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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konceptstudie för omvandling av termisk energi till elektrisk samt mekanisk energi i en autonom undervattensfarkost / Concept Study Regarding the Conversion of Thermal Energy into Electrical and Mechanical Energy in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Wodlin, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Rapporten avhandlar en konceptstudie för omvandling av termisk energi till elektrisk samt mekanisk energi, i den autonoma undervattensfarkosten SAPPHIRES. Inledningsvis utreds vilka förväntningar och krav som finns på konceptet för energiomvandling samt om där finns någon publicerad litteratur som redan gjort ansträngningar för att lösa det aktuella problemet. Allmän teori kring värmemotorer och en bred, systematisk litteratursökning inkluderas även i det arbetet. Energiomvandlingen antas kunna ske enligt två fall kallade ”hög-prestanda” och ”låg/medel-prestanda”, vilka innebär att mekanisk samt elektrisk effekt, respektive endast elektrisk effekt ska kunna levereras av konceptet. De mekaniska samt elektriska effekterna ska, vidare, kunna levereras om maximalt 600, respektive 6 kW, och konceptet ska åtminstone kunna uppfylla ett av energiomvandlingsfallen. Den faktiska konceptstudien utgörs av två iterationer av konceptgenereringar, -utvärderingar och -val och de visar att ett koncept kallat ”Öppet system inspirerat av nukleär värmeframdrivning” förefaller vara det bästa sättet att omvandla termisk energi i SAPPHIRES. Därtill indikerar en mer detaljerad analys, bestående av bland annat matematisk modellering och konceptuell konstruktion, att konceptet möjligen skulle kunna uppfylla så kallad ”hög-prestanda” och sedermera leverera både mekanisk och elektrisk effekt om 600, respektive 6 kW. Mer specifikt visar en matematisk analys, med hjälp av vissa antaganden rörande konceptets funktion, att ett ”Öppet system inspirerat av nukleär värmeframdrivning” skulle kunna leverera en mekanisk effekt om 1025 kW samt en elektrisk effekt om 141 kW. En grov, konceptuell konstruktion bekräftar också att konceptets vitala, ingående komponenter faktiskt kan rymmas inom de specificerade dimensionskraven (en cylinderformad volym med en längd och diameter om 1,7, respektive 0,5 m.). Det står dock klart att de möjliga koncepten för energiomvandling kraftigt begränsas av deras möjligheter att leverera tillräcklig mekanisk effekt, för att uppnå ”hög-prestanda”. Om endast ”låg/medel-prestanda” ska uppfyllas tillåts fler av de möjliga koncepten och i ett sådant fall skulle faktorer som underhåll, miljöpåverkan och SAPPHIRES signatur kunna prioriteras i högre utsträckning. / The report discusses a concept study regarding the conversion of thermal energy into electrical and mechanical energy, in the autonomous underwater vehicle SAPPHIRES. First, the requirements and expectations regarding the concept of energy conversion are investigated and efforts are made to identify any published literature, which has already made attempts of solving the issue. General theory regarding heat engines and an extensive literature study are also included in this work. The energy conversion is assumed to perform according to two cases called "high-performance" and "low/medium-performance", meaning mechanical and electrical energy or electrical power should be delivered by the concept, respectively. More specifically, the mechanical and electrical powers should be delivered of a maximum of 600 and 6 kW, respectively and the concept should at least fulfill one of the performance settings. The actual concept study comprises of two iterations of concept generations, evaluations and selections and shows that a concept called "Open system inspired by nuclear thermal propulsion" seems to be the best way of converting thermal energy on-board SAPPHIRES. Moreover, a more detailed analysis, comprising of, inter alia, mathematical modelling and conceptual design, indicates that the concept possibly can meet the so-called "high-performance" and thus, deliver both mechanical and electrical powers of 600 and 6 kW, respectively. More specifically, a mathematical analysis, based on some assumptions regarding the concept's functionality, shows that an "Open system inspired by nuclear thermal propulsion" could deliver a mechanical power of 1025 kW and an electrical power of 141 kW. Rough conceptual design also shows that the vital parts of the concept could fit within the specified maximal dimensions (a cylinder-shaped volume with a length and diameter of 1.7 and 0.5 m, respectively). However, it is clear the possible concepts of energy conversion are severely limited by their capacities of delivering enough mechanical energy, to meet the "high-performance" demands. Assuming only the "low/medium-performance" has to be met, more possible concepts becomes available and in that case, factors such as maintenance, environmental impact and signature of SAPPHIRES could be considered to a greater extent.

Inspektionsmetoder för inre vattenvägar i vattenkraftverk / Inspection methods for internal waterways in hydropower plants

Sundberg, Sebastian, Amsköld, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Den svenska vattenkraften står för nästan 50 % av landets elproduktion vilket gör dess konstruktioner till en viktig del av samhällets infrastruktur. För att ett vattenkraftverk ska fungera effektivt och säkert ställs höga krav på komponenternas funktion och kondition. I dagsläget genomförs därför rutinmässiga kontroller på, i och runt dessa anläggningar. För de aggregatnära inre vattenvägarna genomförs detta ca vart åttonde år i samband med reparationer av turbinerna, vilka då måste tömmas på vatten. För till- och utloppstunnlarna, som ofta är drivna i berg, finns det dock inte några sådana rutiner. Detta i kombination med att majoriteten av Sveriges vattenkraftverk har uppnått en ålder på över 50 år gör att branschen har börjat bli intresserade av att få kännedom om skicket på tunnlarna. Att genom-föra inspektioner genom att torrlägga dessa är dock en tidsödande process som kräver att kraftverket är avstängt under en lång tid och därmed ger en stor ekonomisk förlust för ägaren. Detta arbete har därför utförts med syfte att utvärdera till vilken grad inspektioner med undervattensfarkoster, ROV, kan användas som alternativ till inspektioner av inre vatten-vägar, både aggregatnära och i till- och utloppstunnlarna. En litteraturstudie har genomförts, om vattenkraftverk, vanliga skador, dagens inspektionsmetoder samt hur en ROV är uppbyggd och fungerar. Arbetet innefattar även tre praktiska moment bestående av deltagande på en inspektion av torrlagda aggregatnära inre vattenvägar och en inspektion med ROV i en 2,5 km lång utloppstunnel samt egna försök med inhyrd ROV för att undersöka vilka typer av betongskador som är möjliga att detektera. Resultatet från samtliga delar i arbetet pekar på att besiktningar med ROV kan övervägas för flera olika typer av inspektioner. För till- och utloppstunnlar är denna typ av inspektion många gånger den enda rimliga. För de aggregatnära inre vattenvägarna ger dagens inspektionsmetoder med torrläggning ett fullgott resultat, men ROV skulle kunna vara ett alternativ vid svårtillgängliga delar, t.ex. på grund av utformning eller stora läckage. / Swedish hydro power accounts for nearly 50 % of the country's electricity production which makes the constructions within this production system an important part of the societal infrastructure. To ensure safe and efficient operation of these hydroelectric power plants high demands are put on the components function and condition. Therefore, routine inspections are carried out inside and around these facilities. For the waterways directly connected to the power station, such as penstocks, wicket gates and draft tubes, these checkups are made about every eight years simultaneously as planned repairs of the turbine, when the waterways have to be emptied. For the head and trail race tunnels, which often are driven in bedrock, there are no such routines. This, in combination with the fact that the majority of the Swedish hydroelectric plants have attained the age of over 50 years, has led to an increased interest within the industry in ways to increase their knowledge about the condition of these water passageways. To conduct inspections by draining the tunnels is however a very time consuming process that requires the power plant to be turned off for a long time causing a major financial loss for the owner. The purpose of this master thesis is to assess the extent to which inspections with remotely operated vehicles, ROV, can be used as an alternative method for inspections of covered waterways, both those close to the power house and the head and tail race tunnels. A literature study of hydro power plants, common damages, current inspection methods and the construction and function of an ROV, has been conducted. The method also includes three practical activities, participation at inspections in drained waterways and at an ROV inspection of a 2.5 km tail race tunnel. Furthermore, tests with a rented ROV were carried out to investigate what type of concrete damages that are possible to detect using this method. The result from all parts in this thesis indicates that examinations by ROV can be considered for several types of inspections. For head and tail race tunnels, this type of inspection is often the only reasonable method. For the waterways directly connected to the power station, current inspection methods by draining show good result. But the ROV could here be an alternative in inaccessible areas, for instance due to waterway design or heavy leakage for instance.


EVELYN CONCEICAO SANTOS BATISTA 30 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Em ambientes aquáticos, o uso tradicional de mergulhadores ou veiculos subaquáticos tripulados foi substituído por veículos subaquáticos não tripulados (como ROVs ou AUVs). Com vantagens em termos de redução de riscos de segurança, como exposição à pressão, temperatura ou falta de ar. Além disso, conseguem acessar áreas de extrema profundidade que até então não eram possiveis para o ser humano. Esses veiculos não tripulados são amplamente utilizados para inspeções como as necessárias para o descomissionamento de plataformas de petróleo Neste tipo de fiscalização é necessário analisar as condições do solo, da tu- bulação e, principalmente, se foi criado um ecossistema próximo à tubulação. Grande parte dos trabalhos realizados para a automação desses veículos utilizam diferentes tipos de sensores e GPS para realizar a percepção do ambiente. Devido à complexidade do ambiente de navegação, diferentes algoritmos de controle e automação têm sido testados nesta área, O interesse deste trabalho é fazer com que o autômato tome decisões através da análise de eventos visuais. Este método de pesquisa traz a vantagem de redução de custos para o projeto, visto que as câmeras possuem um preço inferior em relação aos sensores ou dispositivos GPS. A tarefa de inspeção autônoma tem vários desafios: detectar os eventos, processar as imagens e tomar a decisão de alterar a rota em tempo real. É uma tarefa altamente complexa e precisa de vários algoritmos trabalhando juntos para ter um bom desempenho. A inteligência artificial apresenta diversos algoritmos para automatizar, como os baseados em aprendizagem por reforço entre outros na área de detecção e classificação de imagens Esta tese de doutorado consiste em um estudo para criação de um sistema avançado de inspeção autônoma. Este sistema é capaz de realizar inspeções apenas analisando imagens da câmera AUV, usando aprendizagem de reforço profundo profundo para otimizar o planejamento do ponto de vista e técnicas de detecção de novidades. Contudo, este quadro pode ser adaptado a muitas outras tarefas de inspecção. Neste estudo foram utilizados ambientes realistas complexos, nos quais o agente tem o desafio de chegar da melhor forma possível ao objeto de interesse para que possa classificar o objeto. Vale ressaltar, entretanto, que os ambientes de simulação utilizados neste contexto apresentam certo grau de simplicidade carecendo de recursos como correntes marítimas on dinâmica de colisão em seus cenários simulados Ao final deste projeto, o Visual Inspection of Pipelines (VIP) framework foi desenvolvido e testado, apresentando excelentes resultados e ilustrando a viabilidade de redução do tempo de inspeção através da otimização do planejamento do ponto de vista. Esse tipo de abordagem, além de agregar conhecimento ao robô autônomo, faz com que as inspeções subaquáticas exijam pouca presença de ser humano (human-in-the-loop), justificando o uso das técnicas empregadas. / [en] In aquatic environments, the traditional use of divers or manned underwater vehicles has been replaced by unmanned underwater vehicles (such as ROVs or AUVs). With advantages in terms of reducing safety risks, such as exposure to pressure, temperature or shortness of breath. In addition, they are able to access areas of extreme depth that were not possible for humans until then. These unmanned vehicles are widely used for inspections, such as those required for the decommissioning of oil platforms. In this type of inspection, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of the soil, the pipeline and, especially, if an ecosystem was created close to the pipeline. Most of the works carried out for the automation of these vehicles use different types of sensors and GPS to perform the perception of the environment. Due to the complexity of the navigation environment, different control and automation algorithms have been tested in this area. The interest of this work is to make the automaton take decisions through the analysis of visual events. This research method provides the advantage of cost reduction for the project, given that cameras have a lower price compared to sensors or GPS devices. The autonomous inspection task has several challenges: detecting the events, processing the images and making the decision to change the route in real time. It is a highly complex task and needs multiple algorithms working together to perform well. Artificial intelligence presents many algorithms to automate, such as those based on reinforcement learning, among others in the area of image detection and classification. This doctoral thesis consists of a study to create an advanced autonomous inspection system. This system is capable of performing inspections only by analyzing images from the AUV camera, using deep reinforcement learning, and novelty detection techniques. However, this framework can be adapted to many other inspection tasks. In this study, complex realistic environments were used, in which the agent has the challenge of reaching the object of interest in the best possible way so that it can classify the object. It is noteworthy, however, that the simulation environments utilized in this context exhibit a certain degree of simplicity, lacking features like marine currents or collision dynamics in their simulated scenarios. At the conclusion of this project, a Visual Inspection of Pipelines (VIP) framework was developed and tested, showcasing excellent results and illustrating the feasibility of reducing inspection time through the optimization of viewpoint planning. This type of approach, in addition to adding knowledge to the autonomous robot, means that underwater inspections require little pres- ence of a human being (human-in-the-loop), justifying the use of the techniques employed.

Análise de um sistema de navegação para veículo submarino autônomo. / Navigation system analysis for autonomous underwater vehicles.

Diana, Rodrigo Eiji Yamagata 07 May 2018 (has links)
O ambiente aquático tem notória importância para a pesquisa, pela biodiversidade e vastidão, e também do ponto de vista comercial, para a indústria militar e de óleo&gás por exemplo. Entretanto, a sua exploração é prejudicada por diversos fatores, entre eles devido à dificuldade de navegação. Infelizmente, carece-se de sinal GPS (Global Positioning System) embaixo d\'água, o que exige outras técnicas de localização. Assim, este trabalho analisa um sistema de navegação para um veículo submarino autônomo. Graças a sensores de velocidade, girômetros, bússola, entre outros, aplica-se o princípio de dead reckoning para calcular a posição atual do veículo a partir da última posição conhecida. Para tal, é feito inicialmente um estudo dos sensores a serem utilizados e um algoritmo de navegação é proposto, cujos resultados são expressos em coordenadas geodésicas (latitude e longitude), permitindo a visualização da trajetória do veículo em mapas geo-referenciados. Além disso, problemas práticos de medição são tratados. Em seguida, é feito um estudo sobre o ruído dos sensores, utilizando a curva de variância de Allan para caracterização dos sinais dos girômetros e do DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger). Por meio de equações de propagação de erro, os ruídos são recuperados em simulação, permitindo a estimação do erro de posição e de atitude (posição angular) acumulados para uma dada manobra. Finalmente, discute-se um critério de emersão a partir das estimativas de erro de posição. / The main part of our planet is filled with water, so the aquatic environment has notorious research and commercial importance. However, its exploration faces many difficulties. In navigation, the lack of GPS signal (Global Positioning System) during underwater missions requires different techniques, so this document focus on analyzing a navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicles. Thanks to different embedded sensors, like DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger), compass, gyrometers and others, the processes of dead reckoning is applied, witch calculates vehicle\'s current position by using the previously determined position. To do so, a navigation algorithm is implemented, providing geodesic coordinates to plot vehicle\'s trajectories on geo-referenced maps. Also, practical difficulties are discussed and treated. To improve the quality of the results, girometer\'s and DVL\'s errors are analyzed using Allan\'s variance and the navigation errors are estimated using first order time derivative equations in an augmented state space. Lastly, it is discussed a criterion to emerge and correct the vehicle\'s position using GPS signal.

Prédiction de trajectoires d'objets immergés par couplage entre modèles d'écoulement et équations d'Euler-Newton

Floc'H, France 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Des instabilités numériques dues à l'inertie du fluide apparaissent lorsque l'on résout les équations du mouvement pour un solide immergé dans un fluide dense tel que l'eau. Dans cette thèse, un schéma numérique stable dans ce cas est proposé. Les simulations tridimensionnelles de mouvements libres d'un objet couplé avec les équations résolvant l'écoulement utilisent trop de ressources informatiques pour étudier un grand nombre de cas. Il fut donc décidé de concevoir et de construire une veine hydrodynamique 2D pour valider le code numérique. Un dispositif en fluide statique est premièrement mis en place pour vérifier la faisabilité de trajectoires 2D correctes. L'aspect chaotique de certaines trajectoires est mis en évidence. Ce comportement est dû aux fortes instabilités du sillage. On observe dans la veine hydrodynamique que l'écoulement stabilise les translations, qui sont correctement prédites. La rotation est, quant à elle, toujours soumises aux instabilités du sillage. D'autant plus que l'objet utilisé est un rectangle qui, de par ses arêtes vives, présente des décollements de sa couche limite au cours de sa trajectoire. Ceci implique de fortes instabilités empêchant une prédiction correcte de l'angle au cours des essais. Cette méthode est également utilisée pour simuler la propulsion biomimétique grâce à un aileron oscillant. Le code hydrodynamique est alors un code potentiel utilisant la méthode des éléments frontières. Afin de comprendre l'influence des différents paramètres sur les performances du mouvement, tous les degrés de liberté sont fixés. Nos résultats pour le coefficient de poussée sont en accord avec la théorie de Theodorsen. L'étude paramétrique confirme que le nombre de Strouhal joue le même rôle pour l'aileron oscillant que le paramètre d'avance joue pour l'hélice. Les rendements propulsifs obtenus pour ces deux moyens de propulsion sont comparables. Une procédure de comparaison générale entre les moyens de propulsion est développée. Cependant, lorsqu'un changement de rythme est nécessaire, une hélice à pas variable donne une meilleure efficacité qu'un aileron changeant d'amplitude de tangage, même si l'amplitude de tangage a le même effet que le pas. Les résultats en mouvements libres mettent en évidence la rapidité du couplage et sa robustesse.

Range Gated Viewing with Underwater Camera

Andersson, Adam January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis, performed at FOI, was to evaluate a range gated underwater camera, for the application identification of bottom objects. The master thesis was supported by FMV within the framework of “arbetsorder Systemstöd minjakt (Jan Andersson, KC Vapen)”. The central part has been field trials, which have been performed in both turbid and clear water. Conclusions about the performance of the camera system have been done, based on resolution and contrast measurements during the field trials. Laboratory testing has also been done to measure system specific parameters, such as the effective gate profile and camera gate distances. The field trials shows that images can be acquired at significantly longer distances with the tested gated camera, compared to a conventional video camera. The distance where the target can be detected is increased by a factor of 2. For images suitable for mine identification, the increase is about 1.3. However, studies of the performance of other range gated systems shows that the increase in range for mine identification can be about 1.6. Gated viewing has also been compared to other technical solutions for underwater imaging.

Análise de um sistema de navegação para veículo submarino autônomo. / Navigation system analysis for autonomous underwater vehicles.

Rodrigo Eiji Yamagata Diana 07 May 2018 (has links)
O ambiente aquático tem notória importância para a pesquisa, pela biodiversidade e vastidão, e também do ponto de vista comercial, para a indústria militar e de óleo&gás por exemplo. Entretanto, a sua exploração é prejudicada por diversos fatores, entre eles devido à dificuldade de navegação. Infelizmente, carece-se de sinal GPS (Global Positioning System) embaixo d\'água, o que exige outras técnicas de localização. Assim, este trabalho analisa um sistema de navegação para um veículo submarino autônomo. Graças a sensores de velocidade, girômetros, bússola, entre outros, aplica-se o princípio de dead reckoning para calcular a posição atual do veículo a partir da última posição conhecida. Para tal, é feito inicialmente um estudo dos sensores a serem utilizados e um algoritmo de navegação é proposto, cujos resultados são expressos em coordenadas geodésicas (latitude e longitude), permitindo a visualização da trajetória do veículo em mapas geo-referenciados. Além disso, problemas práticos de medição são tratados. Em seguida, é feito um estudo sobre o ruído dos sensores, utilizando a curva de variância de Allan para caracterização dos sinais dos girômetros e do DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger). Por meio de equações de propagação de erro, os ruídos são recuperados em simulação, permitindo a estimação do erro de posição e de atitude (posição angular) acumulados para uma dada manobra. Finalmente, discute-se um critério de emersão a partir das estimativas de erro de posição. / The main part of our planet is filled with water, so the aquatic environment has notorious research and commercial importance. However, its exploration faces many difficulties. In navigation, the lack of GPS signal (Global Positioning System) during underwater missions requires different techniques, so this document focus on analyzing a navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicles. Thanks to different embedded sensors, like DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger), compass, gyrometers and others, the processes of dead reckoning is applied, witch calculates vehicle\'s current position by using the previously determined position. To do so, a navigation algorithm is implemented, providing geodesic coordinates to plot vehicle\'s trajectories on geo-referenced maps. Also, practical difficulties are discussed and treated. To improve the quality of the results, girometer\'s and DVL\'s errors are analyzed using Allan\'s variance and the navigation errors are estimated using first order time derivative equations in an augmented state space. Lastly, it is discussed a criterion to emerge and correct the vehicle\'s position using GPS signal.

Towards Autonomous Localization of an Underwater Drone

Sfard, Nathan 01 June 2018 (has links)
Autonomous vehicle navigation is a complex and challenging task. Land and aerial vehicles often use highly accurate GPS sensors to localize themselves in their environments. These sensors are ineffective in underwater environments due to signal attenuation. Autonomous underwater vehicles utilize one or more of the following approaches for successful localization and navigation: inertial/dead-reckoning, acoustic signals, and geophysical data. This thesis examines autonomous localization in a simulated environment for an OpenROV Underwater Drone using a Kalman Filter. This filter performs state estimation for a dead reckoning system exhibiting an additive error in location measurements. We evaluate the accuracy of this Kalman Filter by analyzing the effect each parameter has on accuracy, then choosing the best combination of parameter values to assess the overall accuracy of the Kalman Filter. We find that the two parameters with the greatest effects on the system are the constant acceleration and the measurement uncertainty of the system. We find the filter employing the best combination of parameters can greatly reduce measurement error and improve accuracy under typical operating conditions.

Utformning av Bränslecellsystem för Autonom Undervattensfarkost / Design of a Fuel Cell System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Glenngård, Anton, Helmersson, Sofia, Kessler, Amanda, Nilsson, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Avdelningen Marina System på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan har designat och konstruerat en autonom undervattensfarkost (AUV). I dagsläget drivs farkosten drivs av ett litiumpolymerbatteri. Ett bränslecellssystem bestående utav PEM-bränslecellsstackar (Polymerelektrolytbränslecell), metallhydrid och trycksatt syrgas har designats för att byta ut det befintliga litiumpolymerbatteriet. För att få ett säkert system är det utrustat med vätgassensor, trycksensor, voltmätare samt temperatursensor. Eftersom både syrgas och vätgas måste medföras i farkosten, jämfört med landgående fordon som kan utnyttja syret från omgivande atmosfär, har olika bränslelagringsmetoder undersökts. För att lagra syrgas har trycksatt gas valts, denna lagras i en tank gjord av kolfiber och ett har ett tryck på 300 bar. Vätgasen väljs att lagras i en FeTi-metallhydrid på grund av dess volymmässiga fördel. Metallhydrid är en volymeffektiv men viktineffektiv lagringsmetod, vilket gör att den är perfekt till en undervattensfarkost. Metallhydriden förvaras i en tank gjord av aluminium. Eftersom bränslecellerna producerar vatten har olika sätt att fånga upp detta undersökts. Regenerad cellulosa (disktrasa) har hög absorptionsförmåga och har därför valts för systemet. De bränslecellesstackar som införskaffades har testats med hjälp av programvaran Labview. De presterade något under vad tillverkaren hävdade, något som antas bero på effektbehov hos kontroller och fläktar. Olika driftbetingelser har undersökts för att kunna använda bränslecellsstackarnas fulla potential. Det slutgiltiga systemet får ej plats i farkosten. En teoretisk studie för när bränsleceller blir mer volymeffektiva än batterier visar att för ett helt optimerat system går gränsen vid 3 liter, vilket motsvarar att 822 normalliter vätgas måste tas med. I framtiden skulle en kemisk lagringsmetod av syrgas vara att föredra, exempelvis väteperoxid. Metallhydrid är ett bra sätt att lagra vätgas men tankmaterialet skulle kunna vara exempelvis rostfritt stål istället för aluminium så att tanken blir mer volymeffektiv på grund av den högre brottgränsen hos stålet. Ett syrgasflöde till bränslecellen istället för ut i farkostens atmosfär skulle kunna öka verkningsgraden och därmed räckvidden.

Generation of a full-envelope hydrodynamic database for hydrobatic AUVs : Combining numerical, semi-empirical methods to calculate AUV hydrodynamic coefficients

Miao, Tianlei January 2019 (has links)
The next generation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) can impact our observation of the world. The flight simulation and full-envelope hydrodynamics modeling can improve the performance of AUVs in terms of control, navigation and positioning. In order to achieve agile maneuverability, a more accurate database of full-envelope hydrodynamic coefficients is supposed to be generated. Two semi-empirical methods, Jorgensen and DATCOM, and two numerical method, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and XFLR5 are used to push the boundaries of hydrodynamic coefficients: lift, drag and moment coefficients for flight-style AUVs at the Swedish Maritime Robotics Center (SMaRC). A comparison of different approaches and tools, and an analysis of the most appropriate approaches for different regions of a defined maneuver has been conducted in this thesis. A data confidence level was proposed as a way to estimate the accuracy of the data and a structured database was built in terms of data confidence level. Different components of the AUV such as the hull body and wings were analyzed separately. The new database is input to a 3DOF Simulink model and the 6DOF SMaRC hydrobatics simulator for flight dynamics simulations. Simulations show that the new database has a good applicability.

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