 vikt-%, korrelerade med fryspunkter från -2 ° C till -84 ° C. Mätningarna för densitet resulterade i värden som liknar referensvärdena, med en skillnad på endast 0,3% till 1,7%. Dynamiska viskositetsresultat följde nästan samma trend som referenser med förändrad temperatur och lösningskoncentration, med värden som varierade från 0,8% till 17% annorlunda än referenser. Specifika värmekapacitetsmätningar visade sig vara väsentligt annorlunda än referensvärden. Trenden är motsatt referensen, vilket leder till drastiskt olika värden, särskilt vid lägre temperaturer och högre koncentrationer. Skillnaden i värden varierar från 0,1% till 28%. Värmeledningsförmåga visar liknande trender, men högre värden än förväntat. Skillnaden mellan uppmätta värden och referensvärden sträcker sig från 0,1% till 13%. Korrosionsresultat visar att koppar och mässing har de högsta korrosionshastigheterna på 16,2 mm / år respektive 1,84 mm / år. Det mest kompatibla exemplet var rostfritt stål, följt av kolstål, med maximala korrosionshastigheter på 0,041 mm / år respektive 0,11 mm / år. Mässinganslutningar som vanligen används i industrin testades också och resulterade i korrosionshastigheter från 69,6 g / år till 112 g / år, vilket motsvarar för cirka 1% och 1,5% av anslutningarnas totala viktförlust per år. Att sammanställa laboratoriemätningarna som gjorts under slutförandet av detta projekt resulterar i en mer fullständig och noggrann lista över termofysikaliska egenskaper för ammoniakvatten som aldrig funnits tidigare.  Dessa uppdaterade termofysikaliska egenskaper för ammoniakvatten, tillsammans med uppmätta egenskaper för andra köldbärare, användes för att beräkna driftsparametrar i ett hypotetiskt kylsystem. Resultaten visar att ammoniakvatten är gynnsam med hög COP och en låg pumpeffekt och därmed ett lågt tryckfall. Ammoniakvatten är mest jämförbart med CaCl2 och K-formiat för de flesta resultat. Förändringarna i beräknad COP mellan gamla referensdata och nya uppmätta data var mindre än 1% minskning vid planering jämfört med isytans temperatur och med en inställd pumpkontroll (T ) för kylkapacitet på 200 kW och 300 kW. Förändringen i värmeövergångstal var mer signifikant, med ett intervall på cirka 9% till 27% minskning i antingen U-röret under golvet eller i en platta på värmeväxlaren. Även om dessa värmeövergångstal är lägre än tidigare beräknat, är den erforderliga pumpeffekten också lägre med hjälp av uppdaterade egenskaper: 40% lägre vid en köldbärarestemperatur på -10 ° C. Även om förändringen i värmeövergångstal är större med experimentella värden, är påverkan på COP minimal.  Slutsatser från detta projekt är att ammoniakvatten är en lämplig köldbärare jämfört med kalciumklorid och etylenglykol, de två vanligaste köldbärare i ishallskylning. Ett system som använder ammoniakvatten skulle ha ett pumpeffektbehov på 45% respektive 47% jämfört med kalciumklorid respektive etylenglykol. Systemet skulle också ha en 4,7% och 11,6% högre COP jämfört med system med kalciumklorid respektive etylenglykol. Den betydligt lägre pumpeffekten kommer att sänka det totala energibehovet för ishallar, vilket minskar driftskostnaderna.

Proteomic analysis of leukaemogenic protein tyrosine kinase action

Griaud, François January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Chronic myeloid leukaemia is a blood cancer which progresses from a chronic phase to an acute blast crisis if untreated. Disease progression and treatment resistance may be precipitated by the mutator action of BCR/ABL protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), but only few protein phosphosites involved in the DNA damage response have been investigated with respect to BCR/ABL action. Aim: The aim of this PhD project was to demonstrate that BCR/ABL PTK expression can affect the response to genotoxic stress signalling at the protein phosphorylation level. Methodology: Etoposide-induced DNA damage response has been studied in control and BCR/ABL PTK-expressing Ba/F3 cells using apoptosis and γH2AX assays. Quantitative phosphoproteomics was performed with iTRAQ peptide labelling to discover putative modulated phosphorylation sites. Absolute quantification (AQUA ) performed with selected reaction monitoring was used to validate discovery phosphoproteomics. The effect of genotoxic stress on the THO complex protein Thoc5/Fmip was studied using western blots. Results: The expression of BCR/ABL PTK induced γH2AX phosphorylation after etoposide exposure. This was associated with the modulation of H2AX tyrosine 142 phosphorylation, MDC1 (serines 595 and 1053) and Hemogen serine 380 phosphorylation among proteins regulated by both BCR/ABL PTK and etoposide. We identified that leukaemogenic PTKs mediate Thoc5/Fmip phosphorylation on tyrosine 225 via Src proto-oncogene and oxidative stress, while ATM and MEK1/2 may control its phosphorylation. Human CD34+ CD38- leukaemic stem cells showed pronounced level of THOC5/FMIP tyrosine phosphorylation. Expression of phosphomutant Thoc5/Fmip Y225F might reduce apoptosis mediated by etoposide and H2O2. Conclusion: BCR/ABL PTK can sustain, create, block and change the intensity of protein phosphorylation related to genotoxic stress. Modulation of H2AX, MDC1, Hemogen and Thoc5/Fmip post-translational modifications by BCR/ABL PTK might promote unfaithful DNA repair, genomic instability, anti-apoptotic signalling or abnormal cell differentiation, resulting in leukaemia progression.

Propostas de ações para melhoria do desempenho sustentável de edificações de ensino superior federal: estudo de caso na Universidade Federal Fluminense

Silva, Daniel de Almeida 23 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-31T18:36:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Daniel de Almeida Silva.pdf: 6579620 bytes, checksum: 22b71ae4b113d212a7f446e42047cc50 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-01T13:48:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Daniel de Almeida Silva.pdf: 6579620 bytes, checksum: 22b71ae4b113d212a7f446e42047cc50 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-01T13:48:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Daniel de Almeida Silva.pdf: 6579620 bytes, checksum: 22b71ae4b113d212a7f446e42047cc50 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-23 / A pesquisa procura realizar propostas de ações para melhoria do desempenho sustentável de edificações de ensino superior federal, utilizando como modelo exploratório duas edificações modelos, como objeto de estudo de caso. Em virtude da existência de duas gerações de edificações bastante semelhantes, devido ao padrão conceitual e projetual utilizado também busca-se verificar avanços para sustentabilidade que tenham ocorrido no interstício de aproximadamente 30 anos entre os projetos analisados. Como marco temporal, tem-se duas fases de grande expansão universitária proporcionada pelo governo federal, o MEC-BID III e o REUNI. Como método de pesquisa foi utilizado uma revisão bibliográfica, uma pesquisa documental e uma pesquisa de campo para mapear a percepção dos especialistas que trabalham e gerencias os projetos, obras, operação e manutenção das edificações objetos do estudo. Como resultado, espera-se comprovar as questões iniciais buscando relacionar os projetos verificados, com os indicadores de sustentabilidade de certificações reconhecidas pela sociedade, registrando as boas práticas de projeto para potencializar os critérios de avaliação de sustentabilidade. / The research seeks to make proposals for actions to improve the sustainable performance of federal higher education buildings, using as an exploratory model two model buildings, as object of case study. Due to the existence of two generations of very similar buildings, due to the conceptual and design standard used, it is also sought to verify advances for sustainability that have occurred in the intersection of approximately 30 years between the projects analyzed. As a time frame, there are two phases of great federal university expansion provided by the federal government, MEC-BID III and REUNI. As a research method, a bibliographical review, a documentary research and a survey were used to map the perception of the specialists who work and manage the projects, works, operation and maintenance of the object objects of the study. As a result, it is expected to prove the initial questions seeking to relate the verified projects, with the sustainability indicators of certifications recognized by the company, recording good project practices to enhance the criteria for sustainability assessment.

Carbon nanotubes for thermal interface materials in microelectronic packaging

Lin, Wei 14 November 2011 (has links)
As the integration scale of transistors/devices in a chip/system keeps increasing, effective cooling has become more and more important in microelectronics. To address the thermal dissipation issue, one important solution is to develop thermal interface materials with higher performance. Carbon nanotubes, given their high intrinsic thermal and mechanical properties, and their high thermal and chemical stabilities, have received extensive attention from both academia and industry as a candidate for high-performance thermal interface materials. The thesis is devoted to addressing some challenges related to the potential application of carbon nanotubes as thermal interface materials in microelectronics. These challenges include: 1) controlled synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on various bulk substrates via chemical vapor deposition and the fundamental understanding involved; 2) development of a scalable annealing process to improve the intrinsic properties of synthesized carbon nanotubes; 3) development of a state-of-art assembling process to effectively implement high-quality vertically aligned carbon nanotubes into a flip-chip assembly; 4) a reliable thermal measurement of intrinsic thermal transport property of vertically aligned carbon nanotube films; 5) improvement of interfacial thermal transport between carbon nanotubes and other materials. The major achievements are summarized. 1. Based on the fundamental understanding of catalytic chemical vapor deposition processes and the growth mechanism of carbon nanotube, fast synthesis of high-quality vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on various bulk substrates (e.g., copper, quartz, silicon, aluminum oxide, etc.) has been successfully achieved. The synthesis of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on the bulk copper substrate by the thermal chemical vapor deposition process has set a world record. In order to functionalize the synthesized carbon nanotubes while maintaining their good vertical alignment, an in situ functionalization process has for the first time been demonstrated. The in situ functionalization renders the vertically aligned carbon nanotubes a proper chemical reactivity for forming chemical bonding with other substrate materials such as gold and silicon. 2. An ultrafast microwave annealing process has been developed to reduce the defect density in vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. Raman and thermogravimetric analyses have shown a distinct defect reduction in the CNTs annealed in microwave for 3 min. Fibers spun from the as-annealed CNTs, in comparison with those from the pristine CNTs, show increases of ~35% and ~65%, respectively, in tensile strength (~0.8 GPa) and modulus (~90 GPa) during tensile testing; an ~20% improvement in electrical conductivity (~80000 S m⁻¹) was also reported. The mechanism of the microwave response of CNTs was discussed. Such an microwave annealing process has been extended to the preparation of reduced graphene oxide. 3. Based on the fundamental understanding of interfacial thermal transport and surface chemistry of metals and carbon nanotubes, two major transfer/assembling processes have been developed: molecular bonding and metal bonding. Effective improvement of the interfacial thermal transport has been achieved by the interfacial bonding. 4. The thermal diffusivity of vertically aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT, multi-walled) films was measured by a laser flash technique, and shown to be ~30 mm² s⁻¹ along the tube-alignment direction. The calculated thermal conductivities of the VACNT film and the individual CNTs are ~27 and ~540 W m⁻¹ K⁻¹, respectively. The technique was verified to be reliable although a proper sampling procedure is critical. A systematic parametric study of the effects of defects, buckling, tip-to-tip contacts, packing density, and tube-tube interaction on the thermal diffusivity was carried out. Defects and buckling decreased the thermal diffusivity dramatically. An increased packing density was beneficial in increasing the collective thermal conductivity of the VACNT film; however, the increased tube-tube interaction in dense VACNT films decreased the thermal conductivity of the individual CNTs. The tip-to-tip contact resistance was shown to be ~1×10⁻⁷ m² K W⁻¹. The study will shed light on the potential application of VACNTs as thermal interface materials in microelectronic packaging. 5. A combined process of in situ functionalization and microwave curing has been developed to effective enhance the interface between carbon nanotubes and the epoxy matrix. Effective medium theory has been used to analyze the interfacial thermal resistance between carbon nanotubes and polymer matrix, and that between graphite nanoplatlets and polymer matrix.


MIGUEL LUIZ MOREIRA DA FONSECA 05 June 2017 (has links)
[pt] O Estudo das Contribuições dos Certificados vem salientar a relevância e suas consequências práticas na política Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, sobre as Mudanças do Clima e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, estabelecendo metas de redução de emissões antrópicas dos gases do efeito estufa, estimulando o aprimoramento dos conceitos e práticas estruturantes na construção de edificações residenciais, comerciais, mistas e institucionais. Iniciado com o Plano Estratégico da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro pelo disposto da Lei número 5.248 de 27 de janeiro de 2011 e posteriormente pelo Decreto Municipal número 35.745 de 06 de junho de 2012, foi criado o selo ambiental de qualificação nas construções, o QUALIVERDE, de aplicação opcional aos projetos de novas edificações e as existentes. Seu objetivo principal foi o de incentivar o crescimento de empreendimentos que contemplem ações e práticas sustentáveis de (Construções Verdes), com eficiência no uso e consumo de água e energia, destinadas a favorecer a redução dos impactos ambientais na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As contribuições dos parâmetros estabelecidos nos outros três selos internacionais mais aplicados, o Green Building-Leed, o Aqua-H.Q.E. e o Breeam, servirão para a análise e eficácia da aplicabilidade do Qualiverde, comparando-o as ações e medidas específicas utilizadas nos selos estrangeiros, avaliando seus conjuntos de estratégias, quanto a: a) Gestão no consumo de água; b) Eficácia energética e c) Soluções inovadoras nos Projetos Arquitetônicos. / [en] The theme is to stress the importance of the matter at the Master Course of Urban and Environmental Engineering and their practices in the Municipal policy on Climate Change and Sustainable Development consequences, establishing goals for reducing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases in stimulating and disseminating concepts and structuring practices in the construction of residential, commercial, and institutional buildings mixed. It started with the Strategic Plan of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro by the terms of Law No. 5,248 of January 27, 2011 and subsequently by Municipal Decree No. 35,745 of June 6, 2012, when the environmental seal QUALIVERDE was created as on option for new projects and existing buildings, residential, commercial, institutional or mixed use application.

Intercomparison of a Dynamic Ocean for Earth-like Aqua-planets

Plane, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
I present herein an ensemble of ROCKE-3D aqua-planet simulations which I compare with the simulations presented in the work of Yang et al. (2019) and other similar works. The focus was on contrasting differences in the greenhouse effect between the models. In contrast to their work, I examined simulations with a dynamic ocean instead of a slab ocean, as well as the inclusion of dynamic sea ice for 2 out of 4 of them. A subset of the simulations examined prevented the formation of sea ice to make them more comparable to Yang et al. (2019), but they never reached radiative equilibrium and this made it difficult to utilize their results. When contrasting the sea ice simulations of ROCKE-3D with the CAM4_Wolf/ExoCAM simulation of Komacek & Abbot(2019), I found that the inclusion of ocean heat transport through a dynamic ocean increases the ice-free region around the sub-tropics for the rapidly rotating aqua-planet around a G-star, thus, resulting in a lower Bond albedo and more surface warming. Supporting previous intercomparisons (Sergeevet al. 2021), ROCKE-3D produces less low- to midlevel clouds toward the equator/substellar point, compared to other models. Consequently, this leads to less cooling through the shortwave cloud radiative forcing. Lastly, I looked at the specific humidity. ROCKE-3D produced the highest stratospheric water vapor content in the M-star scenario, which suggests that ROCKE-3D is closer to the moist greenhouse limit of Kasting et al. (1993); although, the model is still far off. / I detta arbete så presenterar jag vattenplanet simulationer producerade med hjälp av ROCKE-3D, som jag sedan jämför med simulationerna som presenteras i Yang et al. (2019). Fokuset för jämförelsen låg på att jämföra skillnader gällande den producerade växthuseffekten. Alla simulationer utnyttjade ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett enklare "platt hav", varav 2 utav 4 av dom simulationer som presenteras tillåter havsis att formas. De simulationer som inte tillät is uppnådde aldrig termisk jämvikt vilket gjorde det svårt att antyda något utifrån dom. Vid jämförelse av is-simulationerna som producerades av ROCKE-3D med de is-simulationer producerade med hjälp av CAM4/ExoCAM i Komacek & Abbot (2019), så visades det sig att den is-fria regionen runtomkring de subtropiska områderna vart större för den snabbt roterande vattenplaneten runt en G-klassad stjärna om man inkluderar ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett "platt hav". Vidare, så stödjer detta arbete dom resultat presenterade i Sergeev et al. (2021), där ROCKE-3D producerar mindre låg- och medelhöga molnformationer runtom ekvatorn/substellära regionen, jämfört med andra modeller. Vidare, så leder detta till en mindre kylningseffekt genom molnens reflektion av kortvågsstrålning. Sist, så undersökte jag den specifika fuktigheten, där ROCKE-3D visar på ett högre värde av stratosfärisk vattenånga i fallet av en tidsvattenlåst havsplanet runt en M-stjärna. Detta tyder på att ROCKE-3D är närmare den fuktiga växthusgränsen som presenteras i Kasting et al. (1993). Dock, så är den fortfarande långt ifrån att uppnås.

Monitoramento ambiental da costa do Rio Grande do Norte com base em sensoriamento remoto e geod?sia de precis?o

Ferreira, Anderson Targino da Silva 16 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-24T19:48:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonTSF_TESE_ Capa_ate_pag22.pdf: 11459625 bytes, checksum: fd30a979bc39cf6180f782c772106ee3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This paper presents models of parameters of Sea Surface Layer (SSL), such as chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature (SST), Primary Productivity (PP) and Total Suspended Matter (TSM) for the region adjacent to the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Concentrations of these parameters measured in situ were compared in time quasi-synchronous with images AQUA-MODIS between the years 2003 to 2011. Determination coefficients between samples in situ and bands reflectance sensor AQUA-MODIS were representative. From that, concentrations of SSL parameters were acquired for the continental shelf of the RN (eastern and northern) analyzing the geographic distribution of variation of these parameters between the years 2009-2012. Geographical and seasonal variations mainly influenced by global climate phenomena such as El Ni?o and La Ni?a, were found through the analysis of AQUA-MODIS images by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Images show qualitatively the variance and availability of TSM in the regions, as well as their relationship with coastal erosion hotspots, monitored along the coast of the RN. In one of the areas identified as being of limited availability of TSM, we developed a methodology for assessment and evaluation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of beach surfaces (emerged and submerged sections) from the integration of topographic and bathymetric data measured in situ and accurately georeferenced compatible to studies of geomorphology and coastal dynamics of short duration. The methodology consisted of surveys with GNSS positioning operated in cinematic relative mode involved in topographic and bathymetric executed in relation to the stations of the geodetic network of the study area, which provided geodetic link to the Brazilian Geodetic System (GBS), univocal , fixed, and relatively stable over time. In this study Ponta Negra Beach, Natal / RN, was identified as a region with low variance and availability of MPS in the region off, as characterized by intense human occupation and intense coastal erosion in recent decades, which presents potential of the proposed methodology for accuracy and productivity, and the progress achieved in relation to the classical methods of surveying beach profiles / Este trabalho apresenta modelos de par?metros da Camada Superficial do Mar (CSM), tais como: Clorofila-a, Temperatura da Superf?cie do Mar (TSM), Produtividade Prim?ria (PP) e Material Particulado em Suspen??o (MPS), para a regi?o adjacente a plataforma continental do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brasil. Concentra??es desses par?metros medidos in situ foram comparadas em tempo quase-s?ncronos com imagens AQUAMODIS entre os anos de 2003 at? 2011. Coeficientes de determina??o foram representativos entre as amostras in situ e as bandas de reflect?ncia do sensor AQUAMODIS. A partir disso, concentra??es de par?metros da CSM foram adquiridos para a plataforma continental do RN (Plataforma Oriental e Setentrional) analisando a distribui??o geogr?fica da varia??o desses par?metros entre os anos de 2009-2012. Varia??es geogr?ficas e sazonais influenciadas principalmente por fen?menos clim?ticos globais como o fen?meno El Ni?o e La Ni?a, foram constatadas atrav?s das an?lises das imagens AQUA-MODIS por an?lise de Principais Componentes (PC). As imagens apontam de maneira qualitativa a vari?ncia e disponibilidade do MPS nas regi?es, assim como sua rela??o com hotspots de eros?o costeira, monitorados ao longo do litoral do RN. Em uma das regi?es identificadas como sendo de pouca disponibilidade de MPS, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para levantamento e avalia??o de Modelos Digitais de Eleva??o (MDE) de superf?cies praiais (setores emersos e submersos) a partir da integra??o de dados topogr?ficos e batim?tricos mensurados in situ e georreferenciados com precis?o compat?vel aos estudos de geomorfologia e din?mica costeira de curta dura??o. A metodologia desenvolvida consistiu de levantamentos com posicionamentos GNSS operados no modo relativo cinem?tico envolvidos nos levantamentos topogr?ficos e batim?tricos executados em rela??o ?s esta??es da rede geod?sica da ?rea de estudo, que forneceram referencial geod?sico vinculado ao Sistema Geod?sico Brasileiro (SGB), o qual ? un?voco, fixo e relativamente est?vel no tempo. No estudo foi apresentado a Praia de Ponta Negra, Natal/RN, identificada como uma regi?o com baixa vari?ncia e disponibilidade de MPS ao largo, assim como, caracterizada por intensa ocupa??o antr?pica e intensa eros?o costeira nas ?ltimas d?cadas, no qual s?o apresentadas as potencialidades da metodologia proposta, quanto ? acur?cia e produtividade, al?m dos avan?os alcan?ados em rela??o aos m?todos cl?ssicos de levantamento de perfis de praia

Geoprocessamento de dados meteo-oceonogr?ficos (cor do oceano e temperatura da superf?cie do mar) aplicado ao monitoramento ambiental na costa setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte

Ferreira, Anderson Targino da Silva 14 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:08:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonTSF_1_60pdf.pdf: 1582556 bytes, checksum: e1053ad83e14cdcdf0d10a9b5dcbdbbf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-14 / Orbital remote sensing has been used as a beneficial tool in improving the knowledge on oceanographic and hydrodynamic aspects in northern portion of the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, offshore Potiguar Basin. Aspects such as geography, temporal and spatial resolution combined with a consistent methodology and provide a substantial economic advantage compared to traditional methods of in situ data collecting. Images of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's AQUA satellite were obtained to support systematic data collections related to the campaign of environmental monitoring and characterization of Potiguar Basin, held in May 2004. Images of Total Suspension Matter (TSM) and values of radiance standard were generated for the calculation of concentrations of total suspension matter (TSM), chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST). These data sets were used for statistical comparisons between measures in situ and satellite estimates looking validate algorithms or develop a comprehensive regional approach empirically. AQUA-MODIS images allowed the simultaneous comparison of two-dimensional water quality (total suspension matter), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) variability and physical (temperature). For images of total suspension matter, the generated models showed a good correlation with the field data, allowing quantitative and qualitative analysis. The images of chlorophyll-a showed a consistent correlation with the in situ values of concentration. The algorithms adjusted for these images obtained a correlation coefficient fairly well with the data field in order that the sensor can be having an effect throughout the water column and not just the surface. This has led to a fit between the data of chlorophyll-the integration of the average sampling interval of the entire water column up to the level of the first optical depth, with the data generated from the images. This method resulted in higher values of chlorophyll concentration to greater depths, due to the fact that we are integrating more values of chlorophyll in the water column. Thus we can represent the biomass available in the water column. Images SST and SST measures in situ showed a mean difference DT (SST insitu - SST sat) around -0.14 ? C, considered low, making the results very good. The integration of total suspension matter, chlorophyll-a, the temperature of the sea surface (SST) and auxiliary data enabled the recognition of some of the main ways to fund the continental shelf. The main features highlighted were submerged canyons of rivers Apodi and A?u, some of the lines and beachrocks reefs, structural highs and the continental shelf break which occurs at depths around -60 m. The results confirmed the high potential for use of the AQUA-MODIS images to environmental monitoring of sea areas due to ease of detection of the field two-dimensional material in suspension on the sea surface, temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll-a / O sensoriamento remoto orbital tem sido utilizado como ferramenta vantajosa na melhoria do conhecimento sobre os aspectos hidrodin?micos e oceanogr?ficos na por??o norte da plataforma continental do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, regi?o offshore da Bacia Potiguar. Aspectos como a cobertura geogr?fica e resolu??es temporal e espacial, somados a uma metodologia consistente garantem uma substancial vantagem e economia em rela??o aos m?todos tradicionais de coletas de dados in situ. Em apoio ?s coletas sistem?ticas referentes ? campanha de caracteriza??o e monitoramento ambiental da Bacia Potiguar, realizada em maio de 2004, foram obtidas imagens do sensor Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instalado a bordo do sat?lite AQUA da NASA. Foram gerados imagens de material partitulado em suspens?o e valores de radi?ncias normalizadas para o calculo de concentra??es do material particulado em suspens?o (MPS), clorofila-a e temperatura da superf?cie do mar (TSM). Estes conjuntos de dados foram utilizados para compara??es estat?sticas entre medidas in situ e estimativas por sat?lite buscando validar algoritmos globais ou desenvolver uma abordagem regional empiricamente. As imagens AQUA-MODIS permitiram a compara??o bidimensional simult?nea da qualidade da ?gua (material particulado em suspens?o, da biomassa fitoplanct?nica (clorofila-a) e variabilidade f?sica (temperatura). Para as imagens de material particulado em suspens?o, os modelos gerados apresentaram uma boa correla??o em rela??o aos dados de campo, permitindo uma an?lise quantitativa e qualitativa dessas imagens. As imagens de clorofila-a apresentaram correla??o consistente com os valores das concentra??es in situ. Os algoritmos ajustados para essas imagens obtiveram um coeficiente de correla??o razoavelmente bom em rela??o aos dados de campo, tendo em vista que o sensor possa estar tendo influ?ncia de toda a coluna d ?gua e n?o apenas da superf?cie. Esse fato levou a um ajuste entre os dados de clorofila-a da integra??o das m?dias dos intervalos de coleta de toda a coluna ?gua at? o n?vel da primeira profundidade ?ptica, em rela??o aos dados gerados das imagens. Tal m?todo resultou em valores mais altos de concentra??o de clorofila para maiores profundidades, devido ao fato de se estar integrando mais valores de clorofila na coluna d ?gua. Dessa maneira pode-se representar a biomassa dispon?vel na coluna d ?gua. As imagens TSM e as medidas de TSM in situ mostraram uma diferen?a m?dia v DT (TSM insitu TSM sat) em torno de -0,14 ?C, considerada baixa, tornando os resultados muito bons. A integra??o de imagens de sedimentos em suspens?o, de clorofila-a e de temperatura da superf?cie do mar possibilitaram o reconhecimento de algumas das principais formas de fundo da plataforma continental. As principais fei??es destacadas foram os canyons submersos dos rios Apodi e A?u, algumas das linhas de beachrocks e recifes, altos estruturais e a quebra da plataforma continental que ocorre a profundidades em torno de 60 m. Os resultados confirmaram o alto potencial de uso das imagens AQUA-MODIS no monitoramento ambiental de ?reas oce?nicas devido ? facilidade na detec??o do campo bidimensional material em suspens?o na superf?cie do mar, de temperatura e da concentra??o de clorofila-a

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