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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da produção teórica brasileira sobre o turismo e acessibilidade de 1987 a 2016 / Analysis of Brazilian theoretical production on tourism and accessibility from 1987 to 2016

Nascimento, Eduardo Duarte do 02 April 2018 (has links)
A atividade turística desenvolve-se, na contemporaneidade, como um fenômeno que desloca um grande volume de pessoas que saem de sua rotina diária, em busca de novas experiências, cumprindo o turismo um papel na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Diferente de um pensamento de outrora, algumas políticas do turismo do nosso tempo procuram assumir uma postura de maior inclusão, oportunizando grupos omitidos a participarem de atividades ligadas ao turismo, em destaque as pessoas com deficiência (PcDs). Enquanto circunstância essencial para a inclusão das PcDs, a acessibilidade e suas dimensões, em conjunto com o Desenho Universal e a Tecnologia Assistiva, permitem a todos e também às pessoas com deficiência alcançar, adentrar e usufruir espaços, produtos e serviços com autonomia e segurança. Esta realidade carece de estudos que venham averiguar a relação turismo e acessibilidade, por meio do conhecimento produzido nas academias de ensino. Desta forma, esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal, elaborar uma análise teórica sobre o turismo e acessibilidade nos cursos de pós-graduação (stricto sensu) no Brasil, entre os anos de 1987 a 2016, com foco na produção de teses e dissertações neste período. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, esta investigação valeu-se de um levantamento e de revisão bibliográfica acerca das temáticas propostas e análise das produções acadêmicas (Teses e Dissertações). Como resultados, levantou-se e inventariou-se 98 teses e dissertações produzidas em IES no Brasil, que demostraram uma similaridade entre acessibilidade e turismo, no que tange à multidisciplinaridade e à interdisciplinaridade com as outras áreas de conhecimento. A acessibilidade associada ao conteúdo de turismo somente é estudada após os anos 2000, denotando certa jovialidade no desenvolvimento deste tema na produção do conhecimento. Por fim, percebeu-se que a acessibilidade é apoiada por uma ampla legislação, entretanto, em grande parte, estas leis são ignoradas ou desconhecidas pelos diversos stakeholders envolvidos, resultando em exclusão e preconceitos contra as pessoas com deficiência em diversos âmbitos da sociedade, assim como na atividade turística / The tourist activity develops in the contemporaneity as a phenomenon that displaces a great volume of people who leave their daily routine, in search of new experiences, fulfilling a role in the quality of life to the human being. Different from a thinking of a recent past, the tourism policy of nowadays strives to assume a posture of greater inclusion, giving opportunity of omitted groups to participate in activities associated to tourism, in particular the disabled people. As an essential circumstance for the inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD), the accessibility and its dimensions, together with universal design and assistive technology, allow everyone, as well, people with disabilities to reach, enter and enjoy spaces, products and services with autonomy and security. This reality lacks studies that come to ascertain the relation between tourism and accessibility through the knowledge produced in the postgraduate courses. Thus, this dissertation has as main objective, to elaborate a theoretical analysis on tourism and accessibility in postgraduate courses in Brazil between 1987 and 2016, encompassing the production of theses and dissertations in this period. In order to reach the proposed objectives, this investigation is supported by a bibliographic research of literature available, revision about the proposed themes and analysis of postgraduate productions (Theses and Dissertations). As a result, were analyzed 98 theses and dissertations produced in Postgraduate Education Institutions in Brazil that showed a similarity on study topics between accessibility and tourism in terms of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity with other areas of knowledge. Studies on accessibility and tourism arises only after the 2000s, denoting a certain joviality in the development of this theme in the production of knowledge. Finally, its realized that accessibility is supported by broad legislation, but so far extent these laws are ignored or unknown by the various stakeholders involved, resulting in exclusion and prejudices against people with disabilities in various spheres of society, as well as in tourism

Análise da produção teórica brasileira sobre o turismo e acessibilidade de 1987 a 2016 / Analysis of Brazilian theoretical production on tourism and accessibility from 1987 to 2016

Eduardo Duarte do Nascimento 02 April 2018 (has links)
A atividade turística desenvolve-se, na contemporaneidade, como um fenômeno que desloca um grande volume de pessoas que saem de sua rotina diária, em busca de novas experiências, cumprindo o turismo um papel na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Diferente de um pensamento de outrora, algumas políticas do turismo do nosso tempo procuram assumir uma postura de maior inclusão, oportunizando grupos omitidos a participarem de atividades ligadas ao turismo, em destaque as pessoas com deficiência (PcDs). Enquanto circunstância essencial para a inclusão das PcDs, a acessibilidade e suas dimensões, em conjunto com o Desenho Universal e a Tecnologia Assistiva, permitem a todos e também às pessoas com deficiência alcançar, adentrar e usufruir espaços, produtos e serviços com autonomia e segurança. Esta realidade carece de estudos que venham averiguar a relação turismo e acessibilidade, por meio do conhecimento produzido nas academias de ensino. Desta forma, esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal, elaborar uma análise teórica sobre o turismo e acessibilidade nos cursos de pós-graduação (stricto sensu) no Brasil, entre os anos de 1987 a 2016, com foco na produção de teses e dissertações neste período. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, esta investigação valeu-se de um levantamento e de revisão bibliográfica acerca das temáticas propostas e análise das produções acadêmicas (Teses e Dissertações). Como resultados, levantou-se e inventariou-se 98 teses e dissertações produzidas em IES no Brasil, que demostraram uma similaridade entre acessibilidade e turismo, no que tange à multidisciplinaridade e à interdisciplinaridade com as outras áreas de conhecimento. A acessibilidade associada ao conteúdo de turismo somente é estudada após os anos 2000, denotando certa jovialidade no desenvolvimento deste tema na produção do conhecimento. Por fim, percebeu-se que a acessibilidade é apoiada por uma ampla legislação, entretanto, em grande parte, estas leis são ignoradas ou desconhecidas pelos diversos stakeholders envolvidos, resultando em exclusão e preconceitos contra as pessoas com deficiência em diversos âmbitos da sociedade, assim como na atividade turística / The tourist activity develops in the contemporaneity as a phenomenon that displaces a great volume of people who leave their daily routine, in search of new experiences, fulfilling a role in the quality of life to the human being. Different from a thinking of a recent past, the tourism policy of nowadays strives to assume a posture of greater inclusion, giving opportunity of omitted groups to participate in activities associated to tourism, in particular the disabled people. As an essential circumstance for the inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD), the accessibility and its dimensions, together with universal design and assistive technology, allow everyone, as well, people with disabilities to reach, enter and enjoy spaces, products and services with autonomy and security. This reality lacks studies that come to ascertain the relation between tourism and accessibility through the knowledge produced in the postgraduate courses. Thus, this dissertation has as main objective, to elaborate a theoretical analysis on tourism and accessibility in postgraduate courses in Brazil between 1987 and 2016, encompassing the production of theses and dissertations in this period. In order to reach the proposed objectives, this investigation is supported by a bibliographic research of literature available, revision about the proposed themes and analysis of postgraduate productions (Theses and Dissertations). As a result, were analyzed 98 theses and dissertations produced in Postgraduate Education Institutions in Brazil that showed a similarity on study topics between accessibility and tourism in terms of multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity with other areas of knowledge. Studies on accessibility and tourism arises only after the 2000s, denoting a certain joviality in the development of this theme in the production of knowledge. Finally, its realized that accessibility is supported by broad legislation, but so far extent these laws are ignored or unknown by the various stakeholders involved, resulting in exclusion and prejudices against people with disabilities in various spheres of society, as well as in tourism

Podnikatelský plán - založení nové cestovní kanceláře / Business Plan – Founding of a Tour Operator

Ottová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The Master's Thesis is focused on business plan, concretely on founding of a new tour operator for people with special needs. First part describes principles of business plan, tourism, issues regarding tour operators and defines tourism for all (accessible tourism). Practical part concerns creation of business plan itself. The purpose is to describe tour operator, analyze tourism industry, the competition and segment. The thesis is focused on marketing and finance plans as well (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow statement included). It is concluded with SWOT and risk analysis and the visions to the future.

Analýza potřeb zdravotně postižených ve vztahu k účasti na cestovním ruchu / Analysis of disabled people needs in realation to their participation in tourism activities

Kačírková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The tourism is an inherent part of humans life because the desire to travel and experience has become a part of current life style. But also the tourism represents the need of self-realization that everybody without any difference wants to satisfy. Therefore it is important to enable as large spectrum of people (healthy as well as disabled) as possible to travel. The main goal of the dissertation thesis is to analyse specific Leeds of disabled people within their participation in tourism activities. The partial goal is to describe the accessible tourism issues, recommend mesures in the field of accomodation and catering facilities and transport services that would lead to the satisfaction of disabled people needs and last but not least to point to an importance of observing the rules when treating disabled people. The dissertation thesis is devided into eight chapters that solve issues of making tourism accessible to disabled people. The part of the thesis is dedicated to the principles of providing informations about accessibility and particular attention is payed to specific needs of disabled people in case of using accomodatin and catering facilities and means of transport. Results of the questionnaire surfy are summarized in conclusion of the thesis.

Resa Utan Hinder : En kartläggning av tillgänglig turism och dess utvecklingspotential inom den svenska besöksnäringen

Edlingsson, Erica, Idh, Olivia, Rantala, Karolina January 2021 (has links)
Resor har länge varit en del av människors liv och kan bidra till både välmående ochökad livskvalitet. Dock har inte alla samma förutsättningar när det kommer till attresa. Det gäller bland annat personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Trots att 15procent av världens befolkning tros leva med en funktionsnedsättning finns idagbegränsade möjligheter för dem att ta del av resor på lika villkor som andra. Detverkar gälla även inom Sverige. Resa utan hinder är med det sagt en studie inomforskningsområdet tillgänglig turism som avser att undersöka tillgängligheten inomden svenska besöksnäringen. I syfte att uppmärksamma eventuellaförbättringsområden utgår studien från hur personer med någon form avrörelsenedsättning uppfattar sina möjligheter att resa inom Sverige. Dessauppfattningar kartläggs med en enkätundersökning och används sedan som grund föratt presentera möjliga utvecklingsmöjligheter för den svenska besöksnäringen.Resultatet visar att personer med rörelsenedsättningar på grund av bristandetillgänglighet inte kan ta del av resor till den grad de önskar inom Sverige. Detframkommer att begränsningarna beror på bristfälligheter inom både besöksnäringenoch samhället i stort. Vidare uppmärksammas brister gällande den fysiska miljön,tillgång till tillförlitlig information samt negativa attityder. Med det som grundföreslås att den svenska besöksnäringen såväl som andra aktörer i samhället i enhögre grad bör prioritera tillgänglighet, förmedla mer tillförlitlig information,samarbeta, be om hjälp från sakkunniga, säkerhetsställa kompetensen hosmedarbetarna och göra rätt från början. / Due to accessibility barriers, people with disabilities do not have the sameopportunities to participate in tourism activities as others. This is a problem that canbe seen worldwide, with Sweden not being an exception. In this study, a survey hasbeen used to collect comprehensive data from people with mobility impairments inorder to identify possible improvements for the tourism industry in Sweden. Theresult shows that the barriers are mainly associated with the physical environment,access to information and attitudes. This in turns has contributed to suggestedimplications for both actors in the tourism industry and the society. The implicationsconcern prioritizing accessibility improvements, communicating reliableinformation, increasing co-operations, receiving inputs from experts, increasingcompetence among personnel and making right decisions from the start.

Analýza nabídky služeb v cestovním ruchu pro handicapované na území Jihočeského kraje / The problems of tourism-services offers for handicappted persons in South-Bohemian region

ČEJKOVÁ, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the effort to improve the quality of tourism-services for handicappted persons in South-Bohemian region through the elimination of physical and mental barriers. Teoretical part of this thesis describes the situation of travelling of disabled persons in the world, special conditions of tavelling and leisure-times activities for handicappted persons. Analytical part contains potentiality of South-Bohemian region in tourism, explores tourism-services offers for disabled persons. The third part contains suggestions of help for handicappted persons to intercorate them into the tourism in South {--}Bohemian region.

Utbud av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter i Jämtlands län : - En studie om hur turism- och aktivitetsföretag arbetar med inkludering av personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning

Persson, Irma, Olofsson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Att utöva turism- och fritidsaktiviteter är en väsentlig del i många människors liv, men för personer med funktionsnedsättningar (PmF) är genomförandet av sådana aktiviteter långt från lika självklara. Frågan om aktivt deltagande och inkludering av PmF i samhällets alla delar lyfts allt mer och kraven på tillgänglighet ökar. Därav syftar denna studie till att undersöka på vilka sätt turism- och aktivitetsföretag i Jämtlands län arbetar med att anpassa sina aktiviteter för att kunna inkludera individer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning. För att uppnå syftet var en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer studiens huvudsakliga metodologiska verktyg för insamling av empiriska data. Resultatet tyder på att majoriteten av verksamheterna inte erbjuder aktiviteter som är specifikt anpassade för PmF men att en del av utbudet går att kan anpassa om efterfrågan skulle uppstå. Marknadens efterfrågan styr verksamhetens utbud av aktiviteter och en bristande efterfrågan från PmF på tillgängliga aktiviteter har identifierats. Studiens slutsats beskriver att den bristande efterfrågan från PmF ligger till grund för det bristande utbudet av tillgängliga aktiviteter samt att verksamheterna anger resurser såsom kunskap och ekonomiska faktorer som utmanade vid utvecklingen av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter. / Tourism and leisure activities are an essential part of many people's lives, but for people with disabilities (PwD), their involvement can be highly conditional. The issue of active participation and the inclusion of PwD in all parts of society is increasingly being raised and the need for accessibility is growing. This study aims to investigate how tourism and activity companies in Jämtland County works to adapt and customize their activities to include individuals with physical disabilities. The study had a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews as the key focus for collecting empirical data. The result indicates that the majority of businesses do not currently offer activities that are specifically tailored to PwD, but for most of the companies these activities can be adjusted if there is a demand for it. Market demand controls the companies’ range of activities and a lack of demand from PwD for accessible activities has been identified. The conclusion describes that the absence of demand from PwD is the reason for the lack of accessible activities  and that the companies specify resources such as knowledge and financial factors as challenging for the development of accessible activities. / <p>2020-06-08</p>

Rethinking Equitable Nature-based Recreation Opportunities for People with Mobility or Motor Disabilities beyond the Accessibility Standards

Aguilar Carrasco, María José 14 February 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta investigación aborda el ocio inclusivo de personas con movilidad reducida en parques nacionales de Canadá y España, desde las Teorías Críticas de la Discapacidad y la Buena Gobernanza Ambiental. Examina cómo las estructuras de poder generan barreras para el acceso equitativo a la naturaleza, un desafío pendiente en el contexto de la accesibilidad universal. Vincula este análisis con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible #3, #10 y #15, enfocándose en bienestar, reducción de desigualdades y protección de ecosistemas. Utilizando métodos mixtos, se analizan dimensiones clave de la gobernanza ambiental: discursos, instrumentos, actores y recursos. Primero, se evalúa si las políticas contemplan el acceso inclusivo. Luego, una encuesta online recoge barreras y necesidades de personas con movilidad reducida. Finalmente, se examina la accesibilidad digital en las páginas web de los parques nacionales españoles. Los resultados muestran múltiples barreras físicas, psicosociales e institucionales invisibles, que limitan el acceso inclusivo. Las deficiencias digitales agravan la brecha entre personas con discapacidad y la naturaleza. Esto evidencia fallos en la gobernanza, afectando la implementación de marcos participativos y tratados internacionales como la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad. La investigación concluye que superar estas barreras requiere políticas inclusivas, gobernanza multidimensional y herramientas prácticas que integren accesibilidad, interseccionalidad y sostenibilidad. / [CA] Aquesta investigació aborda l'oci inclusiu de persones amb mobilitat reduïda als parcs nacionals del Canadà i Espanya, des de les Teories Crítiques de la Discapacitat i la Bona Governança Ambiental. Examina com les estructures de poder generen barreres per a l'accés equitatiu a la natura, un desafiament pendent en el context de l'accessibilitat universal. Vincula aquesta anàlisi amb els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible #3, #10 i #15, centrant-se en benestar, reducció de desigualtats i protecció d'ecosistemes. Utilitzant mètodes mixtos, s'analitzen dimensions clau de la governança ambiental: discursos, instruments, actors i recursos. Primer, s'avalua si les polítiques contemplen l'accés inclusiu. Després, una enquesta en línia recull barreres i necessitats de persones amb mobilitat reduïda. Finalment, s'examina l'accessibilitat digital a les pàgines web dels parcs nacionals espanyols. Els resultats mostren múltiples barreres físiques, psicosocials i institucionals invisibles, que limiten l'accés inclusiu. Les deficiències digitals agreugen la bretxa entre persones amb discapacitat i la natura. Això evidencia fallades en la governança, afectant la implementació de marcs participatius i tractats internacionals com la Convenció sobre els Drets de les Persones amb Discapacitat. La investigació conclou que superar aquestes barreres requereix polítiques inclusives, governança multidimensional i eines pràctiques que integren accessibilitat, interseccionalitat i sostenibilitat. / [EN] This research addresses inclusive leisure for people with reduced mobility in national parks in Canada and Spain, drawing on Critical Disability Theories and Environmental Good Governance. It examines how power structures create barriers to equitable access to nature, a challenge still unresolved in the context of universal accessibility. The analysis links to Sustainable Development Goals #3, #10, and #15, focusing on well-being, reducing inequalities, and protecting ecosystems. Using mixed methods, key dimensions of environmental governance are analysed: discourses, instruments, actors, and resources. First, policies are assessed to determine whether they include inclusive access. Next, an online survey gathers barriers and needs faced by people with reduced mobility. Finally, the digital accessibility of Spanish national park websites is evaluated. The findings reveal multiple physical, psychosocial, and invisible institutional barriers limiting inclusive access. Digital deficiencies further widen the gap between people with disabilities and nature. This highlights governance failures, affecting the implementation of participatory frameworks and international treaties like the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The research concludes that overcoming these barriers requires inclusive policies, multidimensional governance, and practical tools integrating accessibility, intersectionality, and sustainability. / Aguilar Carrasco, MJ. (2025). Rethinking Equitable Nature-based Recreation Opportunities for People with Mobility or Motor Disabilities beyond the Accessibility Standards [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214424 / Compendio

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