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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Análisis del comportamiento de los usuarios de la fanpage de Facebook Ni una menos Perú: tocan a una, tocan a todas (marzo a junio de 2019) / Behavior analysis of users in the Facebook fanpage “Ni una menos Perú: tocan a una, tocan a todas” from March 2019 to June 2019

Santiago Llajaruna, Brenda Elizabeth 26 November 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación busca analizar el comportamiento de los usuarios de la fanpage de Facebook Ni Una Menos Perú: tocan a una, tocan a todas frente a publicaciones con las que pueden estar o no de acuerdo. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento de los usuarios partiendo de los comentarios y subcomentarios que estos realizaron en diez publicaciones que tratan el tema de la legalización del aborto en el Perú. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica se determinó catalogar las respuestas de los usuarios a las publicaciones dentro de cinco roles de comportamiento: apoyo total, apoyo parcial, neutralidad, rechazo parcial y rechazo total; para luego analizar al tipo de usuario partiendo de dos categorías: la identidad que presentan en Facebook y la forma en la que se expresan en sus respuestas a las publicaciones. Además, se ha considerado la forma de reaccionar de los usuarios dependiendo del tipo de publicaciones que realiza la fanpage. Asimismo, esta investigación propone un instrumento de análisis del comportamiento de los usuarios que permite ver de manera conjunta los distintos elementos que forman la conducta del usuario manteniendo una perspectiva individual de cada categoría. / The present research aims to analyse the behaviour of users of the Facebook fanpage “Ni Una Menos Perú: tocan a una, tocan a todas” when interacting in the comments of posts that they might agree or not with. For this, we have examined the behaviour of users based in the comments and subcomments that they have written on ten posts about the legalization of abortion in Perú. After going through a literature review, it was decided to categorise the responses to the posts into five roles of behaviour: full support, partial support, neutral, partial rejection and full rejection. Then, we will analyse the users starting with two categories: the identity they show on Facebook and the way they express themselves in their responses to the posts. Besides that, it has been considered the way the users react to the different approaches that can be find in the posts. On the same note, this research proposes a new analytical tool to analyse the behaviour of users that allows us to focus on all the different elements that shape the behaviour of the users while maintaining an individual perspective of each one. / Tesis

Development of guidelines for post care management at selected hospitals of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

Netshinombelo, Muthuphei 20 September 2019 (has links)
Department of Advanced Nursing Science / PhDH / Background: Despite measures to curb unwanted pregnancies and to sustain and expand abortion services, a high number of complications and deaths still occur. The failure of these measures is evidenced by the high number of women who are admitted to the public hospitals of KwaZulu-Natal Province with complications from induced abortions. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health has repositioned Family Planning to a key priority in its health program in order to improve the situation for women. However, in order to improve the situation, it is necessary to understand the underlying causes. This study sought to identify challenges that affect women's access to Post Abortion Care (PAC) services in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. It also sought to shed light on the challenges faced by those who render PAC services, as well as assess the skills of those workers as observed while they provided PAC services. After conducting the research on challenges related to access and rendering of post abortion care services, the researcher identified a need to develop guidelines for management of unsafe and induced abortion complications, with the aim to improve the life expectancy of women and prevent maternal deaths. Therefore, an outcome of the study was the development of a PAC management guideline. Purpose: The purpose of the study was two-fold: Phase 1: to explore the challenges faced by women when accessing PAC, and the health care workers who render PAC services, and to assess the PAC skills of the health care workers; Phase 2: to use the findings of Phase 1 to develop guidelines for post abortion care management at selected Hospitals of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Methods: The design of the study was guided by the Andersen model of Health Care Utilization. The model focuses on the contextual factors - enabling factors, predisposing factors and need factors - that influence the individual's utilization of health care services. Five districts of KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa were selected for the study. A convergent parallel mixed method was used to collect and interpret the data. A qualitative study was used to explore perceptions and challenges of women when accessing PAC; this was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with 23 women who accessed PAC services. Five Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were carried out with 50 health care workers to explore the challenges they experienced when managing abortion complications. A quantitative approach was used for direct skills observation of 92 health care workers. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data; descriptive statistics were used to analyse the quantitative data. Results: From the in-depth interview data, several main themes were identified. Women who accessed PAC identified a lack of facilities that offered PAC service, distance from the community to the hospital that provided PAC service, lack of transport, shortage of staff, unskilled staff, shortage of equipment, long waiting queues, stigma and discrimination as challenges associated with delay or avoidance of access to post abortion care services. The main themes raised by the health care providers were lack of support from the management, shortage of staff, lack of training, burnout, unavailability of the guidelines or protocols and shortage of equipment. The quality of PAC services was perceived as poor by both the women seeking care and the health care workers. The main concerns raised by the women were lack of respect, lack of privacy, sharing of bed and insufficient time with the health care provider. The results confirmed that guidelines are needed for the management of post abortion care services. The findings from the qualitative and quantitative parts of the study were used by an expert group to develop PAC management guidelines. The development of the guidelines was in accordance with the WHO models, PICOS & GRADES. The guidelines were validated by the group using a close-ended checklist, analysed with simple descriptive statistics. Conclusion: This study concludes that access to comprehensive quality post abortion care must be provided for all women at times of need. Quality PAC services should be rendered by skilled health care workers in a facility which is accessible and well equipped with functional equipments and updated guidelines. Recommendations: The study therefore recommends that measures should be taken to ensure the provision of quality PAC services. The PAC services should be accessible with the increased number of facilities, adequate trained health care workers with functional equipment and guidelines. Health care workers must receive training and management support to enhance quality PAC services. Privacy and respect must be maintained during provision of PAC services to ensure quality of care and increase demand. There must be continuous community awareness about PAC services which will encourage early-seeking behavior, and reduce fear of stigma and discrimination by the providers of PAC services before the complications arises. This study did not cover all the districts to identify the challenges on delaying PAC service. Therefore, this study recommends additional clinical, operations and community research which will give broader details and understanding on the challenges that cause delay for seeking immediate post abortion care services. / NRF

Experiences of prenatal genetic counselors with abortion regulations in Ohio

Heuerman, Anne 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

”…sedan är fröken fri” Fosterfördrivning och maktens dimensioner: En diskursanalys av ett rättsmål i Malmö 1892

Rosenquist, Petronella January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses concepts of criminal abortions during the 1890s. The analysis is based on source material in a court case about illegal abortions that took place in Malmö in 1892, as well as in articles wish were published in the daily newspapers in connection with the same legal case.Through Michel Foucault's theories of dimensions of power and Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, power relations that may have played a role for individuals' actions are studied. The result shows that there was a disciplinary exercise of power against the accused women based on the way in which these are portrayed in the legal material. The interaction between the individuals in the legal material shows both power and resistance that took place within the discourse.The concept of abortion that emerged from the study shows that there was some acceptance regarding abortions as long as this was handled discreetly. There were also some understandings of the woman's actions which were considered to be based on reasonable causes. However, it turned out that the same understanding did not occur upon the abortionist who was portrayed as a criminal. Reasons for abortion were based on shame, social and economic conditions, and ideological reasons.

Female Sexual and Reproductive Health Beyond Foetal Right to Life : A Comparative Analysis of Gender Equality in Mexican Criminal Law with Relation to Abortion

Tello Garcia, Selma Geovanna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to analyse the ways Mexican states articulates the actions of women undergoing an abortion and the effects it has on criminal sanctions specified for women. This study analyses the criminal code of Mexico City which decriminalised abortion in 2007, the criminal code of Jalisco reformed in 2009 and the criminal code of Yucatán reformed in 2009. The discrimination of women had been the major concern of International Human Rights Law as well as feminist jurisprudence. This research has attempted to problematise and highlight different aspects of discrimination taking place in Mexican law. Feminist liberal theory and radical feminism had been placed to analyse the criminal codes governing Mexican abortion law. Thus, in this thesis, the problems of women to access legal abortion had been discussed as a problem of discrimination based on sex. Therefore, this study does not touch upon tensions between the foetus and the mother but the conflict that emerges in the ways the law thinks of women.

kvinnors upplevelser vid en inducerad abort : En litteraturöversikt / Womens experiences of induced abortion : A literature review

Mellkvist, Susanne, Savarin Janemar, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige har kvinnor enligt lag kunnat välja att genomgå en abort sedan 1975. Utmaningar och svårigheter kan upplevas av både sjukvårdspersonal och kvinnor då det finns en emotionell dimension vid abort. Sjuksköterskor inom abortvård har beskrivit etiskt svåra situationer i mötet med kvinnor som genomgår abort. Inom sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde beskrivs ett professionellt förhållningssätt präglat av respekt för individens autonomi och integritet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser vid en inducerad abort. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts enligt Fribergs metod. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar, åtta kvalitativa, en kvantitativ och en mixad metod har använts för att tematiseras till ett resultat. Resultat: Analysarbetet resulterade i två huvudteman och sex subteman. Första huvudtemat är Beslutsprocessen, att göra eller att inte göra abort? med följande underteman: Blandade känslor vid ett svårt beslut och Autonomi och det egna valet. Andra huvudtemat är: Att genomgå abort med följande underteman: En emotionell handling, Att genomgå en abort fysiskt, Bemötande och stöd och Delaktighet och trygghet Diskussion: I diskussionen behandlas kvinnans upplevelse av delaktighetsamt sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande vid inducerad abort. Författarna diskuterade dessa ämnen i relation till litteraturöversiktens bakgrund, vetenskaplig forskning inom personcentrerad vård, egna reflektioner samt Phil Barkers tidvattenmodell. / Background: In Sweden, women have legally been able to choose to undergo an abortion since 1975. Challenges and difficulties can be experienced by both healthcare professionals and women since there is an emotional dimension to abortion. Nurses in abortion care have described ethically difficult situations in their encounter with women who undergo an abortion. A professional approach characterized with respect for the individual's autonomy and integrity are described within the nurse's area of responsibility. Aim: The purpose of the study was to illustrate women´s experience of induced abortion. Method: A literature review were performed based on Friberg's method. Ten articles, nine qualitative, one quantitative type and one mixed method have been used to be thematized into the result. Results: The analysis resulted in two main themes and six sub-themes. The first main theme is the decision making process, to perform or not to perform an abortion? with the following sub-themes: Mixed feelings in a difficult decision and Autonomy and your own choice. The second main theme is: To undergo and abortion with the following sub-themes: An emotional act, To undergo an abortion physically, Patient treatment and support and Participation and security. Discussion: The discussion raises the women's experience of participation and its impact on integrity as well as the care staff's patient treatment in relation to induced abortion. The authors discussed these subjects in relation to the literature review background, scientific research within person-centered care, their own reflections and Phil Barker's tidal model.

Midwives experiences of working with post abortion family planning : a Minor Field Study in Zambia

Wallén, Linnéa, Wramsby, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The prevalence of post abortion contraception in Zambia is lower than in many other African countries, with unmet family planning needs. Midwives play an important professional role in family planning. In conjunction with an abortion the midwife is provided with an opportunity to inform, discuss, prescribe and initiate family planning with the woman concerned. It is shown that women receiving information and knowledge about post abortion contraception are more likely to use it.   The aim of the study was to describe midwives experiences of working with post abortion family planning in Zambia.   A qualitative interview study with semi-structured questions was used. To conduct the study and find participants with the right inclusion criteria a strategic sampling was used. Ten midwives working with post abortion family planning in Zambia were interviewed. Qualitative content analysis was performed to analyze the collected data from the interviews.   During the data-analysis two categories and eight subcategories were identified. The midwives had experiences of several challenges within post abortion family planning. These included lack of knowledge, supplies and health care staff as well as problem with stigma around family planning and lack of compliance. The midwives also described other factors influencing the work with post abortion family planning. These factors included changes in attitudes, the midwife's knowledge and the importance of information provided by the midwives.   The midwives experienced that there were several factors influencing their work with post abortion family planning. Several challenges within post abortion family planning were identified in this study. Areas of improvement involve education, more midwives working and a better availability to post abortion family planning equipment and services. / Användandet av preventivmedel efter abort är lägre i Zambia i jämförelse med andra afrikanska länder och behovet av familjeplanering är inte tillfredsställt i Zambia. Barnmorskeprofessionen har en viktig roll i familjeplanering. I samband med abort har barnmorskan ett utmärkt tillfälle att informera, diskutera, förskriva samt initiera familjeplanering med den berörda kvinnan. Det har visat sig att kvinnor som får information och kunskap om familjeplanering efter abort är mer benägna att använda sig av preventivmedel.   Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva barnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med familjeplanering för kvinnor i Zambia som genomgått en abort.   En kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor användes. För att nå deltagare som uppfyllde studiens inklusionskriterier användes ett strategiskt urval. Tio barnmorskor i Zambia som arbetar med familjeplanering efter abort deltog i studien. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utfördes för att analysera det insamlade materialet.   Under analysen identifierades två kategorier och åtta subkategorier. Barnmorskorna hade erfarenhet av flera utmaningar inom familjeplanering efter abort. Dessa bestod dels av brist på kunskap, material och vårdpersonal samt problem med stigma kring familjeplanering och brist på följsamhet rörande preventivmedelsanvändning. Barnmorskorna beskrev även andra faktorer som påverkade arbetet med familjeplanering efter abort. Dessa faktorer bestod av ändrade attityder, barnmorskans kunskap och vikten av barnmorskans information.   Barnmorskorna hade erfarenhet av att flera faktorer påverkade deras arbete med familjeplanering efter abort. Flera utmaningar med familjeplanering efter abort identifierades genom den här studien. Förbättringsområden involverar utbildning, fler verksamma barnmorskor och en bättre tillgänglighet till material och familjeplanering efter abort.


Huber, Jamie Lee 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation seeks to rhetorically examine how women who have had abortions construct their abortion experience, with particular attention given to the role of various identity factors (such as race, nationality, class, spirituality, and geographic location) in the construction of their experiences. By giving voice to women's experiences and placing this voice in a historical context of differential racialization, as well as within both Critical Race Feminism (CRF) and Reproductive Justice (RJ) frameworks, this dissertation asks: How does the narrator construct the importance of her identity in her abortion and reproductive health services experiences?; Does the narrator link previous reproductive health services issues, such as sex education or cost of birth control, to her abortion experiences?; Does the narrator link her abortion experience to larger social structures and power issues?; How does the narrator construct her experience of abortion? What emotional elements does she present in her construction of the narrative?; How does the narrator construct her experience of deciding to have an abortion?; How does the narrator construct the role of her social support system in her abortion experience?; and How does the narrator reflect on her abortion experience? This dissertation argues that while women experience and construct abortion in very different ways, common experiential themes emerge. While women do not all construct or reflect upon their abortion experiences in the same way, narrative themes emerge that fade in and out of focus based on a woman's standpoint and the various aspects and intersections of her identity. In light of the emergent themes, this dissertation suggests enhanced opportunities for the sharing of women's abortion experiences, as well as more academic and activist work to examine and raise public awareness about issues of power and privilege in the abortion process.

The Social Construction of Deviance, Activism, and Identity in Women's Accounts of Abortion

Allen, Mallary 01 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The mainstream abortion rights debate in the United States, its opposing factions popularly identified as pro-choice and pro-life, is reliant upon identifiable narratives of abortion's value to women and society and, alternately, its harms. This dissertation traces more than one hundred years of evolution of popular rhetoric surrounding the practice of elective termination of pregnancy in the U.S. and identifies the understandings of abortion and the women who have them which are most prominent in our culture today. This dissertation examines the ways in which women who have had abortions invoke the rhetoric of "sympathetic abortion" in making sense of their own experiences. For the pro-choice movement, young, childless women accomplish sympathetic abortions in light of factors like responsible birth control use and the pursuit of empowering life goals, while factors like existing children, previous abortions, and bad clinic experiences contradict this template. The women interviewed for this research discuss ways in which the circumstances surrounding their abortions and their individual approaches to their procedures align their reproductive choices with the sympathetic template or else point to ways in which their experiences fail this standard. Women occasionally transcend the templates of "good" and "bad" abortions and offer new meanings. This dissertation closes with a discussion of the role of women's stories in social movements and the consequences of discourse which ignores abortion experiences that fall short of the contemporary formula story.

Corporeal theology and the politics of pregnancy : abortion and the pregnant body in eastern Christian thought

Humphrey, Meredith. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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