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Mécanismes de retransmission Hybrid-ARQ en radio-cognitive. / Hybrid-ARQ mechanisms in a radio-cognitive context.Tajan, Romain 05 December 2013 (has links)
Dans les standards actuels tels que HSDPA ou LTE, des protocoles de retransmissions (ARQ: Automatic Repeat reQuest) sont utilisés conjointement au codage de canal afin de palier aux erreurs dues à l'absence ou la mauvaise de connaissance de canal à la transmission. On garantit ainsi la fiabilité du lien physique pour les couches OSI supérieures (du moins un taux d'erreur paquet faible). De tels protocoles sont appelés protocoles de retransmission hybrides (HARQ). L'objet de cette thèse est de proposer des outils permettant l'analyse et l'optimisation des systèmes de communication en présences de protocoles HARQ avec une emphase particulière sur les systèmes cognitifs.Dans la première partie, nous étudierons un système point-à-point dans lequel trois différents protocoles HARQ adaptatifs seront considérés. Dans un premier temps, nous considérerons le régime asymptotique (i.e. codes optimaux gaussiens). Nous proposerons, dans ce cas, deux optimisations possibles : la minimisation de la puissance moyenne sous la contrainte de débit moyen et la maximisation du débit moyen sous une contrainte de puissance moyenne. Nous montrerons que les Processus de Décision Markoviens (MDP) sont des outils adaptés aux problèmes d'optimisation considérés.Dans les standards actuels tels que HSDPA ou LTE, des protocoles de retransmissions (ARQ: Automatic Repeat reQuest) sont utilisés conjointement au codage de canal afin de palier aux erreurs dues à l'absence ou la mauvaise de connaissance de canal à la transmission. On garantit ainsi la fiabilité du lien physique pour les couches OSI supérieures (du moins un taux d'erreur paquet faible). De tels protocoles sont appelés protocoles de retransmission hybrides (HARQ). L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des outils permettant l'analyse et l'optimisation des systèmes de communication en présences de protocoles HARQ avec une emphase particulière sur les systèmes cognitifs. La radio cognitive est une approche permettant à des utilisateurs non-licenciés de communiquer dans les mêmes bandes de fréquences que des utilisateurs licenciés afin d'augmenter l'efficacité spectrale des réseaux sans fil. Les utilisateurs secondaires doivent néanmoins limiter les interférences générées sur les signaux des utilisateurs primaires. Dans ce contexte, nous étudierons les débits atteignables par un utilisateur secondaire utilisant l'observation du protocole HARQ de l'utilisateur primaire afin de contrôler son interférence. / Automatic Repeat Request protocols (ARQ) are widely implemented in current mobile wireless standards such as HSDPA and LTE. In general, ARQ protocols are combined with channel coding to overcome errors caused by the lack of channel knowledge at the transmitter side. These protocols are called Hybrid ARQ protocols (HARQ). HARQ protocols ensure a good reliability (at least a small packet error rate) of the physical layer for the OSI upper layers. The purpose of this thesis is to provide tools for the analysis and the optimization of HARQ communication systems with an emphasis on cognitive systems. Cognitive Radio (CR) is an approach aiming to increase the spectral efficiency of wireless networks. In a CR context, unlicensed users are allowed to communicate within the same frequency bands and at the same time as licensed users. Secondary users must however limit the amount of interference generated on the primary users signals. In this thesis, we consider a scenario in which the secondary user interferes a primary user employing a HARQ protocol. When the secondary user knows the state of the primary HARQ protocol, we show that a joint power and rate allocation can be performed to limit the interference.
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Solbil : Designundersökning av övervakningssystem och automatisk energiförbrukningsprognos för en solbil / Solar car : Design study of a monitoring system and automatic energy consumption forecasting for a solar carEriksson, Klas-Göran, Peterson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Jönköping University Solar Team deltog år 2015 i tävlingen World Solar Challenge som körs vartannat år i Australien. Team från hela världen deltar i denna tävling där de konstruerar solbilar som de sedan tävlar med i ett race på ca 3000 km från Darwin till Adelaide. En solbil är en elbil som även är utrustad med solpaneler för att ge en teoretiskt oändlig körsträcka så länge bilen har tillgång till solenergi. Jönköping University kom på 15 plats i detta race och ville till nästa race förbättra sin konkurrenskraft. Eftersom det var ett race och varje teams mål var att använda sin bil så effektivt som möjligt behövdes ett system för att övervaka och logga batteridata och presentera det för teamet. Det var även fördelaktigt om teamet kunde få någon form av energiprognos för att kunna bestämma vilken hastighet som solbilen bör hålla. Ett system som loggar och överför denna information från solbilen till en följebil utvecklades och utvärderades. Syftet med denna studie var således: Öka Jönköping University Solar Teams konkurrenskraft genom att förse följebilen med ett beslutsstöd som i realtid övervakar och loggar solbilens batterinivå och energiförbrukning. Design Science Research användes som metod för att genomföra detta syfte, vilket gav möjligheten att utveckla systemet som en artefakt och använda denna för att presentera resultatet. Tre olika experiment utfördes för att konstatera funktionaliten på den trådlösa kommunikationen, hur rättvisande systemet var samt hur väl energiförbrukningen kunde förutsägas. I resultatet beskrivs hela artefakten och tillsammans med experimenten konstaterades att systemet kommer att ge Jönköping University Solar Team en högre konkurrenskraft i nästa race. / Jönköping University Solar Team participated in the 2015 edition of World Solar Challenge, which is held every other year in Australia. Teams from all around the world participates in the competition in which they construct a solar car and competes in a 3000 km long race from Darwin to Adelaide. A solar car is an electric car equipped with solar panels to give it a theoretical infinite mileage as long as the car have access to solar energy. Jönköping University came in 15th place in this race and would like to improve their competitiveness in the next race. Because it is a competition and the goal for every team is to use their car as efficiently as possible a system to log and monitor the battery and present the information to the team was needed. It would also be good to have some kind of energy consumption forecast that would be used to decide the speed the solar car should keep. A system that collect, stores and transmits the information from the solar car to an escort vehicle was developed and evaluated. Thus, the pursues of this studies were: Improve Jönköping University Solar Teams competitiveness by provide a decision support which in real time monitor and log the solar car battery level and energy consumption. Design Science Research was used as a method to realize this purpose, which gave the opportunity to develop the system as an artifact and use this to present the result. Three different experiments were constructed to determine the functionality of the wireless communication, how accurate the system was and how well the energy consumption could be predicted. In the results the artifact is described as a whole and together with the experiments it is found that the system will give Jönköping University Solar Team a higher competitiveness in the next race.
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Amélioration des services vidéo fournis à travers les réseaux radio mobilesBouchireb, Khaled 25 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude des systèmes de communications pour application aux services vidéo fournis par les réseaux radio mobiles. Ce travail met l'accent sur les systèmes point à multipoints et propose plusieurs améliorations : Dans un premier temps, on définit un système qui combine le décodage robuste aux retransmissions ARQ, et ce de telle façon à réduire le nombre de retransmissions tout en gardant le même niveau de qualité. Contrairement aux systèmes actuels (avec ou sans retransmissions), ce systèmes offre également la possibilité de choisir le compromis débit/qualité via un paramètre du système. Par la suite, on considère les sytèmes de transmission d'une vidéo scalable vers plusieurs terminaux. Des extensions des systèmes Go-Back-N (GBN) Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) et Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ sont étudiées et comparées à un nouveau système. On montre que ce dernier limite les besoins de bufferisation au niveau du terminal récepteur tout en ayant des performances optimales (en termes de quantité de données transmises avec succès sur une période donnée). Finalement, on montre que même sous une contrainte débit on peut utiliser les retransmissions dans les communications point à multipoints à condition de ne pas dépasser une certaine limite sur le nombre d'utilisateurs. Si l'utilisation des retransmissions ARQ est introduite dans les sytèmes de Multicast/Broadcast 3GPP et/ou WiMAX, le système pourra garantir une qualité nominale à un certain nombre d'utilisateurs, ce qui n'est pas le cas des systèmes de Multicast/Broadcast actuels.
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Design and analysis of medium access control protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networksAlonso Zárate, Jesús 25 February 2009 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral contribuye a la incesante evolución de las comunicaciones inalámbricas. Se centra en el diseño de protocolos de acceso al medio (MAC) para redes ad hoc y redes inalámbricas cooperativas.
En una primera parte introductoria se presenta un minucioso estado del arte y se establecen las bases teóricas de las contribuciones presentadas en la tesis. En esta primera parte introductoria se definen las principales motivaciones de la tesis y se plantean los objetivos. Después, las contribuciones de la tesis se organizan en dos grandes bloques, o partes.
En la primera parte de esta tesis se diseña, analiza y evalúa el rendimiento de un novedoso protocolo MAC de alta eficiencia llamado DQMAN (Protocolo MAC basado en colas distribuidas para redes ad hoc). Este protocolo constituye la extensión y adaptación del protocolo DQCA, diseñado para redes centralizadas, para operar en redes sin infraestructura. En DQMAN se introduce un nuevo paradigma en el campo del acceso al medio para redes distribuidas: la integración de un algoritmo de clusterización espontáneo y dinámico basado en una estructura de master y esclavo junto con un protocolo MAC de alta eficiencia diseñado para redes centralizadas. Tanto el análisis teórico como las simulaciones por ordenador presentadas en esta tesis muestran que DQMAN mejora el rendimiento del actual estándar IEEE 802.11. La principal característica de DQMAN es que se comporta
como un protocolo de acceso aleatorio cuando la carga de tráfico es baja y cambia automática y transparentemente a un protocolo de reserva a medida que el tráfico de la red aumenta. Además, su rendimiento es prácticamente independiente del número de usuarios simultáneos de la red, lo cual es algo deseable en redes que nacen para cubrir una necesidad espontánea y no pueden ser planificadas.
El hecho de que algoritmo de clusterización se base en un acceso aleatorio permite la coexistencia e intercomunicación de usuarios DQMAN con usuarios basados en el estándar IEEE 802.11. Este estudio se presenta en esta primera parte de la tesis y es fundamental de cara a una posible explotación comercial de DQMAN.
La metodología presentada en esta tesis mediante el cual se logra extender la operación de DQCA a entornos ad hoc sin infraestructura puede ser utilizada para adaptar cualquier otro protocolo centralizado. Con el objetivo de poner de manifiesto esta realidad, la primera parte de la tesis concluye con el diseño y evaluación de DPCF como una extensión distribuida del modo de coordinación centralizado (PCF) del estándar IEEE 802.11 para operar en redes distribuidas.
La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el estudio de un tipo específico de técnicas cooperativas: técnicas cooperativas de retransmisión automática (C-ARQ). La idea principal de las técnicas C-ARQ es que cuando un paquete de datos se recibe con bits erróneos, se solicita retransmisión, no a la fuente de datos, si no a cualquiera de los usuarios que escuchó la transmisión original. Estos usuarios se convierten en espontáneos retransmisores que permiten mejorar la eficiencia de la comunicación. A pesar de que este tipo de esquema puede obtener diversidad de cooperación, el hecho de implicar a más de un usuario en una comunicación punto a punto requiere una coordinación que hasta ahora ha sido obviada en la literatura, asumiendo que los retransmisores pueden coordinarse perfectamente para retransmitir uno detrás de otro. En esta tesis se analiza y evalúa el coste de coordinación impuesto por la capa MAC y se identifican los principales retos de diseño que las técnicas C-ARQ imponen al diseño de la capa MAC. Además, se presenta el diseño y análisis de dos novedosos protocolos MAC para C-ARQ: DQCOOP y PRCSMA. El primero se basa en DQMAN y constituye una extensión de este para operar en esquemas C-ARQ, mientras que el segundo constituye la adaptación del estándar IEEE 802.11 para poder ejecutarse en un esquema C-ARQ. El rendimiento de estos esquemas se compara en esta tesis tanto con esquemas no cooperativos como con esquemas ideales cooperativos donde se asume que el MAC es ideal. Los resultados principales muestran que el diseño eficiente de la capa MAC es esencial para obtener todos los beneficios potenciales de los esquemas cooperativos. / This thesis aims at contributing to the incessant evolution of wireless communications. The focus is on the design of medium access control (MAC) protocols for ad hoc and cooperative wireless networks.
A comprehensive state of the art and a background on the topic is provided in a first preliminary part of this dissertation. The motivations and key objectives of the thesis are also presented in this part. Then, the contributions of the thesis are divided into two fundamental parts.
The first part of the thesis is devoted to the design, analysis, and performance evaluation of a new high-performance MAC protocol. It is the
Distributed Queueing MAC Protocol for Ad hoc Networks (DQMAN) and constitutes an extension and adaptation of the near-optimum Distributed Queueing with Collision Avoidance (DQCA) protocol, designed for infrastructure-based networks, to operate over networks without infrastructure.
DQMAN introduces a new access paradigm in the context of distributed networks: the integration of a spontaneous, dynamic, and soft-binding masterslave clustering mechanism together with a high-performance infrastructure-based MAC protocol. Theoretical analysis and computer-based simulation show that DQMAN outperforms IEEE 802.11 Standard. The main characteristic of the protocol is that it behaves as a random access control protocol when the traffic load is low and it switches smoothly and automatically to a reservation protocol as the traffic load grows. In addition, its performance is almost independent of the number of users of a network.
The random-access based clustering algorithm allows for the coexistence and intercommunication of stations using DQMAN with the ones just based on the legacy IEEE 802.11 Standard. This assessment is also presented in this first part of the dissertation and constitutes a key contribution in the light of the commercial application of DQMAN.
Indeed, the rationale presented in this first part of the thesis to extend DQCA and become DQMAN to operate over distributed networks can be used to extend the operation of any other infrastructure-based MAC protocol to ad hoc networks. In order to exemplify this, a case study is presented to conclude the first part of the thesis. The Distributed Point Coordination Function (DPCF) MAC protocol is presented as the extension of the PCF of the IEEE 802.11 Standard to be used in ad hoc networks.
The second part of the thesis turns the focus to a specific kind of cooperative communications: Cooperative Automatic Retransmission Request (C-ARQ) schemes. The main idea behind C-ARQ is that when a packet is received with errors at a receiver, a retransmission can be requested not only from the source but also to any of the users which overheard the original transmission. These users can become spontaneous helpers to assist in the failed transmission by forming a temporary ad hoc network. Although such a scheme may provide cooperative diversity gain, involving a number of users in the communication between two users entails a complicated coordination task that has a certain cost. This cost has been typically neglected in the literature, assuming that the relays can attain a perfect scheduling and transmit one after another. In this second part of the thesis, the cost of the MAC layer in C-ARQ schemes is analyzed and two novel MAC protocols for C-ARQ are designed, analyzed, and comprehensively evaluated. They are the DQCOOP and the Persistent Relay Carrier Sensing Multiple Access (PRCSMA) protocols. The former is based on DQMAN and the latter is based on the IEEE 802.11 Standard. A comparison with non-cooperative ARQ schemes (retransmissions performed only from the source) and with ideal CARQ (with perfect scheduling among the relays) is included to have actual reference benchmarks of the novel proposals. The main results show that an efficient design of the MAC protocol is crucial in order to actually obtain the benefits associated to the C-ARQ schemes.
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Performances théoriques et analyse des schémas HARQ dans un contexte d'optimisation inter-couchesLe Duc, Aude 12 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur l'établissement des expressions analytiques des performances des schémas Hybrid ARQ dans un contexte d'optimisation inter-couches. Le mécanisme Hybrid ARQ permet de tirer profit des propriétés de l'ARQ et des propriétés d'un FEC, selon la valeur du SNR. Par conséquent, la quantité de redondance transmise est automatiquement adaptée à la qualité du canal, en se basant sur l'acquittement de la transmission précédente. Sachant qu'aujourd'hui, tous les systèmes opèrent (ou sont sur le point d'opérer) sous le protocole IP, il est intéressant d'étudier leurs performances au niveau de la couche IP. Les métriques considérées sont le taux d'erreur paquet, l'efficacité, le délai et la gigue. Ces métriques sont utiles puisque les besoins en QoS dépendent d'une combinaison de celles-ci. Cependant, dans la littérature, les performances des schémas HARQ sont surtout analysées au niveau MAC. De plus, elles sont souvent évaluées au moyen de simulations. L'objectif est donc ici d'établir les expressions analytiques des quatre métriques de performances pour tout type de mé- canisme HARQ, aux niveaux MAC et IP, en prenant en compte des solutions existantes d'optimisation entre les couches MAC et IP. Il est ensuite prouvé que ces dérivations sont utiles pour construire des algorithmes dédiés à la gestion des ressources radio aussi bien qu'à la protection inégale des données.
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Modelos markovianos e análise de desempenho de esquemas ARQ em canais móveisLeal de Siqueira, Rodrigo January 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004 / O presente trabalho desenvolve modelos de canais de estados finitos (CEF) para um
sistema de comunicação discreto, composto por um modulador digital, um canal com
desvanecimento plano (Rayleigh ou Rice) correlacionado no tempo e um demodulador,
bem como estuda as propriedades de correlação do processo de desvanecimento para
analisar o desempenho de protocolos de solicitação de retransmissão automática
(ARQ, do inglês automatic repeat request) em canais CEF. O modelo CEF irá representar
os sucessos e erros na transmissão de símbolos em um canal com desvanecimento, o qual é
representado matematicamente como uma seqüência de erro binária. Dois modelos de
canais CEF comumente usados para caracterizar canais com desvanecimento serão
considerados: o modelo de Markov de K-ésima ordem e o modelo Gilbert-Elliott (GEC).
Será desenvolvida uma nova expressão analítica para o cálculo da vazão do esquema GBN
(do inglês Go-Back-N) do protocolo ARQ para transmissão em canais CEF. A partir da
comparação das curvas de vazão obtidas por simulação e as obtidas analiticamente para
modelos CEF, serão determinadas faixas de parâmetros do sistema de comunicação nas
quais o canal discreto pode ser aproximado por algum modelo CEF considerado neste
trabalho. Os resultados obtidos avaliam a influência de diversos parâmetros do canal móvel
no desempenho do sistema de comunicações
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Hybrid ARQ Using Serially Concatenated Block Codes for Real-Time Communication : An Iterative Decoding ApproachUhlemann, Elisabeth January 2001 (has links)
<p>The ongoing wireless communication evolution offers improvements for industrial applications where traditional wireline solutions causes prohibitive problems in terms of cost and feasibility. Many of these new wireless applications are packet oriented and time-critical. The deadline dependent coding (DDC) communication protocol presented here is explicitly intended for wireless real-time applications. The objective of the work described in this thesis is therefore to develop the foundation for an efficient and reliable real-time communication protocol for critical deadline dependent communication over unreliable wireless channels.</p><p>Since the communication is packet oriented, block codes are suitable for error control. Reed-Solomon codes are chosen and incorporated in a concatenated coding scheme using iterative detection with trellis based decoding algorithms. Performance bounds are given for parallel and serially concatenated Reed-Solomon codes using BPSK. The convergence behavior of the iterative decoding process for serially concatenated block codes is examined and two different stopping criteria are employed based on the log-likelihood ratio of the information bits.</p><p>The stopping criteria are also used as a retransmission criterion, incorporating the serially concatenated block codes in a type-I hybrid ARQ (HARQ) protocol. Different packet combining techniques specifically adapted to the concatenated HARQ (CHARQ) scheme are used. The extrinsic information used in the iterative decoding process is saved and used when decoding after a retransmission. This technique can be seen as turbo code combining or concatenated code combining and is shown to improve performance. Saving the extrinsic information may also be seen as a doping criterion yielding faster convergence. As such, the extrinsic information can be used in conjunction with traditional diversity combining schemes. The performance in terms of bit error rate and convergence speed is improved with only negligible additional complexity.</p><p>Consequently, CHARQ based on serially concatenated block codes using iterative detection creates a flexible and reliable scheme capable of meeting specified required realtime constraints.</p>
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Error Control in Wireless Sensor Networks : A Process Control PerspectiveEriksson, Oskar January 2011 (has links)
The use of wireless technology in the process industry is becoming increasingly important to obtain fast deployment at low cost. However, poor channel quality often leads to retransmissions, which are governed by Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) schemes. While ARQ is a simple and useful tool to alleviate packet errors, it has considerable disadvantages: retransmissions lead to an increase in energy expenditure and latency. The use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) however offers several advantages. We consider a Hybrid-ARQ-Adaptive-FEC scheme (HAF) based on BCH codes and Channel State Information. This scheme is evaluated on AWGN and fading channels. It is shown that HAF offers significantly improved performance both in terms of energy efficiency and latency, as compared to ARQ.
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Quality of service analysis for hybrid-ARQGunaseelan, Nirmal K. 15 May 2009 (has links)
Data intensive applications, requiring reliability and strict delay constraints,
have emerged recently and they necessitate a different approach to analyzing system
performance. In my work, I establish a framework that relates physical channel parameters
to the queueing performance for a single-user wireless system. I then seek to
assess the potential benefits of multirate techniques, such as hybrid-ARQ (Automatic
Repeat reQuest), in the context of delay-sensitive communications. Present methods
of analysis in an information theoretic paradigm define capacity assuming that
long codewords can be used to take advantage of the ergodic properties of the fading
wireless channel. This definition provides only a limited characterization of the channel
in the light of delay constraints. The assumption of independent and identically
distributed channel realizations tends to over-estimate the system performance by
not considering the inherent time correlation. A finite-state continuous time Markov
channel model that I formulate enables me to partition the instantaneous data-rate
received at the destination into a finite number of states, representing layers in a
hybrid-ARQ scheme. The correlation of channel has been incorporated through level
crossing rates as transition rates in the Markov model.
The large deviation principle governing the buffer overflow of the Markov model,
is very sensitive to channel memory, is tractable, and gives a good estimate of the
system performance. Metrics such as effective capacity and probability of buffer
overflow, that are obtained through large deviations have been related to the wireless
physical layer parameters through the model. Using the above metrics under QoS constraints, I establish the quantitative performance advantage of using hybrid-ARQ
over traditional systems. I conduct this inquiry by restricting attention to the case
where the expected transmit power is fixed at the transmitter. The results show that
hybrid-ARQ helps us in obtaining higher effective capacity, but it is very difficult to
support delay sensitive communication over wireless channel in the absence of channel
knowledge and dynamic power allocation strategies.
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Hybrid ARQ Using Serially Concatenated Block Codes for Real-Time Communication : An Iterative Decoding ApproachUhlemann, Elisabeth January 2001 (has links)
The ongoing wireless communication evolution offers improvements for industrial applications where traditional wireline solutions causes prohibitive problems in terms of cost and feasibility. Many of these new wireless applications are packet oriented and time-critical. The deadline dependent coding (DDC) communication protocol presented here is explicitly intended for wireless real-time applications. The objective of the work described in this thesis is therefore to develop the foundation for an efficient and reliable real-time communication protocol for critical deadline dependent communication over unreliable wireless channels. Since the communication is packet oriented, block codes are suitable for error control. Reed-Solomon codes are chosen and incorporated in a concatenated coding scheme using iterative detection with trellis based decoding algorithms. Performance bounds are given for parallel and serially concatenated Reed-Solomon codes using BPSK. The convergence behavior of the iterative decoding process for serially concatenated block codes is examined and two different stopping criteria are employed based on the log-likelihood ratio of the information bits. The stopping criteria are also used as a retransmission criterion, incorporating the serially concatenated block codes in a type-I hybrid ARQ (HARQ) protocol. Different packet combining techniques specifically adapted to the concatenated HARQ (CHARQ) scheme are used. The extrinsic information used in the iterative decoding process is saved and used when decoding after a retransmission. This technique can be seen as turbo code combining or concatenated code combining and is shown to improve performance. Saving the extrinsic information may also be seen as a doping criterion yielding faster convergence. As such, the extrinsic information can be used in conjunction with traditional diversity combining schemes. The performance in terms of bit error rate and convergence speed is improved with only negligible additional complexity. Consequently, CHARQ based on serially concatenated block codes using iterative detection creates a flexible and reliable scheme capable of meeting specified required realtime constraints.
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