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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The ideological construction of new urbanism in Melrose Arch : a critical analysis

Du Plessis, Linet 20 August 2008 (has links)
This study examines the manifestation of New Urbanism in the South African environment and applies the themes, characteristics and principles of New Urbanism to the landscape of Melrose Arch in Johannesburg. This precinct has been developed according to New Urban principles, and it is the aim of the author to assess whether these principles have been applied successfully, keeping in mind that since New Urbanism is an American design movement, some of its principles may be impractical to apply in a South African environment. In order to conceptualise the environment in which the analysis takes place, the author sketches a background of the origin and history of Johannesburg, including the development of the city centre and rise of the suburbs. Trends such as decentralisation and gentrification are also recognised and examined. A correlation is drawn between the Johannesburg of a few decades ago and the contemporary city to see how events and tendencies created the city of today. The current initiatives that are being undertaken to reinvent the CBD and other areas of the city are considered as well, in order to provide a context for Melrose Arch. The author also briefly examines the origin and history of leisure landscapes such as arcades, world fairs and expositions, shopping malls and themed landscapes. The purpose is not to give exact timelines and histories of these phenomena, but rather to provide a historic foundation to work from in order to sketch the context wherein developments such as Melrose Arch can be situated. The author examines the predecessors of and influences on New Urbanism in an attempt to understand this movement. Starting with the Classical Reformers and the concept of the Ideal City, a common theme runs through several other development theories, such as Garden Cities, Pedestrian Cities, as well as the more recent Edge Cities. The influence of Sprawl on cities is noted, and measures to reduce the occurrence of sprawling land by implementing solutions that are connected to New Urbanism are discussed. The author discusses the inception of New Urbanism, taking into account all the previous discussed development theories that influenced it in one way or another. Additionally, some variations on New Urbanism, such as Traditional Neighbourhood development (TND) and the Pedestrian Pocket (PP) are discussed. New Urbanism is thus placed in a contemporary context by regarding its history and influences. The application to Melrose Arch includes a brief history of this landscape, as well as its architecture and the articulation of space within the precinct. Some themes evident in Melrose Arch are discussed; many of these are based on popular myths and ideologies and how they are represented in this particular space. Issues such as Security and control, Class and status, Consumption and Utopianism are discussed and applied to Melrose Arch. Finally, the principles and characteristics of New Urbanism are applied to Melrose Arch in order to assess how successful the implementation of New Urbanism is in this precinct. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Visual Arts / MA / unrestricted

Verification of the response of a concrete arch dam subjected to seasonal temperature variations / Verifiering av responsen från en valvdamm utsatt för säsongsbetingade temperaturförändringar

Andersson, Oskar, Seppälä, Max January 2015 (has links)
Many dams existing today were constructed around fifty years ago. Condition monitoring is essential for maintaining high safety and determining the current level of safety and stability for these dams. There is a need for new monitoring techniques and finite element coupled monitoring could be one of these techniques. A concrete arch dam located in Sweden is modelled and calibrated with respect to concrete temperature measurements. The temperature distribution is then defined as a prescribed strain in a structural mechanical model in which a parametric study is performed. The results from the parametric study are compared to measurements of the crest deformation and a combination of parameters is found giving the lowest difference between measurements and model results for the mid-section. The results show that the finite element model can be used to predict the behavior of the dam with acceptable deviation. The parametric study indicates that the reference temperature of the concrete has little effect on the amplitude of the deformation and that the governing factor is the coefficient of thermal expansion. / Många av de dammar som finns idag byggdes för omkring femtio år sedan. Tillståndsövervakning är avgörande för att kunna bestämma nivån av säkerhet och stabilitet för dessa dammar. Det finns ett behov av ny övervakningsteknik och finita element-kopplad övervakning kan vara en av dessa tekniker. En betongvalvdamm modelleras och kalibreras med avseende på uppmätt betongtemperatur. Den beräknade temperaturfördelningen definieras sedan som en föreskriven töjning en strukturmekanisk modell i vilken en parametrisk studie utförs. Resultaten från parameterstudien jämförs med mätningar av kröndeformation och en kombination av parametrar identifieras som ger lägsta skillnad mellan mätningar och modellresultat för mittsektionen. Resultaten visar att modellen kan användas för att förutsäga dammens beteende med acceptabel avvikelse. Parameterstudien indikerar att referenstemperaturen för betongen har liten inverkan på amplituden för deformationen och att den styrande faktorn är längdutvidgningskoefficienten.

Anatomische Voraussetzungen für pedale Bypass-Revaskularisationen

Wacker, Anne 08 December 2011 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Gefäßerkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus nehmen als Krankheiten der modernen Zivilisation zu. Sie gehen oft mit dem Risiko einer Amputation einher. Trotz verbesserter Therapie aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts steigen die Amputationsraten. Besonders gefährdet sind Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Aufgrund des besonderen Atherosklerosebefallsmusters mit Verschluss der kruralen Gefäße bei relativer Aussparung der Oberschenkel- und Fußarterien erzielen pedale Bypässe bei diabetischen Patienten besonders gute Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Wiederherstellung der Fußdurchblutung. Ein pedaler Bypass kann eine drohende Amputation oft verhindern. Voraussetzungen für eine pedale Bypass-Operation sind umfassende anatomische Kenntnisse über die Variabilität der Arterien im Operationsgebiet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Gefäßvariationen an Unterschenkel und Fuß. Mit unterschiedlichen Methoden wurden Alkohol-fixierte (n=12) und Thiel-fixierte (n=10) Beinpräparate auf arterielle Variabilität untersucht. Die Alkohol-fixierten Präparate wurden makroskopisch präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert, außerdem erfolgte eine Probenentnahme zur histologischen Untersuchung der Atherosklerosegrade in verschiedenen Gefäßregionen (n=32) und die Herstellung von zwei Dauerpräparaten. An Thiel-fixiertem Material wurde die Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA) getestet. Folgende Fragestellungen waren zu beantworten: 1. Welche Variationen der Blutgefäße finden sich für den Unterschenkel und Fuß? Wie kommunizieren die Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken? 2. Wie können kleinste Gefäße am Fuß präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert werden? 3. Lässt sich an fixiertem Leichenmaterial eine Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie durchzuführen? 4. Zeigen proximale und distale Blutgefäße des Beines einen unterschiedlichen Befall der Atherosklerose? 5. Welche Bedeutung hat die Herstellung von Dauerpräparaten für den studentischen Unterricht? 6. Welche Bedeutung hat die makroskopische Anatomie für die Klinik? Die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sind: 1. Während der makroskopischen Präparation fanden sich folgende Variationen: Trifurkation, Truncus tibiofibularis anterior mit hohem Abgang der A. tibialis posterior und Abgang der A. tibialis anterior aus der A. fibularis, eine sehr dominante A. fibularis bei schwach ausgeprägter A. tibialis posterior, ein Arcus plantaris durch den zweiten intermetatarsalen Spalt laufend, kräftig ausgebildete A. plantaris profunda, kräftiger tiefer Ast der A. plantaris medialis, stark ausgeprägte A. arcuata. Die den Arcus plantaris versorgenden Arterien, vor allem die A. plantaris lateralis und die A. plantaris profunda, variieren stark in ihrer Ausprägung. Sie sind Teil der „Ringanastomose”, die eine Durchblutung des Fußes über die Verbindungen verschiedener Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken gewährleistet. Neben der A. plantaris profunda, die auch als Ramus perforans I bezeichnet wird, gibt es zwischen den Aa. metatarsales plantares und dorsales Verbindungen, die Rr. perforantes II-IV, die bei schwach ausgeprägter A. plantaris profunda die Gefäßversorgung sicherstellen und entsprechend stärker ausgebildet sein können. Die A. fibularis kann über ihre kommunizierenden Äste, dem Ramus perforans zur A. dorsalis pedis oder dem Ramus communicans zur A. tibialis posterior, an der arteriellen Versorgung der Fußsohle beteiligt sein. Bei schwacher Ausbildung der A. tibialis posterior und/oder A. tibialis anterior kann diese durch die A. fibularis als phylogenetisch ältestes und damit konstantestes Gefäß der drei Unterschenkelarterien sogar teilweise oder vollständig ersetzt werden. Die „Ringanastomose“ hat für die Gefäßchirurgie eine große Bedeutung. Beim popliteodistalen Bypass orientiert sich die Wahl des distalen Anschlussgefäßes daran, über welches Gefäß sich der Arcus plantaris angiographisch füllt. Eine Kollateralbildung beim Erwachsenen infolge atherosklerotischer Veränderungen über ursprünglich embryologische Gegebenheiten ist denkbar. 2. Die makroskopische Präparation kleinster Gefäße am Fuß wird durch die Injektion der roten Injektionslösung Microfil® erleichtert. Zur fotografischen Dokumentation ist eine Farbmarkierung der Arterien von außen notwendig, um den Gefäßverlauf sichtbar zu machen. 3. Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie an Leichenmaterial ist nur an Thiel-fixiertem Material möglich, da diese Methode die Gewebeverhältnisse in ihrer natürlichen Konsistenz erhält. Das Einbinden der Schleusen und die Injektion von Kontrastmittel in das Gefäßsystem sind durchführbar, weil die Gefäßlumina durchgängig bleiben. Alkohol- oder Formaldehyd-fixiertes Material ist für diese Zwecke ungeeignet, da das Gewebe aushärtet und in den Gefäßen befindliche Blutreste koagulieren. Dadurch wird eine Kontrastmittel-Injektion unmöglich. 4. Dass histologische Färbungen an langzeitfixiertem Material möglich sind, konnte bestätigt werden. Nach Modifikation der Färbevorschriften erlauben sie die Bewertung des Atherosklerosegrades. Der schwerste Befall mit Grad 4 befindet sich in den Arterien der Kniekehle. Die Fußarterien sind mit Grad 2 geringer befallen. 5. Dauerpräparate verbleiben in der anatomischen Lehrsammlung bzw. im Fundus von Anschauungsmaterial. Sie werden zukünftig zur Demonstration anatomischer Strukturen im Rahmen klinischer Kurse und im Studentenunterricht verwendet. 6. Die Anatomie als Grundlagenfach der Medizin hat in der Lehre einen hohen Stellenwert und in allen Studienabschnitten eine hohe klinische Relevanz. Gemeinsame Lehrveranstaltungen von Anatomie und Klinik wecken bei Studenten großes Interesse und fördern die Motivation. Im Rahmen der ärztlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in klinischen Kursen am Institut für Anatomie beispielsweise Untersuchungsmethoden und Operationsbedingungen simuliert. Kliniker wiederholen, festigen oder vertiefen ihre anatomischen Kenntnisse. Vor allem die chirurgischen Fächer profitieren von diesen praktischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Wie die Arbeit am Beispiel der Gefäßchirurgie zeigt, bedingt eine gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anatomie und Klinik eine sichere klinische Praxis und eine lebendige Anatomie mit klinischen Bezügen. / Summary Vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus show rising frequency in the Western world and are often accompanied by amputation. The amputation rate is still increasing despite major developments in diagnostics and therapy. Especially patients with diabetes mellitus are at high risk. Because of the special pattern with more severe atherosclerosis in the crural vessels than in the femoral and pedal arteries, the pedal bypass surgery provides excellent vessel patency and limb salvage rates in diabetic patients and can often prevent amputation. A solid knowledge about anatomical variations in the operating area is a precondition for bypass operations. This dissertation deals with variations of arteries from the lower leg and foot. Lower legs from alcohol-fixed and Thiel-fixed cadavers were examined with different methods: The alcohol-fixed legs (n=12) were dissected macroscopically for variations of the arteries and documented by photographes. Samples along the vessel course (n=32) were taken for histological evaluation of the atherosclerotic degrees. Two legs were plastinated with polyethylene glycol. The Thiel-fixed legs (n=10) were tested for digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The following questions had to be answered: 1. Which arterial variations can be found for the lower leg and foot? How do the vessels communicate between the sole and the dorsum of the foot? 2. How are small foot vessels dissected for photographical documentation? 3. Can Thiel-fixed material be used for DSA? 4. Do proximal and distal vessels show different degrees of atherosclerosis? 5. Which relevance does plastination have for the medical education? 6. How important is Gross anatomy for the clinicians? Results and conclusions: 1. The following variations occurred: trifurcation, anterior tibiofibular truncus with high branching from the posterior tibial artery and the anterior tibial artery originating from the fibular artery, dominant fibular artery, plantar arch running through the second interosseus space, dominant deep plantar artery, dominant deep branch of the medial plantar artery, prominent arcuate artery. The arteries for the plantar arch, supplying most of the foot arteries, show a high diversification. They are part of the “ring anastomosis” which assures a good blood supply via different vessels connecting the dorsum and the sole of the foot. Beside the deep plantar artery, also named as “perforating branch I”, there are other connecting branches between the plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries - the perforating braches II, III and IV. These branches are highly developed in case of an undeveloped deep plantar artery. The fibular artery can be involved in the blood supply of the foot via a communicating branch to the posterior tibial artery and the perforating branch to the dorsalis pedis artery. The fibular artery, which is phylogenetically the oldest crural vessel, can be highly developed in case of inferior anterior tibial artery and/or posterior tibial artery. The “ring anastomosis” is very important for vascular surgery. The inflow and outflow vessels of a popliteodistal bypass are chosen after angiography of the plantar arch showing the vessel for the supply of the plantar arch. 2. Macroscopical dissection of very small foot vessels can be facilitated by injection of a special plastic, Microfil®-solution. The arteries have to be additionally coloured by help of special markers for photographical documentation. 3. DSA can just be done with Thiel-fixed material. Thiel-fixation allows DSA because maintained in situ conditions. The blood is not coagulated and the vessels stay patent for contrast medium. Alcohol-fixed or formaldehyde-fixed material is not suitable for DSA because of clotted blood in the vessels impeding injection of contrast agent. 4. It is confirmed that histological examination is possible with long fixed material. After modification of the staining protocol the sections could be used for evaluation of the atherosclerotic degree. The popliteal arteries are more affected with degree 4 in comparison to the foot arteries with degree 2. 5. Plastinates are displayed in the anatomical collection of the Institute for Anatomy. They will be used for anatomical demonstrations in the lessons of students and in clinical courses. 6. Anatomy as basic knowledge is very important for teaching medical students and has a high clinical relevance in every phase of the medical course. Interdisciplinary lessons between anatomy and clinical disciplines awake interest and motivate students. Advanced medical training is obtained at the Institute for Anatomy by simulating endoscopic examination and developing new surgical techniques. Clinicians repeat, stabilize and deepen their anatomical knowledge. Especially surgeons benefit from these training possibilities. Using the example of vascular bypass surgery the present dissertation shows the value of a good cooperation between anatomy and clinic to provide a safe clinical practice and a lively anatomy with clinical references.

Treatment and genetic analysis of craniofacial deficits associated with down syndrome

Tumbleson, Danika M. 12 December 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) and occurs in ~1 of every 700 live births. Individuals with DS present craniofacial abnormalities, specifically an undersized, dysmorphic mandible which may lead to difficulty with eating, breathing, and speech. Using the Ts65Dn DS mouse model, which mirrors these phenotypes and contains three copies of ~50% Hsa21 homologues, our lab has traced the mandibular deficit to a neural crest cell (NCC) deficiency in the first pharyngeal arch (PA1 or mandibular precursor) at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). At E9.5, the PA1 is reduced in size and contains fewer cells due to fewer NCC populating the PA1 from the neural tube (NT) as well as reduced cellular proliferation in the PA1. We hypothesize that both the deficits in NCC migration and proliferation may cause the reduction in size of the PA1. To identify potential genetic mechanisms responsible for trisomic PA1 deficits, we generated RNA-sequence (RNA-seq) data from euploid and trisomic E9.25 NT and E9.5 PA1 (time points occurring before and after observed deficits) using a next-generation sequencing platform. Analysis of RNA-seq data revealed differential trisomic expression of 53 genes from E9.25 NT and 364 genes from E9.5 PA1, five of which are present in three copies in Ts65Dn. We also further analyzed the data to find that fewer alternative splicing events occur in trisomic tissues compared to euploid tissues and in PA1 tissue compared to NT tissue. In a subsequent study, to test gene-specific treatments to rescue PA1 deficits, we targeted Dyrk1A, an overexpressed DS candidate gene implicated in many DS phenotypes and predicted to cause the NCC and PA1 deficiencies. We hypothesize that treatment of pregnant Ts65Dn mothers with Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a known Dyrk1A inhibitor, will correct NCC deficits and rescue the undersized PA1 in trisomic E9.5 embryos. To test our hypothesis, we treated pregnant Ts65Dn mothers with EGCG from either gestational day 7 (G7) to G8 or G0 to G9.5. Our study found an increase in PA1 volume and NCC number in trisomic E9.5 embryos after treatment on G7 and G8, but observed no significant improvements in NCC deficits following G0-G9.5 treatment. We also observed a developmental delay of embryos from trisomic mothers treated with EGCG from G0-G9.5. Together, these data show that timing and sufficient dosage of EGCG treatment is most effective during the developmental window the few days before NCC deficits arise, during G7 and G8, and may be ineffective or harmful when administered at earlier developmental time points. Together, the findings of both studies offer a better understanding of potential mechanisms altered by trisomy as well as preclinical evidence for EGCG as a potential prenatal therapy for craniofacial disorders linked to DS.

Silniční most v obci Ždár nad Sázavou / Road bridge in the village Ždár nad Sázavou

Pylypenko, Jevhenij January 2022 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on design of the superstructure of a new concrete bridge in city Žďár nad Sázavou, Kraj Vysočina. The bridge should serve for passing roadway, cycle path and pavement across the river Sázava. The base for bridge design include the measured terrain. The static system is self-anchored system of arch, braces and prestressed semi-through deck. The bridge span is 74,02. Arch span is 57,00 m with high 12,00 m. Construction was assessed by the ultimate limit state and service limit state according to recent standards (Eurocode).

Návrh silničního mostu v Brně / Design of the road bridge in Brno

Kutálek, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is a design of a highway bridge across the Svratka river in Brno. Among three options, the arch bridge with a trapezoidal bridge deck from prestressed concrete was chosen. The load effect is calculated with the assistance of Scia Engineer software. The design and the assessment of the structure are made for the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state. Static assessment is done by hand calculation according to CSN EN 1992-2. The thesis includes drawings and visualizations of the bridge structure.

Fundamental study on seismic behavior of hinge types of precast arch culverts in culvert longitudinal direction / ヒンジ式プレキャストアーチカルバート縦断方向の地震時挙動に関する基礎的研究

Miyazaki, Yusuke 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21736号 / 工博第4553号 / 新制||工||1710(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 木村 亮, 教授 岸田 潔, 准教授 木元 小百合 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Influence of Fluid Structure Interaction on a Concrete Dam during Seismic Excitation : -Parametric analyses of an Arch Dam-Reservoir-Foundation system / Inverkan av fluid-struktur interaktion på en betongdamm vid jordbävningsbelastning : -Parametriska analyser av en valvdamsmodell

Hellgren, Rikard January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how Fluid-Structure interaction is included in numerical earthquake analyses of dams. The base for this project is theme A from the 12th international benchmark workshop on numerical analysis of dams, which was held in October 2013. The focus of theme A was how to account for the fluid structure interaction in numerical earthquake analyses of dams. To highlight how engineers and researchers include this interaction in their analysis, a literature review of the modeling choices and conclusions from all participants are included. Since the workshop contains participants from seven countries, this review aims to describe of how this analysis is carried out in practice. Further, parametric numerical analyses are performed in this study, where the purpose is to isolate some important parameters and investigate how these influence the results in seismic analyses of dams. These analyses were performed through the use of the finite element method. The geometric model from the benchmark workshop was used and analysed with the commercial software Abaqus. The studied parameters are the choice of fluid element, Rayleigh damping parameters, reservoir boundaries and wave absorption in the foundation-reservoir interface. The water has a major effect on a dam's seismic behaviour and should be included in the analysis. The added mass approach gives similar results compared with a more sophisticated method. This simplified approach could be used in engineering purpose where the time is limited and the accuracy is of lesser importance, since the calculated stresses are conservative. Using acoustic finite elements provides a reasonable computation time, while also allowing for more advanced features, such as bottom absorption and non-reflecting boundaries The definition of Rayleigh damping has proven to be a very challenging task, especially as it has a large impact on the results. The choice of boundary conditions for the back end of the reservoir was the parameter that least influenced the results. The conservative approach is to use a fixed boundary where all pressure waves are reflected. The reflection coefficient for the foundation-reservoir interface has a large influence on the results, both for the participants that used this coefficient in the benchmark workshop and for the analyses presented in this study. The coefficient should therefore be used carefully. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fluid-struktur interaktion inkluderas i numeriska jordbävningsanalyser av dammar. Detta ämne var ett av de teman som behandlades vid den 12:e internationella benchmark-workshopen för numerisk analys av dammar som hölls i oktober 2014 i Graz, österike.   För att visa hur ingenjörer och forskare tar hänsyn till denna interaktion har en litteraturstudie på bidragen till workshopen genomförts. Då workshopen lockade deltagare från universitet och konstruktionsfirmor från sju länder, är målet att kunna beskriva hur jordbävningsanalyser av dammar utförs i praktiken.   Dessutom har numeriska parameterstudier genomförts, med syfte att isolera enskilda parametrars inverkan vid seismiska anslyser av dammar. Analyserna har utförts med finita elementmetoden och analyserna är utförda med den geometriska modellen som användes i workshopen. Alla analyser har utförts i programmet Abaqus. De analyserade parametrarna är, val av fluid-element, Rayleigh dämpningsparametrar, randvillkor för reservoaren samt tryckvågsabsorption i gränsytan mellan reservoar och berg.   Vattnet har en stor inverkan på dammen och de hydrodynamiska effekterna bör inkluderas vid en jordbävningsanalys. Metoden med impulsiv massa ger liknande resultat jämfört med mer sofistikerade metoder. Denna enklare metod kan användas i samanhang där beräknings och modelleringstid är begränsad och noggrannhet är av mindre intresse så länge resultaten är konservativa. För tillämpningar där noggrannheten är viktigare kan akustiska element användas för att beskriva vattnet. De akustiska element ger möjligheter för mer sofistikerade analyser där t.ex. vågabsorption och icke reflekterande gränser kan beaktas.   Att välja Rayleigh dämpning visade sig var en väldigt utmanande uppgift, där valet hade stor påverkan på resultaten. Valet av randvillkor för reservoarens bortre ände var den parameter som hade minst påverkan på resultaten. Det konservativa valet är att välja en ''fixed'' gräns med full reflektion av tryckvågor.   Reflektionskoefficienten för interaktionen mellan vatten och berg visade sig ha en stor inverkan på resultaten, både för de deltagare i workshopen som valde att använda denna koefficient och för de analyser som presenteras i denna studie. Denna koefficient bör därför användas med försiktighet.

Rectification of 2-D to 3-D Finite Element Analysis in Buried Concrete Arches Under Discrete Loading

Aagard, Adam D. 21 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Construction of tunnels and small- to medium-span bridges is a $12 billion per year industry in the United States, with a significant portion going into buried arch structures. Notwithstanding such expenditure, modern arch design and construction, in many cases, is highly conservative. This is because the closed-form solutions used by most designers today do not correctly account for soil-structure interaction. In fact, soil-structure interaction makes a closed form solution impossible. With the advent of high power computers in recent years, some designers have turned to finite element (FE)modeling as the main vehicle of analysis. Such numerical procedures provide an accurate approximation of physical behavior. Practices using FE analysis for buried arch design almost exclusively use two-dimensional models because they are faster to set up and analyze than three-dimensional models and cost substantially less. However, 2-D models fail to account for the stiffness of the structure and spread of discrete loads in the third-dimension. Both the 1996 and 1998 AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specifications address this problem, providing methods of load reduction. Much of the current reduction, however, is based on research done on concrete bridge decks, and does not account for continuous elastic support or the geometry of the structure. This results in a conservative analysis at low fill covers (<10') and/or increasing spans (>20’). This research provides a method to rectify the discrepancy that arises in discrete loading of 2-D FE models of semi-flexible buried concrete arch bridge, culvert, and tunnel systems due to the plane-strain assumption. Rectification is accomplished by providing a correlation between the deflection of a beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis and a distribution length by which the load in 2-D analysis is reduced. Distribution lengths are derived using bending energy ratios. The correlation considers structural geometry, overburden height, and base soil stiffness. Reduction of the 2-D design load by the proposed distribution length results in shear forces and bending moments nearly equivalent to those obtained from 3-D analysis in the plane of discrete load application transverse to the structure. Less conservative results are also obtained for axial forces. These results are intended for use on structures that are four times the span in length, or longer.

Fluid Flow Characterization and In Silico Validation in a Rapid Prototyped Aortic Arch Model

Knauer, Alexandra Mariel 01 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Transcatheter aortic heart valve replacement (TAVR) is a procedure to replace a failing aortic valve and is becoming the new standard of care for patients that are not candidates for open-heart surgery [2]. However, this minimally invasive technique has shown to cause ischemic brain lesions, or “silent infarcts”, in 90% of TAVR patients, which can increase the patient’s risk for stroke by two to four times in future years [3]. Claret Medical Inc., a medical device company, has developed a cerebral protection system that filters and captures embolic debris released during endovascular procedures, such as TAVR. This thesis utilized CT scans from Claret Medical to create a physical construct of the aortic arch to experimentally validate a theoretical computer model through flow visualization. The hypothesis was that the empirical model can accurately mimic the fluid dynamic properties of the aortic arch in order validate an in silico model using the finite elements program COMSOL MultiPhysics® Modeling Software. The physical model was created from a patient CT scan of the aortic arch using additive manufacturing (3D printing) and polymer casting, resulting in the shape of the aortic arch within a transparent, silicone material. Fluid was pumped through the model to visualize and quantify the velocity of the fluid within the aortic arch. COMSOL MultiPhysics® was used to model the aortic arch and obtain velocity measurements, which were statistically compared to the velocity measurements from the physical model. There was no significant difference between the values of the physical model and the computer model, confirming the hypothesis. Overall, this study successfully used CT scans to create an anatomically accurate physical model that was validated by a computer model using a novel technique of flow visualization. As TAVR and similar procedures continue to develop, the need for experimental evaluation and visualization of devices will continue to grow, making this project relevant to many companies in the medical device industry.

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