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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social entrepreneurship in practice:the multifaceted nature of social entrepreneurship and the role of the state within an Islamic context

Almarri, J. (Jasem) 15 June 2014 (has links)
Abstract This research explores social entrepreneurship within the Islamic context through a number of perspectives. While there has been plenty of scientific research on social entrepreneurship during the last decades, non-Western settings are largely missing from academic research. Nevertheless, social entrepreneurship is also practiced in non-Western nations, no less so in the GCC countries. This research explores the multifaceted nature of social entrepreneurship within the Islamic GCC context through three qualitative research papers. The strong role and influence of social entrepreneurship was seen as the connecting theme between these three papers. Social entrepreneurship comes in many shapes and sizes and is visible at many levels of organization. Nation states display it as do even wider, shared belief systems. The multifaceted nature of social entrepreneurship is revealed when approached from several perspectives. The first paper approaches it from a social and commercial perspective, utilizing a case study method. The second paper is a conceptual paper that approaches social entrepreneurship from a more religious and philanthropic perspective by focusing on zakat. In the third paper, social entrepreneurship is studied from the perspective of leadership and state using a historical case study. The findings of these three papers reveal that the interaction between the different functions of social entrepreneurs is both complex and multifaceted. One of the reasons for this is that the boundaries within which the social entrepreneurs operate are highly multidimensional. The Islamic context encompasses both institutional entrepreneurship and Islamic philanthropy, and sees them as essential and often also inseparable parts of it - perhaps even more so than in a Western context. This research shows that the state has a strong supporting role in social entrepreneurship and even acts as social entrepreneur. Thus, in the Islamic context, the effects of social entrepreneurship (through zakat institutions) actually foster the interaction and spread of social entrepreneurs, institutional entrepreneurs and Islamic philanthropists across multiple institutional spheres. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä islamilaisessa kontekstissa useasta eri perspektiivistä. Vaikka viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana on tehty paljon akateemista tutkimusta sosiaalisesta yrittäjyydestä, tutkimus länsimaiden ulkopuolisisissa konteksteissa on ollut hyvin vähäistä. Siitä huolimatta sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä on harjoitettu myös muualla kuin länsimaissa, kuten myös Persianlahden arabivaltioissa, GCC maissa. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden monitahoista ilmentymää islamilaisissa GCC maissa kolmen kvalitatiivisen artikkelin kautta. Sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden vahva rooli ja sen erilaiset vaikutukset ovat yhdistävä teema näissä kolmessa artikkelissa. Sosiaalinen yrittäjyys ilmenee monessa eri muodossa ja eri kokoisissa yrityksissä ja sen vaikutus on nähtävissä useissa organisaation eri tasoissa. Sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä on havaittavissa myös valtiotasolla ja jopa suuremmissa uskomuskunnissa. Sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden monitahoisuus ilmenee, kun sitä lähestytään useasta perspektiivistä. Ensimmäinen artikkeli lähestyy tätä ilmiötä sosiaalisesta ja kaupallisesta perspektiivistä hyödyntäen tapaustutkimusta tutkimusmenetelmänä. Toinen tutkimusartikkeli on käsitteellinen tutkimus, joka lähestyy sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä enemmän uskonnollisesta ja filantropisesta lähtökohdasta keskittymällä zakat-käsitteeseen. Kolmannessa artikkelissa sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä tutkitaan johtamisen ja valtiotason näkökulmista historiallisen tapaustutkimusmenetelmän avulla. Tutkimuksen tulokset paljastavat, että vuorovaikutus sosiaalisten yrittäjien eri toimintojen välillä on sekä monimutkaista että monitahoista. Yksi selitys tälle on, että rajapinta jonka puitteissa sosiaaliset yrittäjät toimivat, on erittäin moniulotteinen. Institutionaalinen yrittäjyys ja islamilainen filantropia ovat erottamaton osa sosiaalista yrittäjyyttä islamilaisessa kontekstissa, ehkä jopa suuremmassa määrin kuin länsimaisissa konteksteissa. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa että valtiolla on vahva avustava rooli sosiaalisessa yrittäjyydessä ja valtio voi jopa käyttäytyä sosiaalisen yrittäjän tavoin. Täten sosiaalisen yrittäjyyden vaikutus islamilaisessa kontekstissa (zakat-instituution kautta) vahvistaa sosiaalisten yrittäjien, institutionaalisten yrittäjien ja islamilaisten filantrooppien vuorovaikutusta ja vaikutusvallan leviämistä yli instituutiorajojen.

3D tombs modeling by simple tools

Aglan, Hassan 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
New archaeological research was carried out between 2009 and 2011 by the Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA) at central Dra’ Abu el-Naga. Joining the MSA excavation team in the field in 2009, the author has been studying the findings from this area since then. The excavation site is situated ca. 700 km south of Cairo, opposite the modern city of Luxor in Upper Egypt on the western side of the Nile. Dra\' Abu el-Naga is the modern name of the northern area of the extended necropolis. Central Dra’ Abu el-Naga lies to the north of the causeway of queen Hatshepsut and just south of the German and Spanish concessions, overlooking the valley where a temple of Amenhotep I was once erected. The tombs are situated just below the hilltop of the middle range of the Dra’ Abu el-Naga hills Review And to reach fulfill this main objective, it was proposed in 2013 to follow these research objectives: Consequently one main objective was the recording of architecture of the new discovered tombs and the reconstruction of the original context of the objects, which formed part of their burial equipment. The overlying aim of the research is: Preparing plans of all the new tombs, and also sections and 3D views of two of the tombs as they are very complicated. To place the new tombs in their archaeological context. 2D drawings can be tricky for some people to read, but 3D model views are a universal language that anyone can understand. By using SketchUp Pro to get owners, researchers heads in the same direction.

The development of pottery technology from the late sixth to the fifth millennium B.C. in northern Jordan : ethno- and archaeological studies: Abu Hamid as a key site /

Ali, Nabil, January 2005 (has links)
Originally published as the author's thesis--Freiburg Universität, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. Also issued online.

A l’exploration de la stratégie de développement des cités-états globales : une étude de cas comparative entre les facteurs clés de développement à Hong Kong, Singapour, Abu Dhabi, et Dubaï / Exploring the economic development strategy of global city-states : a comparative case study analysis of the developmental success factors in Hong Kong, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai

Wafi, Tarek 12 June 2014 (has links)
La majorité de la littérature académique sur les théories de développement économique se fonde sur l’analyse des d’Etats-nations. Or, après avoir pratiquement disparu jusqu’aux années 1960, les cités-états se manifestent à nouveau comme des exemples de succès de prospérité économique. Contrairement à l’antiquité et la renaissance, pendant lesquelles les cités-états les plus connus d’un point de vue économique se situaient en Europe, les cités-états modernes se situent notamment en Asie et au Moyen-Orient. Le but de cette recherche sera d’explorer, d’analyser, et de conceptualiser les facteurs clés de succès économique des cités-états contemporaines à l’exemple de Hong Kong, Singapour, Abu Dhabi et Dubaï pour arriver à un modèle de développement économique spécifique aux cités-états. Après une étude de cas comparative, il faut d’abord souligner le fait qu’une conceptualisation de la stratégie de développement des cités-états nécessite une prise en compte des facteurs non-économiques, notamment des facteurs historiques, géographiques, ainsi que politiques. Suite à l’analyse de ces facteurs, nous pouvons regrouper les principales caractéristiques en quatre catégories, notamment la création d’une identité corporative, la flexibilité de la main d’œuvre, l’intégration régionale-internationale, ainsi que l’utilisation des outils de city branding à des buts relatifs au développement de la cité-état. En regroupant les différentes similarités entre les stratégies de développement des cités-états étudiés, nous pouvons donc estimer que les cités-états globales adoptent une stratégie de globalisation où, contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, une forte intervention de l’état coexiste avec des mesures de libéralisation économique. / City-states have thrived in the antiquity and the renaissance period as exemplified by the city-states of Athens, Venice or Hamburg. In modern times, city-states have widely disappeared until the 1960s, when city-states and city-state structures in Asia and the Middle East have re-emerged and proven to become considered as examples of successful economic development and prosperity. The aim of this research paper was to explore, analyze and conceptualize the main factors of economic development in Singapore, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Findings suggest that in order to analyze the economic development strategy in a comprehensive way, non-economic factors (namely historical factors, geographical factors, and political factors) need to be taken into consideration. Based on the analysis of the different factors, we can identify a common strategy based on four major characteristics: the creation of a corporative identity, labor flexibility, regional-international embeddedness, and the utilization of city branding tools for development-related purposes. This strategic development model for global city-states can be referred to as an integrated globalization strategy and implies that contrary to what we may see in the literature on the development strategies of nation-states, state intervention in city-states not only co-exists with but reinforces the globalization and economic liberalization process. In other words, the decision-makers in global city-states do not passively bear the consequences of globalization but actively use globalization as a tool for economic development, thus justifying and reinforcing the legitimacy of their intervention.

„Islamische Aufklärung“ in der Gegenwart.: Religion und Moderne bei Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid

Bracht, Annika 12 May 2021 (has links)
Mitunter wird dem Islam im öffentlichen Diskurs eine prinzipielle Inkompatibilität mit modernen Werten und einer säkularen Gesellschaftsordnung unterstellt. Dabei gibt es islamische Positionen, die eine Verbindung von Moderne und Säkularität mit dem Islam fordern. Eine wird von dem ägyptischen Literatur- und Islamwissenschaftler Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid vorgebracht, bekannt geworden für seine Ausarbeitung einer historisch-kritischen Koranhermeneutik. Mit einer Quellenanalyse wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie Abu Zaid die Rolle des Islam in der Moderne bestimmt. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf seinen Konzepten von Moderne, Säkularität und Religion. Den Hintergrund für die Analyse bieten Theorien zu vielfältigen Modernen und Säkularitäten. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass Abu Zaid die Probleme islamischer Länder in der Moderne in der Verbindung von Religion mit Politik und Recht verortet. Um den Islam auf einer individuellen und spirituellen Ebene zu bewahren, fordert er eine säkulare Gesellschaftsordnung. Gestützt werden seine Forderungen durch Bezüge zur islamischen Ideengeschichte. Rationalität, Säkularität und moderne Werte werden so innerislamisch begründet. Vor dem Hintergrund islamischer Reform im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert deuten die Ergebnisse auf einen prinzipiellen Wandel hin. Reformern im 19. Jahrhundert ging es vorrangig darum, in islamischen Ländern an den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt der Moderne anzuknüpfen. Im 20. Jahrhundert geht es vermehrt um die philosophischen und ethischen Fundamente der Moderne. Dadurch wird auch die Rolle des Islam Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts neu verhandelt. Dies gibt über den islamischen Kontext hinaus Aufschluss über die Rolle und den Wandel von Religion in der Moderne.:1 Einleitung 2 Theoretischer Hintergrund 3 Islam und Moderne im historischen Kontext 4 Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid 5 Religion und Moderne bei Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid 6 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 7 Fazit und Ausblick 8 Literaturverzeichnis

Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd and the limits of reform in contemporary Islamic thought

Oweidat, Nadia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines in depth the thought and ideas of the Egyptian intellectual Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd as a representative of modernist Isalmic thought. In unpacking and analysingAbu Zayd’s ideas, this thesis focuses on five major issues: shari‘a, Islam and politics, the Arab-Islamic heritage, history, and the issue of women’s rights. This thesis argues that Abu Zayd’s thought suffers from some of the same weaknesses he attacked in traditional and Islamist thought. By focusing on Abu Zayd I not only contribute to understanding a major intellectual in contemporary Islamic thought but also shed light on his wider intellectual family.

Towards the reformation of Abu Dhabi to be an environmentally sustainable city

Al Kaabi, Saif January 2011 (has links)
Abu Dhabi, the Capital City of United Arab Emirates, evolved through various stages since its formation. However, unlike other Golf cities, policy makers, planners, and designers sought to guide its growth and development towards a sustainable responsive city. Sustainability has become a central theme of policy and practice, and the design of the built environment is playing a major role towards this. Abu Dhabi developed the World renowned City of Masdar, as a model of sustainable development and design, and established the Estidama Rating System to enforce specific sustainable applications. This aim of this study is to examine the cost-effectiveness of shifting the development of Abu Dhabi from a conventional approach to a sustainable one. In particular, it sought to determine whether vernacular design and architecture could help to address the quest for a sustainable city. The methodology adopted for this research was based on quantitative and qualitative approaches. Three buildings were selected to determine the cost-effectiveness of the proposed sustainable solutions. 1. Masdar building was studied to represent what is classified as a sustainable prototype. 2. Educational Building of Abu Dhabi Police Academy, which has an open courtyard at the centre of the building, represents a vernacular design. 3. Administrative Building of Abu Dhabi Police Academy, which has a closed atrium in the centre without any skylight, represents a conventional building design. The research involved an environmental investigation of power consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, indoor and outdoor temperature, indoor and outdoor relative humidity, and levels of indoor carbon dioxide. Monitors were installed in the three prototype buildings for a period of time, and the results of the readings were compared and analysed. In addition, a questionnaire survey was used to determine the impact of the three buildings on sustainable lifestyles and attitudes. Ninety users of the three buildings responded to the questionnaire. Their responses were also compared and analysed. The results of the monitoring of the thermal performance, power consumption and carbon dioxide levels indoors confirmed that most indoor temperature readings were similar due to the use of air-conditioning in the three buildings. However, cooler temperatures were recorded in similar rates in the alleyways of Masdar and in the courtyard of the Police Academy Educational building. In some cases, courtyard spaces in the Educational Building in the Police Academy recorded even lower temperatures than those of Masdar. These readings were much higher than those of the outdoor exposed temperature, whether in Masdar or in the Police Academy outdoor spaces. Considering that the cost per square meter of the Masdar prototype was almost the double of the other prototypes, these findings challenged the cost-effectiveness of the prevailing Masdar City approach. The results also highlighted the importance of the architectural heritage of Abu Dhabi to address the sustainability agenda, including its implications on planning and building regulations. The findings of the questionnaire survey revealed that there were no significant differences between user responses of Masdar and the Police Academy buildings. These also questioned the cost effectiveness of the Masdar prototype. However, the results also confirmed that the lack of awareness of the sustainability agenda for the users of the three buildings, thus highlighting the wider implications on the sustainability agenda.

The Murji'a and the theological school of Abū Ḥanīfa : a historical and ideological study

Givony, Joseph January 1977 (has links)
Towards the end of the 7th century A.D., Iraq was in a state of near civil war, caused by social and political malaise. Factional and tribal feuds and fierce antagonism to the Umayyad reign threatened the survival of the dynasty as the unifying force of the empire. Into this situation, al-Ḥasan b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥanafiyya (d.c. 100/718), a grandson of 'Alī, introduced a peace formula which was intended to pacify the rival religio-political parties. This idea found adherence especially among religious scholars, who quickly broadened its basis, attracting followers to its pacific message. Despite an unstable record of relations with the court, the movement basically supported with its ideology the legitimacy of the Umayyad reign. The popularity of the movement, especially in some scholarly circles in Kufa, led to the formation of a school of religious thought, which had relied on the basic political and religious attitudes of the early Murji'a, but transformed it into a comprehensive theological system. Although not responsible for the actual forging of Murji'ite attitudes, Abū Ḥanīfa had emerged as the eponymous epitome of the movement and the theological school. The first chapter, "Irjā', The Development of the Idea", investigates several possibilities as the source of this notion, among them the alleged Qur'ānic origin, and the Kitāb al-Irjā' attributed to al-Ḥasan b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥanafiyya. The second chapter, "The Formation of the Murji'a as a ReligioPolitical Movement" surveys the social and the historical background of the Kufan milieu, the formation of the Murji'ite circle and the social elements it was comprised of, and the position of the movement in political and religious affairs in the first two decades of the 8th century .A.D. The third and last chapter, "The Transformation of the Murji'a from a Political into a Religiously-Oriented School" studies and analyses what is believed to be genuine Murji'ite treatises of religious thought, in comparison to sources of a contemporary rival school and the heresiographers. Special emphasis was laid in the analysis on the subject of theology as a medium for political views.

Risk management in fast-track projects : a study of UAE construction projects

Harthi, Bader Ahmed Al January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is about risk management in fast-track construction projects. The aim of the study is to identify the risks in the UAE construction industry, understand how they are dealt with, and propose more effective frameworks for risk management in fast-track construction. A mixed method approach was used to fulfil the objectives of the study. 65 questionnaires were distributed to professionals in the construction industry, including contractors, sub-contractors, project managers and private consultants. Their responses were analysed using statistical techniques, and the results taken for discussion to a focus group of eleven experienced construction managers and experts. Secondary data was also collected via literature reviews of print and website articles, and of books and documents from company, government and industry-specific databases. The findings show that risks in construction projects can be internal or external, and that in the UAE, owner- and design-related risks are seen as the most significant. Knowledge about risk management is present, but more needs to be done to eradicate the problems associated with poorly managed fast-track construction projects. Using the suggestion of the focus group, a framework for risk mitigation was developed based on the Alien Eyes’ risk and Qualitative Risk Management models. The study discusses the implications of risk management for practitioners and academicians in the construction industry. Poor risk management, which is usually the consequence of inadequate recognition of and/or responsiveness to risks and uncertainties, can have a devastating impact upon projects. It is hoped that practitioners applying the findings and suggestions in this study will see positive change, improved profitability and greater competitive advantage as a result.

Building a mutually-desirable relationship between a higher education institution's academic schools and its adult/continuing education unit : a case study analysis of Abu Dhabi University and its knowledge group (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

McHardy, Robert David January 2012 (has links)
Historically, many higher education institutions have been structurally and culturally compartmentalised and subunits such as continuing education have been marginalised, merged or divested. In response to a variety of external phenomena, some higher education institutions are re-examining their internal and external relationships, including the relationship between their academic and continuing education units. This research examines the efforts of a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates to improve its overall effectiveness by changing the nature of the relationship between its academic and continuing education units. A review of theory- and practice-based higher education, organisational culture and inter-/intra-organisational relationship literature revealed significant support for each partner's goals for the new relationship and was used to provide the parties with a series of recommendations for successful formulation, actualisation and governance. These results add to the literature and practice of higher education and continuing higher education, particularly in the area of relationship-building among organisational subunits and subcultures.

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