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Rollspel och maskingenomgång : - en utvärdering av AT läkarnas introduktion på akutmottagningen på Medicinkliniken i Jönköping / Role-play and technical equipment instruction : - Interns´ evaluation of a Voluntary Emergency Room Introduction available in a County Hospital in SwedenPersson, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen redovisar en utvärdering av AT läkarnas introduktion på akutmottagningen på Medicinkliniken i Jönköping. AT läkarna erbjuds en frivillig introduktion på akutmottagningens akutrum bestående av ett rollspel och en genomgång av maskiner och hjälpmedel och viktiga delar av akutmottagningen. Utvärderingen är gjord som en anonym nätbaserad enkät. Grundtanken med rollspelet och maskingenomgången är att möjliggöra för AT läkarna att få en positiv bild av arbetet på akutmottagningen och deras egna kunskaper och svaren i enkäten kan tolkas som att detta syfte med introduktionen uppfyllts. De svarande AT läkarna är genomgående positiva till rollspelet och endast två av fjorton svarande är negativa till maskingenomgången. I enkäten finns även en fråga om deras inställning till eventuella observatörer. Både negativa och positiva svar angående observatörer återfinns. I litteraturgenomgången redovisas också en upptäckt av att olika forskningsfält inom rollspel och simuleringar inte verkar ha full kännedom om varandra.</p>
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The Influence of Early Language on Reading Achievement, Problem, and Prosocial Behavior in Elementary SchoolFaria, Ann-Marie 01 January 2007 (has links)
The current study examined the link between early language ability and literacy and behavioral outcomes in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Prenatal exposure to cocaine places children at risk for language delays and early language problems are linked to both literacy and behavior problems in elementary school (Bandstra, 2002; Beitchman et al., 2001; Cantwell & Baker, 1977). Participants included 141 primarily African-American children from low SES backgrounds who were enrolled in a birth through three intervention program. Children were followed through first and second grade to evaluate the impact early language ability had on literacy and behavior in elementary school. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that after controlling for gender, treatment group, cognitive ability, and behavior at age three, receptive language at age three was a significant predictor of picture vocabulary in elementary school (F(4, 125)=6.76, p<.01, beta= .42, p<.01). Receptive language was also a significant predictor of Parent-reported prosocial behavior (F(7, 72) beta= 2.24, p<.05, beta =-.03 , p<.05). Contrary to previous findings, early language did not significantly predict parent reported problem behavior in elementary school in this high risk sample. Future studies should explore risk and resiliency in this sample, along with increasing sample size to allow for more advanced statistical analyses. Findings support the importance of early language experiences on both later literacy and behavioral outcomes for children.
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Executive Functions and Approaches to Learning: Relationships to School Readiness in Head Start PreschoolersVitiello, Virginia E. 21 July 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the effects of executive functions on school readiness outcomes were mediated by approaches to learning in Head Start preschoolers. Executive functions are cognitive skills, including inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory, that are involved in learning as well as regulating behavior (Blair, Granger, & Razza, 2005; Espy, McDiarmid, Cwik, Stalets, Hamby, & Senn, 2004). Approaches to learning include important learning-to-learn skills such as persistence, initiative, and motivation (Fantuzzo, Perry, & McDermott, 2004). Based on previous literature, it was hypothesized that strong executive functions would support the development of positive approaches to learning, which in turn would lead to increased school readiness. To test this, data were collected on 179 four-year-old Head Start preschoolers. Children were assessed on executive functions (cognitive inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory), approaches to learning (using both a teacher rating scale and a direct observation), school readiness, and verbal ability. Results indicated that approaches to learning partially mediated the relationship between executive functions and school readiness, providing support for the study's main hypothesis. Results are discussed in the context of preparing at-risk preschool children for success in school.
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Teacher Mentoring as an Intervention with At-Risk High School StudentsCoffman, Mae G. 14 January 2010 (has links)
As a result of recent social and political pressure and an increase in academic standards, there is a call to address academic and behavioral needs of at-risk students at the secondary level. Currently, many secondary schools are struggling to provide research-based interventions for these students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a school-based mentoring program utilizing existing school staff and functioning within the constraints of a typical high school schedule, on at-risk students. The study aimed to add to the body of research on interventions in secondary settings and extend research on mentoring. Five at-risk high school students participated in the study which took place during the 2008-09 school year. All of the students received basic mentoring procedures, and three were identified for more advanced mentoring procedures half-way through the school year. Data was collected on academic and social outcomes and the viability of the intervention in the secondary setting. Overall, results of the study were mixed but indicated that the intervention was mildly effective for almost all students in at least one of the areas studied. Limitations of the study and implications for future research and practice are identified and discussed.
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"...det är ett jobb liksom. Där utbildningen blir en konsekvens". : En intervjustudie om AT-läkares vardag i StockholmHallgren, Malin January 2006 (has links)
AbstractInledningsvis beskrivs vad AT-tjänst i Sverige innehåller, samt grundläggandearbetsmiljömässiga omständigheter för AT-läkare. Bakgrunden tar upp teori om"den goda organisationen", motivation och stress, samt lagar och föreskrifter enligtSocialstyrelsen och Socialtjänstlagen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur ATläkarnaser på sin arbetssituation i Stockholm, hur de formar sina yrkesroller ochhur de kan påverka sin situation. Sex studier från Sverige och andra länder tas uppgällande AT-läkare el. motsvarande, bl.a. gällande upplevd kompetens,receptförskrivande och känslan av att ge negativa besked. Intervjuer genomfördesmed åtta respondenter från SöS, DS och KS vilka spelades in och transkriberades.Dessa analyserades med hjälp av OpenCode. I resultatet framkommer tioparametrar; obehag, stress, behov, ansvar, kompetens, coping/agerande,jargong/kultur, bemötande/kommentarer, feedback samt handledning, vilka belysesmed citat från intervjuerna. Resultatet ger bland annat att respondenterna kännerobehag i situationer där de känner sig ensamma eller kommunikationen ärförsvårad, samt att ett ökat behov av handledning och ett mer individuelltbemötande finns. Stressupplevelser är vanliga liksom osäkerhet om den egnakompetensen. Önskemål om en mer valfri AT-tjänst framkommer.
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Asymptotic Optimization of Risk MeasuresQuintanilla, Maria Teresa 01 August 2008 (has links)
Value-at-Risk (VaR ) is an industrial
standard for monitoring market risk in an
investment portfolio. It measures potential
osses within a given confidence level. VaR
was first used by major financial
institutions in the early 1990’s, and widely
developed after the release of J.P. Morgan’s
Riskmetrics Technical Document in 1996. The
efficient calculation, implementation,
interpretation and optimization of VaR are a
challenge in the practice of risk management
when the number of market factors in the
portfolio is high.
In this thesis, we are concerned with the
quadratic analytical estimation of VaR and
we present a methodology for an approximation
to VaR that is based on the principal
components of a sensitivity-adjusted
covariance matrix. The result is an explicit
expression in terms of portfolio deltas,
gammas, and the mean and covariance matrix.
It can be viewed as a non-linear extension
of the linear model given by the
delta-normal-VaR of RiskMetrics, a standard
calculation for the risk in the financial
sector. We obtain an asymptotic expansion
for VaR in the limit when the confidence
level approaches 1 and precise estimates of
the reminder. We then optimize the
approximated VaR with respect to the
gradient or delta of the portfolio, a
quantity which can be changed by trading the
underlying assets (stocks), without entering
into any derivative transactions. This
analysis provides an optimal trading
strategy of the portfolio that minimizes the
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Youth(s), Truth(s), and Pierre Bourdieu: Taking Another (Closer) Look at At-risk Youth Intervention ProgramsWhitely, Leeanne 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the ongoing conversation on at-risk youth intervention programs as a site of struggle for, resistance to, and negotiation of the cultural politics of youth. Thinking with Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, particularly his concepts of doxa and field, I pose new questions that trouble youth as truth to suggest an alternate way of imagining youth as a struggle. A case study of one at-risk youth intervention program serves to make visible the ways in which historical and political narratives of youth(s) and truth(s) inform, pressure, constrain, shape at-risk youth intervention programs by implicitly defining and redefining the problem, prescribing the solution, recommending best practice, and works to draw connections between youth(s), truth(s), and social space.
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Youth(s), Truth(s), and Pierre Bourdieu: Taking Another (Closer) Look at At-risk Youth Intervention ProgramsWhitely, Leeanne 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the ongoing conversation on at-risk youth intervention programs as a site of struggle for, resistance to, and negotiation of the cultural politics of youth. Thinking with Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, particularly his concepts of doxa and field, I pose new questions that trouble youth as truth to suggest an alternate way of imagining youth as a struggle. A case study of one at-risk youth intervention program serves to make visible the ways in which historical and political narratives of youth(s) and truth(s) inform, pressure, constrain, shape at-risk youth intervention programs by implicitly defining and redefining the problem, prescribing the solution, recommending best practice, and works to draw connections between youth(s), truth(s), and social space.
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A theoretical and experimental study of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of titanium carbideHuque, Ziaul 10 January 1991 (has links)
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) is a new
method of producing advanced ceramic materials and offers an
attractive alternative to conventional methods of materials
An experimental investigation was carried out to determine
the SHS reaction wave propagation speed in a vertical cylindrical
compact made from a mixture of titanium and graphite powders.
Ignition was accomplished by radiatively heating the top surface of
the cylinder by resistively heated tungsten heating coils. Syntheses
were carried out in inert argon environment and under atmospheric
pressure. Propagation speeds were determined by analyzing the
temperature distribution with time at two locations at known axial
distance. Effects of various system parameters, such as, density and
diameter of the initial compact, different mixing ratios of the
reactants and dilution with product, on reaction propagation speed
were determined.
A numerical model was also developed to predict the
propagation speed. A two-dimensional formulation was adopted
with both radiative and natural convective heat loss from the
periphery of the cylindrical compact using constant values of
properties and kinetic parameters. Two different kinetic models
describing the reactions involving solids are employed to calculate
the wave speed using a finite difference scheme. The calculated
results were compared with the experimental data.
Trends of the results with Kanury kinetic model were found to
be in better agreement with the experiments. Results showed no
significant effect of heat loss on the propagation speed within a
practical range of compact diameter. Quenching conditions of the
reaction for titanium rich and carbon rich cases and also for the case
of dilution with the product were identified. Variation of
propagation speed with sample initial density showed a maximum
value at densities between 2.1 gm/cm³ and 2.2 gm/cm³. During the
synthesis, the samples were found to expand axially. Hence the final
product obtained was highly porous with densities below 50% of the
density of TiC. / Graduation date: 1991
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Asymptotic Optimization of Risk MeasuresQuintanilla, Maria Teresa 01 August 2008 (has links)
Value-at-Risk (VaR ) is an industrial
standard for monitoring market risk in an
investment portfolio. It measures potential
osses within a given confidence level. VaR
was first used by major financial
institutions in the early 1990’s, and widely
developed after the release of J.P. Morgan’s
Riskmetrics Technical Document in 1996. The
efficient calculation, implementation,
interpretation and optimization of VaR are a
challenge in the practice of risk management
when the number of market factors in the
portfolio is high.
In this thesis, we are concerned with the
quadratic analytical estimation of VaR and
we present a methodology for an approximation
to VaR that is based on the principal
components of a sensitivity-adjusted
covariance matrix. The result is an explicit
expression in terms of portfolio deltas,
gammas, and the mean and covariance matrix.
It can be viewed as a non-linear extension
of the linear model given by the
delta-normal-VaR of RiskMetrics, a standard
calculation for the risk in the financial
sector. We obtain an asymptotic expansion
for VaR in the limit when the confidence
level approaches 1 and precise estimates of
the reminder. We then optimize the
approximated VaR with respect to the
gradient or delta of the portfolio, a
quantity which can be changed by trading the
underlying assets (stocks), without entering
into any derivative transactions. This
analysis provides an optimal trading
strategy of the portfolio that minimizes the
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