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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krig och fred i Syrien : En analys av interna och externa aktörer

Mohammad, Shamo January 2018 (has links)
The armed conflict in Syria is complex and bloody. This paper aims to provide a better understanding of how and why the conflict started in Syria. The purpose of the study is to identify the key actors in the conflict, both internal and external actors and the impact of these actors in the Syrian conflict and what role they have played to achieve their goals. Furthermore, this paper also seeks to explore the changing character of conflict over time and the main obstacles for the peace in Syria. The study’s method is a comparative case study. A comparison between 2011-2017 is used to draw general conclusions. The theoretical framework to analyze are realism and liberalism. The materials used for this study are books, articles and documents etc. In conclusion, this paper finds that Assad's family has ruled Syria with an iron fist for many decades and a lack of freedom and economic problems caused protests  against Assad’s rule. The nature of war has changed in the period 2011 to 2017. Syria was a state of war of all against all. Syria was divided between many actors and they strove for power and dominance. The main obstacles to peace, there are various divisions within the opposition and most of them living abroad and  the external actors has impacted conflict. The reform of the United Nations Security Council  is a prerequisite for peace in Syria. The UN should send peacekeeping forces to Syria and Syria needs a Marshall Plan.
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La gouvernance locale de l'eau d'irrigation : entre logiques et stratégies des acteurs et enjeux des interventions étatiques dans la vallée d'Amizmiz (Haut Atlas occidental, Maroc) / Local governance of irrigation water : between logic and strategies of actors and issues of state intervention in the valley of Amizmiz (western High Atlas, Morocco)

Sabri, Hind 19 February 2016 (has links)
Le passage par l’appréhension de la politique de l’eau et le degré de son adaptabilité à l’échelle locale méditerranéenne reste inéluctable afin de concevoir l’évolution des systèmes de gestion sociale de l’eau d’irrigation dans la vallée d’Amizmiz (Haut Atlas Maroc). En matière de l’évolution de la politique de l’eau, le Maroc a toujours suivi le modèle juridique français inculqué dans son histoire politico-hydraulique. Dans le processus de développement, la politique techniciste et aménagiste de l’eau a constamment défavorisé les zones de montagnes en faveur de celles de plaines tout en voyant en l’eau une ressource inépuisable. Or, l’échec de ces politiques purement interventionnistes, révélé par la suite, a incité les services administratifs de penser à des nouvelles modalités qui s’imbriquent directement dans le processus de la gouvernance locale de l’eau. En revanche, ces stratégies étatiques ont relativement ignoré la complexité des milieux sociaux et écologiques préalablement appropriés et aménagés par les acteurs locaux. Le récent discours étatique orienté vers la dite gestion intégrée des ressources en eau ne peut être, dans ce cadre, une innovation devant une longue tradition d’irrigation qui a mis en exergue les réelles modalités de la gestion équilibrée des milieux écologiques et sociaux. A travers l’étude anthropologique sur la gouvernance de l’eau, nous pourrons cerner les changements et les permanences effectués dans les modes de gestion étatiques et locaux de l’eau d’irrigation. Désormais, la question de la gouvernance locale de l’eau s’inscrit dans une gestion sociale flexible et dynamique contrairement à une autre gestion étatique basée sur la rationalité technique, économique et juridique. / The transition through the political apprehension of water and its levels of adaptability to the local scale in the Mediterranean local level is still ineluctable in order to conceive the evolution of social management styles of irrigation water in the valley of Amizmiz (High Atlas of Morocco). Concerning the evolution of water policies, Morocco has always followed a French juridical model rooted to its hydraulic political history. In the development processes, the technical and adjusted water politics have always disadvantaged the highlands and advantaged the flatlands while considering water as a non-exhaustible resource. Nonetheless, the failure of these purely interventionist policies, that will be revealed later on, encouraged administrative services to think about new modalities that interlock directly in the processes of local water governance. On the other hand, these public strategies have relatively ignored the complexity of social and ecological environments that had previously been appropriated and managed by local actors.The recent public speech oriented to rapid integrated management of water resources cannot be, in this case, considered as an innovation after old irrigation traditions that registered the real modalities of balanced management of ecological and social environments. Through anthropological study on water governance, we can identify the continuities and changes made in the public and local ways of management of irrigation water. Now, the issue of local governance of water is part of a dynamic and flexible social management unlike another state management based on technical, economic and legal rationality.
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Cities and regions as actors in a polycentric governance system towards climate change action

Blakstad, Gabriella January 2018 (has links)
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and for long nation-states and international agreements have been in focus in the search of solutions. Yet, this approach to climate change action is becoming increasingly contested and the focus has in part been turned to other types of actors, such as actors from other levels of governance. A polycentric governance system is one of the new approaches posed for climate change governance. Through this governance system such actors are emphasized and the collaboration and cooperation between them, horizontally and vertically, is in focus. In this thesis the aim is to analyze two different alliances, one of city governments and one of regional governments. These two alliances are then positioned in relation to the polycentric system of governance. A frame analysis is used to investigate the alliances’ respective framings in order to identify how they position themselves within such a system. Reports and official documents by the alliances are used as material for the analysis. The results show that these two actors’ frames are similar in many ways. Their focus lays on the importance of the level of governance that they represent, as well as collaboration and cooperation with various types of actors. Proving their compatibility with the polycentric governance system theory.
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Tunisiens tillfälliga övergångsregim 2011 : En teorikonsumerande fallstudie av politiska aktörers betydelse för övergången till demokratiskt styre / Tunisia's interim transition government 2011 : A theory consuming case study of the political actor's importance for the transition to democrati rule

Abdi, Allan January 2018 (has links)
According to The Economist Democracy Index, Tunisia was at 2.79 during 2010 and by the end of 2011 they had climbed up to 5.53. Therefore Tunisia entered a new category, called hybrid regime. This was a step closer to a more democratic regime. Rustow Dankwart, Shain Yossi and Linz J. Juan would say that the interim government and the political actors within it had a significant impact on Tunisias increase in democracy index. Therefore the aim of this study took the shape of a theory consuming case study. The purpose of the study was to analyze the political actors and the interim government importance during the Tunisian democratic transition, with the delimitation to the year 2011. The results firstly showed us the categorization hardliners within the authoritarian coalition in combination with radicals in the oppositional coalition. During the second interim government the categorization changes from hardliners to softliners. During the third, we see a glint of moderates within the opposition. Secondly, the results showed us that there is evidence of an opposition-led, power-sharing and incumbent-led caretaker regime in Tunisia. The study discusses two conclusions about political actors during the transition. Firstly, the importance of radicals within the opposition and secondly the importance of the authoritarian coalition changing from hardliners to softliners, which allowed the country to transition. Within the categorization of the interim government we have come to the conclusion that the opposition-led government played a significant role in the Tunisian transition.
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A construção social da qualidade e o desenvolvimento : um estudo na microrregião produtora de vinhos finos Vale dos Vinhedos

Molinari, Gisele Trindade January 2011 (has links)
A qualidade e o desenvolvimento são duas questões complexas que se manifestam com veemência no Vale dos Vinhedos, principal área produtora de vinhos fmos no Brasil. A pesquisa, então, versa sobre a construção social da qualidade dos vinhos fmos e a dinâmica do desenvolvimento na microrregião, a qual foi demarcada para iniciar um processo de reconhecimento de indicações geográficas. Cada vez mais os mercados têm sido percebidos como construções sociais, em que os atores são capazes de criar produtos diferenciados. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo centra-se na caracterização e na análise do Vale dos Vinhedos como um ambiente institucional e organizacional construido socialmente, com destaque a elementos da coordenação dos agentes. Dessa forma, a fundamentação do trabalho apoia-se na convergência e na complementaridade entre teorias referentes ao desenvolvimento, à qualidade e à construção social, em que a teoria das convenções denota o tema. A fim de que se cumpram os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa é do tipo exploratório com enfoque qualitativo, em que houve a seleção de uma amostra não probabilística composta por treze organizações e nove instituições relacionadas ao ambiente investigado. A apresentação dos dados e sua análise são realizadas com base nos modelos analítico e teórico que foram esquematizados. Assim, a atividade da vitivinicultura situa-se entre o homem e a natureza, presente em um contexto econômico, social, cultural, humano e ambiental. O V ale dos Vinhedos obteve prestígio ao ser pioneiro em conquistar a primeira indicação geográfica do Brasil. Nesse contexto, a microrregião mobiliza-se e vem experimentando conquistas, tais como melhora da qualidade dos vinhos, maior valor agregado aos produtos e ao território, e multiplicadores locais motivados pelo enoturismo. Dessa forma, a análise da coordenação dos atores permeia motivações, relevância, ações e cooperação, compondo competências, bem como possui valores de ordem conforme apregoa a teoria das convenções. Portanto, chega-se a conclusões de que agentes organizados, com destaque às instituições, compõem uma complexa rede de atores com capacidade de criar produtos mais sofisticados, à medida que ativam recursos que lhes são peculiares para qualificar os produtos e que dinamiza o desenvolvimento. Assim, a qualidade e o desenvolvimento revelam-se endogenamente, porém com motivação exógena, bem como a coordenação produz efeitos positivos e desafios. Por fim, a construção que promove acréscimo da qualidade e desenvolvimento, sobretudo assenta uma identidade por um saber-fazer local que também está sendo conhecido e afirmado. / The quality and development are two complex issues that present intensely in the V ale dos Vinhedos, to which is the main production area o f fine wines in Brazil. The focus of research is the social construction of quality fine wines and dynarnic development in the microregion that was demarcated for a process of recognition of geographical indications. Ever more markets are perceived as social constructions, in which actors are able to create differentiated products. Thus, the objective of this study is to characterize and analyze the Vale dos Vinhedos as an institutional and organizatioual environment that is socially constructed, based on elements of the coordination o f agents. So the research is based on the convergence and complementarity between theories of development, quality and social construction, principally by the theory of conventions. For the purpose o f reach the objectives, the method used is an exploratory and qualitative approach, in which there was the selection of a nonprobabilistic sample consists of thirteen organizations and nine institutions related to the environment investigated. The data presentation and analysis are performed on the basis on analytical and theoretical model defined. Therefore vitiviniculture is between man and nature, present in an economic, social, cultural, human and environmental. And the Vale dos Vinhedos eamed prestige for pioneering conquest of the frrst geographical indication of Brazil. In this context, microregion has experienced some successes which are improving quality o f wines, value-added products and the territory, also local multipliers, motivated by enotourism. The analysis of coordination of actors is engaged for motivations, relevance, actions and cooperation, forming abilities, but also has values of order, according to the theory o f conventions. Thus can be concluded that organized agents, with special emphasis on the role of institutions, form a complex network of actors with the ability to create more elaborate products when activate features that are peculiar them, to qualify products and it encourages development. Hence the quality and development are endogenously expressed, but the motivations are exogenous, yet the coordination cause positive effects and challenges. Fiually, the construction social that has promoted quality and development, particularly carries an identity by a local know-how which is also being known and affirmed.
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Social Disposition and Anthropomorphism of Smartphones

Wang, Wenhuan 18 August 2015 (has links)
Smartphones are the most personalized and in the meantime the most anthropomorphized computing and communication technology in our society. Existing studies, especially Computers as Social Actors studies, on anthropomorphism and social interactions focus on how to implement and elicit positive anthropomorphic effects but fail to address the motivations and dispositional factors. Through an online survey that incorporates well-tested social psychological scales, this study provides empirical evidences that smartphone users’ social dispositions including chronic loneliness, attachment style, and cultural orientations are associated with their acceptance and awareness of anthropomorphism. Findings in this study suggest that existing studies are limited to method of choice and overlooked how people adapt to communication technologies differently in real life settings. Anthropomorphic design in communication technology and anthropomorphized message in advertising strategies need further examination when targeting a diversified or specified demographic.

Indigenous peoples as political actors within the Arctic Council : A case study

Blåhed, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Indigenous peoples as political actors in the Arctic Council is an understudied subject.Indigenous peoples have a unique status as Permanent Participants to the Arctic Council,enabling them to affect the policy-making and decisions made within the Council. There areconcerns, however, to the level of Indigenous peoples’ inclusion. Research shows that theworking relationships between the eight Arctic member states of the Council and thePermanent Participants creates dependency, among other things because the PermanentParticipants rely on funding from the member states. This in turn questions the status of thePermanent Participants, and whether they are included into the Arctic Council as independentpolitical actors. This paper aims to build upon research done by Michaela Louise Coote andMonica Tennberg, researchers whom both have contributed to this field of research.

Pulsar da Medusa: um experimento de criação cênica e estudo da expressividade do corpo-voz a partir dos fatores do movimento de Rudolf Laban /

Silva, Rosana Figueiredo da. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Suely Master / Co-orientador: Kathya M. A. de Godoy / Banca: Lúcia Regina Vieira Romano / Banca: Andréia Vieira Abdelnur Camargo / Resumo: A presente pesquisa visa refletir um experimento de criação cênica, o processo criativo da peça Pulsar da Medusa, que foi dirigida por mim. Trata-se de um processo de criação em dançateatro baseado no estudo expressivo do corpo-voz a partir da utilização dos fatores de Rudolf Laban: espaço, tempo, peso e fluência. A abordagem deste experimento cênico ocorre pelo meu ponto de vista enquanto diretora. Aqui eu discorro sobre meu trabalho com o ator-aprendiz e as atrizes-aprendizas da peça. Num tipo de direção que propõe um trabalho preparativo para representação/atuação, através de exercícios corporais e vocais junto à orientação do trabalho criativo. É um trabalho de direçãoorientação. A pesquisa contou com a colaboração de duas aprendizas-atrizes e um aprendiz-ator, que tiveram, junto a mim, a função de criadores da cena. A direção da peça tinha como objetivo principal a questão da formação de atriz e ator, por isso visava mais do que um resultado estético. O processo foi visto principalmente como um meio para aprendizagem no campo da expressividade do corpo-voz e de composição cênica. A própria peça foi elaborada como um exercício de criação, com inspiração no livro Água-viva, de Clarice Lispector. Como anexos, constam questionários respondidos pelo aprendiz-ator e pelas aprendizasatrizes que colaboraram com a pesquisa, esses questionários nos auxiliam a verificar se os exercícios praticados de fato foram importantes para o desenvolvimento expressivo vocalcorporal. Além disso, também constam alguns vídeos em anexo que mostram fragmentos da peça e de ensaios. Como aqui se aborda tanto aspectos do trabalho de diretora-orientadora, como do trabalho de ator/ atriz, esta pesquisa pode contribuir com artistas que exercem diferentes funções dentro de um processo criativo. Além disso, presta-se como referência para professores e pesquisadores no âmbito... / Abstract: The present research aims to reflect a scenic experiment creation: the creative process of the play Pulsar da Medusa, which was directed by me. It's about an approach of dance theatre based in the expressive study of body vocal, using factors from Rudolph Laban: space, time, weight and fluency. The approach of this scenic experiment occur by my point of view as a director. Here I broach about my labour with the apprentice actor and apprentice actress from the play. This kind of direction purpose a preparative labour for the representation/acting, through body and vocal exercises, with orientation of the creative labour. It's a direction-bearings labour. The research counted with the collaboration from two-apprentice actress and one apprentice actor, who had, with me, the role of scenic creators. The fundamental intention of the direction was the instruction of the actress and actor, for this reason aimed more than aesthetics results. The process was seem especially as a way of learning at the expressivity field of body vocal and scenic composition. The play was elaborate as an exercise of creation, inspired on the book Água-viva, by Clarice Lispector. In addition, is available questionnaires, which was answered by the apprentice actress and the apprentice actor, who collaborated with the research. These questionnaires help us to verify if the exercises were important for the body and vocal development. Beyond this, it contains some videos, which show fragments from the presentation and from the rehearsals. As I approach aspects as my role of director and guiding, as the role of actor/actress, this research may to contribute with artists who play different roles inside of the creative process. Additionally, it serves as a reference to teachers and researchers in the field of theatre and dance creation. / Mestre
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A construção social da qualidade e o desenvolvimento : um estudo na microrregião produtora de vinhos finos Vale dos Vinhedos

Molinari, Gisele Trindade January 2011 (has links)
A qualidade e o desenvolvimento são duas questões complexas que se manifestam com veemência no Vale dos Vinhedos, principal área produtora de vinhos fmos no Brasil. A pesquisa, então, versa sobre a construção social da qualidade dos vinhos fmos e a dinâmica do desenvolvimento na microrregião, a qual foi demarcada para iniciar um processo de reconhecimento de indicações geográficas. Cada vez mais os mercados têm sido percebidos como construções sociais, em que os atores são capazes de criar produtos diferenciados. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo centra-se na caracterização e na análise do Vale dos Vinhedos como um ambiente institucional e organizacional construido socialmente, com destaque a elementos da coordenação dos agentes. Dessa forma, a fundamentação do trabalho apoia-se na convergência e na complementaridade entre teorias referentes ao desenvolvimento, à qualidade e à construção social, em que a teoria das convenções denota o tema. A fim de que se cumpram os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa é do tipo exploratório com enfoque qualitativo, em que houve a seleção de uma amostra não probabilística composta por treze organizações e nove instituições relacionadas ao ambiente investigado. A apresentação dos dados e sua análise são realizadas com base nos modelos analítico e teórico que foram esquematizados. Assim, a atividade da vitivinicultura situa-se entre o homem e a natureza, presente em um contexto econômico, social, cultural, humano e ambiental. O V ale dos Vinhedos obteve prestígio ao ser pioneiro em conquistar a primeira indicação geográfica do Brasil. Nesse contexto, a microrregião mobiliza-se e vem experimentando conquistas, tais como melhora da qualidade dos vinhos, maior valor agregado aos produtos e ao território, e multiplicadores locais motivados pelo enoturismo. Dessa forma, a análise da coordenação dos atores permeia motivações, relevância, ações e cooperação, compondo competências, bem como possui valores de ordem conforme apregoa a teoria das convenções. Portanto, chega-se a conclusões de que agentes organizados, com destaque às instituições, compõem uma complexa rede de atores com capacidade de criar produtos mais sofisticados, à medida que ativam recursos que lhes são peculiares para qualificar os produtos e que dinamiza o desenvolvimento. Assim, a qualidade e o desenvolvimento revelam-se endogenamente, porém com motivação exógena, bem como a coordenação produz efeitos positivos e desafios. Por fim, a construção que promove acréscimo da qualidade e desenvolvimento, sobretudo assenta uma identidade por um saber-fazer local que também está sendo conhecido e afirmado. / The quality and development are two complex issues that present intensely in the V ale dos Vinhedos, to which is the main production area o f fine wines in Brazil. The focus of research is the social construction of quality fine wines and dynarnic development in the microregion that was demarcated for a process of recognition of geographical indications. Ever more markets are perceived as social constructions, in which actors are able to create differentiated products. Thus, the objective of this study is to characterize and analyze the Vale dos Vinhedos as an institutional and organizatioual environment that is socially constructed, based on elements of the coordination o f agents. So the research is based on the convergence and complementarity between theories of development, quality and social construction, principally by the theory of conventions. For the purpose o f reach the objectives, the method used is an exploratory and qualitative approach, in which there was the selection of a nonprobabilistic sample consists of thirteen organizations and nine institutions related to the environment investigated. The data presentation and analysis are performed on the basis on analytical and theoretical model defined. Therefore vitiviniculture is between man and nature, present in an economic, social, cultural, human and environmental. And the Vale dos Vinhedos eamed prestige for pioneering conquest of the frrst geographical indication of Brazil. In this context, microregion has experienced some successes which are improving quality o f wines, value-added products and the territory, also local multipliers, motivated by enotourism. The analysis of coordination of actors is engaged for motivations, relevance, actions and cooperation, forming abilities, but also has values of order, according to the theory o f conventions. Thus can be concluded that organized agents, with special emphasis on the role of institutions, form a complex network of actors with the ability to create more elaborate products when activate features that are peculiar them, to qualify products and it encourages development. Hence the quality and development are endogenously expressed, but the motivations are exogenous, yet the coordination cause positive effects and challenges. Fiually, the construction social that has promoted quality and development, particularly carries an identity by a local know-how which is also being known and affirmed.
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Non-governmental organizations : From being a bystander to becoming a resourceful force with regards to World Bank projects.

Tufvesson, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
A number of NGOs follow the international development debate and are active in trying to influence important actors in the field. The impact of NGOs on large international actors such as the World Bank has for example been an important topic of discussion. The continuance of research on the development of NGOs in the World Bank is important for future work in the sector, both for NGOs and for the civil society. As important representatives of the civil society, NGOs have been the force to rely on and confine to. When examining NGOs impact on the World Bank, there are two levels to the research. Most previous research on NGOs as influencers in the World Bank has dealt with the overall impact of NGOs on the World Bank on policy level. This research sets out to investigate the second level of impact that NGOs have on the World Bank on project level to a major extent it relates to NGOs in the partner states. The study uses qualitative methods and an abductive approach in a desk study as the chosen method for collecting and assessing data. It takes its basis in Gramsci’s theory on civil society when examining existing work and uses as the theoretical framework. From the findings of the study it can be deduced that that NGOs impact on the World Bank projects can be essential for the success of the Bank. Starting from a small platform where NGOs were only invited on occasion to play ‘roles’ as a favor to the Bank, the NGOs are today recognized for their efficiency in Bank-financed projects where a good cooperation with locals is seen as important for the success of the project.
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