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Comment les exercices fonctionnent? : effet des exercices sur la modulation de la douleur chez différents sous-groupes d'individus présentant une lombalgie chroniqueMailloux, Catherine 10 February 2024 (has links)
INTRODUCTION : Les interventions prescrites en lombalgie chronique (LC) ont un effet modeste sur la douleur. Afin d’optimiser l’efficacité des traitements et diminuer l’hétérogénéité de la population LC, la stratification basée sur les mécanismes de la douleur a été proposée : une douleur nociceptive résulte de l’activation des nocicepteurs alors qu’une douleur nociplastique est caractérisée par une nociception altérée. Les exercices entraînent une diminution de sensibilité à la douleur chez les individus en santé (hypoalgésie induite par l’exercice [HIE]). Considérant que de multiples mécanismes centraux interviennent dans l’HIE et que ces mêmes mécanismes semblent fonctionner différemment chez les sous-groupes de LC (nociceptif versus nociplastique), il est possible que les sous groupes nociceptive et nociplastique présentent des réponses différentes à l’exercice. OBJECTIF : Déterminer l’effet d’exercice sur la modulation de la sensibilité à la douleur chez différents sous-groupes d’individus souffrant de LC. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Vingt-neuf adultes présentant une LC et 24 sujets sains ont été recrutés. Trois physiothérapeutes ont procédé à la stratification basée sur les mécanismes des sujets LC selon l’évaluation clinique. Tous les sujets ont réalisé des exercices isométriques du poignet et du bas du dos. Les seuils de douleur à la pression localement au dos et à distance ont été évalués pré/post-exercice et le pourcentage de changement représentait la magnitude de l’HIE. RÉSULTATS : Seize sujets ont été attribués au sous-groupe LC nociceptive et 12 ont été classifiés LC mixte (composantes dominantes nociceptive et nociplastique) en l’absence de consensus entre les évaluateurs. Une réduction de l’HIE a été observée chez le sous groupe mixte en comparaison avec le groupe contrôle. Aucune différence n’a été observée entre les sous-groupes LC. CONCLUSION : La diminution d’HIE chez le sous-groupe LC mixte comparativement au groupe contrôle suggère un processus de modulation de la douleur en réponse à l’exercice altéré. / BACKGROUND: Research in chronic low back pain (CLBP) shows modest effect of available treatments. In order to achieve better treatment results and reduce heterogeneity of CLBP population, mechanism-based stratified care has been proposed: a nociceptive pain results essentially from the activation of nociceptors where as a nociplastic pain is characterized by an altered nociception. Exercises induce a reduction in pain sensitivity, known as the paradigm of exercise-induced hypoalgesia (EIH). Considering that EIH involved multiple central mechanisms and that these same mechanisms seems to function differently in subgroups of CLBP (nociceptive vs. nociplastic), individuals with CLBP presenting predominant nociplastic and nociceptive pains may respond differently to exercise. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of exercises on the modulation of pain sensitivity in different subgroups of individuals presenting CLBP. METHODS: Twenty-nine adults with CLBP and 24 healthy controls (HC) were recruited. Three physiotherapists proceeded to mechanism-based stratification of CLBP participants from clinical evaluation. Each participant performed isometric exercises of the wrist and the back. Pressure pain thresholds were assessed locally at the back and remotely pre/post-exercise and the percentage of change was calculated as the EIH magnitude. RESULTS: Sixteen participants were allocated to the nociceptive CLBP subgroup and 12 were classified as mixed pain (nociceptive/nociplastic) in the absence of consensus amongst physiotherapists. A significant reduction of EIH was observed in the mixed subgroup when compared to HC. No EIH difference was detected between the two CLBP subgroups. CONCLUSION: The significant reduction of EIH in the mixed CLBP subgroup suggests an altered pain modulation process in response to exercise in this subgroup.
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Enrichir la pratique des pianistes classiques : la contribution du public à la construction de sens dans un récital commenté interactifFrancoeur, Mikaël 07 May 2024 (has links)
La relation entre artiste et public en musique classique est traditionnellement définie par unparadigme où le professionnel de l’art est le constructeur exclusif du sens des œuvres artistiques, et où le public reconnaît une supériorité artistique ou scientifique dans lesens transmis par le professionnel de l’art. Or, on observe dans divers domaines un changement paradigmatique oùles consommateurs revendiquentune participation accrue à la construction du sensdes produits qu’ils reçoivent. Une pratique répandue chez les pianistes classiques, celle du récital commenté, s’accorde mal à ce changement paradigmatique, car la fonction de construction de sens repose essentiellement sur l’artiste. Dans une démarche de recherche-création, et afin d’explorer les impacts d’un élargissement de la fonction de construction de sens à une coopération artiste–public dansun récital commenté, nous avons élaboré un récital commenté interactif (RCI) où le public sélectionnait le matériau textuel et musical en direct au moyen d’une application numérique. Les auditeurs devaient construire un sens cohérent à partir d’un ensemble épars d’éléments culturels,qui gravitaient autour de la figure du compositeur Léo Roy (1887–1974). Ils retraçaient ensuite, dans un sondage,le récit qu’ils avaient perçu lors du RCI. En tant qu’artiste, nousavons personnellement présenté trois RCI, à la suite desquels les auditeurs ont rempli un sondage visant à évaluer leur expérience de concert ainsi que la construction de sens qu’ils avaient opéréeau cours de l’événement.Les auditeurs étaient généralement enthousiastes à l’idée d’occuper une fonction de construction de sens plus active, bien que ceci diffère d’un individu à l’autre et se décline en une variété d’attitudes face à la coopération artiste–public. La difficulté accrue résultant d’une telle réception demande des stratégies d’adaptation conséquentes de la part de l’artiste. Notre analyse montre que celui-ci peut moduler cinq paramètres pour adapter un RCIaux habiletés depublics variésdans le but d’offrir une expérience optimale aux auditeurs: la distance conceptuelle entre les modulesdu matériau culturel, l’ajout ou le retrait de données chronologiques, la consistance de l’introduction, la présentation des liens entre les moduleset la présentation des pièces musicales. Nous avançons que cette dynamique de réception confère une pertinence accrue à une pratique des pianistes classiques en l’adaptant à un paradigme de consommation contemporain. / The relation between artist and audience in classical music is traditionally defined by a paradigm in whichthe arts professional is the exclusive maker of the art work’s meaning, and where the audience recognizes an artistic or scientific authority in the meaning he receives from the arts professional.This is contrary to a paradigmatic shift that has been observed in various areas, and where consumers claim an increased control over the meaning-making of the products they consume. This leads to the realization that a favoured practice of classical pianist, the lecture-recital, is ill suited to this paradigmatic shift, since meaning-making in a lecture-recital is the sole responsibility of the artist.Using a research-creation approach, we devised in Interactive Lecture-Recital (ILR) in which the audience was responsible for selecting textual andmusical material by emitting live votes through a digital interface.Listeners therefore had to make a coherent meaning from scattered cultural elements, all of which revolved around Québécois composer Léo Roy (1887–1974).After eachof thethree ILR’s that I presented, audience members completed a survey aiming to assess their concert experience and their meaning-making at the ILR.Audience members generally welcomed enthusiastically the opportunity to play a more active meaning-making role, although individuals presented a variety of attitudes pertaining to artist–audience cooperation.This type of reception brings an increased difficulty for the spectator. This prompts an artist to use adaptation strategies, in order to enhance spectators’reception.An analysis of survey data shows five parameters that an artist can vary in order to adapt an ILR to various publics, with the goal of providing an optimal experience to audience members: conceptual distance between modulesof cultural material, addition or deletion of chronological data, completeness of the introduction, presentation of links between modules, and presentation of musical pieces. We argue that this kind of reception brings a new relevance to classical pianism, by adapting it to a contemporaryconsumption paradigm.
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Analyse de la région promotrice du gène de la fumarylacétoacétate hydrolaseBoisclair Lachance, Jean-François 11 April 2018 (has links)
Une déficience de la fumarylacétoacétate hydrolase, dernière enzyme du sentier catabolique de la tyrosine entraîne un désordre appelé tyrosinémie héréditaire de type I. Cette enzyme est exprimée principalement au niveau du foie et des reins. Cependant, l'analyse de la région promotrice de ce gène révèle la présence de 11 sites de liaison au facteur de transcription Sp1 et l'absence de boîte TATA et CAAT, caractéristiques associées aux gènes ubiquitaires. Pour résoudre ce dilemme, nous avons entrepris d'étudier la région promotrice du gène murin de la fah par identification des sites d'initiation de la transcription, par l'identification des sites de liaison possibles pour des facteurs de transcription et par transfection transitoire de cette région promotrice dans les cellules HeLa, NIH3T3 et HepG2. Nos résultats suggèrent que le promoteur agit de façon ubiquitaire et qu'il y a absence de promoteurs alternatifs pouvant expliquer la spécificité tissulaire de son expression.
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Identification de variants génétiques rares aux loci 1p13 et 8q22 dans la maladie osseuse de Paget : les gènes CTHRC1 et TM7SF4 associés à la maladie osseuse de PagetBeauregard, Mariejka 19 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2013-2014. / CONTEXTE: La maladie osseuse de Paget (MOP) est transmise sur un mode autosomique dominant dans 30% des cas. Les mutations de SQSTM-1 expliquent 37% des formes familiales, ce qui suggère la présence d’autres loci. OBJECTIFS: Identifier des variants rares (VR) de gènes candidats situés aux nouveaux loci 1p13 et 8q22. Rechercher une association génétique de la MOP avec ces gènes candidats dans la population canadienne-française. MÉTHODES: Certains gènes candidats à la MOP aux loci 1p13 et 8q22 ont été sélectionnés, puis séquencés dans un échantillon de découverte. La fréquence de l’allèle mineur d’un VR devait être inférieure à 0,05. 4 VR ont été génotypés chez 240 cas et 297 témoins. RÉSULTATS: 74 VR ont été identifiés. Un VR (TM7SF4; rs62620995; Leu397Phe) était prédit dommageable par 2 outils d’analyse in silico. rs35500845 (CTHRC1) et rs62620995 (TM7SF4) étaient associés à la MOP de façon statistiquement significative. Mot clés : Maladie osseuse de Paget, Remodelage osseux, Variants rares, Polymorphismes nucléotidiques simples (SNPs), CTHRC1, TM7SF4 (DC-STAMP), Population canadienne-française, Population à effet fondateur. / BACKGROUND: Paget's disease of bone (PDB) is transmitted through autosomal dominant mode of inheritance in 30 percent of cases. Mutations of the SQSTM-1 gene account for 37 percent of familial forms of PDB, suggesting the involvement of other loci. PURPOSE: Identify rare variants (RV) of candidate genes located on new loci 1p13 and 8q22. Search for a genetic association of PDB with these candidate genes in the French-Canadian population. METHODS: We selected candidate genes on 1p13 and 8q22 loci and sequenced them in a discovery sample. RV was defined by a minor allele frequency less than 0.05. 4 RV were genotyped in 240 PDB patients and 297 healthy individuals. RESULTS: 74 RV were identified. One RV (TM7SF4; rs62620995; Leu397Phe) was predicted to be damaging by two in silico analysis tools. rs35500845 (CTHRC1) and rs62620995 (TM7SF4) were statistically associated with PDB. KEY WORDS: Paget’s disease of bone, bone remodelling, rare variants, polymorphisms, SNP, CTHRC1, TM7SF4, DC-STAMP, French Canadian population, founder effect population.
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Le politico-religieux dans la dynamique du maimaisme à Beni-Lubero en République Démocratique du CongoKamate Vakatsuraki, Fortuné 02 February 2024 (has links)
Le maimaisme est un phénomène récurrent dans l'est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Sa récente apparition dans les territoires de Beni-Lubero lui donne un autre relief. Dans ces territoires, l'idéologie et l'utopie dont se servent les actuels mouvements Mai Mai semblent déborder les seuls groupes armés. Elles se développent sous forme de croyances et de pratiques qui suscitent une adhésion croissante au sein d'une partie de la population civile. L'étude des dire et des faire des combattants et de leurs sympathisants montre que les mobiles qui président à cette adhésion s'inscrivent dans une perspective globale de quête de sens. À partir de l'analyse de certains comportements, actions, croyances, pratiques, rites des combattants Mai Mai, ce travail entend montrer que, au-delà des motivations nationaliste, ethnique, tribaliste, économique ou politique, le maimaisme actuel se présente comme un croire où s'articulent quêtes politiques et aspirations religieuses. Il s'agit d'un imaginaire politico-religieux qui occupe désormais une place dans le « marché des croyances » des territoires de Beni-Lubero. / "Maimaisme" is a recurring phenomenon in the eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo. Its recent appearance in the territories of Beni-Lubero gives it another view. In these territories, the ideology and utopia used by the current "Mai Mai" movements seem to extend beyond only armed groups. They develop in the form of beliefs and practices that generate increasing adherence among the civilian population. A study of the sayings and doings of combatants and their sympathizers shows that the motives behind this membership are part of a global perspective of quest for meaning. This research, based on the analysis of certain behaviors, actions, beliefs, practices, rites of Mai Mai combatants, intends to show that, beyond nationalist, ethnic, tribalist, economic or political motivations, current "maimaisme" presents itself as a believe which articulates political quests and religious aspirations. It is a politico-religious imaginary which now occupies a place in the "market of beliefs" of the territories of Beni-Lubero.
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Aspect and modality in Biblical HebrewBae, Yunjung 03 September 2009 (has links)
This thesis attempts to provide an encompassing account for the centuries-old question concerning how aspect and modality are grammaticalized in the verbal system in Biblical Hebrew. To this end, the semantics of the three verb forms qatal, yiqtol, and qotel are investigated by means of a theory-unbiased observation on the Biblical text. It is argued that Biblical Hebrew has an aspectual opposition of the perfective and the imperfective and that the two aspects are encoded by the verb forms qatal and qotel, respectively. Concerning the modal system in Biblical Hebrew, it is suggested that the Biblical Hebrew broadly distinguishes the realis and irrealis and that the irrealis is marked by a single verb form yiqtol. Finally, the verbs occasioned in the Book of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 are thoroughly examined in the light of the present study. The examination on the Isaiah passage consequently ascertains that the present study largely removes the existing obstacles in understanding Biblical Hebrew verb conjugations and lays the significant grounds toward the proper linguistic understanding of the Biblical text. / text
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The Interaction of Modality, Aspect and Negation in PersianHojatollah Taleghani, Azita January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the verbal system of Persian and is focused on the interaction of modality, tense, aspect and negation in this language. The dissertation challenges the idea that the syntactic structure maps on to the semantic interpretation or vice-versa.It is argued that modals are raising constructions in some languages (Wurmbrand 1999). Modals in Persian, which do not have subject-raising constructions, show different behavior. First, the root complex modals are generally syntactic control in Wurmbrand's (1998, 2001) proposal. There are just a few gaps with respect to dynamic root modals. Second, all epistemic modals which are either defective auxiliary modals or complex modals take default agreements and are pseudo-raising constructions. Third, the syntactic structures of modals show that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the structural positions and semantic interpretations of modals in Persian except in the auxiliary modal bâyad 'must'.The second contribution of this dissertation is that the class of restructuring verbs varies across languages. German semantic control verbs are instances of restructuring constructions (Wurmbrand 2001) while the only case of restructuring in Persian is the functional restructuring which appears in auxiliary modals such as bâyad 'must' and šâyad 'may' since they are mono-clausal and do not have a CP.This dissertation also investigates the structure of complex verbal forms in Persian. It is argued that Persian future tense is an instance of Serial Verb Constructions. However, progressives which are bi-clausal constructions are Aspectual Complex predicates.In the case of the structural analysis of the interaction of Persian modals and negation, this dissertation shows that the syntactic structure maps on the semantic interpretation or vice-versa. There are just a few gaps with respect to the scope possibilities of particular modals.The final contribution of this dissertation is related to the problem of the word order of NV elements and LV within complex predicates. This research provides three suggestions regarding the clausal complement position in complex predicates, and suggests that the vP remnant movement is the most reasonable one, since it is compatible with the recent trends of syntactic theories and suggested for some other languages (Mahajan 2003).
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Aspectual Scope and Contrast in English and JapaneseClarke, Sarah 08 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a feature-based approach to aspect. I argue that both viewpoint aspect and lexical aspect are generated from the presence of functional properties that operate at three levels of syntactic structure: lexical, predicate, and clausal. The same aspectual feature has a different effect on the aspectual properties of the clause as a whole depending on the level at which it is active and the contrasts in which it participates. I illustrate this for English and Japanese, showing that a small number of syntactic features can capture the differences and similarities between the aspectual systems.
I propose that aspect in English is determined by two functional heads: AspQ, which encodes quantity (i.e., telicity), and AspA, which encodes atomicity (i.e., punctuality). AspQ may either be a root modifier, lexically encoding quantity, or head a separate functional projection within the vP system, where it is licensed by a quantized argument. AspA may also be a root modifier, lexically encoding atomicity; it may also appear in the inflectional domain, where it encodes clausal non-atomicity (i.e., imperfective aspect).
I propose that Japanese is like English in that AspA may be active at the root level; however, it differs from English in that AspA may also be active at the vP level, where it encodes the fact that the predicate is represented as a single unit. Japanese also differs from English in that it does not make use of the feature AspQ, meaning that Japanese has no quantity distinction, and makes use of the feature State, which heads a functional projection where light verbs such as iru ‘be’ are merged. Thus, the differences in the aspectual systems of English and Japanese are attributed to a few features that are active at different levels of syntactic structure.
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Aspectual Scope and Contrast in English and JapaneseClarke, Sarah 08 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a feature-based approach to aspect. I argue that both viewpoint aspect and lexical aspect are generated from the presence of functional properties that operate at three levels of syntactic structure: lexical, predicate, and clausal. The same aspectual feature has a different effect on the aspectual properties of the clause as a whole depending on the level at which it is active and the contrasts in which it participates. I illustrate this for English and Japanese, showing that a small number of syntactic features can capture the differences and similarities between the aspectual systems.
I propose that aspect in English is determined by two functional heads: AspQ, which encodes quantity (i.e., telicity), and AspA, which encodes atomicity (i.e., punctuality). AspQ may either be a root modifier, lexically encoding quantity, or head a separate functional projection within the vP system, where it is licensed by a quantized argument. AspA may also be a root modifier, lexically encoding atomicity; it may also appear in the inflectional domain, where it encodes clausal non-atomicity (i.e., imperfective aspect).
I propose that Japanese is like English in that AspA may be active at the root level; however, it differs from English in that AspA may also be active at the vP level, where it encodes the fact that the predicate is represented as a single unit. Japanese also differs from English in that it does not make use of the feature AspQ, meaning that Japanese has no quantity distinction, and makes use of the feature State, which heads a functional projection where light verbs such as iru ‘be’ are merged. Thus, the differences in the aspectual systems of English and Japanese are attributed to a few features that are active at different levels of syntactic structure.
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An approach to aspect-oriented model-driven code generation using graph transformation /Bennett, Jeannette Donyell, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Texas at Dallas, 2007. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-105)
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