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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Élimination des ions nitrate en solution aqueuse par adsorption sur un organosilicate mésoporeux de type SBA-15

Dioum, Abdou 20 April 2018 (has links)
L'agriculture intensive et l'élevage industriel sont les principaux responsables d'accidents environnementaux, tels que l'eutrophisation, par le biais de leurs rejets combinés (effluents agricoles, lisiers), trop riches en nutriments azotés et phosphoriques, qui se retrouvent comme des polluants dans les eaux souterraines et de surface. Dès lors, le traitement de ces effluents avant leur déversement dans la nature reste l'action préventive la plus appropriée. Le traitement biologique, actuellement plus utilisé, a comme inconvénient majeur, une production importante de boue qui pose des problèmes de stockage et de manipulation. Ce qui nous a amené à proposer l'adsorption, comme une alternative à ce traitement biologique, qui présente des avantages comme la facilité d'exploitation et la possibilité de recyclage des nutriments adsorbés. Dans ce projet, on s'était donné comme objectifs la synthèse et l'expérimentation d'un adsorbant d'ions nitrate qui est, en fait un organosilicate mésoporeux de type SBA-15. L'adsorbant a d'abords subit différentes analyses de caractérisation comme la MET, FT-IR, DRX et la titration avant d'être expérimenté en batch dans des solutions aqueuses synthétiques d'ions nitrate. Au cours de ces expérimentations, différents paramètres ont été variés l'un après l'autre afin de fixer les optima de fonctionnement de l'adsorbant. L'optimisation de ces paramètres nous a révélé que la capacité d'adsorption de l'adsorbant augmentait avec la diminution de la température (processus exothermique) et qu'à 5°C, on pouvait atteindre une capacité d'adsorption maximale de 55,75 mg de NO₃"/ gramme d'adsorbant. La charge optimale de 3,5 g d'adsorbant/L s'est trouvée être celle qui permettait le meilleur taux d'enlèvement coïncidant avec la plus importante capacité d'adsorption. Le pH de fonctionnement optimal de l'adsorbant est égal à son pKa, c'est-à-dire 4,5. Les anions divalents comme les sulfates et les carbonates sont les ions qui gênent le plus l'adsorption des ions nitrate. Quant à l'effet des acides organiques, on a noté que les acides humiques gênaient considérablement l'adsorption des ions nitrate, contrairement à l'acide phytique qui a amélioré significativement leur adsorption. Les modélisations exercées sur les données expérimentales ont permis de déterminer les paramètres thermodynamiques qui régissent le processus d'adsorption, ainsi que les modèles qui expliquent le mieux les résultats expérimentaux, à savoir les modèles de Langmuir et celui de Temkin.

Sorption et désorption du cadmium dans deux sols agricoles amendés de composts et de coquilles d'oeufs de poules

Nguyen, Van Trang 16 April 2018 (has links)
Le cadmium (Cd) est l'un des métaux les plus toxiques car il produit des effets néfastes sur l'activité biologique du sol, les plantes, le métabolisme, et la santé de l'homme et des animaux. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la sorption et la désorption du Cd dans deux sols, un sol sableux et un sol limono-argileux, amendés avec 10% de matériaux biologiques (quantité destinée à la restauration des sites contaminés). Les quatre matériaux biologiques mis à l'essai sont: i) un compost à base de bovins de boucherie et de sciure de bois (CBS), ii) un compost à base de bovins de boucherie et de paille (CBP), iii) un compost commercial à base de tourbe et de déchets de crevettes (CTC) et iv) une farine de coquilles d'oeufs de poules (FCO). L'application des matériaux biologiques a rehaussé la capacité des sols à retenir le Cd. Une augmentation progressive de la sorption a été observée avec les temps de contact allant de 0,5 h à 4 semaines. Le rehaussement de la température de 5 à 450C a augmenté la quantité de Cd sorbée. Les données de sorption pour des concentrations de Cd2+ ajoutée variant de 0 à 2000 mg Cd/kg ont été le mieux décrites par la forme linéaire de l'équation de Freundlich. La quantité de Cd sorbée a augmenté avec l'accroissement de sa concentration dans la solution d'équilibre. D'une manière générale, la capacité des sols à retenir le Cd augmentait dans l'ordre suivant: sols amendés de CBS ou de CBP < sols amendés de CTC < sols amendés de FCO. L'étude de désorption du Cd fraîchement sorbé a été réalisée au moyen d'extractions singulières utilisant la solution Mehlich-3 ou DTPA-TEA-CaCl2 et d'extraction séquentielle utilisant successivement les solutions Ca(NO3)2, TEA-DTPA-CaCl2 et HCl. La quantité de Cd désorbée est directement proportionnelle à la quantité de Cd fraîchement sorbée. Les résultats suggèrent que les amendements biologiques pourraient être appliqués aux sols afin de rehausser leurs propriétés de rétention du Cd.

The assessment of copper and zinc removal from highway stormwater runoff using Apatite II™

Huang, Hsiao-Wen 31 May 2012 (has links)
Copper and zinc are heavy metals commonly present in highway stormwater runoff. Discharge of these metals to surface waters inhabited by sensitive aquatic species including threatened and endangered salmonids has necessitated the need for improved treatment techniques. Although copper is of the greater toxicological concern, zinc is often present at concentrations several times higher than copper and may compete with copper during adsorptive treatment processes. In the current study, the ability biogenic fish-bone based alternative adsorbent, Apatite II™, for copper and zinc removal from synthetic stormwater runoff was evaluated. Batch experiments were employed to examine equilibrium removal and rapid small scale column tests (RSSCT) were used to simulate dynamic operation in continuous systems. In both batch and continuous systems, the release of phosphate and calcium were observed, and Apatite II™ achieved high removal efficiencies. The removal of copper and zinc was likely due to a combination of processes including adsorption, ion exchange and precipitation. Precipitation played a dominant role in copper removal and the release of phosphate and pH buffering appear to drive this process. While precipitation was also quite important for zinc removal, adsorptive removal also played a role. The findings from the current study provide a general understanding of the performance of copper and zinc removal from stormwater runoff using Apatite II™. / Graduation date: 2012

Probing protein adsorption modes onto poly(ethylene glycol) brushes by neutron reflection / Probing protein adsorption modes onto poly ethylene glycol brushes by neutron reflection

Schollier, Audrey 18 March 2011 (has links)
Adsorption of proteins at interfaces has an important role in biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. Indeed, several undesirable processes are related to protein adsorption, as for example: fouling of contact lenses, clotting on blood contacting devices, triggering inflammation around artificial organs, diminished circulation time of therapeutic proteins and drug bearing liposomes. Neutral water soluble polymers, such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), are used to repress protein adsorption: by coating the surface with a polymer brush, a "cushion" is created between the protein and the surface, that can reduce, or even completely repress the adsorption. Understanding the mechanism that inhibits the adsorption at interfaces is an active field of research, and could lead to relevant improvements in biomaterials performances and design.<p><p>A clear understanding of the mechanism of protein adsorption onto polymer brushes is still missing. The first models describing the interactions of a polymer brush with adsorbing particles predicted two adsorption modes: primary adsorption at the grafting surface, and secondary adsorption at the outer edge of the brush (occurring for large cylindrical proteins). Primary adsorption can be repressed by increasing the grafting density of the brush, and secondary adsorption by increasing its thickness, in agreement with the experiments reported in the literature. But experimental evidences (a maximum in the adsorbed amount observed for long brushes) suggested then the existence of a third mode: ternary adsorption within the brush itself, due to attractive interactions between the protein and the brush. Standard techniques can in general only probe the total adsorbed amount. The aim of this work was to separate primary and ternary adsorption isotherms, by using neutron reflectivity and deuterated proteins. As neutrons interact differently with hydrogen and deuterium atoms, the contrast between the hydrogenated brush and the deuterated protein is high enough to separate the two contributions.<p><p>We studied the adsorption of deuterated myoglobin on PEG brushes with different degrees of polymerisation (N = 56, 146 and 770), and as a function of the area per grafted chain. The contribution of primary and ternary adsorption was separated for the different systems, and the adsorbed amount was extracted and the adsorption isotherms compared to the theoretical predictions. The ability to distinguish between the different adsorption modes, and the quantification of their relative contribution to the overall amount of adsorbed proteins, represents a major advance in optimising surface properties. In particular, the occurrence of ternary adsorption onto PEG brushes affects their status as tool for repressing protein adsorption.<p><p><p>L’adsorption de protéines aux interfaces a un rôle important pour certaines applications pharmaceutiques ou biotechnologiques. En effet, plusieurs processus indésirables sont liés à l’adsorption de protéines, par exemple l’encrassement de lentilles de contact, la coagulation dans des appareils contenant du sang, l’inflammation d’organes artificiels ou encore la diminution du temps de circulation dans le corps de protéines ou liposomes thérapeutiques. Certains polymères, tels que le polyéthylène glycol (PEG), sont utilisés pour réprimer l’adsorption de protéines :en greffant une brosse de PEG sur la surface, une couche est créée entre la protéine et celle-ci qui diminue, voire même réprime complètement l’adsorption. Comprendre le mécanisme qui entrave l’adsorption aux interfaces est un sujet de recherche actif, qui pourrait mener à des améliorations significatives dans la conception de biomatériaux.<p><p>À ce jour, la compréhension du mécanisme d’adsorption de protéines sur des brosses de polymère n’est pas claire. Les premiers modèles décrivant les interactions entre brosses de polymères et particules adsorbantes prédisaient deux modes d’adsorption :l’adsorption primaire sur la surface de greffage, et l’adsorption secondaire à l’extérieur de la brosse (pour les grandes protéines cylindriques uniquement). L’adsorption primaire peut-être réprimée en augmentant la densité de greffage de la brosse, et l’adsorption secondaire en augmentant son épaisseur, en accord avec les expériences reportées dans la littérature. Mais d’autres évidences expérimentales (un maximum dans la quantité adsorbée observé pour les brosses longues) ont ensuite suggéré l’existence d’un troisième mode :l’adsorption ternaire à l’intérieur même de la brosse, due aux interactions attractives entre la protéine et la brosse.<p><p>Les techniques standards peuvent en général mesurer la quantité adsorbée totale. Le but de ce travail était de séparer les isothermes d’adsorption primaire et ternaire, en utilisant la réflectivité de neutrons et des protéines deutérées. Comme les neutrons interagissent différemment avec les atomes d’hydrogène ou de deutérium, le contraste entre la brosse hydrogénée et la protéine deutérée est ainsi suffisant pour séparer les deux contributions.<p><p>Nous avons étudié l’adsorption de myoglobine deutérée sur des brosses de PEG avec différents degrés de polymérisation (N = 56, 146 and 770), en fonction de l’aire par chaîne Σ. La contribution des adsorptions primaire et ternaire put être séparée pour les différents systèmes, et les quantités adsorbées extraites pour finalement comparer les isothermes d’adsorption aux prédictions théoriques. La possibilité de distinguer les différents modes d’adsorption, et la quantification de leur contribution relative à la quantité totale de protéines adsorbées représente une avancée majeure dans l’optimisation des propriétés des surfaces. L’adsorption ternaire dans les brosses de PEG en particulier remet en question leur utilisation pour réprimer l’adsorption de protéines. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

High-temperature CO2 sorbents and application in the sorption enhanced steam reforming for hydrogen production

Radfarnia, Hamid Reza 19 April 2018 (has links)
Le reformage à la vapeur couplé à la sorption in-situ d’un composant du milieu réactionnel (sorption-enhanced steam reforming, SESR) est un procédé d’avant-garde qui permet simultanément la production d’hydrogène de très haute pureté et la capture du CO2. L'objectif principal de ce travail est le développement de nouveaux sorbants pour le CO2 applicables à hautes températures et l’étude de leur application dans SESR. Deux nouvelles méthodes de synthèse ont été proposées pour synthétiser du zirconate de lithium (Li2ZrO3), zirconate de sodium (Na2ZrO3) ainsi que des matériaux à base d’oxyde de calcium (CaO), trois catégories de sorbants capables de réagir avec le CO2 à hautes températures. L’application du Li2ZrO3 à la capture du CO2 a démontré une augmentation de l’activité du matériau produit par une nouvelle méthode de synthèse combinant un surfactant et traitement à ultrasons, comparativement au Li2ZrO3 préparé par une méthode avec surfactant seulement (sans ultrasons) ou par la méthode conventionnelle (mélange des composants en phase liquide). Néanmoins, pour des pressions partielles en CO2 inférieures à 0,75 bar, la faible cinétique de sorption du CO2 obtenue par le Li2ZrO3 limite son application au procédé SESR. En considérant l’amélioration des propriétés de sorption obtenue en appliquant la méthode combinée surfactant/ultrasons à la synthèse du Li2ZrO3, la même technique a été aussi appliquée à la synthèse du Na2ZrO3. Des résultats inattendus ont été pourtant obtenus. Le Na2ZrO3 développé par la nouvelle technique a été moins actif durant les cycles sorption/régénération que celui produit par la méthode conventionnelle, de par la faible résistance de sa structure poreuse à de très hautes températures. La nouvelle méthode de synthèse combinée surfactant/ultrasons a été aussi appliquée pour la synthèse de CaO stabilisé par du zirconium (Zr). Un rapport Zr/Ca de 0,303 a été trouvé optimal pour la production d’un sorbant présentant la meilleure stabilité et activité pour la capture de CO2. Dans les conditions sévères d’opération, les résultats ont généralement indiqué une capacité de sorption du CaO stabilisé supérieure à celle du CaO pure. Dans le but de réduire les coûts de production des sorbants, une source moins chère de CaO (calcaire naturel) a été utilisée en combinaison avec une nouvelle méthode de synthèse qui consiste dans l’acidification du calcaire par de l’acide citrique suivie par une calcination en deux étapes (argon et air). Doté d’une structure hautement poreuse, le CaO produit a révélé une stabilité nettement meilleure par rapport au calcaire, ainsi qu’une capacité accrue de sorption du CO2. La même technique de synthèse a été aussi utilisée pour développer plusieurs matériaux à base de CaO stabilisé par divers oxydes métalliques (Al, Zr, Mg et Y), afin d’améliorer la stabilité du sorbant dans les conditions opérationnelles sévères, particulièrement les hautes températures de régénération en présence de CO2. CaO stabilisé par l’aluminium (Al) ou le zirconium (Zr) a démontré une meilleure activité comparativement aux autres matériaux synthétisés, inclusivement dans des conditions sévères d’opération. L’application de ces deux types de sorbants au vaporeformage du méthane (SESMR) a été ensuite étudiée dans un réacteur à lit fixe. Pour minimiser les limitations diffusionnelles, deux matériaux hybrides sorbant-catalyseur ont été développés. NiO-CaO stabilisé par Zr, préparé par la méthode combinée surfactant/ultrasons, dont le contenu en NiO est de 20.5 % (masse) a montré une efficacité dans la production d’hydrogène de 92% lors du premier cycle de reformage, ce qui est remarquablement plus élevée que le rendement d’équilibre en H2 pour le procédé traditionnel de vaporeformage du méthane (SMR) ( 70%). La méthode acidification/calcination en deux étapes a été utilisée pour produire le deuxième matériau hybride (NiO-CaO stabilisé par Al). L’application du matériau contenant 25 % (masse) de NiO a conduit à une efficacité moyenne de production d’hydrogène de 97.3%, démontrant ainsi son grand potentiel pour le SESMR. Les résultats de ce projet de recherche ont clairement démontré que le procédé SESR est une alternative très avantageuse au procédé traditionnel de reformage à la vapeur (sans séparation in-situ de CO2) pour la production d’hydrogène de très haute pureté. Le matériau hybride sorbant-catalyseur NiO-CaO stabilisé par Al a démontré une excellente activité à long terme, en confirmant son potentiel élevé pour application dans le procédé SESMR. / Sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SESR) is a forefront technology to produce H2 clean fuel, which integrates both CO2 capture and H2 production in a single process. The main objective of this work is to develop novel high-temperature CO2 sorbents and to investigate their application in SESR operation. Special attention was given to lithium zirconate (Li2ZrO3), sodium zirconate (Na2ZrO3) and calcium oxide (CaO)-based materials, as most famous high temperature CO2 sorbents, by applying two novel synthesis techniques. The application of Li2ZrO3 in CO2 capture sorption showed an increase in activity of the material prepared by surfactant template/sonication method compared to Li2ZrO3 prepared by simple surfactant template method (without sonication) or conventional wet-mixing route. Nevertheless, porous Li2ZrO3 still suffered from slow kinetics of CO2 sorption at low CO2 partial pressure (below 0.75 bar), which can limit its application for SESMR operation. Taking into consideration the improvement of Li2ZrO3 sorption properties, the same surfactant template/sonication technique was then applied to develop porous Na2ZrO3. The behavior of the new developed Na2ZrO3 was unexpected. The samples prepared by surfactant template/sonication technique were found to be less active than the conventional Na2ZrO3 during cyclic operation, due to the low resistivity of the pore structure at the very high temperature treatment required for calcination. The same surfactant template/sonication was also applied to develop Zr-stabilized CaO sorbents. An optimum Zr/Ca ratio of 0.303 was found to maximize the stability and CO2 capture activity of the proposed Zr-stabilized CaO sorbent. The results generally showed a better CO2 capture ability of Zr-stabilized CaO sorbent in comparison with pure CaO in severe cyclic operating conditions. With the purpose of reducing the cost of sorbent production, a cheaper source of CaO (natural limestone) was also considered and a novel synthesis technique (limestone acidification by citric acid followed by two-step calcination (in Ar and air atmospheres)) was applied in order to prepare highly porous CaO structure with unique CO2 capture ability. The results revealed a much better stability and CO2 sorption activity of the developed sorbent compared to natural limestone. The same technique was employed to develop a number of metal oxide (Al, Zr, Mg and Y)-stabilized CaO sorbents in order to enhance sorbent stability in severe operating conditions, i.e., high temperature regeneration in the presence of CO2. Al and Zr-stabilized CaO showed the best activity during both mild and severe operating conditions. The performance of the developed CO2 sorbents providing the best performance in CO2 capture (Zr-stabilized and Al-stabilized CaO) were then investigated experimentally in the sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SESMR) using a fixed-bed reactor. To minimize the diffusional limitations, a hybrid catalyst-sorbent was developed for both sorbents. The application of Zr-stabilized CaO-nickel hybrid catalyst with 20.5 wt% NiO loading, prepared by surfactant-template/sonication method, resulted in 92% H2 production efficiency for the initial SESMR cycle, which is remarkably higher than traditional steam methane reforming (SMR) equilibrium H2 yield (70 %). The second developed hybrid sorbent-catalyst (Al-stabilized CaO-NiO) was prepared using limestone acidification coupled with two-step calcination technique. The long-term application of the hybrid catalyst containing 25 wt% NiO led to an average H2 production efficiency of 97.3%, proving its high efficiency in the SESMR process. In summary, the results of this thesis show that the SESR process is as an efficient alternative of traditional steam reforming for production of highly pure H2. The Al-stabilized CaO-NiO hybrid sorbent-catalyst showed an excellent activity over long-term operation, thus confirming its very high potential for use in the SESMR process.

Impact of molecular structure on water vapour sorption properties in nanostructured polymeric films

Cloete, Valeska 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the use of surfactants, plate-like clays, organophilic molecules and side-chain crystallinity was investigated for their impact on the transport mechanisms of water vapour through polymer films. A model polymer latex, poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate), was prepared using miniemulsion polymerization. Three different types of surfactants, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS, an anionic surfactant), octyl phenol ethoxylate (OPE, a nonionic surfactant) and dodecyl ammonium- 3-butenoate (DA3B, a reactive surfactant) were used to stabilize the latex. Films were prepared from the resultant latices and their water vapour sorption behaviour determined across a water vapour partial pressure range of 0.1 to 0.9. Sigmoidal kinetic behaviour was seen for all three films, with the DA3B stabilized film exhibiting high diffusion coefficients compared to films stabilized with SDBS and OPE. The thermodynamic behaviour of the films differed and was dependent on the reactivity of the surfactant. SDBS and OPE stabilized films exhibited Flory- Huggins behaviour, while the DA3B stabilized film followed Henry’s Law. Despite significant differences in terms of these properties, the permeability coefficients were similar for the three films across the water vapour partial pressure range evaluated. The impact of sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) clay and an organophilic modifier, 2- acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS), on the water vapour sorption properties of poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate) was evaluated. These polymer clay nanocomposites (PCNs) were synthesized using miniemulsion polymerization. The resultant latex films were characterized and used for water vapour sorption analyses. It was shown that complete exfoliation of the Na-MMT was necessary to minimize the equilibrium water vapour uptake. Even when Na-MMT was completely exfoliated, the amount of water vapour sorbed by the PCN was high and this was attributed to the hydrophilic nature of the clay. Using a least squares regression fit, good correlation was obtained between the experimental isotherms and the sorption behaviour predicted by the Dual Mode Sorption model which was originally developed for polymers in their glassy state. The impact of side chain crystallinity on the water vapour sorption properties of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-octadecyl acrylate) was evaluated. These random copolymers containing increasing amounts of octadecyl acrylate, and therefore increasing degrees of crystallinity, were synthesized using solvent polymerization. Although it could be expected that side chain crystallinity would be the main contributing factor resulting in a reduction in the diffusion coefficient, it was shown that the methyl group on the á- carbon of the vinyl group in the methacrylate reduced the diffusion to a greater extent through the increased stiffness of the polymer backbone. This was also reflected in poly(methyl methacrylate-co-octadecyl acrylate) having a greater activation energy for diffusion compared to polyoctadecyl acrylate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die gebruik van sepe, plaatagtige kleie, organofiliese molekules en sykettingkristalliniteit ondersoek ten opsigte van die impak op transportmeganismes van waterdamp deur polimeerfilms. ‘n Model polimeerlateks, polistireen-ko-butielakrilaat, is voorberei deur miniemulsiepolimerisasie. Drie verskillende tipes sepe, natriumdodekielbenseensulfonaat (NDBS, ‘n anioniese seep), oktielfenoletoksilaat (OFE, ‘n nie-ioniese seep) en dodekielammonium-3-butenoaat (DA3B, ‘n reaktiewe seep) is gebruik om die lateks te stabiliseer. Films is van die resultante lateks voorberei en hul waterdampsorpsie –eienskappe oor die parsiële waterdampdrukreeks van 0.1 tot 0.9 bepaal. Sigmodale kinetiese gedrag is vir al drie films waargeneem, met die DA3B gestabiliseerde film wat hoër diffusiekoëffisiënte toon in vergelyking met die films wat met NDBS en OFE gestabiliseer is. Die termodinamiese gedrag van die films het verskil en was afhanklik van die reaktiwiteit van die seep. NDBS en OFE gestabiliseerde films het Flory-Huggins gedrag getoon, terwyl die DA3B gestabiliseerde film Henry se Wet gevolg het. Ten spyte van die beduidende verskille ten opsigte van hierdie eienskappe was die permitiewe koëffisiënte soortgelyk vir die drie films regoor die parsiële waterdampdrukreeks wat vir die evaluasie gebruik is. Die impak van natriummontmorilloniet (Na-MMT) klei en ‘n organofiliese modifiseerder, 2- akrielamido-2-metielpropaansulfoonsuur (AMPS), op die waterdampsorpsie-eienskappe van polistireen-ko-butielakrilaat is geevalueer. Hierdie polimeer-klei-nanosaamgesteldemateriale (PKNe) is gesintetiseer deur van miniemulsiepolimerisasie gebruik te maak. Die resultante lateksfilms is gekarakteriseer en gebruik vir waterdampsorpsie analises. Daar is getoon dat algehele afskilfering van die Na-MMT nodig was om die ewewigswaterdampopname te minimaliseer. Selfs wanneer Na-MMT algeheel afgeskilfer was, was die hoeveelheid waterdamp gesorbeer deur die PKN hoog en kan dit toegeskryf word aan die hidrofiliese karakter van die klei. Deur ‘n kleinste-kwadrate-regressie passing te doen, is ‘n goeie korrelasie verkry tussen die eksperimentele isoterme en die sorpsie gedrag voorspel deur die Dubbelmodussorpsiemodel wat oorspronklik ontwikkel is vir polimere in hul glasagtige toestand. Die impak van sykettingkristalliniteit op die waterdampsorpsie-eienskappe van poli(metielmetakrilaat-ko-oktadekielakrilaat) is ondersoek. Hierdie ewekansige kopolimere wat toenemende hoeveelhede oktadekielakrilaat, en dus toenemende grade van kristalliniteit bevat, is gesintetiseer deur van oplossingspolimerisasie gebruik te maak. Alhoewel dit te wagte was dat sykettingkristalliniteit die hoofbydraende faktor is in die redusering van die diffusiekoeffisiente, is daar getoon dat die metielgroep aan die α-koolstof van die vinielgroep in die metakrilaat die diffusie tot 'n groter mate gereduseer het deur toenemende styfheid van die polimeerrugraat. Dit is ook gereflekteer deur poli(metielmetakrilaat-ko-oktadekielakrilaat) wat 'n groter aktiveringsenergie vir diffusie het in vergelyking met polioktadekielakrilaat.

Investigation of inorganic porous solids as adsorbents for the separation of carbon dioxide from flue gas

Lozinska, Magdalena Malgorzata January 2013 (has links)
Porous inorganic solids including mesoporous silicas, zeolites and silicoalumnio-phosphates have been investigated as adsorbents for carbon dioxide, particularly in relation to uptake from flue gases at 0.1 bar and ca. 298 K, but also at higher pressures. The mesoporous silicas SBA-1 and SBA-2, with mesocages separated by narrower windows, have been prepared, calcined at various temperatures and also nitrided with ammonia at high temperature. Nitridation has resulted in framework nitrogen incorporation, but this gave only small increases in the uptake of CO₂ of these mesoporous silicas, which are very low (< 0.2 mmol g⁻¹) at flue gas conditions (0.1 bar, 298 K). A series of cationic forms of the small pore zeolites, chabazite, ZK-5 and Rho, have been prepared by exhaustive cation exchange (and pre-calcination of the as-prepared form of Rho). In addition, a series of ultrastabilised zeolite Rho samples has been prepared to investigate the influence of extra-framework aluminium species on CO₂ uptake. For comparison, the silicoaluminophosphate versions of ZK-5 (SAPO STA-14) and Rho (SAPO(RHO)) have been prepared. Adsorption on Li-, Na-, K- and Ca-forms of chabazite (Si/Al = 3.0) has been related to the crystal structures of their dehydrated forms, as determined by Rietveld refinement against powder X-ray diffraction data (PXRD). For Na- and K-chabazite the structure has been measured in situ by PXRD during CO₂ adsorption. Li-chabazite has the highest uptake from all chabazite cationic forms (4.3 mmol g⁻¹). PXRD of K-chabazite reveals cation migration from eight-membered ring sites to six-membered ring sites upon CO₂ adsorption. Na-chabazite shows partial transformation from rhombohedral to monoclinic symmetry upon prolonged evacuation at high temperature, with resultant non-Type I CO₂ adsorption behaviour. Li-, Na- and K-forms of ZK-5 (Si/Al = 4.16) show high CO₂ uptakes at 0.1 bar and 298 K (Li-ZK-5, 4.7 mmol g⁻¹, which is the highest of the solids measured here). Like all H-forms, H-ZK-5 shows weaker uptake. None of the ZK-5 forms show high selectivity for CO₂ over small hydrocarbons, because cations do not block eight-membered ring windows and the structures do not distort upon dehydration. Uptake of CO₂ on univalent cation forms of zeolite Rho has been studied at low (up to 1 bar) and high (up to 10 bar) pressures. All cationic forms (but not H-Rho) show distortion (Im3̅m to I4̅3m) upon dehydration. Forms of zeolite Rho in which cations occupy window sites in the eight-membered rings between α-cages show hysteresis in their CO₂ isotherms, the magnitude of which (Na⁺,NH₄⁺ < K⁺ < Cs⁺) correlates with the tendency of cations to occupy double eight-membered ring sites rather than single eight-membered ring sites. Additionally, reversible CO₂ uptake using the Zero Length Column method on fully and partially cation exchanged samples has been measured. In situ synchrotron PXRD of CO₂ adsorption on Na-Rho indicates Na cations remain in window sites on the time average, indicating CO₂ uptake must occur by a 'trapdoor mechanism' by which Na cations move away from the windows to allow CO₂ to adsorb. In addition, in situ PXRD reveals the adsorption sites of CO₂ bound cations. Adsorption of small hydrocarbons does not occur on Rho, even at high pressure, indicating that adsorption is selective, and depends on the degree of interaction with the adsorbate rather than simply on the molecular size. Na-Rho is therefore a selective adsorbent for CO₂ over CH₄ with selectivities of 150–25 at 1–9 bar and 298 K, predicted from the single component isotherms, and an uptake of 3.07 mmol g⁻¹ at 0.1 bar. High ‘selectivities' are also observed over K-, Cs- and Ca-forms, examples of a novel type of adsorption selectivity.

Vacuum swing adsorption process for oxygen enrichment : a study into the dynamics, modelling and control

Beh, Christopher Chun Keong January 2003 (has links)
Abstract not available

Development of an anisotropic swelling hydrogel for tissue expansion: control over the degree, rate and direction of hydrogel swelling

Lee, Jinhyun 21 November 2008 (has links)
Hydrogels are polymeric materials with chemically, physically or topologically crosslinked networks which have a capacity to absorb and retain water. They have been frequently used for many medical applications because of their useful physical properties such as oxygen permeability and excellent compatibility with living tissue and blood. The long term goal of this research is to develop a hydrogel system for potential use in reconstructive and plastic surgeries such as the closure of cleft palate defects and syndactyly (congenitally fused fingers or toes) repair. The medical requirements for such systems are not only a high degree of swelling, but also slow swelling rate, preferred direction of swelling (anisotropic swelling), appropriate mechanical strength, in addition to being biocompatible. A large degree of swelling would limit the number of surgical procedures required thereby reducing the cost and risk of surgery. A slow swelling rate can avoid tissue necrosis and help tissue growth during the tissue expansion process. Anisotropic swelling is required for specific surgical applications such as cleft palate repairs. Known to be biocompatible hydrogel systems, of a neutral gel system consisting of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone (VP) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) copolymers and an ionizable gel system of VP and acrylic acid (AA) copolymers were prepared using thermal and controlled UV-initiated polymerization. Using these VP/HEMA and VP/AA gel systems, various approaches to control their degree and rate of swelling were studied as a function of key controllable parameters. Their mechanical properties and structural characteristics determining their swelling behavior and mechanical properties also were investigated. Through these studies, how to control the key parameters that affect such swelling behavior was understood in addition to optimizing the gel systems for large degree of swelling, slow swelling rate, and mechanical integrity. Investigations into a number of methods to control the swelling rate were also undertaken for different VP/HEMA based gel systems. Multilayers of alternating gels and elastomer films (polybutadiene (PB) or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)) as well as gels encapsulated with the elastomer films were prepared. In addition, gels were prepared with inclusion of either silver nanoparticles or methacrylates with increasing the length of hydrophobic groups for the studies of swelling rate. In this work, two novel methods to control swelling direction (anisotropic swelling) of hydrogels were investigated. One method induces anisotropic swelling through structural gradients within the VP/HEMA gels synthesized by UV polymerization using gradient photomasks. A more promising method used stress induced anisotropic swelling for compressed VP/AA gels. The morphology-gradient VP/HEMA hydrogel system did not show large scale anisotropic swelling. However, the compressed VP/AA gels produced significant anisotropic swelling due to the controlled anisotropy of network morphology. A systematic study as a function of compression temperature, stain and strain rate was performed to derive an understanding of the anisotropic swelling behavior. These compressed gel systems produced not only a large degree of swelling and slow swelling rates but also high anisotropic swelling and proper mechanical stiffness of hydrogels. These materials are believed to be ideal candidates for tissue or skin expansion.

Modeling of strippers for CO₂ capture by aqueous amines

Oyenekan, Babatunde Adegboyega, 1977- 28 August 2008 (has links)
This work evaluates stripper performance for CO₂ capture using seven potential solvent formulations and seven stripper configurations. Equilibrium and rate models were developed in Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM). The temperature approach on the hot side of the cross exchanger was varied between 5 - 10°C. The results show that operating the cross exchanger at a 5°C approach results in 12% energy savings for a 7m MEA rich solution of 0.563 mol/mol Alk and 90% CO₂ removal. For solvents with [Delta]H[subscript abs] < 60 kJ/gmol CO₂, stripping at 30 kPa is more attractive than stripping at 160 kPa. Normal pressure (160 kPa) favors solvents with high heats of desorption. The best solvent and process configuration, matrix with MDEA/PZ, offers 22% and 15% energy savings over the baseline and improved baseline, respectively, with stripping and compression to 10 MPa. The energy requirement for stripping and compression to 10 MPa is about 20 % of the power output from a 500 MW power plant with 90% CO2 removal. Rate model results show that a 'short and fat' stripper requires 7 to 15% less equivalent work than a 'tall and skinny' one. The optimum stripper design could be one that operates between 50% and 80% flood at the bottom. Stripping at 30 kPa and 160 kPa require 230 s and 115 s of effective packing volume to get an equivalent work 4% greater than the minimum. Stripping at 30 kPa with [Delta]T = 5°C was controlled by mass transfer with reaction in the boundary layer and diffusion (88% resistance at the rich end and 71% resistance at the lean end) and mass transfer with equilibrium reactions (84% resistance at the rich end and 74% resistance at the lean end) at 160 kPa. The model was validated with data obtained from pilot plant experiments at the University of Texas with 5m K⁺/2.5m PZ and 6.4m K⁺/1.6m PZ under normal pressure and vacuum conditions using Flexipac AQ Style 20 structured packing. Foaming was experienced during tests. The effective packing height was 5.09m for 5m K⁺/2.5m PZ and 6.47m for 6.4m K⁺/1.6m PZ. / text

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