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Action perception in development: The role of experienceKeitel, Anne 30 January 2014 (has links)
The perception of an action and its production are inextricably linked. This entails that, during development, the skills that children are able to perform influence their perception of others\\\'' actions. The present dissertation aimed to investigate the role of children’s experience on the perception of actions in three distinctive areas: manual actions performed by one person (individual action), manual actions performed by two people (joint action), and a conversation between two people. In order to succeed in each of the three areas, children have to acquire new skills and do so successively during their first three years of life. The methodological approach of this work was to measure the gaze behaviour of children, aged 6 months to 3 years, and adults during the observation of visually presented actions, which provided information on whether they were able to anticipate action goals.
The findings obtained generally show an influence of experience on the anticipation of action goals in each of the three areas. First, a link between action and perception is not established as soon as an action emerges. There is at least some experience necessary for its development. Second, infants with no coordinated joint-action skills themselves anticipate the goals of joint action less well than those of individual action. Adults with considerable joint-action skills anticipate both equally well. And third, the course of a conversation can only be reliably anticipated by children aged 3 years and adults, whereas younger children shift their gaze between speakers randomly. Furthermore, only at the age of 3 years, did intonation support children’s anticipation of conversations.
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Conservation de l’entomofaune ordinaire : enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux / Conserving Ordinary entomofauna : scientific & social stakesLeandro, Camila 29 November 2018 (has links)
En regardant de près les outils juridiques et autres leviers, pour la conservation de la biodiversité, il semblerait que les invertébrés, et notamment les insectes, soient minoritaires ou absents. Ce constat est d’autant plus paradoxal lorsque l’on sait que 2/3 de la diversité biologique est composée par des insectes. Comment cette diversité essentielle pour le fonctionnement des écosystèmes se retrouve-t-elle dans l’angle mort de la conservation ?La première réponse avancée est le manque d’outils techniques pour étudier ces organismes petits et relativement insaisissables. La rencontre avec les nouvelles méthodes techniques pour la détection et l’étude des insectes est plus que jamais nécessaire. En effet, ces leviers permettront de faciliter l’étude de ces organismes, d’augmenter les connaissances et ainsi de développer une conservation plus adéquate. Nous évoquerons deux approches en particulier : la détection avec des outils moléculaires et l’utilisation de modèles statistiques pour l’exploration de la distribution potentielle des espèces.Mais les connaissances sont également fondées sur la demande sociétale. Et les connaissances alimentent elles-mêmes les outils de protection et de conservation de la biodiversité. À l’échelle des invertébrés, des disparités existent, privilégiant les « grands papillons bleus » aux « petits diptères marrons ». De fait, l’enjeu le plus important pour déverrouiller la conservation des insectes réside dans l’humain et la perception qu’il a de cette biodiversité. À travers une approche de psychologie de la conservation, nous sonderons la perception du grand public sur les insectes. De même, avec une approche de recherche-action-participative, nous tenterons d’engager divers acteurs vers la conservation d’un groupe d’insectes ordinaires : les coléoptères coprophages. Notre volonté est de proposer des moyens pour sensibiliser, éduquer et engager la société dans cet enjeu majeur qu’est la conservation de l’entomofaune. / Looking closely at the legal tools and other levers for preserving biodiversity, it would seem that invertebrates, in particular insects, are in a minority, or absent. This observation is all the more paradoxical when we know that 2/3 of the biological diversity consists of insects. How does this diversity, essential for the functioning of the ecosystems, find itself in the dead angle of conservation?The first answer that is usually put forward is lack of technical tools to study these small and relatively elusive animals. Getting to know and use new technical methods for the detection and the study of insects is more than ever necessary. Indeed, these levers will facilitate the study of these animals, and will thus increase knowledge, which will lead to developing more adequate conservation strategies. We shall evoke two approaches in particular: detection with molecular tools and use of statistical models to explore the potential distribution of the species.But knowledge is also based on what society asks for. Public interest orients the tools of protection and preservation of biodiversity. Among invertebrates, disparities exist, favoring the “big blue butterflies” over the “small brown dipterans”. A simple coincidence? No. Actually, the decisive factor to unlock the preservation of insects rests in human beings and how they perceive this biodiversity. Using a conservation psychology approach, we will explore how the general public perceives insects. We will also draw on participatory action research to see how various conservation actors can be committed towards preserving a group of ordinary insects: coprophagous beetles. Our aim is to propose ways to raise awareness, educate and engage society to this major issue: preserving entomofauna.
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The law regulating affirmative action : a comparative study between South Africa and United States of America (USA)Thobejane, Motubatse Harry January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / This research is a comparative study of affirmative action measures in South Africa and the United States of America. It examines affirmative action measures as a whole. It looks at the reasons for affirmative action; the legal standing of affirmative action; the present day application of affirmative action and the future affirmative action in South Africa The underlying purpose of this research is therefore threefold: Firstly, it provides a historical background to the needs of affirmative action measures. Secondly, it presents a detailed examination of affirmative action measures on a comparative basis and the various provisions that regulates these measures. Finally, the research examines and consider some important lessons that South Africa should bear in mind in its development of affirmative action jurisprudence and in the exercise of such programmes
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[pt] Pollock e o Jazz, artes de ação sob uma ótica fenomenológica propõe um diálogo entre pintura e música, mais especificamente entre a action painting de Jackson Pollock e o jazz, nesta pesquisa percebido como action music. A dissertação apresenta a possibilidade de pensar o jazz dessa maneira e compreendêlo
como parte da expressão cunhada por Harold Rosenberg, ao identificar na produção do Expressionismo Abstrato uma nova forma de pintar resumida no próprio ato. A obra de Jackson Pollock é contextualizada historicamente no pósguerra, que trouxe à modernidade uma dúvida quanto à ideia de progresso linear
candente, em relação às questões existenciais disseminadas pelos artistas da primeira geração dessa nova pintura norte-americana. Paralelamente, reflete a questão no jazz, única expressão musical efetivamente norte-americana. Ambas as expressões artísticas são responsáveis por posicionar os EUA, até então um país sem tradição cultural, mas que se tornou uma grande potência econômica, no mapa cultural mundial. Utilizando uma leitura fenomenológica realizada a partir das investigações de Edmund Husserl e Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a dissertação reflete como a obra de Pollock – a partir da utilização das técnicas do dripping e do all over, que se tornariam sua marca registrada – e o jazz – a partir do improviso contido na estrutura musical – podem ser considerados artes de ação, produzidas no caminho do ato de percepção para o ato de expressão; e questiona o quanto englobam intencionalidade e contingência em sua criação. Fontes de
espontaneidade e originalidade, ambas as artes proporcionam um novo enfrentamento da obra pelo espectador, em que se torna relevante a própria experiência gerada pelo ato de expressão. A obra se torna a experiência, a experiência, a obra. / [en] Pollock and Jazz, action arts from a phenomenological perspective proposes a dialogue between painting and music, more specifically between Jackson Pollock s action painting and jazz, in this research perceived as action music. This dissertation presents the possibility of thinking jazz in such way understanding it as
part of the expression created by Harold Rosenberg when identifying in the artworks of Abstract Expressionism a new way of painting summarized in the act itself. Jackson Pollock s work is historically contextualized in the post-war period, which brought to modernity a doubt about the idea of progress, in relation to the existential questions disseminated by the artists of the first generation of this new
North American painting. At the same time, it reflects the issue in jazz, the only musical expression that is actually North American. Both artistic expressions are responsible for placing the USA, until then a country without any cultural tradition, but that has become a great economic power, on the international cultural map. Using a phenomenological perspective from the investigations of Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, the dissertation reflects how Pollock s work - from the use of dripping and all over, which would become his trademark - and jazz - from the improvisation contained in the musical structure - can be considered action arts, produced in the path from the act of perception to the act of expression, an how
much they are intentional arts and what they have of contingency. Sources of spontaneity and originality, both arts provide a new confrontation of the spectator to the work, in which what remains is the very experience generated by the act of expression. The work becomes the experience, the experience, the work.
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Multi-view Geometric Constraints For Human Action Recognition And TrackingGritai, Alexei 01 January 2007 (has links)
Human actions are the essence of a human life and a natural product of the human mind. Analysis of human activities by a machine has attracted the attention of many researchers. This analysis is very important in a variety of domains including surveillance, video retrieval, human-computer interaction, athlete performance investigation, etc. This dissertation makes three major contributions to automatic analysis of human actions. First, we conjecture that the relationship between body joints of two actors in the same posture can be described by a 3D rigid transformation. This transformation simultaneously captures different poses and various sizes and proportions. As a consequence of this conjecture, we show that there exists a fundamental matrix between the imaged positions of the body joints of two actors, if they are in the same posture. Second, we propose a novel projection model for cameras moving at a constant velocity in 3D space, \emph cameras, and derive the Galilean fundamental matrix and apply it to human action recognition. Third, we propose a novel use for the invariant ratio of areas under an affine transformation and utilizing the epipolar geometry between two cameras for 2D model-based tracking of human body joints. In the first part of the thesis, we propose an approach to match human actions using semantic correspondences between human bodies. These correspondences are used to provide geometric constraints between multiple anatomical landmarks ( e.g. hands, shoulders, and feet) to match actions observed from different viewpoints and performed at different rates by actors of differing anthropometric proportions. The fact that the human body has approximate anthropometric proportion allows for innovative use of the machinery of epipolar geometry to provide constraints for analyzing actions performed by people of different anthropometric sizes, while ensuring that changes in viewpoint do not affect matching. A novel measure in terms of rank of matrix constructed only from image measurements of the locations of anatomical landmarks is proposed to ensure that similar actions are accurately recognized. Finally, we describe how dynamic time warping can be used in conjunction with the proposed measure to match actions in the presence of nonlinear time warps. We demonstrate the versatility of our algorithm in a number of challenging sequences and applications including action synchronization , odd one out, following the leader, analyzing periodicity etc. Next, we extend the conventional model of image projection to video captured by a camera moving at constant velocity. We term such moving camera Galilean camera. To that end, we derive the spacetime projection and develop the corresponding epipolar geometry between two Galilean cameras. Both perspective imaging and linear pushbroom imaging form specializations of the proposed model and we show how six different ``fundamental" matrices including the classic fundamental matrix, the Linear Pushbroom (LP) fundamental matrix, and a fundamental matrix relating Epipolar Plane Images (EPIs) are related and can be directly recovered from a Galilean fundamental matrix. We provide linear algorithms for estimating the parameters of the the mapping between videos in the case of planar scenes. For applying fundamental matrix between Galilean cameras to human action recognition, we propose a measure that has two important properties. First property makes it possible to recognize similar actions, if their execution rates are linearly related. Second property allows recognizing actions in video captured by Galilean cameras. Thus, the proposed algorithm guarantees that actions can be correctly matched despite changes in view, execution rate, anthropometric proportions of the actor, and even if the camera moves with constant velocity. Finally, we also propose a novel 2D model based approach for tracking human body parts during articulated motion. The human body is modeled as a 2D stick figure of thirteen body joints and an action is considered as a sequence of these stick figures. Given the locations of these joints in every frame of a model video and the first frame of a test video, the joint locations are automatically estimated throughout the test video using two geometric constraints. First, invariance of the ratio of areas under an affine transformation is used for initial estimation of the joint locations in the test video. Second, the epipolar geometry between the two cameras is used to refine these estimates. Using these estimated joint locations, the tracking algorithm determines the exact location of each landmark in the test video using the foreground silhouettes. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the geometric formulation of human action models, the combination of the two geometric constraints for body joints prediction, and the handling of deviations in anthropometry of individuals, viewpoints, execution rate, and style of performing action. The proposed approach does not require extensive training and can easily adapt to a wide variety of articulated actions.
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A comparative look at karma and determinismSeevers, Kiel J. 30 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Halo bias, implicit personality theory, and cognitive complexity : possible relationships and implications for improving the psychometric quality of ratingsSilver, Edward M. January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Ingen förtjänar att bli kränkt : En kvantitativ studie om kränkande handlingar inom ämnet idrott och hälsa / No one deserves to be offended : A quantitative study on offensive actions in the field of phsycial educationBoije, Josefine January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om hur kränkande handlingar utspelar sig inom ämnet idrott och hälsa, vil- ket berör alla som befinner sig på denna arena. Syftet med uppsatsen är att få kunskap om hur ofta kränkande handlingar förekommer, vilka olika former som påträffas, vad de handlar om, och om dessa skiljer sig åt beroende på kön samt på vilka platser dessa handlingar främst förekommer inom ämnet idrott och hälsa. I Studien har personer i ålder 20-30 år undersökts om deras upplevelse kring hur kränkande handlingar utspelade sig på högstadiet. Det empiriska materialet består av 69 enkäter som besvarats av (34 pojkar, 35 flickor). Huvudslutsatserna i studien visar att kränkande handlingar är ett förekommande problem i idrotts- undervisningen men något som kan vara svåra att upptäcka. Det pågår ständigt ett socialt maktspel mellan elever som tar skepnad i olika kränkande former. En annan slutsats är att flickor och pojkar uttrycker sina kränkande handlingar på olika sätt, subtilt respektive synligt. Dock visar resultatet att den vanligaste formen kränkande handling tar sig uttryck är verbalt hos de båda könen. Vidare är idrottshallen en plats där det är svårt för läraren att ha uppsikt över alla situationer som händer. Plat- ser såsom omklädningsrum, vid pågående idrottsaktiviteter vid lagindelning, och vid köer till aktivi- ter skapas spelrum för att kränkningar kan ske. / This study is about how offensive deeds takes place in the subject of physical education in school, which affects all who find themselves in this arena. The purpose of the essay is to gain knowledge about the frequency of abusive acts occur, what are the different forms which are found and if these differ depending on gender and on which sites these actions mainly occurs in the subject of sport and health. The study is directed to people who are 20-30 years old and how they experienced abu- sive acts took place at the high school. The empirical material consists of 69 questionnaires an- swered by (34 male, 35 female). The main conclusions of the study show that abusive conduct is a common problem in sports educa- tion but that can be difficult to detect. There is always a social power game between students that take shape in various abusive forms, which are difficult and some are easier to notice as an outsider. Another conclusion is that girls and boys express their aggression in different ways, subtle and visi- ble. A commonly used form offensive acts manifesting itself is verbal in the two sexes. Further in- vites the sports hall as many situations where the teacher does not have sufficient supervision and attendance so that violations are detected. Places such as in the locker room, at sports activities in the team classification, queues for activities created room so that violations can occur.
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The fostering of competence through an authentic integrated assessment strategy for wound care in nursingDe Villiers, J.C., Botma, Y, Seale, I January 2009 (has links)
Published Article / In 2005 the third-year facilitators of the generic degree in nursing embarked on an action research initiative within a service learning pedagogy to revitalise the nursing process related to wound care.As a result of the action research a unique wound care project unfolded. This project embraced an integrated assessment approach in order to assess the competence related to wound care and to develop health care practitioners with generic- and field-specific competencies. Action research as mode of delivery for this project created an opportunity for producing Mode 2 knowledge where all participants contributed to the production of knowledge relevant to the wound care context.
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The role of self-management in female leadershipBotha, Audrey 30 November 2005 (has links)
Male stereotyping together with perception of women as inferior is hindering
recognition of women in senior managerial positions.
Through pervious studies regarding female leadership, conducted all over the world,
the theme of women being treated differently than males is fundamentally central to
all the conclusions. Not many studies relating to this topic have been conducted in
South Africa and yet we are in the forefront when it comes to identifying the need to
develop women into positions where they can add value on various levels. Some of
the issues have even been captured in legislation.
However, despite government’s intervention, it is crucial that women take ownership
of their own destiny. Unless women can prove that they can add value in the
positions that they are appointed, they will not be seen as leaders.
To be a successful leader an individual must have certain skills and traits. Some of
these can be developed over time, however the individual must first admit that there
is a need and identify the area in which personal growth must take place, before a
plan can be implemented. Once this point has been reached, a self-management
plan can be developed by the individual to align his / her objectives. There are
various components to the self-management plan and such a plan cannot always be
duplicated, but the focus areas can overlap. If an individual can identify a mentor and
enter into a mentoring program, it can give such an individual a huge advantage.
Internal and external factors play a role in the development and implementation of a
self-management plan. The problem is that one does not always have much control
over these elements. Some of these elements include the corporate culture of the
organisation in which females functions and the manner in which a female is able to
balance work-life.
This study determined that males and females agree that female managers add as
much value as male managers. Further to the above, it has become evident that
A Botha 344-123-44
males have different perceptions relating to the issues of how women are
experiencing the work environment and the implementation of policies that relate to
employment equity. The impact of perception must not be excluded since it can have
the effect that people distinguish between leadership skills and traits on different
levels. Unless female leaders can make male leaders realise that they experience
the work environment and the implementation of policies that relate to employment
equity differently than the manner in which males perceive it, they will not be able to
get males to change the situation, since males believe that there are nothing wrong
with the current situation. This brings one back to the change in culture and the issue
that as a result of male dominance in the work place, it is also the males that
determine the current culture.
It is therefore important for females to take responsibility of the situation and where
necessary change the perceptions of males to ensure that as women they are not
hindered from receiving the recognition that they deserve.
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