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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aborto provocado: vivência e significado. Um estudo fundamentado na fenomenologia / Induced abortion: experience and meaning. A study based on phenomenology

Borsari, Cristina Mendes Gigliotti 04 April 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O aborto é assunto bastante polêmico e ainda muito estigmatizado pela sociedade brasileira. Seja aborto espontâneo ou provocado, apresenta repercussões emocionais ambivalentes para as mulheres que o vivenciam. Este estudo trata do tema aborto em um contexto plural e multifacetado, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar a vivência e o significado do aborto provocado enquanto fenômeno existencial concreto na vida da mulher, e comparar com mulheres que tiveram o aborto espontâneo. Método: Trata-se de estudo quali-quantitativo em que foram entrevistadas mulheres com diagnóstico de aborto atendidas em dois hospitais públicos da cidade de São Paulo no período de julho de 2008 a março de 2010. Para fins de análise qualitativa foram incluídas as 11 mulheres que provocaram aborto e para análise quantitativa, foi realizado estudo caso controle comparando-se com 22 que sofreram aborto espontâneo. As 11 mulheres que provocaram aborto foram entrevistadas em profundidade e os dados analisados qualitativamente com embasamento teórico Fenomenológico-Existencial. Resultados: As mulheres do grupo com aborto provocado, em relação ao grupo com aborto espontâneo, apresentaram menor escolaridade sendo mais freqüente o nível fundamental (82% vs. 36%, P=0,04); menor renda familiar (mediana, R$1000 vs. R$1400, P=0,04); menor renda pessoal (mediana, R$200 vs. R$333, P=0,04), maior frequência de sentimentos negativos na suspeita (82% vs. 22%, P=0,004) e na confirmação (72% vs. 22%, P=0,03) da gravidez. Na análise qualitativa fenomenológica, foram revelados nos discursos das mulheres cinco temáticas: percepção do conflito, a culpa como recurso de enfrentamento, identidade parental, relações afetivas fragilizadas e significado do aborto provocado (desamparo, sofrimento e dor). Um tema único e maior prevaleceu no discurso de todas as mulheres que provocaram o aborto as relaçoes afetivas fragilizadas e a culpa, entendendo-se este tema como a essência da vivência das mulheres que provocaram o aborto. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu lançar um novo olhar, um recorte da vivência de mulheres menos favorecidas que se utilizaram de serviços públicos de saúde em momento de sofrimento diante da experiência do aborto provocado, e os sentimentos de relacionamentos fragilizados associados à culpa ressaltam como significados da vivência dessas mulheres / Introduction: The abortion subject is very controversial and still much stigmatized by the Brazilian society. Is miscarriage or induced abortion, shows ambivalent has emotional repercussions for women who experience. This study addresses the abortion issue in a plural and multifaceted context, aiming to identify and analyze the experience and meaning of abortion as the concrete existential phenomenon in women\'s lives, and to compare with women who had spontaneous abortion. Method: This is a qualitative and quantitative study based upon interviews with women diagnosed as abortion treated at two hospitals in São Paulo in the period July 2008 to March 2010. For purposes of qualitative analysis were included the 11 women who had an abortion and for quantitative analysis was conducted case-control study compared yourself to 22 who suffered miscarriage. The 11 women who had induced abortion were interviewed in depth and analyzed qualitatively with theoretical background Existential-Phenomenological. Results: The women in group with induced abortion in compared to those with spontaneous abortion, had less education and are more frequent in primary level (82% vs. 36%, P=0,04); lower family income (median $580 vs. $812, P = 0.04), lower personal income (median, $115 vs. $193, P = 0.04), higher frequency of negative feelings in the suspicion (82% vs. 22%, P = 0.004) and confirmation (72% vs. 22%, P = 0.03) of pregnancy. In phenomenological qualitative analysis, were revealed in the discourses of women at five themes: the perception of conflict, guilt as a means of coping, parental identity, vulnerable emotional relationships and meaning of abortion (abandonment, pain and suffering). The single theme and more prevalent in discourse of all women who had an induced abortion - the guilt and vulnerable affective relationships, understanding of this as the essence of the experience of women who had an induced abortion. Conclusion: This study has generated a new look, a clipping of the experience of disadvantaged women who used public health services in moment of suffering in the face of experience of abortion, and feelings of guilt associated with vulnerable relationships stand out as meanings of experiences of these women

Desesperança e depressão em mulheres com diagnóstico de abortamento / Hopelessness and depression in women with abortion diagnosis

Bordini, Débora Cristina Nozzella 31 January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A desesperança encontra-se amplamente associada com depressão maior e risco de suicídio. O suicídio, por sua vez, é um problema de saúde pública que está associado a uma diversidade de fatores e contextos econômicos, sociais e emocionais. No Brasil, a ocorrência de suicídio parece se relacionar diretamente com situações de perda, frustrações e sofrimento emocional, como a situação de abortamento na vida da mulher. Objetivos: este estudo tem como objetivos identificar desesperança em mulheres que viveram/provocaram abortamento; avaliar depressão maior; verificar a associação entre ocorrência de abortamento espontâneo ou provocado e depressão e desesperança. Método: este estudo foi composto por duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi verificado o prontuário de 162 mulheres que tiveram diagnóstico de abortamento e participaram do projeto anterior \"Culpa, ansiedade e depressão na vivência do abortamento provocado\", sendo que, destas 144 tinham vivido abortamento espontâneo e 18, abortamentos provocados. Nessa fase foram analisadas entrevista semidirigida; Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) e Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). Após uma média de tempo de 95,75 meses da ocorrência do abortamento, foi realizado contato telefônico com as 162 mulheres, visando convidá-las a participar da segunda fase; 12 mulheres aceitaram retornar. Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semidirigida, o PRIME-MD e BHS. Foi realizada análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados, os quais foram analisados pela técnica de análise temática e posteriormente foi utilizado o programa IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition. O nível de significância utilizado foi p < 0,05. Também foi realizada analise qualitativa dos discursos das mulheres que compareceram na segunda fase deste estudo. Resultados: constatou-se que 14,6%(n=21) das mulheres que sofreram abortamento espontâneo apresentaram alto nível de desesperança (índice <= 9) e 30,6%(n=44) apresentaram diagnóstico de depressão maior. Desta forma, foi observada associação significativa entre alto nível de desesperança e diagnóstico depressivo em mulheres com abortamento espontâneo (p=0,03). Entre as mulheres que relataram abortamento provocado, contatou-se que 27,8% (n=5) apresentaram altos índices de desesperança e 55,6%(n=10) foram diagnosticadas com depressão maior. Ao associar as duas variáveis, não foi encontrada significância estatística (p=0,9). Os resultados da segunda fase revelaram que 2 mulheres encontravam- se com alta desesperança, sendo que uma referiu abortamento espontâneo e a outra, provocado, ambas também tinham diagnóstico de depressão maior. Conclusão: foi constatado alto nível de sofrimento emocional e de desesperança associado com a situação do abortamento independente de sua natureza, se espontânea ou provocada. Foi observada associação estatística significativa entre depressão e desesperança entre as mulheres que vivenciaram abortamento espontâneo. Nas avaliações da segunda fase, constatou-se que o sofrimento de algumas mulheres permanecia atual, independente do tempo decorrido ou do tipo do abortamento / Introduction: Hopelessness is widely associated with Major Depression and suicide risk. The suicide, on the other hand, is a public health problem that may be associated with economic, social and emotional factors. In Brazil, the ocurrence of suicide seems to be directly related to situations involving loss, frustrations and emotional distress, such as the abortion situation in woman\'s life. Objectives: This study aims to identify hopelessness in women who have received abortions or miscarriage diagnosis; to evaluate major depression; to verify the association between miscarriage, abortion; depression and hopelessness. Method: This study was composed of two phases. In the first phase, it was verified the medical records of 162 women who had a diagnosis of abortion and participated in the previous Project \"Guilt, anxiety and depression in the experience of induced abortion\". Of these, 144 had a miscarriage and 18 had a induced abortion. For this phase, a semidiriged interwiew; Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) and Beck`s Hopelessness Scale (BHS) was analyzed. In the second phase, after an average time of 95,75 months from the abortion, a telephone call was made to the 162 women in order to invite them to participate at this time; twelve women agreed to return to the second phase of this study. The following instruments were applied: semi-directed interwiew, PRIME-MS and BHS. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed. The data were analyzed by the thematic analysis technique and later using the IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition. The significance level was p < 0,05. A qualitative analysis of the discourses of the women who attended the second phase was also performed. Results: It was found that 14,6% (n=21) of the women who suffered miscarriage had a high level of hopelessness (índex <= 9) and 30,6% (n=44) presented a diagnosis of major depression. Statistical significance was observed between high level of hopelessness and depressive diagnosis in women with miscarriage (p=0,03). Among women reporting induced abortion, 27,8% (n=5) had high rates of hopelessness and 55,6% (n=10) were diagnosed with major depression. When the two variables were associated, no statistical significance was found (p=0,9). The results of the second phase revealed that 2 women presented a high level of hopelessness, 1 that reported miscarriage and 1 that reported induced abortion. Both had a diagnosis of Major Depression. Conclusion: It was observed a high level of emotional distress associated with the abortion experience regardless of its natures, whether spontaneous or induced. There were There were high rates of hopelessness among women who experienced abortion, whether spontaneous or induced; and a statistically significant association was found between depression and hopelessness among women who experienced spontaneous abortion. In the evaluations of the second phase it was found that the suffering of some women remained current, regardless of the time elapsed or the type of abortion

Desesperança e depressão em mulheres com diagnóstico de abortamento / Hopelessness and depression in women with abortion diagnosis

Débora Cristina Nozzella Bordini 31 January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A desesperança encontra-se amplamente associada com depressão maior e risco de suicídio. O suicídio, por sua vez, é um problema de saúde pública que está associado a uma diversidade de fatores e contextos econômicos, sociais e emocionais. No Brasil, a ocorrência de suicídio parece se relacionar diretamente com situações de perda, frustrações e sofrimento emocional, como a situação de abortamento na vida da mulher. Objetivos: este estudo tem como objetivos identificar desesperança em mulheres que viveram/provocaram abortamento; avaliar depressão maior; verificar a associação entre ocorrência de abortamento espontâneo ou provocado e depressão e desesperança. Método: este estudo foi composto por duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi verificado o prontuário de 162 mulheres que tiveram diagnóstico de abortamento e participaram do projeto anterior \"Culpa, ansiedade e depressão na vivência do abortamento provocado\", sendo que, destas 144 tinham vivido abortamento espontâneo e 18, abortamentos provocados. Nessa fase foram analisadas entrevista semidirigida; Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) e Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). Após uma média de tempo de 95,75 meses da ocorrência do abortamento, foi realizado contato telefônico com as 162 mulheres, visando convidá-las a participar da segunda fase; 12 mulheres aceitaram retornar. Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semidirigida, o PRIME-MD e BHS. Foi realizada análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados, os quais foram analisados pela técnica de análise temática e posteriormente foi utilizado o programa IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition. O nível de significância utilizado foi p < 0,05. Também foi realizada analise qualitativa dos discursos das mulheres que compareceram na segunda fase deste estudo. Resultados: constatou-se que 14,6%(n=21) das mulheres que sofreram abortamento espontâneo apresentaram alto nível de desesperança (índice <= 9) e 30,6%(n=44) apresentaram diagnóstico de depressão maior. Desta forma, foi observada associação significativa entre alto nível de desesperança e diagnóstico depressivo em mulheres com abortamento espontâneo (p=0,03). Entre as mulheres que relataram abortamento provocado, contatou-se que 27,8% (n=5) apresentaram altos índices de desesperança e 55,6%(n=10) foram diagnosticadas com depressão maior. Ao associar as duas variáveis, não foi encontrada significância estatística (p=0,9). Os resultados da segunda fase revelaram que 2 mulheres encontravam- se com alta desesperança, sendo que uma referiu abortamento espontâneo e a outra, provocado, ambas também tinham diagnóstico de depressão maior. Conclusão: foi constatado alto nível de sofrimento emocional e de desesperança associado com a situação do abortamento independente de sua natureza, se espontânea ou provocada. Foi observada associação estatística significativa entre depressão e desesperança entre as mulheres que vivenciaram abortamento espontâneo. Nas avaliações da segunda fase, constatou-se que o sofrimento de algumas mulheres permanecia atual, independente do tempo decorrido ou do tipo do abortamento / Introduction: Hopelessness is widely associated with Major Depression and suicide risk. The suicide, on the other hand, is a public health problem that may be associated with economic, social and emotional factors. In Brazil, the ocurrence of suicide seems to be directly related to situations involving loss, frustrations and emotional distress, such as the abortion situation in woman\'s life. Objectives: This study aims to identify hopelessness in women who have received abortions or miscarriage diagnosis; to evaluate major depression; to verify the association between miscarriage, abortion; depression and hopelessness. Method: This study was composed of two phases. In the first phase, it was verified the medical records of 162 women who had a diagnosis of abortion and participated in the previous Project \"Guilt, anxiety and depression in the experience of induced abortion\". Of these, 144 had a miscarriage and 18 had a induced abortion. For this phase, a semidiriged interwiew; Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) and Beck`s Hopelessness Scale (BHS) was analyzed. In the second phase, after an average time of 95,75 months from the abortion, a telephone call was made to the 162 women in order to invite them to participate at this time; twelve women agreed to return to the second phase of this study. The following instruments were applied: semi-directed interwiew, PRIME-MS and BHS. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed. The data were analyzed by the thematic analysis technique and later using the IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition. The significance level was p < 0,05. A qualitative analysis of the discourses of the women who attended the second phase was also performed. Results: It was found that 14,6% (n=21) of the women who suffered miscarriage had a high level of hopelessness (índex <= 9) and 30,6% (n=44) presented a diagnosis of major depression. Statistical significance was observed between high level of hopelessness and depressive diagnosis in women with miscarriage (p=0,03). Among women reporting induced abortion, 27,8% (n=5) had high rates of hopelessness and 55,6% (n=10) were diagnosed with major depression. When the two variables were associated, no statistical significance was found (p=0,9). The results of the second phase revealed that 2 women presented a high level of hopelessness, 1 that reported miscarriage and 1 that reported induced abortion. Both had a diagnosis of Major Depression. Conclusion: It was observed a high level of emotional distress associated with the abortion experience regardless of its natures, whether spontaneous or induced. There were There were high rates of hopelessness among women who experienced abortion, whether spontaneous or induced; and a statistically significant association was found between depression and hopelessness among women who experienced spontaneous abortion. In the evaluations of the second phase it was found that the suffering of some women remained current, regardless of the time elapsed or the type of abortion

Do diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal à interrupção da gravidez: psicodiagnóstico e intervenção / From the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation until the termination of pregnancy. Psychological diagnosis and interposition

Glaucia Rosana Guerra Benute 22 June 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da interrupção da gestação, em casos de diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal e os processos psíquicos dela decorrentes. São feitas algumas considerações sobre os aspectos históricos e políticos da reprodução e da sexualidade, explorando, em seguida, aspectos relativos ao contexto cultural do aborto; o debate sobre o início da vida humana; questões da bioética e da legislação. O trabalho explora, ainda, questões sobre a legislação brasileira, Medicina Fetal e os processos psíquicos desencadeados a partir do diagnóstico de anomalia fetal letal. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo, na Divisão de Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, para aprofundar as questões teóricas discutidas. No período de agosto de 1998 a dezembro de 2003, foram realizadas entrevistas abertas com 249 mulheres, após terem recebido o diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal e entrevista semidirigida com trinta e cinco destas pacientes após a interrupção da gravidez. Este trabalho tem como objetivos específicos: identificar os processos psíquicos desencadeados nas mulheres, após o diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal; no processo de decisão pela interrupção judicial da gravidez; após a interrupção da gravidez; e identificar, na opinião das mulheres que receberam o diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal e que realizaram a interrupção da gestação, qual o papel da consulta psicológica nesse processo. A análise dos dados se deu de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Os resultados obtidos versam tanto sobre o momento do diagnóstico como experiência que propicia um caos temporário com perda do raciocínio lógico, não permitindo reflexões imediatas. Demonstra as angústias vivenciadas no processo de decisão pela interrupção ou manutenção da gravidez, apresentando o processo de reflexão como de fundamental importância para decisão consciente e para posterior satisfação com a decisão tomada. O acompanhamento psicológico foi destacado como de fundamental importância para elaborar a situação vivida. Conclui que o diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal ativa mecanismos de defesa para manutenção do equilíbrio psíquico. O processo de decisão pela interrupção da gravidez deve ser acompanhado por um psicólogo para que ocorra revisão dos valores morais e culturais permitindo uma decisão adequada que visa minimizar o sofrimento vivido. / This research is about the termination of pregnancy in situations where lethal fetal malformation has been diagnosed, and the psychic process that the patient goes through in these cases. The study was done with some consideration for the historical and political process of reproduction and sexuality, exploring aspects about the cultural context of abortion, the beginning of human life, issues about bioethics, and specific Brazilian laws on abortion. It discusses the point of view of the Catholic Church on the termination of pregnancy. This research also explores questions about Brazilian laws, fetal medicine, and the psychic processes triggered after the diagnosis of fetal anomaly. This study was performed at the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, in the Department of Obstetrics Between august, 1998 and December, 2003 open interviews was performed with 249 women after they have been diagnosed with lethal malformation of the fetus, and semi-direct interviews with 35 women after their pregnancy had been terminated. The objective of this research was not only to identify the psychic process women undergo after the diagnosis of lethal fetal malformation, during the decision-making process for the judicial intervention in the pregnancy, and after the termination itself; but also to know their opinion about the function of the psychological consult in this process. The data analysis was quantitative and qualitative. The results show that the moment of the diagnosis is an experience that creates a temporary chaos that deprives logical reasoning, and this situation does not allow an immediate decision. It shows the distress experienced in the decision-making process, showing that a reflective process is essential to the conscious decision and to being satisfied with the decision once it has been made. The psychological follow-up was determined to be of essential importance to understanding this situation. The study concludes that the diagnosis of lethal malformation of the fetus triggers a defense mechanism to maintain the psychic equilibrium. A psychologist must follow the process of the decision through to the termination of the pregnancy in order to provide a moral and cultural reflection leading to the correct decision and minimizing the emotional distress for the patient.

Aborto provocado: vivência e significado. Um estudo fundamentado na fenomenologia / Induced abortion: experience and meaning. A study based on phenomenology

Cristina Mendes Gigliotti Borsari 04 April 2012 (has links)
Introdução: O aborto é assunto bastante polêmico e ainda muito estigmatizado pela sociedade brasileira. Seja aborto espontâneo ou provocado, apresenta repercussões emocionais ambivalentes para as mulheres que o vivenciam. Este estudo trata do tema aborto em um contexto plural e multifacetado, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar a vivência e o significado do aborto provocado enquanto fenômeno existencial concreto na vida da mulher, e comparar com mulheres que tiveram o aborto espontâneo. Método: Trata-se de estudo quali-quantitativo em que foram entrevistadas mulheres com diagnóstico de aborto atendidas em dois hospitais públicos da cidade de São Paulo no período de julho de 2008 a março de 2010. Para fins de análise qualitativa foram incluídas as 11 mulheres que provocaram aborto e para análise quantitativa, foi realizado estudo caso controle comparando-se com 22 que sofreram aborto espontâneo. As 11 mulheres que provocaram aborto foram entrevistadas em profundidade e os dados analisados qualitativamente com embasamento teórico Fenomenológico-Existencial. Resultados: As mulheres do grupo com aborto provocado, em relação ao grupo com aborto espontâneo, apresentaram menor escolaridade sendo mais freqüente o nível fundamental (82% vs. 36%, P=0,04); menor renda familiar (mediana, R$1000 vs. R$1400, P=0,04); menor renda pessoal (mediana, R$200 vs. R$333, P=0,04), maior frequência de sentimentos negativos na suspeita (82% vs. 22%, P=0,004) e na confirmação (72% vs. 22%, P=0,03) da gravidez. Na análise qualitativa fenomenológica, foram revelados nos discursos das mulheres cinco temáticas: percepção do conflito, a culpa como recurso de enfrentamento, identidade parental, relações afetivas fragilizadas e significado do aborto provocado (desamparo, sofrimento e dor). Um tema único e maior prevaleceu no discurso de todas as mulheres que provocaram o aborto as relaçoes afetivas fragilizadas e a culpa, entendendo-se este tema como a essência da vivência das mulheres que provocaram o aborto. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu lançar um novo olhar, um recorte da vivência de mulheres menos favorecidas que se utilizaram de serviços públicos de saúde em momento de sofrimento diante da experiência do aborto provocado, e os sentimentos de relacionamentos fragilizados associados à culpa ressaltam como significados da vivência dessas mulheres / Introduction: The abortion subject is very controversial and still much stigmatized by the Brazilian society. Is miscarriage or induced abortion, shows ambivalent has emotional repercussions for women who experience. This study addresses the abortion issue in a plural and multifaceted context, aiming to identify and analyze the experience and meaning of abortion as the concrete existential phenomenon in women\'s lives, and to compare with women who had spontaneous abortion. Method: This is a qualitative and quantitative study based upon interviews with women diagnosed as abortion treated at two hospitals in São Paulo in the period July 2008 to March 2010. For purposes of qualitative analysis were included the 11 women who had an abortion and for quantitative analysis was conducted case-control study compared yourself to 22 who suffered miscarriage. The 11 women who had induced abortion were interviewed in depth and analyzed qualitatively with theoretical background Existential-Phenomenological. Results: The women in group with induced abortion in compared to those with spontaneous abortion, had less education and are more frequent in primary level (82% vs. 36%, P=0,04); lower family income (median $580 vs. $812, P = 0.04), lower personal income (median, $115 vs. $193, P = 0.04), higher frequency of negative feelings in the suspicion (82% vs. 22%, P = 0.004) and confirmation (72% vs. 22%, P = 0.03) of pregnancy. In phenomenological qualitative analysis, were revealed in the discourses of women at five themes: the perception of conflict, guilt as a means of coping, parental identity, vulnerable emotional relationships and meaning of abortion (abandonment, pain and suffering). The single theme and more prevalent in discourse of all women who had an induced abortion - the guilt and vulnerable affective relationships, understanding of this as the essence of the experience of women who had an induced abortion. Conclusion: This study has generated a new look, a clipping of the experience of disadvantaged women who used public health services in moment of suffering in the face of experience of abortion, and feelings of guilt associated with vulnerable relationships stand out as meanings of experiences of these women

"The Most Difficult Vote": Post-Roe Abortion Politics in Oregon, 1973-2001

Monthey, Tanya Trangia 28 March 2019 (has links)
The abortion debate in the United States has come to split the contemporary electorate among party lines. Since the late 1970s, the Republican Party has taken a stand against abortion and has worked through various routes of legislation to pass restrictions on access to the procedure. Oregon however, provides a different interpretation of this partisan debate. Though Oregon has seen both Republican and Democratic leadership in all houses of state government and pro-life conservative groups have lobbied to restrict the procedure, no abortion restriction has been passed in the state since the United States Supreme Court invalidated many state abortion bans in 1973. This thesis analyzes the legislative history of Oregon beginning in the mid nineteenth century, when the Oregon Territory first passed an abortion ban. Oregon voters and lawmakers alike were continuously asked to debate the legality and morality of abortion. Though the state did participate in the national debate over access to abortion, made clear by dozens of attempts at restricting the procedure, Oregon's response to conservative political trends is distinctive. Oregon liberalized its abortion law before Roe was decided; and years before, prominent physicians provided abortions and advocated for reproductive health. After abortion was decriminalized, Oregon legislators protected abortion access further by rejecting all attempts to pass abortion restrictions and crafting legislation to make further restrictions more difficult to pass. Even as Republicans gained majorities in the Oregon legislature in the late 1980s and 1990s and the pro-life movement gained momentum on the statewide level nationally, Republican lawmakers remained unwilling to prioritize abortion legislation. So too, in the decades following the Roe decision, Oregon voters have rejected all pro-life attempts to restrict abortion access by ballot initiative. Instead of pointing to one explanation for Oregon's protection of abortion access, this thesis examines the societal and legislative developments that worked in tandem to create a legislative landscape that is protective of abortion.

Experiences of registered midwives performing termination of pregnancy at Polokwane / Mankweng Hospital Complex in Limpopo Province

Gwangwa, Tshwene Josephine January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2014 / Legalising Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) in South Africa has given women the choice to decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The implementation of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy (CTOP) Act No. 92 of 1996 which was promulgated in 1997 engendered many challenges for the registered midwives performing TOP. A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to explore and describe the experiences of registered midwives performing TOP at Polokwane / Mankweng Hospital Complex, which is one of the public hospitals in Limpopo Province. Registered midwives with 12 months or more experience in the TOP clinics participated in this study. Interviews were conducted with the participants. The audiotaped interviews and observational notes were transcribed and coded using Tesch’s qualitative and systematic approach of analysing textual data. The major themes that emerged from the data analysis include lack of resources, emotional and psychological trauma, lack of support, religious and cultural beliefs, blaming and coping mechanisms. Several sub-themes were identified that reflected the themes in greater detail. These were shortage of human and material resources, stress and frustration of midwives, rejection and labelling of midwives performing TOP, conscientious objection, cultural beliefs, lack of support by colleagues and management, failure by the community to use contraceptives, self-blaming, debriefing to assist registered midwives and self-acceptance. Guidelines based on contextualisation of these themes and sub-themes to improve identified challenges included retention of personnel through recognition and incentives, increase budgeting for essential equipment, planned debriefing sessions, promotion of positive attitudes by colleagues and intense training on reproductive health, including TOP.

Bridging the Gap: Feminist Movements and their Efforts to Advance Abortion Rights in Chile

Ivanescu, Yvonne 28 October 2013 (has links)
Chile allowed therapeutic abortion (cases in which the mother’s life was in danger) from 1931 until 1989, the last year of the Pinochet military dictatorship. After Pinochet stepped down, Chile underwent a democratic transition in 1990 that was heavily reliant on a moral fundamentalist mentality, primarily influenced by the Catholic Church and conservative political parties. It has been widely argued that after the democratic transition, the previously strong and united women’s movement lost much of its visibility and cohesiveness due to its progressive fragmentation. This thesis holds that the women’s movement in Chile is not dead, but instead there are numerous small movements that apply different methods in an attempt to change abortion legislation in Chile. Through the dissemination of secondary research and first-person interviews conducted over a period of six months in Chile, the results show that Chilean third-wave feminists have re-shaped the women’s movement in an effort to introduce innovative ideas and tactics to advance abortion rights. Nonetheless, these new voices have also created tensions between new and old feminists further dividing the movement and limiting their ability to effect real change in regards to the abortion debate in Chile.

To ascertain why some women delay in seeking termination of pregnancy (TOP) for unwanted pregnancies in Lejweleputswa District (DC18), Free State.

Akinbohun, Olugbenga John January 2005 (has links)
Women of child-bearing age sometimes fail to plan for pregnancies. Often they discover that they are pregnant and are not prepared or cannot afford to raise the child. Before 1996 there was no choice for women as regards pregnancies, all pregnancies must be carried to term and delivered except on health grounds and with stringent conditions. However after the TOP act was enacted in 1996, women were allowed a choice of TOP up to and including 20 weeks of pregnancy.<br /> <br /> Regardless of the availability of choice of TOP, some pregnant women still present late (after 12 weeks) for TOP when the risks of complications and costs are higher. Women who present late for TOP usually have to be admitted to a district or regional hospital and managed. The costs at such institutions are high. TOPs before 12 weeks (early TOP) are done in a primary health care (PHC) facility (TOP center) and no admission is required hence less cost. Complications of early TOP are also very mild and rare. In Lejweleputswa district there is only one TOP Center (Kopano TOP Clinic) and this serves both Lejweleputswa and the Northern Free State districts. Early TOPs (less than 12 weeks) are done and completed at this center. Late TOPs (above 12 weeks but not more than 20 weeks) are initiated at this TOP center and referred to district or regional hospitals nearest to the patient&rsquo / s home, in both districts for completion.<br /> <br /> Problems - An increasing number of women are seeking TOP service at late stages of pregnancies and the incidence of severe complications like severe bleeding, retained placenta, infection, amniotic fluid embolism, death etc, are increasing. The hospital&rsquo / s bed space and budget are stretched to the limit due to the influx of late term TOP to the hospitals. Lack of manpower, especially doctors, in these hospitals also create some problems, as the few doctors available have to attend to other ill patients as well. Sometimes bleeding TOP patients are transfused with blood and placed on a waiting list for theatre and this often increases the risk of complications. The emotional effect of late TOP on hospital staff (doctors and nurses) are enormous as the expelled fetus are much more developed than in early TOP where no fetus is seen at evacuation with simple Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA).<br />

Maternal outcome of pregnancy in Mozambique with special reference to abortion-related morbidity and mortality /

Machungo, Fernanda, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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