Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dictors"" "subject:"1àctors""
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Caminhos da formação do ator - conexões interdisciplinares de quatro experiências / Caminhos da formação do ator - conexões interdisciplinares de quatro experiênciasJose Raimundo Ferreira Dornellas 22 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como estímulo inicial uma pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Professor Doutor Antonio Luiz Dias Januzelli e a doutoranda Juliana Jardim que entre os anos de 1999 e 2000, coletaram em forma de entrevista experiências e vivências práticas de oito professores profissionais de teatro, objetivando tornar público os seus procedimentos e suas práticas centradas na formação do ator contemporâneo em São Paulo. Este presente trabalho se propôs investigar quatro destes depoimentos, a saber: Cristaine Paoli-Quito, Luiz Damasceno, Márcio Aurélio e Myrian Muniz, cruzando suas práticas, avaliando conteúdos convergentes e divergentes nos diferentes processos assim como desenvolver uma possível sistematização orgânica unificada desses conteúdos. / The present work has as initial stimulus a research developed by Doctor Professor Antonio Luiz Dias Januzelli and the graduate student Juliana Jardim that between 1999 and 2000, interviewed eight professors and theatrical professionals with the objectives of publication their proceedings and their practical approaching and training of actors at São Paulo. This present work took four interviewed pronouncements such as: Crisitane Paoli Quito, Luiz Damasceno, Márcio Aurélio e Myrian Muniz and tried to cross their practical work, analyzing the similarities and differences of their jobs and also build a possible unified system characterized by their contents.
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AKTÖRERS INVERKAN PÅ DEMOKRATISERINGSPROCESSER En komparativ studie om demokratiseringsprocesserna i Tjeckoslovakien och KroatienJohansson, Andreas, Neuman, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine in which way political actors affected the outcome of democratizations during the Third Wave of Democracy. Due to the variety of cases concerning democratization in the 20th century there have been a lot of different outcomes and explanations regarding the contributing aspects of the transition from authoritarian rule. This study was needed in order to analyze how and if explanations regarding political actors was a critical element in the difference of outcomes. This was done by analyzing two similar cases of democratization, but where the outcome differed. The two cases analyzed were Czechoslovakia and Croatia. The study uses theories and models developed by researchers in the area of democratization in order to analyze the chosen cases, especially a model developed by Samuel P. Huntington (1991). This model serves to explain the difference in outcome and categorizes the political actors in a variety of aspects to determine whether or not a democratization was possible. The analysis of the study shows that the political actors of the two cases differs in the aspect of categorization, but also in the way in which they act during the transition phase. This implies that explanations regarding actors effects on democratization may be important in understanding why the outcomes differ. However, since this study only analyses the most prominent actors in two cases of democratization by categorization of a single theoretical model it is impossible to say that the outcome of this analysis is accurate and that it can be generalised. The uncertainty of the conclusions therefore underlines the importance of further research in the area of democratization and the difference in outcome of the chosen cases.
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Caminhos da formação do ator - conexões interdisciplinares de quatro experiências / Caminhos da formação do ator - conexões interdisciplinares de quatro experiênciasDornellas, Jose Raimundo Ferreira 22 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como estímulo inicial uma pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Professor Doutor Antonio Luiz Dias Januzelli e a doutoranda Juliana Jardim que entre os anos de 1999 e 2000, coletaram em forma de entrevista experiências e vivências práticas de oito professores profissionais de teatro, objetivando tornar público os seus procedimentos e suas práticas centradas na formação do ator contemporâneo em São Paulo. Este presente trabalho se propôs investigar quatro destes depoimentos, a saber: Cristaine Paoli-Quito, Luiz Damasceno, Márcio Aurélio e Myrian Muniz, cruzando suas práticas, avaliando conteúdos convergentes e divergentes nos diferentes processos assim como desenvolver uma possível sistematização orgânica unificada desses conteúdos. / The present work has as initial stimulus a research developed by Doctor Professor Antonio Luiz Dias Januzelli and the graduate student Juliana Jardim that between 1999 and 2000, interviewed eight professors and theatrical professionals with the objectives of publication their proceedings and their practical approaching and training of actors at São Paulo. This present work took four interviewed pronouncements such as: Crisitane Paoli Quito, Luiz Damasceno, Márcio Aurélio e Myrian Muniz and tried to cross their practical work, analyzing the similarities and differences of their jobs and also build a possible unified system characterized by their contents.
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A construção social da qualidade e o desenvolvimento : um estudo na microrregião produtora de vinhos finos Vale dos VinhedosMolinari, Gisele Trindade January 2011 (has links)
A qualidade e o desenvolvimento são duas questões complexas que se manifestam com veemência no Vale dos Vinhedos, principal área produtora de vinhos fmos no Brasil. A pesquisa, então, versa sobre a construção social da qualidade dos vinhos fmos e a dinâmica do desenvolvimento na microrregião, a qual foi demarcada para iniciar um processo de reconhecimento de indicações geográficas. Cada vez mais os mercados têm sido percebidos como construções sociais, em que os atores são capazes de criar produtos diferenciados. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo centra-se na caracterização e na análise do Vale dos Vinhedos como um ambiente institucional e organizacional construido socialmente, com destaque a elementos da coordenação dos agentes. Dessa forma, a fundamentação do trabalho apoia-se na convergência e na complementaridade entre teorias referentes ao desenvolvimento, à qualidade e à construção social, em que a teoria das convenções denota o tema. A fim de que se cumpram os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa é do tipo exploratório com enfoque qualitativo, em que houve a seleção de uma amostra não probabilística composta por treze organizações e nove instituições relacionadas ao ambiente investigado. A apresentação dos dados e sua análise são realizadas com base nos modelos analítico e teórico que foram esquematizados. Assim, a atividade da vitivinicultura situa-se entre o homem e a natureza, presente em um contexto econômico, social, cultural, humano e ambiental. O V ale dos Vinhedos obteve prestígio ao ser pioneiro em conquistar a primeira indicação geográfica do Brasil. Nesse contexto, a microrregião mobiliza-se e vem experimentando conquistas, tais como melhora da qualidade dos vinhos, maior valor agregado aos produtos e ao território, e multiplicadores locais motivados pelo enoturismo. Dessa forma, a análise da coordenação dos atores permeia motivações, relevância, ações e cooperação, compondo competências, bem como possui valores de ordem conforme apregoa a teoria das convenções. Portanto, chega-se a conclusões de que agentes organizados, com destaque às instituições, compõem uma complexa rede de atores com capacidade de criar produtos mais sofisticados, à medida que ativam recursos que lhes são peculiares para qualificar os produtos e que dinamiza o desenvolvimento. Assim, a qualidade e o desenvolvimento revelam-se endogenamente, porém com motivação exógena, bem como a coordenação produz efeitos positivos e desafios. Por fim, a construção que promove acréscimo da qualidade e desenvolvimento, sobretudo assenta uma identidade por um saber-fazer local que também está sendo conhecido e afirmado. / The quality and development are two complex issues that present intensely in the V ale dos Vinhedos, to which is the main production area o f fine wines in Brazil. The focus of research is the social construction of quality fine wines and dynarnic development in the microregion that was demarcated for a process of recognition of geographical indications. Ever more markets are perceived as social constructions, in which actors are able to create differentiated products. Thus, the objective of this study is to characterize and analyze the Vale dos Vinhedos as an institutional and organizatioual environment that is socially constructed, based on elements of the coordination o f agents. So the research is based on the convergence and complementarity between theories of development, quality and social construction, principally by the theory of conventions. For the purpose o f reach the objectives, the method used is an exploratory and qualitative approach, in which there was the selection of a nonprobabilistic sample consists of thirteen organizations and nine institutions related to the environment investigated. The data presentation and analysis are performed on the basis on analytical and theoretical model defined. Therefore vitiviniculture is between man and nature, present in an economic, social, cultural, human and environmental. And the Vale dos Vinhedos eamed prestige for pioneering conquest of the frrst geographical indication of Brazil. In this context, microregion has experienced some successes which are improving quality o f wines, value-added products and the territory, also local multipliers, motivated by enotourism. The analysis of coordination of actors is engaged for motivations, relevance, actions and cooperation, forming abilities, but also has values of order, according to the theory o f conventions. Thus can be concluded that organized agents, with special emphasis on the role of institutions, form a complex network of actors with the ability to create more elaborate products when activate features that are peculiar them, to qualify products and it encourages development. Hence the quality and development are endogenously expressed, but the motivations are exogenous, yet the coordination cause positive effects and challenges. Fiually, the construction social that has promoted quality and development, particularly carries an identity by a local know-how which is also being known and affirmed.
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Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable : contribution des technologies de l'information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d'une politique publique : Lecture d'un projet cyberdémocratique issu d'une démarche d'Intelligence Territoriale / Local government and sustainable development : Contribution of information technologies (ICTs), and communication, for organizing partipatory public policy dimension : A democratic cyber sustainable development project to be read from a territorial intelligence processDéprez, Paul 25 September 2014 (has links)
L’entrée tardive du développement durable en France apporte son lot d’expériences basées sur un cadre législatif en constante évolution et la volonté politique d’orienter les territoires en fonction de leurs problèmes et potentialités. « Penser global, agir local » fait désormais figure de principe pour définir l’action des territoires insérés dans des logiques mondiales mais dont les ressources peuvent être exploitées par la reconnaissance de compétences attribuées aux acteurs locaux. Dès lors, une culture de la participation émerge progressivement au travers de procédures nouvelles vouées à se faire rejoindre l’ensemble des acteurs territoriaux autour de règles communes pour la construction du territoire et en faveur de la connaissance des dynamiques territoriales. Cependant, les multiples injonctions à la participation de la société civile supposent de faire évoluer le territoire dans sa culture, ce que nous proposons par une démarche d’intelligence territoriale. Ce paradigme de recherche suppose donc qu’en préalable à l’établissement d’un processus de communication, issu d’une médiation sociale (Ateliers 21, Conseils de quartier, CIQ, etc.) ou socio-technique (journal municipal, forum électronique, Chat, etc.), le territoire doit constituer son « capital formel » (Bertacchini, 2004) pour permettre aux acteurs locaux d’accepter des règles et procédures communes, d’échanger leurs compétences, de se mobiliser et se rejoindre autour du projet territorial. Or, la constitution du capital formel territorial suppose non seulement que la collectivité échange de l’information sur les dynamiques territoriales à l’oeuvre mais également qu’elle apporte une plus-value à cette information échangée, notamment par l’exploitation de l’ensemble des « ressources communicationnelles des TIC » (Habib & Baltz, 2008). Il s’agit par-là de fournir des connaissances, des outils nécessaires afin que le citoyen se forge une opinion éclairée et mettre l’accent sur l’apprentissage collectif (Manin in Sintomer et Talpin, 2011 ; Urfalino, 2005) de la logique du développement durable (Angot, 2013).Notre objet de recherche s’intéresse aux collectivités territoriales de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur engagées dans un projet de développement territorial durable du type Agenda 21, Plan Climat Energie Territorial et label Action Globale Innovante pour la Région (AGIR). Ce choix nous permet d’approcher le développement durable sous l’angle de la participation des acteurs au travers de démarches participatives spécifiques (de l’information à la concertation), au regard du paradigme de l’intelligence territoriale et de notre domaine de recherche : les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Nous aborderons la question des usages numériques au sein des collectivités territoriales, la production de connaissances formulées dans des contenus et supports numériques, diffusées et échangées au sein des différentes arènes de la société civile. / Due to the late entry of sustainable development spirit and practices in France, territories, according to their problems and potential, have to face evolving legislative framework and political will for their experiments based on. "Think global, act local" principle seems leading and guiding the action of territories inserted in a global logic which can be exploited by the recognition of skills allocated to local actors. Consequently, a participative culture is gradually emerging through new procedures aiming to be joined all territorial actors in connection with common rules for shaping territory and for the knowledge of local dynamics. What we suggest within a process of territorial intelligence, beyond repetitive call for the participation of civil society, is changing territorial culture. This paradigm of research pre supposes that, prior to the establishment of a communication process as result from a social mediation (A21 neighborhood councils, CIQ, etc..) or socio- technical (municipal newspaper, electronic forum Chat, etc..), the territory should build its "formal capital" (Bertacchini, 2004) enabling local actors to accept common rules and procedures, sharing their skills, mobilize with each other and join all through the territorial project. However, setting up the territorial formal capital constitution requires that local authorities exchanges information on territorial dynamics in action, in addition with a credit value to the exchanged information, including operation of the total amount of "communicative ICT resources" available (Habib & Baltz, 2008). We focus providing knowledge and tools enabling citizens to build their own enlighten opinion and focus on collective learning ( Manin in Sintomer and Talpin, 2011; Urfalino 2005) about logical sustainable Development (Angot, 2013). Our object of research is concerned with territorial authorities of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region involved in a project for sustainable spatial development of the Agenda 21 type (A21), Territorial Energy and Climate Plan Action label (PCET), Global Innovative for the Region (AGIR).This choice allows us to approach sustainable development from the perspective of stakeholder participation through specific participatory approaches (information to consultation), under the paradigm of territorial intelligence and our field research: information and communication sciences. We will furthermore discuss the issue of digital uses within local authorities’ organization, production of knowledge contained in digital content and media, and exchanged in different arenas of civil society.
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Responsabilité comparée des acteurs du procès : éléments d'une théorie générale / A compared responsibility of the different actors of a trial : elements of a general theoryJahier, Serge 11 December 2015 (has links)
Si toutes les professions judiciaires font l’objet d’études détaillées quant à leurs responsabilités respectives, cette thèse tente d’apporter une nouvelle approche de celles-ci. Le but de cette recherche consiste donc à comparer, au travers d’une vision globale et originale, la responsabilité des magistrats, des avocats et des huissiers de justice. Cette comparaison nous permet de constater que le droit commun de la responsabilité civile éprouve certaines difficultés à cerner la mission de chaque professionnel, laissant donc émerger la déontologie en tant que nouvelle composante de la responsabilité. De même, cette analyse peut mettre en lumière l’effet unificateur du procès et de la procédure sur chaque régime de responsabilité. Ainsi, que ce soit au niveau de la faute, du préjudice ou bien du lien de causalité, le procès « façonne » de la même façon ces régimes de responsabilité pourtant fondamentalement différents, laissant ainsi poindre non pas des responsabilités comparées au sein du procès mais une responsabilité des acteurs du procès / As all legal professions are subject to detailed studies in regards to their respective liabilities, this thesis brings a new approach to these studies. The aim of this research consists of comparing through a global and original view, the liability of magistrates, lawyers and court bailiffs. This comparison allows us to observe that the common right of civil liability shows some difficulties to understand the mission of each legal job profession, paving the way of deontology as a new element of liability. Likewise, this analysis can highlight the unifying effect of trials and proceedings on each liability regime. Thus, whether it is about the fault, prejudice or the causal connection, the trial “shapes” those liability regimes the same way, yet fundamentally different, letting emerge not the compared liabilities within the trial, but the actors’ liabilities of the trial
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The grieving forest; the social-environmental degradation in Amazonian RainforestFernandez, Maria, Caballero, Sebastian José January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Amazonia is the biggest rainforest in the world, home also to probably the largest amount of different bio diversity species in our planet. Notwithstanding these incredible attributes, it is also one of the most threatened regions earth that extends to the whole planet. This thesis analyzes just a small segment of the interrelation of different human actors reacting to environmental problems. Theoretical frame works of different nature are used in this thesis in an effort to combine with synergy the strengths and potential benefits of political ecology, the stakeholder model, local institutionalisms, and the political and economical role of persons just to mention the most significant. This combination of these different scientific and empirical disciplines offers us a chance to apply the full potential for the analysis of the environmental problems related to human actions in the regional settings with the capability of gaining in depth knowledge that can be applied later in the design and implementation of potential alternatives seeking s the welfare of all human and biological stakeholders as our knowledge allows us currently. The thesis is structured on three study cases that cover a vast area of the Amazonia: the first case is located in Bolivia where we analyze the situation of Santa Maria de Maravilla, regarding the problems of land property and land use; the second case is located in Brazil in the Santarém region, where an important intensive production of soybean is affecting the environment as well as confronting the local communities; the third case is located in Ecuador analyzing the situation of the Block 15 region; an area deeply affected by the petroleum companies and the generic concepts of investment in extractive industries as a tool for regional and national development.</p><p>Local actors are of the highest importance despite the different nature of the case studies, in order find commonalities which might allow us to make hypothetical counteracting models to decrease the devastating of environmental degradation in the Amazonia; some of the external actors (like the NGOs) can play an influential role in order to improve the collaboration and trust with local members.</p>
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Design Issues in Parallel Architecture for Artificial IntelligenceHewitt, Carl, Lieberman, Henry 01 November 1983 (has links)
Development of highly intelligent computers requires a conceptual foundation that will overcome the limitations of the von Neumann architecture. Architectures for such a foundation should meet the following design goals: * Address the fundamental organizational issues of large-scale parallelism and sharing in a fully integrated way. This means attention to organizational principles, as well as hardware and software. * Serve as an experimental apparatus for testing large-scale artificial intelligence systems. * Explore the feasibility of an architecture based on abstractions, which serve as natural computational primitives for parallel processing. Such abstractions should be logically independent of their software and hardware host implementations. In this paper we lay out some of the fundamental design issues in parallel architectures for Artificial Intelligence, delineate limitations of previous parallel architectures, and outline a new approach that we are pursuing.
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Information, systems and water management : Information systems which support water management - cases from rural water supply in Uganda and WFD implementation in the North Baltic River Basin District, SwedenQuin, Andrew January 2012 (has links)
Successfulwater management implies tackling multi-level governance and improvingintegration between sectors. Sound information and related processes will berequired to support water management decision-making at these various levels.Additionally, considering Principle 10 of the UN’s Agenda 21, actors shouldhave access to information to enable their involvement in shaping watermanagement outcomes. This thesis draws on the results of two separate caseswhere information systems support action: (i) rural water supply in Uganda;and, (ii) water management according to the Water Framework Directive in Sweden.A research approach was formed based on: (a) a model conceptualising how informationsystems support organisational processes which lead to action; and, (b) asystems-thinking methodology. The results reveal that there are numerous,similar challenges to achieving information support for action in both theUgandan and Swedish cases. In both cases, information quantity and quality islimited; consequentially, the use of information to support action is inhibited.Furthermore, not all actors are involved in information system processes; in particular,local-level actors. Overall, there is limited support of strategic decision-makingand weak support of operational, or local, decision-making. The results suggestthat it might be possible to tailor strategic-level information processes tolocal needs, hopefully encouraging active involvement of local actors. Improvedinvolvement, together with a suitable systems approach, could be used to furtherdevelop information systems, improving integration between multiple levels ofgovernance and across sectors – suiting not just the needs ofstrategic decision-making but also the needs of operational, or local,decision-making. / QC 20120822
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UNDRESSING INTERACTIONS: the effect of interactions on performance in multi-project settingsZabrovskaya, Evgenia, Laur, Inesa January 2010 (has links)
Contemporary companies work in complex environment comprising many simultaneous running projects, i.e. multi-project settings. To a large extend those projects are interdependent and are multi-professionally constituted of representatives from customers, suppliers, other business partners and researchers from academia. The success of projects, particularly in the multi-project setting, is dependent of the collaboration and interaction among those actors involved. The aim of this article is to explore the dynamics of interactions with external actors, such as customers, suppliers, other business partners and academia and investigate the effect of interactions on performance in multi-project settings. The methodology is based on a mixed-method approach, comprising a quantitative survey and a complementary case study. The quantitative survey questions are based on the extended literature study of project management interactions. The case study was selected in order to create a deeper understanding of the processes of interaction, barriers to interactions and the outcome in terms of project performance. The results show that interactions with external actors positively influence performance in terms of estimated quality, time, and cost, innovations and actor satisfaction. / no
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