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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnsäkerhet på förskolan : en kvalitativ jämförelsestudie

Said, Jinan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the present study has been to investigate the attitudes of personell involved in the preschoolorganisation in a Swedish commune regarding injury risks for children in pre-school. Sixrespondents were interviewed in a qualitative interview study.Two different pre-school units were investigated, and it was found that they had surprisingly largedifferences in how they were working with children safety. However, in summary it can be said that therespondents perceived that child safety should encompass a safe and secure environment, however withthe important caveat that accidents can never be completely excluded, due to the natural anddevelopmentally important play of children.The investigated commune and pre-school units improved children safety mainly by using yearlyplanning meetings (Sw. "barnskyddsrond") where the physical environment in the school wasinvestigated together with external specialists. However, there are important differences in how the unitsworked within this framework, some units actively encouraging and others discouraging children andparent participation in the work.

Unge mødres risikooplevelse i forhold til børneulykker / Young mothers perception of risk in relation to child accidents

Rüdiger, Jane January 2006 (has links)
BAGGRUND: Ulykker er et af de alvorligste sundhedsproblemer for børn. Hvert år mister mellem 50 og 60 børn i Danmark livet ved ulykker og skadestuerne behandler omkring 160.000 børn for faldulykker, forgiftningsulykker, el-ulykker, kvælningsulykker med flere. Børn af unge mødre ser ud til at være betydeligt mere udsatte for at komme ud for ulykker end andre børn. FORMÅL: Undersøgelsen fokuserer på unge mødres risikooplevelse, holdning og adfærd i forhold til forebyggelse af børneulykker i hjemmet. METODE: Der er taget udgangspunkt i en induktiv kvalitativ undersøgelse med interview af 7 førstegangsfødende mødre i alderen 18-25 år med børn i alderen 3 måneder til 1 år. Alle mødre er af dansk oprindelse. I undersøgelsen indgik 2 mødre som havde fået piger og 5 mødre som havde fået drenge. RESULTATER: Mødrene anså ulykker som uundgåelige og vigtige for barnet, hvis de ikke havde alvorlige konsekvenser. Mindre ulykker eller skader gav barnet erfaringer, som kan anvendes, når barnet senere selv skal vurdere en eventuel risiko. Det var vigtigt for flere mødre, at deres børn bliver robuste, således at de ville kunne klare sig i det sociale fælles-skab i blandt andet daginstitutionen. Mødrene anså ikke deres egen alder som en afgørende faktor i forhold til ulykkesforebyggelse. Mødrene pegede i stedet på, at deres egne erfaringer med at udforske livet var afgørende for, hvor vigtig de anså ulykkesforebyggelse i hjemmet for at være. Undersøgelsen viste, at mødrene havde svært ved at forholde sig til hjemmet, som et sted, hvor der kan ske alvorlige ulykker til trods for, at de alle kunne udpege de farlige steder. Enkelte mødre havde indrettet hjemmet, således at barnet ikke var så udsat for at komme til skade, men flere mødre ønskede i stedet at lære børnene, hvad de må og ikke må til trods for, at mødrene ikke havde et klart billede af, hvornår disse forventninger til barnet var realistiske. KONKLUSION: Hvis mødres holdning til forebyggelse af ulykker skal påvirkes, vil det være nødvendigt sammen med moderen at drøfte, hvornår børn kan lære af erfaring, og hvornår børn bør beskyttes mod ulykker. / BACKGROUND: Accidents are one of the most serious health issues for children. Every year 50 to 60 children die in accidents and emergency departments treat approximately 160.000 children for accidents related to slips and falls, poisoning, electricity, suffocation etc. Children of young mothers appear to be significantly more exposed to accidents than other children. AIM: The survey targets the risk perception, attitude and behaviour of young mothers with regards to domestic child accidents. METHODOLOGY: The paper is based on an inductive qualitative survey with interviews of 7 first time mothers' ages 18-25 years with children ages 3 months to one year. All mothers are ethnically Danish. Of the 7 children, 2 were girls and 5 were boys. RESULTS: The mothers perceived accidents as inevitable and important for the child if they were not of a serious nature. Small accidents or injuries gave the child experiences, which could be used when the child at a later stage had to evaluate a potential risk. It was important for several mothers that their children grow up to be robust enabling them to take part in social activities, amongst others at day care institutions. The mothers did not see their own age as a factor related to accident prevention. Instead they draw attention to their own experiences as a crucial determinant of the degree of importance they attach to domestic accident prevention. The survey has shown that the mothers had trouble perceiving their home as a place where serious accidents could occur although they could all identify the potentially dangerous situations. A few mothers had arranged their home so as to lower the risk of their child having an injury but more instead desire to teach their child what it can and cannot do despite these mothers not having a clear picture of how realistic these expectations to the child were. CONCLUSION: To influence the mothers’ attitude to prevention of accidents it will be necessary to discuss with the mother which lessons children can learn from experience and when they are to be protected against accidents. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-159-8</p>

Causes and consequences of road traffic crashes in Dubai, UAE and strategies for injury reduction

Al-Dah, Mostapha K. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis looked at traffic crashes in the emirate of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to establish the current situation in road safety and ways of improving it. A global overview of road safety literature revealed that standards of road safety vary widely by region. Key indicators like fatality rate and risk (Jacobs et al, 2000) were found to be higher in most neighbouring Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries (10-25 fatalities/100,000 pop., 3-5 fatalities/10,000 motor vehicles) than in the best-performing Western countries (6 fatalities/100,000 pop., 1 fatality/10,000 motor vehicles). Interventions and countermeasures to tackle specific road safety issues were reviewed from international studies. Countermeasures were chosen with consideration for the local situation in Dubai within the categories of Human, Environmental and Vehicle factors. Examples of selected measures include offending driver punishment (Human), Electronic Stability Control (Vehicle) and central barriers (Environment). These measures were mostly studied in different environments to those in Dubai so the aspect of knowledge transfer between areas of different cultural and environmental conditions was discussed. Data from real world injury crashes (as collected by Dubai Police and the Roads & Transport Authority) over twelve years (1995 2006) were subject to macroanalysis in SPSS to identify the main issues over the past decade. 18,142 crashes involving 30,942 casualties and 48,960 vehicles were analysed at the outset. The following issues were among the main concerns: - High proportion of fatal crashes out of all injury crashes (13.5% compared to 1.4% in the UK); - Most fatal crashes involved a single vehicle hitting a pedestrian; - Most injury crashes involved a single vehicle; - Inconsiderate driving was the most common crash cause cited by the police. Countermeasures found in the literature to counteract these problems were then suggested for application and the estimated savings from applying them were calculated. Savings were quantified as either reductions in casualties or injury crashes. Furthermore, cost savings for the calculated reductions were estimated using existing UK crash costs due to the scarcity of UAE crash cost estimates. Calculation of the estimated improvement in safety if these countermeasures were applied retrospectively meant a reduction of 4,634 injury crashes and 1,555 casualties over the 12-year period with an estimated cost saving of approximately £368 million or 2.7 billion Dirhams. To refine this method more detailed data on crashes were required and collected from the dedicated crash investigation team files in Dubai Police for 2006 and part of 2007. This new dataset (300 crashes) was put into a purpose-built database with over 140 fields and subject to microanalysis to more accurately match the problems and interventions. Six interventions were matched to individual cases in the database where they would have positively altered the outcome. This process was verified by independent crash experts and investigators. The benefits from these six countermeasures were then weighted to calculate the benefits for the whole crash population over a year. Examples of specific interventions included guardrails along the roadside; grade-separated crossing facilities for pedestrians; Electronic Stability Control and speed cameras. The estimated total reduction in crashes was 2,412 annually with calculated savings of £40 million or 280 million Dirhams. This was the first time this geographical area was studied in such depth and detail to allow the calculation of benefits from interventions matched to known road safety issues. Various limitations were encountered such as the unavailability of GIS basemaps and the continuously changing infrastructure and population of Dubai. Numerous areas of further work were identified. Such work areas include hospital studies for collecting injury data to compare with police data; changing vehicle standards so that they are better suited to local crash types; the calculation of crash and injury costs based on local figures; vehicle fleet analysis for comparing different vehicle segments and exposure; and improved data collection and storage methods.

Containing (dis)order : a cultural geography of distributive space

Martin, Craig January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the significance of distributive space for understanding capitalist forms of spatio-temporality. It argues that the distributive phase of commodity mobilities has remained a relatively under-represented aspect of social theory, especially in the context of cultural and social geography. The extant work that has focused on distribution tends to be confined to the areas of economic and transport geography. The thesis aims to address the importance of this space for understanding the formations of late capitalist modernity, particularly its role as a specific, but networked space between production and consumption. Significantly the work addresses the 'construction' of this space by focus sing on the substantive case study of containerisation. In doing so it engages with global commodity mobilities in the form of intermodal shipping containers, and their attendant logistical infrastructure. The research critically considers the spatial and temporal apparatuses that have been developed to organise and order the mobilities of the containers; including the design and development of the object itself, alongside a range of logistics and supply chain management strategies. In theoretical terms an important influence on the research has been Michel Serres' work on the interlacing of order and disorder. Given this, a simultaneous focus of the research deals with the immanent presence of disorder in these systemic environments; thus reflecting an intellectual engagement with theoretical work in the areas of turbulence, complexity theory, assemblage theory and Serres' work on the parasite. Substantively this aspect of the research has been determined by considering the place of the accident within networks and systems, alongside the 'tactical-logistics' of smuggling practices. 3

Identifiering av riskzoner för större vilt inom Halmstad kommuns vägnät

Åsedahl, Linnea, Lindmark, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
En ökad infrastruktur är idag en av de största anledningarna till fragmentering av habitatvilket gör det svårare för vilt att röra sig över vägar utan risker. För att undersöka i vilkenutsträckning större vilt korsar vägar identifierades gröna stråk i Halmstad tätort därviltförekomst sedan undersöktes vintern 2015/2016. Tio lokaler valdes ut längs väg 600(Tylösandvägen), väg 610 (Kustvägen), riksväg 15, riksväg 25 och riksväg 26 där inventeringarutfördes i sju dagar fördelade under en tvåmånadersperiod. Viltförekomst av älg, rådjur,dovvilt, kronvilt, hare, vildsvin, grävling, rödräv, varg och lodjur undersöktes genomidentifiering av spårstämplar för att ta reda på om någon av lokalerna utgör en riskzon förviltolyckor och om det finns skillnader i viltförekomst nära och längre från vägen samt iskogsmark och öppen mark. Studiens resultat tillsammans med viltolycksstatistik visar attvissa av de undersökta stråken utgör riskzoner för större vilt; två närliggande lokaler ianslutning till riksväg 26 och en lokal i anslutning till riksväg 15. Det fanns ingen signifikantskillnad i viltförekomst på olika avstånd från vägen, vilket innebär att vilt följer de grönastråken och inte ser vägen som ett hinder. Det fanns heller ingen signifikant skillnad mellanviltförekomst i någon av marktyperna. / An increased infrastructure is one of today’s biggest reasons for the fragmentation ofhabitats, making it harder for wildlife to move without risks when crossing roads. To see inwhich extent larger mammals crosses roads greenways were identified in the urban parts ofHalmstad municipality, after which a study was made on the presence of wildlife duringwinter 2015/2016. Ten areas were chosen along road 600 (Tylösandsvägen), road 610(Kustvägen), trunk road 15, trunk road 25 and trunk road 26 where inventories were carriedout for a period of seven days distributed over a period of two months. Wildlife abundanceof moose, roe deer, fallow deer, red deer, hare, wild boar, badger, red fox, wolf and lynxwere investigated by identification of track stamps in order to find out if any of the tenplaces constitutes a danger zone for wildlife-vehicle accidents and if there are anydifferences in wildlife abundance close to and further from the road as well as in woodlandand open land. The result of the study along with wildlife accident statistics show that someof the investigated areas form danger zones for larger animals; two adjacent areas alongtrunk road 26 and one area along trunk road 15. There were no significant difference inwildlife abundance on different distances from the road which means that wildlife followsthe greenways and do not see the road as an obstacle, thus more likely to crossover. Therewere also no significant difference in wildlife abundance in woodland and open land,meaning wildlife-vehicle accidents are not more likely to occur in one type of land over theother.

Job Satisfaction and Group Industrial Accident Rates

Grant, Lynne Corney 08 1900 (has links)
It was hypothesized that group industrial accident rates would be negatively related to job satisfaction. An employee opinion survey measuring satisfaction with various aspects of the job was administered to 1,577 non-exempt (hourly) field workers in 36 district offices of a Texas petroleum services company. Factor analysis of the survey revealed five interpretable sub-scales (factors) measuring five aspects of job satisfaction. Internal consistency reliability for each of the sub-scales and for the instrument as a whole was high (.83 or better). For each of the 36 districts, group accident rate for a six month period was determined. A correlational analysis was then done between district accident rate and the district satisfaction score for each factor and for total satisfaction. None of the correlations were significant.

Life Stress and Industrial Accidents

Huddleston, Charles T. 05 1900 (has links)
Traditional personality research on accident behavior has produced conflicting opinions as to the traits that describe the "accident-prone" personality type. Other research has shown that psychosocial life stress, while partially determining the temporal onset of a variety of illnesses, may also be a factor contributing to increased accident liability. This study examined the role of temporary and stress-producing life changes in groups of accident-free and accident-involved industrial employees. The accident sample was found to have significantly higher stress over baseline during the period of accident involvement, but generally lower pre-accident levels than the non-accident sample. A cause-effect analysis of the data from within the accident-involved sample proved inconclusive. Several implications for future research and managerial actions to alleviate stress were also discussed.

Design By Accident

Zhang, Mengfu 05 August 2009 (has links)
Accident is a metaphor for life. From an arbitrary point in time, we potentially preview the entirety of existence. There is a Chinese idiom called “ blessing or bane,” which implies that a misfortune may perhaps soon turn into a blessing. Focusing on accident as a design method implies making the best out of a bad situation. An accident reveals invisible circumstances and potentialities in the world, both familiar and unfamiliar. Looking into the unpredictable world, I can begin to release my control, take a breath, and see what might happen if I do not fight the situation. I am able to get out of my own way, and see what the work’s destiny will be. This sets up a context in which there are no faults, no mistakes, and no accidents — everything may contribute to a solution.

Intérêt de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque comme marqueur de risque / Interest of heart rate variability as a risk marker

Ismail, Abeer 11 July 2012 (has links)
La variabilité du rythme cardiaque « Heart Rate Variability (HRV) » consiste en des fluctuations perpétuelles du rythme cardiaque autour de sa fréquence moyenne. L’analyse de l’HRV constitue un biomarqueur du fonctionnement du système nerveux autonome (SNA), par l’intermédiaire de ses effets sur le cœur. De nombreuses études ont montré qu’une diminution de l’HRV est associée à un pronostic péjoratif, notamment dans le post infarctus et dans l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC). Nous nous sommes proposés d’élargir le champ d’investigation de l’HRV à de nouveaux domaines d’application, qu'il s'agisse de pathologies cardiaque ou extra cardiaque. Nous avons ciblé des contextes pathologiques dans lesquels le SNA joue un rôle important : 1-Accidents sur la Voie Publique (AVP) et le risque de développement d’un syndrome de stress post traumatique (PTSD). 2-Effet de la douleur et de l’analgésie péridurale sur l’HRV maternelle au cours de l’accouchement. 3-Lien avec les polymorphismes génétique des récepteurs bêta adrénergiques (β;-AR) chez des patients présentant une dysfonction ventriculaire gauche et implanté d’un défibrillateur automatique implantable (DAI) en prévention secondaire. L'analyse temporelle de l'HRV sur 24 heures est un facteur prédictif de survenue d'un PTSD et aussi de sa sévérité chez les victimes d'AVP. L'indice de variabilité est le meilleur paramètre prédictif de PTSD à 6 mois, avec une aire sous la courbe de 0.92 (IC 95% : 0.785; 1.046). Le seuil de 2.19% confère une sensibilité de 85,7 £ et une spécificité e 81.8 % pour prédire la survenue d'un PTSD. les valeurs prédictives positives et négatives sont de 75 % et 90 % respectivement. L'ANI, reflétant l'influence de la ventilation sur le rythme cardiaque, permet une mesure objective de la douleur chez les parturientes. Enfin, les patients ayant subi les substitutions Arg (pour Gly) en 16 et Gln (pour Glu) en 27 pour les récepteurs β2-AR, présentent une HRV plus faible que les patients ayant la forme sauvage du gène. / The heart rate variability (HRV) has arisen as a promising simple and non invasive biomarker of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function, through its effects on the heart. Multiple studies have shown that the decrease in the HRV is associated usually with poor prognosis. We proposed to further investigate the HRV in other domains of clinical application, including cardiac or extra-cardiac pathologies. In particular, the pathological contexts in which the ANS plays an important role :1-Traffic road accident (RTA) and the risk of development of post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in survivors.2-Effect of pain and of epidural analgesia on maternal HRV during childbirth.3-Genetic polymorphisms of beta adrenergic receptors (&#946;-AR) in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and implanted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) for secondary prevention. At first, our study is the first to show that the temporal analysis of 24-h HRV is not only a predictive factor of the occurrence of PTSD but also its severity among victims of RTA AVP. The variability index was the best predictor of PTSD with the area under the receiver-operating curve for discriminating PTSD at 6 month at 0.92 (95% CI:0.785;1.046). Acut-off at 2.19% yielded a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 81.8% for PTSD. Positive and negative predictive values were respectively 75% and 90%. At next, we showed that the ANI, which reflects the influence of ventilation on heart rate, allows an objective measure of pain in conscious subjects? At last, we found that patients with the substitutions Arg (instead of Gly) at position 16 and Gln (instead of Glu) at position 27 for β2-AR have a lower HRV value than patients with wild type receptor.

Mezinárodněprávní ochrana moří před znečišťováním z plavidel / Protection of seas against the vessel source pollution in international law

Marusičová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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