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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sequential Electron Acceptor Model of Intrinsic Bioremediation at a BTEX Contaminated LUST Site in Laurel Bay, South Carolina

Lade, Nancy 24 September 1999 (has links)
Contaminant transport modeling is being used more often at petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites in an attempt to aid engineers in evaluating the feasibility of natural attenuation as a remediation alternative in groundwater systems. In this research, a three-dimensional sequential electron acceptor computer model, SEAM3D, developed by Waddill and Widdowson (1997) was used to simulate contaminant transport at a leaking underground storage tank site in Beaufort, South Carolina. Gasoline containing benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) as well as methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) leaked into the subsurface at the site late in 1990, and monitoring of the water table elevations and contaminant concentrations began in 1993. Using the field data, the groundwater flow model MODFLOW was used to develop and calibrate a flow model for the Laurel Bay site using GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) v2.1. MODFLOW was coupled with the SEAM3D contaminant transport model, and the available concentration levels were used to calibrate, verify, and validate the site model. The results indicated that SEAM3D simulated complex, interconnected processes including biodegradation, and the transport of multiple hydrocarbon compounds, electron acceptors, and end products over time and space at a specific petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site. Once the model was calibrated and verified, the model output was used to study the changes in contaminant mass distribution, contaminant mass loss, and mass loss rates for each terminal electron accepting process (TEAP) over time. It was found that the natural attenuation capacity of the aquifer was insufficient to stabilize the plume and prevent it from reaching the defined point of contact (POC). Contamination was shown to have reached the POC by 1994, just four years into the simulation. Results indicated that despite oxygen limitation within the BTEX plume, aerobic biodegradation was responsible for the greatest amount of mass loss, close to 70 %, relative to the sum of the anaerobic processes after 20 years. / Master of Science

Modeling and predicting the performance of coordinate measuring machines

Talabgaew, Sompoap 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Contributions to the syntactical analysis beyond context-freeness

Bordihn, Henning January 2011 (has links)
Parsability approaches of several grammar formalisms generating also non-context-free languages are explored. Chomsky grammars, Lindenmayer systems, grammars with controlled derivations, and grammar systems are treated. Formal properties of these mechanisms are investigated, when they are used as language acceptors. Furthermore, cooperating distributed grammar systems are restricted so that efficient deterministic parsing without backtracking becomes possible. For this class of grammar systems, the parsing algorithm is presented and the feature of leftmost derivations is investigated in detail. / Ansätze zum Parsing verschiedener Grammatikformalismen, die auch nicht-kontextfreie Sprachen erzeugen können, werden diskutiert. Chomsky-Grammatiken, Lindenmayer-Systeme, Grammatiken mit gesteuerten Ersetzungen und Grammatiksysteme werden behandelt. Formale Eigenschaften dieser Mechanismen als Akzeptoren von Sprachen werden untersucht. Weiterhin werden kooperierende verteilte (CD) Grammatiksysteme derart beschränkt, dass effizientes deterministisches Parsing ohne Backtracking möglich ist. Für diese Klasse von Grammatiksystemen wird der Parsingalgorithmus vorgestellt und die Rolle von Linksableitungen wird detailliert betrachtet.

Mixed-model Two-sided Assembly Line Balancing

Ucar, Emre 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study we focus on two-sided mixed-model assembly line balancing type-I problem. There is a production target for a fixed time horizon and the objective is to produce this amount with the minimum level of workforce. A mathematical model is developed to solve this problem in an optimal manner. For large scale problems, the mathematical model fails to give the optimal solution within reasonable computational times. Thus, a heuristic approach based on threshold accepting algorithm is presented. Both the mathematical model and the heuristic approach are executed to solve several example problems from the literature and a case study problem which is derived from the refrigerator production. Computational experiments are carried out using both approaches. It is observed that the heuristic procedure finds good solutions within very reasonable computational times.

Image Alignment

Wagner, Katharina 31 May 2006 (has links)
Aligning two images by point to point correspondence is a hard optimization problem. It can be solved using t-Extremal Optimization or with a modification of this method called Fitness threshold accepting. In this work these two methods are tested and compared to see whether one of the methods should be preferred for image alignment. Since real image data is almost always noisy the performance of the methods under conditions like noisy and outlying data is analyzed too.

A Comparison of Random Walks with Different Types of Acceptance Probabilities

Fachat, André 19 March 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis random walks similar to the Metropolis algorithm are investigated. Special emphasis is laid on different types of acceptance probabilities, namely Metropolis, Tsallis and Threshold Accepting. Equilibrium and relaxation properties as well as performance aspects in stochastic optimization are investigated. Analytical investigation of a simple system mimicking an harmonic oscillator yields that a variety of acceptance probabilities, including the abovementioned, result in an equilibrium distribution that is widely dominated by an exponential function. In the last chapter an optimal optimization schedule for the Tsallis acceptance probability for the idealized barrier is investigated. / In dieser Dissertation werden Random Walks ähnlich dem Metropolis Algorithmus untersucht. Es werden verschiedene Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeiten untersucht, dabei werden Metropolis, Tsallis und Threshold Accepting besonders betrachtet. Gleichgewichts- und Relaxationseigenschaften sowie Performanceaspekte im Bereich der stochastischen Optimierung werden untersucht. Die Analytische Betrachtung eines simplen, dem harmonischen Oszillator ähnlichen Systems zeigt, dass eine Reihe von Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeiten, eingeschlossen die oben Erwähnten, eine Gleichgewichtsverteilung ausbilden, die von einer Exponentialfunktion dominiert wird. Im letzten Kapitel wird der optimale Schedule für die Tsallis Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeit für eine idealisierte Barriere untersucht.

New Versions of Classical Automata and Grammars / New Versions of Classical Automata and Grammars

Soukup, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá zkoumáním nových verzí automatů a gramatik a je proto rozdělena do dvou částí. První část definuje a studuje čisté více zásobníkové automaty a navíc zavádí úplná uspořádání nad jejich zásobníky nebo zásobníkovými symboly. Práce dokazuje, že zavedená omezení snižují vyjadřovací sílu automatů. Ve druhé části práce jsou definovány a popsány nové derivační módy gramatik s rozptýleným kontextem, které zobecňují relaci přímé derivace. Je dokázáno, že jejich použití nesnižuje vyjadřovací sílu gramatik.

Democratic principles and the energy transition : The case of municipal decision making and wind power development in Sweden

Valivand, Sania January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate if the municipal decision on wind power development can be explained by a model including socioeconomic variables and proxies for the natural environment, using a pooled cross-section data set for Swedish municipalities for the period 2010-2019. The study poses the question whether politicians' decisions-making can be explained by socioeconomic factors. In order to analyse the approving or denying of wind power development in Swedish municipalities, three models are used: the linear probability model, the probit and the logit model. The results show that the Green political party (positively affecting wind power development) and that the unemployment rate, income, population density, protected areas and the affiliations with the Sweden Democrats (negatively affecting the approval rate), has a statistical significant effect on the permissionprocess. Installed capacity of wind power plants seemingly have no impact. Our findings suggest that the municipal decision making is less random than the critics of the municipal veto proposes.

Intervention med responsiva talakter inom AKK hos två deltagare med cerebral pares i Tanzania : en single subject design-studie / Intervention of Responsive Speech Acts Using AAC for Two Participants with Cerebral Palsy in Tanzania : A Single Subject Design-Study

Torstensson, Maja, Vinblad, Elin January 2012 (has links)
I många utvecklingsländer finns en begränsad tillgång på utvecklade AKK-system (Alant, 1999) och ofta även en okunskap kring möjligheterna att arbeta med kommunikationsproblem (Marshall, 1997). I föreliggande studie genomförs intervention i alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) för två deltagare med cerebral pares på ett dagcenter i Kilimanjaroregionen, Tanzania. Syftet i föreliggande interventionsstudie är att genom intervention studera och utveckla de i mätsituationerna responsiva talakterna att påkalla uppmärksamhet för att inleda interaktion, acceptera och avfärda samt upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Detta sker med hjälp av begreppen ja och nej för att acceptera och avfärda, liksom mer och mindre för att upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Studien följer en single subjekt design och insatsen utgörs av två interventionsperioder, bestående av direkt intervention med deltagarna samt utbildning och fortlöpande handledning av personal. Resultaten visar att deltagarna i varierande grad lärde sig att påkalla uppmärksamhet för att inleda interaktion, acceptera och avfärda samt upprätthålla och avsluta interaktion. Det observerades även att deltagarna i högre grad utförde performativa talakter utanför den styrda testsituationen. Områden som vidare diskuteras är bland annat deltagarnas kommunikativa handlingar utifrån The Communication Matrix där en utveckling från prelingvistiska uttrycksätt till användandet av abstrakta symboler synliggjordes hos deltagarna. / In several developing countries there are a limited supply of developed AAC systems (Alant, 1999) whereas a lack of knowledge about the possibilities of working with communication problems (Marshall, 1997). The present study is an intervention study about the introduction of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for two participants with cerebral palsy at a day-care centre in the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. The purpose of the intervention study was to develop responsive speech acts to attract attention to initiate interaction, accept and reject interaction, as well as maintain and terminate interaction. This was done using the terms yes and no to accept and reject, and more and less to continue and terminate interaction. The study followed a single subject design consisting of two intervention periods, where direct intervention with the participants and continuing training and guidance for the staff occurred. The results show that the participants in varying degrees, has learned to attract attention to initiate interaction, accept and reject interaction as well as to maintain and terminate interaction. It was also observed that the participants learned to use the performative speech acts outside the controlled test situation. An area further discussed is the participants’ communicative acts as shown in The Communication Matrix, which displayed a development from pre linguistic models of expression to use the abstract symbols.

開放陸生來臺政策影響之研究:以政治大學為例 / The Study of Effect of Policy of Accepting Mainland China Students Studying in Taiwan: A Case Study in National Chengchi University

宋思緯, Sung, Szu Wei Unknown Date (has links)
2011年政府開放大陸學生來臺修讀學位,陸生來臺成為兩岸關係發展重大里程碑之一,本研究採用深度訪談之方式,選取政治大學2013-2014年間在校之交換陸生及學位陸生共18人為訪談對象,就來臺求學動機、在臺適應情況與陸生政策效果等三個面向,探討開放陸生來臺政策之影響:(1)在來臺動機方面,分別從吸引和阻礙陸生來臺不同原因切入,討論其對於陸生來臺積極促進或消極阻礙的影響;(2)在適應情況方面,依來臺前後預期想法與實際情況之差別,以及受訪者調整適應方式和校方協助建議等角度,分析陸生在臺適應問題與所需協助;(3)在政策效果方面,以受訪者對於臺灣發展情況正面肯定與負面批判之印象,和現行陸生政策對兩岸關係發展影響及未來政策調整方向之建議,進行政策相關影響評估。 經過訪談資料整理,本研究歸納政治大學之交換陸生與學位陸生受訪者回應,分別對陸生來臺利多與利空因素、陸生在臺面臨問題與適應情況、陸生對臺灣發展情況觀察以及開放陸生來臺政策利弊影響的意見反饋,進行相關因果分析與應對建議,期許能發揮權衡利弊揚長補短的效果,作為未來陸生政策影響評估及修改調整之參考。 關鍵詞:開放陸生來臺政策、交換陸生、學位陸生 / In 2011, the government implemented the policy to accept Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, which is regarded as one milestone of cross-straits relationship. In the study, interviewing method was employed to reveal influence and effect of the policy. The interviewees included in total 18 degree and exchange students from Mainland China who studied at National Chengchi University in 2013 and 2014, and they were asked questions in following three aspects. First, in terms of the motivation, the interview probed into factors that attract and hinder Mainland China students to study in Taiwan, furthermore discussed the factors’ influence. Second, in respect of adjustment, the study analyzed problems faced by Mainland China students to adapt to new conditions and what kind of assistance they require, mainly based on the answers to whether there is gap between interviewees’ anticipation and reality and how they adjust themselves internally and externally. Third, concerning effects of policy, the interview covered the participants’ impressions on development of Taiwan and advice on current policy of Mainland China students, thereby evaluated influence and effect of the policy. By collecting and analyzing interviewing records, the study concluded the response of degree and exchange Mainland China students at National Chengchi University, demonstrating conclusions and causality of their incentives and barriers to studying in Taiwan, their adjustment and problems in new environment, their perspectives on development of Taiwan and policy of Mainland China students. The findings of the study will provide universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Mainland China students and understanding their need. In addition, some advice on the policy of Mainland China students are presented for the educational administration to maximize the strengths whilst minimizing the shortcomings. Key words: the policy of accepting Mainland China students studying in Taiwan, exchange students from Mainland China, degree students from Mainland China

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